yw jgju-Tc i THE BEST PIPE TQBACCQ Th's cxt'a nrdlmry Re" juveuator is the most wonderful discovery of the age. It has been en domed hy tho men of Europo and America. Hudyan Is purely vege- Hudyan stops PrematJrensss of the d Is nborgo in 20 days. Cures LOST Constipation, Dizziness, Falling Ben twitching of tho eyet and othoi part3. Strengthens, invlgorater and tones the entirofy&tem Hudran cure: Debility Nervousness, BmHslpnc anddevelorxt and restore! weak organs Pins in the back. lose by day oi iTHHHnnn nigmsioppet mm quickly. Over 2,000 private endorsements. Prematurenes means uncotcney in tho first stage. It Is a symptom of seminal weakness s.ud barrenness. It can bo stopped in 20 days by the uso of Hudyan. The now discovery was made vy thoSnedal la ts of tho old famous Hudson Medical Institute. It Is tho strongest vitallzer made. It is very powerful, but hntmlets. sold for 81 00 a pack ago orO packages for $5.00(plalnscalcdboscs). Written guarantee glveiiforacure. If you buy elx boxes aud are rot entliely cured, six mora rtll bo sent to you f'co of all charges. i3endfr clrculr-Tsund testimonials. Addrew HUDSON MEDICAL INSTI1TJTK, function Stockton, JTIarket it Kill S U San Vruiiclnco. Cal. Mexican Mustang Liniment for &'urns, Uaked & Inflamed Udders. Piles, . Rheumatic Pains, . Sruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff joints, Harness & Saddle Sores, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, blisters, Insect Bites, All 'Cattle Ailments, All Horse Ailments, Mi Sheep Ailments, Penetrates Muscle, Membrane and Tissue Quickly to the Very Seat of Pain and Ousts it in a Jiffy. Rub in Vigorously. Mustang Liniment conquer? Pain, Makes ITan or Beakt well asnln. MONEY TO LOAN wiig mm tfTO!f3Wffi ppsnpsm On farm Una Moannr. Mpeelfl ,5 t Mi loans, loan eolisldered without delay Hamilton & Molr. BCBK BASK SUJLDXNO. THE REV. DR. MABRY. A Onre Famous Iowa Preacher and Exhortrr HAS TROUBLE AT SALT LAKE. Ho Tried to Elope Willi ft Mrs.; IWIIv ot That f!Uv. I Halt Luke newspapers have bten full for some time of a scandal In .connec tion will) a Methodist minister wl.o w.m well known iu Iowa and at one time pastor of tbe largest churches there and presiding elder of tbe upper I )wa conference districts. He became kuown tbere as a man very disagne ableand tryannlcal toward bis family. He bad a lovely wife and children and in one of tbe towns where be was preuher destroyed the peace and har. vntiuy of u family ot hU church. But iu Salt Lfct bo has broken uls record elsewhere aud bas been in jail on a charge ot adultery, only escaping by jumping bla ball and fleeing to Canada May 31st. The woman, a Mrs. Rellly, who seems to have been of a light and trifling character, had been stricken with remorse at the last momontand refused to fly with him, probably con cluding that he was only a poor preacher and that he would abandon her as soon as she ceased to exert any charm over him. So she told her husband all about Maury's persistent love-making from tho first day she jolued his church. He had proceeded with all the deliberation and vllllany that his nature and his profession had enabled him to exercise upon a wilful, weak and foolishly wicked woman, probably the first one of that kind he had come across within the fold of the church after his arrival in Salt Lake. For nearly two years he carried on a more or less disgraceful Intimacy with this Mrs. Rellly, while be kept up ap pearauces of being a clean aud upright man before his family, lectured the people of Salt Lake on "Morals" aud "Personal Purity" and all the time he was debauching tbe wife of a man who was himself a Methodist aud the son of a Methodist preacher. On May 8th be was arrested and his wicked. nesi, that be had for all bis past life concealed under the garb of holiness, was brought to tbe light of day. Mrs. Rellly, it transpired, had soon after joining his church told him that she did not live very happily with her husband, and that give him a clue to follow in working up his devilish in fluence over her. lint we must giye the woman credit for having tbe nerve to fully expose the wolf In-sheep'o clothing. She gave her husband all his love-sick letters and her husband dictated a letter she wrote to him to Canada deolaring that she could not follow him. He had taken an assumed name and