i i VMfi n ,lnii.ny (jitxgSttsaaagfaEr THE BICY Lli lAA3r: Will) tun nnnouiintsiiie-it of thn biilUHuif t.f paoMng houm-soii the P cl Ho const foi the utirliiK of horet' ment lnr the enubumptliiii of tliu human fi.uillv, rumen the further announce ment thut the Iiuiiioubo etili'bnnjjti ts In thu East devoted to the btlltiJlut; or bu-yoleauru runuiiiK ulht uud clu to tlmlr full capuclty.HUd are ntlll nimble to keep up with their orriere. Thu wheel has tho cull, aud the horse Is ro uted tn pot aud oblivion, a sad fttte for tho uuliiiul tlibt Iibh Hervod iijit) nlnce the world beguu, null Blace lecorded time. Borne Idea of iho cyijla crzo tim.v be formed when the Htutemi'i t in imule that 3,300 heels were In Hue In the CIiIuhko pnriulu hint week, Tho crussu In unlverHul they huvo it bad lu every villtigo, In every hamlet aud In every city; It pervades all cluESt'i, conditions and hexes, and It has evidently come to ttay. The postal department ot the government beluK the first to discover thn merits of the bicycle, Is adopting It In the larger cities and I giving It general eucour ugemeut lu the smaller places wheie t he currier system prevail. It Is found to ijlvu speodler and more frequent ser vice lu tho outlying districts, aud saves time lu the gathering aud distribution (i; the malls. Tho district telegraph foiiijiuulcs are also Introducing the wheel, uud thu messenger boys are BlK-edlng their cycles in a satisfactory iiuuuer In many of the cities. lu the states whore good roads arc the iule, and not the exception, bl cycles are apparently supplanting all other methods of locomotion where ( I nick and rapid work is required. Millions of dollars are luyekted in large plants devoted exclusively to their uiiuufacture, aud large fortunes ate licit),; made by thu companies engaged lu t te business. Today they are the budest manufactories in tho United Htutoi, and they couttnuo to multiply in every manufacturing centre m the country. THE DAILY AT TURNER. Tioublo in the Malls is Denied by a Snbicrlbor. Kii, fJ o u H N A 1,: Ah I Bee your wheelman that visited our burg a few days sluco, aud was informed that sonm JouitNAb Bubucrlbers had quit taitlug tho paper on account of trouble lu the iiihIIh here, I want to say 1 have b eu laUIng thu Dah.v for over two yeu uud have not hud any trouble lu gottlug my paper. Wo have a few twrao i that are down on our present posimaiter, and I presume they Imve ttkt-u Mil oportuulty to hit him u slsp, Vmir wheelman did not btop long mtiuli tn lri limv the guudir was hopping, J, H, Hiunich, Our whi'eliiiuii U not thu llrsl to I'oiu.'litlii of u poor mull rurvlce b twevu hlf in uud 'J'tiruur, Tlieru Imve mu inline oiuo' iriiililiil of ml nt(. llwjj pupfiit and Mlof mull, wln-tlnr It I fin ftillt of (lie fouUi uwuU or id II e lid of Ihii line. -JCli JoUKNAl., ' hi show wm miwiui, Call It ji Craze. AN ALAIiAlINO STATBMIJNT CONCURNINO WOAIBN, now mo minis Attn wimiw. TH Nw -1 It Hunt hh fhf lMf U UMM-I U iiNtiiir uu4 tmuvH 1 ElttilwsVvy iwwlitli utmi l,autt M i mUU irtilUH am (mm m( U4t Im hH4i IMiiiiswuiu mviyWHt Muw Hftlf fyMM but lUututj J) H Kll U 0 uifWM i4fcJV MI lists 1 1 ir lUikni i i fi .. 