Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 30, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    rwiiwiuinun m'wmujmmmmmmmmmmm
Brings you the Dlly Jownal ttf seaside i
IIIAtlhlHihrf UAlKd at-. . l.ii- M 4
uuuuiiii9. jjtuui iiiau h jciif irom Homed
VOL. 8.
mo. i
Shoos. All beat gra'les warrnntod. Also a full
lino of Gorman knitting, Saxony and Spanish
yarns, with a full lino of fine fur Fedora and
othor stylos of hata, pan tsovei alls, phirts, tablo
linen and oil cloth, lace curtains, laces, embroid
eries, ribbons, hosieiy, underwear, and notions
of all kinds. Call and Bave 15 to 25 per cent.
V!L.jjLttr "tt&TE&xxfcr'
Shoes did you say 1 Yes,
shoolings for tents, and so ninny
not put it all down on an acre of
same money. 274 Commercial
Mill OF IBS, -.
Ti.iiiiniiuniinr nnwnn. vnannR riMxmn.
foan obtain board, lodging, boat aud light In ibe dormitory lor JJ.60 per week, Uooiner lur
tnlshtuolr own linen. Young women a-e provided with board lu prlvato faralllee at U per
fweek. Young women dealrlns board should address Prof. John Htraub, hugne, Oregon, or
t Secretary Young Women' Christian Association. Kutene. 1 he Un vorsity offera three bao.
calaureate degrees, Ilaohelorol Arta. Haehelor of Science and llachelerof Letters wltboor.
u..,njin..Tnunf .mHu. Miaftittnujlntr uhnrtnr mil ram are also ollered! An Kncllsll
f course, leading In two years to a ousmess diploma and In three year to the title graduate In
iKngllah: An advanced course for graduates of normal schools leading tp the degree piaster
or podagegy: A course ol two yeara lor teacnera 01 juyiiautuumuuu "'i "'"?'"
smOthe title director Physio il education. The University charge, an Incidental fee ofllO
Iwhlch la payable In advance by all studonta.
uboolaand those having teachers-ceruncates are aaumveu wj iuo iinuwatui- utnnpu
..i.i.a... wAHrtin.inn nhfta. ifnaivinff1 turnpmntinn rcimralnc? the iirenaralorv aennnmom
should addreae the Dean, W.lfcNarreean.Kugeue. Foi catalogues and lnfjrmatlon address
, II. Ubapman, President, or J. . wauon,n-creury,.E.uii:uc,uicuuu. o-.
W. I. STALEY, Principal.
lingular se-slons begin Mmday, Heptember 3. BtudenU registered now. It
wtfl nay those who expect to prepare for aome bualnea. pursuit to attend a
business college where a eystemaUo course or business training may be had
and.trelned teachera lor tula partlcuur line of work Instruct. The Capital
JJuslness College oQora five courses;
Business Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship and English,
This 1 poslUvely the only
business college In Oregon using the Intercommunication system ot busl
ness practice.- OuUf town students may secure board and furnished room
In Drlvate family at tl a week. Write or call at college offlce for circulars
g?vlug !ftm InTormatlon relative to cour es of study, rates of tuition, etc. 8-IO-Sra
, ..,! m mika manv rich, but
turning Pftty win Bake wjjf.jgfj
tJLw made by our Syetomatio plan of Speculation.
,. ,i.i rratnn arfcular system. It Is a well known fact that Ihereare
9)VAAo.iy systematic trading through Uhl
, invest a few thousand. U u uiso ;. w
SuTuoyno'tuuglA? ndnaT.t.m.t.ctradg.' , v
rt.toV.w"'AEE yitXTSr OurnYanwl Siplalna roargm
Bnglully. UUhest efreBCain rrgaru wuuriuin.u.l.)..
KflL ItDOrV. lull Ul nmuw'w".-. ------
ror lunuer miuriua.iuH auu.m.
A training notion! Tor teacher. Com
plete eight grado training dedurtment
utid strong professional nud academic
The diploma of tlio school entitles
ono to teach In any couuty In the state
without further oxamlnutlou.
