JWM hMMMMMmammaiw' b li P b r Itf if. rili If ii.a- 1 IE CM COW THE TOWN t li per bead, and a floe qualify and lltt sliat) nt that. HEAVY- A great value at 17c pair NEW BUOKLE3, BELT PlUti. THE W. B. CYCLIST CORSETS. MeU a long felt requirement. Price, f 1.60. mv iUDH 0 k Are the bent money can uuv. Colored bosoms and cuffe, the reet white ie tbe fud. Bee tbetn. J. J. DALRYMPLE k CO. PERSONALS. O. E. Kransse left this afternoon Uy Unm for Newport. Hanker A. Bush wan at Dallas today on legal Lu1d. F. 8. Deirborn returned this morn ing from Eugene. Prof. E. B. McElroy went oyer to Newport tills morning. Judge Geo. H. Burnett left for Mc Mluuville tbls morning. Oscar Johnson went to Detroit on a fishing expedition this morning. F. J. Catterlin, the real estate dealer, bad business in Garvala tula morning. Professor Z. M. Parvin returned thla morning from btulnees visit to Albany, J. H. Campbell was a passenger to Portland on the eteamer Modoc this morning. Attorney and Mrs. J. H. McNary are borne from an outing at Newport by the sea. Judge J. J. Murphy was a passenger to Seal Bocks on the 11 o'clock local tbla morning. Mrs. Scott Rlggs was a passenger to Jefferson on tbe morning local on a visit to flrendx. Secretary of Slate JJ. It. Klncaid was a passenger to Portland on tbe afternoon local. Hon. Geo. 11. Williams, of Portland, was in tbe city today, coming up on tbe morning local. Mr. Frtbrltus Smith and wife wont to the Soda Springs yesterday for a few weeks mountain air. Mss Marcla Burton was a passenger to Needy on the Salem local this morning on a visit to friends. Rev. Wm. Kelloway and son, Nov. mau returned from Newturle tBav today. J. L. Kupllnger broiignt them over. Chester G. Murphy, one of Salem's best bicyclists, Is over at Newport for an outing, haying gono there this morning. Mr. O. II. Kay, Mrs. Given and her boo and daushter, Miss Nellie Fay and Miss Luoy Davis have gone for au out lug at Slab Crook. T. T. Uurkhart.of Portland, was in town today commissioned a notary public, huvlug Mod the necessary bo ml with the secretary of state. Dr. J. 0. Griffith, P. A. WJurIubTT'. II. Hroat and W. C. Paige left thin afternoon on their wheels for Newport' where they will remulii for a week or ten duvB. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hopkins left for their home lu Toconm this morning after a short visit with Mr. Hopkins' 0)Uln, Mr. J. K. Baker, iiiuimger of the Uoodalo lumberyards In this oily. mm . BLANK 1ST HA L1C. Having Just received an linuieuio line of new blankets and quilt, we oflVr the following price to In- trodiiee the line: 'jn flO pair gray JI blanket for 76 cents ht pair, oO pairs gray nud white ulni)ktU,wnrth f I.M per pair for f I per wlr, 111 pair heavy gray blanket 7'x80 good vulue nt t! 76 iwr pair our prlwf2.Wi.r mlr, Exlrafllie nil wool blankets, white or nty, fa W), H6i f ml0 wr plr. HPKC'IAL. Wo llVt Hbuiit fiO pulls of iiiUmhi kiiiI Dlillilrou'n ullglilly lUiimKt"! kid glove, which we will ulyeawuy to our iMiiluiuvt, one pair lo wvty iiri!lir, imMI llivy Mm ullgoiitf, MU for 1mm, muuM iuxoK ho. mU Ury CJikmM Qimm m C. D Wilson, of Fox Valley, was In J Silem today on brulneu. Be tayi tbe bop crop U medium on an average. His wheat went 62 bushels to tbe