so bad she. All the letters and telegrams that passed after that were taken In charge by Mr. Rellly and are now made public Mabry had also invented, a special secret cypher and lotters were written in that, which with the very learned "Dr." Marby's key is also published In tbe Salt Lake papers. June 17th Mrs. Rellly left tjalt Lake and went to Mllford.Kansas, to visit her mother and tbe"veryRv." followed her there. But she bad the pourace to refuse to see him and be went to Kansas City, where on June 28th be sent a last long, lingerlng,fare well epistle to bis escaped blrdllng who was still under her mother's wing In Kansas. He closes with admonitions to her to lead a pure life, etc. The Salt Lake Tribune sums Mabry up In o sketch that does him justice. The writer lived In the Bams towu wuu him for years, although not sitting under his gospel ministrations any oftener than was necessary to get a clear Impression of bis makeup u man. .His face was that of a cold calculating man, one who, with a kind of fierceness pursued his religious belief, and one who would have beeu delighted to punish and crush anyone who did not believe as be did. He was zealous in preaching abont the need of aoclal purity. Be even advised the female members of faU church to draw around tbaetytt an exclaves which would separate themselves front tho outside world. He was the most selfish ot men. He was all his life n liar and a hypocrite. His moral Instincts were about on a par with those of a bird of prey. He wab always wanting to dictate the morals and ruu the politics of the community. He had no genuine lovo for anything but him self, and uuder tbo cloak of religion he mado money easily to minister to his own base desires. All his instincts weie cruel. He pursued his passions and ministered to his own selfishness until he lost bis once clear reasoning powers and then he did things foolish and wleked. Salem has had experi ence with a number of clergymen as foolish but none as wicked as this one. But his life aud his career are apropos to some of his type, perhaps iu a milder form, who have come to minister to the spiritual necessities of our people, and tho caso of Mabry is worthy of study by every community for the purpose of avoiding Buch men if possi ble. The fall term of Albany college opens Sep. 11 'under favorable circum stances. Harvey Scott never lets up on abus ing a man until tbe people elect him to some high office. Rheumatism is a symptom uf disease of the Kid neys. It will certainly be relieved by Parks Sure Cure. That headache, backache und tired feeling come from the same cause. Ask for Parks' Sure Cure for the llyer and kidneys price $1.0i, sold by Lunn & Brooks. 10 4v A High Liver Usually has a bad liver. He is bili ous, conetiaptcd, has indigestion and dyspepsia. If there is no organic trouble a few doses of Parks' Sure Cure will tone bim up. Parka' Sure Cure s the only llyer aud kidney cure wo sell on a positive guarantee. Price 51.00. Sold by Lunn & Brooks. 19-4 JACKSON'S SUCCESSOR. When Justice Jackson who died Thursday was so seriously ill this spring that he was not expected to recover the name of his sue cessor was considerably speculated in. The idea was suggested by some that the president would again name Messrs. Peckhatn or Horn blower of New York, while the selection of a roan from the West fell to Don M. Dickinson. Postmaster General .Wilson was strongly spoken of as among the possibilites, while a majority were of the opinion that Secretary Carlisle would have the place if he wanted it Carlisle would be especially eligible as he would be appointed from the same district that the death of Justice Jackson makes vacant. The last time Justice Jackson was in Wash ington was on ihe occasion of bearing of the income tax case last May. He has been absent from the bench since the preceding fall, when soon alter the convening of the October term of court had been com pelled to go South ou account of his rapidly declining health. When Judge Jacksou was here on this occasion it was evident to all who came in coitact with him thatlife was slowly but surely ebbing away and that the effort he made in performing his duties in that emergency was made at the expense of his vitality. As senator and justice of the supreme court Mr. Jackson had resided in Washington about