Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 29, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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J U U JtlJN AjLl
Ilrlngj you the Dally Jountnl taT'the MWe or . ,'
Mountains. Iktter than A letter from
a a iDTnn a t
3k J . I HI W. K
" 1
VOL. .
Shoos. All best rale8 Wnnatitod. Also a full
line ol' (jnrnmn ' knitting, Snxony nnd Spanish
yarns, with a full Jino of fino fur Fedora and
other styloH of hate, pants, overalls, phirts, tablo
linen and oil cloth, lace curtains, laces, onibroid
erie?, ribbons, hosiery, undorwear, and notions
of all kinds. Call and save 15 to 25 per cent.
iJiV-' "Virais f iffHjb JSP Si"'?
Shoes did you say 1 Yes, wo hayo thorn; also ducks and
shootings for tents, and so mony other things that wo could
not put it' all down on an acre of ground. Come and see and
same money. 274 Commercial st. m
olaureto degree. Ilaohelor ol : Arts. """"J Ji, 5anwi mb alio eflered: An KnCIUt
W. I. STALEY, Principal.
limine College oilers Ave cuniea:
Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship and English,
Till U poiltlvely tbe only
new practice. .UuUrfWwni uae"" J 2J ral college office for circular onv
&Xi!ZM ' tultlon.cto. SIO-Su,
mlD j iv,r nur Svfitomntic clan of Speculation.
' All .accural .peculator, operate on . .mylar njxm VSmSutgfhCU
thoSanrtSof wrnln all P"UV.h.?vv vTkIdk iVom n fevT tuSuud Sollv. h tbe
cTgo brokers, made large uneY.eJ'rraXri fp W IIJ.O 0 o S100.000 or more by those
minwnolOTwU a hundred or two kunarea aoua up w Uo wake tbe largm pront. from
wto Invest alew tiwutmad. It .to ! 3 g alrJ KSoSrShS live away from LlUcago and
f?.5?R and our Da..,
V Write roreonvinc.n pioui. i r' ''"."I"?" . KithS Our manusl explain margin
108 0OUHT ST., HALEM. Pit.
TytheOne Cent Dailv
A training fouooI for teachers. Com
pleto eight grade training duilartmeut
hnd strong professional and noadcmlo
COll TR 08
rlbi) diploma of ttio school entitles
ono to tench In any county in the Mate
without further examination.
Uourd mid lodging, books and tuition
9160 por year, Beautiful and healthful
location. No saloons. There Is a good
demund for well trained teaohera
there is an over supply of uutrulned
Catalogue chconully seut on applica
tion. Address
W. A. WANN, Presldeut.
SAtBJf, OBEJ30N, TtniHp)AT,APOTTaT !. 1808.
Quay Offers a Refer Resolntion
in PoBiisylviuito.
ravors the Amor-Iran Doctrine of
Protection. iff
s M " '
Senator Quav offered tbe following
"Resolved that we decry the growing
use of money in politics, and the corpo
rate control of legislatures, municipal
ities, counties, political primaries and
elections, aud favor the ouactment of
legislation and tho enforcement of
laws to correct such abUBes. We ear
nestly Insist upon a form of civil
service which will prevent tho enslave
ment of publu nfllcers and employes,
and tho compelling of those appointed
to presorve the peuco, to conllno them
selves to their duties, which will onBtiro
absolute freedom and fairness In be
stowing the state and county aud mu
nicipal lontraiiu and will punish any
form of .favoritism in granting them,
and wnlch will forbid thu grant of ex
clusive frauohlses to dealers In public
necessities, comfort, conveyance and
Ban-recognition of ability aud Udell ly
la publlo servloc, keeping service to
tho country ever foremost when accom
panied by ability and fitness. Wo de
mand that publioofflco should Uo for tho
publlo benlfit, and that subordinate
positions should bring gaud behavior.
No publlo employer orolHeVrBUOuId bo
permitted to lufluonco the primaries
or elections, nor upon any pretonw to
baafcfiMdiipoa'bitt s laory-, aonL.U,
uu necessary positions and salaries
should bo abolished aud expenditures
and taxation reduced. There should
bo a uulform basis of valuation of
property for publlo purposes. Corpor
ations enjoying publlo privileges
should pay lor them, and schools
should bo divorced from politics and
kept absolutely free from political
inlluence aud control."
