Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, July 13, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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': W'WtyHH"
rarisiPir s
UDKiaaUH It'
BATURDAY, JULY 13, 1895.
,.Th Grea Hupy.
This extra
ordinary R'
'arenator Is
ao moit
Altcorcry of
the age. It
Jim ben en
domed ly the
tlflo men of
Enropo taJ
Katfftn Is
KSr Tcge
HBdrsn slop
or tbe ciis-
entrge in 20
ys- Cure
Falling Ben
out twitching
of the cyt
end otucr
and tonei the
entire yitem.
Kudus cures
lope I
and restore
weak organi.
'4lns In tbe
Mck, Iofmi
liy.dAy oi
itnlclclr. Oyer 2.000 private endorsement.
rrematorenets tntani unpottney n tho Unit
eUre. It U a, lymptom of aemlnal yreaknecs
and btrrennen. It can bo (topped in to day
kyUiouseorllouyan. ...... , .
Tbe new dbtootery was raado Vy the flpewal
SatsoftheoMfamooaHudton Medical Institute.
H Is tbe strongest vitamer made. It la very
powerful, bnt harmleta. Fold for 11.00 a pack
uooro packages lor i.w(piainscaaea noxcaj.
Written guarantee gl vea fot a cure. I f you buy
alz boxes and are not entirely cured, six more
will taunt tn voufreanf clli'litrcd.
Send for drniltn and tnUinnnlali. Address
fHHCtloa Stockton, .TlurHel,!: KIM. hu.
Rau 1,'raucUi-o. Cat,
Tbe appointment or Dr. i'alne is a
recognition of tbe newer and younger
elements of tbe Republican party, a
Gen. Odell's appointment Is a recog
nitlon of (be old-timer. Both are
very good appointments in Ihelr way
and tbe Itepubllcan parly In Oregon
seems to be traveling in both directions
It Was a very graceful tbing for titute
Treasurer Mt-t'chan to vote for bob
tbe present incumbents. That has
generally been none as a sort of compli
ment from tbe hold over ofllcial in a
new administration toward tbe old in
cumbents. Dr. Paine was tbe county
chairman of Line county, who bud
the energy to roll up the biggest vote
over glveu any state candidate for
(Secretary Klucald, aud was very Influ
ential In bringing about his uoralna
lou. He has been traveling, the patt
f.-w months, visiting asylums, and
will bring some new ideas Into tbe
ork In Oregon. Dr. Pdiue stands
high In hi profession, aud has good
Ideils in politic that are almost certain
to Insure thestat a good almlnisira
tl ip at bis hands. He can, at tho start,
adopt a few wholesome rules thai will
i) ud to simplify bis work and relieve
him of a great deal of dlsugreeable
pressure. He should stt his foot down
xgalnst appointing the members of the
families of ofilelals. When a man gets
Into a position to draw n salary from
tho' state, he insensibly feels that it
would be very convenient to have a
sou or daughter, or cousin or nephew
on tbe payrolls, too. It is a human
feeling and a frailty that besets men in
all parties, aud women, too, but It is
not Just to tho public. Not more
than one member of one fam
ily should be quartered In appointive
places on tho public at the same time.
That would be decent, iu tho interest
of good civil service, and of the party
and tbe public. It Is a rule that should
be adopted in our American politics to
bead off nepotism and prevent tho
building up of an ofllco-holding class
by families. Pass tho plums around,
Is a wholesome doctrine.
