y ""HffTT -"as? ""'W'WF "rr 7 " u p ? ? t i r I 1 ' '. t ! 1 JM' I ' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. (DAILY AND WEEKLY.) J9Y HOKUR BROTHBBS, jUUDAY, AUGUST 80, 1805. THE SUPPLY OP WHEAT, The eatlmalo of tbo wheat crop of ifae United States for this year Is now "lut at 400,017,000 buehels. This Is F'jnuoh less than it has usually beeu I d irlng the past 20 years, and It bus enly been uintoriuMy less lu four years, namely, 1875, when It was 309,102,700 i....i.i. i.. tom niimn it win ens inn . UmUOIDj IU 10IU nimu IV to """"I 000; 1877, when It was 280,860,500, and I J. 1880, when It was 867,112,000. It is considerably less than lu isi, when the aotual yield was 011,780,000, and oven leas than in 1803, when it. was 515,040,000. These figures although Riven for tbo Ureal year ending June 83, embrace tlio production only to December 81, of tbo preceding year. It Is a singular faot that lu 180-1, whioh was the lowest production for even years, tbo percentage of expcri was the greatest In 20 years, reaching 41.47, although In 1892, when our pro duction was over 60 per cent more, w e exported only S0.88 per cout. Our homo consumption last yoar vtob only 231,818,500, less than It has bet n for 18 years; but iho avcrugo la ovir 300,000,(X)0, so that tlio prrspect is wo will have for export 100,000,000, or li bb thau half that of 1892 and 1S93, and 0l,'JS3,129 less than bst year. Bo far as tlio United Stati'H la con cerned, therefore, tbo outlook for tbo farmer is good. Hut wo are mot by tl.e enormous production of HubbIb, which has reached 416,053,000 bushels, and for tbo first tlmo lu many years, If mem ory may bo depended upon, tbo United States takes socoud placo in value of production, lu 1690-01 Russia pro duced only 180,200,000 bushols to our 450,000,000. This ouormous Increaso la duo to tbo opening up of Siberia, which, with its now lands, Is doing for Russia what tbo opoulng up of Iowa and Mlnuosota did for tho United States. Iu tho dkpatoh published ou Mon day in tbo Post-Intolllgoncor tho pro duction of France Is put at 31,573,000, but that la probably an error, It dan hardly have fallon so low. Tho pro duction of Argentlno and Chllo n doubted, but uiost of tho other esti mates are bolow the average Uf course, In making a comparison it muBt be remembered that for past years the aotual production Is glyon, while for this year we are doponding upon estimates which must bo largoly tho result of gueas work. Enough Is known, howovor,, of tho orop abroad, and of the prospects of till furtbor lnoreaee, to serve aa a warning to the farmors in Oregon not to rely upon It except for home consumption. As a staple It will do woll to keep a certain aoroage, but dl vurlsfled farralug will bo tho monoy making method In the future. When the Republican party goea Into power In 180Q It Bhould go la with clean bauds, lod by men of pure Uvea, good public reputations and the confi dence of tho people It should go in to stay In and do something for tbo peoplo of this groat nation. It will havo a abort career and eud iu a seeth ing mass of corruption, if Piatt, Hog & Co. make IU ticket and control Its administration. Ulvo us some now blood, clean hands and high purposes. Uoveruor Fletcher is one of Balcru's trlok bloyclorldors, AlbanyDemourat. That Is a mistake. He is ono of Sa lem's loadluir editorial writers. Cav ital JouitNAii, Equally hazardous risks, from the standpoint of an In surance agent, Yamhill Independ ent. llutyou caut dony thataaa humor ist, imaginative writer aud manager of church soolahlos FJotohor has uo equal. j s Hoy. 11, Orth, of Corvalhs, admin kitratdr of tho estato of the Late Father Vau Linn, hu brought a suit agatust D'shop W. II. Gross to recover 12500 with Interest at 8 per cent on 11400 rota Aug. 0, 1830, aud on f 1100 from Hdt, 26, 1300, The money was ad vauoed for building ohurohesat Oregon City and Alblna. S . 