sgrpg vmmmwmSmmmmjjilQgJm ppwiPWipwippp'"iii iwippw -imvm ' i"j"fy?tt l. zm Wm w VK7tVVrV3TrAMMMB TOE BEST !pipe itobaccq Conitlr. Jurcn&tor tho most wondorful dfeoovcrjr of tlio njo. It iim boon rn rtorwd by tbo iulInscrlon (I no won of Buropo out) AmorlrrU Iludfan Is purely VC60 lludjan ntnpj Premalureness or the ills oliareo In 20 Fnllinir Hei atIoii(.NcrT oiutwllclilnt of tho eye and other Btrcnfitlions luvf KOrute mid tones tin cntlrotyUem lludran curci nobility Ucrvoiunosfl, and develop mid rci lore vcuk dtuarii 1'ilni la (In ticclc. louci li v il n v n Uayn, Cures LOST XIAHHOOD UililitSlOJipCI tiffitth mm quickly. Over 2,000 prlrtto ondomemente I'roiuiitiirciicxs mrniu Jmnolom-y in lliu tint rUffa, It In ft yinptom ofM'inlnftl uonknthS and tdrrcnnt'" Jt can bo tojijod lit 20dys bytlioMtooritiidyan. . . , , Tho now illwovery wan nado tiy tlio HporlM liUoftlioolil fiunoimlludlon Medlcil Imtllutt, It la ilia ttrouinvt vltsliwr uiodo. It Is very povrortiil, but linrinl' mi, Hold for III 00 n. pack witO'irO paokngi'S f'ir (f6 00(ilnliioii!od Ikikw), Written Riiursntoe Rivi.ifi'tnciiro. If you buy tlxbomund mo iot unU.rly cured, six moio r'llbflituul to youfnonfnililiArKt4. 6crifif (ilreulumniid uatlinniiul Addreu IMfDKOr? MICUIUAb INH'llTUTK, function HUcUoii fllurUot A. 15IIU8U Nun I'riinoUou. Oul, Mexican Mustang Liniment for Knkcil & liifljijiiutl UtJcter FJIw, liviiiiuttlis Palm, 3rul mid U?iUj, KujmiIiik Saras, UifhmmmUons, SUM jojitjs, linrnwm & SiitJilit fcM, falnlten, Unurn, fwt HHm, Ml Cniifo Ailnmil&t Ml Hum MlmsmUt Ml Imp AUnmUt mmmwmwmt Jyinlmii mJ Tiu QumIs Jl la a Jltty, fluU In Vlftniwidy, JSJij&i&ju liijbttf m-ymmmmg iiiWmiiPilaiMW!J nJUSSS: SH Con.tlrntton 1 lira mmmmm WWWlMrWlW' Mil) TO JM K Ibodbus lUr mwmn TOE CUTML JOCBMI. (DAILY ANU WKKKbY.) UY HOKBK BKOTHKRa, MONDAY, JUNE 17, 1805. Don't forget to havo tho God dees of Liberty wear the colors. Tillamook hmwb to be one of the live Ijrowlitg lowus of the slato. Why not havo n iUte con'est uninnir Oregon's numerous ros queens WW WWW At this season the wide-awake farmer catches tho I my war. Good Times are not fur off. now living will bug them. Matty TiikJouhnal believe in Ilcpubll canlsm for the people Jlrst, last aud nil tho time. Exchanges aro warned that this de partment of Tin: Onk Cijnt Daily Is copyrighted. , "Coin's Fnaucial Fool" Is not read much in Oregon. He lives hero n good many of him. TitK Jouknal would give a thou sand dollars to have the streot car lines run around tho corner of this oil Ice Umatilla county needs a good Repub lican paper. It has only one a stalo decoction of tbo Orcgonlan. Il'llio Oregonlau does not seem to know that Govoruor Lord aud Secre tary Klucald aro elected for four years. No one objects to Carl Browne and Miss Coxoy not living togother after marriage. Aro there not enough of that breed ? Independence Is tbo gamost spoiling town In Oregon. but a race date there Is suror to bring rain than a campmcei Ing. Ah the