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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1895)
V' JJgpi" - ''XWtJJIJflfW-f ft UHI? Arithmetic That's what first-class collars WE'LL GIVE PERCALE SHIRT. TWO COLLARS.... ivtT? tatw nnffifS sjvtjj x xj... ww -'-;. Just a little more than tne coiare anu cuns cuw m never civen such values for to little money. Percale bhiri, collar Snd cuffs attached, 75c. New patterns to select from J. J. DALRYMPLE&Ca J Illl NEW BOOKS JUST JIKCKIVKD AT I'S HOOK "Tle From HcolV-hf Hir Kdward 1 "'rao. TUB Inductions ot tbe Undies.' -oy An- ThlS&l '-Ey John Kendtlck xni. "At 'h oe of itr" - by A tlionr II .-. "Jolia lBtertltfV-hv Jerome K. Jerome. "riuMMtef'-br J. Zaaweil. "llJeUod in lbs 'V-,'XA"tI?"H '" rHerSlof HieHrlrd''-by Gilbert I'aik-r Clean-Op.- Wo iiivn b. lot of checks and mix tures Id duck goods which we are oloa- ln nut nf nrlnn which Will HiaKl- tbemgolna hurry. They consist of i,ma anionilld Kcotcli weaves we've sbovn together with other Imported Uneo, all bs good as gold lo service oT every kind. For summer and fall wear thoy will be splendid. Regular price raove from 30c to fl. they are cut from 25 lo 80 perwnt. Watch our window. ... .,, . . New Duck, Laundrled Waists, Bustle Bklrt Lining. Percales, Waist Silks, Belt Buckles. T. II0LVBR80X & 0. PERB0NAL8. 0, L. Watt left to day for a week at Bodavllle. J, P. Williams, of Sublimity, wuslu tliocity today. Judge Oallowny, of McMlnnvllle, is In the city todey, John A Bitter, of Sublimity, wm a Salon visitor Tuesday, HherlirJohn Knight was a pasieu- ..... I,. In.ltuiil nil I if I.whI. I J. rt Brysoii,ofOorvallls, registered at the Willamette last evening, W, O. Knighton, the architect, re. turned this morning from Albany. LoydMulU.of Lboii, formerly of Salmi, Is the guest of A. M (Jrllley. JUy, und Mrs, M. U- JlUtf" returned toOregon'.CIty on the afternoon loral. J, JC Thomas, of Albany, transacted JjUilneM in Salem Tuosday afternoon Horotary u State H, It. Klnaatd re. turned from Portland this morning. Alhrt TlioniMMiii left tor Nowimrt tliU morning where lie will ejuml the suuitwr, J. A. CUwuM, of Hubbard, was III III vlty Tuiwilay, rvgUUrlug at the WJllaiiHflu.. Waller siilwii rtduriiwl mm H mjriilMg U from a lft IwsImvm tr.ji to J'.iillenil. IUv, UI Mr. J. a TkmhiIUmm, wr miwn in KodfcVllle (Ills hmhUW In a land vui'lMtxiMg. A i; JJaUgh, nf WwMtlHJfM, wlm Jitts )jhbiHsvviiI iUyn fu tl9 U41l Nily, MuniMl lie i'MwJsy. Majr anil Hi. H ' HHriMH i lUlllvllhl IHuthlUK llvi" iUeU X It, )Mll))flDMl Ml OlUM lilljf. J LWIm1i, wiMi Jimit Mi Ml at i'Hltiwi, swine wji rrtHii III liHf-4U MM HlW MIll)( ll' J Jl ihHtmm, ttf llukul, Dit i Iwu umsm ruy Ut mud, wltm i im iw w wwIh' y,M in le ty 'J umIO . jjjjHitf ai ii iiswk JMW. $yHiiiinM'r"ii "" ""i'11 IWM ,IUMIi WW $VH4t Ulit lkM Hilt ittUU4 tiuLuiui l)illiU?i 'ln Uwh WWlv Hut, IWtft ltJ tut iwM 0bw 4a ; U iAP nmUmisa Hi-' tMtlMMtrt ' " WWUp Unite IteJifelll Jlh4.()i Mil M. mm kf ' w iH mum mm k w Two Collars.... 6Cc One pair cuffs ...,.... 