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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (June 1, 1895)
I KOTS BY RAMBLER. LtjftBlm postofflce Friday morn Ing at :10j at 8:23 wa at the Asylum. It was cloudy, wind is the nortb.roada lightly mudded from Memorial Day ralna a not auBptclotu day to go to Wlllard to attend a dalrymen'a picnic on a bicycle. At:30 we left tbe Asy lum, whero a fellow called out to get the aherlff as be had hundreds of mil lions at aUke and would give atiypne, In lialn ll! m iret it. It was a tempting oiler to a newspaper man. but we could not stop to take advant age of It. At 8:45 wo were at Hpauldlng's place on tbo Garden road. W. H. Maub, whohaaten acres out at Frullland, was rldlne; to town a horseback. He . n baa cleared a small place ana I1R pis Oregon. Goo. Thomas, who moved, from Halem out about four miles, uses a wlde-tlre wagon. It vras pleasure to follow along lii 1U smooth path. Be says more and more are using them,. The ruts cut by tho narrow tire showed up wonderfully different. ll waa a pleasure to roll along with the sdeat of wild rosea Jn tbo air, and, the toft light beating down through, the mUts like the subdued sunlight In an Immense photo gallery. We now passed the very well kept hop yard of Lon and Dick HwarU. They are going to have big crop. We rolled aong through several miles of richly scented heavy fir woods, where the roads were heavy and sticky, but tho bicycles passed all tho teams and did unt seem to mind the mud a bit. AT ENdKK. This is the new town formrly called East Bide Junction. It is now a ham lot of at least twenty houses. Iver Xanen, who owns the town site, has a good gonoral merchandise store. A hotel 40x80 has been built and a black smith shop run by Fred J. Rice, Thore ha sidetrack, station and tlckot olllce f the Southern Paclllo railroad. A petition has beon sent In for u post office signed by over 100 peoplo who want to get mail here. Enger )s in the centep of a rich farming region and ought to have a postofQco. They now get mall, only trl-weokly by the Wll lard stage. A grist mill is soon to be built. Potruff & Peters have a good meat market and supply tho aountry around with good fresh meat. They are energetlp hustlers for the town and belleye In its future. MSjtf21t34ii wmsmtmw8&3mam SjUUZJlXu at ME U. S. Government offi cially reports ROYAL Bak ing; PowfJer superior to all 'ir' I others in leavening: strength. (llmlUlU IJ, -VV, Ji ) H is thp lest and most economical. r i Wi -r ftOVAL BAKIN1 fOWOEII CO., nt'iwtyjttvfttra Mr, Lawn, tne projector of the tqwi la a ii(n of energy ami uliaragter at)d will Itave ioilg undone to W.Ve linger a live town of Marlon county, W now pulled on abou( thjee li))ls liuilltqJilOValdu Hilled) Mr. Uin. tou's mq0 whpro Ilia Dairy lui)o t), Following dslrW's anil crwuw '! wr reprDet)ldi Mr, and jUr. JwW Haviige, (k (Jrov orei)ery. W,r. iHl Mr, M, M. Juiim, tilit wakuri. Whii Uj fyvpne. ilniri Mr. and Mm. K- In JiUiUurfl, itvir. i,y, DtwM, uir, Mr. Willow HlmtM dairy. Hr. mul Mr, u. W. VK ijalr. H A, JaiibuI, ilnlry. P. M. J'ii, lry. H, Mi Vhtohw, UH K. W. DurWu, i)r r tUiry A I'Jt'HH' IUWKMK , wjm wryl i Nig lablt ami by p$M M'M UMt!r Ui l''f Jm a IUfwl jrffOVU tljwlHlllf h VM Iw'th'M, WM llirMKli llinM ltH OriH Ull i MsltiM. A m Mt sii M)mh m ibmw "f M Mfi MUww U)H'I of 1119 l'l SSL ujLiiiiiii7fin)airviiiir u iJwM m Mi it J jjjfcfritrl Wwlll". AIM) ! 