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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (June 19, 1895)
BHpWsK tdttifAkttaBWiajaaBBBtfUBiBattBflBa TOE-BEST PIPE 1TOBAC0Q ilMgi ggSGMnT-HuDyi. 1 5 tiie mim jhwsl (DAILY A.Mi WKUU.T.1 BY HOPER BROTHERS. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19, J8&5. re? py&F frreaaicr 1 ino noit wonderful UbCTTtrr of ft . It lit bn cn- Ufa cvta of Xoroo and JLraerji". KllD Is & w titsilarnt tf the tilt. cutotn in J) day I ores LOST MtiUOOD Viawtn, ttmai ten OOltWltCfc.'D? of tb eye and otbe- Invigorate4 and too lix cn'Mttjttrta Hjiitn cm I-eblllty KtTTOOJOta, zalsJont tad rtttcirt weak crrgttoi n In I hi tck, Immi br i)ar oi ZuLbtttoppa lTomtunT trrtttt liDMKiior 111 lira Cnt rUurs. It II rpnAom of exnlnat weakr.uw and Ltnronrt II can U slopped In w da ft by fba mo a I II nJ j an. Tha new dlwCT7 wa mtd Jr tli Hfrfx-lnl-ItttofttoriidfauwHisllutflen ftledicsl liiilltutt. Hi b atronirtat rluuin-r tuadi. It U very powerful, but MobIm. fold for IIXO a ck d0 6f Ckagi lilt tSXOtpUlUMaladUne), Wrttum tpiuKtitot enrej for a euro. I f too Ixir ti(x.wnnd are 1H Dlllr ctirl,ifx mora r-t)l be Mut to J' fre of il charti. toiilf if rtrrattnend ImiImwjiUI. Artdrtm HUllgOM MCllIUAIi INMTITUTK, fMiieUun htocktoit, J!rlit A. I'lll. HI Han J'raiitUro. 01. Mexican Mustang Liniment for ftiked & Inflamed Udder. PJfOW, AJicumnltc PiIiim. Urulw it nd 51 nil us, Rutiiiffi Sores, Inflammations, Wlff Joint. llnriws & ttiiiUtto Sorjit JMnffui, WUUtn, ffjAwl MHo, AH CiHUu AlUmni, All Horwi AfliiittiiUif VIJ f jwp AM JimiM Mwm!jvwci fiiul Tfjww Quids ly to ll)u Vary iit &f IJ0finMif out, u m jiri Wjjwjr IjIkwmi ttujf WESTlir OEEQOK 0B0P3. S?pcrt cf the 8Ut Weather Boreau Iot th Part Week. Weatber The fore prt of the wek uad fair we: her, with pleasant ln- iwratarr, which Rradually chftnged to cooler, doadjr weather and rain- Rain fell on the Htb, 15tb and 16lb, whl'e' Monday, the 17tb, wa fairer aod much -warmer. The rainfall wu heaviest about Portland, where slightly over one-half Inch fell, which decreased southward; In Dougta county 0 20 of an loch fell, while (n Jcepbloe and Jaeknon conn Ilea It amounted to from 3 rprlnkle to 0.18 of an Inch. Along the coaat the rainfall amounted to from one-quarter to one-half an Inch. Hal! fell on the 1-ttb (Friday) over the greateat portion of the Willamette yilley, accompanying a thunderstorm. Light frosta occurred about (Springfield and Camp Creek, Lane county, on the 1Kb and 12th; in portUna of Columbia, Washington and Tillamook conn ties on the morning of the Htb, and In portions of Joeepbloe county the morn ing of the 16lb the more tender vegeta tion was slightly affected by the froetr. The maximum temperature for the wsek ranged from 64' to 82; the mini mum from 26 to M'; both maximum ind minimum temperatures were from 6 to W cooler than the preceding, week. Crops The weather has been favor able to the growth of all crops. The cool weather retarded that