a t 1 s y . I ifMry it niuinii TOE BEST PIPE " fTQBACCQ This extra ordlunry lie juvenator is tho most wonderful discovery of tho age. It iias been en dorsed by tho men of Kuropo and Amerlra. tludyan is purely vego- Hudyan stops Prcmaturensss of tho dls charco in 2fl Constipation, uizziness, Falling Sen-sations.Ncrr-ous twitching of tho cyet and othoi parts. Strengthens, Invigorates and tones the entire system. Hudyan cure! Debility, Nervousness, Emlvslpns anddevelopci and restores weak organs Veins in Ihc back, locsei by day oi days. Cures r.nsT MANHOOD luemsioppec m quickly. Oyer 2,000 private endorsements. Prematurcntsd means imrotcney n the first stage. It is a symptom of seminal weakness and barrenness. It can be stopped In 20 days bythousoofHudyon. The new discovery was made by tnoBrtecIal istsoftheoldfamousHudson Medical Institute. It is the Etronuest vltallzer made. It is very powerful, but haimle6s. fold for 81 00 a pact age orS packages for 85.00(rlalnsealed boxes). "Written guarantee glveafoTftcure. If you buy lr boxes ami are not entli ely cured, six more r-Ul be 6ent to you fte of all charges. Bend for clrculcrsund testimonial1!. Address HUDSON MEDIOACj IN8TIXUXE, Function Stockton, illarkct A: Ellis SU San Franclaco. Cai. Mexican Mustang Liniment for urns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sors3 Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, blisters, Jnsect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, Mi Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts It In a Jiffy. Rub In Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquer l'ln, Wake flan or Dkt well again. MONEY TO LOAN On twin iMia Munir npwtai rw u. juat, Jou eoluldtred without dUj Hamilton & Molr. MS3 jiv'tir hawk MvmntH), WASHINGTON HOP NEWS. The County H pgrowers' Association met at Chehalis Saturday to take final action on the question of prices for pickinc. At a former meeting it was decided to adopt the 75-cent rate, provided growers representing 700 acres would not pay more. The committee to secure signatures reported yesterday that it had been unable to secure more than about 650 acres in the the agreement, cousequcntly the price for picking will be governed by the ability or inclination of the individual growers to pay 75 cents or more. The failure of the plan to reduce the price was due to the fact that a number of large growers and some other who have contracted their crops feared it would be impossible to hire pickers at 75 cents a box. Ihere will probably be a scarc ity of pickers at any price, for the number of idle people in the vicinity is much smaller than for two or three years past. Most cro ers. ao cording to statement now made, will pay $t a box, as formerly, though some say they have secured pickers enough at 75 cents. 1 he condition of the growing crop in these valleys is fairly good, but the continued dry weather is undoubtedly shortening in some what. Low prices and the discourging pro pect ahead have led many hopmen to decide shat they will not pick at all, Nevertheless when the season opens, from the 5th to the loth of next month, there will doubtless be a demand for more pickers than can be had, unless outside help can be secured. The Puyallup Citizen August 9,says: The past week has made great improve ment in the vine and the hops are coming out of burr. The Sleeker companies will all have large crops of clean hops unless a late attack of fly enters their yards. Most of the yards in this immediate vicinity arc comparatively Clean. There is total inaction in the market. Stock are cleaned out and consequently no shipments have been made. Generally speaking hops look bad and there in no reason to make better estimate than have been made earlier in the season. The latest intelligence leads one to the be lief that Germany will have three fourths of a crop and-England and New York half a crop. The talk about '94 cold storage hops filling he needs of '95 is quite bearish. It takes good fresh hops and plenty of them to make good beer. While inferior grades can be made out of old, cold storage stocks and extra iood beer that is in best demand must be made from fresh hops. The hop crop will be short this year but plenty of good be:r will be consumed and it is but logical to believe that choice hops will sell at a fair figure Never, however, have