3BC jrtu iy 3 ffi' QBSKSEJ '-v '"t nwst immiW. T'T4'J'W tfr ' " ' " "i ""iiffff- '-, "" fflptpi-Kr "?rt tfl Ml K4l THE CAPITAL JOMiM. (DAILY AND WKEKLY.) BY HOITttR. BROTH BUS, THURSDAY, aEIT. 12, 1895. THE INDIVIDUAL PLAN. A private school aa a rule In nu uu appreciated Institution. Ttio man or woman who gtved time and attention to tuo education of children and rises above the merely iiioney.raaklnK cpti- Mderntton Is entitled to public sympathy and Is Indeed a public benefactor. What Is known na tho "Individual plan" of education Is the outgrowth of tho advanced educational systems. Ii is a plan that rests on the assumption that every human being Is worthy of the best eflort nud study of the lend er for that Individual child's "own" sake, not for tho parent's sake or fur the sake of society. The motto of the ludtvMunI school Is "what we do wo Will do well," not In the aggregate or in the iuhxs but for the special abllftlesand special laletii and the special gifts, great or stuul', that God has given to this purtlculur child, and r?cni(uizitig that no two children are gifted alike. Wm. J. Huttfl, M. A , a graduate of Yalo College, lias itttaHiulietl vuch u Buluol at Btatnlnrd, Conn., and miys of It In Harper's Magazine for Septeml er: "This Is an Individual school thnt is to say, wo make the lud'vldtinl, not theclaas, the basis of work; a bright student Is not held back, uuil tin slower boy id encouraged. Ve teach the student first to see, and then ti tell what he sees going on around bin in nature und practical life. We give a thorough and critical preparation U Technical Hchools und Universities and a liberal practical training to those not Interning to enter college. Wo make tho preparation of lessons, the learning "how to itudy" and tho mastery of the subjeot In hand, of first Importance recitations of secondary importance." Bulom Is to have a school on tho Indi vidual plan and, tho system is well worthy of tho investigation of the par ent who bolleves In liavlug tho child deyolopod from within to tho very best of its God-given talouts, instead ol being evened down to the average by meaningless examinations, often suc ceeding frnutlo cramming, to keep up with certain coursos of study, whether tho child understands whut it has been over or not, both teacher nud child Intorosted only In getting over tho sur faco in n certain time. C, M. Reak writes from Swindon, ng. "If au Oregon farmer had been with mo ho would havo bcon frightened to soo llvo stock selling at such large llgurcs, viz: Cattlo from $S0 to $120 each, sheep $14, calves $10, hogs $15; how do tho prices compare?" ilo says nothing of other crops. It Is a well known that llvo stock sells at boon prices in England. It is also well known all other agriculture has been terribly depressed tho past year. Teu to ono, Mr. Beak returns to Oregon to live. In 1802 tho Democrats put up a sin gle standard caudldate uu u double standard platform. This year iu Ken tucky they aro ruunlng a double stan dard caudldate on a single standard platform. Rut they can't fool all tho peoploall tho time. A JouiiNAL telegram last month said the gold syndicate would put Chicago wheat down to 55 cents. They put it to 60 Tuesday. Tho Republicans havo a gteat deal of good material for president. The Democrats havo a great deal of poor material. Balem should skim the cream oft this country for thirty miles each way for a big butter factory. The stiller the wind the better the American sailor boys like it, In the yacht contest. Tho Yankee boya uroHallors, too. VIGOR f MEN EMUy, Quickly, Permawally Rwtored. 