Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 29, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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"W -mi "P'W!''!"JW-(yW(llWJWF.WW"M."-
el . . . - , ' -'i 1 1' 1 1 if i-'fl
Itaw's MwLl" mlmm
rr ''""'
mJ. .
s - " '
I i1 liWl ill yjfcir,'li'l'l??VJtf1''MiM
UXMhl a4rtVtMitm lrtrtj
fet u WJ
with onire,t4 or milk; Mw potatoes, bren.l
and dairy butler.
.... . .. aoo
mrioin uia
Mutton Chops . ...--
rotk. Sausage.-. .
Veal Ontlet, plain -
Mam and Eggs.
Macon and Kggs.,
... 830
Hamburg BUsak
nl.l.ii.U(ulfBtll1 ICtfffl
Sirloin Steak with Onions
T-Bono Blrloln
Veal OntloU, breaded.-.-. . - "
Chicago Advances One Cent anil
a Half.
Big Surplus in ltussia to Soil in
Mr. Goo. J. Pearco and children went
to Albany today.
Attorney General Idteman oamo up
from Portland thin morning.
Mrs. McGowan, of Dallas, who has
been the curst of Hon. Fhll Metscban's
family, left today for Bprlnfleld, Or.
E.H. Stock, Junior member of the
firm ot 8. M. and E. H. Btook, re
turned last evening from an extendi d
visit north.
President J. M. Wallace, of the Ha
lem Water Company, who haa been
poorly for eeveral dayB, Ib confined to
his home today.
J. H. Ohalker, aud Harvey Uoltle, ol
Portland, both representatives of the
State IuBuranco Company at thitt
laco, are lu town today.
Johh Porter, ot Btuyton, and Abner
Lewis, of Hhaw, were In town toduy.
Mr. Porter reports a tight ruin at hm
placolasl night.
ChlefofPollcoAd. Dllloy wears his
letteye In a sling, not becauso some
hobo reached it, but on account of
Inflamatlon caused by a weak optic.
Judgo Young, the Balem lawyer
who has bo long been an Invalid, has
grown strong enough no that today
lio wont out on Kabrlluri Smith's farm
lo Bpondthoday.
Mr. Bhopard, of Zena, went to Port,
land this morning to purohano an ad
ditional fruit dryor of 100 bushels
eitpaclty as hla pruno crop 1b proving
too big for his proaelit facilities.
K. B. Hunter, who has beon visiting
hla brother-in-law, H. B. Gilo, the
past few weoks, left this morning for
A.horoft. B. C. Ho Is a divinity
atudoutof tho Queen's Kings
ton. Mr. Handsakor, tho now atoward at
the atato insane asylum, waB In tho
city today gottlng acquainted with our
merchants aud business men, He Is a
uatlvo Bon of Orogon, aged 80 and a
pleasant gentleman to do business
Tub Faotb in tiik Oahi4. When
aakod it. hla olgara woro purely a homo
produot! Aug. Huckonstcln, who
makes tho famous "La Corona," ad
mitted that tho Btook used in them was
the imported article, but tho work 1h
all dono at his Balom factory. Ho em
ploys ekllled labor, pays good wages,
good ront, and adds considerable cash
to Balem'B circulation eaou wo.
HmokerB should remember this when
they buy a cigar.
1 Tl
Albany Hacks. Albauy papers
state that arrangements aro begun for
a three daya racing moot at that city
Just prevlouo to the state fair. Sep
tember 12, 13 and 14 have been named
as the days, Funds are being raised
for tho races whioh promise to bo the
Uveal over held In tho ataie. Bomo
vory fast horses aro In tho state and
will bo entorod.
A Fabiiionablb PiiAOR. Aa a rule
a fashlonablo restaurant is an expen
alvo plaoo to eat. Not bo at Kenworthy
& Barnett'a, where you got the best at
the lowest cost,
SAW Wool). OthorB may, but we
sell clothing and can suit you In price
or quality, whether you aaw wood or
do bualuess. G. W. Johnson & Sou.
m '
Tin: Bust. Bulk oitaup the Hueat
made aold at McCall Bros', cheaper
than you can make It.
Wo havo enlarged our Dreaa Gooda
department and increased tho Btook.
Note the bargains:
IWo a yd, All-wool French Novelty
Dresa Gooda.
