Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, June 18, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    -. if-ijv" T-cyJlW"1'1 ' "
vjii. II jlVJLj
NO. 8
. . - ". "V T V T TT1 1 I 1 1 I ,1 ill r - r 1111
Link of Shoes.
Fverv Pair bearing this trade-mark is made of solid leather,
in J will give you good service. They a'so sell h-ts,
caps, shirts, clothing, hosiery, undeiwoar,
and all kinds of notions cheap.
ggrWill remove to larger quarters about July 1.
O d I iS
n (L o n
Ah H q g . 0
T p $ a fl
CO & lr' 4 -1- &
1 g jW f
A HI 1
Before Judge Burnett of the Cir
cuit Court
Much Time Spent in Getting tlio
., Mliuuull MIIIK
r (miwiriiwraBgagSl
Hiiiil urn) prr?!,A'R
l Ullll .l'if" Kf.?K"k. ummrL'i
T8, Aiy"uiii(tiii iwiih j,...r-
JTSJfUJw Jw Jihwm smi.ih '
f,ir b' ":.'.'.T,t J.d ;MWr....Mi.f 1'MM. '
w ii Mirrnr-
a A.HiwW'ttWiiiiii
tvtiw u ijfW W U !
-. Ar !aB&OI0v
H4idmref Wogoni, Com, Road Machlnary
iwwm miiiwjiw(i W itm'M bb.""-' .
twju jrru rJtr, nun vmn.
At 3:46 p. m. Monday tho trial of
Alonzo Swarts, accused of murdering
Edward Bwarts was called byJudRo
Burnett. Defendant was brought Into
court by Deputy Bherifl VVrlgUtman
and seated ner his attorneys, Tllmon
Ford, 8. L. Hayden and J. H. Mo
Nary. Prosecuting Attorney James
McCain Is assisted by his deputy, A.
O. Gondii, and W. H. Holmes. At
the beginning or the trial the c urt
room was crowded. Their curiosity
was not gratified as the remainder of
the cession was taken up with the work
of obtaining u jury. At the time of
adjournment seven persons had been
accepted out of eighteen that were
called and they are P. L Kennedy, a
former of Woodburn preoinct; WaBh
Hunsaker, farmer, Turner; J. A.
Dickey, carpenter, Salem; 0. A.Bdggs,
butcher, Stay ton; H. L. Bents, farmer,
Buttavlllo; Charles Cannou, farmer,
Salem; and H. Von Bebren, farmer,
AumBvillo. Others were called but
were challenge on the grounds of
having previously expressed opinions
averse to capltul punishment. Thew
were Wm. Ileudershott, Tho. Pom
roy, Henry Munkers, It. G. Keene,
Colonel Cole, L. C. Pooler, G. A.
Eulen, V. T. Bell, F. Herreu, W.
Koshay and Dexter Field. At u few
minutes before 0 o'clock court ad
lourid until this Tuesday mornliiK.
The seven men drawn were placed in
lin nlmrira of DfDUtV SherlH H. P.
Ao udilltlonal panol of five Jurors
was called: V. P Mosaey; F. J. Bol
ter, Wm. Sullivan, J. B. Dlmlck, F. J),
Southwlek, Chan. Simpson, The ooun
room was filled with people. mjb
JurorH nhowed a disposition w try to
get oil. Mr. Maey Hud formed an
opinion and ex preened It. If what ho
heard was proven to be a fact his mind
was luuilo up, In order to be good he would Imve to lay this mlde
and BUbmlt to the law ftiid the evidence,
Ho was excused, Mr. Bolter had
Ulked with Dr, Hwltll nuout the case
mid expreed opinions to other, His
opinion wbs fixed to lha exteulthftt
he Imd knowjedge. It would require
conslderabU evidence to remove It, He
haiKu iirelurilcd ttualiut the defeinlulit
tllt It would take oilier vldHw to
reinovs, Ho could not tryltMfuirjy
m If lie h'l n"t idiuIo up hli mind.
