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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 12, 1895)
'''litMrtsmpui, n - -4 L s' iHnriTai ywiPMij k TOE BEST TOBACCO, fUlP The GREAT' Hudvam. fStf &x ,7-- T? Thla pvtriL ordlnnry iie Juvenator Is tho inont wonderful discovery of tho age. It has be on en dorsed by tho leading fclen tiflo men,, of Kuropo and America. Hudyan Is pure vego- Hudyan stops Promatureiioss of the dls chareo In 20 days. Cures T.08T MANHOOD Constipation, Dizziness, Falling Sen-saUons.Nerr-ons twitching of tha eye and other parts. Strengthens, Invigorates and tones the entire system. Hudyan curct Debility, Nervousness, Kmiislpns, anddcvelorxt and restores weak organs. Pains In the back, lossei by day or mgmscoppec quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsem ents. rrematurenens means ImDOtency in the first stage. It Is a symptom of seminal weakness and barrenness. It can bo stopped in 20 days by tho use or Hudyan. The new discovery was made by tho Special ists of the old famons Hudson Medical Institute. It Is the strongest vltallzer made. It Is very powerful, but haimless. Sold for 81.00 a pack age or6 packages for ?5.00(pUinsealed boxes). Written guarantee given for a cure. Ifyoubuy six boxes and are not entirely cured, six more r-Ul be sent to you free of all charges. fiend for circulars and testimonials. Address JICDSON MEDICAL INSTITUTE, (unction Stockton, iUarliot fc Hill sir San Francisco. Cal. Mexican Mustang Liniment. for fehirns, Caked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & SaddlaSores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, Blisters, Insect Bites, All Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, Ml Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts It in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquen Makes flan cr Beast well asaln. SHERIDAN SUNSHINE. Heliograph Flashes from tho Pen of H. Q. Guild: An August Idyl The fellow who is too lazy to hunt a job in the harvest field. Why is a foxy politician like a weather vane? Because he is always "casting his anchor to windward." The man who sold his stove for money to take his family '.o the Ehxus, is now thinking of ttadetng his cow for a fire-place. Arcieree has solved the hard times problem, He will pay $1,000,000 worth of Oregon Pacific Co's debts with $100,000. A rawhide cannon has been invented in inc cast. Another conspiracy on the part of the trusts to boom the price of shoe leather. The Indian scare at Jackson's Hoe is over. Now Mr. Jackson would do well to crawl into the Hole, and carefully drag it in after htm. Mr. Harrison's alliteration of "bloomers Bicycles and Blue Ruin" may cause his Presidential boomlet to hang up for to season a spell. Dr. Sarah Walker has lived to see the bloomer costume vindicated in part. It is about the part in the costume, however, that the controversy is about. In San Francisco the other day a lunatic tried to shoot Durrant. The lunatic was not so crazy after all when the matter of the expense of the trial is considered. The Chinese have been killing a lot of English missionaries of late. They alledge as a reason that the foreigners were very poor singers and too often ran their services past the dinner hour. SPEAKER REED. The objection against ex-Speaker Reed as the canidate for president next year is that he is from New England, and the coming man thould be from the west. But this is not a valid objection, for locality should make little difference with a competent canidate. Mr. Reed has proved himself a very able legislator, and without doubt woulb make an excellent executive.' He is sound on Republican principles, and has sufficient individuality not to be frightened from any course he may deem expedient to follow. The Republican party Mill be called upon during the next few years to take a firm stand on many questions of national import an co, and the president must be in harmony with congress for united action. Mr. Reed's position on the tariff and on finance is in line with the traditions of the party, and he would stand shoulder to shonlder with both Drancnes 01 tne Kepumican congress to in augurate the policies the party pursued during its long control of national affairs. But in 1896 measures will receive greater consideration than men, and any one of a dozen leading Republicans who have proved themselves sol! I on party questions will draw a full vole. The people ate tired of Demoracy and want a change. They desire a restoration of protection, and an admin is. tration in power of which there is no danger that it will cater to the wild theories of Pop ulists on the money or. other quesiions Times