Board and lodglng.'bookB and tuition
(160 nor year. Beautiful and healthful
locution. No saloons. There Is a good
demand for well trained teachers
I hero Is nu ovor supply of untralnod
Cataloguo cheerfully sont on applica
tion. Address
W. A. WANN, President,
we hayo them; also ducks and
othor things that wo could
ground. Come and see and
nfloni iroe tuition to all students. Young men
Htudenta holding aipiomaa irom wie nuuiio
nowhere can they make so much within ft
,n Uralu, mvuSnnsand block.;
'SS n. w ho live away Km Ihlweo and
" v, ...Aa.
Wheat Is Jumping Up Lively in
Washington Crop "Will lie Cut
WAaniNQTON iiors.
A reproaeutatlvo of the Tacoma Led
Ror recently Interviewed Herman
Klabcr, oftho Klaber Hop Company,
Sumner, and asked hi in what be
thought about tho hop outlook, Mr.
Klaber said ho thought it was rather
gloomy. He had lust Inspected 31
hop yards In the Puyallup and Stuck
valleys, representing 700 acres which
will not be picked on socount of tho
ravages of the lice or lack of monoy.
Probabl 75 percept will oover thoso
that have been abandoned on acoount
of tho ravages of tho lice. Not more
than one-third will bo plaked, and lu
all not moro than 18,000 bales will bo
harvested In Western Washington
uguliiBt 30,000 last year.
A number of yards have boon aban
doned In Yaklmtt on account of the
llco, aud moreover, muuy hops will
remulu on the poles on ao?ouut of tho
lack of money. A conservative esti
mate of the output of Yakima would
bo about 7000 balos against 10,000 last
year, A great many Iudins uro on
thospotot presout, roady to pick at
whatever price Is ollered, besides 1800
whites who loft this section last year
for Yakima, and will of necessity re
main on this side the mountains. In
addition tothts fetfhopa'wfllbo pick.
ed on thlssldo oftho mountains, and
therefore no troublo is anticipated In
getting suniciout pickers to harvest the
growing crop.
The Ledger reporter thou called on E.
Moeker, tho veteran hopgrowor of the
state, aud asked hint what tin thought
of tho situation. He said:
'Well, the fact Is, I liavo been too
busy to pay much attention to other
people's hopyards, a nd can say that
all of our hops, comprising 637 acres,
aro lnflrstclass condition, and will
ylold an averago crcp, and that I have
doubt weather wo shall lose a hill
from the ravages of lice. In faot, wo
have what we term a 'crack' crop
similar to that grown In 1600."
"What do you think about the pick
ing question?"
"Well, I think peoplo will havo to
pick cheaper ' than they did last year,
on account of the low price lu pro
"Did growers, as a class, gain any
thing by picking last year?"
"Why, yes; I sold without los upon
the whole coit, while others did not
get their ploliiug money back. Any
body, thin year, that pluks green lm
matured or lousy hop, will get
Chicago, Aug. 30. From the low
point touched on the 28th lust., wliet-t
has advanced 3 cents. Wheat opentd
this morning at fllj and In 15 minutes
advanced to 02J and at 10:15 etwd at
On the 28th Inst, wheat was as low
as 61o today wheat for tht. same
delivery sold as high as 02Jo, an ad
vance of 3 Jo.
today's MUCUS.
Opened. Highest doing
May . .- & WH W
Has No Equal
v 1.1 VKRI'OOL.
The rise In Liverpool prlr-ca must
havo excited the tto'.ld Britisher con
siderably. ' aliSi
There whb nn kilvanco" of ttitce fonts
a bushel on nil futures.
Thomas & Short (Borough) Loudon,
Aug. 14, says: Market for nil klndss
of hop, bith KnglUh aud foreign
is very quiet, prices for;tlio best kinds
aro firm, hut lor the lower, w;akand
irregular. Eugllah of poor quality,
are plentiful apd be bought at '!,
un wards.
