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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 13, 1895)
irWT n CAPITAL JOURNAL A MONTH t'i n CHEAPEST. A SALEM. l!r!nc you the Dally Jouitul to die gentUle tr mountains. Better than a letter from h me. OREGON.. VOL. . DAILY EDITION. SALEM. OREGON, TUESDAY, AWUST 1,1, 1895. DAILY EDITION. no. n W Iff TO IS RECEIVING Iff IN THEIR m jj"They are marking everything at closer profits thnn ever. Our "Star 5 Star" the standard of good them at prices below One price to all and R.T. TATE NORMAL SCHOOL! MONMOUTH, tLjjTWr . '1S Tiit "FAIR Has cheap for spot cash, underwear of all kinds, tinware, granite ware, wpodenware, baskets.oil cloth, hosiery, hats, linens, calicos, clocks, notions of all kinds, bird cages wagons, soap, matches, brooms, wash boards, And most any thing you want, IIM OP OH 18954896. The University of Oregon, Eugene. Oregon, oflers tree tuition to all students. Young- men can obtain board, lodging, beat and lbt in the dormitory lor JX60 per week. Roomers lur. nlsh tnelr own linen. Young women a-e provided with board In private families at 53 per weelc xemne women tfeslrln. board should address l-rof.John Htiaub, Eugene, Oregon, or Becretarv Yountr Women's Ohriaiiau Association. Kugene. Uhe University offers three bac calaureate degrees. Bachelor of Arts. Uaihelor of Boience and liacheli r or betters witn cor. re ponding o ursea of study: Thd following Bhorter courses are also pflered: An English i course, leading in two years to a ousiness diploma an 1 in three years to the title graduate In English: An advanced couie for graduates of normal Bcbools leading to the degree master of pedagogy; A course ol two yers for teachers of physical education leading to a diploma, and the title director physio 1 education, -rne universuTcnarges au imiuouwiit. U'J.. which is payable in advance by all students. Students holding diplomas from .1 he public 'schools and those having teache;8' certificates are admitted to the pre.aratory department without examination. Those desiring; formation regarding the preparatory department should addrese the Dean.-N.UfJarregsn, Eugene. Fo. catalogues aud infjrmatlon address U. II. Chapman, 1'reMdeni, or J. J waiwm.etcreuMO', jvuBtu,unuu. """" M MUD 0 108 COURT ST., itocks, Bonds. rain and Provisions, ,in all MarlieU. Quotations direct from Chicago Board of Trade at 15 minutes Intervals. iniiiri LIMB,, .nd All 95 STATE ST E SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY, 23o LIVcrtu St. 'Telephone 41, A GENERAL LAUNDRY BUSINESS. QQU J. OklylSTCAP, P.ROP.' I M flff K Boots and Shoes are quality;. We sell all camnetition cash only, m BARTERS ARNES OREGON. A training school for teachers. Com plete eight grade training dedartment i.nd strong professional aud academic courses. The diploma of the school entitle? one to teach in any. county in the state without further examination. Board and lodlng,!books and tuition $160 per year. Beautiful and healthful location. Noealoous. There j a a- good demand for well trained teachers there is an over supply of untrained teachers. Catalogue cheerfully sent on applica tion. Address P. L. CAMPBELL, W. A. WANN, President. (Secretary. n SALEM, OR. "w-- STORE TRADE. CEMENT, SAND, Building Material. SILVER WAR RAGING. .Federal Officeholders Censured in Iowa. LEADER OF THE SILVER FORCES Say tho Democrats ot Illinois Will Not Carry a Connty. . Springfield, III., Aug. 13. Secre tary of. State Hlnrichsen, chairman of the democratic state central committee; speaking of tho national conference of silver men to be held at Washington August 14, said that Illinois would be represented by a large delegation of tho leading and influential d'rriocraU. The free-silver feeling is stronger i In this state, he said, than at tho time of the free-silver convention. The gold democrats, he claims, could not carry n single county in the state. A free silver democrat, according to bis no tion, would be named in the 18th district to BUbceed Representative Be. mann. Mr. Hlnrichsen roiorred caustically to Mr. Cable, of Rock Island, and United States Senator Palmer. He said: 'tin regard to the attempt of Mr. Cable to organize tho. gold forces in the state, I am informed Mr. Cable belongs to that class of men who in Illinois are Dig in Washington and in Washington are big. in Illinois, I am satisfied that h.e and Senator Palmer and other ad ministration men from this state have uever fairly reported the true situation tt the president We have only tone paper in--Chicago calllntr. Itaelf demo- nratlA nnrl 'tt. la Annirnllwl hu thft , . .