Tho resolution was referred to tho
committee on resolutions.
Utah Republicans.
The platform declares that tho re.
publican party Is again tho domluant
political organization of the nation
and of Utah. It demands tho roraon
etlzutlon and freo and unlimited
coinage of silver at a satlo of 10 to 1,
Irrespective of tho action of any foreign
nation aud pledges tho republican
party of Utah to work for tho accom
plishment of this demand; condoms
tho action of tho preeont nuttonal
administration for Issuing government
bonds In tlmo of peace, to meet a de
ficit caueed by uuwiso and tin-American
legislation, and for Its unpatriotic
coalition with a syndicate of forelgu
money-lenders to procure the sale
of government bonds, adversely to the
Interest of tho pooplo
It favors llii American doolrlno of
protection to homo Industries estab
lished by tho fouudera of the govern
mont, re-established by the Republican
party, and ul ull times practiced by the
pioneers ami people of Utah;condemnn
the national administration for Its
weak aud vaollatlng foreign polloy,
and Its Allure to maintain tho Mouroo
doctrine, whereby the Interetti of-tbe
Uulted BtuWa and her slater nations
upon the western contlneHt have been
Don't be
brand of condtnMd
milk, thinking It U
"lurt gooJ"
It Ha No
At thoevthlnijf sValon the ticket was
completed IJjTth'a following nomina nemina nomina
teons: ! ;
For congrwsi, OK Allen; secretary
stato, J lil. Hammond; treasurer, J, D.
Ohlpinan; aUorMy-Ktnera), A. C.
Bishop; auilttort Morgan Rtohardt;
uperlntou' ent ,oA publlo iutru(tlou,
Mrs. Km inn , MVIcker.
Late ?Aclc Coast Nows.
Lvs AwaKt, Aug 20. A gusollue
8tovo,txpl6slrAJaU9eda llro which
nearly eoti(imoUliu largo upnrtment
houie, coverhirfjllsttrly hulf u block, at
tho corner orsovffuth and Hrouthvny,
The life is nowviunder control. The
loss lo probaBiy f ft.OOO.
t?AN ITbanoibo', Aug. 20. Work
men in the sjaoe 'actory whore Dur
ranls father ft nuployotl struok be
cause tho proprietors refused to dis
charge Uurrant lud an oljeollouablo
fortmau. Tbe lr(lko was snttled by
the dlscliargo of all the ttilkera nnd
the employment t now workmen,
Tacoma, Aujrf, 28. Tho Pugt-l
Sound aud Central American Bt.'am
hip company bu been incorporated
by prominent snipping firms of Ta
coma, Port Townsend, Bcattlo and
Port Blakely. JiK. ChlllKrg will bo
manager. The Norwegian Bleamer
Transit, 1600 tonji register hus beou
oharterod. Bha will sail from Tacoma
about Bopt. lSUifand every fifty days
thereafter. Hatn havo been fixed at
SO uer ton for ilotlr and (16 per thou.
aanil ill tllrrihflf
BrOKiNE. AtlUi 20..
T -i
Peler Athlav. u
farmer from Poofio nrarlo was rouuhlv
handled by a down Indignant citizens
of HUllard, a euUrb ol this olty. He
oamoin to haul away somo straw aud
while waiting for tho wagon began
talklug with thd'fouryear old daugh
tor of a banker liamcd BchulU. Two
women say thesuw him entlco tho
child up to, him and tuko Indecout
liberties with lm. They informed him
aud a doeea4 neighbors attacked
Ashley with olHbs and stones, beating
JiluutUaort tpjjnsonslblllty. Ashley
warlarrested. Ho has a wife and'
soveral children.