Pacifies can be bought at 4Ju to 8c.
A fair quantity, aro offered here on
spot. Blocks of common to lowaie
larger than can ue used this season.
There is a good shipping demand for
wheat which bos caused tho advance In
price; $2,000,000 in gold wilt be shipped
tomorrow, Saturday. The continued
shipment of gold from this country
may again depress prices.
Genoral holiday in Culcago.on Mon
day, Beptomber 21895.
Portland, Aug. 30. Oregon will
furnish 100,000 ualea of hop, about
1:0,000,000 pouude, as tho products of
tho yards In thofutate this year. It Is
no llttlo matter to provide for oven a
small portion of tho crop at tho pres
ent time, and for'iJiolaok of advances
bart of this years crop may rot on tho
vines, Money is abundant enough nt
tho banks but It cannot bo obtained
on fivorablo terms, especially whon
prices are likely to rulo low. The
magultudo of tho hop Industries In
Oregon may bo loarnod from the fact
that over (760,000 will bo required to
pay for packing and drying tho present
crop, If tho average prlco of hops
should bo 8 cento for tho coming year,
Oregon would bo $1,000,000 bettor off.
U -LoNDqNrA,sT-'"30.--Theraoctlon sale
of California fruits, recolved by tho
steamer New York today, was Inoppor
tune, bcoauBO tho market Is glutted
with French fruits. Bartlett pears
sold at 5s 0d5eGd per case, ono ex
ceptional lot going at 7s 0d, Peaches
sold at Ga5a 5d por half case; ono
oholco lot, from liuck, Vucavlllo, bring
ing 0s. Plums avoragod 4s 2d, Of tho
consignments, 180 cases of all kinds
were too badly damaged to sell, oxcopt
in a bulk lot, for 2a 3d.
today's aOLI) SHIPMENT")!
New York, Aug. 80. Total with
drawal of gold from tho sub-treasury
today amounts to 12,250,000. Just be
foro tho close of business tho bond syn
dicate deposited 11,000,000 or gold In
exchange for regal toudors. This
leaves tho reserve
sun auovo 11)0
(100,000,000 point.
OlUOAOO, Aug. 80.-Wh6Ot,
cash tiv, lept.
Nkw Yobk, Augiso-ailver, 6(c,lead,
Ban Kjuncuoo, Aug. SO Wheat, 030.
Wuol-Uregon,choloe,liOl0c: Inferior, 037c;
Kopa-uuotible nt 436a.
lotatoea-Karly Rose. 60300c; Buibanks 76c,
Oals MlUlng, Tal.oJ.
1'oktlahi, Aug. 80. Wheat, valley, iSo
Walla i alia, 470.
Flour Portland. K.85, Ilenton county. MJB:
grauuiu, 9ivr, su
ahaui, WS5; supernne, tl.tb per bbl.
oataWblte, Xlat'JOo; milling. SSaOo; grey,
kailo; roUed.lnbags,fi.76(30.U0; barrels, W,W
bta'JA: cases. II.7S.
Q.iQj cases,
Potatoes New Oregon, St
Hay-inod, 15(3tf W per I
Wool-Valley, 113130.
Potatoes New Oregon, 86&S5a bn.
V) per ton.
horts. I12J0: chon
(eea, tl&aMS per ton; cblokea wuout, sooCper o,
ea, iisaio per ton; cuiosi
It- ..m'-w. mit
1IIUM Ktfvu, mm;j uw i
701OO sheep pells, 107 'o,
lliaes gr.en, saiiea, uj ius oq unaery tus.
Hops nominal Ri o.
llulur Oregon fauc,
fancy creamery, ldannr
fancy dairy, unite; fair to good, lOaVtiie:
common, 7Ko.
Cheese Oregon full cream, 10llc.
Eggs Oregou. lMUo pr dot.