state editorial association will go In bathing at Newport, tho Albany Democrat mail's strawberry will hu visible. Let Harvey Bcott go to war with Kuglund, If he wants to, Nobody would go along with him and thut would bo nil the hotter. t, i j. Tho Btuto Press association meets tins your at Newport during (lie bulb ing Houwu, President Cumpbsll will himself uut as llfobouy, Cuu't tlm newspaper wits llivmit something new ubuut (bit MoyuJo blooiuerY They have ubuut worn It out with their imp Joke, Oritur Wllilo will buvu Minnie oppor tunity to ettifly (lie Uiwiry ofeyelulbii), mi luirfimlMl by (read mill uthMUin,- llrownvlllo 'Jlnies. mammmmmmmmmmmmmm Wlto liu mIiI anything uiinnl l!m lulu rg)uuiu (hut Jirniliur Mmm ultoiibl Hy oJ his uy Jm Iimii'H gu( u yury Jf nnu uml lie bunr Uy up It, 'J'lie wlllor u( lliu UultuKu Umvu Lfciivr 1 MiUliyrlty lur (lit U U)l UiU lU9f 4f. flik WllMU W(4, Ihwfit) H'Mk f!mIrWltIHWT ikm uiUil.litf wlw UrnkMl Ui U- wtoum Ihm it muuAiuu AikUd- Um liw Utwiv1 silMto Mi Ujv lirii' kUtf. I""" III II IW I.. I Wiiiuj v'UJ ihmmito Imsa mamm mum vvliU)) uUsf nil m wn um lUitm ttiuAn$. 'ilu iirtftjJiii' u m$ m Uw Ujrf uuiry A utMlm? Hy "istrnm ami Ids, vm lluv Ut itm link 4tn tm Um mm iulmini, nkmU instabttf mm mikM AijaiBMriUfti W Urntim Im as ilitkifii4tf Ute to&amiM tLVifHHtbiiMtti 14 MttMl WteftavkJ UhI sM iit8 jjiil yni ktKN tMm r lUMm wh i ( iw 8 iHmkfitliA Uit mitt u4tMi i mi Jttn i l&m&l ft m (whUm HwtiiMi imi W t4 mm imt f mm hjiji lui ttM-0 lnHttfum STILL ROLLIKfi ON. A "Journal" 5000 Milo Man on tho Road. On 'jiik IIoau, Juno 11. Leavliig Waterloo on tbo morning of tbo 12ih I ran down to within about twa miles f Lebanon, and started south to Browns- ,,, , , . , vllle, passing cast over Pelurson's , , , , . butte, over a very slight rise ol ground, yet the butto or bu'e Is about 1000 feet lt'gh. There aro siiveral of theso po cullar lookinz hills In this nart of Linn county, and must havo ben partu of foum gravel uvitlanolii1 when the lowrel oflho CnsoHdeu woro taller than Ml. Hood Is now. Many of them are now Burrounded hy level nlrUtiH, and tower up from 800 to 1000 feot, Home helag nearly perfeot ootie.u. The roads hero are very good, except somo reeky polntri. Tho road grades havo been vury well Ubed, except In a few places whero some sujwrvlBor In tho past was alllicted with tho lioiio-ronf Idea, but the later work hIiows (juilean Improve ment In this About noon I pulled Into about the prettiest little towu in thU valley Brownsville. It is built In a little c vc of tho foothills and on the north bunk of Calapoola creek, which furnishes ample water power for tho woolen and flouring mills, and tho mauuger now Is a jolly Dutchman, called Jaogor. Jl told mo borne of Ills fuuuy experiences when first coming to America, and hunting for a Job, without knowing a word of United States, aud showed me the Inner workings of tho factory. Tho mills aro closed down Just now for some repairs. They employ 00 