1 atf wm Sw ir j lu miu mmi uut f,( (on, Hie iimwUv Is "in MMilMi nm JIVPI THf tl MfH Mfiuw HM4 llM iMMif WIW HMMMMM IihuJmWI " HHt rwipU I...I. ijjy jJIf, 911 WXI lu W IMff IrtJIM. fisMMMHUMi, M4M NsJliUil (lui PMM U a 4mc mm! smmIwJ. ipmy mni, ' ttnJ iuu?i in tff VUtf im t.t ti4uMtlwfl Im II MM( IllWHIWsiif Ut su StM immwi M W9- YUIUm,M 411 sssssssistM Issf MMittf w toEUt- Hw to iHMW l MMM w lMV ims) m if Mt Html nm3 Wlfa Wkt h 11 ., yi Utut lLi4W tfi -.. .T-. JSx.aJSaSa -".-' Jv - S LLg wHBki B Lsfl 11 I Hh ! B for infants and Children. MJHERS' Do You KnW ,.,, T Bateman'a Drops, Godfrey's Cordial, many oallcd 6oothlnff Syrups, .ni most remedies for children are composed of opium or morphine? .! Vow Know that opium and morphine arc stupefying narcotic poisons? JL2i2IL2vv that in most countries druBest.0re not permitted to. ell narcotic, without labeling them poisons 1 HoVou Know that you should not permit nny medicine to be elveu your child unless you or your physician know of what it is composed r Py0"Kn0W t,Wt Cn5l0t'a U " Purcly VCKetablc PIUm. nd that . list .f Its ingredients is published with every bottle r " Y," K,"OW that CMtrla U "" Pr"criPll f w fwous Dr. Samuel Mleher. Tha It has been U use for nearly thirty years, and that more Castorla fa now sold than or all other remedies for children combined I Ho Yon Knoxv that the Patent Office Department of the United Slates, and of other countries, hae Issued exclusive right to Dr. Pitcher and his assigns to use therord " Cnotorla" and Its formula, and that to Imitate them Is a state prison offense? ftp You Know that one of the reasons for granting this government protecti was because Castorla had been proven to be absolutely lutrmlcBB? Io Von Know that 33 nvcrnffe doses of Castorla are furnished for js ccutu, or one cent a dose ? no Vou Know that w.hen possessed orthls perfect preparation, yourculldrea ma fce kept well, and that you may have unbroken rest ? Well, tlictte tli Intra are worth The fac-Hlmlle Hlgunture of Children Cry for SALEM IMPROVEMENT CO., CEMENT, Building And All 95 STATE ST 40m. Arc flio Wurrunled nuperlor In av Uloyole bulU;ln 'htworld,;re. ttriwH of iirlce, lliilll and uiariinlffd by Hie IiiiIIhiiu Jtleyolo Co., a mil' I'on dnllur itouuem. whotu bond Im mm coml an gold, no not jinv a wiileicrf until vou javk M51CV TJ1I5 WAVRMMY, KCIfOK'MIKH. ".-tfl .. U Hardware, Wagons, Carls, Road Machinery ANJD AOICUlUWA7y rMJ'LBMKNTB ' lMtl Jliipiovi) Ui4 W, Cor, WiU i4 Uii til- 1 111 1 1 iiit 11 m iiisjnifs mmm Mm WJUfl (51 HTATJt ur.mAUtM .i.-Mi-f -l it. mm. $ tm - im9Mdm",ku ' j, Q, UUUDAlAt, COllVUG LVMBUll YARD. TWtWrTil IWWKJW- UH 3JJIWI', v - - .a ..j.,),,.,,. ..,1,-11 inTjiuifcn'. i ii miiiiny'iixAi'irt''i i- knowing. They are facts. 