Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, September 13, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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Things you the Dally Journal toglhGViihle' or
mountains. Bettor (ban a Inter from home.
NO. Iff
iff YORK RACKET Quarrel over tub yacht races
At prices that will surpris ) yo l,
Call and seo our now quarters.
A training bcIiooI for teachers." Com
Itleto eight grade training dodartment
t.nd strong professional nud acadetnio
1 ho diploma of the school entitles
one to teach in any county lu tho stnte
without further examination.
Board and lodging, books and tuition
$150 per year, Beautiful and healthful
location. No saloons. Tbero Is a good
demand for well trained toaobors
there lean over supply of uutralned
Cataloguo cheerfully sent on applica
tion. Address
W. A. WANN, President.
Vnv Uvrr.nna in nvfirvfchinir. Shoes. Overall. Shirts, Unuer-
ikr a . J -.7 . m r i "Mnr!"
Sear, fcJouory, Window Shades, Tinware, uramcowaro, omiur.,
SVhlota. Oil Cloth. Table Linon. Piece Goods, Boys' Clothing,
SBrooms, Matches, Soap, in fact ovorything you want, call for
W at the Fair S ore. For spot cash wo will save you money.
IT! OF ORIf ,t
W' n n'.n irA tuition to nil etudenta. Younirinen
Blah their own linen. yqunrwom;n-aproviaea wiiuu u Kuiteue. Oregon, or
,eek Young women,"" iShrUuin Ablation. Kugene. The Unlvertlty oner three bac.
'V"? A"y 8?.'Ai'5rAS nefor of BofencS and Uachelcr of umn with L cor.
SfiaurrMiourioo, ------------.-..-, ,orlor -oufgog nr0 olio eiierea: au i-.ukiikii
w-pondlnB cuurso. of atuyi 'aVoma and An three ear. to the title gradual In
fe-f pedagog;
Bnglljn: An aavaucea cuu .u 1'".",7 he ri of 5hV ileal education leading, to a diploma
gogy! .wuiy"-r ".-,-----,PhiTniviirMliiliare an incidental lee oiu
the tlile director puya.o..cuu dlPlomaa from the publlo
18 vn?Jaa.'"XiaeXvM are admitted to the preparatory department
preparatory aeparunen.
and Information addreu
regpn. Dazra
S-mlnatlon "andealrtb-fi information regarding the
HKsi . STALKY. Principal.
i. hm M mday. Beptember J. Htudeuta reguterja now.
liuun ?-'"."-, ,,, niaiuin for 10ml
IfVneineetWpreMWfbrMroebuelneMpuniull to attend a
win pay "&f."tto courie of bualueaa training may be had
"fSrVotltvcnTutUut of work lu.lrucl. The Capital
Lord Dunraven Writes a Letter On lift Interference of .the
i -
Iselin Proposes to DunraVen That Tuesday's - Race- Bo'
Suilnesa College otters Ave couraee;
Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship and English,
, Tula U (positively the only
n. innreonnuilDC the Inter-rommunlcatlon ayatemol bul
bmlneaa college In Oregon iuiim entcure ara and furnlihed room
ne practice, ouf town office for circulars
JlTnllMolJAu,ot atudy.rateaof tultlon.otc. 8,04m
New York, Sept. 13. rho Interna
tional series between the Defender and
Valkyrie III for America's cup Is
ended. On the whole It has been an
extraordinary series and while tho re
sult Is satisfactory to tho American
people, two at least of tho contests that
made up that match wore not. Lord
Dunraven said last ulght most em
phatically that ho would withdraw his
boat on the morrow If a clear course
was not provided. He claimed that
during tho previous races his boat had
been greatly luterforod with and br
every thlug depended upon tho outcome
or tho third race, ho adhered to that
decision so closely that tho Valkyrie
merely crossed tho starting Hue and
then rollred from tho contest. Tho
Defonder continued on nor Journey and
wont oyer the couiso.
By her tlireo straight victories the
Defender retains tho historic cup for
New Yomc, Sept. 18. Tho Herald
Bays; Immediately after tho raco on
Tuesday last Lord Dunraven seut tho
following lotter to the America's cup
"Gentlemen: It Is with reluoiauco
that I write to Inform you that I de
cline to sail Valkyrlo any more under
the circumstances that have prevailed
In the last two races, and for tho fol
lowing reasens:
"First: To attempt to starUwo Buch
largo vevseTs In such a confined spue
nnd nmong moving steamers and tug.
boats Is, in my opinion, exceedingly
dangerous, and I will no further risk
tho lives of ray men or tho ship.