hands in tbo mills. Albert Caveader Is chief ink sllugernn the "Times," and keeps the Hrownnvllllaiifl up-to-date In tbo news. O. P. Cosbow, tbo rustling real estate man and secretary of tho Llun county pioueors, Is Just now busy us a bee get ting tbo camping place fixed up for the meeting tho plotters, tho 10th, tioth and Hint of tltls month, At the Htor of Gen, Dyson I saw some of tho richest specimens of gold quail, thai I iver happoned to como across on tbls cokM. Mr. Dyson and thrco others own Hie mine, which Is about 10 nilliw up tho Oullpoolu, from Itrownsvllle. IIh sxys tho ledgo In I to II feet wide, and they luvo uncovered it for 1OO0 fiwt. It imut bo a bonanza. Tho road north In Albany Is almost a dead level, but a fool supervisor or some one rUo has a sign up on it nldo road of "18 mllw lo Albany," and tbls roud Itil inn mi', iiurtwsu lotofswmls anil ondwl short, up aguluitl one of of tin wo built, In (ha hrUNli, 1 mi. iquirtMi orniienrilie iiutivtM the vvsy out, uiid, by rllinbliig wynrul fniiiM HUd HKtf "'I'- ur (wo artiiiuil (bo (hill, 1 nu( UHliu mail Hgttlii. fctoun- l)wly )Mtt UtiMk llmt piilortl iUwii far iiw. ( yMi lilt Ui wtN whu (MM U UJt, J tiiHl't WIIK. I W Mkr IliU ld u uulvurt ttl lwt If I neli mvtr Npu (WliMi itfulMMy ami J J wr UM) Ml nwwptj nuj Muk UtvUm up by WKIII wlwn(g( wIlMI li (W UJhjMlU' wurk wtxthl littv inailn It tumiv. AiMvwl M AUwtiy In Umi btr Mitfr ttl my W (tlmiS, Ji. Jf. IUnmikumI UiuUy, tumwiy W llMukn. 1'iwik k mUlm f-4 Mi Uiii yjmwy ltdu$, wboUMf Un it piiHiM - " i wllmi m Um Umamn umI UnM mum twi mm Htm wmtmam, Vk tl)4 INI MM iMMt'J. 'i !- I ter , H k m -h mi m , m4 iw diJ MMm ittl A-Mam f "'sWbbf IWsWwhhhhbwhhhjp Jj (sPPIMhpWJP WW 9Br "jvrWNQPVW v MRpm IWJP9VNP liHttC III liiM aMiMA-jf lJ A. XltAllfMi&ii atttt U)jijd Mist ytytjiMl lu W Wfc"BBJj F WjiWBpw WWW 'WbW W9B mrtmuw4tommmtmm,' umgitdmU Bvw mmwm wwwr pwp wwmM g pot v liM Mt I'ihIhI mttm mi mm in w mmim JtMdpMMl'f TlffjMMi, r vtmm ammmtuu mimiiwmm m hm md teVy mwf mWMWmwmwmMi A44 imwrnwrnwrnt M-fll ItM AMt OTf JP"-Pj)w"jf Wmw mwmwww vvfPJr JPJOT HPW wmtti wk - msmtmt 4mm, ) f Mp44it wm hW tlHf ml mttHtmw tt im himt imi fetg, k immm kit mt ! Hkm ilmd ' ' Hi t IM lU slW KIWOR LOCAL MENTION. Utigono will not eulcliruto the Fourth of July. Tbo Oiwegn Ironworks are to start ! ''W tlnys. Now that tbo first crop of hay Is m,,do b fore-liiuded farmers light showers are ob'Igiugly descending, . " Ularenre W. Keime, a well-known nm, j0p()nr m Hli(lelt ()f lho Uu. vorclty of, has been chosen as j otHtor for tbo F-uithof July iiilebra- Won at Jutiatlnu. Gov. Fletcher if the Dally Post can turn a very graceful figure of speech bill Hint Is tho only connection there Is hi twecu him nMt a uraceful figure of any kind on n nli- cle orafot. Tho lirg dots w t live cxcluslvelv at Sulem. Tho Klicrhlnn tSuu sa: "balem wunls 10 000 people to come and celebrate wttb them. Give the tiberldan shoat a chuueo this year. The Salem hog Is waxing too