'H'eakuesa, Nrraaneii, jouiuir, ana au tna train of ellt from early error or luter excuse, the result! of overwork, slckneu, worry. etc. run ttreostb, uotbI- opinoni ana toua given to eery organ and portion oiipnoouy. oiuimo, nat ural method, Immedt. ata luiDromment teen. ullura luipoMthle. K.U11 referenroa. Hook, siuauitiiua wi prvMui inmim ivmuvuj iiw. EllEMEDIOALQO.JufftN.Y. iWv Jill JR. tjtxv I II Jii 1 1 AJ'ii; towu, NEW YOSK HOP YARDS. ("romtho WterviUo Times Thef e cannot he said to he verj much buying going ou hero to present, al though a tow sales of Humphreys and the late crop are reported at 7 to 8c Many will finish picking this week, and the largest growers will bo through by next week. On careful Inquiry It appears that whilo many aro getting more than they expected there is n great fulling eft in other yards, so that about here about GO per cent, of lmt year will bo the average crop. Tho crop Is being gatheted lu Mae shape und an extra good quantity will be the result. (N. Y. Journal A Bulletin, Sept. 8.) There Is u very light movement in the moment, brewers and growers be Ing alike Indillerent to the market. Expr era also aro without orders and their odvlces Indicate n luck of Inquiry on the other side corresponding with the coiHItlons ou this side. Q imita tions forull N-w York or Pacific Coast varlitit") are without change. T, Hosfuwald it Co. nuuouuce they have received per etennier Trtjye Iti tlrst bale of Uohemhtu hops of the new crop 1805. The hops are of excellent quillty. Coperstown Rpubllcau, Bept. 4: I'no picking of hops Is general through this section. James F. Clark will Mulsh next week, and will have over 200,000 pounds. The estimate now made by growers is a lino quality of hops and about GO ier ceut. of llif yield of lust year. A STATE RAILROAD SCHEME Sidnkv, Or., Sept. 8. Kditok Jouiinai.: Permit me to suggest a plan whereby the peoplo of the state of Oregon may show to this country at large that ownership of railroads by tho peonlo Ib practicable. I notice lu The JoimNALa half col umn of matter on tho probability of an electric railway being built connect ing Salem and Portland and thero Is no doubt but what, as you say "it would bo a profitable investment." Now I havo a plan, ns I sal'd at the start, thut can be worked profitably, both to the stuto and to all who may have to travel oyer tho route. Wo will suppose tho governor has power to appoint a board consisting of throo suitable persons. One a civil engineer, another a practical railroad constructor and nuother to bo an attor ney. Let them locate the road nud then there Will bo no dlfllculty lu obtaining the right of way; then let tho contract be let In sections of five and ton miles to tho lowest responsible bidder for the construe tlou of the road. Now to tho important part, namely, the plan for raising the necessary funds for the construction of the road and Its equipment. It is this: Issue state bonds of thede nomination of $60, $100; $600 and $1000 bearing 0 per cent, and to run twenty years, payable at tho option of tho state, Sell thoso bonds and pay off tho constructors and equlpers. Then let a receiver take charge of tho road and run It at cost and 10 per oeut of cost. Bet the 10 per oent out side for a sinking fund and when the first interest falls duo call in bonds to the amount of the remainder of sink lug tuud after interest Is paid. In this way we will ruu the road in the inter est of the travelling public, and at the same time cause those who use the road to unconsciously pay for the road, uud before the twenty years pass by wo will have a road clear. Then cut down the rates to cost. Now Mr. Editor, if you are working really for tho Interests of the pople, place this proposition before thero, Vours truly. Milton Uhown. Tbo regetta oorumlttee gave the secoud ntco to the Defender on a foul, 8lie won It fulrly aud can any day. Capt. Symou was properly fired from the goyerumeut works lu tbla part of OrcRou, after bis bad break at Yaqulua Bay. Tbe Cleveland Democrats are going to support tbe Republican caudldate for governor In Kentucky, The earth aud ocean are ours so far an Kuftland Is concerned. Aud we'll keep 'em. Balem Baptists will