Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 28, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    ?vi'Vi.nKifti -vgrn i
" a
Urincj you tlie DaHy Journal to' the tcnitte. of
mountains, IkUcr tlun a leier from Whip,
VOL. a.
the iff mum mm s
Shoes. All best grades warranted. Also a full
lino of Gorman knitting, Saxony and Spanish
yarns, with a full lino of fine fur Fedora and
other HtyloH of hats, pants, oveialls, shirts, table
linen aud oil cloth, lace curtains, laces, embroid
eries, ribbons, hosiery, underwear, and notions
of all kinds. Call and save 15 to 25 per cent
Two Republican Conventions
May Bo Hold
Two Factions of tho Republican
Parly in That State..
A training school for teachers. Com
plcto eight grade tunning dodnrtment
and strong professional aud ncadomlo
Tho diploma of tho school entitles
one to teach In any couuty In tho stato
without furthor examination.
fiourd and loriiring, books and tuition
$150 per yeiir, Beautiful and healthful
location. No ealooiiB. There Is a good
demand for well trained teachers
there is an over supply of untrained
Catalogue oheorrully sont 011 applica
tion. Address
Shoes did you say ? Yes, wo hayo thorn; also ducks and
sheetings for tents, and so many other things- that wo could
': not put it all down on an aero of ground. Come and seo and
'.samo money, 24 uommorciai st.
wmm f won, mm
Tim Hnlvenillv nf Ornron. Kueene. Oreeon. oilers free tuition to all itudenU. Younir men
fcan obtnla board, lodglnc, heat and light In the dormitory lor lltO per week. Itoomers fur-
(nlah their own linen. Young women u-e provided wltu board In private famine at (l)r
week Ymiuir women dealrlns board should address lrof.John Htraub. Oregon, or
Heoretarv Ynunir Women's Klirlstlan Aiuoolallon. Kucene. The University oilers three bao.
Icalaureule degrees, Uaahelorot Arts, llarhelor orBofbnco aud liaohelomf Letters with oor
hrcpondlDir cuumos of study: The following shorter courses are also ettered: An Kngllsu
course, leading In two years to a business diploma and In three years to the title graduate In
English: An udvanced course for graduates of normal sobools leading to the degree master
lef pedagogy; A course ol two yers for teaohers of physical education leading to a diploma
ind the title director physio il education. The unlvers'ty cuarges an lociaouiai re or nu
rhleh is navabln In advnncn bvall students. Htudenls holdlne diplomas from the publlo
schools and those havlnK teachers' certtacates are admitted to the preparatory department
without examination. Those deslrlug, Wormallou regarding the preparatory department
tnouia addrese the uean, n,u. narregan, uugene. tot catalogues nnu inurraauou auurraa
IV. u. unatiman, rrcsiaent, or J. J waiion.twcretary, .rsugene.uregon. 01210
lingular f exslons begin U nday, September 3. ntudenti registered now. It
wlflpay those who expect to prepare for some business pursuit to attend a
business college where a systenialla course of business training may be had
and. trained If achfrs lor this particular line of work instruct. The Capitol
Uuslnes College oners Ave courses; ,
Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship and English.
This U positively the only rniin in ninn mini.' the Intercommunication system ot busl-
UM-M . r..w.. . r --.-- ----y -. r. - - . j . .- ...,
UUWI town viuuauH iimjr secure uwm nun iuiuhuvu iuuui
H.utuisuuna, Aug. 28. Both fac
tions of tho Pennsylvania Republican
party held caucuses last ulght, with
the result that Quay has apparently
won tho tight, tho caucus of his follow
ers containing 162 delegates whoso
seats aro uncontested, or sovou more
than the uuinber necessary to acliolco.
The nutl-Quay people got together
llrtt, but their session was aeoret and a
short ouo, lasting only 10 minutes.