"Second At the start of tho first
race the crowding was so great that we
could not tee tho murk boat, and could
not tell when wo wero near the lino,
and wo were much hampered by
steamers, especially on the raco homo.
"Today on tho reach home, eight or
nine steamers were tc tho windward of
mo and, what was woree, a block of
steamers wore steaming leyol with mo
and close under my leo. I sailed nearly
the wholo turabling.broken
waters, lu tho heavy wash of these
steamers. To raco uuder theBO condi
tions Is, lu my opinion, absurd and I
decline to submit myself to them again.
"I would remind your committee
that, foreseeing tho trouble that might
occur, I urged upon them the deslr
ability of sailing off Morblehead, or
Home locality other than New York
bay, and that they refused to do so. At
the same time I would testify to my
full belief that your committee have
done everything in their power to pre
vent overcrowding.
"The fact Is that when the represen
tatives of two yacht clubs excite so
much popular Interest and attract such
crowds ot people, If the races are sailed
In the Immediate vicinity of a great
cltv and the dates
tor " M nilrTp-
mu i liurnu small
lut nowhere can they make m much within
A'9n in urain, i-iim.. .jw.. ..
..uruiugprSperlty will .make many fir,
iiinrLUiuowuj mvw . .
w - - , v .TT 1.1(1 - I m IV.-
FOU EACH EDUL Att iss vo xm cm
made bv our SyFtoniatio pian oi axjeuu'""uu
!rl , a regular mtn. It well known fact that then
l ' . . m.ww It lift Wlll EDUWII iUCb HlHvi
AUBUCCWifuliPoulatartorrateonaieKuiar.... iyiMmaUo trading througti
thouliSnd. of men In all part, of to i Unlied auie. "ho.J, f itouaand 3ollv. h
here are
i wcuiatlon and our Dally
Our manual explalni marg.n
I'"" ru i iniall on iaP'u. r -"-"
k- wnwi"' V'.:-V7" ' .. ....vinvimlnuri. ALU r ivcivu v .--
lL"L Jrhtr.M la recant to our Handing and aucce..
L1" ySr lurlter Information addre.
of the races and
times of starting are known und adver
Used, It Is impossible to keop a course
free from causes of exceptional danger,
and nlear enough to usuure the proba
bility that the result of the match will
be decided according to the relative
merits of the competing vessels.
"I have tho honor to remain, your
obedient servaut. DUNRAVEN.
New Yohk, Sept. 18. The Herald
"The cup committee had a busy
day yesterday. When they went into
BB8lon, early In the day, Lord Dun.
raven's letter was the first and most
Important matter to come up for con.
slderatlou. There was u long and btr.
lous discussion. Mr.Hellu visited tho
olub and at onco appeared before, them.
Ho had learned of the diolslon of tho
regatta committee awarding the race to
Defender, and hla mind wa quickly
made up as to what course ho would
tako. Ho formally aiked the cup com
mlt'eo whether tlioy should object
should ho propose Co Lord Dunraven
to resalt the raoe. They replied that
no objecttuu would emanate from them
aud Mr leo lu departed.
"Tho work of the committee did uot
end there. Tho matter beforo them
was of a must RerlnaH character and de
manded careful deliberation. They
woro still In bobsIo'Ji when evening
came, and members began to throng
the club lu sou roll of Information.
There was much speculation as to
whethor there would' be another race,
but no ullloial statement regarding tho
matter was mado. ftumor had It that
Lord Dunraven would rofuso to salt his
boat again, but It was no more than n
rumor. i
"Many mombers thought It would be
thoroughly BporUnxfnuko ot Mr. Isellu
to oiler to rcsall tho Vaco, but to thneo
of tho mombers who hud seu Mr.
rsclin earlier In the lluy ho had glveu
no intimation of hlspronositlnn before
tho oup committee1 Toere were prob
ably other details to bo attended to, for
tits proposition to L'ord Dunravon was
not forwarded .until 8 o'clnok in the
evening and after a second visit to tho
"It was lato at niitht beforo tho cup
committee finished tits session and Its
determination n the poller of Mr.
Iselin to Dunraven was mado known,
tho announcement gavo general satis
factlpjjjhen, and ,Mr leclln was com
mended on all Bides. That was" tho
true spini, ucuiuiuu uiu juuuioun.-u,
and there was strong denunciation of
tho orowdlug of excursion boats.
