"rTflF'JT Reaches tha People, Advertiser knew thatth DAILY A2?l WMEKLX JOU11NAL vettih $0,000 jicople in Oregon every week. OAPTTAI JOURNAI t J SAtev J ,-m OHKQOM A If JKn VOL . DA ELY KDTTIO"N. HAMilM, OREGON, TTJESDAY JULY 1, 1811ft. DAILY JCDITION. NO. li IrHEAftRrr. 1 L BEST. Am. :s ' , Will Remove ABOUT- JULY 5 COMMITS SIIM J" m 1? ID II 1 I K L i n nm AMfi Mnrlin IU'uwn, An Expressman, Hmls Ills Life. DROWNS IN THE WILLAilETTF. i Ih'spomleticy tho Cuuso- At (lio (.'oro.mr'ri. OLROUIT COURT. will romovo to now quarters in the Eldrido block, July 8th, when all old frionds and now onos aro invited to cull. K.T.BARNES o S 09 CO r a; w O U4 c mi to CO T 0 9 w o c s CO a 9 O V S3 8 T GO O Q W CO o 3 1 id o I J w j CO i 55.S Li 5 if 3 5 .'"IS M 4 i TALKINGTON, BOTTGER L CO, GRAIN AND STOCKS, VOMMIHHltW, 108', COURT STREET, SALEM, - OREGON, Hiudwaro, Wflgoni, Corls, Bowl Machinery AMU AOMQUhTUHAh JMMMttJm. . . . ... . .... J HtJ,,MLLli ljUA J'i !, WW" " - Ci , iu flHfJAJb' W U, K lA" ' At 7 o'clock this morning whuuM. P. Buldwlu, agent Tor the steamer Al lotiH, was engaged in preparing tlio dock and ofilce for the reception of freight und pasdougers respectively, before the departure of tho Gray Eagle for Mlssiou luiiillog, be noticed u pile of elothliiR uu hu dock which hu proceeded to examine. Next tlu- pli.nkhm lay n cont neatly folded and upon thin wuh found u vest to inn tun lliu cout uUi neatly folded. Lliitf on lliu veil wud a lllit colored cruuli hut, poukut knlfo uud Hamuli pliiif of ebtivliig tobacco. Mr. Haldwln InimeilluU.'Ii notified tho iwllco ami the artlclert of olothliiK 'vero at ii'ioa removed to polleo lieud (juurtorB by Fire Chlel Andy Cm. They were ldentllled at police court lhl inornliiK by Mrw, Urown, who ro nlderi at the corner of ('hetnekotu and Hunimer Btreots, ob tho proportyof her Bn Morton Hrown, who left home Iiwt evening about 7:45 o'clock, Mrn, ltrown hinted thut Morton waaun un murrlud mini uijed ii7 yearn and hor inulii Mupport. "About 7:15 o'cloolt last hvuuIiii;," Mrs. Hrown Htuted, "Morton aruuo from bin cbalr at the table and remarked that bo wiw kI'S down town, I tried to porituade him to remuln ut homo but bo would not Union to me. When bo left the houto bo was Homuwhut Under tho liilluunce of liquor. Morton bad worked for Mlnto & Low at the Kudilon Htnblcs for a number of yearn but bad been out nf work for about u month, only mh he kNiUnd a job by the day. Had told ine kvithI HmtN If b did iiot find work won lie would Jump Into the river. Wiw a uteudy, bard workluK boy and no vttr drunk anything Ntroiir than brer except when In comjmtiy with frieudi, ilo bus Iwm rory de NiMJiident ulnro out of employiiient. He Iibb do eiinniwi, J think lie Iibn oommllled tuldde In a fit of depon doncy by drowning." At H o'clock lt rilKbtlie entered 'Vin, Artdomou'i tutloon mid banded Newt Kffrel, the bar lender, III wutcb reiiurkliitf "If anything nbould Iik pen U in, give tbl to my iiiotber," Tbl wm the Ut ovon ut blm, When at the dwt Monday aftennxiii lie mitde the muiHik to a number of exprfMineii that bo would wtridcf bluiMlf oiieof tbdny, A oooij M ' "t I'l' dljipr mice renebed (lie m;mi tktlon m fore of men were l to work dragging (b lvt. Al"ut novo May Win, i)lobey and Mi un, who ware In