Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 27, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    1 Mlippwipr
''w' ''''mf'"1'
a-Wtr, -ijpt, r
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-WM-aHU i 1 ""! i
tomi.l"iiiJ"i'Wpriii" '"'iKtCJ-.J -.1
BrlnBj'yoti Hie Dal!, Journal to' ihe. -, .
mountains. Better than a Utter fr6 home.
t-4 ii
3AIIjY edition.
Shoos. AH beat grades warranted. AIbo a full
lino of Gorman knitting, Saxony and Spanish
yarns, with a full lino of fine fur Fedora and
other stylos of hata, pants, overalls, ehirts, table
lineh aud oil cloth, lace curtains, laces, embroid
eriee,.ribbons, hosieiy, underwear, and notions
of all kinds. Cull and save 15 to 25 per cent.
t. If
i JL
lie a fell
M'-mV 13JI HPIR T Ik LT TT.FTT i. AlOD..
'.' iMM juj-T-hiaf. if"- -j" g iarJfMV rfjjcJfjg .
Hr.r "jStezsr. wws-wann,
1 -, v-'JUy- v, Becretnry.
THE JAfff H!
H..-1 a, fl-i... Ti-. - a .. . i. V f.'-Ja
.I 'im
Shoes did you say ? Yes,
shootings for tents, and so ninny
not put it all down on an aero of ground. Como and seo and
same money. 274 Commercial st.
ti. ifnivrruiivnr Oroeon. Kucpiik. Oreeon.ollorn lre tuition to all itudent. Younemen
canol)tnlnboara.ludKlnir7beataudllBhtlutliodormllorylorHJSOper wmi, ivoomeni nir
Sun tneii oS llnin. Voufig women u- prpvlrtoU with board .In Prtvata mlliw at j:l w
1 week Ymiiiif women tleslr nil uoara Bliouia ouaren rrui.jiniu mrauui i "": "
laureate dwoea, Uachelorol Aria. Jlarhelor ofHorenca and IVI0SHl.,e7nWAl,ffih
i-.L?..Ill..znLnitlidv. Tim r.tilmrlnir Mlinrlcr counifa aro alio ellered: An Kngllsli
mub TeaSliiir n two yeari to a ouameaa diploma and In tUrce yearn lo tbe title gradual In
or pedsgocy; Aooumeol twoye.ri.ipr kmbotoi .?"-'V""" fM.tii r.-'nr tin
MhiiandthoehttVrnBteacirerVcertl the preratory department
fcSf.ViJL.iinnV,Ti.SidS.irioir li formation regarding tbe preparatory department
UhouTd addreielhe TWean. N.Iiarregan, Eugene. Kot catalogue. and Information aoarMa
o. W. Oba" "man, i'retldent. or J. J Walton. Htcrf tary, Kugene. Oregon. 8 3 2m
W. I. STALEY, Principal.
IU-gulametatoni bfgln M .nday.Beptember J. otudeuU regU'ered now. It
will pay tli"e who Sxpect to ptepare for aomebuijlne purault Jo attend a
buklniFM college whew a ytemutlo oounie of bulnee tralnlug may be bail
and l"JSnedl?acb"r ilor tfili pa.ticuUr line of wotk Insltuct. Tbo Capital
Uualnesa College oflera flvo onuniea;
Business, Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship and English,
This U positively the only
hnslm-ia ollece In Oregon uilng the Intercommunication jyitemol bul
ni praetlcfc OutSf town itudTenUmay accure board and furnl.bed room
ft prRate family atW a week. Writ or call at college offlet for circular.
i?ving full information relatlveto oour.ea of itudy, rafon of tultlon,n.
rr.TM.riiwlll make many rich, but nowhere can they make ao much within a
USnwas WMSmfspUtlon in Grain, Frovl.lon.and Block.;
iRetnrnlncr n
m BUor
made by our Syf tomatic plan of Speculation.
kit sncceitiui loecuiamra opcrum uu !
