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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 19, 1895)
mniMmm.tmvim HI TOE CAPITOL JODRIUL (DAILY ANU tfEklfJLrfr.) BY HOFER BROTHBR9, MONDAY, AUGUST 19, 1895- The shootlug of each other by the two doctors connected with the Porl- laud hospital brines to Jlcht a Dumber of disclosures in connection with the management of that institu tion that are not complimentary, to say the least. It may have one good effect, that of stopping people from sending members of their families off to a bos pital on Blight provocation. This Is coming to be quite a fad. It was not much heard of ten years ago. Now It seems as though about every other family at some time during the year sent an Intimate to the Portland bos pltal, or some other hospital There Is no better place for a sick per son than at home unless it be a change ofalrtotbo mountains, or to the . But the idea of sending a dear one or a loved one oft to a big city and turn them over to a lot of heartless medical attendants who are fighting one another for the privilege of being in first at the dissection of the victim at d a lot of nurses who are being made love to by the medical experimentalists who always flock around such an in stitution, it is revolting. There might be conditions under which hospiti I care would be the means of saving life but they were not present at the Portland hospital. If the institution was vigorously Investigated and cleansed of its moral and professional rottenness It might still be of some use but not otherwise. The time for holding the Oregon Blate Fair Is coming on. Oregon bus probably the ilnest state fair grounds on the Pacific coast. The buildings are also first-class. The fair Is held at the time of year when the farmer wants a little recreation before going into Jwln ter quarters and at Salem la a good place to get It. The fair this year Is to last ton days. This is an experiment that has succeeded In most states, although it Is doubtful if the thinly scattered population here warrants that extension of time. Salem has splendid train facilities for peoplo to come hero and get away the same dny and tbera Is no reason for the money that la spent why the Oregon State Fair should not be a great success and tend greatly to the upbuilding of tbo stato and the education of its people. A Balem woman doctor refused to attend a caso of childbirth because she had not beon notified two weeks pre vious to the arrival, to pave the way for the urrlval. She might as well hayo entorod a protest at not having beon called In at an carllor time. It may bo added that the baby arrived all right without tho doctor in this case and tbo old ladles In tho neighborhood hayo a good laugh on tho M. D, in skirts. A puzzle: "Why two able bodied doputy Bherlils nro paid for Bitting around and ornamenting tho sherifTa office, while tho oouny pays uluo other deputies for collecting taxes.? ISugone Broadaxe. In Marion ooutnty the deputise do not Bit around, but two deputies do about all the work of tho nflice that l dono by deputies, Tho champion liar of Oregon Is uowspaper niati who Uvea at Kast Portland. Ho says: 'The (Jiiroulule lias added 6,000 new subscribers to IU BUbsoriptiim lUt during the past nioutii." ills doubtful f thoro is a paper at Portland that hoi 6,000 sub scribers, According to the champions of the various oougreealoiml candidate, llln gor HorniKim has at various tlmoa and plaoes ftutod "perllilloiuly" towards allof tliHin, mn 1 1 hi in in tun n i Oovoriior Kluiolivr Is uite ofHalvm's trick bicycle rider. Albany Iknio uriil, Tint Is ft mlsUktt, He Is one of Hftluni's leading editorial writers, Willi w bued imiiks, Iter rotten K)MOS Mild llOJIUl lllHOllMUfW, i'ortUinl Is Nbovt as (outfit ft little town (Item h on III tvmnl. SaaMMtaMMMMMMI The Oottftue drove J Julio-1, sutler U rlnlel )euull, n (own Hist lie elitist h uwey. 