akin" aeaitfhlug for the iJiein,wcra reward. mI by finding them about MM Mt alwva (be riook, (bare Mug an up riwr iHjrranl at tbl ;ln( In (be river, 'l'liu ttiHtm liniJiulltttvIV liOIJVeVwl Ut (be oroiif'a um. Huiuunf UJovglJ ainpaiiellu'l hf't pry at (be lnjowt Iumiiiuhuw at W u m tway ', w. Tuwimita, i.u. Kank Jutland V. J. lialWIlo A Hiu IdMH AH -(). May umwiitufiu main inittiUh' H neilalM wulnt bwk, M lUlU gemml Jtwylnw MMlry tnl i VUaiid 'il aftnn wlii9ivw lwi u( maeblnafy will le niMJ fd, I ijmH4 lb mnMinnf wUt giw M In inHlvo bafwfe VVmJ mdy h. A ulMan) (juvntlty tf Im ti wn band M lt v nMl H it pip (Mla )'wlUKa ttiUd, JiMmt'f May fMM Jiannla li Aw ( Uiyu IkHiM, JmHO k4 Iv m, Ih4I tt j by iif dwwnty jmuk w rawn Mb lV awttnM i w'" Hm id HfHHmIWlHHH4i u imm wt iww imiiWi' I'M HlWl jHIIHKW"1 j.uinuin''n"ir,"i'"- WMtf I ( a OOOUAL (JOBURO LUMBIZR YARD, I ddava Oall Borden Court Odnvonod in Adjou ned Hession at 0 a, m. Today. J. F. Cook vh.' WV1I. Hu b, eult for tborooovory afptfroual tjropeity aiid damucc; defendants motion to make oouiplalut mora completo and certain, overruled. Dof nduuta mollnu to strike otitimrtof complaint, au tdned. De mtirrer to Bpecllid putt, of oninplnlul eusiulucd. Uetferul demurrer in to romnluder of confplalut overruled. De fendant to atiHwer in ton days. E Y. LuuBlntf and H. Holdon dofoudant to 1S05. Court adjourn 1895. Departinei 2UJ0 p. m. today vh. Pluinmer &, Aul. action for damui;eH; by September 1, reily tied to Hi etlt No. 2 d September 10, convened at THING gF BEAUTY. Glowing Description of the Or3.it Syndicate Circus. Tho Now Urwat Hyudieulo Shows have uiado a BU..eftil hit wherever It has exhibited. Tlils show, which will oxhiblt lu 8lom,,t U highly einlorBod. The followlug Ih! Irom tho Biur, the leiulliiK dally paper of Pueblo, Col Cel Col orado: ' Thentreut parade uf tho New Great Syudlcato UttoWH iIiIh morn uu showed two special feiilureaVl'ho humaiiltarluu could not have been lll,pleaeif with tho condition of the Iuhwm, which are rounded, tut and full of life. Tho other tbloK wut tho cleatiltuehH and lirliht appeuraiico'of tho wucoiib In all u j.aradj more brln'.it, attractive anu moro worth of remembering than any hiioIi that titiu vlHlted Pueblo in yeari. Tho yrand entry at tho circus Is a tiling of beauty, full of glltteiltiK biitiners, lovely women' and huudutm.smcn, The wardrobe Is beautllled without cheap gorgeouBUCBs, aud.tho colors t-liow a bright as a ralnuow.An lmmeiiHo crowd attended this afternoon, all tho Heats being lilted, and many compelled to stand. The large crowd showed Its ap preciation of nearly every act by dem anding Its repetition. A NKW Frxxm. At a meeting of the htito hoard of education held yesterday It was ordered tlmt u now lloor ihouldl be laid In the now building for deuf mules. The lloor laid lu tho building lust year Is wurscJUnu worthless, Mng shrunk, warped aud loiwo. W),000 feet of now Mooring will be required for the J ib, and was ordered from Portlund. I Foil Til u FliuswoitlCH, For the con venience ol thone who wNh to see the llreworks ut Portland, Wudmsduy evening, the loth, theHoutheni Paultlc will make u speelal roudd'trlp rote of f 1,60, going to Portland by the iiitKi o'clock train Wrdneiday afternoon and returning by the train Imivlug