Mountaineer. COOS BAY GOLD MINES. General Compson says in a letter: "There is now a system for saving fiae gold by chemical processes, which is very simple. The fir board, .24 inches wide, which forms the bed of the sluice box, is rubbed over with chemicals. The sand is thrown into the box, and washed over the bank' where the gold lodges in the chemicals, while the black sand is carried over to the dump. The planks are cleaned up every night, and the residue smelted, It is a wonderful invention, and I saw it tested while I was there. Mr. Hyde has with him the result of that clean-up, which was done in a short space of time, from a small quantity of black sand put through. Many thousands of dollars have been expended with other processes to sepa rate the gold from the immense, black sand mines in Coos and Curry counties, as well as other counties in tha state, but in vain' until the present process was discovered. It is very simple and cheap. Judge Packwood is a veteran in the business, and I am satisfied that he has got, when fully developed, a good paying property. The judge and all of us were very much elated over the success of the new process." SALEM BOY A HERO. . The Yaquina News Newport correspondent tells the following about two young ladies well known in Albany: What might have been a serious mishap was luckly averted by the timely assistance of two of our young men on Saturday. It seems that. Miss Amy Plummer and Miss Dorthy Nash, of Corvallis, who are visiting Mrs. Henry Nice, started out for a row and after pulling up the bay a few miles where they had lunch, started on the return and as the bay was very rough, the young ladies had a very hard pull and when off the mouth of the slough where Jbeie is always a large break tbey completely gave out and were unable to keep the boat head on Ed. Diven, who was just going on board the schooner Mary Gilbert, noticing the predicament tbey were in, with the assistance of one of the ships crew launched one of the boats and in a few minutes had the young ladies safely on shore. MONEY TO LOAN Hamilton & Moir, ABOUT THE INDIANS. An Indian is an Indian and a rattlesnake is a rattlesnake, and you might as well try to civilize one as the other. About the time you think youhave thoroughly tamed him he's ready to strike you. Transcript. Come off Snyder! History dou't bear you out in the above statement respecting the Indian race. The white man has broken a hundred pledges with the Indian, while the latter has broken one with the white man. The facts are, the history of Uucle Sam's deal- ing with the Indian, is simply a page of broken pledges. The Indian in his home is not naturally a saint by any means. On the other hanu he is dirty, lazy and shiftless, but plenty of instances can be cited where, with well directed efforts by really well meaning people, toward civilizing men and women of this race, very satisfactory re sults have followed. .Newberg Graphic. It la all wrong this old Jefferaonlan Idea of making Bllvor money ou its own hook. Legal tender silver dollars would be just as good as cold and would not have to be redeemed In gold. But that would ruin tho business cf tho gold speculators. What they want is lot of paper and silver money redeemable in gold- That's what the people don't want. Tho Northern Route. Aro you going East ? Have you de cided whlcti route you will take ? Do you know the Northern PaclQo la the only line running Upholstered Tourist Sleepers direct from Portland to the East without change or delay? Do you know this is the only line running elegant dining cars from Portland to theEust? Do you know that these extra accommodations are given pas sengers without any higher rates than via Inferior lines? Do you know that you do not have to jump out at 5 or 6 o'clock In tbe morning on this lino for breakfast and only have fifteen or twenty minutes In which to gulp It down? Do you know the Northern Pacific is the scenic tranH-coutinental line of America? Do you know you can travel as cheaply via this line aa via Inferior routes? Call on or write us for additional In formation, which will be cheerfully given you. Thos. Watt & Co., 260 Commercial Bu. Salem Oregon. Rheumatism la a symptom of disease of tbe Kid neys. It will certainly be relieved by Parks Bure Cure. That headache, oackache and tired feeling come from the same cause. Ask for Parks' Sure Cure for the liver and kidneys price fl.Ou, sold by Lunn & Brooks. 10 4v A High Liver Usually has a bad liver. He is bili ous, constiapted, has indigestion and dyspepsia. If there Is no organic trouble a few doses of Parks' Bure Cure will tone him up, Parks' Sure Cure s tbe only liver aud kidney cure we tell on a positive guarantee. Price 1.00. Bold bv Lunn & Brooks. 