milBHypiiWHiiiiJlUjiupi w 'W - J'pMH!W'flm"'Tl'y'"' ' itHu .' wt- wfrT.-fmit.wfil illl ASAMM.TuB8nAv.j.,i.v.i8jE SPLENDID1 PREMIUMS rTwg.rij 22a33 Ail Associated 1'wbb Kcwspapor Daily SHSSSi BY MAIL FOR 2o CENTS k MONTH Dedicated to tlio Massed of tlio People. T 1. Au'aggresaive Iiepubllbuu policy of Protection to Ameilcuulud uslriea 2. Independent American Bimetal Hem vs. English MonoraetaUlsiu. 8. Itluid separation of corporation interference in our political rir.ilrn. If you belleyo in a tieoplo's govern uiciit nnd Republican government tor the people, read The Jouhnal nud circulate it. Daily, J3 a year. W ekkly, $ 1 a year. Hofeb BnoTiiEits, Pubs,', Satt'in, Or. fca ate of Ohio, City fo Toledo, i Lucas Cousn, j Frault J. Cheney makes oath IIim Iih 1b the Benior purt tier of the tlr.ti u F. J. Cheney & Co., doinc butiiitM lu the city of Toledo, county and u.U aforesaid, and thut wuid flrui Mill pj the bum of oue hundred dollars for taeh and every case ot catarrh that can uet he cured by the use of Hall's Cat arrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and biibscribed in iny preseuco.thia Oth duy of Decern ber, A. D. 1880. . .ci A. W.vGleason, notary ruuno I SEAL ! Hall'bCatarrh Cure is tuhen inlerunlly auU acta directly on the blood and mu cous surfaces of the t-i t-ttni. Bend foi testimonials, free. F. J. Cheny Sc Co , Toledo, O jSTSold by druBglsts, "fie. The Newspaper Business. The-Albany Democrat has the fol lowing comment on a "dun" to sub scribers, eeut out by the Oregon Pop ullst. Our populist friend Is a hard times duuuer. Wo glvo n sample, which, thouh rather lively, is not without several grains or merit: Why is it wo can send out 75 or 100 statements nnd u it get enough out of them to pay post ttgt'V Just tor tho Blmplo .reason that the mnjorlty of tlio persons receiving tlioco statement don't cure enough for their credit or ale to dishonest to piy what they owe. Words fall ut. tsrly to express tho contempt wo fool tor tho man who will take u paper, as fcomo of you fellows who road this paper do, and carry th dollar you owe on It in your pocket or deposit it over tub bar of somu saloon, then muUo a sueuk up some ulley for something you have had for the pant year or two. A newspaper that will talk o Its subscribers In thut wuy does not di. servo to succeed, nud It U safe to say will not. If iu subitorJbeni are of sued character ua one should Infer from (Ills cliolco editorial they should be cut of without uny alltuipt at collection If they aro rtspectable jieople they have Uteil grossly lusulted, Ntwpwra to u',N'iHjiiiut Imvo good buslueos limti ugfliieiil. am) the man who wrote llmt Bfllele U iKiiomnt of bVL-ry rllUlle of hUklntM.