25c 75c and cuffs usually cott YOU ! , .. . to ,.., L. M. Bcothorn, of Lincoln, Neb., who has been looking over laud In the vicinity of Salem with the Intention ot locating here, went to Portland I ue -(lav afternoon. Prof. Thoa. Condon returned to Eu gsno Tuesday morning accompan'ol by bis daugbtar, Mm. It. 8. Bean, wl o will visit duriog tbe oommencemeui oftheStatj University. Rev. J. Bower-MX.pastor of the Inde pendent Evannellcal cburcb, of this city, went to Waterloo this morning to ttetd ft tabernacle meeting of hl- hurcb denomination. He will raturn the latter part of the week. D.F. Nell and P.H, Bowers, of Flora Pa., who have been In the city for tbe past week; left for Tucoma and other point In Washington yesterday after noo". These gentlemen are thinking o ' locating on the Pacific coast. Gov. and Mrs. Wm. P. Lord, State Tre wurer Phil.. Metschan, Chief Justice il, B Bean, Reeut A. Bush and daughter, MtH Sallle, and E P. Mo- Cornack were passengers to Eugene on he morning local to attend com- ueucemeut at the State University. Judge T. L. Davidson, of Morning dde, was in the city today showing off a his new 110 suit of clothes, and re- Dewed till JcOBVii, subscription. Ho says tin tlm aro a trifle hard, hut he must havo olothw and sound Ideas to read. J. E. Jenkins, and family, of Entlier vllle. Is., were In the city yesterdu; , gues's of Frank Divey und fumlly.wtn' vre'o former residents of that thrl'iu Iowa l.urg. Mr. Jenkluks edits tlie leading Republican paper of that sec tion and U pleasantly remembered by Tub Joijiinai. editor as a contem porary of yore. JV.0 Willi Jt A HK UTH, Ifoi' ConnnoHcomtnit Wvelt, at 10 O IS N US. in a is nth, !i( CUNTS, KICLLISJt .0 SONS, I HO Staff, The Cscoud Haco, Tliu seeotid of a serttM of ten inHu lloyole raws uiidr (he ausplws of tbu O, C. V, V. ill take plsce at tlie filr grounds promptly at 7 o'uloek Friday evening June VI. Two additions! rs will lw given, whlwli with the tn for twain arm Jf stir mil ulu A, mimi lt rU, Meynle anls, value MM, Hud rlr, straw list, value l to- Ju mile UMVt-at rl, MM full DlHkN earellllght lanlcril, value, , i)d rlr, I'slr bluywlnn uklnn. For thlnl Imi In Unmllfraoelhe Hlnmr rtMvf a i''lv Mnwiur, vain lu, TJit having (Its r In nhtix aip wluttvivHiig m maha I lie ;iid WHUmi PVU Hmt iMMfHdliljf than lh lllsi. An mJi)ImIIi nf I wild wUi rtliaritMlgitltsmwi awl l wi;i fff Ittdlni uraiw Hsiih riMi i'tf"MiMr July. r ll sHvMJluif minhilwn U1 Lsbw MM (M 'W IMMs uli Iv It Hlitwl hy Ihe tlh ! hw Mn dMllig rushing lMfMM4 H I'IU Mil tbvMMly way khwuh! m II m ky IN miir iu vhiWi h turns vui sUtrfdw lis ha iiww uu hsuil ids hni4livmMl Uw wfavmmcr uMImk utttr hiswghl ( Mlwn Im m44 iwm, PUJ UwontsMll iilMi tll an and w yr idr UHW l UM -HtfctlMW Alittu itiiM4 iv NiUa4 l tv m Willi a Wiiwbf wf i Ihi mm htttjil Mil fill k U a v M f ka aMl I(M t btVtl UW wlHl A ag MMImW M H-'ls )Me "'JI Ml htf kM lira 4MI4 ft! (Ml hwl lists utMiiissia' 6iniiitfMi-wtn'mwi.Mi m imwiotiu wwwirswo Cheese, 4 wttKaj MJilMiriWflMt IV I . Ill If Ird Ui wm tsai mimili,k."JUZK fflDffiffl Board of Trustees Elect Officers tor Ensning Year. ACADEMY GRADUATING EXERCISES (tonserralory of Music Commenct men! Programme. OFKICEK8 KLKCTEV. Prof. W. C. Hawley was re-olected president of