Thoro wus no roll-call. It is understood
that Bouutor Burns, of Philadelphia,
presided. Governor Hastings oflered a
resolution asking that a commlttco or
live bo appointed to draft tho business
of tho caucus Into shape, and to "ar
raugo other business necessary," which
was adopted. Tho cacus adjourned
until tomorrow
Tho caucus of tho Quay delegates
met in the Quay headquarters at 0:33
o'ulook, and reporters for newspapers
woro admitted. Bonator Penrose, of
Philadelphia was madu ohalrmau. In
taking tho chair hu made a short speech,
In tho course of which he said:
"The pooplo are ncahist the combine,
und resent tho treatment of Bonator
Quay. Wo imvo won our credentials
honestly and. will elect Quay tomor-
t-rtrwr No other matt could have won-
against tho combined power of patron
ago and money that we hayo contended
At this Juncture Bonator Quay was
escorted to tho hall, and a scene of wild
enthusiasm resulted. In a specoh ho
"Tho battlo has boon fought lu tho
Interest of good government generally,
and tho purity of Republican politics.
You fought under unfavorable circum
stances Tho next time you wago war
with your opponents tho state will go
ovorwhelmlngly lu your behalf."
Tho day was one of Intense excite
ment. From early morning delegates
have been arrlvlug. Visitors poured
Into tho city aud tonight the streets
and publlo places are Jammod with
adherouts of tho two factions, shouting
at tho tops of their voices the names
of their favorites. Tho prospect of an
exciting couveutiln has brought liar,
rtaburg many of the tough element
from the larger cities, and trouble la
looked for, although up to midnight
there has been nothing more serious
than an occasional fist light. At this
hour Quayttes are parading aud their
exuberence Is so Infectious that many
of the anti-Quay men are Joining their
nominated Henry Hall, of Pittsburg,
temporary' chairmau. Bonator Quay
nominated John P. Rublusoii,of Dala
waae couuty. Robinson was elected
by a vote ofJ03i to 1331. Hall moved
that election of Robinson bo mado
unanimous. Governor Hastings sec
onded the motion nnd It was carried.
Senator Quay moved that a csmmlttoo
on permanent organization be in
structed to report nnmo of Uoyornor
Hastings for liermaiieiit ohalrmau, car
ried On motjon of Congressman Blnne
it was decided that tho state chairman
be named by tho convention Immedi
ately after adoption of report of com
mittee on resolutions, Instead of by
candidates and permaueut chairman
as bus been tbo practice
The committee on permanent organ
ization was then chosen with no gteut
dlfllcuhy aud Went through tho form
of agreeing on Governor Hustings lor
permanent ohalrmau. A resolution
reafilimlug tho currency plank of Re
publican national convention of 1802
was referred to commlttco ou resolu
tions. On motlcn of R F Qllkesou
tho election of Senator Quay its chair
man of Republican state commltteo
was make unanimous. Gllkeson
in a speech announced that ho ho had
withdrew In tho Interest of party
harmony. Col. BcdJamlu J. Haywood,
of Mercer county, was unanimously
nominated tor etato treasurer,
Canadian Affairs.
New Yonic, Aug. 28. Hon. John
F. Btalrs, ono of tho conservative lead
ers of tho Dominion parliament, lu an
Interviow said: "Tho Issuo In Canada
Is tho Manitoba school question, Prot
ectants In Manitoba outnumber tho
Catholics four to one. This Is a receut
preponderance. Ton years ago tho tide
of Immigration set toward tho north
west, and at that time tho schools wero
Boparatod Most of tho settlors of lato
ness practice.
in nrfvatj. fumtiv at El a week. Write or call at colli
giving full information relative to oounea of study, rat
e office for circulars
of tuition, etc.
turning prosperity will make many rich, but nowhere can they make o much within a
, Short time as by successful speculation In Grain, lovKlons and Htock
JLw made by our Systematic plan of Speculation.