-Jlodeburif ltView, MJMWJfJ. I n" iwn' ii,i.i.m.iiuii""' .CIHIMICAI. ANALYSIS end sesirfulwlffu. wjlei tmln' liuu f 111 uilur, l Vulusl'l I4 IM drlruuiuhiy li Dklui u( iiuiiy tltiwulc dlMSSsA iniiu-uUily lumt VJMf (IfW, WM.IlV; B iir LMueyf. id , WT W'l(Jrr fUft I r for infante and Children. HIRTY years' observation of Cnstorln, trlth the patronage of millions of penoni, permit ni to speak of It without gnosuliig. It la nnqnegtlonntily tho host remedy for Infanta and Children tho world lias ever known. It la harmless. Children lUco It. It gives them health. It will aavo their Uvea. In It Mothers; have soinothlng which la nhsolntely safe and praotloally yorfoot n a ohlld'a medicine. Coatorla destroys Wormi, Caatorla allays govorlshneas. Caatorla provonta vomitinr; Sonr Cord. Caatorla onrcn Dlnrrhcoa and Wind Collo. Caatorla relieves Toothing Tronhlos. Caatorla euro a Constipation and Flatnlonoy. Caatorla nontrallroa tho effeotn of oarhonlo nold gas or polaonono air, Caatorla dooa not contain morphine, oplnm, or other narcotlo property. Caatorla aanlmllatoa tho food, rognlaics tho etomaoh and powela, glvlnK healthy and natnral alcop. Caatorla la pnt np In ono-tlzo bottles only. It la not sold la unlk. Don't allow any one to noil yon anything olao on tho plea or promlao that It la " jnat oa good " and " will gnawer every pnrpoio." So.o that yon p-ot C-A-S-T-0'RI"A. Tho fae-almllo &Vf,. laoaovery 'l4t wgapPcg' algnatnro of Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. I LIME, And All MPROVEMENT CO. CEMENT, SAND, Building Material. 95 STATE ST. Mjf-miS: mm Arc flio Highest of all High Grades Warranted superior to any Hloyole built ln MiBjJword,'rf- nardlvos of price, Ilulll and iriiaranteid by tho rndlaua Jlloycln Co,, a mil lion dollar coitcum. whoso bond Is as goMl us gold DO NOT UY A WJIICKL UNTir YOU irAVI? HJ5JCN TUB WAVJSItLISr. Tllli JI1CII1Y mum OF ALL TENI'BD ffllllllTIOy. Ltsivconl iinimptitu liable, iiupenshabU', uaUetnis'.ed iii:oy iho renih ofjonlmH rivnln. COMING IN ALL ITS ENTIRETY, THE lew m Syndicate Shows OFFERED, Ii 'k fafriif-fifftai AND PARIS HIPPODR'OME. Monster Museum, Tt-iplo Ciious, Great Elivntod tiigo!?, Double Menageiie, Spoctucular Pngiant, Grand Ag gregation of Now Sensational Features. IUALiTO, tho Ptronccst man on earth, Victoria, the most timJeMIo rojnl Bengal tiger evur iu citlyity. The only riding tluec In Hie uiilvors. Act ually perfornilnit some etjuestrlau fealt bovond conceDtlon on tlio back of a Hying thoroughbred whllo encased li nu iron oigs tnat circles tuo nut;, lo w seen only with theHe great Bhows. JilO.OOU cchool of edueuted pea linnb' No other thow poHeiBiiiK sucl) an at traolion. By nu nrrageuiont with tlif leadinir shown of Airi'rlea this will be tho only circui tha will vlMt this sec tion this year, Presenting un una bridged and unparallvlcd prograniuie, exalted In aim uud pure In tone. . . . . TC. 4- BIG SHOWS COWED, - 4 100 flousationul and Rtartllm;. nets. TlifRroitculbarebnck riders tluit Hie world hoa ever produced. 'Iho only tlootc of slLDt African (i trie 04. The Jorwt-Bt biroa on mull nd llieonly Hhowpos'o slnicruch a riatu e. The best ierlorniIuKfcIerliunta,!povmrdsrii(1 baby caniela. 