rtt It- I r 'riM, -ZZ zranrrraE COASTS SENATORS A Portland Paper on CummUleo Placet. WE BEST fTQBACCQ MfcwXWOllfcl era Pad 11 o and Villard Interest and otber non-resident corporation wreck era and speculators. While Senator Dolpli was at honie expediting his own defeat with the help of the Oregonlan, Oregon interests were not "permitted to wait" but were ably represented by our most genial and able of fernitora, John 11. Mitchell, 1I1& IOJIjIITTEB 0l COjlJIEuCbj and with the help of Henator McBrlde will lw well cared for in future. Beoator Mollride will be found one "i1'1 ts Coveted in the Interest Srciutor Squlrr. 1T? m vtfr., Tli! extra ordinary Hc lurenaior U the noil wondorrul dueorerjr or tbo aje. It AM ben en lotKtdbftho ldlngtiea tlflo iacn of Europo and America. Kudrin U ffwif veg0 Hue'jait ttaim PreBilurecesj or the tlla cfearjo In 20 day. Cnres LOUT MANHOOD Contllnitloii Dltilncn, Falling Be Mtltn,NetT ouitwlichlor of U10 eyr anil othoi putt. Rtrengtbciu invigorate and tones tin entire tj-item Huditn cure liability Kcrrotuacu, Umlnlpiit andderclor and restore weak organi J'lni Iji tin liv il 1 olgbtitoprJCt quickly. OrerOOOrrlriteendoraeDienU. frematurenets tnrana lmoounry fii the first fUso. It III tymntom of Ktninal wiakneM aoa bamtim-ti. It can be slopped In M dart p lug UHUI IlllUJkU. toU Tbo new dlroorcrr u raid Jnr the Bow-tat ofllie old fammia Hudson fetdlca! Inttllvtt li fa link mimnuit wllalltnr iiaJlM II i. vur9 powerful, but liairnlu. Hold fur tl.fio a pack ajeortt packages fur tf.OO(plalnealedboxea). Wrtttea guarantee glvcii fm a euro. I f you bur six boxes and r cot entirely cured, sfx mora plllt ent to youfrJMnfallcbaricra, ttondfot rlrcult.ni and UUinoul!i. Address HUOftON MKD1UAL. 1NUT1TUTK, IltHCIteHMIockKiu, Market &i:illaNU. Ua W..t..l.u.tft.l. ' r .. w.w ,.,. Mexican Mustang Liniment for JftuTIlf, L'kcd JnflHMied Udder. PikH, Rheumatic Paint, Urulwt win! Strains, Running Sorea, (rifinmnmtioite, miff (olnU, HtniuA & Saddle 15;rr', UflfllMgU, Ac kin, tMlftier, IhwU Mttm, AM Ct!o AUmvnt, AH llorw MUmnt, M lliwp AllfiiffiU, PttfitttrMto MiimsIv, Mwibrmie ud 'nMU Qfifcfdy ( J lie yry &Mf.uf I'Mlf I Mf III Omtn H In h My, flafc In Vl$immy, Mwjrti) iJmImudI mutuwf . (-. mmf ti im ;- There Is sotns Interest lu the follow Iu2, owing to the notorious fact thut the Portland Oregonlan Is seeking lo manipulate the places of Pacific coast senntora In the Interest of tire great corporhtlons. . A Wtishlutou ppealul to tbcOrcxou iiu of July l'JBy: "There bida fnlr lo bLMiuite !i cont-'st among the Rfpublk-an nieinbura of the senate from the I'jcIIIu coast htatei for fie position on tjc rniuml'lee on com. mrce, which has heretoforn been hold by Seuutor Dolph. nt Oreg. Itlsun. dfrstood that Senators IVrklhH, of O.ll. forola, McIMdc, of Oregon, ami Kiiufre of Wcfhli'gt'.n woii'.d each llho lo w;. cure the aiipolntmeni, while Henator WihHin, of Washington, Would accept tue po:ltUn If lumlend lilm, and hen ator Mitehfll, of Oregon, luiuht tah it under certain conditions. Tlie place Is considered one of npiclul Importance, as the coinmlttu deals with ail iiuus tlous of commerce which ooiue before the senate, and nets lu an advisory capacity to the appropriations com mittee lu recommending appropriations for river and harbor Improvements. There are naturally many places along the i'aclllc coast from Puget sound to the Mexican border which seek nre.