0&! iBouevcry wrapper. Pitcher' Castorla SAND, Material. lliglid of all High Grades, JOHKI'll IF, AMH;it'f', DxrliiHlvi) Agent, unit Istwtmt IUU, UUW OUQOK FASTEST TIME JCff -lP In MaiiiMi Wihiy v m tituu t U . VU'I'UH Im Hlif tf, UU wlt)id H, wiiM tlliif, Uliii wi.. i ftvn 1 tWllie vb., ( WORK! lf M WW """ tr c Bins fok Asylum suppufis. 1 he Hoard ol Trustees of the OrcKOU State Insane Asylum Invite scaled proposals for (urtiMiingat the Asjlum near Salem, Or., die followlnc supplies for the six months end ing Jan i iSyfi. DRUOS. t kilogramme acid acetic; squilib. Soo emmmes acid boric, powdered; iquibli. 1 kilogramme acid carbolic, pure crystal; squlbb. Soo grammes ncid hydrobromlc, diluted; squibb. 50 grammes acid hydrocyanic, diluted; HJU1UU. Soo grammes acid muriatic, 0. P.; squibb. 500 grammes aciu tartaric, powdered; iquiub. 1 kilogrammes ammonia chlnr'ulr. rmnn. lated; squibb. 1 Kilogramme ammonia bromide; squibb. 1 kilogramme ammonia carbonate; squibb. 3 kilogrammes bismuth subnitrate; squibb. Soo grammes calomel; squibb. Soo grammes copper sulphate; squibb. Soo grammes iron sulphate; squibb. 2 kilogrammes iron pyrophosphate; squibb. 2kilogrammes ironchforidesolution; squibb Soo granimos iron and potassium tartaratej squibb. 12 kilogrammes potassium biomide; squibb. I kilogramme potassium chlorate, granula ted; squibb. 2 kilogrammes potassium citrate; squibb, u Kilogrammes potassium iociiuc; squilio. 2 kilogrammes sodium bicarbonate; squib I kilogramme sodium bromide; squibb. 3 kilogrammi sodium and potassium tartar Htp; squibb. 250 Krammes opium, powdered; squibb. 500 grammes powdered capsicum; squibb. 500 grammes powdered ergot; squibb. 500 grammes powdered ipecacuanha; squibb. 500 grammes powdered cubeb; squibb. 500 grammes powdered stramonium; squibb. 3 kilogrammes ether for anaesthesia in 250 gr. cans; squibb. 3 kilogrammes spirits nitrous ether; squibb. Soo grammes spirits ether compound ; squibb. 4 kilogrammes chloroform in Soo cr. Dettles: squibb. 500 grammes corrosive chloride of mercury, powdeied; squibb, 500 grammes citrine ointment; squibb, 1 kilogramme mercurial ointment; squibb. 10 kllocrammea chl.iral hvdratc: snulbh. 1 kilogramme zinc oxide; squibb, 500 grammes lead acetate, granulated; squibb. I kilogramme loap, (white castilo), pon dered; squibb. 1 kilogramme fluid ext ergot; squibb. 1 lb ncid citric, gianulated, (Power & Weightman). 1 lb acid tannic; Power and Weightman. 1 or aloin; Power and Weiuhtinui,. I or cerium oxalate; Powerjind Weighiman. I or calTeiii citrate; l'ower and Welohtman. 1 or cocaine muriate; Power and VVeight man. 1 or elaterium; Power and Weightman. 1 or ergotln; Power and Weightman. I lb iodoform in 4 or bottles. (l'ower & Weightman). 1 or morphine sulphate; Power and Weight man, 4 or strychnine sulphate; Power and Weightman, 60 or quinine sulphate in $ or cans; Power and Weightman. 1 lb potassium bicarbonate, granulated; Power and Weighlman, 20 or pheiincetine, (Ilaycr). 40 or sulfonal, (Payer). 16 or antlkamma. 