Poultry Cutckeiu. i.60 aj per dox; ducks geese, VfitX&Q Wi turkeys, dressed,
Mtf-Topsteers, 2H(J3o per ft; fair to good
steers, 2al3'6o; cows, 2alci dressed beef,
wulton Best beef, IUSaZOO; choice ewes,
Il.76a3.00: dressed, io.
Hogs Choice, heavy. t30sJ),76;ltgbt and
feeders, UJW; dressed, 4o V B).
Veal-amall, choice, 6ac, large, 8a 4o V lb,
Wheat lie bo.
OnU-KuXiKc: new 18c.
llay-llaled. cheat. tSJuS.00; timothy, VM.
Flour. In wholesale lota, IUO-, roUll JMiso;
bran, bull tllJO: sacked, llXuOjj.tiorU, ,li00a
ULU0; cnop feed. lllOOullUU,
Hogs Dressed, iie.
Live Catlle 15i&iio.
hbep Uve.llJO.
llopa-Ueat, Wo.
Kgga Oaah, 100.
UuttrUest dairy, iVinUt fancy creamery
Caeese l(U12;o.
Farm timokea Meats-lUcoa.Ho; ha-ns II ;o,
shoulders, 7c t .
Folatoes New, 80o H bu.
Onions 2c. ...
Pouluy Ilrollers,.7c-, bens, Co; ducks, (U7o.
Turkeys UHo.
Varllell pears 2o bu.
Apples AfeiiOo ou.
Peaches tl 35 bu.
Plums 23o bu.
Or, Prktt'g Cream UaklasjPowstK
AMrt0U4MWMMwtaurl'U.sflP-f '
Minister Ransom's Troubles Over
His Pay.
Dtvtlh ot Two Men by n Falling
Wabiunoton, Aug. 30. Minister
Rtnsom's troubles havo not yet ceased,
First, his salary was withheld months,
then the appointment of tho minister
was declared Illegal and tho ollloe
It war thounht that his reappoint
ment by the presldont, August 21,
would cud the complications, but
Doputy Auditor of tho Treasury Willis
lias decided that Minister lUusom
cannot draw his salary until his ap
pointment lu confirmed by tho senate.
ratal Palling.
CiiKTBLANi), AugO. Jimii'S lleok
melsler fell Ave stories from tho top of
tho World building to tho sidewalk
today and was instantly killed. The
body of tho falling man struck John
Nickson, who was walking tho side
walk, with terrlilloforco, breaking tho
buck aud botli legs of tho latter. He
lsv.dylug, Bookuiolater was engaged
with a number of others placing a
large sign on tho building. The accl
dont was caused by slipping ropeo sup
porting a swinging soaflold. Tho
othor man, Lowls, aud Cormier, who
woroou thoecaflold with Bookmel'tor,
bad a desporato strugglo for their lives;
Havo Reached New Yok.
NkwYoric, Aug, 80. It was rum
orod last night that tboro would bo
trouble in Ulnuatowu owing to dif
ferences between tho rival faotlons of
tho Sam Yup and tieo Yup societies,
which are brandies of two powerful
organizations lu San Francisco. These
orgluated ovor a business quarrel lu tho
latter city between the mother orgau.
Izatlons, and tho ,feollug of discord
spread to this olty and tuoro has been a
deslro un tho purt ot tho rivals to boy
cott eaoh other. Chin Fong, a woll
known Chlucso merchant who owns u
restaurant In Pell street, camo out on
tho sidewalk and addressed a largo
crowd of his countrymen. Acting
Captain Johnny, of tho Ellzaboth
street station, In anticipation of troublo
bad stationed a number of patrolmou
In the vicinity, and when tho crowd
beoamo demonostratlvo Chin Fong
was orderod to doslst, aud tho police
dispersed tho crowd. This put a dam
per upon Chin and bis followers and
they gave up the attempt to hold
an opon air meeting. Considerable ex
citement prevailed In tho neighbor
hood for sometime
The Business Revival.