acre. There are many fields that will go nearly tbat amount. Albert Urllley, asMlstacl secretary letbeY. M, C. A. returned this noon from a week's outing at Neskowin. Jos. Evans, wbo started on the return trip with Mr. Grllley, bad tbe mis fortune to break his wheel coon after starting and bad to stop at Slab Creek ror repair. The following Salemltes returned from Newpoit on the 2:20 local this afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Nolf, Professor and Mrs. E. 8. Bollinger, Mr. and Mir. . M. LiFore, Lieutenaot C. E. Rob- lln, Cbas. Burggraf, Welter Folmef, E. C Herren, J. L. Bowman and Whit Uoltnan. License Yoob Dee. If you have a dog you wish to keep you bad better secure a license from Acting Recorder W. J. Culver at once. Bert Savage has been appointed special policeman, whewe duly it is to catch and Impound every dog tbat does not have tbe proper collar. Bert was seen out early with his lariat and bad landed not a few of the can lues in tbe pound before noon. The time for securing licenses expired July 1. Thereupon tbe citizens must culler the consequences If tbeir dog falls into tbe bands of tbe dog catcher, n tbey have bod a month and a half in which to renew their licenses. Act ing Recorder Culver was kept busy today isulog dog licenses. Although i very few licenses bad been taken out previous to tbls morning, tbe demand Tor tbcm was remarkable today. Be ware of the dog catcher! A Bui'I'Oskd Accomplice. Sheriff John Knight left this morning for Tbe Dalles for tbe purpose of securing a man wbo is incarcerated In tbe fall at that 'ity, as an accomplice of G. H. Mordaux wbo is now in tbe Marlon county jail under f500 bonds, cbargtd with tbe robbery of Nslhman & Man gold's hardware store at Gervais, about August 1st. At tbe time of tbe rob bery and also when Mordaux wfb arrested and but a part of tbo stolen property recovered, a great many thought there surely must have been au accomplice in tbe robbery. Sheriff Knight will accompany the fellow to Salem when he will be taken to Ger yals and given a preliminary hearing before Justice Atsman. Tuesday evening the celebrated street speaker and labor writer, Mrs. Mary .Robertson Squire, (no relation to John P. Robertson) appeared and spoke from a box ou tbe street corner opposite Bush's bank, where she will speak again tonight. Mrs. Hqulre sold a number of her books ou tbe labor question. The streets were filled with people about tbe speaker and a number of carriages, all listened with consider. able interest. Instead of being a Cox- ylte Mrs. Squire does not advocate bis ideas ut ail, but represents tbe Califor nia co-operativo commonwealth and advocates nationalism. Ice Station. Mr, Goodale, of tbe Goodale Relrigerator Car Co., of San Francisco, was In Salem yesterday and inado arrangements whereby Salem will bo made an Icing station. loo will be shipped from Portland and cars of fruit will bo Iced for their trip to Bos ton and New York. This Is a great convenience and recognition of Balem us a fruit center. Wk Don't Piaim To be running the earth but we are selling Salem peo. pie tho very choicest of groceries at prices that are unapproachable. No ouo attempts to compete with our prices. When you want anything In tbe grocery Hue