rapid ifrowtb which had been prevailing for the preceding week, and this was ben eficlal. The frosts did no real damage. The ground was quite dry, hence the rain served Its purpose. As one correspondent writes, "If the weather had been made to order dur ing the current season, Its character could hardly have been Improved upon. Tho great benefit of the cool, rainy weather was to check the rav ages of the hop louse . The hops were being generally aflected, and alnco the rain their appearance la not so marked. Hops continue their healthy, vigorous appearance, Spraying Is being gener ally practiced, and by rare the hop crop will be tecurtd In prime condition." Kail and wiuter-aowti wheat are now beyond ai)ypoilblebanu (torn adverse weather oouditloua, except heavy roiu and wind, which would beat It down, Thu wheat has now headed, Home corrtspomienuj report the pre, etive of the grain aphis, but so far It is not prmut lb any large number, nor It anything aerlous evicted from them, Hprlng-aown grain Is In splen did condition. The ordinary weather should it prevail) will produce the apring grain to rMli)ii of ijUAllly and yield. Haying wm commenced In many Motion lh forrt of (he wreb.whluli was Interrupted by the rain; It will be rtwumtd (his wwk nd inuuli of the hay will I out by Hie oIomi of h our rent wrk. The hay Is vtrjf hwvy and large rnp will be Mxiured. The wrn wa MMidtMllull growth by the awl weather. There la w Hide mh In fJrvgtmhl,ll aUij4. or failure has The potato crop wiH most likely b j enrry Are ladder on the hose wsgon, TODATS MAEKSTS. larger Ibjn ever bef'Ke. Thesr- nd tbechfrf was in?rieted teure . each lalir... K.Mr r,t Prices Cuiicnt by TetegraphLocal btnyeeaaonis marly over. Bii pber-, af 'W " he saw fit. a Portland Qnotationa. lie. are now ripening. As uual,alll "J?,1 w eompanlei :of thedty. bai.fkoi,uck.akk.t. ' . Petitioned for nrnlM.!nn of HranM for. BOTCHMt STOCK. berries will hare a mMt prolific yield. ' im nf . . . ,, M Veals dressed 4 eta. &beep-ebeariog is about oyer, and of fhrt. 1 Is Your ! JOHN HUGHESr DIOOU UlC.OllH, WljJll0W.luif,.ui1,,(.. good, heavy fleeces have been second. I The ma'bsr of a dumping pround for Block continues in prime condition, garbsge WM referral to Mr. Holman The field, garden, orchard and range and the flattering prospects for bounti fal harvests that have prevailed fr the past month continue, but in an Im proved degree. The atmospheric conditions are such that warmer weather with little or no rain will probably prevail the re mainder of the month. Hogs dressed 41c. Uve cattle 2(5. 2 jc. Sbeep alive fciUU. WILL. PRICKS. Unltn ril!n IS ..iu. If.i. A - . . . : 1-HitA A.J.II1UK V. IIJVK3. fWU' u oroinance was introouci, tan-; in wholesale lote $2.25. ItetaJI 12.41. Incv iA v. fc.l t a.l.t ta a'-. lL tii. I II 1... It. tin rn . 