Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, August 20, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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'" 1WM'!F' 1 '
rMwm nwn
tu Al 1 1 AJ. -i - J (J U KiN AJu
Drings you llic Dally Journal to llic Mobile Or
mountains, llctlcr than a Idler from home,
.J --If
"Mm i ii ra.A.1
rOL. a.
' ..
NO. I8t
Contrary to nil oxnoettitions for thin tiino of thu your
im w
l)y Raging
is hert very busy supplying the wants of
the public. Do you know the reason why?
The quality of our goods and our low prices
tell the talo. Cash, and ono prico to all.
Opposite First National Bank, Salem.
American Interests Looked After
in Giiinn.
PA tin R JJS e IS m U
MTf"l "'
I. U ft
' uKft
A training school for teachers. Com
plete eight grado tiatuing dedartment
slid strong professional and academic
Tho diploma of tbo school eutitles
one to touch lu any county In tbo stato
without further examination.
Board and lodging, hooks and tuition
$160 nor ycur, Beautiful aud healthful
location. No saloons. There Is a good
demand for well trained teachers
there is ati over supply of untrained
Cntaloguo clieonully seut on applica
tion. Address
W. A. WANN, Presidont.
Shoes did you say Yes, wo hayo thorn; also ducks and
PSSotings for tonts, and so many other things that wo could
Sot put it all down on an aero of ground. (Jome and see and
RSrno money. 274 Commercial st.
in op on. mm
!The University or Oregon, Kusenn. Oregon, oilers Iree tuition to nil students. Young men
I ODUim UOaru. lUUfiiniT. UtWIUUU lKUblu IHU uui lunula lu. A4.UV ic. nuuit. ivuu.uu,. ,,.,-
El their own linen. Youo women u-o provided with bonrd In private rnmlllos at J per
HC Yimng WOmon HeRiriUii USara BUOU1U uuurem iitii.juhu nnuuu, nuuruo, . ttkuu, or
tetary Young Women's Christian Association. Eugene The University offers three bao.
urouio degrees, liacueloro! Arts, ttachelor ofHoloiice and liochehr or Letters with cor-
DOnaiDiT QJUrHOS OI BlUUVI lUOIUI UWIUK nuiFilul IWUI. (tlo uinv uiiciou. au uu.iiiu
!. loading In two years to a business diploma anl In three years to the title graduate In
Ush: An advanced course for graduates or normal schools leading to ihe degree, master
edsgegy: A course ol two yeirs for teachers or physical educutlon leading ion diploma
hn tiuniiirnrinrnhvilail education. The Unlvets tr charges an Incidental fee off 10
.ol. lannvniiia in oAvnnim hv ml students. Hiudents lioldlnir dlnlomas from the rubllo
tools and those huvlng teachers' certlllcates are admitted to the preparatory department
thout examination. Those deslrlug, information regarding the preparatory department
tnirt Rrtrtrenn thn nnnn.N.L,. Murreirftn. Eueene. Koi catalogues and Infjrmutlon address
III, Chapman, President, or J. J Walton. Bccretnry, Kugene, Oregon. as'im
i IS
W. I. STALEV, Principal.
Itfirular sessions begin M mday .-September J. (students registered now. It
will Day those who expect to prepare for some business pursuit to attend a
business college where a systematlo course of builness training may be had
and trained teachsrs lor this particular line of work Instruct. The Capital
iw;-i)uoinr.n, oiivibj ivi.iv. aa.v-
KNQLIX1I. This Is positively the only
he Intercommunication system ot busl
ness practice, uuroi wwn Huaean rasy uraun wwru u miwiuni iu.u
in .. Li. r,imiiT at ti a week. Write or cull at college offlcs for circulars
giving full Information relative to of study, rates of tuition, eto.
iluslness College oners live ceurses: HUdlNJv'H.
WlUTINU, i'j&NUN'iur ana isiNULiifi
business college In Ortgon using the Inter-
nem practice. OuUof town studei
n nn
108 011 1 IT
Stocks, Bonds.