85o a yd. 801 n 0 h all-wool Ladles'
6O0 a yd. 601 u 0 h all-wool Ladies'
Cloth, a model olotu for
winter wear,
Come In aud see our lines of Bilk
Finished Henrlettaa, Fine French
Serges, Blaok Sololls, High Novelty
Dress Goods.
NTnw freah stock of Foster's kid
f-hook-fl per pair; tho "Fowler" 5-
A $50 blaok bilk drew pattern, to be
Klvenaway In our Dress Goods depart
Lent. BVJowdng.
if ladles', men' and children's hoes.
Tlw owh Dry Gd UWblHH wwl.
September wheat opened this morn
Ing at GOo aud rose steadily during the
day. Tho lowest point reached wan
60 and tho highest 01J.
Soptetuber, opened 00io.; lowest
60 J 0.
Docember, opened 02 c; lowest
May, opened 074c; lowest 00.
The Liverpool market remains un
changed from yesterday at 6s for
August, September and October, 6s Jd
for November and 6j Jd for Decombor.
The rlso today wua enured today bj
morts covering.
The Salem brunch board of trade
4ure a chcular at now aa follews:
woitiiO'a BUi'i'JUY.
No satisfactory showing bus yet loin
uindo for 181)5. On ThjI Jouiinai,
Edltlounl page will bo foijnd etntlRtrls
that goto show that thoijo la a large
surplus In Russia for export. There Is
no doubt lato Information' In tho bands
f Liverpool merchants that hns not
come to our country. The outlook Is
not favorable for a Reed export market,
OlilOAUO.Aue 2l. Wheat, cuhIi Ulo; Bepl.
Nkw YonK. Aug so-Silver, (fr,lead,W0.
Ban ViuMCisco, Aug. ai Wheat, vflfa.
Wuol-Oregou, choice, 10c: lulorlor, U7c;
hops uuuuiuioih. iipu), ... . -
1'otatoon-Karly Hose. WSOOc, Uurbnnkt 76o,
What la Being Done to Market the
Great Fruit Crop.
TUo old freight dtpot of thoB. P,
railroad company, at tho rear of Thk
JouitNAl. ofllco, Is a busy place these
days. This Is where tho Marlon County
Fruit Union does itawcrk of grading,
sorting and packing fruit ready for
shipment to tho markets of tho world.
Tho fruit Is brought In by Individual
shitmors. who get tho benefit of car
rates through facilities ollereil by mo
union. It Is received by Mannser
Korcthem, who is aaelstod by Mr. and
Mrs. R. E. Wands, practical fruit
growers of Salem. Eaoh producer's
fruit Is kept separated, until It 1b
sorted and packed. All culls are re
turned to tho shipper, and the choice
fruit la placed to his credit.
Pears are each wrapped In paper by
tho young lady packers, then pressed
and nailed up by Mr. Wands. A row
of packers Is at work on elthei side of
tho long building, and the girls aro
paid by tho amount of work dono. For
neara they recoive a cents a oox, mm
for plums and prunes thoy receive 2
cents for a crate of four baskets. They
tnako from 7& cents lo gi.ou per uay.
Newspaper Man 'Taken
on Higli
What Is Making Saloin a Great
Fruit Shipping Center.
This is good wages, aud will scatter
not a llttlo money In our midst.
Tiik Jouhnal Is more than pleased
to seo this Industry growing lu this
manner, and hopes eoou to oe the day
when every fruit raiser will havo u
packing houso on or near his farm.
DOTY has Smelt.
KIGHTLINGER. At their home lu
m..ih, H.1I..111. Wednesday evening,
August 28, 1805, Auulo M., wife of E.
Murlon Klgbtlliiger, aged 83 years, S
months. 1 day.
Deceased was takenjll tho ilrat, week
In July and never fully recovored.
Afior a few weeks her physicians dis
covered that an alwcras had formed and
a enrglcnl operation became neces
ciirw. This she underwent, and
riy iumo. u
Oaw Milling-,
Pohtlxnii, Aug. 29. Wheat, valley,
Klour-Il'orlland, $:.85 HenUin county, 3.Wj
oaU-Whlio. aiastto; milling, asaaOos t
23I3lo; rolled. In bagi. Si.760o.00; barrels,
Ctv,s; oae, .,o. .. .
I'oUiUm Now Orogon, 3i3&5o bu.
Hay tinod, gJau.W per ton.
Wool Valley .11 Wl So.
MllUtun-llrun,l0.60i BhorU, J12.50; chop
leed.ll'AaiSpertoni cnioken wneai.KOji.poro.