call at Branson & Co.'s. Wk Do Ouh Paht. Every Salem ito has his part to perform to make our city attractive. We do ours by furnish ing the choicest of toilet and laundry soups for Salem's mauy citizens. Our priced suit everybody, Balom Soap &, Chemical works. Statk Pa in, The fair will soon be hero and the scorchers are having their wheel llxed up by Mitchel, the repair mau at the "Imperial" Agency, 288 Commercial street. Keys made, guns repaired, etc. i Lorn of Pkopmg Are oft to the count and to the mountains but there aru still euoug'h In Balem to ksep us huy wrapping up clothing, Our price can not be Itt-at. J, W, JoIiumju & Bon, No Mihtakk. If no one make a greater itiUtako than the "old maid" who uea "Epicure" Ua, this world would he all right, For sale only at Gilbert A- Patterson', Bounty WAMUNru-'Uouuty Vltk L. V. JCIilvn today Issued bounty wr- rsiil us follows W. H. Ruble, 188 gupher wall, fJ W pouts; J. Edson, 78 wot Itolllu Llfy, 80, J'mtK J'iiimiiuu At ObiUitlan oliuivli (hU vvf uliig, After program a 10 (Hint IuduIi lo ohwruh In church parlor. in m i I) ft PfkV &HM Htkttf I'tfwtfer H'wW'K Hit Hbt Aw- RIVER NEWS. Steamer Ore? Eagle came up from Portland last evening with a very good I load f freight. 8be remained at berj dock in Salem last nlgbt and left for Portland at 7 o'clock tbls mornlnjr, as nar achednte. Hhe took a fair load of miscellaneous freight down tbe river! tbls morning, besides about a dozen J passengers. i Steamer Modoc arrived up from the metropolis last evening with a large load of miscellaneous merchandise. Among ber freight last evening was tbe furniture for tbe newly-constructed Baptist church, ef this city. The pews are of handsome design. After dis charging ber cargo, the Modoc fell down the river to tbe Willamette Val ley mills, where she took on a quantity of feed, after whlrb tbe pasted on to tbe Salem flouring mills and took on eonfe flour. She left for Portland at 6 a.'m. today with a large number of passengers. Justice Court. Tbe case of Geo. J. Pearse, as admin istrator of the estate of of E. C. Htnall, deceased, vs. Ben and Clell Hayden, for $16C 56 and Interest ff om Feb. 22, 1834, was resumed in tbe justice court tbls morning. Closing arguments were made by J. A. Carson for tbe prosecution aud Wm. Kaiser for the defense, and at noou court adjourned until 1:30 p.m. When court convened this afternoon Attorney Canaan began bis closing re marks for tbe plaintiff and the case will not be concluded until lafe this afternoon. Tbe case of J. N. 8kife, adminis trator of the estate of D. M. Ktenc, deceased, vs. F. Nickolat, charged with the larceny of 245 bushels of wheat belonging to the Keene estate, was to have been tried at ID a. m. today in justice court, but as tbe attorneys are interested in other cases, the case has been postponed. Probate Court. Cbas. M. Parmenter, as adminis trator of the estate of Henry Croft, has filed tbe final account with the county court, which, body has approved the account and the administrator will be discharged upon filing tbe necessary receipts from the heirs after the distri bution of property. A Minino Company. John Gageu, M. G. Munley, and T. J. Munley as incorporators of the Block Butte Min ing company of Grant county, today