the lice been so little under control, There will not be many hops picked and choice samples will be very ex ceptional. H. E. McGowon, of Puyallup one of the leading hop manipulators of Washington.offers prizes of $10 and $5 respectively, for the best two samples of of Washington hops that may be aent to him. Entries will be accepted un til October 1. Expert judges will pass upon the merits of the samples. Mr. McGowan's object is to determine which side of ol the mountains will succeed in raising the best hops. Samples should be carefully marked with the 'growers names, and post office ac dress and the amount of their crop. A GOOD TAKE-OFF. The Editor of the Capital Journal, who was in attendance at the recent meeting of the O. P. A. at Newport, says: 'The truth is that the editoral association seemed an utterly comotose and brainless assemblage, with a few rare exceptions. Moat of them were not newspaper men oH even "journalists" and they had not a shred of a programme, except to elect the same set pretty nearly throughout to the offices again" This is certainly not a very complimentary notice, coming as it does from one of the "few rare exceptions." What seems to be at the bottom of the lack of interest shown in the meetings of the press association of this state is the fact that there appears to be no hope of effecting a change in the only office of the association worth having, namely, tbe office of treasurer, Charles Nickell, of the Jacksonian Times, ap pears to have a life lease on this office and all have despaired of every succeeding in dislodging him. In no other way does this man Ntckell fill so completly every require meat of tho Jacksonian Democrat as bis de sire to hold office. Editor Nickell is possessed of the happy faculty of "springing hlmselP and spending money with the magnificence of a prince. This quality has recommended him as prom inently qualified to show oft the association of which be is the honored treasurer to better advantage in the expenditure of its unearned Increment, than any other member. How ever, he should aid in instilling new life Into tbe O. P. A. by allowing tome other Impecun ious nencil nushcr to pack around the three or four hundred dollars now being hoarded up for.tbe purpose of "bulling" the cocktail market, The "bosses" must rccoirnlie before it U too late that tbe chronic office holder must .loosen his erin and cive tbe young men a chance in the O. P. A. It is ald Mr. Nickell has crown nutte obese durinc the time he has held tho office of trpaturer and the Urge number of editors in this state, who nave a "lean and hungry" look, demand new blood change rotation, Pendleton Tribune, Noticr; no pay ylll bo allowed county oorreapondenti for paoe taken by Jokea on bloomers. Kanuab City baa a touch of droulb Hunday aaloon clotlog, Bows weu wear ancegyj olhri gay uo. ChlldrtnCryfor ' Pitcher' 0trl VALLEY LOOAL NEWS. Aumsville. While going to 8alom last week and just as wo passed tho reform echool wo mlased tho stones that formerly filled tho road bed, going a little farther we met three men busy raking tho etoncs from the road. They looked like angels to us, for no angels could be engaged in better workv A little farther we met a fine looking young man with a very poor rake In his hand, short of handle and short of teeth, but one wave of it stopped our team, when a long paper was handed to us with a request to sign it. We thought Jthat it was our approval that was wanted. It was a subscription Hat. We asked, "is not the reform school doing this ?" "Not much" was auswered, "the su perintendent would not subscribe a cent." Wo went on wishing that somo law could compel such men to use the side of tho road where the stones wero raked to. The long sickness of Mrs. Dan Smith terminated In death last Wed needay to tho great relief of the suf ferer and to the great sorrow of her friends. Mrs. Smith was loved by all who knew her and tho entire com munity followed her remains to the grave as mourners. The funtral ser vice was held in the ohuroh, Rbv. Roberta officiating and the burial took place at Turner, Tbe floral offerings were beautiful, tbe casket and gruve being entirely covered. Every one ex tends sympathy to the husband nnd his two little children. Great honor is due to JameaMoyer for tho arrange ment for the services. Thomas Johnson, Sherman