"D. B. Smith of tho cup committee,
speaking unotTtctalv nald:
"Tho regatta committee hayo stis
talned the protest of Defender against
Valkyrie, and consequently tho raco of
tho 10th Is glveu to Defender undor the
rules. After this decision was roudercd
tho American oup uommlttoo was
called by 0. Oliver Iselin to say if they
bad no objection, he would proposo to
Lord Dunraven to sail over tho raco of
Beptember 10, to which thoy replied
they had no objection.
"'Whatever else may bo ho said, it
was chivalrous and sportsmanllko for
him to mako this proposition, which
was subsequently mude to Lord Dun
raven by C. Oliver Iselin. No reply
has yet been received from Lord Dun
raven by this committee.
" -This proposition muBt rocoivo tho
commendation of all Americans and
"Lord Dunraven, with several young
ladles, was the guest of II. Maltlaud
Kersoy last night. The party dined at
the Waldorf.
"A communication was Bent to tho
Earl, asking whether he would accept
or decllno Mr. IhjIIu'b offer to result
Tuesday's race, provided the commlttca
approved. Lord Dunraven declined to
answer tho quesliou."
While tho tone
Without disparaging Senator Mc
Ginn's ability as a lawyer, The Jouit
NAli doo not Lolicve ho is a fit man to
appoint to succeed Judge Hurley. Be
yond a more application of personal
politics, hla appointment would bo re
gardo 1 .by the people and presn of this
state as unwarranted nnd unjustifiable.
; The political friends of Mr. McGinn
itiave seen fit to urge his claims In per
son. The people have some right to bo
kmrd lu advance nf tho appointment
being mado, ub it if aroumed by many
thvt Mr. McGinn li likely to bo ap
pointed. Tho best that can be Bald In
his behalf Is that ho would only servo
a part of n year beforo an election
would be hold, and the pooplo would
dotermlu3 whethor It hail been a ill
appointment or not. The fauls are,
Mr. McGinn's term as senator Is out,
and whether ho would be tho nominee
for Judge, or be elected If nominated Ih
highly .problematical. If ho Is ap
pointed tho machine nnd the bar
would unlto to force him upon tho pen
pie In a preld-nt!..! yetr.
Mr. Mi'dlnii'-J mortnures, Beechcs
aud teotrd a u ssnatir do uot entitle
him to tin gratitude of tho party or of
tho pcop'o. ltd his nover risen above
being a mere heiichmau of Mr. Simon
The latter could set him on to attack
thoso whom he disliked aud punish
thosa who would not stand In. That
was tho ecope of his work aB a leglsla
tor. On every occasion Mr. McGinn
lias shown himself to bo possessed of a
highly ujjullolal temperament. No
ono knowing tho man aud familiar
with the lutlueuccs that surround him,
doubts for a moment that he would
not punish and dlsclplluo men as u
Judge, whom ho failed, not through
any fault or tns, to punisu aim dis
cipline as a legislator or political loss.
Ills appolutment would Intensify tho
blttor feeling now prevailing In Mult
uomih county politics. Tho only
rosult of his appointment would be to
wtakon tho Republican party in Port
land and throughout tho etato. Mr.
McGinn's elovatlon to tho Judgeship
will uot meet with favor from a pro
fessional or political standpoint.
For tho Sole Purpose of Forcing Another Issue of 60W
Bearing Bonds,
But Enough Gold Is Promised to Brotuct tho KesdfVc-
Othor News of tho Day,
Washington, 8epl. 18. Tho news
that (4,600,000 of gold coin had been
withdrawn today from tho United
Stivtes sub-treasury nt Now York for
export, was received hero with surprlso.
Tho announcement created, for a fow
moments, something like a sonsatlon
In tho treasury department.
This feeling, however, was not shared
by high ofllclals of the treasury. By
the snmo officials It Is thought tho
withdrawals aro mado with tho solo
purpose of forcing another band issue
It can bo stated, however, on excel
lent authority, that there will not be
another issuo of bonds and none will
he needed. Those cognizant of the
facts state that tho Morgan Belmont
syndicate under tho terms of the
outract, with Cleveland and Carlisle
undoubtedly will protect tho gold
reBorvo at (100,000,000. No doubt it
expressed that as soon as grain
shlpmontn from tho northwest como
in, there will bo au abundant sup'ply
of foreign bills on tho market to meet
every demand, and withdrawals, It Is
thought must ceuBe,
December ......
Senator Quay will probably bo the
next national Republican ohalrman.
Harvey Scott of tho Ofegoulan don't
liko Quay, and his paper Is full of
sneers at Quay. Why ?
Quay has never been tho tool of lb
Pennsylvania Railroad company, or
or tho Staudard Oil Co., the Sugar
Trust, or of tho Westorn Union Tele
graph Co.