19-4 ON DIT Instead of paying a reward for the cap ture of a train robber, after he has got in his work, why not give the trainman or passenger a couple of thousand dollars who will kill him while in the act of robbing. Any habit that is too strong to break can truly be called a bad habit. It is generally understood that a homely women "gets fat" while a pretty one "get stout." A California widow has just married her hired man another case of the rich getting poor and the poor rich. . storia Bidget. A number of blacksmiths of Rogue river valley have formed a ' union, with Hugh Elliott of Jacksonville as president and Geo. F. Merriman of Medford as secretary. The main object of the organization is to maintain reasonable price for blacksmithing. It ii proposed to put horseshoeing at $2.oo, with a io per cent discount for cash. Another meet ing will be held soon, when nearly, all the blacksmiths in Jackson bounty are expectad to to become members. Times. The Rosebarg Water Company has given the city the worst black eye it has ever had Its action in cutting off the water supply .or fire purposes will cause strangers to give the city the "go-by." Bnt there Is one consola tion for the citizens; war wnue lacy .; some the company will sutler mote, ultimately For tbe company looses J8;.33 month, while Ibe taxpayer save this amount, 'and run no . .l .L..n..n tn olet'er tin.!' greater ms w iufcwj;-j '- '-, A SURGEON'S KNIFE jrfves you a feeling of horror and dread. There is no longer necessity for its use in many diseases formerly regarded as incurable without cutting. The Triumph of Conservative Surgery is well illustrated by the fact that nilDTHDC or Breach is nowraaY KUr 1 UKE cauy cured without the knife and without pain. Clumsy, chaf ing trusses can be thrown away f They never cure but often induce iuQamma tion, strangulation and death. Tl 1 M AD C Ovarian, Fibroid (Uterine) 1 U JHUIlo Bnd many others, are now removed without the perils of cutting operations. PILETUA10RS,rueI.,a.Ta other diseases of the lower bowel, are permanently cured without pain or re sort to the knife, ... CTflMR in the Bladder, up rattter oivnu how large, l crusnea. pui verited. washed out and perfectly re moved without cutting. STRICTURE , SMout cutting fn hundreds of cases. For pam phlet, references and .11 particular., lend io cent. (In .UropjO to World'. DU pensary Medical Association, 66j Mela Street, Buffalo, Jf. Y MOTHERS and those toon to be come mothers, should know that Dr Pierce's Favorite Prescription robs childbirth of Its tor tures, terrors and dangers to botu mother and child, by aiding nature in pre paring the system for parturition ti....Ii. "Ishor' and tbe period of ...! -.-.-M-aM i r greatly shortened. It also promotes the secretion of an abundance of nourishment for the child. Ttnn. writefT " When I Ugsn taklor Dr. ?" avVrlte rrecriptloj. Iwa. et age U land on ror feet without suffering almost death. Now I do all tar houtrworfc. w.thinr, cpoking. fcwTog1UeVerhhiogformyfraUy ot eight. I rmou'ter 5?VtU.,fj have been inf, ye. Tf our ravorue lSf" "i. Z- iii -Jgmtfik tUJ'yr What is stMsraSSClHHIHSHHaSBHKsaVHSKSHBSS aft LHht njsn lafl tsH H I a iHI hW H sm FJ ssvk a.LV B w H H V JBK H Cnstoria Is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infhnts and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. It is n harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, nnd Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee- is thirty years uso by Millions of Mothors. Castoria destroys "Worms and allays fbvorishnc'ss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething troubles, cures constipation nnd flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friondi Castoria. "Castoria (a on excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of its good efioet upon their children." Dr. O. C. Osgood, Lowell, Mass. "Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted, I hope the day is not far distant when mother, will consider the real Interest of their Children, and use Castoria instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby ending them to premature graves." !&. J. P. KlNCHULOn, Conway, Ark. Castoria. " Castoria is so well adapted to children that I recommend It a. superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. ARCHER, M. D., in So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, -N. Y. " Our physicians in the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have aniens: our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to loot with" favor upon it." United iiosfitai, and Disr-BNtAnv, Boston, Mass. Allen C Smith, Prei. The Cantaur .Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. jiQkf 1 MyiyV v. V ICYCIES. Wmml 2 y m if Are the Highest of all Digli Gradcsji THE SPLENDID PREMIUM -4. OFFERED. Ion 'Are Respeetfuliy In?it TO 1 T EXAMINE THIS IFREE SAMPLE COffi id! Warranted superior to any llloyclo built ln'JMio world, re- BimlleB of price. Built and guaranteed by the Indiana Bloyoln Co., a mil lion dollar concern, whose bond la as good aa gold. o DO NOT BUY A WHEEL UNTIL YOU HAVE BEEN THE WAVERLEY. o SCHOPHER, ,. 21 lbs f86 o JOSEPH II. ALISFJtT, Exclusive Agent. The WillaiTftffe Hotel LEADING HOTEL OK THE CITY. Reduced rates, Management liberal. Electric cars leavo hotel for nil pub lic buildings and points of interest. Hpeclal rutea will be given to permanent patrons. A. I. WAGNER, SALEM, OEEGON, AGENTS FOE faw and mm mm OUR PRICES FOR G fSNDRONS .A JIE AS FOLLOWS No. 19 80 crtah. Specials $90 cash, IJgfat Type of'! I' m one v, 1 iow yun.'ai THE NEW WAY EAST. GBEAU ) 1 -AND- - 0. R. &.N. Co's LINES. The short route to polnta In rashuiKVou Idaho, (Montana, UakoU, Arm neeoU aud tbe oast. Through ticket on sale to and from Chit-Ago, Bt. jouls. Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and all points In the United States, Canada and Europe. Tle Great Northern RuIIwmv is a new tranrcon tlnenlal line. Runs Bullet Library Observation cars, 1'atace Hlteplng and Dining Cars, Family Tourist Hleeners and first and wcoml clou coaches,' Haying a rock ballast track the Great Northern Railway Is free from duet one of tbe chief annoyance of transcontinental travel. Round trip tickets with stop-over privileges and choice of return routes, For further Information call upon or write a C. DONOVAN, General Agent.l VM Third t.,.Fertland, Or. Or F. I. WHITNEY, . ,G, P. AT, A., Bt. Paul, Minn, Ofltiio JCIieapes Associated! Press Daily on ilio Pacific C& Thirtv Dnvs News of tho World. Including Orocron. for (silver); 60 days for '50c; 120 days for $1; $3 foTflf' year.- mo papoiB sent. 1 out wnac are oraerea ana paiai A. Proprarn lof Earnest Reforms-(SJ .. m Great J$JPu.d1Ic Questions. fn The Journal is a Republican paper, but it indepondef advocates the interests of the people at all times. It plc the public welfare above party intorcbts, and beliovo$ thexf if. onrvno if a nnrl t.ln rtAnnln noof fl" I IV MVSA V VU 4VM 1VI. V T tUA VMW KVfWfSW fcSWMV. A LEADER . IN THE FIGHT. For two years The J' .irnal has led in the fight for a deal. The Journal had been a leader in the fight against politics and tho corrupt methods of the old machine. It W Lrnnnnrtizftri nhnmninn nf thn nnnnWrt inr.Kvrfinr.s nn 1t.Vih''P.fiB . ,.-.- - J- -., ri.. ...... , northwest, it tights its battles consistently within pract Ktnifa nnrl iirnafna Yin vimn iy onnna nn lmnvnftfiMhla f.naw peoplo for self-government when acting intelligently and ft aroused to tho necessity 01 so doing. FASHION JOURNAL FREE. or'i For two names for the Daily for two months ($1) names for the Weekly ($1) we will send free one "The Q of Fashions," the beBt New York ladies fashion journal $ lished, monthly, 16-pago, illustrated. Sample copy Price per year, 50 cents. A RICH GIFT BOOK- For lour subscribers to Daily, one month each, or four f&i senbors to weekly, three months each, a free copy of ''Ubsi nt : nii l aj mc ni.:- uJ..:i ili on plate paper, with 28 illustrations from tho masters, mit r1. A MALAYAN ROMANCE. For two subscribers to Daily, ono month each, or twf IllitlVUl, a lllJB. UI1VU) U UCU' UV "-" UUUBUI f f liUUMW mance ot Malaya, richly bound and ulustrateo, Remit FOR NEW NAMES. t Each subscriber to Daily or Weekly who renews an mits not less than 25o additional, with the name of a new Hcriber. will receive uv mail troo Ins enoinn ot ono ot standard works of English literature Send for cata! UJacli 'Jna. h HOME AND EDUCATION Daily, for two either For a club of threo subscribers to tho each ($1.50) or thieo to tho Weekly ($1.50) or of e-it Si.ou, wo wm send ireo a copy ot tne Jinuergarton zino, of Chicago, tho journal .of tho Now Education, i pie copy tree, rnce $1.50. For 2 subscribers to Daily, 2 mos,, or Weekly, 3 mo : ouo oacn $1), wo wiu senu1 cuouesc liiustracea emm .nr.tM.F monoIn lw tUr. vmyiA IITl,,, Pl.!l,l nu-,lal uivuuiuy iiingiuiwu iu uuu nuiiU) jluu vuuu'UMUWi year tree. Jrnc $1. Other premiums will be announced fromltime to timf, : I PUT IN SOME STRAW. by circulating a novspaper that is distinctly and aht xne piue oi yiejreopio, Order direct or through .your PottmatUr Tm journal at fa.uu a year, 'Zi cew , a monui oc tm wih Journal atri$l,00 a year, Nt Papers St Boyoodt " Paid for, HOFER BROTOEJtS, PUUra mMm FUinaeMtr, rv. -3