131 ii R Liill? Arithmetic That's what first-class collars and cufii usually coit. WE'LL GIVE YOU A PERCALE SHIRT TWO COLLARS ON R PAT Li CU KFS Jnof a lif.fln more than the never given such values for to little money. Percale Shirt, collar and cuffs attached, 75c. New patterns to select from. J. J. DALRYMPLE & CO, NEW BOOKS JUHT KKCKIVBU AT K1VBI) HOOK u JV T1f Krrnn HoolV-by fir Kdward H lilvni. TUa IndUerst on ol lbs lJuehA"-Uy Ao tliony Jlup. TlwIdl't'-uyJf John K cad flak II n. A I ItinvH of Air -Or A'Uboiiy HH Jftlio InKertlsla" by Jerome I I XV i J,ime. "1 lis Ool in tb ir" by Anthony Hop-. U.7.... ...,....,.." i.v (liltiort ('..rkH . "TneTrialoMbeHtrora'-by (Jlljtrt 1 rkn Stimnwr Clean-Dp t rfftfMffin wri w We liavo n lot of checks nnd mix lures hi (luck goods wlilcb we ntr uio luir out at a price which will iiihb tbemgolna hurry. They consist of those splendid ttcotch weaves wt'vi-sho-vu together with other Imported line, all as good as gold in eerv.ce 01 every klud. For summer and rail wear they will bo splendid. lived' prlc ranae from 30c to (1. they nr cut from 25 lo 80 percent. Watch our windows New Duok", Lsundrltd Waist. Rustle Rklrl Llulnjr, 1'ercalen, Wslsl Bilks, Kelt Jluokle. T. IIOLVEItSO.V & 0. PBI180NAL8. D. 15. Bwank, the Aumsvlllu miller, transuded buslntfM lu rJnletn today. Htato Huporlntendont Q. M. Irwin returned this afternoon from Drain. Superintendent 12. Jl. MoElroy camo down from I5uouo on the UK) local. 13. W. Ubupman, one of the solid furinora of Jlrooks, was lu town today. Charlos 11, IJodeklii Is visiting with relatlycs and friends In the metropollr. Dr. I. I). Driver, of KuKeiio, came up from the metropolis this tnornluu. Frank K. Lovell of the secretary of suit's offleo, vIhIUh! With friends In J'tirtland HuiuJay. II, D, 1'attoii returned thin iiioruliiK from 1'orllaud wbero ho vlslti-d wllh frlsnd ovor Hunduy. J, J. Dugaii, of the Una ofDtiKuii Ilros, left till afternoon on a trip to oil Its on (lie Hound. J5. V. I'arkliuM, of Ihu Hlate Jnur rttico company, wm Mmiwr tuiMo on IhufnoniliiKlixiul. A.T Mmlur and wif huyv attain localiHi lit Halem, ufUr IItIiih In )" pttutitnoa a fow months. District Attoinoy J. A. MIUIaMi uvsrffotit MaMltmvllhi wlmrw iiusimnl Huhday with Ids family. V. W. HvUlnmatr the Wiwdlwni Mir nwymaii, sjKtiu Hundsy In tfakfii, a jjuwt at lh WIIUmll. hU Jlvrlh Morm "f l'Usiid, l vjsllliii at Hit ltom of br Imdbsr, A. U. fAwtui, on l.iii ty utrMst. Waller HUm), a Mudnt at lu Wlllsiiibllo uhlrM4ljr, was a tmiir for Wbiimi on thv iiwikIhk Ul, Htti TitNMuior J'MI. Mu(Mb iv iuriuixl Hmly (mm I'wiJ wlw jtUwtdrd lh MaHiwt UiaiH) 1 !. HMf(ry vf Mtal II. IC lin ibliirnwl itHPM Um lW JuMkl. JlMlNtK WiaWf MMkiHlfMMl Jll)i Itvy fjkrMkt MMMsksV laiswiissl this imfMid( Ihmm PtiiiU wm if HltiHl U Ktmtil mtUui ut Hit Jt M JhMW MstoiMMf Msto iu Jiwh flout (Uf stfMiMl rtisM ' fitudM AkrviUI' jmi,firiiiwiwm'i''W''iiii m liMgiBiiSBSSg! NeuJ Goods i i i Vu mv hm tit timti id m h ul ww mtmMtin! JUtJy IMMlt flsstMH ImM 4)diw sHttl tVtrittf gtmm jMN'i iswmi' mi tUMtm'9 Wri HyM rl4M, ft)iMA MI WW MMtftNitUy J ' Mental iimim tt mnak Uih Umtom, 1'iim Urn LU