Uxouied (or cue. Win. HuIHvub, of
Mill Oily, liftd fvAtl (In pJiern Biirt ex
prtwiwil u opinion to dMJ'Mrent iojib,
Would not mll In U mo opinion
im ttguinut (liu lenllinony, Iml It uld
Hku koiiii. uvidnnu) to M it imio. Ji'
wuwl V. ii. Wutlwli'U Itm) liuunt lli
fitwU, rurmiMi an opinion. xprMWlti
wwoUl ! pr)U'JIHl. JJreiiwJliilf
wj Uliu. Hlni'on wi '
Mini luiM with wol wlio lBtt!M
th flirt. Hl iUMiP II l l'l mind,
Duw wm uunlit l m ll flnlii m
flxui), wnliJ ty wltl lilm. wl'l
out it , !! ww iii 'I"") nut
,1UJM, H W iit, K V- nmmf
lUt,H. IMt'-r, i)t U' UWW;
HwtHl wpr iHwi. fu. iiiiip i
Utt'MIKWidUJ UldMW ilnfitiiilvwi.
Ud u prHnrilx. nd vmAmi Uji
()mm hmw IMU Wwrl. m M
uMumi t iwjrfM! imMtiiml Iwt "
uilM im wui till"' Mr Hun'
eIwjC III t lt Ml' "
upjutuu .0 iri wuuiy. Wr mam
f " ' i . I ti.l ... riitiikLiiiliAUT
Ut4 m mtvwt am hwi""""
kumit uM Uvtrt M M
l( tTMtftd ! (fHMdlXWj WWltJ 1IN
.....J.aj,u4.vr iUi JM'MM ?
rnrnirfiTiirnri i
' (ci'jwi!Z3
i H?&$0jr
Cwfciwf Ml
He was let oa. The court remarked
tbat It was uuforiuuato that men
should prejudice a case so muoh. Jay
Cox was situated about as Mr. Keller
was oa to hla mental condition. He
could not try the oase ai though he
had not yet Heard of It. His opinion
was fixed so It would have weight din
ing the trial. Ho was turned over to
the court and, was soon let go.
Judgo Burnett thau said: "It Is very
unfortunatotfia the nowspaperasliould
publish oil the details In Ibrse uilulrs
and still morufunfoituUHte that cltlzeus
Bhould be eoi hasty in forming their
opinions from'them."
Jo. Howatdread tho pnpeis and had
talked with Drs. Byrd and Smith. If
they testified hi the cuso as they had
told him he tfoulrt accept their state
ments. ThoySwcro his family physi
cians. Let goto l,ie court who uc"
cepted him, bul defeiiso peremptorily
challenecd hiul.
The next flvo begau with Geo. Good
in rnrt nanfiVa. heard some few re-
marks, opinion, hod no pro
judlce, accepted. State accepted him
as ho had no scruples about capital
punishment, t
Mr. Motuorn knew defendaut, read
papers, had no prejudice or opinion as
to how case ought to go, had not
talked with Frnk Wauless. Was ex
cused by dofeuse. Mr. St. Earle knew
none of the parties, had tulked with
none, formed no opinion; defense ac
cepts. State: fcm civil
lor city; read Evening Jouknal; not
opposed to capital punishment; was
accepted. A. 32 Parker, from rending
and talking had made up and expressed
himself pretty 'Vreely as to how the
case ought to gor would tako consider
able evidence tremovo his preiudice;
but would bo free to try tho cuse on iU
morlth; present opinion would have
some Weight in Jury box. Tolkod
with Dr. Smith, who clnlmed to know
tho facts, Jutt before Ehvnid was
takon to Portland, to be oporuted on
the second time.