11 H. ltwK rv trmunr. raw latlon of a public character andit was attend! d by several hundred of.Marlou county's best form population, President nibbard welcomed the gathering on behalf of the association In some appropriate remarks. Secre tary Allen read letters of regret from a number of gentlemen who had been Invited to be present. Geo. Weeks poko on behalf of the association and also asked for co-operation In makji a fine exhibit. t the State Fair dairy exhibit. M. M. Jones read a paper on tho Hog and the Dairy. It was very well re. ceived and will appear in Tur. Joujina l at an early .day. Gto Allen roid an able paper on ruinous competition and the necessity of association. He aptly showed the pernicious eflects of the middlemen, and the necessity of or stan7atIon, He was warmly ap plauded. ' Frank Durbln was now called out to tell how ho fed bis cows and got 25 cU a pound for his butter. He told how be did this but did not get 25 cts u pound. He related his experlenc at handling cattle and breeding thoroughbreds. He believed In modem methods and progrttmivo means employed to make tho dairy pay. Ho believed In, bedding milch cows; putting them lu the barn In the fall and spring when the ulghta were cool and rain set in. He gave the cows grain feed nearly all the year when there was not plenty of grass. Ho fed grain tho first thing in the morning when they were milked. He gave a gopd practical talk and it was well re ceived. Warren Cranston naw spoke on butter making briefly. Ho said as a class tbero wore too many who did not understand the principles of butter making. Their butter was spoiled be fore It was made. He said that butter should be churned sweet and before it bad began to decompose To do this It was necessary to keep tho cream as cool as posslbloaud as pure and as clean as possible. He had no war to make on tho nilddlo man, as he had always boon well used by them. A good ar tlclo of butter should bring 20 cts. a pound, B. J, Sharp, the Salem milk man, wan presont and spoko on cotntil nation and co-operation. Ho nad tho producers should bo the middlemen. Prof. French now sppke of forago crops and answered a great many questions 106 WAIL ST., NEW-YORK. of a praotloal ulmraotr ashed by thoao praseut. His tujkwaiau lntrutitlvt olio and gave grwt satUfactlou, Hu rccoiilliieuded ) other clover as etjual to the common oldfashlotivd red clover. ( warned against lacoAllno and otlii-r novaltiM. A vote of thanks was tendered Prof, Kroiui. The next meeting Is Mt for HaUm and will lie liuiHx In due time. The meeting adjourned at B-Waud weslattwl luunv on our wheel, mining in easily In an jimir aid a half. TUB MQOflXJIKIfHV MI'I.K. On li(t (Isnlctii road we nut a mult, or ratlr, lie mtjt u, Jje w pulilug a dograit al furious Ksllup and a rain of gtXMelwrrlM wa iIksomiiiIIiik; In wslmllkeoiiu of Ihiwo showeis thai had allvrntlily v (he day litto oliunks of drlrrlu and ntuiilililo. 