Portland ut HiUi next morning. I ! I AT TIIK aiPTKHflUMII. Hupt. J. H ICsrly uud family have moved to the new school for the mutes, and (bat i-frlslsl will apnd (be summer lu grad ing up the ground and preparing (be building firuoelu (be cuily fall, lie will be assisted In the uuUlde work by ftfuriwuf oonvloH, employliig from W (i m men, JJai'jishs,- (lilmsu Parker, JlaplUt state iniwlouaiy, yraterdsy baptlrl kiWii pew istnvuls lu (lie Pudding rlvrr ursrlbe old MuAIIMcr pla bslf mile fV' JCugar. A tiburob orgt.iilrtlu ba also Un tllitl (bve 'I'llK HlMlIT, -M iuu t (lie uuia ywtnlsr Nuw vll( 'I be Fair Mini nut twin lu itt it r mH en gianiu wsf, Do aif uwUrar, iukwsr, and In fw4 anytWHg. Mi Umum atii4. l Msiwu ii4 aiv ImUiHlHtt l alww tUrnr wtuunitmitlii4m( ifUn 'I1 vMv MnMy tmt mw l Htmi HiiwitHHIWLM imi Ja)Kg ua Ut i "iajAaWy" W ilif HiMUa44y tU4M unwfb mu attmL j'r m( r w Uwtajii A Pau Lffi, WtWl II MU '. N iajtf, Um liiim M11.U Address to lliu Irish r m. Liberals Cause. fur tho THE CZAh'S LIFE IS IN DANGER, Six NlhllMt) Arrested Tor tho Conspiracy. London, July II The Westminster Gu.olto this afternoon publishes the following messago from Mr. Gladstone, addressed to tho liberals of Londen: "Hawahdkn, July 5, 1895. Aboyo all other purposes, vludlcato tho right of the house of commons as tho organ of tho nation aud establish tho honor of JSoglaud us well as consolidate the strength of the empire by conceding tho )ust constitutional claims of Ire land. (digued) Gladstone." Nihilists Arrestod. London, July 0. Tho Journal deBt. Petersburg reports tho discovery of an extensive plot against tho lite of tho ezur. Eight urrests for complicity in tho conspiracy have beou made. Among those accused are six men, well known as nihilists. A BiUUQE FALLS. Forty Workmen Killod iu tho Dlaas aster at Naghamod. Ai,K.VANDitu, July 0. Tho caisson, of tho big bridge now building at Niighumed by a French firm, collapsed tod.iy. Forty workmen woro killed. Robbory at Fendletoa. Pr.NDLHTON, Or., July I). A burglar broke Into Uuorgo JJukor's resldeuce last night, and made his way to the room where lUker was sleeping, linker hud IIU2 lu tho pockets of bis clothing on u olialr. The burglar secured It and got out without alarm ing Maker. FJro at Tucoina. 'i' A (X) ha, July O.wA lire caused by the exploding of a lamp lu the Ores cent photograph gallery this morning, destroyed the gallery, a livery stable, and two adjoining residences, Total loss ti,IM. The only Insurance 10700, wblub is on the gallery, J)l Mtntvnci. ClMiuou, July 0, Judge Woods (o day reinstated (be former order making ttoUdUrrenl sentence of JCUgaua V. lisbs and Ilia oilier ofJlclsU of (ha Anitrluau Hillwsy Union, J)b will sarvebut U inou(ba, His noulat (Ijmm rnoutbd, (Jonicll Wlui, IJHKipMVt 0 lliw 'i'limw July U, 'J'be itm UluhU Ib Cornell and IniimJw ui May wa wnu by th ffr mw, ivsndtr did not mw 'Hr Up mil, nwtiiK ( a mUuuder HttM4 in )tiUnit U wurd (4 atari. Jtlsttw4 Ui tim Auifluns Wit HUud Null, WAiir-at Jtfi fc-Ai(xmiy UiHl liefilHtf Mil aUfuwu (! gaijiluMj tj--l MUt'W MniPMlk H Ma htadm, Mi&l'i Urn Ut tV ajl i U tttBuV HVW U st ito4 to jmi eJU wd (x lu.lv Mtf ft UlPHNi ar. w i lmi IL Lt-H0 Hi UieMlt ltf ! art mmuHma pw m ,IMW,lwaififV U im K b4e WtitH MI (fw, m to M ? M juri(b4 ba Yfti-umu il matssrSS: iHlHtmw mmmmmmir HM . Vms vu, - T( m lwnmmMjuit9hiy $! 