II ides-grt en, lallod. UU Ibi fl undur.W lbi.
ir.ra nininmiii 111. n.
(iiucy creamery, lftSSlTo;
imr uiguuu, iv4jiwuj
lions Nominal 1
lliiltur Oreifon
ninoy dairy, n14c;
oommon,740, tn,,i.
UljeoftO uicguu iuu Qruu. ivtii'-,
Kggs Orogou, Ifttfllo pr doi.
l'uuliry-Onloaeu. IJ.W-jJH per di
IJ.UX8aJWgetso,fl,)U.W; turkeys,
doz; ducks
neif-Topsteers, 2)ao per ft; lair to good
sters,2iaa 3o; cows, 2iaaXoj dressed Deer,
U4?ui'ton-lJost boo!, Il.75o2.00; choice owes,
,-iae.dhtavy.;p8,78;ll.ght and
,oou.., yw.. ,-!-- ;-. o..,.
vcai aniuu. tuuicw. uu. nvp r "
WliKat 41ebu.
OHiH-aOttWWc; now lRo.
11 ay-Ualed. ohuat, VtfHatSfr, timothy, 170.
iflour. lu wboiesaie lou. 1160; retail, IIIHO;
Dran. uuic li,uu; sacseu, in
13.UO; cuop feed. lia.00ul3.UO.
rwi-j'im.Dui w,
llofs Uressed. ie.
Mvo CatUo-l?ift!lio.
Hheep Uve.i0.
Hops Heat, C111O.
Kggs Cash, 100.
Uuttor-UMt dairy, iSalM fUuoy creamery
cnesse lOaWKa. .. . ,
Farm Bmoicd Meata Uacon.80; bams ll;o,
shoulders, 7a.
"outoe-New, aoo V bu.
Unions 2o,
lMultry llrollers,',7cj hens,.0o; duels, 07c.
llartlett pears 25o bu.
Apples 65a30o bu.
I'lums 2So bu.
seemed to recover from tuo stioou
nlcoly aud to progreps until last Friday,
and since then hor condition has been
yery weak.
Mrs. Klghtllnger'B maiden uuuio was
Flemmlug, and Bho Is a native of Penn
sylvania, but has lived In Salem since
quite young. Bho was murrlod to Mr.
Klghtllucer here In 1870, and besides
hor husband leaves two daughters-
Ethel, aged 15 years, and Loua, aged
12 years. Mrs. Klghtlinger'H relatives
reside nt Dallas, Tex., and were tele
graphed the sad intelligence lust night.
Mrs. Klghtllnger was a most helpful
and klud hearted neighbor, evor wll
llug aud anxious In help in bIcIiucbb
aud distress. Suo was a devoted and
conscientious member or the Cuthollo
church and an earnest worker in Its
aid society. Sho was also a member of
tho Degree of Honor.
Roy, J. B. White, pastor of St,
JuBoph's ohurcli, is awuy on vacation
at tho Uppor Soda sprlugs. If ho can
return tho funereal will not tako place
until ho comes. Further notice will bo
The family of Mr. Klghtllnger are
nearly heart broken over tho loss of
tho mother aud are receiving con
dolonco from tho largo clrolo of frlouds
of tho deceasod
A real cstato mun took a newspaper
man up into ono of the highest of the
red hills and showed him the whole
oarth as far as he could see, cut up Into
fruit farms and planted to orchards of
all tho semi-tropical fruits of the earth,
apples, pears, peaohru, plums, Freuoh,
'Gorman.Hungarinuaudltullan prunes;
apricots, neotarlnes; peach plums, sil
ver prunes; grapes, blackberries; straw
berries, .cherries; gooseberries horo
tho miud of the newspaper man began
to bo dazed by what ho saw, and his
satanic majesty wo mean the party
who took him up on the exceeding
high red hill lu the fruit lands south of
Salem, recalled I1I111 to his souses by
showing him a single Oregon overhear
ing blackberry bush ten feet high and
twenty feet across,
"Tho man who owub that lives in
tho pretty whlto house down there by
tho spring. He came from Illinois n
few years ago aud I pcrsume ho la the
laziest man in On-goM He not only
cultivates all hia gurden and fruit on a
riding cultlvutor but ho Is ton lazy to
pick blackberries,1'
"JInw docH he yt any to eat then,"
asked tho scribe.