'i'hegcxMo. trrlD wt-rii lrwii fur two idIIm and rather until liv any ilifriiuilty wlfli a riiy ruimway inula y wnt oyr Ii)i III dlU'hi ulvliig hlni (h enllra ri).) way. And we wereiibt prlliui)r how wb wnii Juit so w gut awsy. Mm. rwl Havsifd utlUlul His lUmbUr bimI ll i Hlikre In illniifr AhhrH) was furinsrly a Mslhrnlut iiillltirr ami imi vm wniy one raiwrr re uhltfliviii fihiM ws wlwly hsltl tadk until the in I wrn nrsrlv all IhroilKli W nvvor saw man hang on like Hliariw W liad In rlliaUy uWf up UIiii id I ml IiImi up at ilml buiUii. wbp l) lmlruii dliw illniifw(liiMlopiilrBiid vrtUilh liaij lu null Mrs (vaitiu ami Jvyu diiidhhrs kik jUtuv n( Im luiig table wlilsli wa IMmI itdWii wlili Id uln'lKl h( Ilia kvaMtii, tmnUlbnud by ii ami wilier ikmiiii g epulis ih MM llie J'ftlry ploiilu a xuhwh W mviMMii was tiwm hi ifiiitf ami put imw or Mr uia.ns wi), IhiIIi ill till ojij?ilon. and llul iiaftllviiiiii mill lil bMUIaula aiituialil ill ili'iuilli in) ilrniyiiilratiHl IU BHlUn H HlMlKlf ljU Hit 1'Munl "ir fll WW M lillllffp l,lM ll. BIHl ttvrt i m iiiunn in n iinw oi, wiicii ili M tmmty I'fwal him Mf6roiMrui. AN ALPENA MIRACLE. Mrs. Jas, M, Todd, of Long Rapids, Disca-ds Her Crutches, In an Interview Witk a Reporter She Re views Her Experi.n eand Tells the Real Cause of the Miracle, (From Iho Argus, A'pena, Mtcb.) As is v e'l known hy many of the people of Alpena county, Mrs. Jas. M, Todd, of Long Baplds township, bas been a great sufferer and a cripple for many yeaas with that terrible affile tloo, rheumatism. Brme two year ago we became somewhat interested in Mrs. Todd's case, und, In common with Alpena people, rejolco that this great sufferer has at last found relief, Is now in a fair way to a permonent cure. Knowing of the substantial beuifit Mrs. Todd has received, aud that she waa at last regaining her health and strength, we sought the Btory from hsr own lips, andjbere give t to our rtuders, In her own language. "As you know, my name Is Mrs. Jan. M. Todd, and for the bentflt of suffer inirhumanlty. I wish through the Ar gus, to tell the world at large, what may seem to them, as well as myself, a miracle. 1 Eight years ago I was ofllicte I with wnut doctors called neruous pros- Iratlon. Tbo following spring I wa Uken with rheumatism, commend op first in mv arms find bands, und leav ing them It would go directly to my head and heart. 1 cannot describo what I suffered. Theonly way I could get my breath was to sit where the air would blow directly upou; me Thus I lved and suflered for twoyett, when the afllictlon left my urmti I went directly to my feet. Again I wus taken to doctors, aud tbey said I bad Inflammatory rheumatism lu its worst form. My feet were so swollen that it was impossible for me to wear anything upon them, and my hands were drawn out of shape, and I could only sit up a few minutes at a time, and often wished death would end my suffering. "Theu another year of misery, doc toring all tho time, and using every remedy I could hear of, when, as it last resort. I went to Ann Arbor, whero I could have the advice of not only one, but many physicians. They pronoun ced my trouble inflammatory and mus cular rheumatism, nald it was brought on by bard work, und if rest did not cure me nothing would, for medicines would not do It. I again went to I bo olty, and wus treated by ouo of our best physicians, but grew more help less, and at last wont to live with my daughter, thinking that I could not live long. I whs as helplexs as n child, aud after lying down awhile, I could not raise my arms to cover myself, or steak till filiation or lifted up. One of my limbs was entirely helpless, and the Bklu was dry aud cracked uutll it would bleed. "From a tall, straight woman of over flvo feet, I wus drawn all out of shape, my eyes wore swollen fnliut more than hulf tho time, my