Iwko broker., made laige amounU every year,
!.. ... .- . ....!..
ltbmlfian,i of men In all narta of Ihe Unlied Blaiea wuo, uy ". ""i"S;r.,.-? .h.
omparatlvely kinall luve.lmnt on thl. p'an are r-eraon. wuu '
CSumiWm who ilLuouglily uudenUnd ay. "SrtneSSatlon
IT Write forVnvlncIn p...,. aUo our m.nual on .u ceMful "Wton
omaVaTlvely unaltl rvMirnVnUon UU p'an'
I""' "'l"f ."J"."' ""i'"' "'"-;.r'i.,-.H .
u i. -. . . .ti Ar Mnai niAtiinw nniiiTArm.
irauing tuny, iikdmi ranerwiuniii
v. Ulliel reirrererb in
Kor lurlber Information addrea.
iv.. .
ake theOne Cent Dailv
A training bguooI for teachers. Com
plete eight grade limiting dodartment
and strong professional nud academio
Tho diploma of the school entitles
ouo to teaoh in any couuty In tbo state
without further examination.
Board and lodRlug.lbooks and tuition
$160 per year. Beautiful and healthful
location. No saloons. There Is a good
demand for well trained teaohora
there Is nn ovor supply of untrained
Cutaloguo clieonully eont on appllca-
y" i-
wo hayo thorn; also ducks and
othor things that wo could
mi mm
.'" -jr-:;i" ... .i ihmn.hi'h,
ol.n II 11 n wM Known laci IUUV WICID mo
wngmj iroin a "" Yaiuuor more by thoie
are ceraqn. who live away from Ch.cagouna
and our Pally
all. FKKE. Our manuit explain margin
nniltnrtln and .nccew.
iO CO.
Pennsylvania's Sector Is ' Get
ting There. v
There May IJo a Contest lint It
Will IJo Short.
HAiuuBmmtfgfXtife.27.-The political
.i. i i
DHUUllUll U(TO '
y nnuears JUBt as
.'jQavId Martin and
C. l
8MWMMT Ihffi&t is over and
U'Wajy whlppcd'Ex-Chalrman
' T.V
Cooper, Congressman Roblngon nnd
Sonator Q-ioy hlmuolf appear perfectly
confident thatCthey have euouftjb.dele'
gates to control the con vent loni' roe-
pecti are that there will bo two W;f qfj
admission tickets and au lnbvllhk
clash of authority.
nit. . . w r .
iuu hisio comraiiiee noiu a
Journed meetiug this foreuooOO
man Gllkumn ubsoutlug himself
, .... .. .. . r ?
(jiuiiuu iuni tuo meenng was not pro;
orly called. Temporary ChalfiAtf
Cooper re)orted 78 of 121 mem
present personally or by proxy,
of committee on credentials wus
able to the Quay contestants, froHj.
Wyoming county and the llrst and
llftl! words of Philadelphia. Jf
Bcnator Quay aud bis folloWeVa'
made a bold dash yealorday In rtho
light for Bepubllcau'-suprcmdcy in
this state, by taking possession 0? tbo
stato committee and deposing B. il?.
Gllkeson from the chairmanship,
Their objeot In doing this was to place
themselves in a position to prepare tho
rolls of delegates to Wednesday's con
vention so they might appear before
mat oouy wiuua prima ftclo cate
tr lint tuo eiu'ui ui nn wuicuivui mil
bj cannot ytt bo foretold, and tho next
movement of tho Hastings peopo Is
lo )ked for with great Interest.
Bevcnty-thrct of tho 121 mombors of
tbe state committee attended tho meet
lug held this afternoon In (he Interest
of Quay. Thomas P. Cooper, of Delu.
wato county, was mado temporary
chairman by uuclumatlon. A resolu
tion was adopted that n commllteo of
threco bo appointed to wait upon Ollko
son and then notify him that tho com
mittee had convened,and that u major
ity of Us members wero present aud
desired him to presldo over their delib
erations. This committee wont to tbe
Commonwealth hotel aud found Ullko
son, to whom ex-Lleutenant-Governor
Walker read tho resolution, When
this had beon douo Mr.' Ullkeeon said:
"I have not called tho state com
mittee together and I have no business
to lay before it."
"The committee returned to Lochlel
headquarters and made Its report, after
which a resolution was adopted that a
committee of nlno bo appointed on
credentials and authorized to make up
the lo'e of delegates to tho fctate con
ronllou. Oblcago Races Off.