His fixed opinion that ho hud,
that would interfere with tho trial of
tho I'OBe, ho hod formed from his talk
with Dr. Smith. Defense challenged
for cause. To counsel for state: Could
not outlrely disregard his previous
opinion. To ceurt: Hud no fiellng
nmt ho would disregard the testimony.
His opinion would have some weight
It the case was close and conll'cling.
Court excused Ijtm.
Mr. Jory readV-JndepHudeut. und
formed nn opinion as far oh It went. It
would not go with lilm Into tho Jury
liny-had nonreludloeaud had talked
with no oue who claimed to know the
facln; If accepted as a Juror hU present
opinion would hav no welght the
newspaper ocoouut would not Inlluence
him unit-nil the evldenoe on thn ntuud
was the same u he hud rend; (lien l)
would still think of what lie lml read
K the ttlinoiiy oorrwpouded with
the printed ri'porljllio newspaper r
port w,)uia tXy wHh Mm Bl"1 W0l,,tl
have to be overiKiino.
Tim uourli "I ilo not think the Juror
eoiiiitit t nil." H" w e,l'
v. w. HollUi J- itaynionn and u.
H, TIiuium willwl' HollU liml ronitvil
only lihpmwloiw and lnwl no opinio
hut linn n lniiiwiln only from wlmt
lie Inul imiI. Mit nngllt oomitvrut ll)
evl'lpniwuoinuwlnilthuillil not hllv
JuiplUI i4iulliuiuiilj ho would hale
to jtivi) Vfnliut nl ilvntli Miitunwi nl
wan pxuuwU. Jyinont il wnl iuu ttUbi oil Ittl'J with IdK'
dun ami Ut Hy Il tomM Mid
xpriiul wiiiuUiii urn It wuuio
Idkn u kmmI ilwtl uf ovIriVntw In luiiuyn,
in. uU muiwl, riilltt llycn nt of
HubiMirW. i4 Uitum mnl Im'l
feriuMl uM lwif w"l' l't
kkj liiiimrUaJI, iMMiiijiM hy iii
mid by hvu.
j, W tJH' fimi MiMMllU ml
i,iurj ii ilbil . fannnti h4 -Mmii
N' uututt, M lMi it ml
itniil, Unit UM ' wW
,u uuuitduiMe Ut WHinUii Mt ft
wm ttl tfu Ji4 tlm iifwrf
wiiMMi. mum ry "H l'. A.
Mm J' li"V ',w", i,,,4lMi
iMi ti v-iW w Miili Mm m
ll.iiL iLt) MWllii M iJ
ItHMii M W NkUil "U"
MMM tw '' w Mi i' MV
.fi.J..UUia ftuttt ttLu. Ll4 ) WJW
iH MkO DtJ lH"W WJWilfl
ton immm yi4 iwi4
mi wiimilWi lf "
H Hl " j
J. B. Enrly; had heard and rood oil
about It; formed on opinion from senti
ments expressed by others and folt Hb
hod formed an opinion, but not that It
should go os ho thought; he had hla
opinion fixed in so tar os he heard. It
would tase considerable to change it;
he was not responsible for what ho had
heard and It would have to bo com
batted. Ho had imbibed an impression
that he could not disregard. Exoused.
John Kirk and John Patterson
callod. Kirk read papers but hod not
talked with unyono uor knew parties
got uu Impression lrom papers but
would uot uilect hla verdict; was not
opposed to lufllotion of capital punish
ment, but, read Capitai. Jouknal;
state excused him pro-emptorlly.
Patterson knew defendant ton years;
had no prejudice; would bavo to hear a
tittle more than ho had to give ou im
partial opinion; had only rad ouo side
of the; tho Impressions ho hod
would be laid aside In the trial; he
might think of whut he had road and
talked, wjt he had seen in the news-
pipers would keep coming up, nut no
would disregard them; uot opposod to
oaplcal punishment; bettor acquainted
with Dick 8warts than with Lon; ho
was excused.