I eueceuful speculators operate on a regular system. It U a well known fact tbav there are
ODsinrts of men lu all purls of the Untied Uis who. by systematic trading through thl-
EobroVers made laiee amounts every year, ranging irorn a lew tnousana oouvin in
uwtaolnvMUanuuredortwo hundred dollars up to I7J.0 0 to Jipa.OUO or more by those
tlnvestalewthuusaud. It U also a fact that tnose wno man me largest pruuts rum
iparatlvely kinall !uvelm-ni on this piun arc nersons wno live away irora uuimu uu
e.t tnrougH broker, w he iinrauxbiy .uuaersuu ni 2f 2SR. llAn mn, nnr Dalw
write jor convncin i'iwi "t,-" . 7; :;r5"A -'Z?"-"? r ,,: ISii
rseliwport, luuoi moue-maaiuEpuiuicrs. aiu . ""- wu. -"-. --
llnelully lllKhest rcrereectam rtrguru u)uuruuuiiuii"i
i For lartuer information address
)UUT ST., 8A.I.KU, OK.
ake theOne Cent Dailv
Today's convention is to select can
didates for the etato treasurer and su
perior Judgeships. Haywood, of Mer
cer county, will probably bo chosen for
state tieasurer, but In tho light of the
events It Is poaUble that the six Judges
who were appointed by Governor Has.
tings, and who, It was thought, would
be unopposed tor tho nomination, will
find themselves cuit asldo by tho Quay
people and new men named for their
IlAHHisnimo. Aug. 28. The con
vention was called to order at noon by
Chairman Gllkeson. Speaker Walton
sentiment In Canada. Canada has too
much national prldo to desire aunoxa
tlon to tho United Blatet. Aa for s
reciprocal union it is not desired, be
cause suoh a condition would wipe out
our manufactories and make us a de
peudanoy of the United States. Wo
havo no desire to loso our autonomy,
political or commercial, Canada Is a
protection country and the conserva
tive party Is a protective tariff organi
zation. Wo want protection to Cana
da's industries. ,
"With regard 10 tho Imperial federa
tion plea, I do not know whoro wo
atnnd. We aro virtually Independent
of England, and tho question arises
only on tho right of veto concerning
matters of legislation whloh come up
In tho Canadian parliament.
"As to tho financial troubles In New
foundland, Premlor Whlteway Is lu
control, after having been deposed
from ofllce. It Is my belief though,
that Newfoundland Is going to And it
rather hard to meet governmental
St. Joiinb, N. F., Aug. 28. Tho
government has began an Investiga
tion of alleged corruption lu tho cus
toms department and expects to bring
to light many abuses and to save the
country thousands of dollars.
The case against the Union bank
directors is to end next week, Prose
cution of the caso has been completed,
and the defense begun. A fpeclal term
nf court may be held next month for
the trial of directors of these banks.
Is Found in Holmes' Houso in
Evidcifco Against tho Swindler Is
iNuiANAr-OMB, Aug. 28. Indlauapo
lis will claim tho right to try II. II.
Holmes for murder. The claim wjll bo
placed upou tho developments yester
day, which Inolude tho fludlmr of tho
charred remains of 0-ycar-old Howard
Pittaol, and evidence which beforo
nny Jury lu tne country would couylot
HolmeBof murdering blm and then
partially burning his body In n stove.
Detectives Goyer, of Phllddellphlu;
Rlchards.of Iudluuapolls,and Inspector
Gary, of tho Fidelity, Insuran co com
pany, havo been at work for weeks
hunting for traces of tho boy's body.
Salem and Eastern Quotations Cor
rected Dally.
OmoAoo.Aug SfcWucat, cah 69Ke; Sept.
Nkw Youk, Aug J7-81lvcr, eojfclead.t3.9i).
ttP ,F 5hcisco. Aug. 18,-Whral, MX
vno J$lk0U' ' 10C: lD,cr 1c;
llonii-tjuotableat 430o.
tate.liiS.603000' Uu'bnn(".
I'oUTI.ANIl. Aliir. 3L WIihai vuit. rj.