were assembled to do honor to tbs
f reitness and enterprise of tbe German
nitlon. Tbe warm blooded young em
peror was tbe central figure of tbe
m tnentous event Tbe eyes of tbe
world were upon him as tbe bead of
tho greatest monarchy of the old
world. Bat bis speech was singularly
devoid of boastfulners and sanguinary
notions usually connected with a
mighty military and naval .power. On
tbe contrary be pledged the German
empire to tbe support of modern ideas,
the maintenance of peace throughout
tbe entire world. Standing upon the
prow of an armored battleship in elo
quent words be dedicated tbe most
gigantic engineering woik of tbe cen
tury to tbe cause of universal progress
and culture. Such an utterance com
ing from tbe heart of such a man in
such a prominent position will stream
oat like rays of electric light into tbe
hearts of millions. It was a master
stroke from a man who might have
won cheaper applause by boasting of
the prowess and Invincible might of
the nation whose sovereign he is, a
nitlon probably Invulnerable at land
and sea. Tbe German emperor de
sjrves tbe thanks of tbe civilized
w.irld for tbrowing bis influence at
this critical moment on tbe side of
peace and against the barbarism of
battleships and that satire of civiliza
tion standing armies. He may have
seen in bis heart of hearts tbe sight so
common to his.fatber and grandfather,
blood stained battle fields, tbe last an
guish of the fatally wounded, the grief
get out of the clutches of the go!d
syndicate and enlarge tbe basis upon
wblcb ItubuSd.lssiie national treasury
notes. yBU" tbe national debt and
quit Issuing Its paper money through
the bands of Interested third paitles
tbe natiodal banks. The present triune
of gold-holders, corporations and
bankers are more powerful than the
government, and will probably have
their way. They have the president
and a minority of tbe supreme court,
and no rational Unuurial reform can
come about for several years. Gold Las
all tbe advantage and will dictate
terms to the producer, aud virtually
own him, until relief can come frttn
the people. What England and tbe
South could not conquer by tbe swotd,
tbe Bothchllds have accomplished by
tbe power of polit'ccs. In the nest
live years the country will enter upon
tbe greatest era of stcck watering and
capitalistic Peculation ever known In
history, and I he N w World will be
mortgaged to the Old to an extent m t
yet dreUit.d of.
Is a symptom of disease of the kid
neys. It will certainly be relieved by
Parks Sure Cure. That headache,
backache and tired feeling come from
the same cause. Ask for Parks' Sure
Cure for the liver and kidneys nrice
$1.00, sold by Lunn fc Brooks. 19-4
Blood Will Tell
Most surely upon tbe condition of the
physical system. It the blood Is pore and
tuU oi vitality it will carry health to all
the organs of the body ; It will expel the
germs of disease and the result will be a
condition of perfect health. If It Is Im
pure and Impoverished, such a condition
will be impossible. The best way to
Keep the Blood Pure
Is by the nse of Hood's Barsaparilla, be
cause Hood's Barsaparilla is the best blood
purifier that medical science has ever pro
duced. This Is the secret of its wonderfnl
cures of scrofula, salt rheum, nervousness,
sleeplessness, rheumatism, and all other
diseases which originate in the blood.
Is the only True Blood Purifier promi
nently in the public eye today. It is sold
by all druggists. fl; six for $5. Prepared
only by C.X Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
Hood's Pills
fcablttul com tip.
Ttlcm 23 rnu.
Santtam Mines.
A big steel range andexlemdve cook
ing outfit, together with a quantity of
drills, saw mill machinery and tools,
will be shipped from Albany today to
the Santiam mines to be used by tbe
new syndicate. Mr. Hank Smith, one
of tbe most experienced mining experts
In the west, will go to tbe mines at
Inked & Inflamed Udder.
Rheumatic Pains,
Bruises and Strains,
Running Sores,
Stiff Joints,
Hurness &. Saddle Son,
Initcct Bites,
AJICHttlo Aliments,
All J Jon;u Ailment,
Mi liecp Ailment,
Willi '
Menibnine and TImiiu
Quickly to tho Very
Seat of Pain mid
OiihIh It fn n My,
ftttb In Vigorously,
duel an Uulineill (uiuum
fUhws ntt fir JUskl Vil
fell HI
to im
General Odell was shrewd enough to
see the drift of things last ipriug and
was one of the most active workers in
bringing about a new deal. He had
received favors ;of the old regime, but
early saw the turn of the tide, caught
on and made his fortune with the new,
Marrying tho widow of Congressman
Thurston he Inherited that able man's
political friendships and la himself a
well-persorvod political heirloom In the
Hopublloan party, without which it
would hardly attempt to keep house or
do business In Oregon, Governor Lord
has distributed his favors pretty eveuly
between the old and the uovt elements
of the party, a not easy task In a stute
where nearly ono-thlrd the population
has moved In from th east Iu the past
decade, General Odell has a raputa.