5 or antikamnla, 5 gr tablets, 2 lb peptlne taccliaralcd, (Wycth), I Ibjicpilnc, (houdault), 5 lbs magnesia carb, (K. & M.) 10 lbs mus aid, (Coleman's Durham), I lb talcum, purified, 10 His camphor cum. 5 lb compound chalk powder. 10 lbs poiaitium nitrate, powdered, to lbs Jamaica ginger root, powdered, SO lbs llix seed meal, loo lbs Kptom salts. 20 lbs boras, pottd, 2 lbs Pemigreek, powil, S gl esuor cil, linker's A. A., crystal, (sumncd im J iiiniiglnsl package), jo lbs gl)cmi lllowrr's). 30 lbs vsscIiiih, Cheeselwrouu'li Mfg. Co, 25 Ibl cone lui ammonia In 5 lb ulabs stop, percd bottle, (Mslliakrixit), HU acul muriatic commercial in 6 lb Iwiilei, (Mallnckrodl). I ot powd rn nus vomica, (P I) Ik C6), I or uiwd est by ocy anions. (P I) & Co), j 111 u ex arniv I lb II ex esnns rnles Mower, (V)ti.Qi, isnnaUi Iodic. II' I) Ac Co). 5 IU ll ex Lskbis hlwsiIs, ( ) & Co), I lb il tt wli-inlw, (I'D Co). I ll II fxdigilslis.il' I) & Co). I lb II ft eriilifli, IP 0 griilisii, (I' 0 & Co). I lb Mrs L'lUHff, (I'D A Co). ;o). IJ4 j U ) rtliviMfyanius, i I) & Qo), 10 ii n ft iiii, tr i' t). ft till'. ' II & Ci. lUrift lUiU(l'l)&Co)( j Im 1) n nut vo4cf. (P I) & Co), 10 iu 11 f mwi. ji n & Cut. 10 IU II tarttpt litis MMiip Ul tyivpi (I )) IU ii iM ib'iry fr wm ( I' U I lb M 1 1 Ml, Ulb V, k C) I U Mil WM4 WIUt, Wh null J, 1 u mi iniwN, 1 iuy itiik I JbuU IMIlilMliHtMklUllll U I l rifaiN iiiftfi(,fUlj t m uMit Umt, rH I tU wiW ittd. 4. y.wri pu iff miH t lufjUiifHfilttli Li MMUmtt uA lMf tM, nttAlW 1 jtw f4ii uW UwmIi lWiwi it,, (')tJ IWMSrWiA- tW1 WI in l H imImsw nil ;slHliki (J 4 1 mmii ' ft J rj mi j MflM 1 1. Ml i imt fum m T a ' - Kfitmutp V l,UNff. 1 mow fss paasw fw JsVl WiRW"' . , ...j. . Stff SMS WWW SSS) SSSSWtHN mm nrfMf dtt&fw i rr itUlf HffifJirtM ..' 0 1 MIMkN Ik.. ixbrtwo 11 n 14 fe Mi IWtNN ME.mro 1mm Um mil n J lr li imm uai- wl N IV D II 2IL -' - tJsiAUlssL. iMstsslisUJtkili m t4mHd mmMi "MM" Ms). t, W 1 SfU'wfM.W. pf4u, mu Aifi (gtoi iY. 'A .L tut V5. Y i phenlx gradtldte, cons ship, I ol, f, T. &. Co. a phenlx graduates, cone shape, 6 or, W. T. & Co. ' dor nests test tubes Nc. 3 to 6, V. T, & Co. r gross homeopathic vials long, t dr( W, 'i. & D. . 1 g oss homeopathic vials long, 2 drams, W.T HD. I g rost each prescrip vlals, phil oval, I or, 2 or, 3 or and 4 or, V. T. 4 Co. Ji (jros each prescrip vlals, phil oval, 12 or, 10 or and 32 or, V. T. & Co. S lbs pills, comp cathartic Imp, No. 160, V, D. & Co. Soo pills neuralgic, U. S., P. D. 1 000 quinine sulphate capsules, JfcCo. a gr, P D .tCo 3000 quinine sulphate capsules, 3 gr, P. D. & Co, 1000 quinine sulphate capsules, 5 gr, P. D. & Co. 1 lb Wilson's corrosive sublimate antisep tic tabets, Wyeth; tablet triturates all to be In bottles of 500 each. 1000 tab trifalcin. Belladonna &. Pedoph, Wjeth. r ' 1000 tab trit calomel and soda bicarb co., Wyeth. 1000 tab trit calomel I i-iogr, Wyeth. 2000 tab trit ammonia mur and codeine to , wetn. 3oo ml, trit heart tonic and stimulant, Wyeth. Soo tab trit codeine sulp gr, Wyeth. 200 1 tab trit pilocarpine, mur K 1-10 gr, Soo lab trit calabar bean tr 3 m, Wyeth, 2000 lab trit cardiac co., Wycth. 