1 . .fi a . ti all promise moU iracceesfal relnrne, flfe 1mlu etUtl 13. Chop fe-d J14dU f!5. The ordinance tablI.hlM the : grade 44 ,? of Waller street was read the third time (Ay AaD aRAIW and paesed. j Oats 2221c. The ordinance wlabllsblng the grade j Hay Baifd, cheat f5"6,lUmQth.v time and passed. i Wool-lfcat, 12e. The bicycle ordiaance also pfwwcd Hops lirt, 3 10 7c. third reading, Bingba-n vottog uo. j Eggs t'asb 12Jc Alderman Murpi.y moved that the ,"!",&?,. da,ri'- 1012ic' i.i-i . l.. L i . .. creamery, 152Uc. bicycle ordinance be published In all Chtese 10 To 12 . the dally paper of tie d y for'onei Farm "rtioRwi meat fiacou 9c week, at tbe rate paid the official pa-, "ms, II; sh'iuldera, 7. THE Oirr COOKOIL MEETS. MtKirro buiiniiunMguh gaial m tsondillvin, (hat whMihu Imn j-Unitd Ju good givwlli o a ny hrallhy am) iiiMiulnlliK a)'arli. 'i'hefull ifti(s MplliiMe jifwm lng. Hnte varlvtu uf iuM m lliu Im iUuy im w ht 11 hibei) jialuro dbHif Hit iiMMlni lbltd nl man. Th lrM (hi Hm m H ) Jtaye inula iw mn lim hm 1(V ma wpjj inatj- 'jlw jli, piu (IiumikI and IMlWUl lmal WWlDlltd, TllW will I Ml hvfi KfHi IM uuy uf lh The tint Uw ih muHnAf wnkdwi niid n)wli iit iiMulug will tm to l jjia Ht wmal lli mjf Uuu Urn hwHHi th uvf 'i'liv it Mp iUl 4 Mlf lh v IH y)4J HWl Mlf III ijuaUly, Mf 11 an mr la lakm t(i Hi) wu fmiu Hm ayaM at mmii Ww MlHtlllr iikih in tititiftfemv l)H(lf lllw WM Dlid ay i jir wnM ly ifyii)f. AwJ M Jl!i oUtff j. 'Tip Jif y lit ! Large Amount of Routine Work Dis posed Of. Tbe Ealem city council met Tuesday evening in segular session. Present: Mayor Oatcb, Aldermen Bingham, Duncan, Holman, Murpby, Blgdon, Hmitb, Mambal Dllley, Recorder Edes, Fire Chief Cos and City Engineer Culver; Alderman Albert, late. The proper committee reported that the ordinances regulating tbe grade of Waller street, and tbe Regulation of bicycle riding, be parsed. Adopted. hills paid. Brown &. Smith 40 Lee Ejteiner 1 jo Gray Bros o 00 Geo. W. Johnson k tiou 4 no Ed. N. Edes 3 00 Boren fc Hamilton 29 Oil Patton Broe 3 10 rialem Coo. 8t. Ry. Co 459 60 Geo. Thompson . a on Dugan Broe 62 69 F. J. Fagan 3 00 Geo. Russell . 1 00 Elmer Worick ' 7.3 L. R. Murphy 3 00 Salem Truck & Dray Co l oo Salem Water Co 107 rr John Hugbci 7 75 U. P. TowIm 14 i5 H. H. Vandervort 10 00 John Heldecker 13 20 Brown & Smith 17 CO A bill of the Statesman pub. Co. was referred to tbe printing committee. 8PKCIAL FUNDS. The treasurer's lost report showed 12,161 20 lodged in the various funds A motion to place It all Into the general fund for payment of warrauts was re ferred. On motion tho ways and means com mlttee was asked to look tbe matter up and report. Tbe street committee reported In favor or a petition for a aldewalk on west aide of lfithatrect between Oak and Mill atreets. Adopted. Recorder Edes reported that (he Ihjuor llcenne applications of A. Dag eny aud A. Uchrelber were atlll In hand aud asked that same be acted upon, as thewi men's llcenaea had ex pired. The city hall commltteo recommend ed that Hulchlnu A Bouthwlck be paid 12,414 .TO and W, D. Pugh fiW.85. Allowed. On motion thuciJalm of a New York bank for