soon dedlcatJ a uhurolt that would be n credit to any "RBTtnOAD JOTTINGS. Berlin is to havo on elovated railroad liko Now York, with tbo diilorcnco tint electricity Is to be used as the motive power. Tho Lake Shore- Electric Railway company has been incorporated, with a capital of $10,000,000. Tho now line will run from Chicago to Milwaukoo. Tho Monterey and Moxican Gulf Rail road company has arranged with tbo Mexican government to oxtend tho road from Trevino to Sierra Mojada, and thenco to Mazutlau, on tho Pacific coast All tho employees of tho Lehigh Traction company at Ilazloton, Pa., aro insured by tho company. This is dono in order to protect tho men in caso of any injury, or perhaps death, that they might sustain in an accident. Origin of Cannlballnm. Herr Henkcnltts, In Tho Deutsche Rund schau, has ao interesting paper on tbo ori gin of cannibalism, which appears to bnve sprung up among mankind after they had made a certain social advance. Tho lower animals nirelp devour their own species, and no traces of the vice have ns yet been found among tho relics of tho paleolithic men, Some havo attributed tbo practice to religious motives, but llcnkeutus think that hunger and the superstition about tat Ing tho heart or any other part of an enemy In order to actiulro his courage were the original Incentives, and thut religious mo tives were n later development. Continental Asia Is remarkably free from cannibalism. In Polynesia and Central America it occurs chiefly In connection tylth religious rites, and in tho former tbt eye of tho victim Is preferred. In Uahoragy tho human sacrifices did not lend to can nibalism. Tho Maoris"' forbade human flesh to women and viewed with abhorrence, the eating of relatives. In many parts, how ever, the flesh of relatives Is preferred. Happily this abominable, vice is dying out owing to the Influence of Christlan.mlssion tries. silvering Mirror. Mirrors aro usually silvorcd by cot lug tho glass with amalgam. For th purpose a large, perfectly flat 8 (ono i provided, aud upon it is evenly spnead 1 sheet of tin foil without crack or flaw This is covered to tho depth of one eighth tf an inch with clean mercury Tho plate of glass, perfectly clpanert from nil grenso and impurity, is floated, ou to tho mercury by slldiug, so us to exoludo all air bubbles. It is thou preyed down by loading it with weights, in order to press out n.l tho mercury which remains fluid. Tais is rocoivod in n gutter mound tho steno After ubout 21 hours it is geutly rulsod upon its edge, and iu u few weeks it i ready to fruuio. I'unilly Journal. nts Milrt. " What do you chnrgo to w sh a sldrt?" inquired tho nmu at tho coun ter lu tho laundry. "What kind of 11 idiirt?" askoJ the clerk, with his mind 011 outing shirt, dress shirts, uegligees and tho viriou other possibilities in that line. "A dirty hltirt," tepliod tho mau, and tho clerk fell in a faint. Detroit Free Press. Lived on Wntrr. Old Lady Poor man I Soyou'vobeen tiring on water for threo days. Hero's a quarter. Rollingfitouc Yud'ui. I was workin mo way 011 n cuualboat Opelika (Ala. 1 People's O'hoico. The Defender Is declared a two-tlmd winner. Won't England kick, though. Cleveland is already a third-termer on girl babies, The next president ought to bust tbo gold trust. The Journal tho blues. does not believe In Push the Salem butter factory, thut Is to be. Uuat the gold truat.say the jwople. Bully for the Defeuder. BANKRUPTCY of the physical belnp Is the result of draw ing incessantly upon the reserve capital of nenrc force. The wear, tear and strain of uiuucrn mc arc concentrated upon the nerv ous system. Theyounsrmcnofourday be come sufferers from nervous debility or ex haustion, nervous prostration or weakness. This may be the result of too much mental worry and excitement, or the result of bad practices and excesses, or pernicious habits, contracted in youth, through