Quay Is a blmetalllst. Ho Is a heart
and soul American Protectionist.
There aro somo things about Quay
that aro ofienslvo to many Republicans,
But on tho great Issues that vitally
allect tho welfaro und prosperity of
American citizens, ho la all right.
Wheat Jumping Up,
Tho prlco of wheat nt Salem today
advanced a half cent, tho mills paying
80 cents.
Onened. Illation, flnnlne.
$ 8R .
Tho wheat crop In 1803 was 170,401,
030 bUBhols; In 1801, 100,005,823; in 1804,
400,207,410, by roport or the Depart
ment of Agriculture. Tho estimated
population for thoso years Is 83,805,000,
84,010,000, 08,276,000, maklntt a pro
dnctiou tor tho years In question of
about6.3 bushels, 4.7 bushola and 6.7
bushels por head In the United States.
D arrant Oaso.
Ban Fkancisco, Sept. 13. Minnie
Bolle Edwards was au Important wit
ness In. the D u rant trial Thursday even
ing, Bho was a classmate or Blanche
Lamont and after school boarded the
eanio car at tho corner of Powell and
Clay strcots. Miss Edwards tesfled as
"When Blanoho got on the car Dur
rani was with here, I went Inside,
thoy wero inside on tho eastslde dum
my. Blanche carried her sohool beak
aud woro a black sorge dress. I Identi
fy theso books and dress as those car
fled and worn on that day." Wltneee
also described Durrani's at tiro on that
Attorneys for the defeuso gave Miss
Edwards a long and severe cross ex
animation but she stuck to her stcry
without a break, positively Identifying
Durrnnt as tho man accompanying
Blanohe on the afternoon of April 3d.
She described minutely how Blanche
and how Durrant stood beforo boarding
tho car. Told how Durrant woro his
nat and oyory cbaugo of position he
made, She had Identified Dur rant's
portrait when published In tho papers
aud had also identified him at the city
hall. Bho did not know why she had
been summoned as a witness. She bad
told her story to hor sohool teachor and
to one ono elno. To accomodate a Jur
or, tho court took a recess till Monday,
fOnlv Reed horaog used. Satisfaction guaranteea. oiau.
iVruy b J . k of gute insurance blook.
It His
Don't be
tad tVn torn Oliver
Uand of coodenwd
mWc-ivlAMnitl. U
"Juit at good" is
London, Sept. 13
of the beat English newspapers In com
menting upon the decision of the cup
committee sustaining Defender's claim
ot foul In Tuesday's rao?, continues to
bs moderate, It must bo admltUd tho
committee's decision has produced a
general feeling of irritation among
Englishmen. Adverse comments aro
heard on ail sides.
The Yachtsman says: "The first
match could hardly be called a race
owing to tho shameful Interference by
the excursion steamers. It seems clear
that In Tuesday's race Defender lost
nothlug by tho ueoldent, hut was
beaten on her merits on the beat to
windward. With regard to Defender's
protest, it Is Impossible as yet to give
an opinion save that It would not have
been lodged by Valkyrie III had tho
caea been reversed."
(Continued on fourth page.
The Supremo Court has refused a
rehearing in tho caso of Klncald vs.
the Railroad Commission.
Tho Railroad Commission will get Its
All tho oilier lifeless aud rotten
boards and commissions will got their
pay. What Is worso, tho ring and
machine Incumbents will remain. The
peoplo,wlll not even get tho chance or
a new man, who possibly might toko
tho people's side in publlo affairs.
The people supposed they wero going
to get some roller and a now deal, from
tho way the platforms and candidates
talked In 1S04. But tho pooplo will not
be balked. They will get it yet.
City Wins on Receiver.
Tacoma, Bept. 18. A. R. Titlaw
was this morning appointed Receiver
of tho bank of Tacoma on petition of the
City, which had $228,000 on doposlt,
when tho bank ceased, Tho bank offi
cials aro not pleased with tho seleotlon.
Ho said that if Gulot attached to any
ono It should bo fixed and tho Parties
A Great Paper.
New Youk, Sept. 18. This inorn
Inu's World was probably only a regu
lar Issue of a newspaaor which con
tained not a lluo of advertising. Flood
ing tho press room on uccouut of fire
reduced the press capacity no that It
was possible to prlut only eight pages.
Eight solid pages of advertising wero
thrown away rather than cut the news.
Salem and Eastern Quotations 0r-
rectsd Dally., 13. Whoat. caah 67tt.