RosKUtma, Aug. 20. Betwcon 8
nnd 0 o'clock, last evoniug. about ono
mile south of Green's station, two
masked highwayman held up Win,
Peart of Fort Dodge, Iowa, on his
way to Roseburg from Coos county,
whero ho had been working in tho
coal mines, aud robbed him of a smalt
amount. Peart roporta that tho as
sailants shot beforo demanding tbe
niouoy. The shot hit him In tho hip,
but tbe wound is not necessarily dan
gerous. Peart hus an undo in Balem,
Mabshwkld, Aug. 20. Tho Brit
ish steamer Bawumore from Portland
to Poru went ashore In n fog near
Bandon, Coos county, Wednesday
morning. No newB can be received
from tho sceno of the wreok until to
marrow. Captain Boott of the life
Bivlug service has gene and is now
tho upon the ground with bis crow,
It is rEported by a mall carrier that
one Japanufe sailor was washod ashoro
and badly Injured. Whon tho raaVI
carrier left there could bo seen tbonty
flye or thirty people on the steamer's
deck. He also says she was breoklng
up and will be a total loss,
Tbe Biwnmore Wreck.
BAN Fuancibco, Aug. 20. Advices
from the wreok of the steamer Bawn.
more, near Bandon, Or., aro that 28
of the crow of SO have been taken oil
In safety. One of the crew was killed
and another fatally Injured. The
steamer will be total loss as she is
lying on tho rocks in a heavy sea and
pounding to pieces. Tho veoeel is
valued at 1126,000 and the cargo Is
valusd at (00,000. Borne insurnnco on
Jury Secured.
Han Fhanoiboo, Aug. 20. Tho
twelfth Juror In tbo caso of Theodore
Durrani was secured today lu tho per
of Bamuel E. Dutton, wholesale sta
tioner. Jury beiug now complete this
espected case proper, will begin tomor
row. Or. Prlc' Crwwi Baktag Pewief
Lends tlio Vigilant Eighteen
Some Other Yacht lug nnd Sport
Itiju; TlvontK.
Highland off NamiBINK, Aug. 20
TheYnchls Defender aud Vigilant
started at 11:21 oclock (n tbo second
trial raco preliminary to tho interna
tloual contest for America's cup. Tho
Course Is triangular, 21 miles In nil.
KeoTi.ANi) ljtaiiTSiiti', Aug. 20.
Tbo Defender crossed tho finish Hue
18 minutes hud 16 seconds ahead of
Othor Yachting Newn.
Nkw Yokic Aug. 20. Lust night,
tho swlft-ralllng yachts, Vulkyro 111
Vigilant uud Defender, aio uuohorod
In tho horseshoe jttwt luslde Bandy
Hook, To-day two of them, tho De
fender ami Vigllunt, will havo n cuo
trial raco, whllo the other, the chal
lenger, will follow along nnd watch
ovcrv move uiout of her rivals.
The Kngllsh yueht was out In open
water for a spin yesterday. Tho wind
was light and tho maueuvers wero fur
botweon. Plain sailing was a neces
sity for tho most part. That tho Valk.
yrio Is a fast boat in light wators, there
can bo no doubt. In thu light breeze
sho sped along at a dipping pace. Blio
scarcely hoclod any aud throw very
lltito water. Bho readied out wouder
fully woll, probably bettor than the
Doondor uudor Blmllar circumstances.
At 8:30 she anchored In tho horseshoe.
The Dafondor appoared oil Bandy
iJooksaonnftcr 4 o'oloolt under Ball.
After a short spin outside tho Hook
sho rotttrned to tho horseshoo. Tho
Vigilant ulso took a spin aud showed
herself In good condition for todny's
raoe. Tho course for today will dopoud
on tho condition of tho weather aud
direction of tho wind,
Nkw Yoiuc, Aug. 29. On board tho
Teutonlo, whloh arrived today, wore
the liarl of Duuraveo, accompanied by
his daughters, the Ladles Rachel aud
Allccn; Wyudham Qulnl; James E.
Watson, deslguor of tho Valkyrie, nnd
Mrs. Watson. Lord Dunravctn seemed
muoh pleased wheu Informed of the
rapid nttlug.out of tho Vulkyrlo,
Whon asbod as to whether ho wss
willing and ready to raoe Boptembor 7,
ho roplled yes, and that he knew of no
reason why the should not raco then.
Toiiiiay, England, Aug. 28. The
Niagara boat the lsoldo and Luna in
the raco for 20-ratera, hold under tho
auspices of tho Royal Torbay Yaoht
A Oroat Race.