m Mi l miu mfmm iwin M im lbs torn kwwHte m hm)? m? amm hp timwH, Ml mtei. w " a ',wMnifll m TME& Wfctott Two Collars 60c One pair caffk 2flc 75c collars and cuffs cost. We've Benatrl L. Patterson returned on the afttrnoon local from a lUhlng ex pldltlon up the valley. Attorney General ('. M. Idleman, returned last evening from the tnetrop o'I, where he atleoded the Orand Lodg of Masons last week. Sheriir John Knight returned from I', rt nid this morning whither he ao ompinlol Mrs. K-ther Tripp and De'oiitiv Bam Blmtnons Saturday. Cant. J. Q. Harnes, MsJ r D. V. 'Sherman, Dr. T. C. Hrulth and Mr, j-mpsou were paweners to OnRon o'lty on the afternoon train to a t-nd the O. A. R. encauipmrnt. Mrs. O. D. Kennle, of Bouth Balem, returned home Hunday from TurnPi vhere she had been for a few (! vt'hlnK nt the farm Home of her orother In-law, Jake Asheufslter. Miss Julia Metschan and MIm JeeM. McUowdii of Dallas, who has hepn th ijueit of MUs MeUihan the past two weeks, went to Portland on the Alton i this morning on a visit U friends. A vIioIIiik party composed of Carey F. Martin, linn Alcott, Max liuren and C II Drown, yesterday took In Mc Mlnnvlllc and a few of the surround 1 )g towns. They report the roads I he host they have been all the season. Manager E. U. Qlltner of tho Blnte Insurance company, returned from (he B uud country lust Haturday evonlnc, after an ahsenco of two weeks in the Interest of their I) Ik business. He report things rather qulot In that reo tlon. 0. D. Ilenulo, who Is at prcinul en gaged as pressman on tho Daily Joint NA1, today moves his family onto nl.i new home plaeu a mile south of the city, Hero Mr. Ilennle has a llvwicr tract nnd a new house just built, and he will iriuko a line hoine of It. Htate Printer and Mrs. W. If. Leeds left for Portland this afternoon whent they go by steamer to Han Francisco. After u short visit at the Golden (Jute metropolis they will return to Ashland, where Mrs. Leeds will spend the sum liter. Mr, I.ouds will spend most of the ihnisou In Halem, Itsv- Itiley Little, the popular pt-Mor of the Uullsd Presbyterian ohuroh of Albany, who owiuplwl the pulpit of the First Prcsbytutluu oliiuuli Huuday, bath moniliig mid evening, rutunnsl lo Allwsy oh the morning looal, Tim revtirsinl gflntlsmsii Is a plrussnt spuaker nnd tiiudu nuiiy warm fdwiils during his short stay lis re, ifj.o intn IIAHICItTH, Ifm Cunntumtwimmt Wtwlt, tO VltN'IH, Iff CIWVN, HO Olth'TH. J Itlihltlt . HOsSH, VC Mutt, Miosis' Tloksts, Hit U. tt. fr M, tlM tlwayx Hiafl I lfc wU( llMlr I'Uibiis, hvp i4mt m m! at llslMl stslkiust a Ubl Ml IU fl WUMt Hstf Htt!, gMt) HMD )sr ffMM ! f tti sihI kmiI fur MM4t sHr UtfM mm! Ui Uttwut lUtif fftimt. firm Ml ilK MfttMi. J'kW) twp sissfk SWN HMJ IsMtllWM, iMllMUstif U- UNs Uf UHllUI UtMUak Mf Urh4tlw, ar, fattiH! MM , MHIHg Uf Mi. UMM JMlfrtWsy MM ItsiMt mUMUt IsBiwm) BiMHie wNsttf i ir1!, liW ttkW k staNM W lUsii. ttf 1 a WMsstl lnisltai W MMl Sitfaf iWisl HMJWSsisVliisll' llSSStfSjMO, TMt fui. TU A (I I'W swsitr m JsKkmum njt TtMk, Mill isfc4 Is a HsHMsi I tU Wittt MIMtsL swssK tlw lU MM MMl HtWttfMl UH mss) tblbff f' tlsM H)rn to 4 flMM M. A 1 w mumummsiiiriMinwwiBig THE AOMA ! mtm'9 iUMp luib mm. MidfiAiJ 4KMWH 'IV fm ro Him gktAaml iri'ii UnMfukt vjt ..