't'iie nwr Is 0110 pf Hie lrj(v In Orrjpwif ADVENTURES OF CAPTAIN HORN This is the title of Frank R. Stock ton's lktest volume, just published by the Scribners of New York. An American sea captain iged 35 is ship wrecked on the rotst of South Amer ica. His party consUta of a Mrs. Clifl, widow, aged 60-, a sharp-faced Yankee scnoolma'am aged li and a boy, They encounter pirates, discover the place where the ancient Peruvians hid their immense treasure in an underground lake. Captain Horn Hods ways and means to get the gold to Paris, be provides for the party who are with him; all is done fairly and honorably and all ends very happily. As a background to the whole novel is the quiet bumor and delightful fun ning of Btocktuu, whose reputation as a genuine humorist is not confined to this country. The story is full of excltemnt and yet it is told In the Iraplest aocl moststralgbforward style, showing the capabilities of the English Uoguuge when in the bands of a mas ter of prose. What is most wholesome about It is there is little resort to tbe stage? tricks of tbe novelist, or blood shed, violent gusts of passion or deep dyed treachery to arouse interest, be yond a water burst that sweeps a baud (if pirates out to sea, and a battle In which three Americans wipe out ten -touth American greasers, who came to take their lives. The etory is told without resort to blood-curdling vio lence. The heroine Is transformed by the Alchemy of wealth and love from a (bin, scrawny, pinched, wrinkled and terribly In earnest echoolmu'um, Into a calm, Htilf-possessed beautiful woman, who always does the right thing at the right time and "makes no bad breaks, whatever." The fuuny thing about It Is that while there Is not a bit of love making in the entire book, where there were plenty of opportunities for spooning, tbo captain loved Edna from the first lime he set eyes on her. Of course they are married. In fact every thing goes well in tbe entire book. And bow much better thau where a novel holds us on the ragged edge of despair, when the writer could just as well have everything succeed pleas antly and happily. How many men there are in tbe world who have loved some woman from first Bight but have never told their love. If they could llnd forty millions of gold In one lump probably they could talk. Mr. Kincnld has another lawsuit on his bands. EocauBO ho wlil not Issue his warrant to the trustees or regents of tbo Weston state normal school for $10,000 that the managers want to dis burse as they please, and without ac countability to the governor, treasurer and seoreary of state, they have brought suit to compel tho secretary to Issue the warrant to them. Some persons will say Mr. Kincald may as well pay this for they will get it at the ond of a law suit anyhow. But this does not follow. Tho constitution and tho law is very dear as to how money shall bo paid out of the state treasury and this Mr. Kincald Is supposed to follow, A moro compliant