tluu of untarnished uprightness mid
probity, The onion of clerk of the board
of school laud commissioners U one out
of which a great deal of money has
Us n made Iu thu imsl, Hut no one ex
IkmjU the gen urn I to innko it pent more
than the Used salary. He U not Hut
kind of a man. Jlo Is so huiiMt that
lie would surely fail In the groovr
hit si iiwa, m he would always out 111
ulieu the wrung wey to make euy
prtdll, The MtlhodUL uhuruh lost a
pood preacher wln (Jtneral Odell ile-
uldsdlo follow otM, Governor
JortlfK Dtthlnet Is now ooiiijiIbU, and
Uuuh of ministerial dignity will not
iM)in Mill, M he tiaii do (lie buslh'M
at the other ond of (he line If any
dMMlng U, rotry to right His lli
onhe slate mji In a florin, and when
1'iflug won't five II. Tim lnu
poit and litfiivntl JJI will ilflVf a
ully spunking tram through the
wlldrniwa of lUe elate echooi lend il
tUrlmvni, lhf,eflii of whluh t
ahoul m Utterly en iiiw"Ubl mylry
m H h MiMib fwr aoylhliijf o he (hat
fUjiMd u he jiuhhp hulhf
once to assist Mr. Lawler in the' per.
of the widowed mothers and wives, the ' sonal managment and dlrectious of the
The U. S. Government Tests
Show the Absolute Superiority of
Royal Baking Powder.
(Da fa from the latest Official U. S. Government Report on Baking
Jbwders, Department of Agriculture, Bulletin ij, page S99-)
"OOYAL is placed first of the cream of tartar
-- powders; actual strength, 160.6, cubic inches of
leavening gas per ounce of powder. k
Every other powder tested exhibited a much jjj
lower strength than the Royal, the average being ?
33 per cent. less. g
Every other powder likewise showed the presence
of alum or sulphuric acid. 'h
The claim that this report shows any other powder of superior ft
is strength or purity has been denounced as a falsehood by the j
i Government officers who made the tests. (i
1 s
patUetlo sorrow of the orphaned chil
dren, With rare courage be said to
This elegant new hotel on
the beach is the most delight
ful resort of Oregon, and is
run in the best of style. Terms
Maky Fitzpatrick,
7 9 tf Prop.
S'skivouiCountv, Cal.
At-Salem-Tuesday-Jtjly- 16
Its record unimpeachable, imperishable, unl lemisbed
aboye the reach of jealous rivals.
icate S
Monster Museum, Teiple Circus, Great Elevated Stages
Double Menagerie, Spectacular Pageant, Grand Ag
gregation of New Sensational Features.
v lUAlvIO, tUe strongest man 6i
earth, Victorlu, the most majestic roal
.Bengal tiger ever iu captivity, 'the
only riding tiger in the universe. Act
ually performing some eque9triau feats
beyond conception on tue back of a
llylug thoroughbred while encased in
un Iron cage that circles the ring, to be
seen only with these great shows.
$10,000 school of educated sea lions
No other show possessing such an at
traotlon. Uy an arragemem with the
leading shows of America this will be
the only circus that will visit this sec
tion this year. Presenting an una
bridged and unparalleled programme,
exalted in aim and pure in tone.
About fifty miles north ol
Mt. Shasta, twenty miles from
the California & Oregon II K.
Steam, sulphur and hot mud
baths. Cure for rheumatism,
skin diseases and stomach and
all stomach troubles. Fisning,
hunting, climate and scenery
unsurpassed. Fine stone ho
tel. Delightful place to spend
the summer. For particulars
address EDSON BROS.,
Beswick, Cal. . Props
100 sensational and startling
The greatest bareback riders that tbe world
baS e er produced. Ibe only flock of giant
African oalncuea. Tbe largest birds on earth
.ud ibeouly utiow postering such a feature.
Tbe bebtperiornuogelephaul8,lfcopards and
oaby canie.B. 4U great circus acts. 6 great
jtniu in bireet parade, courtly knights and
lame. A drove of iuonBter camels, zebras,
iears auu baby monkeys. 20 great 1 tapers.