2000 tab trit cathartic active, Wyeth. Soo tab trit ela'erium gr, Wyeth. 1000 tab trit nitroglycerine 1. 100 gr, Wyeth 'ab 'rit SW l)almelt0 fl cxt m' 1000 tab trit digitalis tr with strychnia, 1000 tab trit digitrtlis and strophantus trs wth strychnia, Welh. 1000 tab trit alo'm and podophyllln No. 1, looo 19b trit belladonna powd ext gr, 1000 tab trit bronchitis, Wycth. loootabtrlt cannabis Inti powd ext i gr, 1000 tab trit capsicum and nux vomica, 1000 tnb trit dovci'i, powd, 2V. gr, Wyeth. rooo tab trit fi.rri ?t ..mm. ., ;,. -. strych, Wyeth. ' " 1000 tat) trit hyecyamus ext V. gr, Wyeth. 1000 tab trit laudanum. 3 m, Wyeth. Soo tab trit neuralgic 11 S, Wyeth. Soo tab trit Icrebinthlme, i-iom, Wyeth. 1000 tab irit powd opium, y. gr, Wyetln Soo tab trit salol, y gr, Wyeth. Soo tali trit tinct veratri viridls 2 in, Wycth, Soo compressed powd migraine No. 2. Wyeth. ' 1000 hypodermic lab No. 45, in cases bt ten tubes each, Wycth. .1 dor clumpis skins (as per sample.) S His unbleached sheeps wool sponges, 8 lo lb, (as per sample.) ' HARrHVARK 50 each 5-10x3 and 516x3 common car riage bolts. So each x2, t.y',, xl,ytxzyt, and y,x4 common maclilne bolts. 100 each 5.16 and , blank nuts. 5 pounds y, washers. 3500 pounds blacksmith's coal. 2 Heller Brothers' horse rasps, 16 In. 6 tUl bastard files, 14 in. 6 flat mill files, 14 in. 2 each Hal smooth files. 4 in, and 6 in. 50 pounds Ilurdun tci horse shoes", No. s, front. 3' 50 pounds llurdeu steel horse shoes, No, J, hind, heavy, 100 feet each y, Inch, 7.i6lnch, lt Inch, H inch round Norway Iron, 50 icci 01 ;j men rouna Norway Iron. 50 feet each of yt and JixiJi Inch Nor. vy Iron, 50 feet of H xi in Norway iron. 5 iHiundseach Putnam's horse shoe nslli, No, hand 7, loiwuiidi of I'utnam'i horse shoe nalli, l wild cast iteel blacksniltli'i sledge, 10 lb, with handle. 300 feet of nunllU rope, ( Inch In dlam. loo t wire lath nslli, loo lbs M cut finMi mils, loo IU M cut finish nails. 2oo IU jod gut common nail, loo Ibt j cut common nslli, loo IU 6od ant coiiiiiion iislls, , 4 IU 1 brudi. 4lU 1 H brad, 2 grow sciewi, ; In No H. 2 Uioki sciewt, n No y, 2 giooscffwi, 1 In Nor, H'o scicwi, 1 In No H, IglOM MW, I III No II, 2 gross Kitwi, y. In No 4, 2 glOtl Kltftl. I-' in No 14, 1 I'll Mif ts. ill In No ii. n""' " , n '" " I I docji j Invh (nj.fr litnd taw din. Utl UiihI, I (Jwni 7 Inch It Iff bind nw filu. U UiihJ, I liuitt) H lnji lit Is)) fill 1. Utl Wind, I liitim l In ;l oil filt, hot brand, iLVUiilWJ, Uh h ftsb 1 H 1Mb 1 nd t Inch Hick plp, Ji ii V, 1Mb n4 y. loth and lk hub tiMtwi, II fll Ik lush I U tosh and s Inch uuLtt WIIWII)(, Mil lljtt U, H and 1 ImL d ffikmi WHfl JmLi iMf) oliltd, I IkJir pilfH Ujp 01tmh. I KUVuXrM ,utt l'UmU" wu ijhi m mmiM, ' Miffy iwf'Y w 1. x tHJLJuuliiiititUwui, gl llWI JVI', fsM m, A tMm firtJ nil put ;. jiV.i(i wr mm. U 4 Mllsw AMJn pilw, (jij )i hJttu mZb ixk mhm Hu4u vu Miartsj m j sn 4JJN WAilM II lsv 4i I'(tMi A ,M tttiUffiM 114 llstU Mf 'M Pms A, 9 mt WnU4 im J4 SIMtU I4MMIK VIH MIIUt,4 fiM iV 14 fanmAltf UiMH HHj4( H in rwr t ViHlA toikl i)M UmM - .