Wnllit Walla, 47c. ' '" """
VJour-lNurtiand, $.85 Uentou county, j.8Sj
graham. M; superfluo. U.vO per bbl. J'",oa'
Oata-whtto. aiaaic; mllllnK, iBQ30c: grey.
ljowtoes 'Nnw Oroin, 86(3550 bu.
ujr--ufiuu, onv.bu per ion.
T, iiffliiao.
Wool-Vallev. Ilia:
. M.ll,;.l?1l!rUrH",w "norta, 112.80; chop
Iced. ItaalS nor toil! rlllnlrnn nn..i la X
.,,;,; ..Z'-ZJ J.' Jl r V- "--. """ .I"! .
Capt. Baldwii, ef U. S. Army, In
Killed in OkInkM.
Busy Investigating tho Cktiiese
T..,.""u"u ',ur l"" cuionon wneat, soocnei
II des-grton, aallcd, U) lbs sq under. 1
BlOo ihi-oppetw,10C47.'c
Hops Nominal at 10.
Ho was traced hero with Holmes and
disappeared. Tho city was scoured
and work begun In tho suburbs, hunt
lug for a i)oueo;ron!cd by Holmes on
October 10. 11. or 12, last year.
Ddtecltves wont to lrvlngton, a
pretty suburb of this city, and the seat
of Butler collego aud betoro thny had
been nt work an hour, their nttontlon
was called by a local real estato dealer
to a small vacant cottage situated lu
tbo woods at the edge of town and fur
removed from nny other dwellings.
Tho party wont to tho houso and a few
minutes later tho ofllcorafouud beneath
tho tldo porch tho missing the missing
trunk -vthlok waa taken from theClr-
m uuiicruroRon taury creamery.
co ?fnoT7r&."150! Ulr 0. 10loj
Ubene-Uicgon full cream, 10tlc
Kgtts-Orego.u, llllo per dor.
V!!" .K?-unl0R0U- uxwan per det: duck
sioers,ai1w3.6cj ouwn,aiaxo; dressed
M.U32.Migeiso.H,e0fflfl.00i turkeys, u'ressed.
botf-Topstecrs. JkO-'lo per lb! lair to w
Vcul dmnll, choice, ouucj large, Sa4o y B.
Wheal Up f bu.
Ois-20ni2Uc: new lgo,
nay jiaieu, cu
Jtoal.m llrA.anvl Ja
Iloirs Urcssod. 4Uiy
1.IVO Crtttle-lttiVo.
eat. tiskiH nn- iimmi.1. m
I. lour. it. wiiniM... in.B i.a. ...f zLrSL'
13.00; chop feud. U.0UUliu), ' ,",uuu
nrooi iiesu uua,
lIops-lleHt, (liiJo,
Kggs (Jush. too.
16".'oU,0r""UCt Utt,rT' I'M11" fenoy creamery
Cl'iec 1012n.
ahmrmerV"700'eUA,CftUnttcon-6o: bam U'
l-omiooa'-New, 800 bu .
Tu?iey"'ScI.0"'-7c! hni'0c5 Jucas, 07o.
liar llet I pearsl-2So bu.
Apples ASaaoa uu,
l'eahet lliSbu.
1'IUUiB-2lo bu.
havo been protcstaats.
Tbore Is practically no asmoxWloa rcie hbusTlnthisoliy, Ootober 10, by
Don't be
and tikt lonu othtr
Iruid of condensed
mUk, thinking It U
"Juit M aood" at
It Hits No Bqul
The Knights Templar.
Boston, Aug. 8. The business of
the 20th biennial conclave of the
Knights Templar began In earnest to
day by the grand encampment, while
the round of pleasure was resumed by
a great body of Knights. Sessions of
the grand encampment were beld both
morning and afternoon in the Mason lo
tmple. A grand competition drill of
the crack commanders of the United
States Is being held this afternoon.