knee Joluti out of pluco, no strength to raise or drees, for elghteou mout is had been Held up hy one on eacu shio ot me 10 dress. Another year passed when my attention was called to a cose slmihar to mine cured by the use of Dr. Wil liams' Pink 1'IIIh. I was urged to try them aud at lost did so. In three days ufter 1 began tuklug Pink Pills I could sit up and dress myself, and ufter using them six weeks I went home and went to woik, I continued taklug the pills uutll now J begin to forgot my crutahes,uuJ can go up and down steps without aid, 1 um truly a living wonder, walking out of doors without assistance. "Now, 11 1 can sny anything ti in duco those who have suliercd as 1 havo to try Pink Pills, I shall gladly do so, If other like biillerers will try l'lu); Pills uccordlng to directions, thoy will huvo rvusou to tliuuk (lod for creating rim u who are able to cnuiiuer that ter rible dlium, rheumatism. 1 havo lu my own iiulghborhood reoomniwuded Pluk Ptlls for the ufter ullVcU of la grippe, und weuK women with impure blood, unit with good rmiills." Mrs Todd Is very strong in her faith lu the curative powunt of Pluk Pills, and Kitya they have brought a poor, helpltt cilpple buuk to do her own nillHiug, dimming, wuihlug, mowing, kiirttluu and in fui't about ull of her household duties, (hunks to l)r- Wil liams' Pink Pillr. Dr. Williams' Pluk PIIU oouUln all the elouii'iiU iiMMietwary to kIvm iiw life and rlcline to the blood und ru Ntortt.shatuM nerve. They are for sale i)!l diiiuuisls. or uiaylbu had by mall from lu. WllUmr Medlumu Company, Ht'heueotady, N. V., fur Hr box or mi Unn lor ttw. Hl'A'lll")' Ulltn, C TV ! Tiil.Kllu, l M l,in a Cunwrv, i KrmiU J, Oueiiy uiskes oath tlmt hwUihoaenlnr partner uf (lie firm of f. J. Oiivuey ii U)., doing lnultir In the tflly of TuIhIu, txiuiily and slate afoiifshl, and Hint Mid (Inn will py lint sum of ou ImudriM dollars for MUllll Ullll HUMrV kdtlUA lA iJillltrill llllit MAIL list lie wiryd hyl lie use uf JUIi's Cat arrli Cum. . . Hwurn to Iteforu mis ami sulwerIM u my jiimi&i0)U Mt itay of Oecmn' iwr, a. ih iwj, A. W. UkMlk, Umi, I Kntary ruhlle Malt'sOalairU tnilM Luktil) Julotutlly and aul iiirwmy u in ui ihi imi- ami mil- MtHI Mllfl (fiMiiUi llsu, Dm. P. J. Oiih ublliyiim tytiwu glid M UslllMHl HMV A. UL. 'IUm h. U. HiTMwWuy i IVi(W4 Hi, JIIbU Mvtir Huiallv has u hail Mf, I U Ull. uut. siiIUiilw(. flan IhJsuWh ami Han ItMJU' iUls. If ilnMn jb na pswle ruOMTH lW in w rtflfr nui ijhih nil) tens li'w hi. Psffc' Hiii Duit ihsuiil ilwrahul bllluey wir id Hiiiy livf IimI ' T life . .rm . la . I . . i n"A 'in EOSE AND STRAWBERRY FAIR Premium List and Rules -Eldrldge Bloc, June 7 and 8. The premium list as set out below, will Uj paid In cah and will be pub lished rtt different times In the city prees together wlib such other t'ttalls of tbeafralr as tiny le iifeeMary und appropriate, No entrance .fee will be charged for thiw '"siring to exhibit roes or hire wlici lies for premiums', aud the premium as oflered by the aiwiety are as f !lo ,: 1 Beat col. cot ion, u. t lt.-a thou 12 varieties, . 2 Best collictlon of 0 varieties, $3, 3 Best collection of i varieties, f2. 4 B. at collection of.Hyblrds, $3. 6 Best culleUi.ui of 12 varletlen, buds, W. 0 Best collj'elloii of varieties, bud-i teas, (2. 7 Best rose Introduced In 1893 Ot, $160. 8 Best collection of moss roses, 1. 9 Best collection of Polyantha ro6es, 11. 