Swank and wife have returned from Newport this week. Three Christian women of Aumsvlllo did a Christian act last Thursday, August 8, that should be made publlo , but they do not wish it, "Their right band to know what their left hand doetb," heuce no names at present. Willie's new building Is assum ing some Importance. It Is get ting broader and higher every other day. From reports it is to be a de partment store, a butoher shop and a millinery counter aud a general assort ment of other things. The hup men are now busy praying for the destruction of the hop crop in England and New York, also for an increase of her conuamption. It is possible for a woman to do a moro disgraceful thing than run races. Farmers living aloBg Mill creek, took advantage of tbe water being let out to clean out the creek. Cbarlo's Heln'a new storo room Is nearly finished, It is a fine two-story building 37x44 and this added to the old building which "is 65 feet deep makes one of the finest store build Iocs In the country. Mr. Heln has shown good taste in finishing and painting. The upper part of tho build ing will be used as a hall; a muoh needed want in Bunnyslde. James Moyor, in his early married life bad a fearful time with hired girls, We feel proud of our railroad boss. He is almost perfootion and bis com plete control over his men. One wave of his band and they obey. He had the Aumsvilie switch fixed up In good shape last week. All he did was to wave his hand and the work was done. The Southern Pacific hotel has had its usual good run of trade this week. The people are fast finding out whore they can get the best accommodations and the beat meals. Quite an enthusiastic young man weut to Salem last week In the Interest of Tub Journal. All of his two friends promised to take Tub Journal "if and if" and tbe editor said "If and if." WE GIVE AWAY A Sample Package (4 to 7 doses) of Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets To any one sending name and address to us on a postal card. ONCE U3EP THBV ARE ALWAYS IN PA VOW. fence, our object in sending them out broadcast "V TRIAL. - They absolutely cure SICK HEADACHE, Biliousness, Constipation, Coated Tongue, Poor Ap petite, Dyspepsia aud klo. dred (ScrauKeuienU of the 6tomch,I,lveraiid Bowels, Don't accept some tubstllule said to be "Just as goed: The substitute toils the dealer lets. It costs you ABOUT the same, HIS profit is in (he "just as food." WtlERB IS YOURS? AddrtM for, JK SAWW.S, WrWs Wfry MUItl AmtMt, Ht. Hi Mtlt U, WrVAlO, H. K What is nstoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for InfUuts and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphlno nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and. Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee- is thirty years' uso by millions of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms and allays levorishncss. Castorin prevents vomiting; Sour Curd, cures Dlarrhooa and Wind Colic Castoria relieves teething; troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria Uan excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its Sjfsod effect upon their children." Da. O. C Osgood, Iowdl, Mass. "Castoria Is the best remedy for children of irhJch I am acquainted. I hope the day Is not r distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of thelrchlldren, and use Castoria lastead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby ending them to premature graves." Dr. J, F. Kjnciikloe, Conway, Ark. The Centaur Company, 77 Are Ik wmffl-- r Tbe Willamette Hotel READING HOTEL Reduced rates. Management liberal. Electric cars leaye hotel for all pub llo buildings and points of interest. Hpeclal rates will be given to permanent patrons. SALEM, OREGON, Gen anil Creseen OUR PRICES FOR GENDRONS ARE AS FOLLOWS No. 19 $80 cash. THE NEW th -AND - &. miMAst Ivnft """"""'"'" U HI (:-' Wmm aP iQQf. vrnpi; I HB w iwu "via- Ng Tbe abort routo to noInU In nwgiU Idaho. Woatu( f UakoU. tfui neoU and the ttU Through ticket on wile to Midi from Chicago, HI. 1mU. Wellington, rhllfuielphla, New York, ifoatnn, ana an point in mo uuuw HUU. Canada d Kurot, Tht Great Northern Hallway In a new Uunwow tluontal line, lluni HuHet Library Obfrvtton car, 1'olacu Hheplng and Dlolnir Can, Family Tourlt Mlepera and tirat and ttwiu claw coatliw, JfavluK a rock Ltllt traok the (Jraat Northern Hallway U fr from iJiutJ cue of the ohlof aunoyanoM of trautcoiitifieutal travel, Hound trip ticket with atotwjver prvlter and choice of return route. Vol further Information call upon or wrl 0. V. DONOVAN, 0ifl Ant, 12a Third k,,rortJMirOr' ' ' Or K, J, WHITNKV, C ,0, P,4T, A-, Ht, 'ul Minn. Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." II, A. Arciibr, M. D., tit So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. V. " Onr physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have among our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and DiarENEARY, Boston, Mass. Allen C Smith, Prts. Murray Street, New York City. IGYCIES. Highest of all High Grades)' Warranted superior to any Bloyole built ln;.bo world, re gardless of prlco. Built and, guaranteed by tbo Indiatia Bloyelo Co., a mil lion dollar concern, whose bond Is as good aa gold. DO NOT BUY A WHEEL UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN THE WAVERLEY. 8CHOXWHER, 21 lbs 186 o JOSEPH II. ALREB1T, Exclusive Agent. OF THE CITY. A.. I. WAGNER, "TOTlaJDlEi & OOJ1 AGENTS FOR u Specials $90 cash, jf0mp t-nwjimij in 'ji i if WAY EAST. 0.' R. &;N. Co's LINES, Ms THE SPLENDID 'PREHHU OFFERED. You Ire Eadfo .TO. EXAMINE THIS PME S4MFLE COPP Of Itlio (Cheapest Associated Press Daily on the Pacific Thirty Days News of the World. Including Orecron. lor 25Kli fsilvfir fiO rlnvH fnr HOn: i" 'Vr" :i: "1C.1 yvu.r. xxv jJiijJuiB Hunt uut A, Program lof Earnest Reforms onL" GreatJPublic I8 The Journal is a Republican paper, but it independantlyiy advocates tho interests ot the the public welfare above party ic serves ica parcy ana uio peopio A LEADEB IN For two years The J' trnal UUUJ. All- UUUlirSA- JJUH UUUll U 1UUUU1 111 LUU UJUU UglUUHlj Ting g politics and the corrupt methods ot the old machine. It 1b to, : i i : r a- j uuugiuKUU. uuumiJiun.ui mu puupiu a lutomaui vu. vuv ,, aumu l 0! norenwesc. it ngnts its Datues consistently witmn practical u limits, and wastes no time or space on impracticable theories. Ix, It is not pessimistic, but hrmly people lor soli-government wnen aocing intelligently ana tuny aroused to tho necessity of so doing. o FASHION JOURNAL FREE. For two names for tho Daily names for tho Weekly ($1) we of Fashions tho best Now York ladies fashion journal pub lished, monthly, 16-page, illustrated. Sample copy free. Price per year, 50 cents. A RICH GIFT BOOK Forfour subscribers to Daily, one month each, or four subl embers to Weekly, three months each, a free copy of ''Child' Christ-Tale," by Andrea Hofor, Chicago, a boautiful cIjw bio on plate paper, with 28 illustrations from tho masters. Re- -mit Rl. A MALAYAN ROMANCE. For two subscribers to Daily, ono month each, or two to Weekly, 8 mos. each, a free copy of Consul Wildman's ro mance of Malaya, richly bound and illustrated, Remit 50a FOR NEW NAMES. I in ! ! rrna It nM I 1 a w .. mits not less than 25c additional, with tho namo of a new sub r-criber, will receive by mail froo his choice of ono of forty standard works of English litoraturo. Sond for catalogue. Each worr-U 2fio. HOME AND EDUCATION , Foi a club of threo subscribers to tho Daily, for two mos. each ($1.50) or thioo to tho Weekly ($1,50) or of either with $1.50, wo will send froo a copy of tho Kindergarten Maga zine, of Chicago, tho journal of tho Now Education. Sam ple copy froo. Prico $1.50. For 2 subscribers to Daily, 2 mos., or Weekly. 8 vnQh, at 50o each ($1), wo will send thobost illustrated children's monthly magazino in tho world, "Tho Child.Qardon," ono year froo. Prico $1. Other promiumH will b announced fromjtimo to time. PUT JN SOME STRAW. by circulating a newspaper that ht distinctly and alway cut tho.uido of tho Peopio, Qnlor direct or through your Postmaster Tkr Dxmr Joumnal at $8,00 a year, 25 cents a month or Thk Wkkkly JowtiAh atTtfl.GO a yimr. No Papers Sent DoyonUtfiwui Paid for. UQVm BR0THKR9, PUMwf . Sfttom Qr, Mr In oro 11? invitefj Ml ?lQU OW lOUl lion $ r P fl1' 3 j 1 9,0 rlnvn for &! $ft friTHnrns T.i.i "j" 7' j "r:,";:JiBi, wiiub ur uruortju uuu jjaiuioni J Questions. " j10- l people at all times. It place intorebts, and believes therebyJU Desc. i THE FIGHT. has led in tho fight for a new Lh j :i.- i. j.u x-:g- ?r. believes m tho capacity of the L, for two months ($1) or two will send froe one "Tho Queen A w wl a & ..! u H L i L -V-r JT' .-f