-.Su-. 1 toiti 1U14U re JUHf siiMinMsif tey imiu fit sniu.f iiuhh Ur Ml SiAMI M fWi wuj uUf 4l aMu ifc. H P4(JI ! i$ V ' Mr M KlfMip4 T4 fev :&- id dot. Coils' thread, whlfe) No.i6. 30 dor. Coats' threat!, blackrNo.3&7 2C dor. Coats' thread, black. No. 16. 75 . dor, meh'g socks, half hose as per winkle. 2 dor. corsets asstd slros required No. 23, 24, 25 and 26. 12 aoz. boxes hair plhs black, 20 dor, prs men's suspenders as per sampl .-3 dor. Slav binding ll. and W e. 6 dor; Standard sewing machine needles, 2 dor. each No. 3, 4, and 5. 4 dor. New Home sewing machine needles, 2 dor. eacli No. 3 and 4. 2 dor. Singer sewing machine needles, I dor. each No. 3 and 4, ados. Wheeler & Wilson sewing, machine needles, 1 dor. each No. 3 and 4. 12 gross pearl buttons smoked, 4 holes as per sample. 6 groat gross shirt F. B. buttons. 2 great gross pants buttons, 4 gross safety pins Duplex, a gross each No. 2 and 3, GROCERIES. 10,000 lbs granulated sugar. 10,000 lbs Golden C sugar. 1500 lbs oat meal In barrels. 10,000 lbs-oats rolled In barrels. 6000 lbs cracked wheat in baieU, 2000 lbs corn meal in barrels. 2000 lbs hominy small, cracked, In barrels. 2000 lbs hominy large, cracked In barrels. 1000 ids cream wheat in barrels, 500 lbs corn starch, Oswego. 300 lbs Carbonate soda in I lb pkgs; A. sad A. 10,000 lbs Liverpool salt. 500 lbs soda crackers. XXX. more or tU, and delivered as required, 80 lbs Stearic wax candles, 14 or. 200 lbs sago, 240 lbs China starch. loo lbs pearl barley In 25 lb boxes. 500 lbs Cheese, Cranston's, delivered as required, more or less. 400 lbs cream tartef, Folger's, 25 lb boxes. 50 lbs bees wax. 50 lbs bees wax, pure for laundry use as per sample. 25 doz. Cove oyster, Fields cans, No. a sire. 2 dor. Worcestershire sauce, qt;L, & P. 4 dor. whisp brooms. ' 25 dor. brooms. 40 gross Vulcan safety matches as per sample, 1 barrel pearl hominy. CROCK KRY. 2Sdox. tea cups, W. G. ware, 25 dor. tea saucers, W. G. ware. 12 dor. soup bowls, quarts, V. G. ware. 3 tlor, soup plates, 9 inches, W. G. ware. 1 uor. pitcners, gal, w. U. ware. 4 doren pitchers, Vt gal. W. G. wore, 4 dor. pitchers, gal. W. G. ware. 2 dor. pitchers, cream, W. G. ware. 15 do, dinner plates, 9 inch, W. G. ware, 4 dor. pie plates, 7 Inch, W. G, ware. 0 doren vegetable dishes, 10 inch, W. G, ware, 1 dor. lantern globes, as per sample, lo dor. glass tumblers, as per sample, slices. 5 IU cayenne pepper, standard ground, in 5 lb can, 200 lbs black pepper, standard ground, in 5 lbcans. 100 lbs mustard, standard ground, in 5 lb cans. 25 'lbs allspice, standard ground, in 5 lb cans. 25 lbs ginger, standard ground, In 5 lb cans. 35 lbs cinnamon, standard ground, in 5 lb cans, 20 IU cloves, standard ground, In 5 lb cans, 2s lbs mc, standard grbund, in 5 lb cans, 10 lbs cloves, standard whole, In 5 lb coin, 10 lbs nutmeg, standard whole, in 5 lb cans, 110OTS, SHOES Mil) SI 1I'JT.K9. 10 pairs men'a shoes, No. 6, 10 pairs men's suom, No, 7. 