- fereuce at the hands of congress, and the rivalry between them Is quite sharp. The possibility of the extension ofthotrado of the United Htntes with Oriental countries also enhances the importance of thu appointment lu the eyes of Western men. JJelug the oldest senator of the live mentioned and coming from tho same state that Hen ator Dolph has represented, Senator AllKjIiell eoulU probably secure the position Ifdlsposkd to accent It at the sacrifice of some other Important committee assignment. He occupies n peculiarly commanding position on the senate committee, standing as he does at the head of the Jtepublicau repre sentation on the committee on claim., postofHcea and privileges and elections. It la understood among Ida colleague that ha would prefer to allow his own assignments to remain aa they are If ha could Meuro (lie appointment of his colleague, Mr, MoJJrlde, to the com uitirce vacauoy, He reallttes. however. that It will he dlfnoult to aeouro for a new member au alignment of the lm (tortauoe of this, and one which Is sought by older senators. Huns tor Perkliu will m met with the objection that Holiator White, of his own state Is now a meiulMr of the committee. Mr. Wilson, ol WaahliiKtou. la not a candU date u the ordinary aeusa, hut soma of hU friends are urging his fltues (or (he place, The aame objectlous which PI'lylu Mr. McJJrlde's place would hold Ju Mr, Wilson's, 'J'he JalLr would enjoy a alight attvatitage from lilt clicuiiialsiiovs of havlntr aervail In (ha houa Mutt hi election to thy Miule, At prwolll, Ihetefyru i nhsuoca iij Mio favorable (oHenator HiUie' iwinMilsay, Th eviloM wouid d penri nil turn affairs may lade at ills twgluuliig of (jg nni aeasloUj and It !i Jmpolblv tofrt o whom (he (.wlKUluwMt will go. 'I'liare l little or noduubl, howew, bt aoine una on Ihv Vrtfi twd will l pJuM m 'hit dao0 TU UikuhIu' MlltwMal ay MWhal Mwsloy $ tu su tv the MwlioipU the svoatv'a iNniullu ui wnumii that would hvs lallen 10 ri'aU'r JMpli. had ,e uw fiuuHr 7hh h I in nomiiills ul mmml Uu Itgf lusm to O'va-wu, t 'J'Jik kwIiIsu iwlntwl out Iat wtuH Mr rbjuU. tl VMhlMou, ( ivhn ul U aenluillv WilJ pioUtiy art M. headship of iiiu OiUHUli', (.d UlVUUU' HIMIH4 Will N IwliliUM to wall ilia dl- Imii May fioni WMhlHiliwu will Muj4 IhlvrMiiujf iwlinf fof lh$w' The uHly mttvin4H ihi uiviu H uM ti has by I he ijf y(Hi)bUf Mph.lhal HMHofyn 1111 W l'l(Mvi HH h mMMiUM WW owiiihJNK Ju Daw jm fhalwr HhHM, and thftl lhHu tuhiWi IHU ltMHl4 m Midi " ltf WitMt Hn4 UHdsihd hilhf I'wtllawd UttttH)'t uiah- hU Hi th! ( M livj hM h h ItidV til Ulwn, ftud h (h p(.f. tiWJhfti ww is mmvivim 0f, of the most atteutlvp, Industrious and