4 m m iUft UtWHVt IS44 7Vt iimMl mu Hit m Hajnnaji mtmm iii UiuitutuMvVMm IMt M yi Ua bin Mm toa l Ut itljr, -A JsvMiailMpaiibWe' TODAY'S MARKETS. Prices Current by Telegraph Local and Portland Quotations. Chicago, July 0. Wheat, cash 011; Aug. Oei Nkw Yokk, July ). bllvor 'J&7i Load, 3.12i. BAN FHANOIBOO MA1UCKT. Ban FHANotsco,July9 Wuoat,87Jo. Woel: Oregon Knstern clioloo, bf$ lOe: do Inferior, 07c; do valley, 9 llo. Hops Quotablo at 40o. Potatooa Early Ilose, C075o in sacks: iiurbauks, 60c$l poreaok. OrtW-Miillng, 81.00(1.10. rOHTXiAND QUOTATIONS Grain, Foed, ate. Pohtland, July 0. Wheat Valley 52; Walla Walla 50. Flonr Portland, $2.05; Walla Walla, (15; graham, $2.50; Buperfluo, $2.00 por oarrol. Oata White, 2028c; milling 28 80o; grey, 20i.7c; rolled, in bugs, $5.760.00; barrels, $0.000.25; casos, $3.76. Potatoes 25o por buok. Hay Good $59.50 por ton. Wool valloy, lolQPJio. Mltlstulls Uran, $11.60;short8.$12.50; chop feed, $120116 por ton; chlokeu whoat. UOo per cental. Hides groen, salted, 00 lba. 3 Jo. uu. der 60 lbB.,23o; eheep pelts, 1000u. Hops Nominal at 4o. DA1HY I'KODUOK. Butter OreKon fauuy creamory,27i SOq: fancy dairy, 1618o; fair to goo lUfapjo; common, ije. Otiecso Oreg6n full cream 10011. Eggft Oregon, 15o per dozen. Poultry Onlokous, $1.2502 76 per dozen; duokB,l;3.O04.60: goeso, $4,000 $7,60; turkoya dicsaeil, 12o. Bee: Tojwteers, 803JO per lb; fair to good steers, 2jo;.cows, 2Jl!c; dreasod beof,67io. Mutton BestHheop,$ioO2.75;choico owes, $2.00; dreasod, 44Jo. HogB- Cholco, heavy, $3.608.76, light uud feeders, $3.50; dressed, 4o per lb. Veal Small, ciolco, 60c; lurgo,3 4o per pound. bALKU I'ltUDOUU MAitKisr, flUTOlIKK BTOUIC. Voals dressed 4 cts. Hogs dressed 4o. Llvo cattle 22Jo. Bbeep alIvo$1.6u. MILL I'itlOKS. Balem Milling Co. quetes: Flour In wholesale lots $2.26. llotull $2.40. Urin $11 bulk,$12.50 Backed. Bhorta $12 013, Chop food $14 and $16, WJIHAT. 44 couU por bushel. HAY AND OIIAIN. OaU-2O0221o. Hay Baled, cheat $6,600; timothy $7.60. VAitu vunniKrra. Wool Best, lSJo. Hojw JJist, 3 to 7c. Eggs-Cash 12c Butter Best dairy, lO012o,' fancy creamery, 16020c, Choose 10 to 12 oU, Farm smoked iiusU Bacon Do hams, 11; shoulders. 7, Potatoes Now, 60a, Onions 2 oeuta. livh rotnTKY. Pomtry Broilers Oo; Hens, Co roosters not wanted; ducks, U07O. Turkeys.OQBc. TUB ONE UENT DAILY. This Daily Joijhmal by mail la distinctively (he Farmim' Dally, At 18 n year any fanner living within reach of a atage Hue can have tho Daily Joujinal delivered to him by mall dally and all bl other mall, for 60 els, jMr quarter of lhrw months, That makes TiiK Owk Cknt DAILY cost you Vt a year aud all your other mall free, That Is still 1 lea (ban any Assoc!' iM I'ttm dally u (baatat, famm, M ib light of a dally malHwltli (ha outside world, ablu III umn your boiiies, Tha Issue bsxt year will be (h monay (jusstlou. DsmoeraU and Jl publicans may (ry to vioatafals Issue, but (hay will hv U ftt the raal Issue whan (be proHr (Urns arrival- This vmuUy la now undsr a protwjtlv (arlif, only lbs messy; of piotsolbm Is not tn ( undar (h Wilson law a It vr( uudar lb Xefdulay law. Mill haw pruUe(loU. What lhl wuuUy tvaul i a avuud purrauot with gold