- . . n- ALONZO MRTSf TRIAL Before Judge Burnett ol Hie Cir cuit Court FOR 3IURDER1X6 EDWARD SWARTS History of tho Case Proceedings of the Trial. Friday evening, Maroh 20, Alonzo Bwurts, ofier rtttirnlng to his homo from Snlem considerably Intoxicated, engaged in a quarrel with his wife and son Edward, who had Ixsen to town wllh him. II threatened to shoot his wife and Kdward remarked that if there was going to be murder he would leave. While preparing to go he was assaulted by his father with a rocktt knife nnd severely cut In the left side of the neck from tho enr downward. He struck and stabbed the boy several limes until tho family separated them Frldsy night Dr. Uyrd dressed tho wound. Monday following Drs. Ii nl, Smith and Morse performed au opera tion, tying severed arirry. Friday, April 18, he was brought from the farm to Salem and sent to a hospital at Port Utid In charge of Dr. J. N. Smith, wbero bttter treatment could bo aflorded him. Ho was plnced under the iuiluenco oi chloroform and ether and after the operation lay lu u coma tose condition for several days, when he died. Saturday, April 13, Alouzo Bwurts was brought beforo Justlct Johnson of Halem, charged wllh on ntsault with a dangerous weapon upou his son Kd wurd, committed Friday night, April 12, at the family home, four miles uaiit of Halem. Ho wan bound over for assault under (1000 bond. Edward Bwprts was not considered fatally hint, Drs. liyrd and bmltli bavin? drcsse 1 his wounds April 16. Blight hemorrhages continued, hindering the wound from healing oyer, ard the doc tors talked of tho necessity of takiiic him to Portland next dsy, Kdward Hwnrls died ntHt. VinoeiilV hospital, PorllHitd, Huuday evening, April 121, Ho wit tukuu thoro to huv a K'coiiil operatloii porformed ii,on litis Friday, April 10, nnd his death was hastened by (he shock, caused by loss of o largo amount of blood at this time mid pruvlous hemorrhage. A charge of murder was Immediately filed hy Dnpuly District Attorney A. 0, Condlt of Halem. TIIK COHONKIt'H INIflMSiT over Kdward Hwurts was held at J'ort laud Monday and Tuesday, finding he (Mine to his dttnth from n Itnlfo wound Inllfoted hy the hand of his father, April ft. und on Wodnediiy his funersl whs held from mo first Mmlpidlu eliiimh, the rHiualns being hurled In Mhslou miiutlury, I'ltHI-IMIkAltV UaAMINATJON uf AImiiki HwaiU for the murder of JSdwsrd was hold tilur Jiiillo Jt hie son at Haim Mturduy April JrT, oun iIiuUm! on iiM) (wltuf the stats by A. 0, (JoimIU wd hy HsydMii it ilutiuty tar dufuitw. D'S. 11) id uud Miiillli ! Ullstl a la wound hmI titiutnisill. IIiiihw mimI Walter, )iUi)tir hlhlrii Hi AUnttm kiwuiU tMI(1wlltlliB Mglrun mIwvh. s wys-wltnwi.H of IIm lilHUlar. Ilf" Walvwl MKMlillhstittu. 