- ., administration at Washington. As to thafwimliiir ntcnl Innn In TlllnntaJTllinnln 7jHWMMa4.AMill-fnii-i1nlMKAflH n4lrtH Will otiuu a liCO.OilvuA ucicniiuu vu iuu i national convention, and on a free silver platform we will carry the state by 60,000 majority, while on a gold platform we will be as badly beaten as we were last fall." Open Letter to Cleveland. AUTUMWA, Aug. 13. B. B. Evans, Cleveland's postmaster in his first term, and who was appointed by Cleve land consul to Nicaragua, is out in I an open letter to the president scoring the federal office holders for their undigni fied action In the convention, bringing the civil service rules into contempt. In conclusion Mr. Evans says: "The traditional policy of the Dem ocratic party is for Washington to keep its hands oft and let the people (.manage their own auairs, wnemer at the polls or in the nominating conven tions. I believe in your integrity, Mr. president, and that you earnestly de sire civil service reform; that you will not approve of tho indecency of the men who, at Marshalltown, armed with your commissions took advantage of their places and triumphed over their fellow Democrats, and then in stinging words taunted them with the humiliation of defeat. This letter is of public concern, and with the hope that your disapproval of such methods will DO 80 expiesseu u u jiruvo a ico son to th'oee who, temporarily clothed in authority, would make your admin istration rules a farce and Democracy a sham in the sight of hoBest men," Italian Rioters. Pitthbubo, Aug. 18. A hundred and fifty Italians employed on tbe ex cavation conduit in Alleghany struck yesterday for an advance or twenty five cents a day. Other men were secured to take their places and today tbe strikers tried to drive tho new men from tbe work- Stones, clubs aud revolvers were freely used and two Italians bad their beads split opeu. The mob was dlspersea Dy me ponce. .H Mil II -H'ftt- - I Take No Substitute- Gail Borden Eagle Brand Hi lwytxJ HMT fa tin ! JUltMIOW.- W WW! TW I .' - ------- J- - " - TtHH t KILLED HI TAMER. Probably a Doufela Tragedy at North Yaktoa. s Noktii YakimAAuc 13,-Uharloa McGonlgle, a man SO years "6U1, lain Jail in this city; hla father U a corpse, and Blacksmith Eaves is at the point of death; all the result of an aspersion of the character of Eaves' daughters by young McUpnlgle. Tho shooting oc curred late,, Monday nighty and the coroner's -jury investigated, jit at the' Mr.OontijIo ranch, sovon miles from the city, and brought, in h verdict charging the yonng man vith killing his father. J The factB are that Charles ilcUonigle had told the neighbors tbaC, in his belief, the Eaves girl were n3t virtu ous, and had further ordered his adopted sister to have nothing to do with them. Ho had also caused to bo printed in a local paper a sto'ryrefleot tngupon the character of the' Esves girls. Mr. Ewes, Sunday night1, drove to tho McGonlgle ranch, distant some two miles, to have a retraction. He was accompanied by his wife rfnd one of his daughters, Upon neaflug tfie house he saw Charles MaGonJfte, and called him to tlio gate. He oamo, but said he would stand by an$ jetiark8 he had made.: ' The Eav'e: ikmtiy alighted from tho wagou andSn'tered the gate together. McGonlgle ran. The Eaves people went to thV house, knocked and were invltedlin. Tbe wife and daubter entered, Mr; Eaves remaining on tho stoop, in front of-the door. He talked' a moment or.BOj said he came to see