"II '3 sprcadd a clean sheet under the
uusn nr.u men Kites it u suase wim a
gulden rake aud down como a quart or
two of dead rlpo berrles.reudy to melt
"What doyoG fliluk of this sight
aiiyhn ?" Ashiil tbu tempter. Ia
II not uuturally very beautiful lo boglu
with'."' Foroncoo real estate man
told tho truth, and I added: "Nature
has been very lavish with the Wlllnm-
Mte valley, but It Isn't a circumstance
to the eflect of these endlisa rows of
fruit trers, whon wo know that at tho
end of them staud Immense iruit
driers, und u llttlo furthor on refriger
ator oars to land tho fresh products lu
an unllmltwl market, that maktBlt a
paradise, because you can't havo
heaven here on earth uuleps It pays."
We stopped to look at two ot them
In the Liberty neighborhood, another
email town that Is springing up around
ono of those fruit centers. Ono of
these Is an 800 troy pruuo
evaporator. It will cure 400 buaelsh
of pruuea per da. The orohards
Hlreloh over the hills and yalloys In all
directions, tho three, four aud ftvo
year old trees all eot with a good crop.
September Is tho prune harvest aud a
hundred pooplo will bo employed here
at the factory. This la tho largeft
pruno drier in Oregon and probably in
the world. Another one has been
built aoross tho road by H. B. Jcry
also of largo capacity. He will handle
almost exclusively Italian prunes. C.
L. Daley, who has 05 acres of orchard,
will dry tho Frouoh or petite pruno on
his largo drier. At least forty large
drlora have been built In this part of
Every economical ho-i'uwifo should call on un holmo pur
chasing anything in tho dry goods litto. nndif wo cannot suit
you wo can at louse post you in rogincl to prices.
Capes and Jackets in Endless Variety,
Elegant New Line in Linens.
Special Sale of Underwear.
Grand clearing out of all summer goods in this line. Thoy
must go.
DOTY has Rook Cod.
HURST. At their homo on South
rnmmorolal street. Salem. Wednes
day, August 8, 1805, to Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Hurst, a son.
1 i
Kill thk Thistles. At Eugene
an ordlnauc la being enforced which
requires citizens to "cut and destroy all
thistles aud weeds lu atreets aud alleys
contiguous to and on their propeity."
A $20 fluo is the penalty.
DOTY has Blaok Cod.
tho valley this year, and It looks as
though thore would not be half enough
to handle the oiop, A great many of
the largest and finest Italian prunes
aro being shipped east fresh.
It would be ImposMblo to describe all
these orohards hut ono of tliem thai
has been grown whore u frw yais ego
stood a wheal Hold In wn-.thy ( vlut
Mr. Cuurilngham ami his KuDrme
l.ave plaut.'d It thumselve-i urn! nmde
l( what It is, and havo u right to feel
proud of It. For their own use in d
tho looal market thoy have all kind of
Hop Stoves and Pip.
Plumbing iind Tinning. b
214 Commercial Streot.
See us bofore orderinj,
1 1 w
Will I
"Say, Bill, look horo; eco how I've been duped 1"
"How is that ("
"Why, hero is a pair of shoos on my feet I bought up
fatreot and paid' 2 50 for them, and I could como right down
horo on Stato streot to tho Union Bargain Store and got a
mighty sight hotter shoo for 1.85. There is a good hard hall
day's work gono for nothing. And look at this ntco Fedora
hat for only 50c. They want six bits for tho same hat up on
Commoicial st. I toll you it pays a follow to look round be
fore ho spends his money these hard times."
Youra for trade,
Union Bargain
DOTY has Poultry.
Asylum Records.
Tho asylum record for Wednesday
wbb as follews: Mary Gorols, aged 44,
died. Bho was committed from Mult
nomah county Aug. 7. Dayld Morgan,
aged 02, aud John "NVarnell aged 20,
received from l'ortlaud. Long-spurred
ohlokens haunt tho visions or the
lattor. Edward Oox of Marion
county, aud M. B. Brlndlo of Oregou
City, were dlsoharged,
DOTY haa Bturgeou.
Check Fiuun. Andrew Atkinson,
ot Dubuque, la., claims to have In
dorsed a check for u man who repre
sented himself to bo tho prluclpal of
the ,lOregou normal sohool." At hla
request tho names of the Oregon nor
mal principals! have been forwarded,
but It Is believed Atkinson la tho vie
Urn of a bunco mau.
DOTY haa Salmon.