fat." Tho Ir.defutlgable work that has boon done by Dr. O. H. Cliapnian.sliuo he baB been connected with tho uni versity us Its president, has alrcudy made ltu Inllueuce felt for the higher education of the masses. Lecturing, as he litis, In the prominent towns of the state, on literary, sociological and ecc uomlt) subjects, aud making ;the nTost favorable of impressions, Interest at once centers to lh iiimltutloii of which he Is the head, and tho benefit which will lliu neeruo to tbufcchool aro inval uable. We tl nd tUo folio w Ing gem going the rounds of the press, without credit: "Itomember tbls young man, be care fill what you nay about a woman's character. Think how many years sho has been building it, of the tolls and privations endured, of wounds re celved, and let no suspicion follow her actions. Tho purity of tho women is the sulvutlou of tho race, the bopoof greatnees aud the redemption of man Wlpo out her purity and the muii sinks beneath the wuvo of despair, without u star to guide his life Into the channel of stfely. Think then before you speak, and remember that any hog can root up the fairest flower that ever grow; so the vilest muu can ruin the purest woman's character," The Oumbsrlaud Oarupmoetlng. The cumpmeetliig under theuusplulei of tho Cumberland Presbyterlun (ilitiroh, to he held ut Hodayille, from June 120 lo July I, bids fair to be a sua wh, Already csmpers uro on the gr uiid, and it lurgo lestatirunt Is ready for rtrvlug meals at u reasonable price. The soda witter ami pure mountain ulrinakttlt delightful for all who can leavu the busy world for it few days of outing, Then udil to (his (be unclul uiid religious feature, unil you can havo some Idea wliut s In stout for thiMo who utUud. The grounds lur ttumplng uro fico to all, and so Is the water. Hoduyille it beuilllfill Utile vlllutfe, anil Is one of Ihe f-w towns (but bus lliu ooiuuge In suy that no In. toxii'iiiiig hquois tkin Ihi sold In tier iMinUio. ThU town Is the tmt of Mln urul ypilngs cinliibry, and lieniMi bus line tsluratluiiitl itdyuiiiug'ii. P rtf I li aUoinllua wlm iiino by rail Nliijuld (iriMMiru u iniiili ut luitlng (Miiut kliuwlug llmt tliuy liuve puld full Urv, uuil Mti muru limy will Im sold h UuUtH hr uiiu-Uilril (am, proylilwl not Iim Uimu 86 liuvw wine III lhl wsy. Tut rw4 Mill Uuglvvii by miy vgsiil nf UiuM P, J(. It Um. Iii Uwtm milium ijttl HUUI Jul) A Jlwimu U lliu end IttlU IftllfuiMl, H UlllMll Hllll( llMks WW mm ull iihIuv, Thun m iyiry. huily hum tiud jMiJ (lilt Imppy bnd In mmMiUuii iUhiu duly uiul itM- wm, tu mmmiu mtHkt. WUUwl-t9 ;JiaIL)(1 Kwnnm,Juhvl, '. lUlltto ' JuUrMUL, KiuUUKlhit MpMl ItlWHI' 110 iMIMl fUlwM Ut UnNMI0I HMMImU gf) till) Mtb iMi. Aw IM Umiim I Kijf (Vi( Wills M44 M4Mim4( tvuNkl Jly f41 w im 1jmim tKHrM m) diMiuh, M4(4r WMlHisI t4lNMI(MUM. W (in MMf IMMMT llM MtMtD l V M fullU. ! vMl Ut (. J Mil fJllillMf- U ukmM Hmmmmttm n uttiMtai ij-an-jju tufAii nuMJlXaJ JJPVJPJ f tOTOTP P,MJpp POTJM9OT