Willamette university by tbe board of trustees Tuwday after noon. The board of trustees for tbe ensuing year is composed of tbe follow ing named gentlemen: President, Gen. W. II. Odell; vice president, F.K. Smith; secretary, John Parsons treas urer, A. N. Bush. Dr. L L. Rjwland, Hon. J. H. Albert and Mrs. Mary Kin ney were elected to succeed themselves as trustees for a term of .three years. The board udopted resolutions concern a the death of Revs. J. H. Roork and J. L. Parrlsh uud adjourned to 9 a. m. Wednesday. Tbe board of trustees transacted rou tine business today adjourning this afternoon. ACAUKMY OKADUATIOfJ. It was a few minutes aftvr 8 o'clock Tuesday evening when the academy graduating class of 1895, the faculty, members of the board of trustees and Hiiilo Huoeriutendeut G. M. frwln took their places upon the platforttTat university chapel. Tbe chapel, espec ially the platform.wos richly decorated with the collego colors, cardinal nud old gold, and above the cluss was sus pended Its motto; "Non Seuolae Hed Vitao Dlsolmus," formed with letters consisting ot laveudar mid while (lowers The program, us printed In lust evening's jouhnai., was success fully carried out, each number receiv ing un encore. State SuperiutiudtM O M. Irwin then pM-sent-d tho clum after which President W. C. HuWley, awarded the diplomas. This was fol l.iwd by un excellent selcctlou from a male quartet consisting ot Mcshir. Wenger, Kundrel, H and Fold Member of the clatwan; Mlsws Mi Altken.l Mui(leer, Umiw Pohlc, Morgaret Lockley, Helen It Matthews, Kdim A. Itugg, M-srH, Jehu R. Psr vlu, Frtderluk Lookley, Win. A. Morris, M. H. Savagu, C V. Fisher, and J, 1). 1'lamondoii, At the (Xiu. oluslou of the program a reception wus tendered the olats at Ihu home of J. I) I'iauioiidoii, on the corner ol Cen ter and Winter streets, wheio an ru. Joyable liour was spent, Miss Ida Harris and Mr, Jauibs Hhlven veie (lieiiirtAeuted by Prt-a, Hawley with liieddls won for the best olub swing lug at (lie university gymnasium lust Saturday night. OOMMHMUUMKNT Of tHK UINMMHVA IOHV Ml' MUSH'. The hawl was filled sksIii this morning at the graiuatiug eimul' of (he conservatory f inuiis. The pm gram, In vwry iarllMilar, was nfiliJ nut, gleally lw the sslUfaattoil of all pltMHll. The Huu iuarU4. "William Toll' and "l)tr Fwilsbut," by MIm Aldvr hii, MIm Htahhy, Mis. IMU bih) ton WaUsr vlu hvlh llnaly iPhdfiwJ. J'rayrr was hHwimI by JUv. J. U 'IVmilwu, uf the O. !' sihurtfh. Mm. Walter was first lw lay liar uraduai lug I, "Hwwts In A list'' by WUr, lwim skill msI ail Im the reelUllMii tf bar 4h, tyui guvuM with aiiiiiau" 'ill IimIIm' tidsiisl Wi Waiasr, MM AMihwii, Mrw Jttfsimtr tnui Mm. IMWU gs Ihe aMllsiw glvsj MI0 H Ue HH&tt rf "Jf aHa ta lis IIMmk," aiMl "ltHmlMsl " Mlw adt4l m, MH M MVM, (IVM Mltl tMi mk )' Iwm mJ wmv liatm Isrga awmsMsl tf apj4f 11m l(4MM Wm Ilia' tsils tM ti audit a) Uy tin J1il mm IsOittwetJ Hf "iUt4tu4tf hu If" U, VlM UfH 'ItMtgJai dtiU m was imHM ajitl AmI U Miss mkt KMb wt awrf ar IW HH-MiW 'flHl sltM4 I Mm Jrfttew i Wh WhsMhi. "' U, Uk I' $," towUMtf rwug, altar wlUsss PlW, JVirte K a. ilwjiM4 a4l mm) jwW iW kftMlsi