genial men who ever went to Wash ington from the Pacific coast. Jfe is a man of the most cordial, gentlemanly and winning manners. Ho makes warm, personal friends- of all men whether In official or private life, with whom he cornea in contact. Ho Is giited and brilliant In those very re spects wherein Senator D.ilpu was conspicuously lacking. Senator Mc JJrlde does not pretend to he as aide a man us Mr. Dolph was in some re spect, aa iu making great and learned speechei ou dry subject), but he Is possessed of a warm heart, an un bounded wealth of good fellowship, that are far more valuable to a public, muii. Senator McIJrldo Ih 11 man who will be more to Oregon than a meie corporation lawyer or u representative of it faction of th Republican party the virulent type of partlt.au for reve nue only. He will represent all inter-e-ita truely and Justly and will repre sent all the people of Oregon as senator. A marked copy of this Issue will be sent to every senator from this ofllce, that they may be undeceived aa to the misrepresentations of the Oregonlan, which bat no use for any publlo inau only aa he la willing to become a mere tool of the. ooperate Interest of the Pacific coast. Oregon aenatora will act Justly with those great Interests, but the day la past when any senator or congressman should bo put on com mittees or kept off committees at the dictation of colored telegrams or colored editorials, Senator Mollrlde can rely upon hla colleagues to deal Justly and fulrly with him In placing him on committees .where he can properly rep resent the great Interests he will ably defend, TOE ONE CENT DAILY. Ai A&noeiatKd Pfees Daily JSivSpaper BV HAIL FOR 2o fXTS A Mill Dfillcittnl (0 I lie .Masses of ;tlie People. 1. ' An aggiM-sivu Republican policy of Prolu tlmi to An ulti u industries 2. Independent American Rlmetal linn vft. Kiigilah Monometallism. t. Itlid hermruiion of corporation Interference In our political nUalrp. If jou J.ulievo in a i.eoplu's govern ment and it publican government for the people, read Tjik Joiicnai and circulate it. Daily, 13 a year. WKKKLY. ?1 a year. HOFKK liitOTJIKIIS, Puiis,, Salem, Or, Why Not You? When thousands of people are taking Hood's Sarsaparilla to overcome the weakness and languor which are so common at this jm-iuoii. why are you not doing the same' When you know that Hood's Harsaparllla has power to (lllra rheUlllBtlaiil. ilvanaiula Hint nil disease caused by Impure blood, why do you continue to suffer? flood's cures outers, why not you Hood's I'llls are prompt and efficient, Mo. Children Cry for rltoher'fi Castorla. A JIIli Liver Usually has a had liver. He Is bill ous, oonsttaiitod. has Indigestion iaud dyHjisla, Jf there Is no organic trouble a taw ilixxw of Parks' Kurt (Jure will tone him up, Parks Hurt Cure a the only llyrrand kidney cure we sell 011 a poalllyi) guarauUw. Prhw 11,00, Hold by Lunu a Jifwkn, JM 1 8,000 ward7 I6.0SO J'or a Utlt r or inom ppM.i,t ivmy tut HlU U1IIU llf Ulllallllll.ll.nl lixni.il.lu Iroubhw. oough. croup and whfwpiug uuUKlllfounAN'i'A AIIIK, the l!