filed articles of incorporation with tbe secretary of suite. The object of the now company Is to own and operate property, to locate and dUpose. of water rights, to enter a general mei chandiee business, to coutrol wagon roads, telephone, telegraph and elec. trio lines anu uriuges ana to oo a general running business. The capital stock of the incorporation is $350,000 divided into 350 shares of $100 each. ' Another Lady Editor. Toledo, Aug. 14. The "Yaquinn Post" (of Toledo) formerly owned and edited by "CoL" Van Cleve, was today sold to Miss McKinuey, of Portland, wbo will continue tbe publication under tbe same title. OUH SPECIALS. Fresh Lodi Watermelons, Black Grajyes, sweat; Free stone JPeaches, 75 cents per box; Cherries, Late Duke, Crabaj)j)le8, toilet soap, IS cents j)cr box, to be pur chased at Branson tC Co's. An Eugene paper says: James Abrams Is now selling (splen did large strawberries, well flavored, raised on bis garden in this tity. The vines will bear until the flout comes. Tbey are of the ever bearing variety. More of them should be raised here. Bop Pickers Wanted. Three iniudred linn pickers oin now register with (tie uuuersiuned five tind oue-lmlf miles southwest of Balnn. Will pay 40 cents iter box ami will , ooumieuee about Septembers. Don't register unless you are reasonably sure to oome and stay tho season through, Tickets cashed when work Is done. A. D. I's-riYJOiitf, 8.10-tf Balem, Or. wammfmnmrfmtmu uuunmmi.ua. iJi mm uui-j-.iimi Awarded Highest Ifenorft-t-World's Fair, Me4l, MMwlHUr Pair. w CREAM BAKING P0WDLR IMotf J'ttfet Md, 4 VMM lit mUn3. MARION COUNTY COURT. List of Claim Allowed at Auuit Term, 1895. SUte of Oregon, plaintiff", vs. DoL Beers, defendant: Claimant. AmL allowed A O Condit 6 i EdNEdes 10 05 A Dllley '. 67 61 Dora Bennett Etta Tate , A Dilley l .0 1 70 :. i so 1 70 H Sterling State of Oregon vs. Jim Callahan A O Condit 5 5 00 Ed N Edes 6 70 A C Dilley 2 30 SUte of Oregon vs. Henry William: AO Condit f 5 00 Ed N Edes 6 70 2 30 A C Dllley State of Oregon vs. Lee Galbreth: AO Condit Paid EdNEdes- f 1 70 A CtPllley 2 30 State of Oregon vs. Willie Tharp: A O Condit 5 00 Ed N Edes 7 20 AC Dilley 15 60 Stite of Oregob vs. G. Shultz: A O Condit 1 5 00 Ed N Edes 6 70 A C DlUey- 2 30 SUte of Oregon vs. Henry Burd: A O Condit 5 00 Ed N Edes 6 70 A C Dilley 2 SO State of Oregon ys. C Andersen: A O Condit $ 6 00 Ed N Edes 6 70 A C Dilley -" 2 30 SUte of Oregon vs. J Herrell: A O Condit -' 6 CO Ed N Edes 6 70 A C Dllley 2 30 Bute of Oregon vs. John Commens: A O Condit 5 00 Ed N Edes 6 70 A C Dilley - 2 30 SUte of Oregon vs. A Robinsen: A O Condit ? 5 00 EdNEdes 6 70 AC Dllley 2 30 Slate of Oregon vs. George Bushnell: A O Condit 5 00 EdNEdes 70 A C Dllley 2 30 State of Oregon vs. Cbas Allwater: A O'Condit $ 5 00 Ed N Edes 6 70 A C Dilley 2 30 DO YOU USE TOBACCO? If you do remember that we sell CHEWING TOBACCO for 12 l-2c per 'pound., SMOKING TOBACCO, Corn Cake, at 20e per pound. If you pay more for these goods you miss it. i HARRITT & LAWRENCE. P. 0. Grocery. Slate of Oregou vs. R L Bradferd: A O Uondlt $ 5 00 Ed N Edes 0 70 A C Dllley 2 30 State of Oregon ys. Charles Earl: A O Uondlt $ 2 60 H A Johnson 4 70 A T Wain 1 00 State of Oregon ya. Amos Perter: A O Condit ? 