secretary might pay out tbo whole Bum, but ho is not built that way. Ho is an old-tlmo Oregoulun who made his own fortune by hard licks, begtunlug with driving uu ox teum across the plains and mauling the rails of his own ranch. Every dollar he has he knows how ho got it and some of tho HghMlugorcd gentlemen who depend on tho stuto treasury for a living are surprised that ho does not scatter the money moro freely. Some say that beeauno ho Is deposed to bo economical in behalf of the oople of the state he ought not tuko nil the law allows hint for his own services, Few people uro built that way, He will take all the law allows him for his w vliYsand not a cent more, Helsundtr heavy bonds and elected by the people to do (list and to soe (hat others who have claim agulml (lie slate are held 10 the same role, Mr. Kincald has all his life been hii litmwl 11111, who would not only not Bteal himself but would not help other to steal, H110I1 a nun valuable to Hie people In any place they nut hint. The lan of re Ubllthlng sub treasuries all over the slate of Oregon for the iiurixM of musing It more easy fur Interested psitln iHllbure the iieople's money Is a frsud, It was not Intended by Ihe DOIIOlllllllUII, '' 'i Pltofmr'ti airlm Children Ory for j$ iSs fL Nervous Sleepless, no appetite and very much run down, was the condition of my husband. Since taking Hood's Sarsaparllla he has wonderfully Improved, and he now eats and sleeps well; in fact, he Is all right. Hood's Sarsaparilla we esteem very highly." Mrs. Mary Cor kioajt, 1010 Cedar St., Pueblo, Colorado. HnnH'e DIllc enr u u"r ln- buiw 11UUU & flllS ,, htilch. 2Jc The Northern Route. Are you going East? Have you de cided wblcb route you will take? Do you know the Northern Pacific lh the only line running Upholstered Tourist Sleepera direct from Portland to tbe East without change or delay ? Do jou know this is tbe only line running elegant dining cars from Portland to the East ? Do juu know that Hit se extra accumiuodaiious are given pas sengers without any higher rates than via inferior Hi, t? Do you know that j mi do not have to jump out at 5 or 0 o'clock in Hie morning on thin line for brtakfaet ai.d only have flftten or twenty minutes in which to gulp it down? Do 30U know tbeNorlhern Pacific Is the scenic (rutin continental line of America? Do you know you Can travel ai cheaply yia this line as via inferior routes? Cull on or write us for additional in formation, which will be cheerful! given you. 'inns. WATT fc CO., 2fl6 Commercial St.. Salem Oregon. In Your Blood Is the cause of that tired, languid feel ing which atlitcts you this season. The blood is impure und has become thin und poor. That is why you have no Hlrength, no appetite, cannot sleep. Purify your blood with Hood's Sarsa parilla, which will give youanuppetile tone your stomach, and invigorate 3 our nerves. Hood's Pills are easy to take, easy in action and sure in eflect. 25c. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. State of Ohio, Cityof.Tolkdo, 1 liijeAs County, j Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is tbo senior partner of the Arm of F. J. Cheney fc Co., doing business in the city of Toledo, county and state aforesaid, and that said Arm will pay the sum of one hundred dollars for each and every cose of catarrh that can not be cured by tbe use or Haifa Cat arrh Cure. Fkank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence,thls.6thday of Decem ber, A. D. 1880. A. W. ULEABON, Notary Public jSEAIi Hall'aCatarrh Cure is taken internally ana acta directly on tbe blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Cukny & Co., Toledo, O. sF"8old by druggists, 75c. A High Liver Usually has a bad liver. He Is bili ous, conetlapted, has indigestion and dyspepsia. If thero Is no organic trouble a few doses of Parks' Sure Cure will tone him up. Parks' Sure Cure a tho on'y llyer and kidney euro we sell on a posltiyo guarautee. Price $1.00. Sold by Lunn A Brooks. 10-4 PALPITATION OF THE HEART. Shortness of Ureatlt, Swell. Intf of Logs and Foot. "Iflor about four ycaw I win trou. tiit'il with paliilUition or tlio hourt, lortiiuiw of hrualli unit uwolliiiir of tlm It'tfij mill f(ttu At tljiiiw I woulii fuljiU I w.i tmiiUMl by tlio Ixwt tiliy. lolmu In Auvnnnuii, Ou., with no ro- ll!h,Jtfc,tiiia;,,trW,,,'' Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Um liU ivr und r.ivor J'llk M U Uyiimiiia hi Ink tiim IU Uitrl piiiUhiiix bkiiiir Ilium ami I urn now jfiwlttirliwiUlillmii fwrniuiiy ywirv lMllllllU III WUlUllC I MIK) till .into' liiuut inijy lw of vulua (i nuw ixir K. II VIITTIlff. Wp WUUimi. 0ft. Ir. MlliVllMmiiurttiskttMou i.uin " - " MfttSKLVrtii rriMiWte.rinM!: nwmmM!t&i. wSimft A M. Suinjglliii! for Mother and ilie Children. WHAT THE JOCRXAL OFFERS FREE Two High Class M:iizIjcs Needed In Every Household. Journal readers who renew cash 8uliscrij)uoris on the fol lowing teiMis can have their choice of two very desirable magazines free. "QUEEN OF FASHIONS" free, by mail, one year to any subsciiler who pays for the Daily by carrier three months in advance, at this office,$1.50; or the Weekly one year and a half in advance, 1.50. This gives you the bet 16-page il lustrated fashion magazine of New York free for one year. The aboye prices are net cash, a 'd the cheapest combination ever offered. The "Queen" is a high-class, practical, home magazine. "THE CHILD-GARDEN." Upon the same terms you can obtain this delightful Chi cago children's magazine. Just the thing to read to the little ones of the home circle. It brings the kindergatten into the home. Itong, games and story. Beautifully illustrated, 1 a year. Published by the Kindergarten Literature Co. Samples of these magazines will be furnished free by mail or can be seen a . this office. HOFER BROS., Publishers. Salem, Oregon. SALEMgTILE WORKS. &,. s :larojji3tock on hand.. Special Inducements 'oflered. Shipped to al point on short notice. Send for prices. Yarta, North Halem. Address J. E, MDRPHY, r air urounos, ui GEO. IPJENDRICH'S MEAT MARKET! 321 Commercial sUIOottle block. J, fHuccessor loU. M.BeckAOo.) Bent meats lnthe city. I'romptdellvery at lowest prion) TBE STATE NORMAL SCOOOL DRAIN, OHEQOK.: write for catalogues. LOUIS DAHZKE, 8 7 2m President . If you love your boy give Ulm the most vJ. nuiu oi niiK iw, inuoeoi eaucanon possi- ble. ire is no uoiier place than m, MT.ANOKL, OH. Hchool pompieie in every reip'et. Bplondid itall of teachers, excellent mea's, beautiful and healthy location, constant care and strict dUclilne, and costs but C0u mouth. Ha Im 11 1 p 1, nv HAI.KU. OllKOON (Jiilrt Institution of learning n the stale. Kull prvpursUiry hu4 eollrylsiu rour, Total eiiridiuiBUt for IbVI6,40I sludeuU. KipensM 111 1I1B HiMie. luudrrwta. New IW V)IIIIIIU1UIII, FlfX-oouil LViiv liMHlny Ukisi ".Tf K"l!'HI(i fur latum For lufurjuudon 11. 