Charles, and Mused to enter, and stopped "off the stdfy. Old man McGonlgle came around! the cor ner of the bouse at this raonent. Eaves approached him angufrbls l hand on McGonigle'a shoujr iri a friendly way, and sold he had?, come to see why Charles bad circulated scan dals about his daughters. A rifle at the rear at this time cracked, and Mc Gonlgle fell and died In a few minutes, shot through the Intestines. Eaves iledluto thefaonsenuVwiMUjisitSjL the light. Charles a'dvaSeebT'to' tile' bouse door, and, seeing Miss Eaves in a room, said: "What are'you doing there?" He then fired at her, but she stepped aside, and tho bullet struck Eaves in tho groin. Eayea tires a small revolver at Charles, but missed, Tho latter then went to a neighbor's bouse and gave himself up, saying he bad shot his father accidentally. McGonlgle was a man of 60, and Eaves is 40. Tbe family of the dead man testified that be said: "Eaves killed me," bb be fell; but there was no corroborative testimony to this effect. In justice to tbeEaves girls,it should be said that they are .quite genteel, comparatively well educated, and have always borne good reputations. Neither famly has been here two years. There is small hope of Eaves recovering, Cuba a Republic. New York, Aug. 13. Cubans in this city are delighted at tbe news that a provisional government has been formed in Cuba, with representative men as Us officials. Colonel De Quer alta, a prominent Cuban patriot, said: 'The President elect, General Masco, is a Cuban to the core ot his heart. He is a native of Mauzanlllo and the owner of vast property In Cuba. Gen eral Maseo Is about 66 years of age and bus. a record as a soldier. In tho revolution of '08 to '78 he was com mander of an Important division and distinguished himself on the field. Joaquin Castillo! who has been selected as diplomatic ageut to the United States, is well known In New York and is extremely popular. All tbe men selected for the new government ' are capable and brilliant Cubans and ! regard their elections as significant of I a glorious epoch In the history of our island. The Mobt Fastidious People are pleased with the goods to be found at MpCall Bros. Why, the good there , would cause a king to smile, Our I -i --..I. ku Il.iI invwliara. yilixn vhu iw, (" Of, Price's Cr ttefci Pw4r !l; FIAT MONEY MAN Populist Foffer lias foMllver. No Use T3" SLAP AT CARLISLE'S FIELD. A Dakota Defaulting Treasurer Pleads Guilty. Emporia, Kas.,- Aug. 13. Senator Peffer has written a lttter in which ho declares against silver and cornea on strongly for a ourrency based on land values only. A Beam Falls. Chicago, Aug. 13. A bus;e iron beam fell from tbe top of tho Coliseum in coureo of ereotiou at Sixty-third street near Cottage Grove avenue this afternoon, Instantly killing Ham Kur il ee and It. M. Neal. ' Big Thief Sentenced. Pikbri, So. Dak., Aug. 13. Default ing State Treasurer W. W. Taylor pleaded guilty to embezzlement of (307,023 24 in Judge Gafterey's court today and will bo sentenced tomorrow. AN EDITOR'S NOTES. And Observations From a Trip to Paget Sound. Seattle, Aug. 11. A goodly train load left Salem as usual last Wesncs day morning when we started out for a short tour ofPuget Bound. Among the celebrities on board woro Gov. Moody and tbe Eugene foot racer. The former executive of our atato was on his way to Tho Dalles, and had in charge a bright little boy from the or pbans' homeat Salem, taking him to a permanent home in 'Eastern Oregon. Ttre-enrlnter. Mri PbllDOLjsratLvlindtr -j- .-- , . ......,.,.