& IlirillB Kllltf IJI IUlllttllllll.il. ,11. tr.l,.t,u ixillle warrant!.! If you would Ixtwirwl of that ilUjfUsllUK dlM.M. (mlarrh. Use i.,Ai.u'tiiMiAVAr-it'6yitit,Mi amM I 01 a Jar, hv insll fl.lo. Haul AWe and (Ht-t g ate aonj and -laiilivd hy lm A lUjk, 'J'hefM are I7T7W ldl7laHfoa-'l 111 the UolM Hlau Thviv aiM MMV,)t U 1uhI to .s,r flit u, ......I r w Tho Northern Route. A re you going Kant ? Have you de cided which route you will tuke? Do you know tho Northern Pacific Is the only Hue running Upholstered Tourist Sleepers direct from Portland to tho Kasl without change or delay? Do you know this Is the only line running elegant dining cars from Portland to tho East? Do you know that theso extra accommodations are glyeu pas sengers without any higher rates than via Inferior lines ? Do you know that you do not have to Jump out at 6 or 0 o'clock in the morning on this line for breakfast and only have fifteen or twonty minutes lu which to gulp it down 7 Do you kuow the Northern Pud Ho Is the scenic trans-continental Hue of America? Do you know you cau travel ui cheaply via this line as via Inferior routes? Cull ou or write us for additional In formation, which will 00 cheerfully given you. Thoh. Wait & Uo 200 Commercial St., Salem Oregon. Wood for tho Asylum. The Hoard of Trnntii' of ih Dr....,.,. State Insane Asylum hereby Invite staled proposals for furnishing at the .linn, ucr nmem, ur iwo inuU' At-Salem-Tuesday-Pjly- iq THE MICIITY MARCH dF ALL TliiTEII E,HIIIITOXS. Ifjjrecnid unititpenclmble, iuiperialutble, unl i-ma t, uboyo the teach of joiilntia rivals. COMING IN ALL ITS ENTIRETY THE BKimaiu.. That Tired Feeling And other troubles pains about my heart, indigestion, liver complaint, dlzry flnAlll, mnr h ma rla.li,.a .aA tA m ..mitt 1""W -M ..-CU-.VUV- IUAUV U.U M hj.. . sufferer. After other medicines fslltd Hood's Sarsaparilla Gave me wonderful relief. I always take It now when I have any bad feelings. I am also very much pleased with Hood's Pills." Mns.B.B. Crouch, t-sbanon. Ore. New (k Syndicate S m Hnnri'c2 Plllc "' tuuitu, mild, ie 11UUU a iIIia tlT. All drutirt.u. IV. ' HOTEL INI mi NEWPORT, OR. This eleirnnt how hotel on tho beach is the most delight ful resort of On con. and is run in the best of style. Terms moderate. Mauy Fitzpatkick, 7 9tf Prrp. S II Mil HUH J MEHAMA, OR. Good accommodations, wit' table and bed kept tin to il old standard. Guysts seret with the greatibt comfort. 7 hi. 1 AND PARIS HIPPODROME. Monster Museum, Tuiplo Circus, Great Elevated Sr.11 is Double Menajerie.SfiectacularPageant, Grand A-' ' '"' reatiuii of New So nation il Fj.ituros HIALTO, the sttnugist msn nn earth, Vlctoila, tho mo majestic nival "B"" tiger ever In captivity. The only riding tiger in tho universe. Act! uully performing Bome equestrlau feaia beyond conception on tho back of a Hying thoroughbred while encased In au Iron cage that circle the nnK. in ba seen only with theso great shows $10,000 fchool of tducated aea 'lions Iso other show possessing such an at tiaotioii. Ily kii arragerueut with the leading bIiowb of America this will be the only clrcua that will visit this sec ion this year. Presenting an una bridged unci unparallehd programme exulted Id aim and pure In lone. 6F JC-' " .v.