Wm. Humphrey and Wm. Under
wood called. Humphrey had read and
heard enough about It to hove a fixed
oplulon how it ought to go; hoard par
ties state tho facts; could not lay it
aside; excused. Underwood read
papers, but formed uo opinion to tho
prejudlco of defendant; excused by de
fouso. Jrs. Ertstlmm and Chas. Rameey
called. Former lead newspapers and
heard street Ulk; tulked with Dr.
urd!eM)ressed onlulon on the case,
whloh was pretty well fixed; the opin
ion would huvo weight If corroborated;
could not forget It; could uot cast it
nntlralv aside: excused, ltamsoy con
sidered newspaper occouutaas evidence
in part, and If produced again ou tho
stand would confirm his opinion; what
he had read would jjtay with him; por
emptorlly challenged.
J. B. Dlmlck reud papers and talked
with people; his mind wob made up
and if evidence ou tho trlul was what
he had reud It would infiueuce him;
ho feared ho was prejudiced and was
Tho ten Jurors were uont out In
chargo of on ofilcer and the oourt ad-
Jourmd, J. B. Dlmlck, who was
served with a benon warrum tor nun
attendance as Juror, appeared and wm on his boud of flOO, He was
at the state encampment ut Oregon
A special voolro of ten Jurors was re
turned at J o'clock. Messm. Ford and
Jldlmutf were very fair In their exami
nation of Juror and seemed to want to
get only liitelllut-nt men and men en
tlrely uupli-Jiidlewil, Jt was evident
throughout that ,Jln lnueno of tin
newspaper was fur-rpauhlng even In
thtlr newt rttportK, Mini that tlnw re. huvu done inucli to prejudice tlm
usuenrthtt defendant mid prevent III
uvttliig frlr trial uiilwtn thin Infiuehw
can he runiovod, Mine men out of (4ii
liave tliflr mih'U ma'to up irgardlwii
of Hie ft" or law In tln ww m It will
ho dvloxd on (lie trial or glveu in
the jury hy llieuoiirt,
TUB lrils TWO tUMM,
W. W. NUplin wm illud. He
knew only what lie w In In Hi
ptptrimuli vtvt u JinpartUI trlli
wuc vxttuwd. JC W. Hu'lley !
iiDnl llirou)ili jjewpftpvr and nuUhle
lelb, liad xprtd anne opinion liml
aume Jl f rJinUiH t irevet III
UywH Wis iwwi aiiiiimwi win. n
In il only onu im ut the Hi the
naMiyiHiii dad ul n o'lnl'Jii
iiuluuft)! Miilw tvl'lnt wm I'itt
JhhwI im hIiihibw il mind, It wm
filiwiily iiiadu up,
'J I'M Ju4n J I ! not wuvtlmryou
wwnti) rwnriniwr wiiel yi live iwm
mwJ Ih-kiiI, M wlmllar It would
luHuMm yttu in niMiwJ' yuvr Vf-
H ' "i ''' '") u my
tfuiiina imtiiHiMHii thi-'
iHM Mii-i mm m nif vhw
fnuihuwmvimittfj t.
t M ttH li WMlMii'M
, IlilWW
Thomas Johnson started for tho
mountains Wednesday to prospect for
gold. Bucooes to you Thomas; hut is
there not danger of you becoming a
Mr. Tool has n pruno orohord which
Is kept in flue shape, clean of woods
and thoroughly cultured, It Is not
necessary to go about tho country to
8oe how other orchards aro kept, only
ask them what thov think of Tool's
orchard, and their nuswer will dcscrlbo
tho condition of theirs. If they con
demn Tool's orchard and claim that ho
Is killing his trees by too muoh culti
vation, then tbat man's orohard Is bo
Inir killed by bud cultivation, and thus
wo con grado them down, Faint praise
means poor cultivation muoh prulso
means good cultivation, Now tuoro la
Frank Pound; .ho thinks Tool's or
ohard perfection and Frank's la about
tho same. Thus wo aro saved a groat
deal of trouble In finding out tho con
ditions of tho prune orchards of this
Now Willie what havo you been
doing again? You havo permitted
Claronco to wrlto another letter for
you over your signature, and that letter
was a Uo and a moan attempt to Injure
the name of a good mou. Your row
Control tho Kentucky
Illinois Lcglnluturo Must llonlon
Ish tho Treasury.