Nkw Youic, Aug. 20. Today's race
at Fleetwood park in free-for-all paolug
class with Joe Patchon, Robort I, and
John R. Gentry, starters, will likely
bo the event of the year lu harness
racing F. P. Aloott has oflered (1000
to the uorse that beats tho stallion
record of 2K)3, now hold by Qontary.
First heat Free-for-all pace, purso
(5,0000. Robert J. won; Mascot, seo
ond; ;Johu R. Gentry, third; Joe
Putcheu, fourth, lime, 201.
Second heat Robert J. won; John
R. Geutry, second; Mascot, third; Joe
Patcheu, fourth. Time, 2K11.
Third heat Robert J. won; John R.
Geutry, second; Mascot, third; Jco
Patcheu, fourth. Time, 2;04J,
The JotttNAL, Daily and Weekly
are not sent any longer than they are
patd for, No bill are run against sub
sorlber.i. Please mako a note of tbtt
aqd renew promptly,
Filled Ui'.Thero appeared In po
lice court this mornlug a man who
plead guilty to being chuok full, ne
said he got breakfast at tbe Now York
Kitchen for 15 cents, and could hold
no more.
dumry Hotel Explosion.
Dknvek, Aug. 20. Hellmuth Locs
chor ouglnecr at tho Gumry hotel,
testified before tho coroner's Jury,
which began its Investigation here.
Locechcrsatd ho had been with Gumry
tlvo years. Ho began as nlgut engi
neer at (17 per month and at the tlmo
of the explosion Was reclnvlpg (42 per
mouth, having charge of tho cuglue
from 7 n. m. to lip. m., aud doing
other work about tho hotel. Tho
night of the explosion bo chimed to
havo left tho boilers In good condition
at 11:16, aud offered tin explanation of
tho accident.
Bryan la Donvcr.
Devvek, Aug. 20. Ex-Roprcsenta-tlyo
Bryan, of Omaha, epoko hero on
tho sllvor question. Thu hall, which
seats 2000, was crowded and fully 1000
was turned away. Mr. Bryan's speech
was devoted more to a discussion of
tho situation lhau of tho questlou, as
ho recognized that argument was not
needed hero. lie laid particular stress
upon tbo Ignorance of tho people of
the cast on the subject, urging tho
necessity of a campaign of education
In that suction. Ho said tho prospect
for silver was very hopeful.
Extradition Treaty.
WANiliNdTON, Aug. 20. Minister
Ransom, at tho state department today,
after the oath of ofllco and oonforonce
with Acting Secretary Adco, expressed
his Intention of starting to return to
Mexico within tho next few days. It
Is understood one of Ransom's princi
pal missions will bo to induco Mexico
to recede from her position on extra
dition of American criminals ilod to
that country and havo announced
their lutentluu of becoming ottlzonB.
A Kentucky Man.
Boston, Aug. 20. The grand en
campment of tho Knights of Templar
uleotod Right Eminent Blr Warren
La Ruo Thomas, of Kentucky, grand
master to succeed Most Eminent Blr
Hugh McCurdy. Threo hundred and
onu votes wero oast, tho successful can
didate receiving W3." --,
Raubou H. Lloyd, of Baa Francisco,
was elected doputy grand commander.
Pittsburg was decided upon as tho next
oonolavo city.
Fatality at Ssa.
Bkhlin, Aug. 20. A lorpodo boat
ojpslzod yesterday lu tho North 8e.
Thirteen persons aro reported to havo
Hat the Bast Hame Price.
Better than auy creamery butter
tbo famous Oak Grove Dairy mado
naturally of raised cream at Mulntyro
Davis's grocery.
Is a symptom uf disease of tho kid
neys. It will certainly bo rollevod by
Parks Bure Curo. That headache,
baokaoho and tired feeling come from
tho same cause. Ask for Parks' Bure
Curo for tho liver and kldnoys price
$1.00, Bold by Lunu &, Brooks. 10-4vt
For All Classes.