BoitgJit,Sold and Car-
t'toil. nn. ISTiiffitllS
rain and Provisions,! ln all,,
Quototions direct from Chicago Board of Trade at 15 minutes latervals.
aketheOneCent Dailv
An Oregon Newspaper California news doesnot
suit you Eastern papers will not answer-This is
distinctively the Oregon Newspaper entiroly cover
ing Oregon interests.
tfEW Yoiik, Aug. 20. The ontlro
portion of Now Jersey, bounded by tbo
towns Piirnonu, Port ilepuUlic, Breg-
ontlne Junction and Allsecom Is olther
threatened by forest (Ires or entirely
Hundreds of miles hayo been burned
over. Houses aud livestock aro con
sumed and It Is (eared there has been
considerable loss of life.
Denver Hotel Flro.
Denveh, Aug. 20. Thirteen bodies
have bo far bceu taken out of tbo ruin?
of the Uumry hotel, and it Is evident
that the death-roll, when complete,
will contain 21 or 25 names, possibly
Conclusion of tbo AmericanCanad-
Sian Delogates.
Vug. 20. The Ledger has
mull from Shanghai, tlio
first copytoyench thin country of tbo
report of thJllev, Dr. J. Eudicott, D.
D., who wandelegated by the Ameri
can and Canadian missionaries t
report upon the Ku
The reported leugthy aud glveB a
detailed account of the troubles.
Dr, Eudlcolt went to China from
Chtu riots tu'tlio So Chueu
Being Molded Into Form by Sen
ator Brlco.
Winnipeg two years ago,
being sent
Charged With Lynching.
ELLENBiiuita, Wash., Aug. 20. Tbo
following persons hayo been arrested
hero on chargo of being implicated In
the recont lynching: Mlko Linder,
Frank Uobolecker, Wm. Kennedy,
John Bush, Frank Felgle, Robt Llnke,
Frank Sohuler, Henry Dewiscourt.
Their prolimluury qxamlualinn was
bold this afternoon.
Americans Safo in China.
Washington, Aug. 20, Advices
havo been received by thfi ofllolals of
tbo rtuto aud navy departtuouts, from
Mlnl.tor Douby and Admiral Carpou
ter which Indicato that in neither regard
the situation resulting from tbo .Ku.
Cheng riots very serious or alarming
so far ua American interests nro concerned.
by tbo CnuadaUu.Aineticati
ionary society.
May 27, tho'day before the outbreuk
in Ku Cheng, bo, togtther with his
wife. Dr. Hart and Dr, Hare, left. IC11
Cheng for Kin! Tuug, 120 miles away.
They did no, learn of the trouble
until June 1, when several boatloads
of tho Ku Cheng mob went to Kla
Tunk and begun to Incite trouble. As
tbo ofilclals "fefused to alt'ord any
protection, the party went down the
rivor with numerous other mission
Has a Miijorlly ol Delegates
- After tho Highwayman.
RosEiiuua, Or., Aug. 20. Sheriff G.
F, Cathcart Is making an enorgotio
ollort to capturo the Cess Bay stago
robber, aod, with Deputy E. R Hodg
son, has spent sovoral days near tho
scone of the hold-up and has succeeded
lu ilndlng some clues which point to
tho robber's identity. A young man
named Wood, who spent somo tlmo In
Roseburg, and II ti ally moved with
somo friends to Olalla to engage In
placer mining, Is suspected of being tho
louo highwayman. He vae the pos
sessor of a Colt's revolver, and It is
now known that ho recently purchased
a bulldog pistol from W. R. Wells, of
Olalla.accountlug for the two rovolvers
carried by tbo robber. Wood dis
appeared the Sunday previous to tho
lint hold-up. His friends claim he
went to California. The suspicion
seems well founded by the fact that
the ofllcerrt found pinned to a tree on
an old road leading down Rice crtek,
near the scene of the hold-up, tho fol
lowing uoto scrawled on a leaf from a
memorandum boek: "Catch old Wood,
If you can, you . (Signed) Tho Mull
Bobber." Below this was written:
"George Lalngor, I'll seo you again."