Ignorance. They feel irritable, weak aud nervous with such distressing symptoms as backache, dixzincss, shooting pains in head or chest, sometimes indigestion. The middle-aged men, as well, suffer from exhaustion, loss of manly power, low spirits, impaired memory, and many derangements of mind and body. The ill-used brain is morbidly wide awake when the overworked busincs mau attempts v ..uu sst III ucu. The Dbvsicians and snecialista at the in. vallds Hotel and Surgical Institute derate their best energies to reclaiming aud restor ing such unfortunates to health and bat ti Bess. They Lave written a book of vB Es, treating of these maladies aud setting 1 a rational means of bome-treatment lelr cure. It Is sent securely sealed, in plain envelope, on receipt of 10 cents for postage. Address WOSLD'S DiSPEMSAUV Mrmc.T PU0 Ni Is Your Blood Pure If It Is, you will be strong, Ylgorous, full of life and ambition j you will have good appetite and good digestion; strong nervos, sweet sleep. But how few can say that their blood Ii purol How many people are suffering dally from tho consequences of impuro blood, scrofula, salt rheum, rheumatism, catarrh, nervousness, sleeplessness, and" That Tlrod Fooling. Hood's Barsaparilla purifies, vltatlze and enriches the blood. Therefore, it is tho medicine for you. It will glvo you pare, rich, red blood and strong nerves. .... It will ovorcome that tired feeling, cre-ito an appetite, glvo refreshing sleep and mako you strong. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tho Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in the public eye todsy. Mrr'lc Dlllc cMllnner pl't on UOO..I S flllS miir clhartlc JSo, ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE, Notice l hereby Riven thnt tbo undersigned litu ten duly appointed administratrix ot the e.tito or Page Mie.late ol ilirlon County, Oregon, deceased, by tho County Court of thn Hlnle of Oretron, for tho County of llsrlon, and nil persons Indebted to said estate are hereby notified to make Immediate pn meat to the tinders g od, and Hi' persons bavins claims Mg.lLBi tho rnld esluto are hereby notified to prt-rent tbcm duly vcrldtd to the underslvued nttho Inwotllce of Tllmou Kord and W. Jl. Knl-er In tho city of Silent, Marlon County, O'l-cnn. within six 'fh months Irani tho date f h first pitbllcatu u ot tlili notlc ALICE A. M LB. Adnl ilstrntrlx of the calntoorX'ao Miles, deceased. Dated at Balem, Oregon, tnls Hept.fi, 18I3. Ml w5 MILTON RHODES, Pcactical Upholsterer. All kinds of work made to order. He plrlug a specialty. I'll Court street, Salem. Or. Mrs. C. M. Oyle will reopen he KINDERGARTEN In Ihe Congregational cbu.cli parlor ou nipt, so. uio-em J)Jl. COXTKIS, 1'arlovs Over Gray Bros, WELL DRILLING Contracts wanted at icawnable jrlccs. Work guaranteed. Iteferenoi as to experi ence and responslbllltyllurnUhcd. Wilto l'. h. KKrrKK, tfalcni, U 6t Or. SMITH HI! MEHAMA, OR. , Good ncqomrnodntioiiB, -with tablo anil bed kept up to its old standard. Guests served with the greatest comfort. 7-lO.tf F. M. Steele 185 COMMKKOIAr. 8T. JIp Winery and Bicycle Repair Klectrlca.'.' ..eliiand Medical lUtler a ip ally, Bmau Uyuamos and Motor built and paired. All work done In the beat manner. GEO. FEXJDBICII'S II U MMT I H $11 Commercial st. ICottle block. J IHuooessor tod. M. lleokA (In. I Uest meau ln;the.clty. Propu)llry at lowmprloe ' SALEM TILE WORKS. .LAUOKISTOOK ON HAND ..