-icuiy caiveu and' gliaed tableau wagons,
u, Had taxes, cl-ns and lairs. Tho meoagtr-
i ut wild betioli. and open dens of Eavage
iruies, mammoth eiepiumU. lions, tigers,
y-uas, bears, wolves, leopards and panthers
'. ,bras trailed to drive line hones. Kmgbts
a armor, ladies as, nobles and cav-
.irs In royal robes and rlcn co tumes, male
.ua kra e Jockeys, jqu droonsof prlnctsses.
le sure anu abk your station agent for cheap
zcurslon iates. b,vtiy railroad gives low
ate to this big show. At IU a. in. a glorious,
.rand builda, f-eo street parade. Une day
nly, afieinoon and night, ixxjrs open at 1
ind7p. ui 'this will positively be the only
circus that will visit this section this year.
Children under 9 years of age 25 cents.
his subjects, a rat of fighters, I will
never oonwnt to win ,lurl by the
slaughter of our youth and tbs prime
of our manhood If It ean b avoided by
honorable means. Iu the presence of
the assembled navies of the world he
ohalleuged the government of JSurope
to a noble emulation Ip an universal
mlsstou of culture losteadof; warfare, to
a generous strife, for oourjuest In tbe
domain of higher ideals, better educa
tion pf the miffl, a wjdsulug of tho
circles of luillpe htwiuauaiid mau,
and a grander pouceptiou of the true
brotherhood among all races,
Tliers Is tine pojut pontlliually ob
soured iu (lie arguiienU of tbe single
work. Already the Q'larUvllIe region
le Lecomlng a scene ot wonderful j
mining activity. Many new claims
have been located and the new syn
dicate is pushing the work on the
road, and will start the saw
mill which is already on tbe ground to
cut tbe vast amount of lumber and
timber required forjbulldlngs.tram ways
and other work, The company expects
to have their big quarix mill In place
before wluter sets In, The develop
ment and opersllon of theae mines
promise much for this orUoii -of Oro
gou, Albany Herald,
Tlit Oi'inwii suifwiwr aurpiM ll
jlieuiUi 4 1mmI fiHivl i mm
KJtW MfUU U Hflllirl !
Klld flVl JiHws yf His tiVlMl VMM
" QhlNmH 6ryfr
gold standard eopi( aud that is uuliwe
we can anlargt (lie volume ui )!
teuder lutalllu tuouii, ( mpolbU;
to lucreaae (lie volume pf ulroulaUng
meilluiu, except by ucrlng (lie
liilloual ilrbt, Ho oortiwrvaUve a ruau
M Mr. Dolph said, Iu hUptii to the
JUpubllcau clule at I'ortlaiid, (hat tbe
Itepubllcau rly would Imve to pro
ylde a larger volume ot DlrtiuUtliifc
Hiwlluuj. Now, Mi way auij Ulere
Jfciid'e way of doing (it $ mun
Iwiutli mil) Iwrrow fluid, and llieM lei
(lie national iVt lt pelloiml Uuk
uUt on tin bonde-, Tri( I m t'br
Wy M lb aluile od lntrd, AH
the silver uJ all b w wi lui
Ut b ledud tt Jtuld, uoriuouy
'proitlU Mvldi 4 d'lMll)i(
aturthlDtf lw n Iwm M lk itiM
tUUdtJt) pjonwpvly M'uHuum, ilit
fllUlw wiiii thai (be llrer du)Ur m
iddixl U) ll( pouulry'i (tore ui
Iftfal (attder Mv(l (uuney '(b.
hi'uld 0iy lli tMMUlfy vUut ud
yi by iiniiiipg ib mI Under ui
ttJVf f Mmi I" W, (b nnly ihsn; iu
lite way you feci wlim
your liver rsiie to ao
it work pioperly, hi
aoiikrturiicc yousuf.