This might have been written to throw
tio ofllcers of! the trail, but thoso.who
claim to know Wood'a handwriting
believe it to be genuine It Is believed
by thoee working on the case that
more robberies are contemplated.
Want Higher Wages
Dundee, Aug. 20. 8even hundred
mill workers struck today for au In
crease of ten per cent In wages. Man
ufacturers this afternoon decided not
to grant the Incrfuee.
i..' u ! -H
; Take No Substitute.
Gail Borden
Eagle Brand
: .ti-T ffifmENQEft MILK
lies iIwytood FIRST In th mlmj-
tlfln at th American Fot.U. No olhtt U
'' "juitMtood. Bett taUftt 7od.
aries to Shanghai, where Dr. Kudlcott's
roport was tlulfihed threo weeks ago.
Dr. EudicoU's conclusions are
brie 11 y as follew:
"Tho history 6f tho pa&t riots does
not encourage"t;tohopo for much in
tbo way of discovering the real origin
ot these, but the; conclusion Is forced
upon us that tbo holiest ofllclals
wero desirous a riot should take pluce.
The ofllclals bad ample power in their
hands to quell tno riot at its very
beginning, for tboro was au abundunco
of soldiers, arms ;' aud ammunition at
Ku Cheng. Had' tho ofllclals been
frloudly Bomo of theso forces would
quickly utilized to quoll tho disturb
aucea. j
"Tho acting ot Oheo, tho Infamous
chief of police, indeclariyg by proc
lamation that tho .ofllclals know tho
mlsslonarlc's woroigullty of stealing
and killing children is another ovl
denco.of tho aulmonlty of tho oinio.
ials. Again and again during tho
progress of tho riots, yamou soldiers
wero Been taking an nctlvo part In tho
work of destruction, a thing thoy
would not havo dared to do without
tho consent of their niastora.
"Tho viceroy Is dlreotly responsible
for tho riots. Ho Is known to bo autl
forolgn sluco only last February ho
oppossd by proclamation tbo Borth
emy convention, by which prlvlegcs
wero secured by foreigners in tho mat
ter of purchasing property."
Tho roport states that a crisis has
boon reached lu missionary operations,
that foreign nations, should change
their policy and gtvo the maudurlatiB
to understand that thoy must treat
American, British and other foreign
subjects with reaped and aflord thom
with protection; that unless this Is
done the futuro outlook buforo tho
missionaries who labor in tho interior
of China will bo dark indeed. He
"A money compensation for the
loss of property Is not sufflcont to
meet the demands of tho caso. Tho
condemnation of tho viceroy Is worth
infinitely moro at this junoturo than
millions of money.
Tho Shanghai correspondent of tho
London Times telegraphs:
Tho consular expedition to Ku
Chepg will probably prove futile.
China's attitude in trilling' with this
serious question Is likely to lead to
further trouble."
SruiNdKiELD, O., Aug. 20. Tho
district and other preliminary meet
ings of the Democratic state conven
tion wero held hero today preparatory
to assembling lu convention tomorrow.
Senator Brico is making tho fight of
his life for a platform In harmony with
tho views of PreBlduut Cluvelau. ilo
is believed to have a mvjorlty ot the 60S
delegates., but free silver men pledged
Senator- Brico that they had no light
on him but they wauted this plank.
Just before Sonntor Brico arrived in
tbo city It was flioded with dodgorti
bearing tho following n solution adop
ted at a meeting of silver delegates:
''We fuvor Immedluto restoration of
the law providing for freo colnago of
both gold aud silver coins aud their
iioo without discrimination as provided
for In tho constitution."
and Eastern Quotations Cor
rected Dally.
OliicAoo.Auir S3. Wheat, cmIi i33j Sept
Nkw Yoiik-, Aif So-allver, eojc;lead,3.:r7!
Vol-(Jrgou, cUotco, tkl0c; luie rlor, 07c:
vnlley, I'OlIu
lloi'8-liiiotnblont 430o.