aud allvsr m ataiidard money, wiiiimui a mn nurnnty ihtiu mu w nvganuinsAHd (wnituan improyftnani in iHit-wm iwomt Mu. lUiwAid, UJm ur a ltlr iwfv jJfbt immij konsuinidlMii. viunm a fluggli i&fN HA'TA Amfp, lUjial". rrm vwx m wwiimpmh. miny aAIIu teSIBljll4l II vuu would IMIMIVA jlmrnita. u.MIi, M IAVATH OlUttivifi, i'i man ii iu Kaoia 1 1 iu; aviii by huuu A untuhn, 1 Cars Wrecketl and Maiy Killed.' THREE PRIESTS AMOKG THE DEAD. Twonty-Fivo Dead i.al Finy-FoHr Wounded. Queued, July 0. A very large pit grlmago from Bherhrooke, Windsor Mills and Biohmoud, left last night at 10 o'olock for the 8hrlue of Bt. Anne do Beau pre. There were two sections of the train, one running a few minutes behind the other. The first section was staudlng at Craig's Road station, at S a. m., taking water, when tha second section, passing Semaphore, dashed Into the rear Pullman coaou of the first section, smashing it into' kludllugf wood and killing, it la said, everybody in that car, except tho Pullman con, duotor, who jumped. Engineer Mc Lsod and Fireman Perkins, of the BKCond seotlon, were both killed out right. Tho Pullman coach was tele scoped Into tho flratolaws cars of (he first sectlou, killing a number of pas amgors. Amoug those killed aro three priests, The number killed Is now placed at 26; injured, 64. Monthhal, July 0. Otllclttls of the Grand Truuk report the number billed in the Craig's Road disaster to be i3, anu 2U nqureu. but A MiitliHt Drill. Brnno wee'( ugo, when the Prince of Wales opened a new Board school in Olerjjeuwt'll, tlio puit of the function which uiunt tiiive uindo tho prince's visit a delight to him came at the' end. In tho lower lull of the school some ot the children from Mouteui Street Board whool, Fhishury Park, gnvo his royal highuoss and tlm other distinguished visitors nu exhibition of musical drill and physical exerebw's, A prettier sight was never soon. T (ho nniklo of a piano the children, some 40 of theiii, all charmingly drowsed In loose fun de nil frocks, danced two by 'I iffiJt i W) ftlJtj Wh two Into the hall, two tiny HttU Mm leading aud the others in order (4 th following, and liavlug j(4 m iirvliutliisry irioyenisuU (hey wwit ihroiigh a drill adarJfcf caJhrtlwuhi 0iruis4 wth (it tmy, imtursJ, staple, supple urtu'M ut healthy fhlldlmd, n4 a piMrjUioucf liiueaud movauisut (hat a ooiojny ut (it guards iwuld not fual. Tim IMIla '" looVwl w w'( to (heirluvJyrnk aud ihlr ainipl, a rtoui Jlltl fww. and (heir drill wm ni'juisidly dow (but (hfiiisst and ic4 goaouS w fVc iHWiM would UU4mi1 wwwou fiiiuriM with ihsir rfwriHaiiw Th im& tf munA Willi (ho di'light vt it, ft4 Umi ilftinh Muie)UjKUliiKwrJ In Ids sl, tU,wmi III api)tae Ilk H auhiihuy m ),i h( iHtuUmhnt. Wh i(waof4r i prlim rIJd Wlas AIH m, ih cbil'lifo'a u,Jwr, Wi4 afiiy (hwiki tmt coiigraiulaM hf UP' (h MiAtmy bt lir HtriMi(iirW Mall JhxlKsi, , me I 'J'liuif) was mum Uiiuii hrhiyJiwl ivimMfau U$ nmmm I'wiftw IId wiwnA in mum iii' What bt haj'jsvmyl IvX iU4 ww ut Mihviif im. . . . . Hu m Mi ryl"K V U'M M pugii " wfc h luady ntmm tA wii itHWHi 'in nm. NQTHlMij mi) Im mblMml fortius Hoy Ah 8Ul(f, Mo qiIm Iwvmmg mmi will imk$ AHlMt-ffrWtW TWilUTW ITMW, VJMK PIW, ptUMI Cv MM aKa WW " HtWiil 0iJ!rfnOryfor Kiwjltf iVA M KyvAi rMtfiwMWM&wMmwMmwMMWAhrti