'His MHsrl (Miiidsr trtul w ( fur UMlsy at I 'kM)M, himI 4WaM ap. Ifd UyVutHtt I. KsWnMstHl Juhu )j. Mtttiur, tmUiml by 'fllsipuii Fwiil )1H sirtU) to hlsMsl Uy IHsUMt AUmtMjt JttsatoiM, JJfMtr k. U, Un 4U, sistottsl itf Ww, U'4mm. M i jl wf IImi itt Utu Ut smhw mutl t IttitfMjr tNTcil at k Tm ftm UumtMVTti ! Itol' if kit tit Mkimtm J HI tU4 um 4t "f inntoiii ii lit Yifmmttmtu Issfv M nHumttmd t iltto HM Tm ! toast Ifn4 ) Uy Kil lM lfMklM4ttt tiM IiM UWsiiM dtoJ hui wri( Uumm sV4tf m, 4 MHtMllilllly tsNWV UMISW iitwut M Ml 1 1 wUVHg bii'istn, tsttotisBsing mm) mj to Utuhmt hr t UmmmUt, JgHtoMI IftM totit Mt f ksiM tAfcA kiMAAsff tfi4at 114 4 M44it. aVAic fltsma mi mum w rf aw MMst uf IM v (titosf wMki m iai towl Nvr towaii Wtoit iiniiniiiinm,iii in i iiiiiij.itnii i vlVJVIJ I itotmlmi 44MM (HmMbV Ummrimm, mMmimwt Mmmmum umait m w Died. PH!I,UP8.-Hnuda. Jon- 10. ISM alSn ui., alter a hunefiiiK llluets, Mrs. Emily Phllllj, aged 60 years, 7 n o litis and 16 days. Deceased was born In Jersey county, III., and crossed the plains lu 1682, settling In Balem In lb65, aud residing here until death. She was preceded to the great beyoud by a husband, one son and two daughters, and leaves two sons. W. 11. and J.S. Philips to mourn the loss of a trtif and loving mother. She was a inemlwr of the Baptist church, and a faithful Christian. The funeral took place this afternoon at 2 o'clock, from the residence, at 102 Cottage street. SMALL At his home In Balem. Or., June 10,180, Edward Cllflord Hmall, aged 40 years ai.d 11 days. E. C. Small was born In Llmlngton, Maine, lu 1810, where he was educated In the common schools, entering a store at tho age of 10 and coming to Oregon In 1873. He camo over the Central Pacific to 8au Francisco, theuce by steamer to rialem with B. F. Boothby, lauding April 3. Shortly after arriving he engaged in the general merchandise business as clerk for F. Levy, now of Herren & Levy.Jiop dealers. He remained with'Mr. Levy about six ytars. With Benjamin Mc Cauley ho bought out tho Wra, Arm srnng shoe business, which he sold out after becoming sole proprietor to Wui. Brown Oitiber 30, 182. He cnti-n-d the clothing trade in July 18S4, having taken u .period of preparation of two jears wllh Al. Cromtnan and Jos. Myrrs. Ho continued lu this Hue of trade to his death. In the summers of 1880 and 1888 Mr. Small went Kast, visiting hlu only brother In Blddeford, Maine. On Juue C, 18S0, Mr. Bmall was married to Mrs. Sarah E. Rlely who survives him. Mr. Small was not connected with any religious or fraternal societies. Few men In Orrgm have wider range of warm friendship or a better standing In tho beat social circles. He was a stiiinch Itepubllctn and an honest, BOILED MACKEREL. Put up in puro spices, in mustard, or in torn no Hauuo. Try a sample can. Swuat, Loonoy butter received fre?.h nvery week from .JuiTerfion. Agouts for Antoinne's pure Ttalinn live oil, the original Blue Point Oysters, and .1. Jl. -Klk-kinger's '"K"3lauu ('aiuicu wuun. Do not buy salt until you get our price on thi staple. UARIUTT & LA WRENCH. I. O. Grocery. ibi mi. ymipn uiiiiiiiiih.i ..) "in nw'iii wwimiiii'i oousulentlmis slid siiiwsdiil htislueiMt uiuii, and In vvury relation of life loru his Miri and aweptwl his share of It burden and rpoiilhltl In the it i ix t faithful inuii nor. Mr. Hnmll was pris,tratl hy an acute sufitbiul uttnuk, about eight wetiks ago, Miiisliiit sofienliig of tho brain, The siillvniig he uuderwunt wsscoiiixjoIimI wllh the most stolual fortitude. For flv hwIm Its liss two ii more or lew MliwiHHtlwus, only hresthllig Ills last at a.lo sMimluy t'Vidiig lit the most mlu ItHut Mini i.tul inmiiirr. 