3 A Balem glrl'a letter back east, tell ing how people in Oregon enjoy them aelvtf, will be printed this week in a opeelal edition of 5000 for eastern clr-etjlatlou. Notes From Mtobama. Cam I ALnKiiT, Aug. 29, 1895. While in Albany Monday on our way to Mouoma.tho popular mountain resort, wo saw Mr. and Mrs. K. Mi Townsend, who wero on their way homo from an outing In tho moun tains. Bborifl John Knight and fam. Ily woro also lu Albany, Monday be tween trains, ou their way homo from Newport, whero they havo been Bpeud ing tho summer. Chas. Bootbby was alaoseou on the strcetaof Albany on that day looking rauoh better than when he left Balem a few weeks since, At 1:80 we boarded an accommoda tion train over the O. O. & E. railroad, and wero soon beyond tbo grain llelds aud passing rapidly through boiiio plcturesquo mountain scenery. At Kingston Messrs. W. J. aud Frank Culver, Ernest aud Charles Porter boarded tho train for Detroit, the terminus of this road. From this pulut tboy woro going to .walk to Mt, Jefloraun udiatuncoof ubotit 26 miles, carrying their baggage with them. They had walked to Kingston from Salem and were loaded for "bur." The bays will return Saturday and promise oue or more Hah stoiles. E. E. Mo- K.uuey, the well-kuowd gralu buyer of Salem, also boarded tho train at Kingston for Lyoui. A force of men werebually engaged loading a car of wheat at Kingston Mouduy. Tui'BduViiUiorulug a party of young fo'.ks cousiatliig of the Misses Royal, Lucia Cochran, Dennis Flagg and JihuCoObruu Itft for Bbt'.lburt,. fulla, diluaiell on the Shetlburg faun about two miles Bubovo Mfhumu. At this rjojiaou of tlio jear the creek la about dry but the falls muni cerluldly pre sent a oburmlng Bight during the winter. After climbing up hill fur oearly three houro tbo fulln wero miohed. Tho water falls over a hugo rock that projects far over tho ground beneath It, lcavlug nil open cavo as It is from whloh place tho falls may be irimvuil fmtn tlio rear. It is 110 feet from the point of tho fulls to tho ground beneath. Wo all ItiHcrlbed our uames aloug with scores of other Salemltes, od tho wallbohiud tho falls. Tho wall Is formed of u cluy-HUo roolt and can easily bo carved with a knife. Tbo Btacoy falls, three In number, are nltuatod about oue-half of a mile above Bhellburg falls and havo beou visited by a large number of campers tills year. Tho streams at this point aro said to contain a great, many of the speckled boautlea. Campers havo almost deserted Camp Albert for tho sooson, there being out n lew touin now ou tho Island. Tuesday morn ing Mr, and Mrs. A. ;McOUI and tho Iatter's parents, Mr. aud Mrs. Irish, returned to'.Salem, Mrs. Irish has about rocovorod from tho unfortunato acoldent that befell her about two week, eluce. Today Mrs. T. li. Jack son and daughter, Maudo, Miss Boat rlcoJeflrlea and llttlo sister and Mr. aud Mrs. Farmor aud Mrs. Crolaan re turned homo. They will bo followed Saturday by Mr. and Mrsjohn Single ton and tbo Misses Royal, leaving hut two touts on tin island, whloh aro occupied by Mrs. E. II. Flagg ond chil dren and Mrs. E. P. Cochran and ohildrou. I had hoped to give This Jouknai. readers oue or more fish stories but so far none of .any cousequouce havo de veloped. Wi C. Good ro-uls aro good Iuve3tmontj Monoy Judiciously expouded in road Improvement adds so much to tho valuo of the property in a country that every ddllar luvested comes baok to tho treasury lu the form of additional tax atlon. Good roads are arteries of trde, promoters of value, aids to prosperity. They attract how settlers, eucourago land lmproyemeut and enrich a com munity. They brlug In more people to help pay the taxes, aud thus reduce therato of taxation while Increasing the aggregato amount