exchange on olty bond pay ments whs ordered paid. The uiiimltlee 011 ordinances renott. v wi In favor of theptMage of tho nidi- nance for the Improvfinvnt u Mill street. Adoplmj, UwionJer ICtlta reprltd that he had many appllimllouafor llceiuva for atrial aiauiis jor July 4i, aud aoked If Jwim Mould not U h.iiul far llio one day. Mr. Albert moved hut the oily liianhal uiid trl ooiumiMloiivr Im llitlruutMl to altar the atml if all alnniU, eli. Wotwwmlwl. Tha llreiue HOinmltUe ri)Mltl In favor u( giving Mr. Miri-lber a IUiim Mr. )unan uiiimwmI giving Mr. hn lty IhiMIuvimI that (hi liad vMuitd ihuurdlnaHvoby ktia)NK opfii rtands. Oh hwIImi f r. JMmaii thtt apihalHii ttf Mr J;guy was ukau frwm the huid ut lh mm (illllM. Mr Albert iihvim that Mr JSKiiy M ultfd t apuar at um u-.i Hilling wf Uu wuneli t ahww tww Why lie ahttuM jm( Ihumj) a IttitNMe Mr lliiighaiu uggftUHl that tlu mnt fi MaflMj liiaptltl mimMUpv Mr AH ' HMwi M wUbajaH mid h satMiHiMj Mr. Mgbam'f iiixMMii It) ivftir Ut a immuMw ? LbMe Hli ftr u miMtav wtuM AllttbUd V. A (JMthjb wUltar Ut bt, iJW lOif IifHHfl witMt ui ti h-lAad by mm Ultlui A vUUw fftMJlJia imiiktf V ra ;wf a itiH'alM W IIJi aud Wu alon (rfi tM imjI flfiaj( ImK i irri. A WfhMir p4iiUM WM IlitMialMl Ittt a bdraM mr 144b hj WifUa AJ 'JUl iairf WMiisW eiMhf Mai lb H ajMiv wuv ajkMl ty U iMtlt HU l)jl y, ) iW ftM iHa,M toaw per, which Is The Capital Jodrsal That Excursion- Potatoes 20c Onions 2 ceorx LIVE POITLTRY. .tf .f wt . rr n . All who wbb tickets for tbe A. O. U. . r oT wnYed: d Jeta. 67t ' W. excursion to the Jeffereon picnic! Turkey p.6.Sc nextTnursday should secure them at poktland qcotatioxs once. OnUn. Peed, etc Floor Portlaml. f WiIIm W..II. Special train to leave at 9 a. m. and . 12 bo; graham, $2,50; superfine, $1.S0 return at 5 p. m. Tbe finest opportunity for a day's outing during tbe seson. Address by Grand Master Workman W. W. Brannln. Band concert, game, contest! and race. Apply for thket to committee, P. H. Raymond, A. M. Clougb, W. T. dou.Rfg A High Liver Z Usually has a bad liver. He is bill one, conBtiapted, ban indigestion and dyspepsia. If there is no organic trouble a few dosea of Parks' Sure Cure will tone him up. Parks' Sure Cure e tbe only liver and kidney cure we sell on a positive guarantee. Pric $1.00. Sold by Lunn & Brooks. 19-4 Vfhi Baby ira alcfc, -we (faro her Castorla. When aho to a Chfld, the cried for CastorU. Win tb bncama Min, the clunj to Caitoria. When aha bud Children, she rare tnea Castorla. State ok Ohio, City op Toledo, 1 IICAB COUNTY, j " Frank J. Cheney m-ikes oath tbat he is thet-enlor partuerof the firm of F. J. Cheney fc Co., doing business In the city of Toledo, county aud state aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hundred d )llaw for each and every cannot catarrh that can ut be cured by tbe use of Hail's Cat rrh Cure. Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and BUcrlbed In my prewnce.tbls 0th day of Decem ber, A. D. 1680. . A. W. Glkason, f 1 Notary Public jKAL ifall'kCaturrh Cure la taken Internullv and acts dlrootly on the blood aud mu cous surface of the nystem. Bend for teittlmonlalri, free, K. J, Chkny & Co., Toledo. O, HSrtUAil by druggUt,r76c. per oarrel, Oat White, 930c; milling 31 32c; grey, 26r83- rollei, In bag? Io.76fl.00; barrels, 6JU0C.S5; casea, Potaioea 25c per wwk. Hay UooJ J59.50 r tou. Wool valley, lJiI2jc. Mlllstuffs Bran. tll.60horU),M3.60; chop feed, $12fl5 per ton; fhicken wheat. 75c per cental. a HJ,dr?gJSn'8aItet, 0 lbs- 3Jc un der 60 lbs., 23c; sheep pelm, lo60a Hopd-Cbolce66i. da r ry prod dce. Butter On k.ii fancy creamery, 10Ji 12 c; ; fancy Ua. . 9loc; .falrtogrxM 7J (bc;.coiL m. t ,tg,i c. Cbeese O,tbou fuh cream 810. EggH Oregon 12jc jierateJ.- Pooitry Cuiw-ius,- J3.00te3o0 pel Beer-Topsteers. 3aie r! I. rA. dreuaed beef.6(6J.;. iK" MutlS,0Tt.'lfcfcP.iW2.76;cbo. ewi, f2.2o; dreed, 44j.; ti "f9" .Sh0,Ice . bevy, 3.603.7 light and feeders,3 50; Urevtd, 4lc ji Vcal-Snall, ch.iice, 6tf;jlarge,3& 4c jjr pound. ' v- r ?AN PRANClrtt.j MARK .T. Woel: Oregon li,u.rn choloe.l 8 10u; do inferior, 0(s,7u; d- vailt-y, 9. Hope Quotable at 4(u(,c PoUtoea-Erly 1, 6P75c in fttnksj Burbanhg, 35oo pr Skck. OttU-MJIJInK, $I.07Ca)l.l7l. If it is.yoa will be strong, rigor- HI1, tlioiuost lOllinlolcHroflf i.i l ll r,A nmlitltnn! von ' u' OUS, lull Ul Jlu u ......-f 4 will have a good appetite and jrd digestion; your sleep will bo 6ound and refreshing; your nervea will be Ilrti.slies of all KimfM In tho StHte. ArtiHto Mutcrf iiIh. tiniP stronr; you will' have little need to Unir,t'ciliUIi( mill CjIjIiicIch ntwl fear disease in any form. I . ... ..,,.. ... But how few can say that their flllC8t qilHlItVoMJUAriSMKKUH blood is pure I How many peopio are Buffering daily from the conse quences of impure blood, scrofula, salt rheum, rheumatism, caiarrn, uerruut ness, sleeplessness, headache, and That Tired Feeling Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies, vitalize and enriches the blood. Therefore, it is the medicine for you. It wih give you pure, rich, red blood and strong nerves. It will overcomo that tired feeling", create an appetite, givo refreshing sleep and make you strong. Is not this just what you want? Then take Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is the best building up medicine. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently in tho public eyo today. tlOOU S r'lilS Uon. Prlc cuU. $5,000 Reward. $5,000 For H U'tllT or more nleaaaiit rmnulv for the oure of ooimuiiiption, brouohfu troublea, cough rroup and whooping cough than MA Nl'A AJIIJS, the .'alf. lurnia Hing in luinitumptiun. isyery bottle warranto). If von would iKtuurMi of that dlKUilli)K dlM-aae. oatarrh, Um t-Ai.imii.MA CAT-ICUItlS, 60 ota, andtl.OuaJar, by mall fl.10, HauU Able and VHt.fufe are aoid and war rauiMl by Lunn & Jlrooka, Hop Orowera And Fruit Orowari should iMtid Hilr orders at one fur (VuaMla thi and Whalw aoaii, Frnni all pjrn(-a tbU la