5 00 Ed N Edes - 2 70 A O Dllley - 2 30 State of Oregon vs. Klpply: Ai) Condit :.:- Paid Ed N Edes I 3 SO A Dlllev - 12 30 Stato ol Oregon vs. O Madisen: A O Condit '- $ 6 00 Ed N Edea...'. 0 70 AO Dllley 2 30 Htnte of Oregon vs. Wall Heng: A O Condit 1 5 00 II A Johnson -. 8 70 AT Wain 2 20 State of Oregon vs. Fred. Link: lAOCondlt i 5 CO Kd N Edes . 0 70 I A O Dllley 2 30 Bute of Oregon vs. Heury Hears: AO Condit - f 6 00 Kd N Edes 7 05 I A O Dllley a oo Irene Blarr ... .... . 1 70 State of Oregou va. J Thompson; . A O Comllt 1 00 Kd N K-lw - 0 M A O Ullley. -" 3 00 Walla UIiUnU. W State of OrvnorrV. 'ilt 8 Ooldem A O CoudU...... 5 00 Kd N K.m..-.....-.. 0 60 AO DlHny...... t 60 State (if Off goivs. James IttiMellt A O Condit... -. 6 00 Kd N Kdrs... 'u ! ")r, iWi Jth5 WE iwit i WuUV,"mmf - I Hiterf 0fso Ts- J Trace? ! A O Cnodtt . --- J SCO 6X0 230 EdNEdes- A D Dilley State of Orecon vs F Webb: A O Condit . 5 00 EdNEd AC Dilley Wells La tourette 8 95 3 00 1 70 Haning- SUte ff Oregon vs. James ten: A O Oondlt l 5 00 EdNEdes i 6 70 A C Dilley 2 30 State of Oregon vs.Ragna!d Johnen: A O Condit 5 00 Ed NEdes- 11 0 AC Dilley CdasF McAllister CTha Smith 0 70 70 70 70 AEDavt oJ-.Mf.ya Will Smith Kenneth Schrlber Clark Smith 70 70 70 SUte of Oregon vs. MrsSarah Dilaen: A O Condit.-.. Paid Jos Assmsn 1 8 90 Victor Cambas 8 00 John Fisher 2 50 GW Wilson 2 50 Francis Watt'er - - 50 Conrad Pleeu i 30 Martin Gibson 2 50 Joseph Gilson 2 50 Josephine Gllson 2 50 John MuPohleu 2 70 John Nuzzy 170 SUte of Oregon vs- Krbiniao Glosa- heuser: A O Condit $ 5 00 J A Knight 7 75 Amos Beach 10 00 JRJacsson 2 30 J A Jackson 2 30 8 M Willcox 1 70 Orsen Marshhurger 1 70 Agnes Jackson 2 30 WT Roberts 1 70 AGLsner 120 FMCommack 120 CT Pomeroy 1 to CLOgle 1 20 FG Ebv 1 20 State ot.Oregon v. G Mordanax Cbas Park 5 7 80 J Assmin 6 7i Victor Caiubao . 11 55 Bert F Savage 5 70 F A Maugold 1 70 W J Clark 1 70 A Wear 1 70 Btate of Oregon vs. Qesshenser: A U Hough 5 5 00 J A Knight 0 30 Amos Beach 7 40 J R Jackson 2 30 J A Jackson 2 30 JO Milton 2 50 ABrlggs 1 20 F A Ford 1 20 WLTooze 120 Geo Storber 2 60 Geo Dimlck 2 30 C A Mills 2 30 JR Linn... l 20 Dennis Eddy.. l 20 U Hammond i 20 CRIMINAL ACCOUNTS. State of Oregon vs. Jessie Moore; not allowed. State of Oregon vs. Curg Hunsaker and Dick Learn, continued, Dr. J. N. Smith; amt.clalmed, (12.60; amt. allowded, fO. Wtra JUbjr wm IcV, we g' her OutorU. When tha u a ClilM, tho crlnl for CiMorU. Whan klie becauis Ilm, kho clung to OutorU, When h h4 CfclUrta, lt jrT tbetn OutorU. You Can't take too much of MIRES Rootbecr It nucucltw your Uilrt TM'tfUiebcstorit. Iiuprovr your health TUt' thomtoflt. IH-Im IMkM I UlkMt. Mi M.M m. MwMUMrM.k.MwMifMki I'liMIHMIIIII 1 SPECIAL SALE 0 GUDE We will sell tbe fullawing lines at these prices Saturday 8-button Jiuurado, black and colored 5-hook Ekay do do 6-button Jouvin do do 5-hook Isabella do do Lyons ITqster pat. do do Chaamois '. We will close out pur line of Biritz this sale for 79c, S. M. & E. H. STOC; Hop Stores and FipJ Plumbing and Tinning-. See us befme order! 214 Commercial Street. UMUntt nm? iti, YAM COBURG LUMBER YARI orices. J. E. BAKER. Munfrl EXCELSIOR - STABLES Only good horses used. Satisfaction guaranteed. Stw Take theOne Cent Dai JOHN HUGHES. Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils, Window Glass, Ynrnbhes and the most complete stock ol Brushes of all Kinds in the State. Artists' Matcrials,Limc, Hair, Cement and Shingles and iincst quality oi GRASS SEEDS NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. AT HOMEThe old, reliable paper h4nger Uhomennd will bo tound ai Kojier & Sou's on auieitrett. h.K.Uull. 8 li St. WANTKD.-Girl to do general housework Apply to 1W High n'eel 813,: ONE AI A T P ao'WnlMr Jnst wee Ulli jJ12Li Inone Hiuail town. Any rnau with pu.n and a co.nmou education can do bj wen und only work 8 hou-s per dVy. We won. a rtprtMiitailou in cvtry suiiool diI trlct and town in t rui. .i.i.. . !,.' r.'.'r Halem. ""-" ".. im VX7ANTKU-I) hop pickers at the yurus of vv oiaalem. Will pay ruling" u"w. inooin. or., six mlltw dim . pricos r good Picaem Apply ,o o. uieen, at sard or in I. or to - - tnjf UUI LO BL. I-M I fin I --- -., 1-J2 I St ?i v-Auckolun.jiuery goduTulJ. 1 tlonaand lad . mm.,...,:. "Iri .t?.t: rnur. H.v. i.ii. i r:.,.rr,. "" nrt AiZi' :,i..." .,VJUU'" n 7. ." w iviiiv Addrt Vlrt. OEoitut; lUOK, jbanon, Or 7tf.ttl MSSttJgjt?- -h- lloomj, iiir. riHHIHTlAN HOlKNCK-Lltnitr. r .n j kinds oiiuli and ChrUUan hcudm u? vice, at km wbcrty .ut, corner uScSwkKJ. PjAUI'KI" JUr-JiU-Uirga tot of beav Wni&'S&ZA ! r ruu, ff, .. i. -w w.mwh LW Kiviuih i Dal oflloa, ..ai - w w B w m tBii ski. .Jiiiir Mni uuiw nrWU, Li LVIKU.A KUKUMAN - Tnwi.., T77. iL.i im,..,:s-'.7i:?'"a nxuu at rv ni JAri:it.-'ortUua, nratualo uuattu. I H JnTai,' " --"""" Aoai -o- $1 0- 115 STATE STREET. BARR & PETZEL, WOOD ASD IRON PUMPS. GRAY BROS.. UPM Jl M kl 11 W Road Machinery and Agricultural Implements. Latest Improved Goods and Lowest Prices. W. Cor. Sare and Liberty Sft. SALEM ORES J, C. GOODALE, TWELFTH STREET, NEAR DEPOT, All grades and dimensions of Bnhiing Lumber.: 'Largest stock end In B. C. Hansen, Manager. back of State Insurance block. An Oregon iMewspaper California news does not suit you Eastern papers will not answer This is distinctively the Oregon Newspaper entirely I'over ncr Oreeron interests T P. K1SHKR. KewspaperAdvertlJrtnill li. xi ;iercnanu- i-.icnamre, Ban ins tsoarauthorlred agent This paper t ua iuhuq uiaoraqe. i.-W "I jOU HAvrUKAOa-For hor.e. wa VJI Apply to w alter ilorley. at nif suop. el State at., opjioslte Tlitr engiBiJ THE WOMAN WHOSE CLOTHES! seems to get along in theorld euia anj- other woman. In the first place, she is more xtea scciai mncnors. Mrs. I. L. Mitchell euarrantefs a and satisfactory fit of every garment, on East State street next to Simpson's I store. M Comnlete line sunolies and notion w 1 kept on hand. Jfrj SALEM WATER 1 OfrTrB. W llamoHa Hnfpl Ruiliia'. 71 -" v -...w.v ...... 1 For water tervlco apply at office. BBj5 W auipiuuuiuiy in uuvaucc. .-u ' - plalnuattbaofflea Irrigation months-June, July, AofJ"V nepieinoen uoura u iota, m., a iu r IrngKiion bills iyalile on or orO3 of July. Street i treat sprtululng poniuvrij m j E. M. lVAITEPItlNTINOttj Mu im mo ni uuua HIMJ dUI) anu : Legal Blank Publisher. Hnsh'a New Brlokver tbe bank.OjmT F. M. Steeftj I8J00MUKJICIAL8T. Macliinery aod Bicycle M KjImiMc" .inrt mdHi'UK J j I rjtlr4. All work 0ou In !! - - 'r iwem " r' &