Cjiicaoo, Aug. 27. All racing nt
Hirlem has been declared oil. Track
oillulftlf), after a conference today, de
cided that after tbe injunction Itsued
list Baturday, to make further attempt
at running a traok was Impossible.
From Turkey.
Washington, Aug, 27. A cable
was received from Minister TerrlU at
the state department today saying:
"Tbe Porte gives imphatlo assurance of
security for American citizens at Tnr
tui. r''
Don't be
tad Ukt mm otlur
brand of coodtnud
milk, thinking It U
"Suit u 0c4" u
. tii'T
It Has Ho Squid
Union, Or,
ng. 20. Tho Idaho
conferuueo fi
d lis work and ad-
Journed. Bis
Bowman made tbe
following uild
rial appointments.
Oregon dlsj
presiding clde
t J. y. Anderson,
ker City. J. E. Itaw-
Hub; Ca'tljSrri
, to be supplied; Cove,
John Brelti
glu, W. T. Kooulv.;
li.,l...l-.f -1
Miller; Hslns, W. C.
loy, In ho supplied;
a4-v lfvvf ;
.Rice: Jordan?
La Graud; A
hoinpsoii; McEwou,
A. Eads; Malheti
rnud Ontario, to bo
allntllAI. TT.iI.Cm
Walton Bklpworth.
.ff.lV wu..pj
Idaho dlstrlotHC.
12. Kelleruiau
presiding elder
H, K. Hlnel was appointed pro
fessor of theology at the Portland
Ar,BANY,Or., Vug. 27. Milton Wll-
. V
ouU n tuiunraub jhiujcs living uuur
Hftltey drove j0 olurch , that ,BOe
l Mlf- ,.& . ...
sou, a proinlneut farmer living near
away, throwingthe occupnutB out. Mr.
Wilson rocetveu lijurles from which
he (lied this mwnlng. Mrs. WlUoti la
net exDected fa live, and two little
Srfwilutera were also sorlouslv luiured.
it wus a spirited team aud rau Into a
'Muet, overturning the carrage nnd
lfOwlH (ho jbecupautB ngaulBt It
fille tho horcei wcro running at full
ppeeu. 5
Ar-B. Hatahiiud, E. L. Bouucrand
JtObt, Olaflini of tlio Orecnn (
. Iteport? v -EHffn railroad, tnadoa tour of In
is favo?-,' fjffe,.?ver (ho Ens" JlvlBlou of
iWW-Fww louay anu iqbi evening led ror
ySi).Jfi. Their Is said uo he with u
,YlouMb,tlWLexti)Blon of the road cast-
wardpjtti? iuRdlug branch lines to
Bnlem as uhbuo.
'A Millionaire Smuggler.
" kwVkk, Aug. 27. Henry Grloa-
ulcKftMe mlltfoualro browor of Bt.
TKlitn".t... nliLfl ....!.. . I... ....
il niw yrmwcu uuuui iiiivnk ujr uua
toHM b'fticora o a charge of smuggling
and held In MUffO ball, which bode.
pointed. Qriesdlok was a passenger on
the Columbia bf tho Hamburg-Amerl
-TSn.ii.if, Wh6ri'th:octistoma-ofrlcer8
camo to bis bagga ; . .;"...
tho millionaire's declaration. It de
scribed two valises, two trunks, noth
ing dutiable. Attached to It was the
usual form of oath and tbo usual sig
nature "Honry Grolsdlcd."
"Nothing dutlablo, I bollove, sir,"
said tho ofllcer, politely.
"Oh, no, sir; nothing Indeed," re
plied tho millionaire.
Then a little, gray-bearded man In
citizens' clothes stepped up and talJ:
'Hold on there, sir; If you please, I
think I'll take a look through these."
"This Is an outrage," cried (Jrlcadlck.
When tbe officer completed his exami
nation he made an Inventory of dutl
ablo goods found In Grlesdlok'a eiTocta
aa follews:
Gentleman's gold watch, four ladles'
gold watches, five gold chains, two
diamond, ruby and sapphlro rings, ono
pair diamond sleevo buttons, nine
tablecloths, seven dozen napkins, tbreo
bolts of silk, six pairs kid gloves, four
palrslllk gloves, 17 pooketknlyes, nine
cigar cutters and several other articles.