ff9AOTf RpVTtfSt Qtt umtmT'tf akmftUtB tMW imi Iid g ng i j Jly, wj, AH a irM4t mM Imi Um A. U. V W- wmmm kf &b JuMWmih imi Mti 1iMMa titfsiJ UifMlM ummtaup m MAi (jjurtitlf kkM mmmimD Bwwrnmrnt wmwww W CWB!"" - A44-V iM, UiM WikMH) aiwmMy( UJit ItM MMlt mMMfmilwl )HfMltf mU mi 1m Bm4 ! (W. wm Mi4 WWINM M4Nt IMM MMV W M H1 m I will tttM U6l MWMU4IM IMNM, MWil if rM 4ii ,1 ,n HVi-liuiure mnhes run or nih ninlii' fun JoimNAi. reporter t.etuuiw Im wrnb' i-f a Bulom iiihii who "had liln fiout re vernilllloiisted," and llmL "K-tlur, Tripp wax I'opllni'd In the county J'lll." As the llrst stat'inent refers t a stole frobt awl nt Esther was acquitted by the gruud Jury she has "no kick com ing" UC,uhifit Tim Joounal olllco. Tho cry of "the rich against tho i oor" has done "more to dlsiupt parties and hrenl dlhronteiil than older things. combined. Junction Times. Heo here, wo have not mid u won! itguliist j on fcl'a'e jmi were In tbo log islilure. TheEuijetioUuurd suys It Is at this bl onilug period of the year, when tbo bird-like melllliieiit volto of tbo ewcot girl graduute Is ub;tit to break forth eutruuelug resonance udmunlsiuug us I Ill all life's great dutlii1, aud bow wo can muke our llvc.i i-ubllnie. Itev. J It.N. Bell, who delivers the sormou at the univeislsy tomoiruw morning, Is ouo of tho deepest thinkers In tho state of Oregon. ExeliMige: The graud Jury should Indict; thut edi tor for Blundering the tt ite. Tho Democrutlo party la composed about this time of ofllco-holders and sllveriles. Tho Iteiiutiiican party Is composed ofolllce-seekers and bluieul lists. The P.)tullst party seems to be all Lo ofoiiH i f, uullmlted-frcis-silver-oltlce-seekeru. Aracodutou' fodepeudenco Is sure to bring rulu u t.Mt place, when the pruyers of the whole ktute have frc iiuunty availed uollilug. Yliere ut tho righteous live unyway ? In Kan sas, rudepeudence, or Bitlciii ? Will Utttit Land lVaud-". Tacoma, JuutilS. Aapi-iiUldbiputoh from Wabhliihtiti uiiuouiuvs the u polutmeiiL of Charles D.fnucc, tp'c 1 1 ugeut of the Intirlor ilHjurimuiit for lho state of Wellington, Il.ilruiiCH Is chairman of the speclul Dciuocintic couimlttee, A High Liver ; Uxtiully bus it Lud liver. Ho Is bill uus, conwtlnnti'd, bus ludlgw-tlnii um. dysM'lslu, if (hero Is no nrgunli trouble a few d of Parks' Hiiro Cum will tone him up, Parks' Hiiro Cure a tho only liver and kidney cure we I sell on a poxitlyo uiluruulwi. Price U Ikl. Hrdit hi' I. nun A llnmliH. K1J I " r ' r. r rrr -- ft, v. WUu JUL v4 4k, w Kv Ihh- UntUtfik, Wliu nli nut ClilU, ! urlo) for IVW la. Wtll 4tO VIIUt MUi, klm wfusif Iw 01 w(, VYlieu li li4 tftiUJiMi, Ui litem (ttrU, H rA'I'H UK Oil IU, Vt't f III' 'JlULHIMI, I M IjIiuab iruiiMTV, 1'ruuk J. UliiHiuy mikes uutb iimi Iim l (liu Miilnr iwUsrof the Inn if v. i. Clinmiy 4 (ViM 4fM buWiiuM In llinoltyiif QWImIm, miMijly mih) kUU uforiii( uim tbst Mid arm will p 1 be hi in uf mm lidril .4luri fir vmWihimI if iiwmioI tMlsirhllist tmu Utl boMUiol Uy (be uof JIhII's Cut urrli Ctu, I'MAhK J, ('IIHNMY. HWMffl Ut LAiltt wo HII'I WllgllfllMirf Mi my i',UU Mb doy f nsMKin (Kf, K- H MM. '- A. Wi OJiKaimm, I Khiix fa "' PiiN MAL llBH'UlwltUU I'M k tVl iMlMfl tl Hi4t!llmtUy UN Iky mmmluM mm mjmmm tfiim mtim. imd mult Hill. malum. ' fmi .bwiiuftUfcw iMMMMWI' N4M MM kwltM MiMtf 'Ur MMW MMMI. Atl bd HajEv KfmWKlA ttJXL1S. TfraHL ikf inf limtm , tm' wiw.k '&1M3Hfl l lHHW Ml WH Ml Pmml dmI 1 tjf WMW MMp)OTMlilii . .J. - T " imlM4Mw 4l4W PWi H A li Ihl Ajvw (j ywi WMMMWi lfllM4Ul 'VVZILtJ Ti 1f fJT I II f. II l( I KftimM, wil mm 22. '" . iw rafipfivf thJulf 111 IMi llUM (MM IHI vtwWL ('- rMHHiw mm sliEZ. ' . LMMtTZt 1 JC H MiHyt Wf " V l WmmUmmmmmWWl V"l4Ay TODAY'S MARKETB. , prictB Ouireut by Telournph Local i'ultiailtl Uil(juil,.uiin. HALKH I'llUllUUbMAHhlKl. IlintllKIt HIXK.'K. Veals iln-xsed 4 et. lliigsilrortrt'tl U1' Live coltle aft)Uio. Sheep alive JsTOO. MILL l'ltlCKfJ. Snlcni Milling Co. quetes: Flour Hi wbolcsalo lots $:!.1. Itetall 12.40. Biin 11 buk,$12.0 sucked. BhortH 12 13. Chop feed $14 and $16, WIIKAT. 44 cents per bushel. HAY AND (IHAIN. Outrt-202;!Je. Hoy Hilled, cheat $o.600;tlmothy ?7 M. I'AKM I'linnUOTH. . Wool-Best, 12c. Itopi Best, 8 to 7c. Eggs-Otsh 12jc. , , Butter Bfi ditiry, 1012jo; anoy creamery, lG(a2Uo, Clieefe IU to J2J alu. Farm tiniokcd meut liacou Oo hams, 11 j shoulders, 7. Potutoes 20c. Onions 2 cent LIVI2 I'OUL'I'HY. , ijiiiiry jiroiiem iim-, iiuno, v. hookers not wanted; .ducks, 07c. pin. try Broilers ltic: iiens, to; TurkevH.()8e. I'Olt'lLAMU QUOTATIONS (Irulii, Kuoil. etc. Flour Portland, 2.0pi; Wullu Walla, 12 05; graham, J2.00; superllue, 1.80 per oarrel. Outa-Whlto, 2030c; milling 1 2o; grey, 2(J8i),l rolled, In bugi, W.7fi0.00; barrets, t0.000.26; fuses' $.76. Potatoes 25o pel mqk. Hay U(H)U 0(20,50 pr ton. Wool valiny, 1 1 A fVy 1 'J J C. Mllfslufl's llrau, 11 MJwlit)rts(M)i.6l); chop feed, $1215 per ton; chicken wheat. 76u put ceucal. , Hldei-git-ou, salted, (i0 bi. 3)ii, tin dor 'in Uh ,23o; sheep t-ltu, iiiG0c. ho)b- Cliiiice r0c. DAiiiY I'jionuci:. Butter -Oregon fancy oreuinei.v. 10y 1250; fuuey dairy, DIOo; .fair in good, 7Jc"o; i-ommou,00ic CneeoH Otugon full cream 8Q; ID. Eggs Oregon, 12Jc perdiuei,. Poultry-Clilcltotjs, ,3.tW fill pel dozen; ducks, J4.006.00j geeoe, 6,50 J.0,00; turkeys Urexseil, 12o, BooiToiisUjcm, 33jc per .in; ful. to good steels, 2j(3j; .cow.1, 2(W)2v IrOri'Od bKflf.filaJdJc, Utitton hcHt,.r.iioop,il.GO2,7")1-lii)ii iWi, 2 21; dressed, 44jc logs- Oliolco, tieuvv. iit fiii!ui:i,76 igiiitiuij fbudoiMlbOjoii-nht-'i, Ijo pc. Veal Buitll, oholce, fifojOi, lsii',;i(u i per poiiiiii, bAt l JlANOmui JIAKKUl woel: ougoti Instern cboioj, 8 do Inferior, U(,7e; do valby, Mi lo, lop- Quntuble ut JfVj.dc. I'liutlofb Knrly llixui, fi07fiy uc'.j BurbutiHH, 3firij() i)l)r MU(!