IMUUocit-Knrly Hone. 603 UJc; Uuilatili75o,
Uit h-MltllUB, U31.U.
l'oinxANN, Aug. 20.-Vuenl, valley, 60c:
Wnlla Witllft, 47o.
Klourl-Drtiiind, Ji.SSi Honton county, H.W;
Krnliiim. J2M; iipertliio. H.6 per Obi,
Ortta whuo. ai4a)c; miiiiuK. i:c; uroy,
24310! rolled, In bags.; uaricl,J,W
(l,va; cne, 8 1.75.
J'oIiUoos-Nmw Oregoni 35363o bu.
llay-Oood, KQl) fjpor ton.
Wool Vnllnv.lliaiMn.
Ill'tiillii-Urnrj,IO.) shorts, 112.50; ohop
Icod. 112 15 per ton; ctilokcu wnent, 0o tiero.
HUIfH-gr. eu, nailed, 00 lbs 8io; undor W lb.
710o Bhtop pelts, lOGWo,
Hops Nonunnl at 4o.
lluller Oleirou runnv rrnntnurt-. yntbw
funcy lUlry. ai6cj lulr tonood, 10U-j
common, 7J40 '
(llieote Jiecon rutl cream, loans.
Kgits-OrcKon, niello pr dos.
..l511 fy-u"1ooH. $i.60,Ji l per det: dueks
.J,iWgese.fl1llO4t0.U), turkeys, drcssoa,
no r-lopi;teers,2K;iopcrIb-, lair to good
steers, !i3 3-6c; cows, 2injoj dressed ucof,
...V"..tll0,t .bco' J1.70a2.00; choloo owes,
j1.76h2.00; dressed. 4o.
Horh hnlco, heavy, :r,nofta,75; llcht and
fwdcrs, $ IA); drmsod, -lo lb.
Vilamiill, cliolco, 611", large, nalc V f'.
Wheat Ilo bu.
OitH-QOaTJic; new 18o.
1 .j. 1; mm, oiiHu. 50,w.iu.uu; iimotliy, J7.60.
Hoiir.inwIioK-suie lots, SAfiO; retail. 12.W.
M of An Iron Fnrnaro Blown
Oir in i'idsliin-
O.hcr Fires nutl Accidents ot tlio
Voluntocr Firomon to Moot.
Vancocvku, Wash., Aug. 20. A.P.
PIucub, secretary of tho executive com
mltta of tho Oregon Veteran Firemen's
Association, has rccolvd advices from
a number of representatives of Iioso
teams and volunteer firemen's organi
zations throughout tho Jurisdiction of
tbo association, and is conildout. tboro
will bo from 12 to 18 competitors for
tbo' various prizes offered for tho con
tests during tho flremon's tournament,
to tako placo (Sept. 2, 3 and -1.
Among tho towns so far heard from
which probably send teams of one kind
or another, nro as follews:
Portland, 2 teams; Urogon City, 2;
Tho Dalles, 2; HlllBboro, 1; Albany, 1;
Corvallls, 1; Eugene, 1; Astoria, 1; Lob
auou, 1; Balem 1; Pondloto, 1, With
tho two teams from this city tills will
mako 15 which aro expected to enter
tho list.
Bloomors Denounced.
Okkcion City, Aug. 20. Professor
Hhoroy, of Portlaud, dolivercd a leo
turo on tho "Now Womou" at tho
Congregational church Sunday night.
Tho andlotico listened atteulluely, and
a,number of the ladles who advocate
tho new idea wero present. Wliilo tho
profession favored tho advancement of
women lntollcctuully, and assorted
that sho ehould bo tbo equal of man in
tho professions and in places of trust,
ho seriously donounccd tho pratlce of
women wearing bloomers while riding
bicycles, or on any other occasion. He
claimed that this pratlco of women try
ing to uneox themselves, touded to
lowor them In tho estimation of the
malo Bex, and was a custom borrowed
from the barbarous ages aud from
forlegn countries; that it was ouly a
fad, which would bo forgotten In a
few yosaa.
brail, bult 111,0 sacked. JiivXI; .horls, JliOOa
13.00; ciioj) leed. ll3.OJal3.O0,
f rut wruNtuu, to, ,
Hogs Dressed. iUa.