- ii Bpeclal Inducements otlered. HhtppedtoU point on short nolloe. Bend for prices. Yarrts, North Balem. Address J. K, MUKPHY, Fair Grounds, Oi SALEM WATER CO. Office: W.llamette Hotel Building Kor water service- aoolr at orac. Bills par able monthly in advance. Make' all com. piatoia at ins omoe. Irrbratlou uiontbi-J uue, July, August and Heptemben hours a to 8 s.m-6 u P, w. IrrlgaUon hills nai.hln nn nr befora lbs 1st of J ulr, street sprinkluog posltlvetr forbidden Him UUt non.poUonous rmtjy for Uonorrhcta, Olct, Srsrmatorrhcea, WhltM. DBntturkl dlj- ctisreM. or sar Inflsmnui- Mriii. tloa. Irrltftllua or olcers- rnmu iltn. tloa u( niucoas Bitm IrHtEtUlCHtMiCiiCa. hriai Nou utrhutfat. kemamTio.MsW a01 u urucsuss. wVoVTtlTSrJlTs. Ctrvalsr kbi un nsuMt. nr ui in piiu IAMBI ir HOME EDUCATION. Something for Mother and (ho Children. WHAT THE JOIillN&L OFFERS FREE Two IIJrIi CIurs Mngnztocs NiuuVtl iti Every Household. Journal readers who renew cash subscriptions on the fol lowing terms ran have their choice of two very destiablo magazines free. "QUEEN OF FASHIONS'" free, by mail, ono year to any subscriber who pays for the Daily by carrier three months in advance, at this oflice,$1.50; or tho Weekly one year and a half in advance 1.50. This give3 you tho host 16-page il lustrated fashion magazine of Now York free for one year. The above prices aro njt cash, and tho cheapest combination ever offered, The "Queen" is a high-class, practical, home magazine. "THE) CJIILD-GAliDEN." Upon tho same terms you can obtain this delightful Ohi oacco children's magazine. Ju tho thing to read to the littl ones ot tho home circh'. brings tho kindergarten iut the homu. fcrong, games tun story Beautifully Hlustiat d ?U year. FuMMnd by th Kindergarten Liter tire Co Samples of these maazine will be furnished free by mai or can be seen at thi3 office. HOFER BROS., Publisheis. Salem, Oregon. 1 s id WILL, Oi'EN IN CUAXNIXG'S HALL, o.v SEPT. Hi ? Will receive children Irom 3 years nnwnrd. Special intention to beslnnere. Allde-lrea irnnebea for the o'der puplU taiiKhl, Includ ing drawing, modeling, munlc. Dlaln land nrtutlo needle worK. All work done on the Individual p'nn, In which each child U ad vanoed aeoordlng to lu own capacity. For icrius uuu iMtrLicuiHnt nnn v in m 1 1 111 iwcmieiu nnu cuemeceia tin. . ..... - - j i --- -- --. - .. v. . lallou, 1IJ "i UNIVERSITY BALEU, QKKQON. Oldest lustltutlon of learning in the state. Kull preparatory nnd collegiate courses. Total enrof.meut for ItlH 5. 401 students. Expense moderate. New g mnaslum. Kiny-seoond yearbelnsBepU17,lfaJ. ' for Information or catalogue address . . . - W. O. HA WX.KV, A. MM ujwow President. If you love your boy give him the most vat. nhl of all gits, the best edncation possi ble. There u no better place thanCI1 Mi Angel College, Mf. ANGEL. OH. ..?hooJ foropww every reipct. Splendid and healthy location, constant care and strict discipline, and costs but no a month. 8Slm U1 vi a i nfi?.eJ.nLa.n.c:a.,8n,?ln be commenced any JAmeS terHep ,3 .Trms, private lessons, to Uluasesor five, tl Tbe German Batur day school for tbfldren will be opened at n,SSL,.n? h-oorBerj; Chemeseuana Cottage on Bept. 7, Terms, SOa per month. 1 ami native oi Utrinmv holJ nL.i' . ' ".ma. cenirlcatafroui lha Pruislan governmenUand another from the 8t.UuU.Mop0biiochooU. MIW.W.A ILRArHKY. Miisic Teaching. Piano singing In the Italian method ai harmony Uugnt. ltruUr ooufm in mn.fi SLVve.a?hUJ 'wttr!.'Jf1i 5JP-Ii two uugui. ueguiAr course nraai Ur. 1 arii. Will be InHaiauiu h week. LimitMi niimt,,Vrt;. siivs: ij. i"?.s5??f pp ir&T&.,ffiffitfpSu when dlrd7Tere order at VVllJy U ?in Oo..nd Wills- Mnsle suTrei." W Uey giathZ TOE STATE NORMAL SCHOOL n It IT NT nnwvio. l8T0nl touia BARZEB. w PreaiaeSt Miss Ballon Selioo , HTTT I . Mlm mm.Mih ERIN S CHOOL 1 HOP STOVE THE BOSS THE JUMBO, and IRON KING. of a'l kinds and dimensions. PRICES LOWER TFAN THE LOWEST. Steiner-& Blosser, State Street, Salem, umr W.".A400HIOIC PlOilllOUt. J. Ii. A!.nKnT. UAshlor.1 1 Uori 1)111111 OF SALEM. Transact a general bnnmng buslucsn. Mf.uciiant Tailor, Commercial St., Salem 211 JunN SrANLEY. JIM MKAl 01,.lti& CI & .HEAD, STEAM WOOD SAW Quick work. Low prion Lmvn mJom nt '.. 