collected. Bouator Quay, of Pennsylvania, has forced himself Into the chairmanship of the Ilepublioan party, to bo iu a posltlou to help namo the president uext year aud foroe himself iuto a cabinet posltlou, The acoouut of a terrible lynching nilalr at Yreka, Cal., In whloh four wretches were etruug up by a mob of 250 men, appeared in our dispatches, and one of tho victims, uutli last March, waa a itudout at the Oregou Agricultural College. PORTLAND F.XP08ITION. BecrtUry Martin of tbo Oregon In dustrial Exposition eonda out hopeful accotiuta of that oulerprlao and as It opous to Iho public Immediately hh the states fair closes there Is no reason why it should not have a largo attendance lu this valley ami splendid exhibits from here. Tho railroad companies Bhould glye the expedition and state fair such rules ou cerium days us they gave tho couduetors's excursion in- Juno-'at $1.00 for tho round trip 9000 people camo to Salem from all over Western Oregon for a mero Sunday rluo. That would :iusuro uu enormous atten dance aud tbo railroads would moke money too. There Is no reason why If ably manuged, tho exposition ,as well as the stato fair, should not be a great success. Certainly the gentlemen who lend their names to tho volunteer euterprlao at Portland, whloh receives no state aid, are entitled to public gratitude and liberal patroungo. Bosses Piatt of Now York, Elklns West Virginia, and Caraoron of Pounsylvaula, aud other bosses gener ally, may as well bo told now as any time that tho peoplo will not put the Republican party iuto power in 1890, to bo ruled by those unsavory persons for four yearB. Bow's This! ur. m.. nn ilnmtml Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh tint cannot be cured by Hall's Uttarru i-urc. F. J. CHIiNKV & CO. Props., Toledo, Q. We the undcislcncd, have known I-. J. Cheney for the last IS years, ami Iwlievo him pcrlcctiy nonoraoic in an uuwuch uw notions and financially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm, West & Tiuax, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O.f Waldlng, Kinnsn & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hull's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price. 75c uer bottle, Sold by all Drugalsts. Testimonials free. Did You Evor Think That you cannot be well unless yon have pure, rich blood? If you arc weak, tired, languid and all run down, It Is because your blood is Impoverished and lacks vitality. mm.... i.mI, V. irxnv lu overcome bv Hood S Sarsaparllla because Hood's Sarsnpatilla milct mire, rich blood. It Is, in truth the great blood purifier. IIood'H Pills cure liycr ills, constapation, biliousness, janndlce, siekheadacho, indiges tion, A High Llvor Usually has n bad llvor. Ho Is bili ous, conBtlapted, has indigestion und dyspepsia, if there Is uo organic troublo a fow doses of Parks' Sure Cure will tone him up. Parks' Buro (Jure a tho only llyer aud kidney euro wo hoII ou a positive guarantee Prlco 51.00. Bold bv Luun Brooks. 1&-4 Thero aro 177765 miles of railroad In tho United Btutes. There aro 00,835,880 rails used to cover this uround. Thero aro 633,205,000 ties used to bind these rails together, but uo such amount, howover, Is required to bind the hearts of tho traveling nubllo to tho faot that tho Wisconsin Central lines furnish superior facilities ou all their tralus between Bt. Paul and Chicago, which form close conueotlons with all lines to tho east auu soutu. Mako a uoto of It. " Rheumatlsin Is a symptom of dlseaso of tho kid neys. It w4ll certainly bo relieved by Parks Sure Cure. That headaoho, baokaoho and tired feeling como from tho samo cause. Ask for Parks' Buro Cure for tho liver and kldnoys price 1 1.00, sold by Luun & Brooks. 