-,. BflUOri Ol JJCU XI1UIUU, Ui AUKSUU auu the Washington penitentiary warden. He was also beipg taken to a perma nent home for an unexpired term of two years at least. Prof. Sara Drown was on board, bound via tbe Canadian Paolflo for Bangor, Me., whence she was called by a telegram from her father to "come home at onoe sickness." The un fortunate young lady was starting out on bor long Journey In the dark as to who she was going to eeo, and did not feel sure that she would return to Oregon. Mlas Edith Sbriver, of the Salem steam laundry, war going to Seattle for a much deserved rest and to visit her sister, Mrs. Geo. Uerryhlll. At Portland we met H. H. Itagan, tbe popular Salem grocer, on his re. turn from Indiana, whenco he bad been called by the Illness ofbIs aged mother. He had been at the old homo only n hour when ho received a tele gram calling him back to tbe bedside of his wife at Salem. When in Port land he did not know whether either was alive. His distress must have been terrible. At 3eatlle Salemltes certainly feel at homo for there are scoies of Oregon people located hero. The first dey after our arrival we spent on the oppo site side of Lake Washington and upon our return found a score of cards at our hotel, Including those of friends from Oregon as well as the east. Among the ones most prized were those of Mrs. J. O. Wright and daughter, Mm. Iloseuburg. As the next two days were booked for an overland trip to Bnoqualrnle Kallr, we were satisfied with Mrs. Wright's company to the "Old Homestead" In the eeulng and a day programmed to see the dredger and Seattle's beautiful parks, of which I will writ later, A. V, If, Maurice Blnford, oflhi? Northwest Pacific Farmer, going to Ashland on a wheel In the In tor wit of his psper,'and to write up tho farm and fruit Interest on the road, pawed through Kalam to. day, Mr, Nlnforii txjjeot to be mob oywawoaMj, OUR RESERVE IS LOW. But Heavy Gold Withdrawals Not Looked for. Wasiirkitox, Aug. 13. The treas ury yesterday lost f 1,660.000 In gold for export to Europe, leaving tho reserve about $1,800,000 above the hundred million point. Mr. Curtis, acting secretary, said he had no'epeclflo information aud oould not say whether tho sydlcato would allow the $100,000,000 to bo encroached upon or not. This heavy withdrawal has given rise to a report that another bond issue is impending, hut thero Is no one in Washington who can speak authoritatively on the subject or who has any information not shared by tho public. The best opinion Is that the syndi cate will not allow tho reserve to bo oncroached upon until after October 1, when, as generally understood, their obligation ceases. But evon In event of still further withdrawals It Is be Moved that president Cleveland an.d Secrcttiry Carlisle would see tbo reserve reach a point below any that It has yet touched beforo before they would take any steps to recoup It by another salo of bonds or purchase of gold. The best Judgment obtainable hero Is thero will be no bond Issue or extra session of congress except in tho event of heavy withdrawals which are not looked for. Todays statomeut ot tbo condition of tho treasury shows an available cash balance of ?i03 ,857,210. Gold reserve 1102,052,303. Feaco In Brazil New York, Aug. 18. Tho Herald correspondent In Illo de Janeiro tele graphs that tho peaco has been restored iu Rio Grande, do Bui. A military officer Is now on his way from Rio Grande, do Sul to Rio de Janeiro. He bears tho protocol containing the peace terms which it has been agreed shall ue offered' to congress for approval as a dual settlement of tbe difficulty in that state. ' The government of Brazil, in further- auce ofah'Bmmrttt,'-tiM asked the government of Uruguay for a copy of tbe bill of health of the war ship Barracouta, which arrived In port from tho Montevideo Island last Jan uuy. It is reported to Brazil that when the Barracouta reached her an oborage tho health offlcr reoelyed docu ments signed by the doctor on board tbo warship, who had been named as health officer of the Island of Trlnl. dade by the captain of tho Barracouta, who looked upon tbe island aa British terrltoy. No notice was taken by the. authorities of Uruguay ot tbe fact that Brazil claims Trlnldade island as her own possession, The action of Uru guay Is regarded by Brazil aa savoring of subterfuge. Confidence Restored. Nkw Yokic, Aug. 18 Controller W. K. Akerman, who 1b recognized as one of the leading; financiers, of Ohicago, retired from ofllco in that olty on tbe election of a