Tho value of the goods was estimated
at 1 2000.
"I admit I have made a grave mis
take," Mr. Griesdlok said, "and I am
ready and willing to pay tho duty on
them. How much Is It?"
"Woregrot that It la too late," sold
the Inspector. "Wo shall havo to place
you under arrest."
No Indians Killed.
Ontaiuo, Or., Aug. 27. Parties
arriving from Burns say there is no
truth In tbo report that Indians were
killed receutly In Diamond Valley.
The JouiiNAii, Daily and Weekly
are not sent any longer than they are
paid for, No bills are run against sub
sctlbers. Please make a note of that
and renew promptly, ,
Is a symptom 0f disease of ibe kid
neys. It will oertainlv be relieved by
Parka Bure Cure. Thit headache,
backache and tired feeling oome from
the same cause. Ask for Parka' Bure
Cure for the liver aud kldnoyb price
fl.OU, aold by Lunn &. Brooks. llMw
Dr. Price's CrM Baking Pewtfff
A Most
Conl in lies.
Ami Wheat Will Probably
a lltg Jump.
Balem mills continue to pay tho ox-
port price and ailord farmers every fa
cility to turn their wheut Into cash.
Thoy draw all tho contiguous grain
evou at tho low prlcoof 41 cents. The
farmers hrvo perfect confidence In
Manager Holland, nnd know that he
Is powerless to pay moro than the
figure wired him from day to day from
headquarters at Portland.
A BAl.KM 01 HO 11 1, AH
issued this forenoon by Talklngton,
ilottgcr & Co. has the follewing:
"In face of a scaut hurvost and tho
decreaso In tho visible BUpply of wheat
aud the world's shortago of 200,000,000
bushels us reported from Hilda Pesth,
wheat still continues to decline.
"July 19 wo lusted u letter stating
that the gold syndicate would forco
down the price of wheat to about C5o,
so as to encourage hoayior shlpmouts.
Tiiotigu tuo price continued up
upward for a week or moro after wo
published tho circular, It has at length
proved truo that the bond syndicate aro
'beariug' tho market."
London, Aug. 27. In Its financial
article, tbo Times, speaking of tho
iluanctal condition of tho United
States, thinks that prospects of heavy
produce bills will Induoo tho Morgans
resorvo fall below tho (100,000,000
mark. Tho advanco of tho Jlanlc of
England's prloo for Amorlcan eagles
was due to tho discovery that tho colnB
wero being molted at n profit and being
sent In the form of bar.
Wheat quotations on Chicago board
of trade opened today at Bopt. GQIe,
Dee, 03jo. It touched Olo, hut went as
low as CO Jo. Deccmbor Curb at 2p, m.
was 02o.
The great Vlonna world's grain con
gress (s in session there today. Amorl
can wheat crop represented thoro as
800,000,000. Gold exports still conlfnue.
Liverpool market openod this morn
ing August, Boptombor and October
quotations 2ots. lower than yesterday.
Novemer aud Dec&nibcr remained
stationary. At tho oloso today tba
markot was unchanged.
nuioAOO, Aug 77. Wheat, ca.h '
,I03; Sept.
Nw Youk, Aug i7-Bllver, WKojlead.WJO.
Han FlUNCiaco, Aug 27, Wheal, Vlic
W vol (iregou, oholoo, SOlVc; Interior, 0J7c;
valley, vailo
Uoix-Uuot'ibleat 430s.
1'oUtoea-Karly Itoae. AOSGCc; Ilurbank. 76c,
Uain-Mllliug, W01.O5.
I'oiitlanj), Aug. 27, Wheal, valley, 60c;
Walla Walla, a
noar t'oriiana, wmh uenuin county, tiJa;
IIRUMIU, ff.W .U,n)ltlUVff, W '1. uul
!. .... . R. .m.Mnu . ft...m..l
Oat. While, 'id
iMtr, milling, vyam grev,
'. S0.7fiO0.6n; barrel., U,(J0
22a3lo; rolled, ln
&1US: C&.U4. II.7&
(d!; caMM, 11.70.