10 4w HEART DISEASE. Fluttering, No Appetite, Could not Sleep, Wind on Stomach, 'For a Ions tlmo I hnd p tsrrlblo pain at my henrt, which fluttered al most inccsaantly. I hud uo nppotlto and could not sloop. I would ho compelled to sit up In bed and belch gas from my stomach until I thought overy mlnuto would bo my last. Thero was a feeling of oppression nliAiif mt linnrf. nn.l T wna nfrnlll tn uuuuv mij vv, .,. . ,.w ,.., a raw a nut ureain. 1 couui nubswee r a room without resting. My husband Induced mo to try Dr. Miles' Heart Cure nnd nm happy to say It has cured me. I now havo a splendid appotito and sleep well. Its oilect was truly mar velous." MltS. II AIUtY E. STARR, Pottavlllo, Pa. Dr. Miles Heart Curo Is sold ou a iks1Uto Buara uarantuo that tho tint bottlo will Lonofit. ruesMlsacuit Alfi. 0 oouioa iorco.or prepaid, pa rocolp li ui prii nrlfii id Neuc( W-, silt bart, Iml VV L'' TbsTsA VJ) As an Athlete It Is nocewary that my system should b in first class condition. Whether In train ing for running, sparring or heavy weight Juggling, I always begin by taking Hood's Barsaparllla. It keeps my system In good condition and I gladly recommond It." L. O. JAQUES, 155 11th St., San Francisco. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tho only Truo Blood Purifier Promi nently in the public Eye. Pet IIOOD'3 MnrtrPcDHlreuro habitual cnnitlra riOOCl S rll'suon. yrieo -a cents. HOME EDUCATION. Something Jfor Mother and tlio Children. WHAT THE JOURNAL OFFERS FREE Two High Chtss SToriizIucs Needed in Uvpry Household. Journal readers who renew cash subscriptions on tho fol lowing terms can have tnoir choice of two very desirable magazines free, "QUEEN OF FASHIONS" froo, by mail, ono year to any subscriber who pays for tho Daily by carrier three months in advance, at this olrtco,1.50; or the Weekly ono vear and a iinlf in advance. Si. 50. This givo3 you Iho best 10-page il lustrated fashion magazine of Now York free for ono year. The abovo trices aro not cash. and tho cheapest combination nvnv nflhiwl Tlin 'OllROn" is nvnr nflhiwl. The 'Oueon IS a high-class, practical, home magazine. "THE CIIILD-GAltDEN." Upon tho samo terms you can obtain this delightful Chi cago children's magazine. Just tho thing to read to tho litlo onps ot tho homo oirqlo, It brings tho kindergarten into the home. Song, games and story. Beautifully illustrated, 51 a year. Published by the Kindergarten Literature Co. Samples of these magazines will bo furnished free by mail or can bo seen at this office. HOFER BROS., Publishers. Salem, Oregon. SALEM TILE WORKS. . IAUOEHTOOK ON HAND - BneoUl Inducement oflered. Hhlppd JU at point on itiort notloe. Ueud ror prlcea. Yarrt, xMorth Halein, ..,,,IV Addresa J. K, MUKMI Y, n jrair urounii.. ui TOE WOMAN WHOSE CLOTlibb hi lecras to get along In tho world easier than any other woman. In the first place, the Is more at ease at social functions. Mrs. J. L. Mitchell guarantees a perfect m.I c.tlcfaMnrir ft, nf .ir.rv rvarmetlt SllOD Mill. ...vw 1 ,,. . 1". ".'. " . on East State utreet next to Simpson's grocery store. Complete line supplies and notion will b kept on hand. SALEM WATER CO. Office: Willamette Hotel Building For water service apply at ortloe. Bills pay. able monthly in advunoe. Make, all ooiu. plalnti at tho ottloe. , Irrigation months-June, July. August and Beptember, hoars 0 to 8 a. tu 6 to tf P. pi. Irrigation bills payable on or. before t)ie 1st of July, atreet springing positively forbidden E. J(. WAFCE PBINTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AND Legal Jilank JPublteJiem. Bush's New Krlckver the bank. Oom'l street ruKPET PAvnt-Largo lot of heavy browa j wrappln paper for sale cheap. Just the thing fox putting under carpet, Call at Jour nal office. THE 1MB USE J. J. ItLAHE, Prop. J'Ol.KUU, LINCOLN COUNTY, Ullfcuun. jsi-Kpoclal rata to tourist anil land l"l" lloarA by tlie week nnd free baok to Newport for surf batnlng, and BllcHs reservation and otu"r points in county, every olherdiw. tun NEWPORT, OR. This ologmit now h M on tho beach id the most delight ful resort of Oregon, and w run in tin; best of style. Terms moderate. Mauy Fitzpatkiok, 7 9 tf Prop MEHAMA, OR. Good 'accommodations, with table and bed kopt up to its old standard. Guests served with the greatest comfort. 