Louisvillk, Ky., Juno 18. It Is
still nu open question as to who will
win tho Democratic nomination for
govornor, but It is not on open question
what tho Domocratlo Btato convention
will do about freo silver. Nearly half
tho dologates selected aro either In
structed to yoto against freo silver or
aro known to bo opposed to it. Many
othors, friendly to Bllvor are opposed to
Mm nnlinv nf maltlmr nnv declaration
friends aro sorry to sou you led astray, for freo silver In tho stale platform.
Thoso who know you aro well oworo
thut you did not wrlto tho lottor. for
all kuow that you aro a blank that wuy.
Your forto Is not writing, but kicking
and opposing overy wiso and good
measure to Improve your town or Its
sohools. You Bhould not havo sent
thut letter until somoono had road it to
you, uud explained IU. meaning. Wo
hopo that you will not mako suoli u
blunder again, and If Claronco wants
to write letters lot him sign thorn him
solf. ChurleBlIelu la having lumber drawn
prepaiatory to enlarging his storeroom.
Go to the Southern Pacific hotel of
Auuisvlllo If you want tho best moala
und best accommodations in town.
D, E. Hwtuik haa commenced build
ing a lurgo barn on his pluco. Mr.
Swauk for tho lust two weeks has
shown himself to bo tho truo friend to
tho furmor by paying for wheat u prlco
greuter thun Is paid by any other mill,
showing no disposition to keep prices
down, but anticipating a future price
ami paying n prlco greater than the
preMont worth of wheat.
Charles Hell) went to Btayton on his
bicycle last week.
Hlchurd Tucker' bicycle Is vicious
and Is not easily controlled, It always
sturts toward Htmvur dam creek, and If
Dick is the driver it generally gets
Willie prides himself considerable on
Ins tollut HrrsngemenU. Nothing
oommon) he says, Is uul.
The Auuisvlllo liolei Is taking Tuns
Journal., Jt must ho r great relief,
not now having to run around
town trylim to borrow one. A Joim-
mai. nil to thrmiirivce. What nleumnt
evtniliiK( witli Clarence to read It out
Extra BoBslon Called.
SrutNoi'iiiU), III., June 18. Govor,
nor Altgold today Issued n call for a
session of tho gonorol osRombly, to
meet Juno 25, to puss rovenuo lows to
rellovo tho deficiency In thu statu treas
ury, to paBa Iawh regarding Bleeping car
charges, nud regarding tho Justice
courts of Chicago.
Ujah lU PiU ww hftM, iJfHW Irt
MukM t.f uilMuy nm in lj UM
urn iMfcl l'l' MuM ?
lT5 6' ' I'M
MH turn vm it tmim M. -
lJfjMJ U w I
Mt, Ai!sl.
Oiuineiioniueut (isy ejfeielwwiof Mi.
AiiK) wllexe will talis pUw Monday,
June 'ii, at ii ( in. In lh wl!e hull,
i'li nlui lit lu. tmiilarutt In entitled
"I'ho Jillml I'rlmw," a meMraina In
lltroe stli, Till will he IoIIowihI by
(lie noiifsrrlng of iinnn-xi, awardliiK"!
indsi tunl Hie illtrlhutlou) of pinnl
urn. Ill UiMt AfotihUhoji t)roi,
will give Hi cMmf wJdf.