Chicago, Aug. 80. The Times-Herald,
a Democratic organ, dovotes sev
eral colums to the subject of tho busi
ness revival In Chicago. It prefaces
the symposium ot Interviews with the
heads of loading business houses, with
the follewing:
"Chicago is enjoying a general boom
In business, An era of prosperity has
set In with such autlvlty as to awaken
the brightest anticipation for the future,
Interviews with a large number of
roprcsontatlvo morobanU and manu
facturers today reveal the most eucour
aging conditions of trade that has pre
vailed for years, in a inaorlty of tho
branobes consulted,
"All predictions for the luturo for
goneral prosperity are being fulfilled at
an extraordinary rate, according to
men who keep In touch with the pulse
of commerce."
Gold Exports.
Nkw Yomc, Aug.. 30. Crousman
Bros, Shipped 11,000,000 in gold yester
day. The government bond syndicate
baa deposited RcOO.000 lu the sub
.. . , ., . ,. ,
Uewury, taking legal tenders.
Mrs Vanderbllt's Ball. (
NkwpuHT, Aug. 30. Tho triumphal
ball given by Mrs. W. K Vunderbllt
when sho broko down tho barriers
reared against her by tho swell Bet,
promises to bo tho talk of the 400 for
many days to come. Tho ball was a
orownlug success, because tho three
fold objeot that it had In viow, but
which, of course, only appeared as In
cidents of tho gorgeous occasion, was
attained. Miss Cousuclo Vandcrbllt,
daughter of the hostess, was, with duo
formality, presented to the exclusive
world of fashion, tho Duko of Marl
borough was formally introduced to
Amerlcau society, and last, but 11 ret In
point of real Importance, Mrs. "Winder-
bllt leaped at ono bound within tho
charmed circle.
Last ulght she established herself In
defiance of tho powerful Vandorbllt
connection nrrayod agaiust her,becauso
of her quarrel with her husband and
her divorce from htm. As It was, her
daughlor and nor guest, the head of princely house of Churchill, have
compelled ull except the Immediate
Vandorbllts to yield. This ball has
been tho talk of Newport for many
weeks. It was uot tho bitterness that
lay bohlnd that absorbed tho attontlon.
Tho vulgarest details of luxury passed
irom moutn to mnniu, auu woro re
peated again and again, No expense
wus spared. Tho revenues of a rloh
province wero spoilt In this one even
ing. Republicans Awake.
Chicago, Aug. 30. The Notional
Republican Leaguo has Issuod a proc
lamation to all state leagues clubs and
the Ronublloan party at large. Tho
proclamation says that In view of the
probablo shortening oftho next presi
dential campaign It Is Important that
all work or organization shall be start
ou at onoo and pushed In tho most
ouorgotlo manner,
The Yacht Races.
Tho ynoht raco today botween tho De
fender and Vlglluut was ten miles to
windward aud return, loavlug a mark
on the starboard band. Consequently
tho yaohts run out to sea and along
the Long Island coast.
By official tlmo tho Dofonder won
the raco by 11 vo minutes and five
A Railroad Man.
Chioacio, Aug. 80. Tho Dally News
says Edward T, Jeflery, president and
general manager of tho Denvor & Rio
Grande, It is understood, will be made
presldont of tho reorganized Atohlson,
Topoka Ss Santa Fo railroad,
Tho Conclave (Hoses.
BOSTON, Aug. 80. The biennial con
olavc, Kulghts Templar, closes today.
Many havo departed already, Nearly
all tho comtnauderles havo closed their
hoadquarters and before night will dis
band, Of tho proposed changes In tho
constitution was couslderod at this
mornings meeting of tho encampment
ono Is to mako all officers of tho grand
oncampmout elective Auother pro
position Isthatafior the next biennial
oonolave at Pittsburg lu 1808, all con
claves will be hold lu one city.
French Indemnified.
Pahih, Aug, 30,-Olllclal adylces
received horo are to the elleot that the
Chlueso government baa granted tho
French mltsious In Provldeuco of Tze
Chuon an Indemnity of 4,000,000
Hofnrce tho city ordinances and atop
teams ruunlng awuy before some ono is
Yarn of all ordinary kinds at The
ssovf vork Kaoliet at low prices.