Republican mayor, "Con fldeuce has been restored," he said last uight, "and so far as I can see, noth ing will happon soon to disturb it. We sold eomo bonds recently to a Now' York firm at a higher price than we ever before received. The criterion of prosperity Is a brisk retail trade. All through tho West tho country mer chant! are stocking their stores and buying for a big trade this fall, An other thing, too, shows that builness men generally teal that the depresaion has ended, and that Is the reason for tho voluntary advance la wage which has been made. Then, too, tbo crors are going to (urn out as they nevtr have. I should not bo surprised If we hurvet 2,0?I0QQ,000 buthelaqf corn. "ChlcAKO Democrats and the Went would like to see Whitney at tho head of the ticket, The republicans will nominate Allison." Mg"4MHK98ESOaJMS9JWM Highest of nil in Leavening rowcry Uu,t V.J, Gov't JUjJWt ftrfVl Baking I XV iSL Powder WE WILL INVESTIGATE A Cora mission Is to Ro Rained Immediately. ; THE AMERICAN MINISTER ACTS ?. With tho British nml Chinrso Authorities. Washington, August 13. Advices hayo been received at the state depart ment that Mr. Denby is consulting with the British and Chlnos author ities relating to a full and completo In vestigation of the riots at Ku Cheug. A commission Is being formed aud tho state deportment has given inductions which will cause tho ministers to neg lect nothing that will insure better protection of the Interests of Ameri cans at Ku Cheng. He will Also with Co-Operation Admiral Carpnter, take steps to prevent further riots and pro tect American lu tercets should any new occasion arise. Will BuUd for Japan. Ban Fanoisco,Auc 13. Irvlug M. Boott, president of tbo Union Iron works, which turned out the Olympla and other crack American cruisers, will soon go to Jupan to bid on ttio coutracts fur building men-of-war for the Japanese navy. Tho rccout uchlove. meuts of American warships Is said tr, havo impressed the Japanese strongly and now that British Arms ara able to underbid American companies only 10 per cent instead of 60 per cent as. form erly, Mr.- Scott believes be will be able to Beoure a number of contraoteu The feeling of the J apanese government Is shown in the following statements re cently made to an American by tha secretary-general of the imperial cabinet: "You arebundiug the BWlfWat Mi most formidable cruisers known? Bb sides that you have Invented an armor plate far your buttlelhtps which Bub sla has ohosen for hers, In competition with all the armor plate In Europe, Our government seeing all.theee achievements and recalling tha fact that America has twice revolutionized tue nations of the world by her Infinite capacity for Invention, first by creat ing.tho ironclad aud then the turret, Is strongly disposed to draw uoon Ameri can shipyards for a part of Its navy. Why snould we not depend upon you for the best? Besides doing the things I have spoken of tho United Seates has built the finest clipper ships and tba fastest yachto. Your country lsada whenever she wants to, In naval con struction, both of peace and war. Be sides America buys so much of us and Is our historic frieud and w,ellwisher. For one I lncrly hope that American ship builders will bldforourcontracts." Mr. Bcott will carry letters, It Is said, not only from tho eeorotary of tho navy but from the Japanese minister at Washington. Cfaiua Hsard From. Washington, Aug. 18. The follow, log cablegram, signed by thf Chinese foreign office at Tsun Yatn, wm r oetved at the Chinese legation today; "No Americans were Injured la tint re con t riot. Think several Englishmen were. Flvo rlotora have been w rssted. This Is the first official In fomwtlou received at tho legation ooucernltig Urn recant riot, The oftlcUUof lgttun maintained strenuously that Um Onlnetfo government will exwcfct very effort to brlug the guilty te (juitloe. jmmmmmnmmimxmtmammmmmtammmmmmmmmmKt JL la. m o v23Wr- "'! ""5 . rtMaHMtao.-!- i4iimiMwn "- ,Knv,titHaB - nmwi--f ''wfflpsjJflfjpl(Paiip( MMStlWqtaWNIMfMMK"-'"'