a grvat yr (r lm. iiumU and Wiialw p aru tiiu Miri lnairyfra ut aithl. waving ytrnr iitaM ami trv4 tinln JhM. Pur itiy WM.IIlinWW A Co im ifeuunerejal rife, Walrin, Utv The north bound overland was ovei two hours late this morning, pasiiup through Halem alout 8:15 a. m. ' m a ii i Banner of Babies. Mlau Hperry requeata Uiomj who have uot yet brought m lher balx. to bring them In belore the 20th. o-ll td KLAMATH HOT SPRINGS S'skiyou C iuniy, Cal, Abouc filly up. es north oi Mt. Shabtfl, twenty uiiUs i'lom .he C'a it tiuu & (Jieon 1(. iv, toain, u phur nnd hot mud utliH. (Juie I'or rhtumatism, iKin tliftnses and Btoniach and Ml tttinmch troubles. Fisning, hunting, climato and scenery unsurpassed. Fine stone ho tel. Delightful place to spend the bummer, For particular address EDSON BROS., Beswick, Cal. Props. 6 74m NEW ADVERTIStMLNTi. SlltAK.i-A HsUUmn c j, wiiri ,,i, and rod neck; ..iitr luiruu, r i X rjlve. Iteward luoiiy o-e muil hi l.f,r,.J llf orv.lierealK)Uliil.. w. Van PleeL n'. WANiKO am to ' ifT ,u . qulr. (1. abi len-ii.oin cut pirirct niun Ciiwi Irom iiolual iiieaKuinnanU la li niiii uus. oiuuil luj ngeuu Hiotk (min , n everrdu-. Addnm Jlra. P. I'. Imii. :.' "A4" or. on on hour iroTi li a m. to 2 p i'n 'iSn ludi agtnt. war tedwtmue jJJ, A1W W IWIjJrc Alarrni, j 'nut Otnr blew II I TTTasTTi t VV . - -. uuiUI HU I C4 filar. II kel man, Willi aiuail carlu , lur ,, ,L hi good bailpe. Apply ut llil.oji e iijn LP. KlHHh,lt, iBWpptrAdv. nitiudAntM . 21 Mereuanu1 Kicliange, itai Prlii,Si' Uonrnnthortiod agent, iui paper u . null a.vLt: uk lUAlitv-l wo nuuaiu cr. f 70 acre Id culUvullon ai,d iao aorM ,,7 unktatluie, wlih ruuiilng w.l-r lli Vtir touDd, will trade Inr 6Uucrta buoO luud iui, lation In irt iy mmu loqulm or ndilriiil J. U. HA.4lll.Ferryaale,,p.u wiiii.i,!" UJtilblJAr MXiCill iv l.iluMku v ,, , J kliidiOQkaleaodUlirlilluu Baienc .. vToe at SJt l.lixriy irti. wirnnr li,. ,.. r lAltebi yxrtuH-lJiruv t,n vl ),,) ulow J wruiipliiK mmt lor N..g cli,p. jit ii." thlnir r,.- i-uttltis nnder imimu j an i Jour, nai ornoe. OJKut.A .-iimlOM.v Tyimrsi ng i, Q oommerclul utenompliy. OUlte. run IT, Oray block. 1 lie tell oi 5orkdTUeMl , Hilt hlUiU.Nljf.-A OmKi. kiulli Nr.,, I1 UluaUTl lu llie fainuu Jui,t HUtr vj ! ley, Noitb lKO'a,c..hetin.HKl niurmit. wltl exiimLKeIor.rojH.rtyatH.iilMHeiu AUilu. lio.r) Jouriu.1, JjArfcnto.-roniauu, Mri.niiiit.iiiu, t,Miii7. ..,lll20"?ft,"ld " rauclaiiirit(ili "fci. at'lJopr Po,u)fUc gliM-k ' "'""" fc'' YEW MKK FAMILY GHO- (Mo-lib InAiKK u WMIill THE ONE UET IiAILY. 