Nkw Youk, uept, 13,miver, Wiv, leuu.f&W.
Han HiiANcisco, Hept. 13 Wheat, too.
Wool Oreiron. choice. KdlOcs Inferior. M.7c-
valley, WUc.
Hopn-lluoUibleat 430a.
jou.ioe luiny inwewtjuw: muaur 7&c,
-Wheat, valley,
I'oiitlahi,, Hept. 13.
IVallo. Walla. 41a.
Hour l'ortinnd, fi.!Wt Benton county. WJ&;
gruui.m. mar, upornne, 1'po per uui.
OaU-Wlillo, fc2Uo; milling, aUOc; grey,
Ziaaio; rolled. In baga. tfd.7oOIO.6o; barrel. to.W
3,i5 caaca, 11.75.
I'oiutoea New Oregon, 83365a bu.
nay unoa, kwu.mj per ion.
Wool-Valley, llyiao.
Mll'atuna-nrau,TlU0 bort, flUO; euop
teed, IA18 per ton; ohloken vrueat, bOoCper o.
Hide jreen, aalted.uu lbs $, under.) lbs.
7UBIUU, auv- iivjui, ivtoivvt
Hop Nominal at 40.
Or, Price's Cream Baking Powder
Grand Army Accident.
LOUIHYH.IH. Sept. 13, The unpre
cedented hospitality and good will In
connection with the twenty-ninth na
tional encampment of tho Grand Army
of the Republic close) with sadness,
Fully 100 peoplo wero suffering from
Injuries at the collapse of tho fraud
stand during the display of fireworks
latt night. About 100 persons were
Injured altogether.
Everybody reads THE Onb Cbnt
A Fearful Fall.
Tacoma, Bept. 13. Andrew Nelson
and Isaac Smith, bricklayers, wore
knocked from the third story of tho
ntw peoples utoro, In course oforcotlou,
to the ground this morning, by a full
ing plank. Nelson had his lee broken
and In Injured Internally. He will ro
cover. Smith Is badly brulsod. No
bones broken,
llulter Oreaou fancy creamery.
fancy dairy, HQ15c; lair Ugood, lOtfiatfe;
Uhooao-uregon full cream, lOgllo.
Ktfxa Oregon, lOnJllo Pr doa,
l'oullry OnlokeuK, wioaa US per Ooc, Aackn
V W(&Ut) geeae, Hf&aQJW; turkoy. dreoa4t,
betf Topnteer. 2KJ3o per ft; fair to good
teem,akaii3-6c; cow,iiaXo; dreaaed beef,
Multnn Beat beef, tt.75aa.00; choice ewea,
t.75u'i.0U; dreaaed, 4o.
lloua-l'holoe, heavy. 3oa,7&'llat M4
feeUera, IJ-tth dreaied, 4kn A ft.
Veul amull, choice, &al , large, Sato v ft.
OaU-SOarikc; new 18o.
min vaMKi,l uo ou
llas-Ualed. cheat. ttJbem.OO: timothy
Klour, lu vrhoieaaie lota, liSO; retail, HtMi
bran. bulHU.UO; aacked. IlUr, eliorla, Itl.-OCe.
U.W, chop feed, lUOJullU),
eat llroaaea. 4a,
lioga ureaaeu, iwo.
Live Cattlc-)Jau.
Hiieep uive.iijyj.
llopa Heat, Uu70.
iieatdalry, i2ial"Kl ftinoy creamerjr
Tunnel ou Fire.
Livinobton, IMont., Sept. 18. The
Mulr tuunel on tho Northern Pacific,
seven miles east of hore, Is afire. It
has been sealed and all trains aro de
layed. Tho passengers and mulls are
transferred over the mountulns.
Kgga Utau, iuo.
nuiier i
Cbeeie tu12)i.
Karru Hmokea MeaU Uacon.6o; hams ll;e,
l-otutova New,S0o V bu.
Untona 2o.
I'oultry lirolleraTq Ueni,Uc; du(k4,'6u7.
Jlartlell neara VSo bu.
Appiea OMWi ou,
feachea ILVO bu.
l'lunn-avj bu.
Bloycle Fatality.
Loa Anqelus, Cal Bept, 13. Gso.
Clark, aged twelve, was thrown :
his bicycle today aud struck hk I
agulnst the Iron pillar of a bridge,
fruotured his skull and will die,
Highest of all in Leavening i'ower.-
i xvepoct
PoVvl n&um
B 4XMeaaa4Vie
AmtQUtymw wm
fr tO-ffr 4
ir vJ: ,.!
X '