(, O.iU-MIIJIiu,fl.07V')l.m. 1 1. The north bmiud overland uus ovei rwo hours lute tbls morning, piling through Halutii about 8:16 a, m, Banner of Babies, MIHierry rimieclH thoe who huvi not yet brought 111 their bubt, lobrlug (belli In beloru (hu 20th, ti II id HEART DISEASE 30 VEARSI Aliort lirAlli,l'lptatluii, Mr tt YtHKuZr'.liitmu.rut lUtmv, J id. , MuJ brwVe uTZAdLr. Dr, Miles' l kmrfCiire iSrai"- s'Bf as h K.m.r m r mm mt mi 1 t ,,-nfp,-,,, -,..,,. liMirjl(MJir J7 "K W If mWmW 'Sf t (mJ SKSf v V flft VMmkci 4w . IL flTTW, f W"krt1Wl I 1 111 I , m wvi 1 v j 1 1 tvv iiim l t-fiffl tPWM4 ' ''ii Sil P V JrM y v r sibbh - r h r v - - &ABiM ivmrfF VC WMiTII VIJ HLIS7 'I? I .rfflSrfit ''rwA. L fPrtfL ;. W HI 0 .AftZSMtu. I IJ .1 fW T JI" 1 l.Lr MBaKi JmTmmmmm.m rmmmmX . Mr. T. 3i Crocker Washington, V. O. Rests the Tired Brain Hood's Sarsaparilla Gives Norvo Strongth and Bodily Hoalth Hood's Pltlo nro " Much In Llttlo." 11 1 linvo used Hood's Barsaparllla and Hood's 1'lllfl for many years and conildcr Ilium the best on tho market. Hood'u Bur naiwrllla has given mo hcnlthandstriiieth Irim llmo to tlmo when tired and Worn Out From Overwork and the worry of business. It hns purified my blood, toned my nerved) and rested my tired brain by restoring sleep and In. vibrating my entlro system, llood'j Vecotnblo Pills Rto much in little. I uati nnniinin. Thev Invlirornto tho 1 Her to healthy aotlon, net gently on the bowcli, Hood'i CZ Snrsa- -V5 rollovo sick headacho and Indigestion, and I ures tlitis assist urea py itasai nature to remove 'dlseuao bikI rcKton health." J. M. Cnooicnn, 1110 Itbodi Wand Avenuo, Washington, I). O. Hah,!',. Iinniiotilninly with 1 IUUU Z I HU lluod'ii Ilia. :.a KLAMATH HOT SPR S'skiyou County, CjI. About fifty inilcB iiortli ri( Mt. Shasta, twenty miles from tho California & Orogon l. I Stoain, Biilphur and hot miH batliH. Curo for rhtnniat'wiii, Hkin (lifloasoH and stomaoh ftiui all stomach troubles. Jisniii', hunting, climate and Kcoueiy utiHurpaBHcd. Fino stone ho tel. .Delightful placo t) speml tho riummor. lor particular. addrcHH 1SDSON lUiOS., J3owiek, Cal. Prop. b'l III! MINERAL SPRINGS Of lho State of Oregon, h'n waiur in free to oil, mid i lomloii in the foot liilln of the Cfuicadu nioiinluiiiH, at Sodaville, Linn Co., Or. The mokt acniHHiblo miiH'inl NpriiiN in tho Htnln at all mj woiih of thw year, and the In t water. '1'liU va(r in a u' for all d.MtNiMitt of the hUiiini')i, liver and Jtidiiuyu, and t yutl llOUIIIItf, J'JMl-ClllHH iPdi) ucfluiiiinuiliiliLliK, JC, (j, JiliK'. popiioloi ; mineral hiitliM u l UillMJilll pllH, (J(W, JJl H(pl- t, niMiiMtfui'; Kuti'Ml inurehHi'd " , H. W, KiMlwr, pi-ujini ti phyij t-w;itJ MJiKttuii, A. ' JVill livuiombMi Uiim i II" plfuw fur jhji'm wir, i)M trnuu i Mnuj, Mud limiiii) mihIio intuitu yuur UmhUUy tlii' 1 Hi KwJ Ul I1JI1K ifi lln l 'I mJkiU, on Uim J Vifiu nok ( l)iy yitU Hum ihiwI ill Umih m lbwiiun, Or,- imi) l ., N fllui iJl'ivn, Jfcjlllll'jf ut -wdHwiitiir fur hipuiiii. WVKI7 mujJ (Wd mUii, A P nur liunj, p);.uUim M UiW, MtXIilUVWH Ml rW f il jiiiiiiiiii , iyj Attlffil04i'.'r IMooci JiDldwr ! NGS 1