'J1i fniiwal Is In ihku pUw TiiMiUy, Jhihi lath at X p. in. fruin lh family rwttlwi) at aivillgh slrnl, hurUlat Rural oMi4ry. 77 Jt hirvhti 'mi mi h ufthlti uun'lil ant K'nit nuitit (lfi ii'ui'th Utility, Mlttw, Hit Otlil Cent Ch'utfor, ntttlmn u dfiiwliilty uf Ilia lltfli tit Ilia In lil II nih fit 'in!, fie mil tilwum (on nitil mum luii iiujiii'U mi uitutlihiih Oil ui 1 1 III,', MtijOi'a Mi, L&.MuWWl UftmJ P ar fmmtim , tmrhmmp rs'l J"fy A DlLUY, IIM' titty iith but. AwarJit IIIkIuM IIuiiwm Wvfltl'H t'lr. M4, hMlt9r IW 'lOW ytWR CltCAM POWHR 4 Vi w Iki W.t.4 wfnSli Baccalaureate Sermon Iy Uev. C. E. Locke. MISS ALDERSON'S SPECIAL RECITAL Club Swinging Contest a Grand Success. The wetk Just commenced will be a busv one for students, teachers and trustees of Willamette university Commencement exercises, society re unlons,etc, will take place throughout the week. The musical recitals prom ise to be a treat. CLUB BWINOINQ CONTEST. Wlllamett) university's gymnasium was well filled Saturdayl evening with an enthusiastic audience who had as sembled to witness the club swinging content of a number of the students. The movements were performed to music from the piano presided over hy Miss Esther Collins. A program was given as follews: Massswing-O. W. Llvesay, Uuy Miller, James Shi ves. Individual swlug Myrtle Marsh. Individual swing Flora Jones. Iueividual swing Guy Miller. Individual swing Jas Bhlves. Moss awiu -Myrtle Marsh, Llz.l Asheubreuu 1, Flora Jones, aud Ids Harris. Iudlvldn.V. s.-lug C. W Llvuy. Individual swing Ida Harris Iudlvldiift.mil g l.lzzle Asheubren tier. Tho fudges w..e Prof. A E erex Mis Mry Reynold und Kugece I'm cot' who awarded the inda s to Mi Ida Harris aud Mr. Jsium Solve Tho following are Him numes ol 11 us coutentaiits wllh the points scored hy each: Ida Harris, III 1.3; Flora Jones, 01 -I 0; James HIiIvm, W 19. IK; ,tli, Ashenbreiinur, W 1-18; Mjrtle Marh, 60H.0;(JnyMII'er, 894 C. W. Live say, 77 I l-IK. IIAIVAIUIIIU'IK HKIIMON, The tnutts, nIiiiuuI, Uauhers and students of Will'iuistls uulVDrslly nt semblel In the Imshiiisiii of the M, J ohuroh soon ml r lu o'uloek Huuday minting Miid ut in ii prwr tiiui priK'cednl nil stairs and ooau. jilwl Hi sosia hi llm uiklii stidltorliiin Wlilsh hail lm.ii r.f)rd Uf (hriu TiBrdusilH aittMof IM uuiiil,ir lug twenty ihiipod , ilrat Iwn sals T m nullum w diuM with His uulv-rlty MMrs-fMrdlusI ail'l Mil gHliI nuiI (h Mt?t W aid V Vlll4iiiHit. UuI.m,,, M1 i,, foritml Hiilt iimm . uiauih tho mU-n mm attd mniiid4 fiuiu the isltlHK that miWMK lbs afcuir. Thu urnxm by ltv. C K, hU, uf I'lniMHl, ws. HB uf llin rtMfi rVi'f dwilvwtlH Ma llilll MMl WM highly HkW wf b; Hi1. ltmity wi.ru hi rwnsrka l.. il , ! Iat ImpiMaiv. M ,,,, thK ayrti J'aju, siwl mtoy " IWV, W. V WD. Iisstair irf lbs Plikl l. II. Ibtfrt trf (a)Ky, itilhrlM Ihr HNNsI HttlvsfaHy Hium t ttM W, Jt Iwrt M HHalsiK a MwMWutl