40 pairs men's shoes, No. 0, 40 25 pairs men's shoes. No. o. 15 pair men's shoes, No, 12. lo pairs men's boots, No, 7, 30 pairs men's boots, No, H, 30 pairs men's boots, No, 9, 15 pairs men's boon, No, 10, 20 pairs men's boots, No, 11, lo pain men' boots, No. 12, 44 psli men's Icstlur tllpjieri, No, 8, 4opslrs rutn's lcsthr slippers, No, 9. 30 pair mn' leslhur tllppsn, No, 10, 20 pain men's leather slippers, No, 11, 20 ptln rnfii'ileSihtr slipper. No, 12, 25 pairs Isdies' shoes, No, 4, 20 pun laoies' sivoct, no, J. loptlrs Udltt' tlioei, No, ft, lo pslri lid Its' shoo, No, 7, lo pslri IsdUs' ihoci, No, 0, 15 pair Indies' csrpcl lipxn, No, 4, 15 pslri j4icVcrpfl lipj'r, No, $, lu pslri ladlti' csrifl ilippcn, No, 6, I) pair ladifi' carpel illppcri, No. 7, 10 pain Udltt' carpil illpir. No, 0, 5 pln ladles' crp tllppv n, No, y, UAHIItK AUU rlHWtUH, t ooi, wax Ulli. thofiiiskrri, I Aut. IwilU 1 rulUf ciiii.iit, I dor, U'lllfl Cub luihtf trmtnl, A 1I01. itdfi nMrtli'tf, 15 IU u itf IU fMll, I dot, 11 iMut, Aoifrtci'i, 3 IU lo 4 IU rub, A doi. UkMii, third, U IU toi)U lj, dgr, l.iinm liilUr, wtk tumid, iHIU id Ki lb r(ih. I dor. black llatn Ihrisd. iftuls N, J. I &M. Uk iliifij lUitLil.iiiiiuU Nu. if. j dur. Ulli nuiiriti Undlnu Uuf, I Am, pMir OiiKtwid 2m jfn wi do bll iliifWuiiitf Iwm, liWUtlti A ilof in ritiii 10 fiii. dui,Umt,AUn,)UttiUttUu , I im. Lyifi Si ii.IiUi runiNy $, I OW. Mtf(jf MIMM IfOpf H llikll. dw. Uf isl ilrip ilidti I K Mir. jiIUsolsloiUf imhWwt, filu U$ttf 9 I if iijh j WvU 1 IU lo J 14, l IU wmlliiAl Viu.iia isM u Uilk, IU sri tri, ii frviui, U fwrgt4 mih it lj h' i. IU SMrnpif4UH ibo 4H. 0 IU Jluiifiruu tlv nU s U tiuf HUit 1 H imIi xw M gross sriiU )W ; aKiiS ijwi UM H'KSf K iiw Bs-liJ (ji tfidwtolf (MM J W M IMM l-fff lWi iPMliir isrti l M SiWI HvlfJSl si4f ivrrt Md M W MlMs sjsfsMi tssj M4 U (. if4W !? Ii! )fc ylW IVissA JWw jjnsJ, iifvi1iW ,ftw H JfSSSW, Ii4l UfU. Mi Mil; im suMfeff iil tm 'M BWtMiSsrf Msi4sr4. ut & Qfilpi) fatA, m 4 turn' Stte H 11 til Ms ifMfefjWtfl st.swfwm, ii 'v. &mmmmmaemmmmmmmmmtmmw mmaemmMmi - itto lbs. Durham O. K., smoking, 3 ot. pkgi.- BUTTER. 275 lbs. per week, best creamery, more or less; bids received for any part thereof. any part thereof. Urusiies, etc. 4 dor. dust brushes, as per sample. 2 dor. white wash brushes, as per sample. 5 dor. combs, dressing, as per sample 2 dor. mop handles, 3 dor. bamboo pot brushes, as per sample. TA. 1000 IU. Japan, uncolore i, as per sample. VINEGAR. 800 gals, pure cider, 40 grs, FLOUR. ooobbls. No. 1 flour, delivered as required, stools. No. 1 graham flour, delivered aa required. MEAT. 600 lbs. of beef per day, more or less, as required; equal parts, fore and hind quarters. 200 lbs. mutton, more or less, as required. Fisn. Soo lbs. of fish per week, more or less of different kinds as required, stating prico of each per pound . OIL. 200 galg kerosene t. more or less in tanks, delivered as required. S gal. asphaltura varnish. YARN, 200 lbs white knitting. soArs. 