- -"k. A V -. Bk -tv- ra. "" f,A?L aemrK s -: , .' :'""'! -, -" ' ,.w. sanu corus (run measure; of heavy fifteen days after notice of acceplauce of bid. Kach hid must statu the num- lioilv. welhseasnned. unlit, ilr uiu Delivery must bo coinmeucod within ;rm ber of cords of wood he bidder proposes to furnish, and the total sum of his bid. Kach envelope should he plainly marked "Projioiial to furnish wood,' and lie addrecned to IIih Itoinl nt A mii- lUIll Trustees, .The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids. Auditing of. fleers re prohibited from continuing accounts for nuriitiuni miliui thur u given a full and complete dewirlptlon of the articles to be Iwught. Illds will he ojieurd in the (Joveruor'a otflc at i! ''"l'vk !' Al.i Weuneaday, July 17, JoW, Wu. i. r.oim. H. Jt. Kim-'iAi), I'mu Mmujiuti, Jloard of Asylum 'J'rusles. W. H, Uuhihay, Hoorelary of Hoard 7 II IwdAw ' a Jtheuuiatlsin Js a symptom of iIImsmi of tho aid urys. It will oerlaiulv he mllevwi by J'arks Huiu Hum. Tliut litlili haekaohe aiidjiln-d filing uie from Ihaaslllu uaUMi. Ak fur I'MrU.' Hnru ium fur lliaiiwr and klduvva nrlos- 1 1.(, wild i,y 1 unit a. Hriuiks lu 4m KLAMATH HOT SPRINGS S'skivouiCounlv, Cal. iferlV l.ViTf'svT?,? V'82&? 1 jy-Tfwaw wj:l f'$ nyk :$& 4 - JUG SHOWS COMBINED, . -1 100 sensational and oturtllng acta. m lM dJHlit i H 1 1 lid by (b tuuU. lijfifti will--.- ...., WWT--W -mw-r nnirtt"' m wf frf aran lhcm rails ioKelhtf. iwjl Uu auah amount, hv tvtt,U 'Hiwlfvd iwWnd the livaits of h ('ayiliirf puWIo to iliu laHfU lltu WjwoiuUll (JVwIlaIloM fUlpUliaUwrMr faMtJIUin vu ajfj fliWf UUiMtmU Ml. IVul and Wilg. mmmmmmf oooiniuoiii wiu n tohluh foiM owuiiMlio Jlww lo lh and aoulh.t hnaiolof j. MUUtiiyOjiiii. I nttHtluUMm, i lilb4(jJUilir. i I'iaiik i (fhnuey fnalM U lhl lie lhi Mnlof if H u.l ul I he fillM oi v i IJhwir A iJw , dWutf IuIih lu Jtertlyii IwMe. uUy IsHd H( iMMrtld, and Ihsl ald iT(hi iy hv kUlll ill una huiidfkd duiinla IlJ fififid wviy e t4 I'TfiUl tM !w m th ut of flairs mi Ai ih riuiri. . . 'WM i OHM HVMUIMIWIIIWII aiiil auij lh oy mt4ia.iuii mt wy w J IS. r-vtuy aUirlluJ JJfmu A, Wi, UHv Ji, A- ) a Ut4.'UMlU lMilf it M 4.H.I 11 m llllLlftf ull flis fl if W? flKB Chronic NemnwwM Mld hut Jilff, timmii JftUHMptf, imi lUduiiM X)m fir Uifi um jfh UiUjwaia UTm iZii.idtjt 11.. I ti.. PHTVI1 I tj ftfllW tf J ktd BUawtsJ wlsMM Hit imis ul J w ft 'tt frZuUl mm lififly. hum M VTuafi mL,. iu Dn A1Ila' flmlm Uim m Mtf MM MJJ JUdltL mumd mSfii hS &$ asHaaH taui i was &U( itt tttb About fifty miles north ol Jfti Shasta, twonty miles from tho California & Oregon 11. Iv. Steam, sulphur and hot mud baths. Curo for rheumatism. skin diseases and stomach and all stomach troubles. Fisning, huutiiiL', climate and Hcenorv unsurpassed. Fino stone ho tol. J)clij))iful