.l ' . '.I - n-mm- . .
iwitx w urvgon,uaig ou.
tlUOi .horta, 11X60;
leet. Hi 15 per ton; chloken wneai, bOj.'ner o.
Hide. grten, wiled Oj lb. i uiideriO) Ib.
lOo .beep nelu, 1037 c,
iom nominal ano.
Iom Nominal alio.
llutter Oregon laury creamery
iulter Oregon fancy creamery, 1&3170;
joy dairy. Kffllfie: fair to good. 10jl';Kcr.
common, 7ia
Ubeeee-oregon full cream, VX$lt,
Kinr-Oreicou. lO&ftllo iHr doz.
l'uulirr Jnlckeu $1.604tHai per det: duck.
M WilMi get.e, HCktfU.UJ, turkey., dreMed,
ilocf TornUeri, 2K:o per rt; fair to good
tee,VK13o; cow.,Xi3Ko; drewed beef,
AiuiUiti ll4t beef, 11,752.00; choice ewe.,
I.76aZX; drexod. lo.
Uoga-lbolce, heavy. t'j&OailJSilllgbt and
feeder., UMl dretned, 4a t lb.
Veal-oujull, choice, outa. large, Sato V "
Oati-XX2Wr; n.w 18c.
lUy-lUIeii. cbtal. asUtl.OO; timothy, 17 iO.
loiir.lnwboaio iou, li60-.reUllili.H0;
i. but 111,00: aacked, IliuO;horl, uaa
1 cuop feed. llXUOuU.UO,
Uog UrriMed. tko.
Live dtlJ J?i-iJia.
Hbeop Uve. VAX
Wool-He. t, UXa.
UorM-Het. 6u7o.
jirewea, a
hStt-iXuiU. 100.
Ht dairy , laUi fancy creamery
FulpltPaBt Qettlng in Lino With the
CmoAao, Aug. 27.-Dr. J. Bpouccr
Keunnrd, of tho Jielden-avenue Baptist
church, preached Sunday night on
"Tho Ethics of Bicycling," from the
text: Behold, ho wrought n work on
ihe wheels," Joremlah xvlll-.l, He
said, among othor things: I
"The entrance ol whcols Into Bocloty
marked thu transition from savagery to
civilization. What a vast plaoe this
wheel holds In human thought and
life. Tho very constallatlonB movo In
cycles, tho earth revolyea with double
motion. Wo think a revolution of the
seasen: time' Is marked tiv mmivino
wheels; wheels turn fho world's en-
dustrles aud tho world's locomotion.
'Tho latest do volopmou't Is humanity
on whcols. Tho ovolutlou of the bl
oyolo and its awlft march of conquest
Is now chiefly and universally ln ovl.
denco. Within a year from being an
ocasslonal toy, it has leaped Into a
domlnlou of half a million. It has
como to Btay aud so wo must make the
best of It. A stato of things still moro
serious Is llkoly to develop lu the
change of hablta and manners as be
tween tho nexes. Wo have easily
adjusted our Ideas to tho sight of the
gontlersoxou wheols. Nor Is thoro
a reasonable change in tho conven
tional drees of that box to be other
than approved Insofar as it tonds to
comfort lu riding. The strees of tho
truo woman's contontlon as Atrnin'.f
tho now woman will bo to to assist In
mtlutaiulug a proper limit, In guard
ing against a needless display of form
uuu assimilation of masoullnlty of
"Lot us welcomo tho bloyole as a
boon to humanity and guard Its use
from excesses aud Immoral dissipations
and trust that with chlvalrlo watch
fulness on tho part of both sexes over
each other's sacred prerogatives, It will
bo n blessing to nodal intercourse
Late Yachting News.
Buooklyn, Aug. 27. The Valkyrie
III was safoly floated and towed to
Bandy Hook. With her racing spars
sot, sho showed clearly the highest type
of racing yaoht wbioh has ever been
sent to this country. John Hyalop Bald
ho thought tho contest will be closer
than ovor beforo, and any ono who had
looked ovor tbo British boat would not
doubt her stability. Bho does not
rcscmblQ tho Defender In tbo least, but
thero Is a Blight resemblance to tbo
Vigilant. Bho took a prlvato spin early
this morning.