17, !! iiou orraiaiosuoi rttlatosuo ail 1 rest W.U. IIAWI.UV A M., sO.Uwflw I'rMUUiit, F. M. Stiiela IWOOVWKII0IAI.Hr, JKiiliiory ajiil lijoyclf Kopafr Shop. ESSRHfH bMV lrvii W MH lilt Mi Angel 7ir I UM W 11,1,11 II i-IJUil I1JJ 1 IU UNIVERSITY '" . S JuHJf STANLEY. JIM MEAD STANLEY MEAD. STEAM WOOD SAW, Quirk work. Low price. Leave nijfrs al K. U WMtacoU'Uble.backorF.O 8-14 " JERSEYS WANTED. A car-load of lreh milch Jrey. or cows soon to tome lu Addreu Thos. il Wllrfon, care Journal office, rfnll' Friday. 7 Jt C Ji LANE Mrrcuant Tailor, 211 Commercial St., Salem J. J. HARRIS 8, HORSE, SHOEING' Shop at 1(4 I'hemeketa itreet, near Com tnerelal. Bpeclnl attention to ln(erferlng-.and horuw with dloe&Jied (pet T 6 J. G. BLAKE, Prop. TOLEDO, UNOOLN COUNTY, OREGON. -Biectal rate to tourists and land locaters. Board by the week and free hack to Newport for eurf batnlng, and HUetz reservation and other points In county, every other day, (8 00 aawsaam m NEWPORT, OR. This elegant new h tel on the beach is the most delight ful resort of Oregon, and i run in the best of style. Term. moderate. Mary Fitzpatrick, 7 9 tf Pr p S n HOTEL ! MEHA1VLA, OR. Good 'accommodations, with table and bed kept up to it old standard. Guests served with the greatest comfort 7-in tr KLAMATH HOT SPRING ip 'skivou County Cal. to About fifty miles north of Mt. Shasta, twenty miles from the Ualitorma & Orecron R. R. Steam, sulphur and hot mud bathH. Cure for rheumatism. skin diseases and stomach and all stomach troubles. Fisning, hunting, climate and scenery unsurpassed. Pine stone ho tel. Delightful place to Bpend the summer. For particulars address EDSON BROS., Beswick, Cal. Props I 0 7-3 in MINERAL SPRINGS Of the State or Oregon, It's water is free to all, and is located in tho loot hills or tho Cascado mountains, at Sodaville, Linn Co,, Or. The most accessible mineral springs in tho state at all sea sons of tho yonr, and tho best water. This water is a cure lor all diseases of tho stomach, liver and kidneys, and costs you nothing, Pirst-class hotel accommodations, K G, Brigs, proprietor; mineral baths and umsorml parlors, Goo, Bouquet, inaimL'or; uoneriil morohamiiw., It. 3 Fjshor, proprietor; phyflioum and surgeon, A. (J. I'nll. Homumbor this i tho nloco for puro air, lino aooiiory, tohUu ami hunthiff, ami to rugulato your health by drink, ing ami Imtlilng in tlm bot MCMitwi,t4r on tho J'mlflooottMt. iJiilly liauk Jiiiu jiuiuU all tralntt at LuImiiioii, Or, only 1 iidIui. n nlati ilrlvu. Jlottlliiir of wodawator (or uhlpuuvt fiory & Boiw. propilolini.' ' "'njuniiiugiiiiwijio, J.', THE BODSB DLAV HOTEL MONTEREY m HOP STOVE THE BOSS THE .HTM BO, and IRON KING. hoppFe- of aH kinds and dimensions. PRICES LOWER THAN THE LOWEST. Steiner & Blosser, State Street, Salem. W.IACOSICK Piestdent. J.H. ALBERT. Ci.sbler. ional OK SALEM. Transacts a general banging business. WOLZ'S MARKET. Fresh.'salted and smoked iMeats and;8au sages. S-Kelrlgerator meats In best shape. Kept la uuAl lcecnest, eastern style. Free delivery, uouth Commercial street. t-tt ' CtlAti. WULZ, frop. Huie Wing Sang Co., ZtUfOKTKBH Japiucsu Kaniy lioods, all kinds of 811k Em. broidery, UrnamunU. tliluuwaie. Ben Teas orallktud. Mattings und make Unlshlng. Ladles' Underwear, hvery'hlng.elilni; very cheap. US Court H., .