8-80 2d lw
Highest of all in Leavening Pawer.--J.atcst U.S. Gov't Report
AmeuuTmw pvmw
t?AN FitANClTfco ,Ang. 30, Another
caoho of the gold stoles from thai
Southern Pacific train ur8wtojjl
last October was anearthod today.
BToday's discovery of coin baa f6,6w 1
wClch makes tho total amount raeoV-'
ored (18,000. Tho money was found
at some distanco from tho sp6t whew
tho bandit Browning suid it was bur
led. Tho amount originally stolen was
San Bernabdino, Cal., Aug. ;.
Dr. J, O. C. Prlco, superintendent of
tho Ilolcomb Mining & Milling com
pany, was in tho city yesterday on hie
way to the desert mines near Twtoty
ulno Palms. Ho la the representative
of the PInther, Price & Burnap Mining
oempany, with a paid-up capital of
ft.000,000. The company owns among
other claims the Two Gilberts, the,
Ellerby, Eolng, Bophla, Plutiier and
tho Price, and bos purchased two 40
stamp mills, which will be put la oper
ation at once.
Wabuinoton, Aug. 80. A bulletin
Issued by tho geological nurvay states
the production of lead for the first six
months of 1805 was 180,000 tons of
which 88,000 tons woro desilverized
lead and lb.OOO tons soft lead. Bevea
teen thousand flvo hundred tons of
this Is rofluod In bond, the romalndnc
being obtained from American brae
bullion. Tho total is an luorease of
8,500 tons over tho first sir month of
1804 and 0,000 tons ovor 1893.
OniOAao, Aug, 30. Health Com
missioner Kerr has begun open war
against tbo milk dealers, He has filed
oharges In tho ofllco of tho prosecuting
attoruoy against 03 milk dealers, whoee
milk or cream bad been examined by
tho city chemist aud been found want
lug. In many cases the milk had been
skimmed, and tho dealer was presum
ably soiling It aa good milk, because
his cans were not otherwise tanged
when the Inspector took the sample.
In some oases the niltk had been
merely watered, and in others It had
been both watered aud skimmed. In
many cases cream bad been found col
ored, laoklng In batter, or otherwise
New York Aug. 80. The Iron Afs
says teday:
"Under great excitement tia mar
ket In tbo Central West has scored Its
greatest advance In a brief period In
Bessemer find Iron. Last Wednesday
sales were made at $14 at valley fur
naces. On Monday, after heavy
transactions (15.25 was paid. Sub
sequently (15.60 was offored and re
fused, but now the few sellers are de
manding (10. This represents an ad.
vance of nearly (17 per ton above the
lowest point touched early In the year.
It is a notable faot that some of the
largest producers of pig iron for conver
sion Into steel have been heavy buyers
close up to tbo hlgeat prices recorded
for.aotual transactions,
Pittsburg has taken control of the
output of some or the furnaces lu the
Lebanon dlstrlot and their purchases
also of 25,000 tons of basic open hearth
metal lu Alabama, A largo part of
the sales'that havo rooently put up the
prlco are for delivery durlug tbo first
quarter of 1600. Steel billlts have
partly followed pig Iron bo that now
(23 at Pittsburgh) a firm quotation.
Tbo buying movement keopa up well,
but there Is less excitement,
Tin plate bars are up to (25 at the
mill which is crowdlug the tlu plate
mills pretty bard, Sheet Iron Is ex
ceptionally scarce.
Boat Ashore,
Sandusky, O., Aug, 30. United
States steamer M chlgan ran aground
ou tho Pelee Islands this morning In' a
heavy fog. Wrecking tuzs have gon
to their assistance and believed sh
j will bo pulled with little damage.
iu-mu-i. u a ..' in -Tumzsmmsmmmm
)0RT ST., ILVLEM, Oil.
l- i,wt"a' V.