1500 lbs net, Savon Imperial Sahm soap 50 IU net, castiie Mottled common soapj STATIONERY. 2 gross -London incandescent pensNo, 4. 2 gross London incandeKcnt pens, No. 6. 2 gross London incandescent pens, No. 7. 3 gross Glllotta pens, No. 404, a gross . illotts pons. No. 303, 1 gross Paysons indelible ink. v 4 dor. mucilage, Sanford's universal, , Samples may be seen at the .office of the board. Goods must be in accordance there with and be in original packages whn pos sible. The right to reject any andiall bldg is reserved. Delivery of supplies will be re Huired wlihln 15 days' notice of acceptance ol bid. A copy of the advertisement must ac company each bid, and the name of the class of supplies must be on the envelope. Each bid must include all tho items and totals in full, with the exceptions of meat, flour, fish, vinegar and butter. Payment will be refused uutll bidder has fulfilled his contract. Each bidder will be required to furnish a certified check in an amount equal to 10 per cent of his bid, to be returned in case Ills bid is re. jectcd or his pioposal complied wlthj Audit ing officers are prohibited from confirming accounts of purchases when the advertisement does not contain a full and complete descrip tion of the article to be purchased, Bids will be opened in the governor's office at 2 o'clock p. m Monday, July 8, 189S. Wm. P. Lord, 1 H. It. Kincaid, Board. Phil. Mrtsohan,) W. S. Duniway, Secretary of Board. W.AOUSIOK J.:U,ALBMT. J& l'losideut. uosMsr, at Capital iNational Bank, I OF SALEM, 1 TransaoU R cuuerol banxinc buslnsM, "? Huie Wing Sang Co., ,wmt iHtXIHTKIUJ JuiuncsoKaniy doods. nil kind ol Milk Km, Ujuiary,)niiiiiieuU,OliliiHWMre. Hsi Tm '," 1 ' H'.".11'. Ws"' and make HuUiilur, ldltH,' Undorwear. Kverylhlug sslilu; yy olrnap, m tXiurt St., IXtlem, Or, FARM F'OOATET n'hrwi Hundred acrwi cood tllUbls Uud. tw iiillut from railroad sUtiliw! good old oretuUdi IU 1u.1t youuir ttpiU orohardi Unura bo yard) loud lioit Uou two bomuMi xoo4 lifH V."..p,,,?,"8f'. WWiwi, Udd?.sVM: journal offln, riaJsui, tilliUirtfwt wolFs "marketT KrMU,IUdud JI'lfOftUAtllMellMI, CMUftl Hflt, fH M, 'lll wi uilArt, WuW, ivof , -iwmrwwm Ill Ilk m1 w",wwiiim'ViMr tun ' ftiift $1,600 IflEWARD OFFERED, 'i b uudrl n4 onr f Uioa faimid tw lit MMfMtMu uf fi jmlr or iiilut wW ,uts4 itjUfHAUm of lb im;i m iitlut w, lihj Uru fviid ImsU 1,4 lb uuiii ui 17. jay , lJsfllJJti4wir WlUtt vU smm turf Ut JUt i lint, j yp two kimm inUM A4swMMiwyUiriftyiil, i" ! J-Jifctat-jij (JUJLIJING MATERIAL H OHMSIMf tsT' MTICfc IOJIIE lU8llR lil irwrii uitljiukf Li y) i,iy uMr itmmu' .fj.MfcssltifcstH , a fJyVf jXUM w,iiMiriii IrWsif'flOMiV Klxllly-two UlfM 111 UrlllffuoK ttrlii.tf sdullrWwt oflMlUMi. 1 luhm lyw mtswhi u Mm; ami w u KMv P3 ii h, mm mmmm tmmVirtitumttm I ? i 'f a'3 i&-1 I ijB I a 4isv y a. a. a. mrMnir iv iwk fi l ' twim -jUikl f)W IU, fiis lmn, w i. h4 M rivvi " , iJ0 HsW fe li H ttfim.vt Fimafr.Hmvjfmt Jtf, ) JMaWftoitt, (J rMrilMWftal Ml m HSnl ifct v.f'r.ir aw MTJ 1 TSiBfr j. Mi.-MilfWiL m m'towwuw