10 Best collection of pink town, not lefs thau five varieties, $2. 11 Best collection of yellow roses, same, (2. 12 Best collection roses, same, $2. 13 Best collection of Banksla roses, SI. Special premiums for the finest dls nlny of the following uamed varieties: Marechal Neil, Viscountess Folkstone, Psi'ja Ooiuler, Catherine Mermet, dans, t, Marie Van Haute, Jacquemi not, Heme, Maiie illeuriette, Wm. All, i Richardson, La France, La Mariiin', The Bride, Mulison, Homer, Madam Joseph Schwartz Nepbitoes (bush or climbiug) 50 cents each. For the best.coUection of wild flow ers gathered by a child under 14 years of age.each species arranged separately: 1st f2.60; 2d, $1. When no second premium is Indicated houorsble men- tlou will bo given. It Is hopea that children will not forget the wild flower collections. The prices of udmlsslou are placed at 26 cents fur all to the evening exhibi tion and 16 and 10 cents for adults and children to that held from 2 p. m, to G p. m. All tboj who intend to enter their roses should cart fully read the follow flig "fides adopted by the society for governing tbo fair. 1 -The superintendent shall have g neral chargo of the roae show. 2 Judges shall be appointed by the executive committee, and all adjust ments not covered by rules or pub lished action of executivo committee, shall be referred to that committee. 3-rExhiblts not at the door by 1 p. m. ou the first day of the show will be debarred from competition. Exhibits will bw received from 8 a. m. uutil 1 p. m. 4 All (lowers must be hauded to the superintendent or assistant at the door and subjected to their arrangement. 6 Receptacles for premium flowers will be furnished by the superintend ent, but flowers for display may be arranged by the owner. 6 All flowers entered for premiums must be distinctly named. If Incor lectly named they will bo excluded from premiums. 7 Names of flowers cannot be ehanued after thev are eutored. t No inferior piaut or flower to re ceive u premium. 0 No entry nf one variety shall con slst of more than three specimens, at least one to be full blown, All plants must bo owned hy the ox hihltors and have been In their ponsee- slou ut leust three months before the show, aud all but flowers must he grown hy the exhibitor. II Plnuts and tin wer cannot be re moved uutll the ulose of the exhibition except by puriiilssiou of the superlu. teudunt. lii -No (lower shall be entered for more than mm premium. 13 All llowxi mutt he labeled with uume befora entering. HTHAWIIrlllltY I'HKMIUM 1,1 HT OImm 1. llcMt and largest artistic dUpluy of itrawberrlea und by one uruwer, Ut premium - 2d premium is. ('Um 2 li( plate new variety otkwr ilitu rtitmpUM, Wilson ami Uuwsreii, ii i imiiii 1, Sd premium (KM, tlaia t liMt slug! iMatv, any var. ely, 11 premium l. SI fiOc Chm 4ihl flvo varletlMon plate; Miirumium II, M prinluui U), i'laM6 IllsnUy largest lierrln not t r tliaii on kuilun, 1st prvuiluui M, pruiiiHin M Claxti liit dii-pUy lligl plsnt ulnnit Iwrnwiwu, Ut priiilum f, wu !iti iiriiiiilum odd. uiam t -jvik ini fanning urri .1 - -: ." . . . Ut niiimluiii ti. !td iirsiiiilliii tl. (!is it - m uraUahliiPliiir. hrrUi Ut iimuiuui II l prvuiluui it III mm. 'Ii rnlM iiuvvriilng Ih vililblli of M Ihiii (w m til Ihi a pillow. tllsM UirlM m til U a pillow. Ul llmiUu lu MOIIM"! in Ul llllllUU 10 iXlllllHIl uiiitt (mi in iriaa ami lrl by 19 scum rrlilny. lifirte r ih (main iiiulvr wiiion of lilt Mttatfy unlll lliu uim ut III fair. . AwaitU ut ptliitxu will iM liiailv by lliv imli. aiMiluM on ri. I f.i.