40 grfat circiiH iicIm 6 great bands In .tieotparudo. I'ourtly knUbts i.nd dainoH A drove of nionMer camelN, zibins, bears and baby monkojs. 'M vteal lnp.H, Itlchly carved and ailced tablesu wugoDB, myriad rages, dens and lairs. Two nienntcr leu nr wild beavts, and open dtnt of savage brutes, mammoth eleiihnutx, lions, tigers, hyonas, bears, woivos, looiuirdu uud punt tiers Zelmu iralucu to drive like hones. Kuliihts lu orinor, laths ns prlncisnes, nobUs nnd cu. alters lu rojal robes and rich eo tunies, niwle and tima'e Jockeys, tqu droonsof nrlncrsscs lie sure and ask your station ngenl for eluup excursion tales, fc.very rHllroad gives low iftlOK tothlsblgshow. At 10 a. m a ulorlous, xrend hotlda" f en street parade. Oue day only, afioi noon and night, oor open at 1 nnd 7 p.m. This wtll positively bo the only circus that will visit this section this year. GBNFRAL ADMISSION 60 CENTS. Children under 9 yoarH of ago 25 centa. F!sREKSiH5y5Sfli Kyi4!J'r'Yyj trssMiBsssV. 0 :& trttiv'-y ''k EXAMINE THIS. FREE SAMELE GOPT!jmi.ji ii-t , j. ''g HOP STOVE THE BOSS THE JUMBO, and TllON KINO. HCIIOMilIKIt,- JOHIIs'lt I by. m I!. kAYK, llxrliihlvo AkvhU mssmxL. aids uitkr II JIlr in Iifi i JiJ uw full al a ilhlM wllbttui IHilHMi f jul W.44K ttml M uilM tmmm l. Hi 1'MMfiy tHfHf ! l.lH, HI irl rkVrf HWirt) wh iViuMtfb SHIRTS lOel SHIRTS lOel SHIRTS 10c I .Shiitr), plain front, JOo, and otlior worldii jiiujiorliau. Wo wunt to double our jirowont working forap, or IrnvtV 00 poo njo on our jmy-roll hy Jul J My our i)tw uwuqhh we wjw Imndlintf HiuiiiuIh nod dullynty uuJordd muiiu to puftiuUon TliuMw jnM will bo for llw month of JunulUVb. mi wllJ bu (UiiiUnuud if jiruwlluulilu. Oivw um u (riul tliM iiMiitli, SALEM STEAM LAUNDRY. Cot, J. OI.MKTIiAU. JHJiOl'. Shirts 10c! blilrlslOel Shirts lOci THE t., ...jauv.dHllllIUUli Hnlil 6inj l)HJ VUM& hmisjimimin w tisssumiy mw "", w.tiwyr TirLin.if. .a niiui'nv uiftin' WitrM&Pjm ?6wiamBfff n rwr" trutWfi Wff S"KM , IM m MS, HOP PIPE. of ull kinds uud dimunHioiiH, JJirOKS LOWER TI.AN THIS LOWEST. Steinor & Biossor, hJlaU) rstrouL, 8alun), Mil (japilal Natal Haul!, OF ALJi$M Huio Wing Sang Co,, JsuiuhMi ru fHRMfAM JM Elild fe$i jS kli.iil fijB. U4 1iM.fHaSM,"U UHitut ir.slt i a.m!w'w m FARM FOR SALE I WOLZ'S MAtlKE f. LiglFEP VHM. j? o N S Pullman Elcant Tour)' Sloeplii' Cars Dinliw.Cart Sleeoln' Cam OLIS'l A end KWVft Mm ifii-)n 10 Iks1151 im TIIUOUUJ1TIC 'ol'iti Fsil md South' WOMAH.WAW .9 CO., AKhtW Miliwii , mum TiliJ, Puiilmul tit. iumi "'ff LS n lWituri M rEHHVROYAL PL 1 .4i.. KfVlf'r'ilVMr.j Jv Dr. PIERCE'S MLfiAMNT PELLETS (JJ fclTATW Ti, BAf-ltM. w FOII 8AU OH IIIAOI; 1HKS issNskiA ssslll lisll Jssssstist t mm AIWAV IN 14 VOK. u mm ".