eight years. By his associates he was univer sally esteemed as a man of high moral worth rich in intellectual attainments', as was evid enced in nothing so much as in his appoint ment to the supreme bench by President Har rison and his co nfirmation by a republican senate, notwithstanding he was a demo. crat. THE ONWARD HARCH of Consumption li stopped short by Dr. Perce'8 Golden Med. leal recovery.' If you haven't waited beyond reason, there's complete re covery and cure. Although by many believed to be incur able, tbere is the evidence of hundreds of living witnesses to the fact that, in all its earlier stages, con sumption is a curable disease. Not every case, but a lartre Ptr- callage of easei, and we believe, fully 08 ner cent, are cured rza.. by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, even after the disease has progressed so far as to induce repeated bleedings from the lungs, severe lingering cough with copious expectoration (including tubercu lar matter), great loss of flesh and extreme emaciation and weakness. Do you doubt that hundreds of such cases reported to us as cured by " Golden Med ical Discovery " were genuine cases of that dread and fatal disease ? You need not take our word for it. They have, iu nearly every i instance, been so pronounced by- tne nest and most experienced bome physicians, who have no interest whatever in wis representing them, and who were often strongly prejudiced and advised against a trial of "Golden Medical Discovery." but who have been forced to confess that It surpasses. In cnratlvc power over this fatal malady, all other medicines with which they are acquainted. Nasty cod. liver oil and Its filthy "emulsions1' and mixtures, bad been tried In nearly all lbe cases and bad either utterly failed to bene fit, or bad only seemed to benefit a little for a short time, Extract of malt, whiskey, and various preparations of tbe bypophos. pblteshad also been faltlifullylrlea in vain. Tbe photographs of a large number pf those cured of consumption, bronchitis, lingering coughs, atiiiua, .cbranle nasal catarrh and kindred maladies, have been skillfully reproduced in a book, of 160 pages which will be pulled to you, on re. ceipt of address and six cents In stamps. You can then write those cured and learn SAV M5PJW AH0C1A7I0W, 8oJll5, tf, V, TTT What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infhnts and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing; Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee 8 thirty years' uso by Millions of Mothers. 'Castoria destroys Worms and allays fovcrishncss. Castoria prevents vomiting Sour Curd, cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria relieves teething- troubles, cures constipation and flatulency. Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas toria Is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Castoria Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers ha e repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children." Dr. O. C Osgood, Iiwell, Mass. "Castoria is the best remedy for children of which I am acquainted. I hope the day is not far dlstant.when mothers will consider the real interest of their children, and use Castoria Instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loed ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Dr. J. 1'. Kincheloe, Conway, Ark. Tho Centaur Company, 77 Are tk CHOP"HER, - JlQkf flyiV . f The Willamette Hotel LEADING HOTEL Reduced rates. Management liberal. Electric cars leave hotel for all pub lic buildings and points of interest. Hjeclal rates will bo given to permanent patrons. SALEM, OREGON, hiil Gob OUR PRICES FOR GQNDRONS AHE AS FOLLOWS No. 19 80 cash. Specials $90 cash, jgiyipst Tjpe W: of 1895 Work. THE NEW S& -AND- The abort route to jiolnU In VroaniDKioii Jdabo,.Moatana, (Dakota, 3Iin neeota aud tbe east Tliroueli ticket on ealo to andf from Chicago, St. juU. Wwrtilogton, Philadelphia, New York, Boaton, and all points In tho United States, CaDada and Europe. The Great Northern Railway la a new tranwen. tlnentalllne. Huns Uuffet Library Observation cum, Palace Sleeping and ninln ram. Famllv Tourist Hlfwnera and 11 rut and second clM oouchca. Hayln a rock ballast track the Qreat one of tbe chief annoyance of transcontinental travel. Round trip tlcketa with atop-over