-ftiii..wiii-Hii in ctin m runMua.iiiwi ir fiuit Mu iTh Wlii It a U w tuiiiutwn, Hilly WJ I'd iiiIuim wll lauriainl MM it lllbMbi biUl I iHtli Willi Pltohtr'i Qmtmln OhlNhNiOryftr TODAY'S MARKETS. Jfrlce Current hy Telegraph anu Portland Quotations. bajjKm raouuca maiikki. 1JOTCHKK BTOOK. Veals drcsucd 4 cte. Hogs dressed 4Jc. Live cattle 22Jc. Sheep-alive 12.00. Ml Ll. HHIOEa. alem Milling Co. tmetea: In nrhnlmuttn lntn S2.25. ltetail Local flOIll $2.4'. Bisn $11 bulk, 12.60 sacaed. Bhorta 12 13. Chop feed 814 aud 15. WIIKAT. 44 cents per bushel. HAY AN1 OKAIN. na(K2nf22Jo. Hay-Baled, cheat f5.600;ilmothy $7 60. FARM PBODIJCTS. Wool Best, 10c. Hops B st, 3 to 7c. Eegs In trade, 8Jc. Butter Best dairy, 1012Jc; tanty creamery, 1620c. (Jiieese -iu io izj cia. Farm smoked meats Bacoyl hams, 11; shoulder.", 7. Potatow-20c. Onions 2 cents J,IVE POIILTUV. roudrv Broilers 10c: Hens, 9o Co; roosters not wanted; ducKs, u(s)c. Turkeys.68o. PORTLAND QUOTATIONS! Grain, Feed, etc. Flour Portland. $2.35: Walla Walla $25; graham, $2.30; superfine, $1.80 per oarrel. Oats Whito,2930c; milling 31 32o; grey, 2028c, rolled, lu bags, $6.76(30.00; barrels,:t6.000.26; cases, 13.76. Potatoes Boc per buck. Hay Good, $59.50 per ton. Wool valley, 810c. Millstuffs Bran, S12.60;short9,tl3.50. chop feed,,$12i16 per toi chlouen wheat.;75c'per cental. Hops Bull, 35c. Hides green, salted, o0 lbs. 3Jc. un der 60 lbs., 23o; sheep pelU, I060e DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter Oregon fancy creamery, lOfe 12jc; fancy dairy, 910c; fair to good 78o; common, 0ujc. Cneese Oregon full cream 810. Eggs Oregon, lie perdoen. Poultry Chickens, $3.25(aj3 75 pe. dozen; duoks, S4.000 00; geese, $5,50(5 (0,00; tuikeys dressed, 12c. Beer Topsteers, 33Jc per it; fa to good steers, 2J3c; cows. 22J dressed bcof,56Jc. Mutton Be8t:eheep,SLG02.75;cn. ewee, S2.26; dressed, 44c. Hogs- Choice, heavy, 3.6':i.; light aud feeder,$30; dressed, 4c p lb. Veal Small, choice, 6(Jc; large,3( 4c per pound. SAN FRANCISCO MARKET. Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 10c; do inferior, G7c; do valley, lie Hops Quotable at 4Gc. Potatoes Early Rwe, 5075c sacks; Burbunhs, 35cU0 per sack. Oata-MIlliuc. $l.07(a")1.17t. 8Q 9(5 ll The Genuine M'rlt Of Hood's Sarsaparllla wins friend wherever It is fairly and honestl.v tried. To have perfect health, yoi must have pure blood, aud the ben' way to have pure blood Is to takt Hood's SarHapurlila, the best blood purifier aud strength builder. It ex pels ull taint of uorofuln, salt rheum und all other humors, and at the saint time builds up the whole system. Hood's pills are prompt and efficient. 25c. Shoumatlsm Is a symptom of disease of tho kid neys. It will certainly bo relieved by Parks' Sure Cure. That headache, backache und tired feeling come from the same cause. Ask for Parks' Sure Cure for the liver and kidneys price $1.00, sold by Lunn & Brooks. 