'Iiik Dailv JouitNAi, by mall la dUtlnotlvely the I'arinura' Dally, At W a year any farmer living within reach of a atage hue can have the Daily Journal, firiiyered to him by mall dully nnd all bin other mall, for i (its. per ijuarlt-r of thrM months, I'hat makM Tills Ohk Vmr JHliY oot you W a y-ar and all your other mailfncu That la atlU f I Im iIum any AM all i'rcM ilall In tfe!tir. Parmr, ll Mia lljbi .rf a ihtMy iiialLwitli ibt- MKl, afclM H M,, )UUf nuiiir w r 'MfU' Ahauiuatjsiu rii n will wMafnlv l rxllnvKti i-v tl. lltjru, 1'hal hi.sbe a liJlllK WHIlie Ihim l a rl ii4mi t.l (IIw-mm4 ut Hid kn It M baMain. mimI UrnJf4ililiK uwiiie th m. ajsw mmsm. AHr J'arN' Morn IMv tut lilt- Myr aiuf lihlnpya priiif liAIKA Ptllt A4tl fOIMM inajuitwlb Muali .4 all Mud f d w ho"wiali4 ifoiti idwwiy, ihI yiry llMMg HMt IM jMMfM liMl fM'WII iHhi iUr Willi. lluht off mM.wt iM'ltWjtJo imvw run uiuhum, uw yu aUn MJMMiMi lf.Miyf In IWlWUKl iim HrM ir (Uf liavHlUi AH UMM 1110 immrnu I ut (Us liavHlify MW9 (a ie timw tVm WiW&it. Haii Im4 nJ U elttJ jifTy. Tb hw rf iJJ I J'ZSJ' ' " ttl' gfUMifNfj MiBiid fay wijatf I!! 1 """ U 'Sl 'f, I'uca inuind Hid uhi 1 M l)H) 11 rilh Wl W iN T VW IKimniiinni mi mm n i, u,, iimuw wa aflff "WWW -r... . i -g-g-g---- 'ataaBBBMUrf aSaBWlBBl MH' TIHED, WfilK, lEfiyflUS, Cuuld Hot SHiji, 'pi I- H L44. ,,( tl amm,, rfi nM -i lytM I Hlll, J, r I'm fi5T-M. IVfiTWWfc l ' I Ma al k MM MM ,1.11,, IJWiJg f mmmtm mMMIE' LUaU i MINERAL SPRINGS 01 tho State of Orogorii It's water is free to all. and is Jottatod in the foot hilln ul' the Cascade mountain-, ut Sodaville, Linn Co,. Or, Thu moU uuwttibltf iniiiunil jirinH iu thu Ut at nil Mm oih of thu yuar, uiid tlm h.w.t water Tin water is u i-U P all uiMwuwi of thu nUiiiku'Ii, liver ami huluuyu, him .mu you iiouunjf. rjinMus Jiutu) aaaomwuiiHtJuiM, li. (i, JJnu, plupriialor, iiiiiitfiitl Utha an J UoivjjmJ jwilom, Ouai, liumjtiut, lUHUHtrtr, K-iimJ jtMitijmiMliM, li , J'wJw, jirujifiaiUjr, jiliyiM4. w MIMj Mjrugu a, g, J'nll JiwiiUr Una 14 IllMU fr jUI Mil, fllla. augnyyy, UJu mmJ bwitiiig, iujiJU, IK1U Y4MII liuuilli liv ili-.ffl, . jj miaj LUiiiic in iUiUml ily lwk Uiih uiai hJj Umu.--i lmiiit fir, -mite i I.IM, H HUay aiffw iiwILlJliii iHMliiAUir (, elMjsjuWjt ' ; H4W MHW MSMlf, fy, y I'M At efejM, BKYGLE . AT STATE FAIR GROUND. r hk 1 1 nut O yen under (li muni.w nniium , .. RACES t fciS.,,W&utaMA' i ow M nins band lap iwj w riiu -.A-si!Si"w.v&, M SALEM TILE WORKS, """" -I. -l- H- .ll. . I .I.,.J. llUiMfUlftiiN mawji, mm:4i &&'Wi " Ad4 I k. Ul'lll'll) fWl liluuMt i j0iU hflrrif,- i W !" INHU4IUI Va"i.1r1PIlr.ri- lw TtMlH I ttMl(4y JittilMMMJ tof IfUlil Uf IWttd a Uj, ajjtliMita. uwalHj. uwuj UUsmgUm tm&bi Uiij uiji iafi dkn-i inr w. mrnmtm BHMm4t tie M M.I mn jiwy-j j lM Mt Ut 1 La-i-u LjIJih f . Man - ir -wf Mr, AiiitfN' Narvlna iMaJ MWI Sf'ln' i M iP.U H W I MlM a II 'T'fiS r..rr. .'. pn 5"1W VKBaaaMnBtiMaW ar Jl HsU BaAaJni f At t.aa EEaiOJt 'M Mi II KIM ' ii i ii ii it it i i J i u fjiM,i ill ill ill n ,CSUIi ! Nurv IWJllW Ulooc! JulMyr alHW C, ft LANE SH Uaiuiuwuiju Ml , MmJih Slwliliiy wl lllc) liDjmif 1911, STEAM WOOD U Money to Loan, 1 ;Wfflffl aOll ULMr m$um m w mm Hmusi UIijlniiUjfiil. TbiefiJy ) m mtuwm' Hiidllloii M Milo WW "WilSffi Milton iffliif lay am i mamas. I IkIM' m mwt m n wufimtito i4 0hfMrn Ory rr j'il $!! H n umtomm&miiy tou . oilliriv ory f t 73TOlaaiL.SW. WV. .,. jaraFBaVaw ! Qlh BRSiS hiw,h