Us KMnM l ! W liwtwis arf Lbs Mttyrtrilr Aatssi(i. 11 Uiif IM lb iN iiifc h lit i Ilf j.HWWMl mi 4fiMd4fil KiH I lhs4M a ty iHMh rft IM 4' I IMlf MJiwlWK Whm wi mJM i Ik4i irtft(4.i, Al Jd w tea) Mmm IMW N Mft&itJJ MaMattf H lima MlHsHff aff Mwl 1W lAsMiteg fr A4 i H W ifay JtlaM fWJWOJl W Mat itetjMsf lfl kw lbg fasten any HMiMsiuj ji 'szX&x&ffiggsattSgzSZfi PIbdo QUartet-MJ. AldelBOB and fl Jtabley, Mrs. Ltllrh and Walker Prayer. Introduction of class of l&to. College song "Juanita." Male chorus All slotting chorus. Address Wm. Galloway, class 1683. Solo E. U. Helknan. class 1&S4. Eesay Minnie Frlckey, class 1891. TrinlHnrinir'a llrfrrht ninncts" MIbs Anderson, Mrs. Walker and iveucn. Poem James F. Mettbews.ciass IK College song selected (verv) Annals of tbe Alumni E. E. Mo- Kinney, cla s 1870. Song to Willamette -"Tramp, Tramp." Benediction. THURSDAY'S PUOOBAM. Commencement day 10 a. in. Col lege liberal arts commencement. 3 d. in commencement. law college and post graduating exercises. 8 p. m. annual entertainment by conservatory of alumni. Are Defeated Again. "The tables have turned" on the Bs lem Juniors at least Indications point that way. In a match game of base ball with tbe Monmouth team at tbe latter city yesterday afternoon the Ju niors were defeated, the score being 10 to 8 iu favor of Monmouth. Tbe Ju niors held their own until the last in ning when the Monmouth team made four tallies. The game was very Inter esting from start to finish and was wlt nessed by a large crowd among which wero ten Salvmltes, membars of the Y. M. C. A. Cycllbg Club, namely, W. C Paige, Al Bwegle, Jim Woodruff, A M. Gillley. W. P. Bibcock, Zidoc Riggs, Frank Powers, Clau le Town send, Boyd Richurdsou and Bartou Biggs. Tho company of bicyclists left Salem ut 1:15 o'clock Tuesday after noon reaching Monmouth about 3 p. m. making tbe run of fifteen miles iu about sn hour. They returned via Dixie riding into Salem at G-.30 p. m. Akk You Hot? I should say so; I am smothering. This uncomfortable situation may be avoided by wearing our cool summer suits that are selling at astonishingly low prices. G. W. Johnson &. Son. BOILED MACKEREL Put. up in pure spices, in urns' ird, r in t'vn mi Biiuuo, Try a sum j do can. Swcol, Looney butter received fiwh ovun, wo k Irom .lyflerton. .AgouUi for Antoinne's pure hit inn live oil, th t ordinal jjluu Point Oysters, an I .J, H. Fli kiigor's high-grade caiuird goods. Do not buy gait until you got our prico on this uUnlo. HA 11 It ITT & LAWHKNCK J. (), (JrouiTy. SuMK CmMI'LIMKIU'IH. 'I'JIK JUH Nil. loiluy enjiijwl the oouidlments of Mrs. Jt. K. Wands, reiary of the Marlon unuuty hortlaultural soolely, In the slisji of a sample xi of (iatidy trawUrries, AIm superior box from Mrs. J. U Falrbauk.of IhvMblsli aouiilry. Both wr magninoeut apeo linens, ami are a orwilt to ths laJls, who hsvs the rdlUir'a uvugratulatloiis Upon their siismmm m hoilloullurUls. THIS UlTVhlS TJINdS of thl ii'iirhf ui'n nt hut malm lift n't)'ti llnhif, Millar, thv OtUI ('ml (li'mwv, mulit II HIHU'illttU of tin litttf fihiiM In iI'lhKh In 'lift, hf mm jiliuiM you ami Mimit you muiifU mi un lit fl I iff, I'lfl ut 111(1". UHtiMtw J'tMMMJHU.