County Cash. The sheriff Wednea
day turned oyer to County Treasurer
Mluto ffil20. Thla la tho ln luwau.
ineutof 1804 taxes, which now aggre
gate $145,681. There will be one more
payment before a Jclluqent proclama
tion will be Issued.
DOTY has Flounders.
Brof. Weimer.
late of tho Rati conservatory, Frank
fottou tho Main, haa opeced a class In
Bnlem for Instructions on tho piano,
oran, vlollu, mandolin, thorough-bass
aud harmony. Terms reasonable.
Call at Will's muslo store near post
ollloo 6 2Uf
DOTY haa Tom Cod.
"A Nhw Tkaoiikk ''We
our city now a ursi oiasa
havo In
teacher In music, both In instrumental
am) vocal training. Mako a cull aud
vou will have her for a teacher lu your
home. Terms aro reasonable. She
stays at the home of Mrs. M. Dlglln,
602 17th aud Ferry streets.
DOTY has Halibut.
Df, Prko' Cream UaJtlas l'owW
WmM's ft tUffcMt AWM4,
Highest Honors World's Fair,
Medal, Midwinter Fair.
IMott Perfect Mad.
40 Yn tkt Stadr4,
lu your mouth-" As tho everbearing
blackberry keeps on ripening fruit until
ufler Thanksgiving, there seems
to be quite a premium on lazluosa In
That was what now unfolded itself to
the view of tho writer, as ho stood on
top or a high rldgo Just south of Robo
dale. A perfectly natural vamphl
threatre ex teuds In a seml-clrclo almost
aboyo tho "town," consisting of post
office, blaoksmlth shop, school house
aud farm cottages. The rising land Is
ribbed with rows of fruit troei from
Low lund to Upland.
Every direction as far aa the eye can
Oitoh tho outline on the rolling rod
hills are the same effects of endloss
rowaol thrifty orchards. Tho dark
green foliage ot tho thrifty young trees
Just coming into bearing alanda lu
bold relief agaluBt the heavy red fern
laud now brought Under perfect tilth,
aa a model orchard baa to bo kept
here where all frulta are grown with
out Irrigation. On the elopes of the
hills are groups of majeatio oaks with
here and there a grovo of tall fir trees
piercing the skies. Grain fieldb ot per
fect golden yellow Interspersed with
clover lots just turning to eeed in the
second crop completes the picture that
Is altogether as lovely a landscape as
thaeye can rest upon. Springs are
bubbling and runulug out along the
roadside, lu evory little depression, and
even out of the tops of the bills. On
every elevation windmills are spinning
aud church spires rising, whljo aa a
background to all aro the foothills of
the eternal Illne mountalus.
Road Machinery and Agricultural Implements,
Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices.
W. Cor. State and Liberty St. SALEM' OREGON
All grades and dimensions of Holding Lumbor.3 ILargent ntock and Lowes!
lrlcrfl, - J'-" xwnvjiiiv, iwHuuKui.
Only good horses used. Satisfaction guaranteed,
back of Stato Insurnnco bloak.
Stattw i
Or. face's Crcm baking Pewdar
1 A410jUiUJlVWwUwFlr,SaFwdw.
small fruit, apples, pears, cberrlep,
plums, etc., that grow In euoh great
abundance aa not to bo counted hardly,
but their main orchard la prunes.
Here are four-year old trees from Ave
to six luchea lu diameter, with from
one to two and a half buahela or fruit
on them. Tho Freuoh pruno trees are
like Christmas trees, tho branches
pondant with a heavy load or now
beautiful pink globules gottlng sweet
as houoy. How doea a man harvest a
few thousand euoh trees? Veryeaay
after you know how. Mr, Cunning
ham haa a wheelbarrow with a spread
ing canvas frame. He pushes It under
the tree, glvea tho tree a slight shake
and down pours the purple stream or
wealth. lu thla way all the fruit la
gathered eveuly ripe and cures In the
most perfeot condition.