privileges aud choice of return roule. Z'or further Information call upon or write C. O. DONOVAN, General Agent.l 122 Third at.f.Fertkad, Or, Castoria. " Castoria Is so well adapted to children that I recommend it as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. AncnBR, M, D lit 8a Oxford St., Brooklyn, N, Y. " Our physicians In the children's deptrt ment have spoken highly of their experi ence in their outside practice with Castoria, and although we only have anion? our medical supplies what is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castoria has won us to look with favor upon it." United Hospital and DisrnnrART, -. Boston, Mass. Allkn C. Smith, Prti. Murrey Street, Now York City. iCYaES. Highest of all Eigli Grades)) Warranted superior to nny Mcycle built In tbo world, re- cnnflesH of price. Built and guaranteed by tbo Indiana Bloyolo Co., a mil lion dollar concern, whose boud Ih as good aa gold. DO NOT BUY A WHEEL UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN THE WAVERLEY. o o lbs..-. ... $86 JOSEPH II. ALKEKT, Exclusive Agent. OK THE CITY. A. I. WAGNER. AGENTS FOB urn 9 WAY EAST. 0. R. &;N. Co's LINES. - Northern Railway li free from duetj ,0. P. AT. A., M, I'aul,'M!BnJ went Bicycles 0 THE SPLENDID PREMILrl OFFERED. li Ire Respectfully .TO. EXAMINE.. THIS FREE SAMPLE GOP OflftoJCtapefo Associated Press Daily on the Pacific Ccui. Thirty Days News of tho World, Including Orosron. for 25 (silver); 60 days for POc; jrour. xw papula Bum, out A Program of Earnest Reforms ori Great rPublic Questions. The Journal is a Republican miner, but it indeDondentlv? advocates tho interests of the tne public weliare above party it, serves iw party ana tno people best. u A LEADER For two vears The J rnal deal The Journal haa beon a loader in the iight againat ring I politics and the corrupt mothods oi the old machine. It ii 'a. recognized ermmmon ot the nnonmn intrtr Astra nn t.hA l-Lruhrt f northwest. It fights its battles limits, and wastes no time or it is not. pessimistic, out nrmiy believes in tno capacity or the people for self-government when acting intelligently and. fully aroused to tho necessity of so doing. FASHION JOURNAL FREE. For two names for tho Daily names for tho Weekly ($1) we 01 daemons, tne best is ew xonc ladies lasnion journal pub lished, monthly, 16-pago, illustrated. Sample copy free, Price per year, 50 centu. A ,liI0H GIFT BOOK Forfour subscribers to Daily, ono month caoh, or four sub senbers to Weekly, three months each, a free copy of ''Child's Christ-Tales," by Andrea Hofor, Chicago, a beautiful claMio on plate papor, with 28 illustrations from tho masters. Re mit nl, . A MA.LAYAN ROMANCE. For two subscribers to Daily, ono month each, or two to Weekly, 8 mos. each, a free copy of Consul Wildman'a ro mance of Malaya, richly bound and illustratec'.Remit 50c FOR NEW NAMES. Each subscriber to Daily or Weekly who renews and re mits not less than 25o additional, with the namo of a now sub ncriberf will rooeive by mail freo his choice of ono of forty standard works of English litoraturo. Send for catalogue, Each worth Sfii. HHjjEE, AND EDUCATION For a olub of threo subscribers to the Daily, for two mos. each (1.50) or thioo to tho Weekly ($1.50) or of either with $1.50, wo will send freo a copy of tho Kindergarten Maga zine, of Chicago, tho journal of tho Now Education. Sam ple copy freo. Price $1.50. For 2 subscribers to Daily, 2 mos,, or Weekly, 3 mos., at 50o each ($1), wo will send thebest illustrated children's mnnfltlv mnrrninn in f.Jin wnrM "Tim i!liill-f"3ciWli " am . I .lKt.w M V.4W VW4l, i&UU WUUU VIHUvU year free. Prico $1. Other premiums will be announced fromjtime to time. PUT IN SOME STRAW. by circulating a nowspapor that is distinctly and always oat tho qido.of tho People. Order direct or through your Postmaster Tm DjUkt Jouunal at 93.00 a year, 25 cents a moath or Ths Wkxkly Jodbnal atftll.00 a year. No Papers Sent Beyond TS Paid for, HOFER BROTHERS, Publishers, ovi 120 days for $1; $3 foijoni wnuc are oraerea ulu paiaior.x people at all times. It place'" mtorebts, and believes thereby,; IN THE FIGHT. has led in the ficht for a aw consistently within practical spaco on impracticable theories. fl for two months ($l) or two H will send free one "The Queen ?w one mm Or, B jv C V !FI l m J tf . w IH f -t k S fc