Bnt6TOL,R. I., Aug, 27. The riggers
began workrery early on the Defender.
The steel gaff was put In placo, aud tbo
topmast raised Into position. At 12:45
Bho started for Nev York In tow,
though tho rigging was not completed,
but will bo continued durlug tho trip.
Coweo, Aug. 27. The Prlnco of
Wales' cutter Britannia has finished
her racing soason nnd has como horo lo
dlsmautlo previous to laying up for the
wlntor. Bhe is flying 40 wJnnlug Hags.
The prlnco has presented Captain Car
tor with a largo silver Jug, and baa
mado gifts to tho crew In recognition of
the skllfitll manner In which they
havo haudled tho yaoht.
Touhay, Aug, 27. Howard Gould's
yaoht NIagia won Royal Torbay Yacht
club race for 20 raters. The Isoldo ws
second aud the Luua third.
Late News Items.
Over 760,000 pooplo witnessed the
parade today, Thore are 25,000 Knights
Templar camped at Boston.
Bonator Quay Is making a winning
fight for the chairmanship aud control
of tho Republican party In Pennsyl
vania. Highest of all In Leavening Power,
1 w 2
Troops Will Drivo Tkm from
U. S. Reserves.
Four Men Killed t An Illicit
Distillery. '
Pout Townbend, Wn., Aug. 27.
Coustcrnatlon hai beon caused in this
and adjoining counties by the appear
ance of au army lieutenant and a
squad of men with Iiwtructlons to
settlers on the government reserves to
vaoate before September 15, or be re-
moyed by troops.
The above Is the outcome of a recent
order of the war denarimntit. ni.
conservatively estimated that 1600 set.'
Here will lose their homes.
From Washlngtoa.
' Washington, Aug. 27,-Nolhlug is
known at tho war departmout of th
evlotlon of squatters from the military
reservations In the stato of Washing
ton, Oflloials Bay that tho ntmy regu
lations requlro tho commanding gener
al of oaoh department to prevent
trespassing, and it is assumed that
General Oils has undertaken to remove
squatters ln Washlugton. He has not,
however, made any report.
Four Dead Moosblners.
Buibtal, Tenn., Aug. 27. A battle
betwoon two factions, resulting from a
long standing fond, was fought at
Cumberland mountain, 76 miles north
of here on the Virginia and Koatucky
line. Tho Boyd nnd Thomas faction
with "Winchesters met at an Illicit dlt
Ullery, whore the fight began. Four
Thomas and Floyd Thorns are dead.
Hovornl othors are wounded,
The Waller Case.
London, Aug. 27. The Dally News,
In an editorial on the Waller caw, says:
"The Fronch are In a bad way ln Mad
agascar, and.ln addition, by their ridlo
uouely Bovero sentonce of Waller, they
have Involved themselves In a gray
International question. There Is a cr
talu Irony In tho mlsohance which haa
embroiled them with a power ho abso
lutely Indlflorent to tho Madagascar
question. They must have gone out
of their way to pick a quarrel with au
American consul. It Is their mlsfor
fortuue that these things were done for
them, not by statesmuu, but bf tbe
"Undoubtedly tho matter will be
amicably arranged. The Frenoh hav
ropoatedly shown willingness to ac
knowledge an error and to offer repsra
tlon for a mistake.
The Tost Bays: "Tho grossly dlt
courteous behavior of Frouoh ofllciah
at Tamatayo to American olllcora his
been apologized for, but the Walter
case Is the most high-handed piece of
persecution tho recent history of clvl-
lUtjil states has ailorded."
David G. Clark a promeut Masoa
died at his homo at Ashland, Buuday
ovenlng,Augest 25, at 0 o'clock. agd 71
years. Hosuflored a stroke of paralyaia
about a mouth ugo.aml afterward wai
attacked by a complication of malarial
fever and pnoumola whloh caused,
Will I I II I ! IMP I HI III II mi ! .
Oreat Pageant.
Boston, Aug. 27. Ovor 760,000 people
saw tho parade of over 25,000 HlrKulghts
Templar today aud with one accord,
pronounced It the grandest. pgauc
ever witnessed In Boston.
Li'r-t V. S. C jv't Report
.? - "...:.:-