HiMV4l.MKi'iUI MM MaitfNrtitt AMsisi'U, 4Mwt h wwiW ut Um wivHuiy ml IHU, IM sAwhvmi, KHI4 lM( muiJ imMsI 61 ths tanal Lii. a lIK and ppfMUUtrg auiIUmm TJ,t fOUttWlHiJ prrsill MM ItMMtsfMl, IMlll lUmvtHH )(W41tuUy III laW Ii hi , .KfflWffilSJ; HtelUtf toMM imsimi. Ul aU'Z tdn LdUh "" 'WstfWnft Akafa. ' &'j,'iBant & Hit. IllillimaaJ I'Mi ' tJjtWlHlkAttmti.taM. Mr, JHlW.WlU toasi u,m 0i !,''' t'S IUVJmm I'vws.r rMTTf rtlr 1T1, Mi.m' Wr- .tup Goinff : and While the lar?e stock or Dry Goods is rapidly goin at Clearanc Prices, we are receiving a new line of LADIES' SHOES. Elegant cloth and kid top hand turned goods, from AAe o E widths received today. The newest styles. Call early P. S. Tan oxfords, with hose o match, a specialty. The Palack. HAVE ARRIVED. New Ducks, New Prints, New Sateens, Pretty Patterns, and Low Prices. S. M. & 1!. H. STOCK 115 STATE STREET. Special Sale of Gloves WEDNESDAY. oiiiiiiSIOc! SHIRTS lOel SHIRTS 10c I .Shirts, lain front, 10c, and other voi Kin pioportion. We wt-nt to double our present w oiking force, or have 50 peo ple on our pay-roll by July 1 . Jiy our m w process wo are handling flannels and delicate colored goods to perfection. 'Jheso pi ices will be for tho month of June 1895, but will be continued if practicable. Give us a trial this month. THE SALEIW STEAM LAUNDRY, Col. J. Olmstead, Prop. Shirts 10c ! Shirts wood," Abt Miss Heuiiiur. "The HIiiki-i's Mmim" - Mt-srs. A kern. I'urvln. l'urvln urn! l.iiiulull. "JtejjolHlo do Vonll," l...t-M4r. Ktitrlto Aldrsoii, "On Thw, lisoh I, I v I it k Hon I lw.ll.ll II...,. I.. Ml.. II. 17 I"ll" .HI, ..IIM. i.niiUVnl Aldtirson, Miwars. Akora mid Lundeli. utvi'iiic, iiBiin nun niKCII, III) ' .lv,..l.,,,,?,!Al,,, !'m;,,'UM' , 1 r I'u's dav. U u. in. Aiimiu iiiv. i DKoflwsnl p. in alumni. JSiuhu mrvtiutf law H p. m AuuHiiy icrMiltintliiK rxvr wir, Aires' ltiitrr ! it.nii fii.iigh mim MI llNbl..M! I-K'U- ltl,j).lKlMH ' 4arcwiiii'H..ri.fKslwallli T"lii mMUieiii'id. ii ;.A,liutii. oX UihsiilMirud (,uV( lhcuak"ii Hliv iii i ,i ...:, a r i.i.l " IV K'"H'llllllUMfc IiIlL ui..Ii. .. I . i.ka a. 11 . Rootbeen 1 l MM ntw AUvlltliilwnm. ft MlilMa IM U U.i i,..u. wt, tiZiiil ttUtm Aiaudi,..!..., . ... iT. iT( " f. j-y ii i w . mi, , , aiiwi .irl ii Mt . vi,, ItaMii l.i. M... .1 .. t-. . HMt I mMiMiimIhJ aaiiu ml.umiV ' "f fM ss r r imi. s j- . 3j.-rwwr wv.rv w, Itf I a buu Hum i . u, Lu 1 u U, fefU sail A., A M.IlJ 1 ... " m MfWJ, W,W P" I Sllfi Kssa wjaBKRa HMMi tbrvn i igJty yij i l H EtM I nrflKf AnlfA A Jt'dHuM Bfak : Coming. 10c ! Shirts 10c! JOHN HUGHES, Denier In tirocprluH, I'iiIii.h, OIIh, Window' JliiHH,Vnnilhliea i 1111(1 tllCIHOHt C(impletOHtotk ol ltite.AftlHtM'.Matt)rln!H,Muiiv ' r lUlllr.Cemt'lltnnd Klilimli'Miimt HiM'wtiiiiilHvoM.imjHHKIilH . .- . 3S '-' ---... veM-rmm ,mw 1.WI mi WIIPHWi. I ..HJBl lid mm i;xouhion to "THE PAIR" tt WMShlUMI, W I At 1 fll'l A lily Tiitf fiWiltf Ol'TIIK muai bji aliMkui iuii 1 1.,. 1 1. lgil, W.iirM.-u-j. iu- ,t,:t wu' ur n i ii. WiJWii mlu mmtuuim. HHtl, mVUtiMltlUUml mm mI IUAiaJ Cm .. T I 9 "Wfl Mil UJI MlttliJIIta -. Ui feU n 0. Bi HBK & CO (10, HdjTII 1 1 111) mi th m iai i mm j