7-io-tr MINERAL SPRINGS Of tho State ot Oregon, $ It's water iB free to all, and is located in tho toot hills 01 tho Ca.scadg mountains, at Sodaville, Linn Co., Or. Tho most accessible mineral springs in tho state at all sea sops of tho year, and tho best water, This water is a cure for all diseases of the stomach, liver and kidnoys, and costs you nothing. First-class hotel accommodations, E. G. Briggs. proprietor; mineral baths and tonsonal parlors, ueo. .Bosquet;, manager; general merchandise, R. 1 W. Eishor, proprietor; physician and surgeon, A. G. Prill. Remember this is the olaco for pure air. fine sconory, fiahiuj and huntiner. and to rogulato your health by drink ing ana oainmg in uiu uuhu Bodawator on tho Pacific coast. ' Daily haok lino moots all trains at Lebanon, Or. only 4 miles, a nice drive. Bottling of sodawator for shipment Livory and feed stable, A, P. b lory & Sons, proprietors. 10-U ETTt III BALEM, ORUQON. Oldest Institution of learning In the stato. Full preparatory and colleulato courses. Total enrollment for 1891 5, 401 students. Expenses moderate. New ipmnaslum, Klrty-oecond year begins Bept. 17, U9S. tot Information or catalorue address V, U, UAWtCI, A. M., iIiA, H., President. stfdawew If you love your boy give him the most val anle of all g Us, tboTbett education possi ble, ''here is no better plaoo than U' P. ur.ANaEL.OK, Bo boot cotnnieie in overy respsct. Splendid stall of teachers, excellent ruea's. beautiful aud healthy locatlou, constant care aud strlot aiaeipune. ana costs duuai a montn. as im TAB STATE NORMAL SCHOOL DRAIN, Writs for catalogue. J LOUIS BA.RKUB. President) 8 72m F. M. Steele 185 OOMMKHCIAL ITT. Mftinory anil Bicycle Repair Klectrlc'; ieUiHndMedlcai;itatier aspft clalty, Smau Uyuamos and Motor built and repaired. All work dona In the best manner, GEO. FENDKICH'S BAT m 831 Commercial stJOottla h!oolr, I , OUUnMur u V, , BOCK UO.I Beat msais ln;tht eltjr. iTowptllvry tl lowMt yrlw. louo. eMor p u, u, seek 00.I SStoi. mmm hop pipe LI VI UU lUULULiHUl HOTEL ! wn.r.AM HTI Angel Coile Ml MARKET ! HOP STOVE THE TiOSS Tlltf JUMUO, mid iis'a. I LION K of aUJkin(U and dimensions. PRICES I.OWE11 WAN THE LOWEST. Steiner & Blosser, State Street, Salem. uwtr W.'AsUUNtCK J. H. ALMHat. CiMhlej, I fiOTueiik. ;1UU( OP SALEM.J Transucts a ucnerol bnnrtinK buslncsii. :. H. LftNE Mkkoiiant Tailoh, 211 Commercial St., Salem JjnN 8TANLEY. JIMMKAD STEAM WOOD SAW, Quirk worlt, lAtw prlroJ Ln7o nijers ul I It. WVctv (ilfsKtttblo. buottof P.O. Ull tl J. ,1. JIAHKJXS, HORSfcL SHOEING liopitllOi) ' noruvkiiH Hlftt, nrnr Com mini. H'hIiii ut't.i tlim In I n ir forma and Mrf. Willi ltlNKfcMl wt VVOLZ'S MARKET. fresh iHiiltoa nnd xmolrcd" Meats and' Biui. axi. Orltelrl(ior iloi' nieittH lu bust huK. vhiiI la uu M Ii-op iiitt, CHMern style. Krco lolwury. Houlh Uiu nicrcliii street. -X UHAH SVOLZ, l'rop. Huie Wing Sang Co., SIlll'OHTKllS - rw. ij JnpiiiosoFaniy Goods, ull Ulndsnt Hlltc Km broidery, Orusmonts, Olilnnwnro. Uojl Teas or all kind. Mattings nnd mako Untshluir. Lndlos' Underwear. Kvcrythlug soiling very cheap, 113 Court St., Halum, Or, East and South -VIA- THE oriASTA ROUTE o'ltne - Southern Pacific Comoanv. mm oALiropriAlszi-nKsa tbaik uun daily m TWKKN tPOnTI.AND AND B. r. Bouth. I North. l&Wp. m. II. -co p. in. Xv7 LV. Ar. Portland Balem Ban Kran. Ar. Lv. bv. 8:10 a. rn UOUa.m 0.00 p. m 10:45 a.ro. Above trains stop at Kast Portland, Or. egon City, Woodburu, Balem. 