'I'jw M-fexi tut lIUl avfkers Iim
mrlyinl and nr Utile liwnlilly wltli
wp limn verloti imris, amonx llnm
h4ig '(. UhMhvr anil wife of Hhin,
T. U Hytt ltatrn !, t. Umy,
ut Uhlu, wiille a fft many me uj("
UnMsMmlay nlglil, Jum 1, a Jre
PlsMi wm wn wnt m( IMnlH,
willed i'imi Hl larn MongOi Ut
Tim yalue ut ih im ami tumloMt
ltuH wm ufm wllM vm wy
Mmit. Ola I'mn-li, IMI ltiitM.Pt,
IImu UuAlUalttl. . JmiiM fcWl ktl.
1'iteiM, inunt turn a AtblHjf UH uu
HtluhUx, u4 rtmm in layy tUfM
Wju iHtdamt lm , . . .
'J'lu (Wiim mtmm bml 444JJ
tl MWfM im w lril o w
iiwiHj lime. ,
A (mm j UiH IHMlar lh nnwiu-.
i.iijni 3 fim i Ww, muiimtm4
Tho Q. A. It. Encampmont.
Oukoon Citv, Juno 18. Tho Btoto
Grand Army oucumpmunt
this morning with 125 dulegutes, repre
senting 58 postB, Tho assistant adjut
ant gouoralH report Hhowed 01! posts In
good standing with 1,000 mombore.
Tho Women's Belief Corps organized
with ll.'l dulegutes, rojircBuntlng '21
corps, tho lurgoat over held In tho state.
The Sons of Veterans elected Capt. II.
lu Wells, Poitluud, commander of
division, Capt. h.V, AldrloU, HUvor
ton, and Capt. L, W. Orln, CorvallU,
vico coinmanrfersidulegates to National
Encampment, It, B. Bellamy, of Ore
gon Cltyjand I), W, Dwlre, of Bllvor
Urn. Tho 0, A. Jt.'nd W, It. 0. will
continue In notion tomorrow.
areat rarest Fires,
BuAuruni), 1'u., Juno 18, I'orwt
firrilntlio ulclullyof Htteravllto nml
KthU(jim are no iv confined to a etrelcll
of territory eight miles louu ami tiireo
mile wide. Large embuubinenl hovo
lMeu thrown up about Ketlnjua and It
Is believed the town I mtfe, Mllllona
of feet of logs and lumber uayubwti
iletroyi ami luimlred of aerw of
nUndlng llmher wwl of this tilty, 'I'li
Vy Is owlim! Iy einnke, ami (ha
fir spHr Ui N raging In the wood
iiHuKer, KumrmiI WtlHt
. -. i -
Tiie (luhau Uvolt)tlon
HAVANA, June IB. MailiMu Oomr
Jjwiatlaykwl Alt Jfi ljuru4lh
rallroaij Mtallon ami many nther liowai
A grriou wuMiuu nftwentydy
ildleis iitue an limoleileftiuM Miijf
tlye Mllwi ami JiaylnK ' wuleJ
Usptalu Unnefsl Mailing l whiiw
ItM jiiiwIaliiMril I wvinm I'utit
J'luH wn4f maillal law. i'Mvml
(Jni4la Iim JiI aveia wgtenl
wllli Hi lnuKnle M I'nillli'lna,
Ulla, ifcdw, l'w ami "'M I
Yilll 14 AHKKT ti,
ixumm itmTuL -Wlwi, tU
Till July HU
lWLMUt Ju U.-Wb Vuy
UMi VMmmmjQM -Wiu
Hm Yum, Hum if.-w W
mym limi Himmku.
miTfliiiwwiin'iTirfTTr"! iv""i" " """f
i4 Im.
If 1m wm
tW11 f
....... r... i.i
tfhumm m im!- ""
Dh mst ra OTf Vww
1 WS'iroiMAwiiii I
KnWWIWW IWBHMH .nu... ii.i.nui.1 . .
DVaI Baking
. $