-'r'h Mwtwr l4JIs,y i4Muy gradlMK IM Mmrnlng. akl, U4nn Am by ihMUm Impi mmi Uwfvf, is about m;jhHJ, aWsltMf aftsia WMg Will ImIM Ml Wtk A tit HWa uf Miswllavk W m teMl. MMlWi thv w wWI ssmst Ids Mil, a &riut lhal jm4II tMMtl ataM $ 40ltlt THftr Mms) -Wiarly ;irguaf tfDfMsig isWmm bti a fw.e hria Mtara Ui HtttVtJt IHmJm. nt IJ is. It M4H IW tHWHWf. Av(tiiit4 )IIIimI Hvim Wrl4'$ t'tr. Mn!I.MJ4wiMfr- I'tlr B4KING FwWffll iWl I'nM ) tagcas II NATIONAL RALLY. Convention ot Republican Lea gues at Cleveland. m TAR1F FAND SILYER ISSUES Aro the All-Absorbing Topics of tho Occasion. Cleveland, O., June 19. The eighth national convention ot tbe League of Republican clubs convened at music hall today, with 200 delegates In tbe audltorum and the galleries filled with visitors. After prayer by Rev. 8. L. DuMie, Secretary Hemprey read tbe call, and an address of welcome was made by Mayor McKuson, and re sponded to by President D. D. Wood manlce of the League of Republican clubs. President Tracey, of Chicago, then delivered the annual address. Nearly all tbe Eastern delegates who have thus far arrived seem to favor General McAlpIn for the presidency of tho league. Other candidates for tbe position are Hon. H. 'J- Evans, of Ten nessee; Hou. 8. B. Elklos of Wett Virginia, and Col. Isaac Trumbo of Idaho. Among the Voting statesmen who attracted attention during tbe day were Go . Brown of Rhode Island, Gcv. Nelsou end cx-Gov. Merrluin of Minnesota, ex-H v Mody of Oregon and tbe ofllcere of the state leagues. Tracey declared there was no oppo sition In this country to a?i nlarged use of silver If It can be brought aboui without dl-turblng our prmnt traili relallous with other cm n tries. 'Jhl eullro ijikmIIoi) a lollio future use of silver will probably bMttld nylhe great comriieralal Natlous of lh woild within a year. (Jtruiaiiy and Frai e are auwklog blmelalliui, and JJoglsud Is fast turning lu tlist dilution, t'J.KVKI.AND, June lU.-'I'be slivsr men had auoihrr tanfirouce lidsy atd dwlils.1 to wit until su-r Ihe apiKli.t- niBiitof ihetMiiiiillliMt ou rulioiis Moiu laksii 4iy aeUou it list imtti-a Is wrk-ufcd agslsnt trw oolosys lty will Insist on Ihe tsodisldstatlou of Ihslriom I rtwoiuilou mthe muvtii (Ion. They aia silll ttmoduhl that I bo luirly iumsI mMd tlfMtr dMiiinds lo hold Ihu wMerw slslr. The w Vwrk Mrvtmi hkva piwiiiis (u rllvvr lofii lh Mr4ary4tip if lbs UtUr WtMMl lt mimm UM WuAlpiH fw .iDWit, 'hi siivt man ars UMlled AM J. II mnm, m( lhmvl. The lutll. UitMAI4ii and JIrMM srlll Im U4. a4 Uisl kb tUvpr mm may MM Haw Ut nuw ui UuUmti TrwmlM U4ti Ut mmttkUm tut piMtMlwu. 'ii0 tomuMi was Ism hj, lumUy vih rnsMa sm4 nliflNg s lw4rt the Ifc4w. Muglsig M lbs lvt UUs UKsb Is a teg fsaUirc. WImni Htfnf ilmMMiy sMl lt staiM. i imnlH Uh umnintf td tlfd IIm4 Uv M assvte miiy it iuvhshm, w4 Uw mmdur iu srijtteh tha via isjMUbsJ 'jWf wm galn( IU rttw mt, ttti, dvhtH MH Mssl M test m Hit uiUtf lain '11m miUif stnM b Jii waif ihiiwwh iu ta(M m4 tolHUflt Um laf httinUi w rj.nM M my mmmttmt u HUUt. AhMif Ilia dsfeftua -WiW4 tttua ht IsdtM tmn I -44. muv ttm Ho ysia. iws) ihm WHtnm awl IhlK