'i'urnor.Murlou, Jetlenton, Albany. Albany Junction, Irving, Kugene, 0reswelI,Uralns und all stations from ItOHebiim to Ashland lncluslvo KOSE11U1U1 1 MAl IL DAILY, &ao a. m. 11:00 a. m V.20 p. m. LV. LV. Ar. Portland Balem ltosebunr Ar. I 4:4U p, m Lv. I 'i'ii p. m Lv.l 8.00 a. va Bouth salkm PAuaKHaKU, North 4:00 p.m. I Lv. Portland. Ar. 1 10: I6a.ru 6:15 p. tn.- Ar. Balem. Lv 8:00 a.m. IMnlug Cars ou Ogdon Itouto PDLLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS ANU Second Class Slueoin" Cars- Attached to all through trains. Vest Side pivision. Between Portluia ' tod Oor?&lli3: DAILY lEXOKFT U0NDAY). 7:au a. m. I Lv. 12:15 p.m. 1 Ar. Portlanu Corvallls Ar. I Lv.l t) AS p, IU 1.3 i p. m At Albany and Oorvallls oonneot with trains of Oregon Central & Kastera llallroad. BJCVUXaUTUAIN (DAILY SMJUTHUNUAt 4:45 p, m. 7:25 p. m. Lv. Ar. Portland MoMlnnvlllo Ar. Lv. u: a. ui 6:60 a. b) TUltOUOU HOkEIS To all points In the Eastern States, Canada and Europe can be obtained at lowest rates irom W. W. tiKLNNKK, Agent, Balem, K.P. HOOE113, AasUU. IT. and Pas.Al. U. KOKllLtat, Uanadnr Oregon Central AND Eastern R. R. Co, YAQUINA BAY ROUTE. Connecting atlVaqulna Bay with the Ban Francisco aud Yaqutua Bay Bteauisulp Od, BTBAMtlrt KIHALLOM," A I and firs, class in every respect. Balls from Yaqutua for Ban tancl;o about every B days. MfasMnger accommodations unsurpassed bbortosi route between the Willamette valley au Callloruta. Para from Albany, orpol&ts west, to Ban Francisce: Cabin, 113; steerage, & cabin, round trip, good 00 days, tin. For sailing day appiy to ltl WALUEN. Agent OH AB. CLARK. Buut., Oorvalll I', n n BDW1N TuaMnagor, 0orvaiu,Or. ' A. J, OUUROUlLLLocal Agent, Balem. Capital National kttMttMflBv rni 0'rSTnKk' TO TUEl EAST ! VIA 'THE Union Pacific System mtmli Pullman t'nlnAn UIabam m..i , Hlcepers nud I'roo ltcollnloit Cbnlr Cars dallr lromj PORTLAND to CHICAGO Our tmlns nro licated by steam and tars lighted by 1'lnUch Hunt. Tlmo to OlilCMO, i days.i Tlmo to New York, i days. Which Is tunny hours quicker than all com petitors. Fnrrutpfi. tlmo tnlilPH nndl 'ull Inrnrmallnn apply to I50ISI1 & IMIIKGK, Agents, Balem, Or, It. W. UAXTKIt, tlnr oral Arrant. O. K. 11H0WN, Dlflt. l'oss. Accnt llnnil 1 loo xuirii nit, 1 oruuiiu. 0. R U. CI. K.l McNKlLb, ItEUKIVIilt. To The Bast OIVE3 TUK.OUOIC13 OK, TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL UOIITES "- VIA GREAT vTiivnniJtm nv ni AUll BIW III. in - Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. - OcfAn BtfnmcrHicavol'ortliiiid every nrdy Korlull dotnlls call on or address ., W. II. ltUULHUHT, lien, l'ntt. Aiicnv, rortland.Ol G. M. POWEKS, Local Ticket Agent. VootlollTmde st, EMWS'raK. RACIFfl $ZA tf N S Pullmar. Sieepino- Cars Dinlnp Cars tleant Touris iJlBeolnp Can ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULU1U FARGR . TO GRAND FORKS! CR00KST0N WINNIPEG HELENA and PIITTF TFIItODWH TICKETS TO CHICAGO NEW YORK BOSTON and all Points East end South For Information, titnelcaras, Maps tloketsjcall on or wrltel THOMAS, WATT tC CO., AOENTB, 765 Commercial it., ialem, (11 Or A. D. Okablton. AbsC Of ul. P Agent; liW Morrisou st., corner Third, Portland, Uro. Silk . . mt v.. lt. ENNYROYAL PILLS - VS tV ..r .!.. (.llalLta lAOkll Ml . vr & art if t '-. 1 . fn 1- ., ... ...1 . J I 1 ' Jmim, tnSi with Mm rli.l I jn other. mm"v" V-.ji itriieV rp ivait" fii'j; V Malt 1 K.OOO IlM 'i ... i4ij.iuuDrviH"- n.iii.-i.r A LADY'S TOILET Is not complete without au ideal POMPLEXIOU I POZZONI'S j Comhines everv element ofK beauty and purity. It is beauti fying, soothing, healing, health ful, and harmless, and when rightly used is invisible. A most delicate and desirable protection M B AUujftm. I delicate and desirable protection I to the face in this climate. I , Insist upon having tho genuine, j (. Lifj 1 MJ lr IT W rw AIE tVERYWHHt