The Jouknal, Daily and Wkkkia'
are not sent any longer than they are
paid for. No bills are run against sub
scribers. Please make a note of that
and renew promptly,
Homes, and which wan thought to
contain tho body of (ho boy. Great
exoltomout followed and hundreds of
people flocked to tho scene as soon as
the dlBcovory leaked out, although tho
officers tried to keep It eeoret. Tho
house wwgqarded and work began,
searchlng-Jof additional evidence. l)e
volopemenls followed thlok and fast,
and tho chain of ovldonjo Is damaging.
In a barn connected with tho houso
was a largo stovo of cylindrical shape,
of tho same pattern as those Holmes
bought In Cincinnati. Ho routed tho
houso under tho same alias. Tho stove
had boon moved to tho ntablo by the
owner of the houso aftor Holmes loft.
It was concluded that tho .body had
boon burned In tho stove and search
began for tbo remains. Lato this ev
ening, Dr. Barnhlll's attention was
called by a, small boy nameb Walter
Jenny to tho etovehole, where tho
atovo bad been. It was ailed with
refuse, This was pulled out, and the
remains of tho boy wero found. Phy
sicians and dentlstB.wcro there, and in
thU refuso hundredsof pieces of charred
bones were found,
Tho teeth showed that tho body was
that of a boy between 8 and 10 years
old, and tho other bones couflrmed
this. All were charred and pieces
of flesh olung to eomo of them, Tho
skull bones and pelvis added the same
truth. Tno boy had evidently been
burned In a cob fire in the hugo stove
.iounu in tne Darn, uowarua over
coat was found at a grocery store
nearby, whero Holmes had left It,
saying the boy would call for It. He
never came. Owners of the houso
recognize Holmes from the pictures
and several neighbors remember the
fuco. Several people havo Indentliled
him, and all doubt Is removod. Other
developments aro expected tomorrow,
nd with this evidence, Indianapolis
will demand Holmes for trial.
Lato Oablo Nows.
Nkw Yomc, Aug. 28. A special to
tho Herald from lluonoa Ayres sayBi
Argeutluols again convulsed with
exoltement over tho affairs of the army
aud navy dopartmeuts. Admiral
Bollor'n letter to Minister, Balou baa
been published and found to contain
sensational atatomonts, Tho letter says
that tho armor-plorclug shells supplied
to tho navy as coming from a maker of
world-wido roputation woro from some
Intorlor mauufaoturors, To provo this
Admiral Boiler quoated a letter from
tho responsible Hrm, saying It had
uovorsoUU single sholl JuArgaatlHau
He further adds that the rapW-rlBg
cartridges transmitted to Arcoatlna
from another well-known Arm, he be
lloyes, had been rejected by other
buyors. Tho fuses of those cartridges,
tho formal naval chief says, wero
wholly Ineffectual.
Emceno, Oklahoma, Aug. 28. It is
reported that Captain Baldwin of the
United States army, acting agent at
tho Kiowa, Camancho and Apache
agenoy, at Anadarko, was murdered
last night by Indians. Federal officer
think the murder was committed by
gamblers and whiskey peddlers.agalqet
whom Captain B.ildwtu was waging a
relentless war.
San Fbancisoo, Aug. 28. la th
Durrant case this morning the entire
session passed without securing the
twelfth Juror which both sides are now
anxlouB to obtain.
Tho Bulletin will say that n court
martial will bo ordered immediately at
Maro Islaud navy yurd to try the
ofllcors of tho navy who travol on
pawes or scalped tickets, when they
are allowod liberal mileage expentoa,
Iaveatlg;tlng tho Massacre.
Honcj Konq , Aug. B3.-It Is reported
hero that the Ohlneso ofllcials are
assisting tho Ku Chnng commission
actively and thoroughly In Investiga
tion into the receut mnssacro of
mteslonurlos. Ton Ncgontarlans aro
already convicted. Trials of others ia
progressing. JTlwrel ,00 4hhi . of
frtah disturbances hTthat district dur
ing the sitting of the commission.