Llvo Catllo-niiiW
Blii'op-Uvo. U5J.
Wool llcsl, UWo.
llois-llesl, llaio.
Kggs Cash, lOo.
,Sil)Ul",-"-'ldalrr, HialBo; fancy.'creninory
KurmHmoca.MeaU-Unoon,Oc; hams, llo;
shoulders, 7o. '
l'olnloes-Ncw,30o bu,
Jp25?i'.rXr1.!?iIil0'Tc' h0".; duels, 0a7o.
"' WW
Tint Infant Ciuidlilnln Pur tlm Throne of
(iriiit lirllnlii and Ireland.
Prlneo Kilwnnl Allmrt Christian George
Aiulmw I'atrli-k l)ald, only son of tho
Diiko mitt DiicIh'h of York and pogslblo
futuro rtilor of Ureal Britain ami Ireland
Yacht Test.
Bandy Hooic, Aug. 20. Tho first
trial race between the Defender and
Vigilant ended unsatisfactorily, aa Do
fender withdrew after making ono
round. It is supposed sho strained
The Eeesrve Again.
SvW York, Aug. 20 Tbo govern
ment bond syndicate has turned
12,000,000, gold, into tho nub-treasury.
This brings the ret gold reserve to
over 1100,000,000 after deducting
amount withdrawn for shipment.
Dr. Prlct's Cream BalUajr Pow'dsr
tyerld's ftdt Hlf but Awu4
Ullvpr Convention.
Han FiiANdiBco, Aug. 20. Tho
session of tho bimetallic convention
was resumed this morning with n largo
attendance of delegates and Bpectalors.
The committees appointed yesterday
reported and a temporary orgunizitlon
was mado permanent with George W,
Baker presidont and Qeo. P, Keeuey,
secretary. Five hundred and forty
seven delegates wero seated.
Fire at Obabalia.
CiiEHALlfl, Vn., Aug. 20, Tho
City Drugstore aud building ou Che
halls avenue was totally destroyed by
lire this morning. The flro was Incen
diary. Lobs, (3000, but fully Insured,
Cheapest and best dally and weokly
paper In Orogon. The $1 Weekly aud
Onk Cent Daily.
Hee our premium oiler of two splen
did magazines for tho family.
and umporor of India, was n year old June
0!) and mjoiiih to bo a Rturdy, lioalthy, In
tolllKuiit llttlo follow, despite tho weighty
assortment of namuri ho has boon onrrying
around during his brief caroor. It Is dlfll
cult to plcturo such an Infant as tho ruler
of ono of tho most powerful aud progres
siva nation of tho earth, but Prlneo Kd
ward Allwrt Is not so far romovod from tho
throne as would scorn at first thought.
lIlHgroat-Rramlmothor, Queen Victoria, Is
70 years old, ami her death may naturally
bo expected at any tlmo.
Queen Victoria's oldest son, Albert Ed
ward, tho prlneo of Wales, would succeed
lior, hut ho is now 01 ywirs of ago ami has
lod a life, It is said, that Is not comluolvo
to longevity. With King Albert Kdward
out of tho way tho young I Julio of York
would bo crowned as King George V, and
but onu ltfo would then remain botwoon
tlio throno ami Kdward Albert, tho Infant
prince. Tlio most Interesting thing that
has boon printed nlxmt this royal babo of
lata Is thu roport that lie Is deaf and dumb.
Tho rumor U discredited, howoor, and
thus far tho Duko ami Duchess of York
havo disdained to pay any attention to It.
In all probability Kdward hears as woll
ami makes us hard work of talking as any
other baby lu tho United Kingdom. Ho
bus plump arms and luxuriant, wavy liulr
and Booms to bo au unusually bright and
lioalthy Infant. Tlio plcturo that accom
panies this article was taken ou Ida first
Tho llttlo prlneo is tho only son of the
ouly Hvlngsou of thoPrlncoof Wales. IIU
mother was 1'riiicoss May of Took, who
nts engageti to bo married to tho Uuko of
Glanmcu, tho Prlneo of Wales' elder sou,
at tho time of bis doath threo yoars ago.