A man who la not In the newspaper
or real eatate busluesa estimates that at
present prices, and they aro not high,
the Cunningham's will take nearly
$2,000 worth of fruit oft their place this
year, This is better than wheat farm
ing. The Hart place right across the
road we did not visit. It waa Bold
recently twenty acrea for $5,009, We
went over the 120 acre Cottle orchard,
60 acrea of whlnh was sold- renently to
Philadelphia parties for (260 an acre,
or $16,000 spot cash. It has an enor
moua yield of apples and pruuea. A
great many email orchards of ten and
twenty acrea are Bold to Eastern people
who hire them cultivated and intend
when they come lato profitable bearing
to come und live oa th'ew, The Oref oa
Land company has several 800 aero
orchards under perfect culture of two
aud three year old trees, callod tbolr
Bunnyslde fruit farms, all beautifully
located with sprlURS and timber on
them. They are not subdivided, but
are to be put on the market in email
tracts at $126 to $160 and aa high as
(260 an acre. Many tracts are planted
with small fruit and shrubbery all
ready to eot a houso on by some enter
prising owner. To drive through tho
midst of these frultlands Is one ot tho
moH lovoly experlouocs of our life, as
thore must bo from two to three thous
and aorea of orchards that havo beon
put in by this ono company. Thickly
settled neighborhoods are planted
where a few years ago was the virgin
forest. Now cottages are springing up
and residences are being built and fine
highways being laid out where a few
years ago was a dreary aud desolate
farming country punctured only here
and tboro with a timber clearing
Meeting houses where there were ser
vices only once a mouth are now occu
pied regularly, and nourishing Suuday
schools are running. As I Bald this I
noticed the being lu the buggy beside
me squirmed uneasily, but was also
pleased at the evident slgus of mateilt 1
andBpirltual prosperity prevailing In
the frultlands.
"Now you have taken me up on this
exceedingly high mountain of prune
oroharda and shown me the whole
earth lu a very tempting manner." I
want to ask you oue moro question?
"Go ahead" eald tho driver, who wai
none other than W. A. Itlce, of High
land addition.
"What la the difference between the
Oregon Land company and the devil?"
"Well, you see, when his satanlo
majesty took our Bavlour up on the
high mountain and oilered to give him
the earth and tho fulness thereof If he
would fall down and worship him, the
trouble waa ho could not give a title to
tf property, The Oregon Land com-Iycn,"
In Colorado, where good fruit lftod
Is scarce, growers are estimating (bit
soil capablo of producing $100 a year
net valuo lu fruit is worth $1000 u
acre. We doty anyono to figure it out J
differently from any known method w
financiering. How long before tfci
Willamette valloy fruit lands abool
Balem, which aro making this ucbi
great fruit shipping center, will t'
worth that figure? A few years will
tell the atory.
L . . W!
Denier lu Groceries, PatoH
Oils, Window Glass, Yarny
and tho most complete stock l
Uruslics of nil Kinds In t)M
sinio. Arusts7 jniuonnis,iiiiwi
Hnir,Cmont and Shingles an4
finest quality of GRASS SEEDS
vinn nnvui iAni. rn ImmAillihta dtltf
H ery; accumfly cat Irom select dry WJ
nr; I'gui una strong.
iipltal l.umberlun Co.
WANTKI)-An honet, active BenUmiJ i
lad v to travel Mtabllslud.pUri
house. Balasyj7S0,iftyable 815 wetiw
espouses, Hltimtlon perrounent, Jl"'"'';'
Ku close seir-adaressed stumped enveiorft 1
noiilnloa Company, 318 Oman "'
Cbloiiro. .
" -- . ------ -- -. - j .i.'n
ieca 'r'VI
Jj start and run livery aud
tiium wff hnuL itnnh tiliftlllBria.
be douated, inquire ut ibis oltlce,
man wnn pun 11 una a coinniuu "..
do as won una only wore s Dua '.Kiti
trlot and town In t u e state, Addreu Bo J,
Mirmuwiiw univuilip f.1tAratQr6 Of
j kinds on sale and Christian ',"i!l
1 (liicjh iineriv Bixeei. cuiue, v.
Tces at 838 Uberty street, corner
S7 on ! l50A ?t!,,tpaui,04
almost easy enough for a child to da '
W. ?. BOIM.PW "ado. 3Slil
uun wtuL Aiury ium. u', - ,..
m.iu in inreo usjrs. m ., " i-ctaiM
camiAiur tjijrituij nwww.1."
murintitntji rtj Aililrecs at once.
iii-.n iVtiAst.ini it MhlladHlnhlA. r&.
wm. tl
Miisir TearbiDg.
Piano singing In the ItslUn meibo j
harmony taugut. Itegular 1VSiT5'
given by Ur. .arlu Will be Ig,ifSil
a. Toii. uv Limited nnmbtrsipll
r"'7..r:v. rn. .; , nomeswj
rnxivcu. unwuiu k.iu .t.ii
when ofJrd. Leave order at w Wf j
inraaqun m,v -.---,
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