Great Northern Oaes.
St. Paul, Aug. .28. In the Uulled
mutes circuit court today tho caso
came up of Thomaa Perrsall, stock
boldor of Great Northorn, owning 600
Bharss agulnst the Great Northorn to
restrain that company from making
further attompta toobfam oontrol of
the Northern Paclflo upon the reor
ganization of tho latter company.
Eankor Killed.
Bukna Vibta, Colo,, Aug. 28.-A
rolling rook htruok tho Colorado Mid-
land train today, wrecking the baggago
and smoker. 1', J, O'Connor, of New
York, said to bo a prominent banker,
was killed,
Ghain Buumkd. Four largo ataoka
wheat belonging to A. W'Drager were
burned at 11 a. m. today from a spark
of tho engine No Insurance reortd.
Tho Matthowa englno bad Just driven
past to get into position to thresh,
Fattknb Btooic Oats and bay,
when tho quality Is good, make sleek
stock. Brewster & White lerd tho
trade on those at tides at oi Court
Gainino Favob. Tho product of
the Salem Soap factory Is gaming favor
ovory day, for tho good housekeeper
will not do without the host soap.
Saw, Wood. Otbere may, but we
itell clothing and can suit you In price
or quality, whether you saw wood or
do business.
Fast Time.
New Yomc, Aug. 28,-aI Fleetwood
Park today Azote trotted a mllo lu
ilM, the fattest time oyer made on
that track, The best previous time vraa
Nancy Hanks, 2:00 In 1805.
Or. Prk4' Crwi BaktaaT Pewr
WorM'DFaJr WU Mt4laMl WyK""
The smoke of today
the season at Baleui, '"
Is the worst of
in a symptom or disease of tho kid-
i,r'r w,u "'f ""my do relieved by
Parks . Huro Cure. That beadaoh
paoKocne aud tired feeling come from
1 iu same causo. Ask for Parks' Sure
irT forMh. Hyer a,,a Mneys Price
..., .UIU ujr jjuuu a xsrooBS, IIMh
For All Glasses.
The Now York Racket has Just ro.
celved a full Hne of mon's, boys and
youths oothlntc and overcoats of any
size, for long men and short, heavy
men and light, of good quality, direct
from o.,o of tho best wholU2le clothing
houses 11 Chicago. Our clothing are
all good standard goods and are marked
tofellatnur usual clooo prottts. Call
and seo them. 27-d0-wl
Ewoukb Tea. Whether you aw
an epicure or Just plain people, you
like good tea and the best la tbe Epi
cure Bold only by Gilbert & Patterson.
i. m mi , , ,,,,,
Several thousand hop pickers will
leave Salem this week.
Chlokens Doty'a Court street mar
ket. Reduced Bate.
The Southern 1'unliln (in 1m mil n
reduced rato on oats lu carload lota of
40,000 pounds. EUectlye Aug. 21 from
Portland nnd all points on main lino a
far south as Eugeue City: between
Woodburn and Natron and Lebanoa.
branch, Tlireo dollars per ton to Bail
Francisco. Oakland wharf. Pnrt rwt.
aud Sacramento,
d&w Ageut,
miles of railroad In
rails used to
Thoro aro 177755
tho United States.
There aro 00,835,880
wvot hub Kluliuil.
Thero aro o33,205.000 ties used to bind
these rails together, but no such,
amount, howover, 1b required to bled
the hearts of the travellug publlo to tha
faotthat tho Wisconsin Centralllaea
furnish superior facilities on nil their
trains between St. Paul and Chicago,
whloh form closo connections with all
lluen to tho cast aud south.
Mako a note of It,
"New today" and "Want Ads," five,
lines in Daily or Weekly Jqubnal,
for 26 cts.
Jt ..J 'I. L.JII L in i
Highest of all in Leavening Tower.-- Latent U. s. Gov't Keport
My&l Baking
"' ' t"Y
, .-