Tho Now York Bucket has Juit re.
celvodufull lino of men's, boys and
youths clothing aud overcoats of any
size, for long mon and short, heavy
men and light, of good quality, direct
from one of tho best wholesale clothing
houses lu Chicago. Our olotblug are
all good standard goods and are marked
to pell at our usual close profits. Cull
aud see them. 27-d2-wl
A High Liver
Usuully has u bad liver. He Is bill
oils, couutlapted. has Indigestion and
dysjHjpsla. if tlicro lu no orgaulo
trouble a few doses of Parks' Bure Cure
will tone him up, Parks' Bure Curo
a the only liver nud kidney cure wo
sell ou a posltlyo guarautee. Price
(1.00. Bold bv Lunn 4c Brooks. KM
Roduced Kate,
The Southern Paoiflu Co. has put on
reduced rale on outs lu carload lots of
40,000 pounds. Effective Aug. 21 from
Portland uud all points on main line as
fur south as Eugene City; between
Woodburn and Natron and Lebanon
brunch, Three dollars per ton to Ban
Francisco, Oakland wharf, Port Costa
aud Bucramento.
W. W.Bkinneb,
1&w Agent.
Highest of all in Leavening Tower. Latest U. S. Uov't Report .
NO, 1Si
Tho Ear0prn Craps Will B
Lntcflt, Estlnmto From England
on World's Crop.
Tho last .Isiuo of the Mark Lfttt
Express Just received says:
London ( Borough), Monday. MeewK.
W. H. and H. latest report that the
trade is very llrm. The reports from
the plantations speak of mold running
very fast in certain gardens ruaoy uf
which aro practically past hope; on the
other hand, in those gardens free from
mold the hops have develop! very
much during the laBt few days, and
what few hops that are grown this
year bid fair (If we get a llitle more .
auo) to be of splendid quality, The
reports from America speak of New
York slate growing '2T per cont lets '
than lust year. Tho continent m
whole will not produce morn (ban two
thirds of last year's growth.
Canterbury, Saturday. The oold
nights during tho past week have
canted n mould to spread rapidly and
It fa tho exception to find a plsulatl m
lu really good condition. Dry and
warm weather Is greatly needed to
cueok tho fungus, nud enable the fruit
to develop eatlsfactorly.
Worcester, Saturday. There Is no
change lu values. Reports from the
plantations aro mostly favorable, but
tbo dull showory weather has a ten
dency to increase mould, and bright
hot Bunaulue Is required to ripen tb
earlles, and to develops the burr Into
hop on tho latter sorts.
London (Borough,) Saturday.
Mttek .aaxy'Mtiihittea Wbe felt
regarding tbe growing crojMMtniy on
account of tho spread of mould. This
Inslduoua disease has been encouraged
very muoh of late by low temperatures
during tho nights and the abowry
weathor. Sulphur is being used pretty
freoly, but tho humid state of the
atmosphere and the continual showers
aro not conduclvo to ltd beneficial
Wheu the soil has been well worked ,
ami tbo air freely admitted by ttaft
stripping oiTof tho lower branches, the
hops aro keeping fairly healthy, but
they will rcqulro more suushlue and
quieter weather. Picking of the early
sorts In mid-Kent and Sussex will
probably begin about the 26th lest, but
tho Ingathering of the bulk of the crop
will now commence until the first wssk
In Bop'ember, Reports as to the con
tinental crops are more favorable but
the production lu most dlstricta will be
less than last year. lu America there
will also bo a shorter crop than in 18W,
but on tbo Paolflo coast It will be
larger, and there la talk of greatly In
creased exportation to tbls country.
Olty Treasurer's Notice.
Notice Is hereby given that I have
on hand funds applicable to to tbe pay
ment of all "general" fuud warranto uf,
the olty of Salem eudorsed before May
8, 1805,
Interest will cease on said warrut
from and aftor date nf this notion. -
City trwuurer,
Balem, Aug, 20, 1805.
The First Hore. Herreu & Lsvy
today shipped east the first hop soi-'-ples
ot tbe season. They were ples-mi
by J. U, Dozer, of Mackstwrg, near
Aurora, In this county, and were t
to Boaton aud New York.
Bee our premium offer of two splen
did magazines for the family.
- rf-jijt'
vrt i j-rf