After Princess May had hud tlmo to dry
her tears she was married to Prince George,
''tho Bailor," her docoasod flanoo's brother
and tho present Duko of York,
... ii
flrclii Army Ufa Karly.
Military education Is commenced at an
earlier ago lu Turkey than In any other
olvllUcd country, lleforo tho aspirant for
military honors Is 19 years old he lias re
ceived a preliminary course of Instruction,
i i. ' -. i -
Prrrsnuiia, Aug. 20. Au explosion
at furuaco "H" of the Carneglo Bteol
company, at Braddock, this morning
killed six men, fatally Injured three,
seriously burned 15 and destroyed $.10,
000 worth of property. Five of tho In
lured inou will die. All the killed aud
injured were Hungarians, except
James Harrison, tho foreman. Tho ex
plosion was duo to a "hang" in tho
furnaco which BUddqnly was loosoued
and dropped Into tho molten metal be
low, generating immouBO quantities
of gas and so suddenly that it could
not oscapo by ordinary means. A few
minutes betoro tho explosion ono of the
top fillers dumped a barrow of material
into tho bull of tho furnace which he
had forgotton to ralso. This clogged
tho top of tho furuaco and prevented
tho gas escaping. A gaug of fifteen
mon in ohargo of James Harrison wero
sont at onco to tho top of tho furnoco to
removo tho obstruction. All wero
closely crowded cround the bell
of tho furnaco romoylng tho
matorlal whon thero was n terrjilo
oxploslou and tho mon, barrows, tools
and material wore hurled In all direc
tions. Two of tho Injured dlod In tho hos
pital, making tho number of tho dead
olgnt. They woro burnod so badly as
to bo boyoud recognition.
Mrs. D. A. Palno, wife
Palno of tho Insano asylum,
Eugouo today.
of Bupt.
wont to
Dr. C. A. Dorman, of Now Haveu,
Conn, arrived on tho 11 o'clook local
today. Ho will glvo a confldental talk
to mon at tho Y. M.iO. A. Sunday,
AugUBt 25.
Faik Wahnino. Bloycle rldors
aro notified to equip thomsolvcfl with
suitable bells and headlights lu accord
ance with tho ordluanco ou the subjoct
or there will bo prosecution to tho full
extent of tho law. Ed. N. Edea, city
A Littlk Bold. You may think
us a llttlo bold In bringing ourselves
before tbo public so nniou but wo are
not. Wo wish to inform tho people
tint for bargains lu groceries Branson
&, Co. load ull others. Wo are hoaquar
tcrs for Stay ton Hour.
Bounty WAnitANTH. County Clerk
L. V. Ehlen today Issued bounty war
rants as follews: John Burdett, 45
cents; Johnny Gilbert. $1.07; Joo
Zlolluuhl, 60 cents; I. L. Crump, 6 cts.
In Your Blood
Is tho caUBO ot that tired, languid feel
lug which aflllcts you this season, Thu
blood is impure und boa becomo thlu
and poor. Thut Is why you havo no
strength, no appetlto, cannot sleep.
Purify your blood with Hood's bursa
parilla, which will glvo you anuppettto
tone your stomach, und luvlgorato
j our nerves.
Hood'a Pills uro easy to take, etsy lu
action und sure in eflect, 25o.
A High Liver
Usually has u bad liver. Ho la bili
ous, conttlapted, lias Indigestion and
dyspepsia, if thero Is no orgaulo
irouuie a tow uoses or Parka' uuru euro
will tone him up, Parks' Huro Curo
b the ouly liver und ltklney curo wo
sell on u positive guarantee. Prico
11.00. Bold bv Lunu & Brooks. If--1
The Joujinai., Daily and Weekly
are not sent uny longor than they aiu
paid for, No bills uro ruu against sub
scribers. Pfeaso mako a uoto of that
and reuew promptly,
Highest of all in Leavening Power.-
-Lstct U.S. Gov't Report