19-tw There are 177765 miles of railroad in the Uuited States. There are 06.835.880 rails used to cover this ground. '1 hero are SSa.SM.OOO ties used to bind these rails together, but no such atuouut, however, U required to bind the hearts of the truvellug public to the fact that the Wisconsin Central lines furnish superior facilities on all their trains between St. Paul and Chicago, which form cce connections with all Hues to the east and south. Make a note of It, HEART DISEASE 30 YEARS I P HI I II ISJIII lirt Drtath, l()utloii, KslklillM, lllll., Hill) It llMVU VI.illur! aA?' . I M ti ktvarl UuuUM "fl. Il-lfc IIM..MSU tlw urtuy at tbo d. virlri6ii'uviii i.i i ku. .. ii. 1..... .r I was InujIilJt un I. ,.ii.,...,. .. ... i slMirtliaM ut Imuilll' a.,.,!, ,,',' ii un my ih Mil- um 14 iuiiii tltal f WM IMIMSii Ulariuwl. aiiALYt. . a i 'BW, ?" !. MH I till' (4HI4H W ttlUlittmj vi ttallwi ij Or. Allies' Henri Cure i dN0LiMj ( luktiiui In Irv ii iih.a .- ...... waib tmuUi Ui,.WwMt ii 5 U4MI11I ZrXiKvWm' imvil tMUtul in 1 W WtKIHsl.y i i u u m si sduii:. -VtWnfjsH I ilsss(t1ilrk M II ' H K4MM.Ifi4, ll'Vllssriuui.u j .... ........ tawf ftra.mWff HHnnKSU -' mmtM iq1 vASiTXiSpSft j! !v. v(p Weak, Tired, Nervous "1 was feeling ss miserable as anyone could feel, tired all the time, many time, unable to go out on the street even alter fnroaV finaUy "eSided to try Hood's BftHaoarilla, and soon felt betttr. I ued ?he tl d oottl. and I then fe t like a different person. II hope other. In IU I am sure you will be benefited. I liovj 1.Bm."Vn.-ji. Dill. In he of CTClt Miss Jkssib Prsmost, Saddle Blver, N. 1. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is tho Only Prominently In tho pablle eye todsy Hood's PlllB eurenllUTerlUs. 3Ce. SALEM WATER CO. Office: W llamette Hotel Building. For water tervlce apply nt ofllip. H'lli par able monthly in ftdvuucc. Mixhs 'i i oum. PWlS.tloLhn"ouat-J.,ne July. Augu.t und gpteuil)er;houiK-Uto8 n ra , 5 in P !. m. if July. SfectTrlukllDS r'l't,t f'l"laen BUlLulNlfJIVTERlAL. Ileeve . iliy ni' man, his cotntileted bl IlittMh. o ut' Bind nud grave nun 1 now .n-piim't Ki Hupp'y tho pubi.c wild every hint: in hl it Ufflc !IU Mnti- utr. ct 4 i-iti NOTICE iOTHb. PUBLJCi AUperHnnn wishing to vln't o,iV(r Creek faliBforpla.'Biironrlicatth will Ami acTom mnddllons forbo rd by tbo day at Week at iheuadeMlKiied plaw. Alsja btici of gro ceries io Bup-iy earn pern. 5.16-lm K. F. Wi'lMnN, UX.I v "?'$ t")oa Von ic ffS''-V-WB -l ': J l er .flV tftCS "j-Wl. VJi.F, jgSf Iir. VILUAHS' JOr. ftrfcox MEDICINE CO.. Schenectady, N.Y. C for 'J.50 n RrocUvUIfi- Ont WOLZ'S MARKET. Fresh, salted and smoked Meats ani Bnu sages. -ItflrlKrator meats in bnst hape. Kepi in un ai iceciipni, eastern styie. rrfe 4luery. Houtb Oommerclal street. 6-24 OHAH, WOI Z, Prop. FOR SALEJJR TRADE. Klghty.two acres In Bridgeport precinct. H miles southwest of Dallas, 2 miles (rom KulU City. New house, 3U acres under cultivation, running water, Will trade tor Halem property Address IFKL1X NOKU s-lltl DullacOr. $1,500 REWARD OFFERED. Ths undersigned ofleis (16U0 reward tor th conviction of the party or parties who burned his barn and horses oq the nlgbt ot December 12. IbVJ He will also pay riw for each soces. iorjr to the crime. 