-iHeui. Ur. FARM F0R SALE ! Tluce hundred acres- good tumble loud, two inllet Jroni railroad rtutiou; dchl rcliard: 10 acres ynubg apple orchard; lfvuire hop yard; eood hop bouse; two house; good barn a puce. I'flce. !FVi per acre. ArtcressK lourual office, Salem ollil wlva F0R.SALE0R TRADE. Elghty-two acres in brlrtperorf. precinct, 8 nlles touth west of Uitllns, 2 mile from Falls "lty ew coukp, 30 litres under cultivation, ruaolDs water. Will lrade iorralem property ddres FfcXIX NOKi.. 4-lu' Dallas, Or. East and South if VIA- THE orlASTA ROUTE -o.'lthe Southern LPacincj Cumoanv. CALirOPIAIIIPRESa tkain bdn daily -h TWKZS IFOBIXAKD AND B. y'. ' ' ' Houth. I .North. 18:50 p. m. II.-C0 p. m. 10:45 a.m. Lv. i.v. Ar. Portland Balem Ban Fran. Ar. JL.V. LiV. h:10 a. m 600 a. m 7.-00 p. m AJ!?.tSl55.K,2P o1...?'..??'"?. Or. ltoeburg to Ashland inclusive, BOHBBUltOMAlI, DAILY. h:3U a.jn. 11.00 a. m :'M p. m. liT. Ar. PorUand Balem Koeebursc Ar. 4:w p. m Lv. 23Jp.m Iv. I S.DOa. m Bouth 4.-00 p. m. B:16 p. m. SALKM 1'AhHIC.NOKR, Lv. Portland. Ar. I Ar. Balem. i.v North 10:15 a.m 8.-00 a.m. Dining Cars on Ogdcn Kouto PULLMAN BUFFET SLBBPBRS AND Second Class Sleeoin Cars- AtUahed to all throuwlJ trains, j flr'est Side Diraion. Between Portliuo ' ud ubrr&llis: DAILY OCKHr-T BUM DAY). 7: JJ a. m. Lv. litis p. in. 1 Ar. Portland i1vr:l 6M6p, ut IM p. m uorvauia . Ar My na OorvallU connect with trajnoftjiireKon Central Kastera ltallroad. :"p. m. I Lv. m Portland Ar. I S.-i'ia.w 7ap;m.Ar. MoMlnuvllle Uy'A kwlniii 'miWVW TICUETH S?lS!.!S!2,t!5 l! .?.!! ''. Oanada MH.wjrv uiu uv uijuiiiieu hi JuwenL rutn Oregon Central ANJJ Eastern R, R, Co, lUqUINA HAY MOUTItj wi tuns rruui das, Vi)rllay.tiiy'io a .wjiiMtbriiMuX.;,,.,;,;.!,,, HWfrtefr S?SMaW Capital ffmmm' yMflHifirtu,VrKJ,S, -. vn.'.v.M FMnflg Tickets 4 . 'SPJCT0V TH i VIAI THE Union Pacific System ; PORTLAND to CHICAGO Our trains are heated by steam , I lighted by l'lntsch lleht. m hai TlnietoCblcao,days. Time to New York,K days. pemo' '" mmy bnn qmcker an aUtoaj apFpy tote8'U,netable"Rndl fUU taHwaa,', IiOISE & BARKER, AgeHts,BmIai0J tt. W. UAJLTKK, n F. RRnnr. uenerai Aeeut. r)iai v,.?' IsfTblrd at.. Poitland. Awi fi-t MCNKILL, RKl 11 J,K. To The Kast GIVES TUB.-CHOICK OFJ TWO TRAKSCONTIKENfAL El' i VIA- GltEAT, NORTflBRN RY. I I - Low Rales to all Baxters Ru'fi - Ocean isleamers'ienve Portland fTery;nflij Korluli;aetall8;call on or address BOIHK 4 BARKER. W. H. UURLBUKT, Gen. Fa&s. Ajenl, Portlanil,0j G. M. POWEKS, Local Ticket Agent Foot;o( Trade rU jpjkommnM, R a Pull mar, tleant Touris1 Sieeoino- Cars Dininp Cars blaeom" Can ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH, FARRr.F" ,'T0 GRAND FORKS! CR00KST0& WINNIPEGI , HELENA and BUTTE THIiOUttH TICKETS T0 CHICAGO NEW YORK! BOSTON and all Points East end South For Information.' time carasJuups tlcketsloall ou or write) THOMAB, WATT tC CO,, AdENTS, 2 Oomnierclal t iilefl. Ill Or A. X). CifAKWoN. Asat.Om). "w J Agent;a.WMorrInon at., corntr tbuc Portluml, Ore. OTk tiitmtmmm lull.l. Iilui4.u ittk& rENNYROYAL PIUS ' WvJt?K inuiiiruiB . f'fWffUl fur UIMSvMfTff f r , iwmj p - - W1U trfclol Ut MM w ,.,.-.,. il I UW4 op- " "lUIIJT 'u.ii.rr.r rV4i.f," (ll. lli.iiuuT tu liUr( IiihIi.M tf UM P U POHPLEXIOIj I POZZONi'S H Cfjinljliioi evmv ckmrnt Urn Doauiy ami in my. n i '" lyUy, Hfwiliiiiy, Jitfilijf. Ia (), ui JuiiiiIck, wd lrt iliiillyuf4tllilnriilU. Aiik lu)K.til-J wii.l tlwiM J'l ltW V) lll M9 ll lll ' i'lxii www " loiiit vfiu UyIbb tut funis I oroiiff is 0 1 i EAST Mo TTII vkU A it IT A H SZx tuf JA LADY'S T0IM5T U Id not coiimk-ld I vJtliout an iikul I rikmuLiimmtH'