- "' J-.....IH.J MP : " "BTUtssi Br " mmmm , u Aiuum 0a c JM.M "Wtl,l m"Wi j4' l Of tliolflieapcsi Associated. Pi ess. Daily on'ilio Pacific Coast Thirty Dvb News of tho World, Including Oregon, for 25o (Hilvt;r); GO days for 50c; 12Q days for $3 "for on your. o papers sent hut what are ordered and naid for. A Program lof 12arrest Reforms on GreaO.PLiblic Questions; The Jouhnal is a Republican paper, but it independently advocates tho interests of tho people at all times. It pjacon tho public welfare above party int)re'htH' aixf belinvoa"therftby it selves its party and tho pooplo boat. A LEADER IN THE FIGHT. For two years Tiik Jouhnal hns led in tho fight for nw deal. Tub Jouhnal has boon a leader in tho fight againgt ring politics and tho corrupt methods of tho old machine', ' It is & recognized champion of tho people's intoroHts on he clfio northwest, It ngl ts its battles copsistpntly wibiu praptical limits, nud wastes no timo or space on impraeticabU thorifW, It is not. posBimistio, but firmly boltavots iu th capacity of tha t peoplo for Holf-govornmont whonaofing intelligwitly awdfully aroused to the necessity of so doing. FASHION JOURNAL FREE . For tvyo fiaines for Ujo Daiiv fpr two nwmUwi ($X) or two iiniuoii for tho V"kkklv (fl) wo- wil send froowtTkQ of FiibIiIoiib," tho best Now York lidiea ftwbion jownal pb lished, monthly, RJ.pago, i)luHtr4t'd, le 'c6pjr frte, Price per your, 60 coijw, A RICH GIFT BOOK j or four uuborilniM to Daii.v, ono mowth whi or fmt mb MjriborH to Wnuur, tbroo inontliH twoh, frM obfiy pf "OMW OlirlMUTiilo' by Andrea Jlofor.Ohl.," tJfyJ'S?N on jibitn Mijwr, with JJ8 i)lutrtQn mm tfm hlw, IU '" 'H, A MiLAAN IOMANOK, Jfpr wo (tubaorllxim to Dam, onfi inpnUi mhpr lyfQ to WK?ry,y, S ijiom, ottdb; w froo wjy of Couul Wil'lmaH' ro umwin MulnyM, rl))Jy bound md HhuiiKtW,JUfJ!lt A0 KOJi NW NAMJCH, I5w!j mmrlw lo OaiiiY or Wnw 'jfjip muiM P4 W inlLonotJ mnmr, ttimiUml fitwh sYuiihUa. ill mmrlmr lo Dmm or Wnw W muiM w ot hm Uiiuj V15 MJdltJowJ, wlUj (Ji mim (if mp mi r, will iiMWJy 1v Hittjl im il tbolcy of urn- m My ml mjh of mftwh titurniuyot $d for vMvywit JJ0MJ5 ANiJ) iSDUOATtttf lHMi.(i 60) Or UjJfiHJ Joi a ulyb of Ujijw njibjUiibMg M; Ujm Pam, fw? jo, nib. (I J 60) or Ujjiw Mjm VVifUKU (if .60) orof wlliw wfl) - . .a . . k J. A 1 Alinu iii!i fl cl Kl ft(J. vm wi Uyul fi a my of (Mm RiimtiiwewH mm ft I J I I I I f I llllrlil III"., " . r -fr.. - - -' . .i I? . " -. j a a mm m ma t vw m m 9 m ... .. flit .. k .....i . - n... i MPLEXI0U vnwnmu PDZZONi'S ! lWl ItWWlf. JlsflMMWU' lut, ml IhhihU, ml wa tW IM fVM) 1H Ii4 fc4wW. lJiiw.of IHtimu. llw jiiurilvl f lli Nmw f'!ui!l'l, jili' wpy fiNf j'nm, i'or x uianifr, ui umr, um , or yimw, m im4, w ftUu mmIi ftOf vvw vv'" ""' thtbt JlluHlraM nhU4r ioouMiJv muMm iu iIih worfd, i('JVw (Mii4mtil m ym fiM, PH f L filJiwr jirwjiijwjw will !j wiiioiirMw) foj ibw liys WW J 0QMI5 lTJU' ri "yihm I n'j iiWjoffl)ii P0jy. w .. . uwbir 4ilji ii lijwiifeb yoiy iVimNi1 flu ihm Jommhi$j$Q&ymifflmly Wflk wp w4r wvw4& fEpf i yjiar Ji&.iiMi.&4 rhym4f ')