11. WmtHcoU'n ktuUiU, Ixtck of L O. UU tl korse Shoeing hopnt Kfl ChemelU'la Direct, near Com urelxl, ieclal Htleutton to Inturftirlneitnd ifcw vrllli illeflM wl WOLZ'S MARKET. KiCKlj.l&nlted and iimokcd Mcatu and Bnu njm, 9l(elrlKcnitor meals lu beat nhnpt pt lnun AI loo Client, eastern ktyle. free 'ellvory, Moutli t'otmnerclnl utrveU CHAM. WOLZ, l'rop. E. M. VAITEPltlNTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS ANU Legal Blank JPublinhevs. llnh' New Ilrlek.over the hank, (joni'l utren East and South VIA THE orlASTA ROUTE - o'tne Southprn Pacific Comoanv. CAUf0PjIAKXla8 TKAIM BUW DAILY B TWEKN tl-QBTIyp AND 8. T. Houth. ri.60 p. m. Ii.-co p. m. 10:43 a.m. I Worth. Lv. L. At. Portland Balem Ban Kran. Niuu. m BOO a. u, 0Op.M LV. Above trains, stop at East Portland. Or. egon City, Woodburu. Balem. Turuer.Slorlon. JerierHon, Alba,ny. Albany Junotlon, irv ng Lugone, CreswelT.bralns and all statons from lUxtburn to Ashland Inclusive "" UOHKUUBOMAlI. DAILY. e:so a,m. 11.00 a. m VJ0 p. m. Portland Balem Iloseburg Ar. I 4:4J p. m Lv. I aw p. m I.V. I 8O0 a. re BOUth SALKM PAtHKNOKlt. iOp.m. Lv. Portland. Ar. I 6:15 p. m. I Ar. Balem. juv North 10.i6u.rn 8.00 a.m. Dining Cars ou Ogtlon Koute FDLLUAN BUFFET SLEEPERS AND Second Class Sleeoln Cars- AtUcheO to all through trains. fast Side DiTisioD, Between Portliuo ' and Uemllis: DAILY fEICKIT SUNDAY). 7uua.m. laiSp. m. t,v. Ar. l"ortland Corvallls Ar.l Lv. I 6.&J p. m 11) p. m ,Jrr Alvfpy nd CorvaUis counect wltr trains of Oregon Central JternSllroad. KXymxaTBAlW IDAtLYSXCKfTHIlNlltv : p. m. I 1i2ip. ni. I Lv. Ar. Portlanil McMlnnvllle Ar. x.v. fcfi0a.nr. TUKOUUU TICKETS Js.po!Suln l08 K'em SUte-s, Canada and Europo can be obtained at lowest rates 'rom- P n&'JZl a4NNK Agent Lun? Oregon Central Eastern R. R, Co, tVAQOINA BAY ftOUTJi ConnecUng at:Yaqulna Bay with the Han 9??etr "ecommodatlons u us a r passed iS0rc?ll.o0ruhtbetWeea ,he WUlsmetUiey round trip, goad ajdkS.ibr' b,a r or sailing days auiny u "PL"y to U.UV WALUEN, Agent KifSiSSsSsSSffS . Albany, nr. HOP PIPE- Capital C. fl. LANE fcpCTOrPV BASTi VIA the , Union Pacific Systc Thrmiffh Citllmnn tit. ... 81eepcrs.ttnd Kree ecllnlSgnch,r'&,r?Jl PORTLAND to CUICA(j ..9(Iu,,in.n,Schho?l,geltl,.by, i J i'lniotoChlrnso, .'iQiInym v Time to New York74Uftyi,. ' peitt " nmny h0UAuleykerthnWtt1 upi to"' l"ne U,blM andl fuU lnft,nn UOISE & RiRKER, AseBti,84deia.0T. enrtland. A,,l It. W. llAXTElt, Ucneral Agent. 1.15 Third M. Pullmar. Elegant Touris Sleeping Cari Dininp Can , blaeolnCw ST. IMUL MINNEATOLIS DULUTH, FAHKr. TO GRAND F0RIIS CROOKSTOd WINNIPEG HELENA ar.a BUTTE rP TUKOUU-1I TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON;- 1 PHILADELPHIA tw YUriN BOSTON and all Points East end South Ppr Jnfpnnation, nmeje;tMA,,ijujM'"s THOMAS. WATT ,C C(L AHKNTM, 5 Cotnnierolui i .tle.a.tii Or A. D. (Jiiaklton. Abu. Gtul ? Agent 255 Morrison fit., comer Third, Portland. Ore. 0. R ii .C K. ilcNEILUTKECElVEK To The Bast :QIVKa tUK OHiMUE OK TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL EDOIB -VIA- GltEATi RY.I - Low Rales to all Eastern Cities. Oceonlstenmers leave Portland every Ore 4i; Kor luli;aetalls call'on or address HOIHK A BARKER. w. 11. huklburt: Oen. Pas. AfenW iorUsu(l,0c G. AT. POWEKS,. Local Ticket Agent fnot'oiirrartost. SAitPKl' PAPiill-Uirge tot of heavy bro" wrapping paper for sale cheap. Joit w ng for putUng under carreu Call t Joo nal office rENNYROYAL PIUS Cklcht.trr'. tniill.U IlUnttf itnm. urliinalaiiduair ubh" . Arc. 4lw rtlUU.. i "l; Drt,Ut fcr (ViluJtr . 'P.'t Imim. KttoJ with Mm rt 1 le ' naotntfw Ktnu. mmr - .... IteiMaiUtafMw.. ll ' "T.J I. .tup k jMlw. '..J. "K.lUr for fmiU" . .tiI2 Mali. 1,OOUT.iim ' "T sUkjufUoBfiuUu- SlliaU.r A LADY'S TOILET la not complete without an ideal POMPLEXIOU tu? jpovnoxvtt. IV POZZONFS I Combines everv element oil beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection to the face in this climate. vrvrwvrvv Twist upon hvlaj tho gonttia. W FM HU EVUrWHMC TO Tllg,ia u 4 1 1 i T&fu w 5S Uil A. J, CUUHOHiUsILocUA,,,, e! !