Iivh, It, At I p m, mv turn, te - iba maim lima te f Vlfk aiLti1 MM 'IV mwm ttm i Ma., i .at, AJIMM WhMhUh. WtmMtM I4l& m JVa Mr ttm, mi i, & rrtmftf" rm Jf"-w-"J To thb -0 ( Ladies contemplating a trip to the Coast or" 1 fnnnriins should now avail themselves oi the opportunity to buy Imported Storm Serges far below cost. These are inc -Everything m dry goods no object. WE; WANT: YOUR; TRADE; and are making great inducements for it. A call at our busy store will convince you of it. "We have placed large orders for fall goods, und- must have room for them. Our store is crowded, and in order to make the needed room we are sell- ing goods at p ices that speak tor theniseie3. uur special sales on Wednesday and Saturday are becoming very popular. Do not miss them. 1 . Saturday, 22d, Special Sale of Corsets. S. M. & REGULATORS OP LOW PRICES. 115 STATE STREET. ' iAfF&ArfAfSAARAAAfArtfmirlr)nnnrtnnnrTrir 9 CHILDREN GROW healthy grow happy grow rosy cheeked and bright eyed, on HIRES' Rootukkr. This great health- jT fLV giving temperance drink should be kept In every home. J isj It will benefit and delight every member of the family from tbe baby up, and prove a most delicious thirst MtUfylug beverage for callers. It's good all the time morning, WW Vfe W V uoou u'ut Get the genuine HIKtb Rootbeer iMHiui.iiutuliiiMi S.H ...r,.k. ThsChas. C. Hlrss Co.. Phlladslphla. UWWMWWAAMWAAWWWarfWSAAAAASVWVAAAftJWAAA . . I U 1 Uliillll Hi' ' ' ' Woodmen, Atlentlonl There will be a speelsl meelluic of Camp No. 118 W. O W. In Ihclr hall Tuursday, Juue at 7W) p. m, for the purxe of oonslderlugot)cstloiiv, By ordsrof the camp, J, W, Davihm, Hoo-rr Hokmutji, Consul, Cleik, i i County Treasurer's Notice, OfflC'i: CtlUKTV 'I'ltKiBIMIItK, 1 Marlon iVuuty. Notli is hrreby given that J have funds u hand to pay all warrants out' standing up to J uly I, Jf&l, and (bat luUirst Is slojijI on thv sainv Uuin dale, jAki'CK MlW'KJ, Marion Uuuuty Treasurer. Halem, Juue IV. 0 lb tw A Ciiawuh - VaUrlwary Hurgssm W, U. Mlbjhell has ishaiigtHi his oDIm lo h I'm b WW stabliw on Courl Wftel, where h aaw Mwwtfler U found. JiraMMM A (W, s ll iiikkr hs nasi). Mt mail In HJam smMs by lha low iitts mim4 MimiUf gtMssIa sate In lha Ktiry Mm. Tiiy Mr mm all tw all atettk tbe UAuMtMs tiu stern, Ji; Msl straw. Mr. II y lkimn, te tes Ujj In UaUteritsa ter Uu I" mmsty HW14I. isiihJ Mtuw ;ismm1sx itjitrateg. OrrM ms1w. w M;rU pgl, Is AWF0RN1-A 6 Ml' fmCURE wrjjoa wnwsy r . . fit. ?,';-JAB'-ua'.' Vi rfc Coast. proper uuuhk mum. goes without reserve Prices The Palaci .. t H. STOCK UjmUJJJMHLMI -Oli-J-tUI ) IT IS' AMsTHJSKTlJUK OI'VJIK JttJ vniHi Im ypi,od out thin month t rolttil. V jiropunu tu iv (Jim Dii buiiuil uf aunt whols wtiK priuMti tw our imlriMiM wlw httvn mUhJ by u In (J pint, Ribbon aulu uiilitifiUkfM, ICvi'iytliliijiijiiatg io iiiitU room Uir un stluboru u aloaU in the At)). D, B. FI$K & CO Lmluf MJlJIiJg'y, I'KHII MXOIHMIOW 'J fTT..r 1.3 i.J A ru r j,i, um! Mf. a 4i SUMMER DISCOUNT ERY mtmnnmrm . Ml IiIIIjIjI lift 1 1 '7 rw u mmmi " iwWMrkuiL, MILLIN - r.- ...I....... i mmmvimmmnm 1 wmffiWMii I hlUM. li. I kFf ,...,-, rr, m, ;, 7k num. rtZte'tyis