fir f i urn Imllgrntloii,
bihousucee. slid dr
prptU uu lisye a ' ilou'l
ttir M'liil ami a "plsyed
i m ' frcliug-, aui) eit))Uluf
lira yuu
iu act uir iivvi in mun,
punfysu4 rmub Ibt Winn),
sml lo eiinislliru sml vllslUe
tbe wlUiU eyelciu. UV Dr
e UuhUu Wf(lii'l IU'
tbe wlUiU eyelciu. UV
Time e Uulilcu I
covciy llsvlutf pt'ulur
(oiuii Kieii upou iue nuiuif
luruibrsutt bf lit Muuwili slid buweU, ll
uiV a i4ibtf ituie u( ell eluiuerli, llxr
ud Uml illtwiilci )ly ln(.'tluK iu
eupplr riUt iMUlilMg M si luc
I . - ." Vt . .w r
ami ixmrl illtoiilci )ly tuyittriut
bluial euniih Mrll e iuiUIiIiiv ll. sll
uisem wfllie buily sie JiniMllmitd, suj be
fmiwe rl ull puie llvll blood
, nMlf MUlHlif iiyo'llieHsiiifiliinvre
for fooii" ueitMuetUbiliiraiiiijcihtutiiwii,
II1iuush lij iftou wmuiwu ! It)
iuul luMeiiMte I Ik ilur iwull ut eleiud
imiLllllwu uf Uik lAi ilte Hut hi iu
n.uie llf sIImkhu utiuunruiljr If w Uf
(be ''0ol4u U(AM T'luvMy." wiiieb
MHWM.efMl k4 ixftoilbcil by b wl
PufUlw 14 V If u vtui ihimIUI piu
Of the State or'jOregon.
It's water is free to all, and
is located in the foot hills oi
the Cascade mountains, at
Sodaville, Linn Co., Or.
The most accessible mineral
springs in tho state at all sea
sons of tho year, and tho best
water. This water is a cure
for all diseases of tho Btomoch,
liver and kidneys, aud costs
you nothing. First-class hotel
accommodations, K, G, Briggs,
proprietor; mineral oatus una
tonsorial parlors, Geo, Bosquet,
iiianrufor; gouoral merchandise,
H, V, Fisher, proj)riotor;
phvniciit mid Miigoon, A, G,
1'ijII. Hemombwr tJtiis U tho
nlfioo for iuro air, jliio Hoerv,
iiuhin unil hunting, und to
rogulaU) your JioaUli by drink,
ing uimJ butbing in tho boat
Boilttwutor on thu Pnulfia uowt.
Diiily lurM line mmH ti
tmim (it inubanoii, Or,--only i
miluK, u nigo drivu, JBoUling
of HiwJiivAtr fur fthJiiiueiiU
Umy mui fm wtwblo, A. I?,
nory a wojim, propiiniiH,
WfftZj- zJ
Arc (lie Highest of all Digli Grades
Wttfrantfd superior lo any Jiioycle bulltlln tho world,
, . Kamiess or price.
Kulll and KiiaranU'ed by the Indiana Illoyclo Co., a mil.
lion (Inllur miionrn wlino I......I i ... ...
..- .. ,..,,., ,,, wvhu IB HH k'OLKJ Hit JJOK1,
HVUQWMKll, -.ZzTnm
KxrliiHlvo Afirnit,
Tbe Will anwite Hotel.
A. I,
Mimmn aaamanm iwiiiiiiiiuiih
f Ibe
A iiAuiNiifee . Jmmsm b
ln-U$ UiAii J li be uwil4 Iw
a4iliM mi leteJpt ui um.,. U l fl
iAM.vLJL 4u..w am riuS''
fJltfViU U IU m uj 0t4W m4h
frirfiri ai'ii " . .
iii HM
I mi
i' v I'H WM
iiH mm A litf m au u.Mbluiilf UMt liiel
!T !
mmf, wm pri.j -wi
mc. TA.3oaa so oo.,
uA-iMt, oitiwow, Mirny mi
Mm aiK
QVH VUUUU nj tf0;() 4KC yuUMWd
llijdwl Tj ic
mm, ii mmm,
of BUS M
Hamilton k Molr
eiWrV H$
t ?,
wtfA-6i D m