1 own two good ranches ud am able to pay this reward. JOBU'l U, ANDKHHON, KHidAwMin Mehaina, Or k The 'undersigned nw runs a dally sUge Iroui Hutoin to wtove towns, leaving Halem at fooiook ii, hi , MoiunoutU at 7:1 a, mud iDdeiieuifeiiiM u SUU a Ul, t'asseugers and ireigniMiiioiitxi n. nu'.NDii FARM F(M SALE ! U,b"f bundflxt ffgood tillable lHd, two Wiles from laiiroud siaiiuu. gwnl old orcisrdi V.M? l'iM,K. Prl nwriJ lH-acre Imp Journsluftif hslem alldawKw Lr Crjrffc' ibTiieurar Vi-M C riT row a kino , . hlMAUUmUlQ()if' i.;jwriCAinow9Awa 1 3rU'F0UCC13aotw, .irVinwJowUHen I'AiiiKqi - u...,',rkTullW rL rrrvt "! ir "VT " " """ l tvr wim lbs W, l, Douglas $3 & $4 shoes J Mr kits IttS tsl vilu tui T.I.. . ... ' UaMwi'SAfei sWSiMC .fr fMilay aH7iriT7 8iaJil2y "7 Villi , iwVXiiM'' J HHAI'HHH I Hl.lll.l .. . ' ' WB-Bra m mmrm K SS LaU SlL.. rIKOH. In Hl.kMIIl issllik lll.uuiJ Ii...; rEHHYriqYAL PILLS ' IM4 1MWM ' r MUi &jf$fr Jff iOSTr 3.!ii M0 ssfffm VHsT 4iK9bs Tfc'.Bsm J ll C. fl. MflCR, DENTIST. Cunor CjOft aid CoTmcrciaI Sk OfflccJwHhlDr. J. M.Keene Hpiciitl nUeutlon given ;io;preervuUim-(ot the natural teeth by tilling ,f tlu t,.ia ur ..!. alt. tit hl4 fil.tArtl VIUBi .." -- --. Aching or Abscessed Tuuth Successful'y Tieated) aud filled or rjwud wlta gold or pui Blum lulllli, Klu(8tci; Gold Crowji and Gold Bridge Work. All operations iw nemly painless jaj mortal nun can make them. Artificial Teeth Actually Better than can be had elsewU?re. and.,a cbeip as thechwipest. Partlei having artlflclul Uelh which tall to give nitlsfiCllon wilt be buaiu tfid relief In recelvlne from our handa innh unexcelled in adaptation, strength, and imu ural appearance. GARO OF COMMENDATION. IFrom citizens of l'or.tland, Or., Iprll 10, 18S5, tocltlsens of ilelena, lfontann. Dr. C H. Mack, Dentist, now resident ot your c)ty,but formerly 01 1'oriUinU, nud well known to all of us, hu few equais and tin u. irlorsasa dentist iny whore, lie U a gen tleman well worthy of contldeuce aud fuvi.i. J. A CHAPMAN, M. D., Mayor or eorUud. WM. H. W.vfK.Mo, M, ., fortlaua. A. H. NIOUOL.3, M. D., Portland, J. K. CAKUW'KLL, De-tlst, Portluud. J.O.abKNW, Det.tWt, I'ortlMHl lie did for me the dentiktiy 1 ever hhd done, and Ur. V. C. Kao.vies, aeutlsi ol s n Francisco, said It was the bc; he.ever saw. J.B.KNAPF. ToriUud. UKJ.KMA, AlOUt.. Aug. 10, liUi. After more than nevca pears' ridenee uud practice of Ur.'Mack In Helena, we are pleused to endorse above expreshlou ul Cjimuoiida- tlon. J08.K. IXKILK, Governor of Uoutuim. JUHNCi-UitXliN. Mayor of Helena. WM. U. 8TEhL,E, M. D , Helena, J. a. ATCHISON, M. D., Helena, D. J. WAIT, D. U.S., Helena. W, E. ZUUKIt, Uentlat, llflCLit For, satisfactory operation h lu i-ultm, or. we are enabled by permission to reier to such noted and worthy gentleman ai hla excel lency Wil.lP. U)UU, Uovernur of Oregon. HON.lPlllLLIP MK1S.HAJS, tatiiUjTicaf.urci ot Orgun. HON. U. t. V ol.Vli.KT0N, hupreme J udge, Salem. HON. QKO. U. UUUNyiT, Clroult Judije, tialoiii, It. P. BOlHE.euleiu. And many others of high respectability. SALEM TILE WORKS. UA.HQK BTOOK ON HAND. . Special Inducements oHcred. Shipped to al point on short notice. Send for prices. Yards, North. Hulera, :Addross J. E, MUHPHY, Fair Grounds, Or C. ft LANE Merchant Tailor, 211 Commercial St., Salem. v F. M. Steele AT TlIK;Oi,D,OOUHT:HOUHK, Machinery and Bicycle Repair E Klectrlcal llelliand Medical Hatlerlfs a ! cIslty.HmsIl Dynamos und Motors built ant repulmd, All work done In the best uuuiitr, T,,n, nwmni&hh,?,;' $W From I'rto Wiiiiimg IWIry. ''rf" WlilU I'lyilliiilll IUe, MulUi-H ,a Jv'l WaudiilJ,J.i!f? )4hor.s,rii kl aud lUMtCouib llrmin. Hull aud n I l)uek alio MUaU aud s-'hub J wiu. 'JVm sv"Or: ,MU' u ,lmi '" fflAT HiiliT ! rwmmmw-m WOUHM, MM OKI Mi nonuple Poultry Yard. HArKM,:iOP, tkfassssssssL& V JzSff i"J'I,i't Crfl IsslsHsttsMfssflssssf i'jX i mktS MiVsViiiriii