place to upend (he summer. For tmilimilnrn fuldross J5JDSON UltOS.. J3oswiok, Cal, Props t74m MINERAL SPRINGS 01 tho State or lOrogon. IC vvattir U iruu U till, and ' IoiuiumJ in Uiu foot hills) m tliu Ciwuulo moiiuujns, ut Sodaville, Linn Co., Or, 'Ml ill j liu iiiimi uiuiutfa u u in nuru prJiHM in th" UiUi at all urn- mm m ut snur, mil tlio btwt witUir, Till wuteir i u mini or all iliNeuhMN of tliv itiaijjiitfji, livur and feuJnijy um tmnlH yu liulhmu. n M-uhm buu) imimtMuilulluM, 11 Q, ttriiim prujiffoUir. j.iiijinil WUt Mini PufiaHiflMl IIMIJUIM, W Jiownii.l iiiuiittUtfi', KunumJ iuurhtttllo, l W. i'lulwr, prwjriMUr, iiliyitt M4l MirgiNiij. A. 0 J'rtll, KatmvinliMr iiu i- il... wim lur jhjio wjr, Hum tmmry, immu ttiiii UmUtiiL tunib WihU yunr hjjOiJi U (j, ing Mud bmUim in uvIm Ihily M Jji.il ti uU imim Ki ilwttfii, Or,- -wily imiJw, ii tito hiv lltoiulM uf mhwuiw r.i jSijiittiiiL yvtf'i muJMia P Ttiegroateil bareback rldera tbut the world lm ever produced, 'Ihe ouiy lluclc of elart African oUtlo 04. TUe lurttnl birds on earth l lio ly .how i.ofc.einiuL'nicU a leatuie. The beat perlunnloictU-pbuuU,ltopardB nud jiii) uiiut.., iv wr.ul tlrctu hcIh. 6 treat . n,u( iu hlievl puiudti. Louilly knUbt and iitOH, A df. i ul inouktcr iiiiutlH, K.Wrak, Huntunu Ub iii'.iiii'jx, Ul miti lfiiptiM, loluy uuviru uit kl.uul lub.e. u HHOim, iiUd ninv ,il iu uud iuliil. Two ineagr UlillliN.ll UUd CJH.-U (HUN .t MMlt -i -k, hi-'. I' i th eeirmuU, lloim, ilittr, , nut, it i, wint. iw,)nni.uLd jantii(Ti ' lji.- .il til lo dilvu ill b Iiuiiim. KuiflitK n, hi, u ,.mu prliKknK, iiublmuiid cuv- I r. ..i ii-j ul loin and rlcn vo iuiiich, mulo til , ! mi uJor-Li)', iU drown of jirlucfabeN, ,e auruuiiu ak jour ktutiou agent forebmp oxrurnlon lulti. Kvny ralliu.d kic low .mm to tliin bit Ik'. At lu u. in, a Klorloiu, .ru it li.l.l.lll . f .- .Ill 1 I li i i.l.lu ,.n.. ...... , i. ..'...t..r . mw .nib, ju,UV JUV UDT .111), uf,o iiimiii iid li Ik lit. lioou opuii kl 1 i, i i i in win ,miiiveiy be tue ouiy U.I ., I W i, ! 1.. . Ntt i II Ibl4tbr. GEN hUAL ADirSION 60 Children under 9 years of ago 25 cents. I " ' II ' ' I I "I 'I I " III II III I III IJI j uIJji . CENTS. K,llflmmVll'i llij TU'WH I J Sjg IGYOiES. .re Ik lligliesl ol all lligli Grades Warranted superior lo any lllciycle built Inlpho world, ro- .. , uardlis of price, Jlulll and guaranUHHl by the Indiana IJIoyolo Co., a mil. Hon dollar uoiifcrril. whca Uiud Is as JZl as .1,1.' " DO NOT II WV A HitJtN rdli"W.'Avm" vs HCIOJiUJ1511, -o- .SI -o IliS. ..mm- mm m-. m JOHj;i!I If. KUU'MT. V.xvhinlvt) Agv. Tbe Will ai7?f f e jiofel. WtAOlMG HOT.ll. iHJ35 QIVY. BUT JlillKH'! V t-v. Ml for U 141b. lrs, ' ' ' wwimt NiMHal a(s wfl) I givon Ui fiMlin( -sa.-,,.. , A, l. WAGNJK. ' P'wwWi'''MIIWllillIH(Wil(W,lliW),,wt)M art. 3vc. wrJfla,xaa e Oo., AIM, OliltlJOX, AUKN'm iron Mi id tag liejdffi "xiiMnilliMiia,,,,, ""'" - Kpajj. WB1,,, kllicbssl Tw W l W Vat 1 .. ... iii mmmhQryj$r 6MMrH0ryftfr Mmmav,BMWM Ul iw..... u siTnTsfl ""WW-WI1 1! M. . f 7wT5ci pp p in11? tTffP