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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (May 31, 1895)
i TIE CANTAL JODHUL (DAILY-AMD WKKKI.T.) BY HOKKH BnOTHKM. FRIDAY, MAY 31, lt TEE HLVZX DOLLA- "Akfl Under rilrer dollmr to th oaly power that will break lbs go A Monopoly and atop Wall itrt runnloic corner on eoJdV'-CAflTAi. Jop- WAL. TM.- i. i v..HnH nf allrer dollar that we hATe dow. It I a legal tender 6r Uw pameat of all debU both pri TU od public, and iUodi (Idtb Id with oar greenback and gold In ftdatjtuA In amount that may be used In the payment of any debtor Anm n1 tha ratio 1 IS a 1. What . Mn h desire? Only aome plan ' . into rJreaUtlon the fle baodred million sUrer dollar now laying In tbe TaalUat Washington. CerUlnly not law to compel id goveruiuuk llrar dollars. Weaotjes that wheat to advancing li nHn mil atiil there has been no lo rtawln th circulating medium. Can U bo possible that tbe law orspppiy and demand .has anytbipg to do with ft? It would be a fearful abock to tbe people of 8atom If. one ofthow fearful "jcotdbugaaboujdaettle In fjalem ,nd pead a few millions in factorie and lamrflnmaDU. There are yery few peef le (n AumsvtUe tbat would asso ciate witu them, lor mejr nave iwu uuk U.rrnl ihlnota about them tlieT wsaMf xpect to bare every tbl ng they ' . a a fttflT.nn pgaiweea "oornerea." o. .u. Tbe statement that tbere are 600,000, OQOaqrectlplUrsjlng in tbe treasury JejBOtorect,aa tbere were only 37o, M9JS(X coined, aa Banker Bush tells ,ui aad tbey are In drculatlon as silver certificates. It Is exactly tbe law of apply and demand tbat appljw tojhe AVM ad. Urr fjoesuon. Tbe more allrer and paper money we toaue under tbe prevent system, tbat .has to be redeemed In gold before it Is money, tbe more demand we create for gfld tad tbe more power we give It. Te balld more raulla for tbe holding otj1 late we make of sliver as a primary legal lender money, tbe lees demapd there to for jj and tbe Jeee.uje tbere , Is ,'fcf It. .WIrtrmust be treated as a coo we4Jtjr or ae a monetary coinage metal ' m equal terms witb gold, Tuer to no MJenlddJt ground. U goyernwent suMh tb great mUUH U U first Mj&W4Um or coin covered paper jm)y In m!4. If It bad paid silver tbat wM have tested tbe roatUr before, all Mi silver and, colnaken currency ,ws Uaf-Blaajaa , jir.ilad oad not be alarm! about Abe JaaJsui goidbugs. If tbey Ue anywhere to luveet, tbey took out Mr ti fntefnU Tbere to uoUjIpic fft AfpjJcaU abput UiU JfUwybpy .aatrtiiJlKe4or anything else tbey ,wur tbe stock far Urn or four values eud prori to collect toll jfrym tbe Ubllo Pi 4 UtirleHJ Hjlb It- yooK, ;ik 0?a. Tl 3rfilM J, inaUelly, Jthi"UUMUrst4i Utet Wat Ilium wUI if V" a prwmlMt plaoe In be p yj M Jbe United HUUe, f tbe jrfHl0ilof)U iruiw egaluti e rate aftlut frauds" Uwaver, 4 yni d(M4 MM be a wwd U tey la A.aii.eihtatllikM it J HjA .Mill IjiiAU a4HTWAwjl WmUX. wu ' tilJ La Ilia vreiiikut Ituia til tm Mf tbeSvMieutfrMiil,W t HJ Mf a WUMI to pnHt Dm fioyri) Mtei frvM wdJ(fy (bum !. UIa, lli4c t l Kllrf ilill Inr luliUu. Ui&d al aud ilitu fur fn ! iww iiiwh P" ! i" &mflsni) jJM)Vb miarav) ja- ts, 1 li DUUlel Ahr JH '--"'' " MefJ'by M to UU bte ale 1mJ to !m Ut t wtoiM i' U l( ma 7r IMHW'OI KlfwH td MUyMJlig tbl Ktir uir Kw fiueitl, Wwle,r wlk4 IkwMteiatte kf i,vMbJtl U4, bV WHU ii4JHWIW HW ) lb? fUx4)l$ KnblM'liAHitu b Mf lf) tbe M Hw wN twgM l M M4 blt,vli $ MM frl U H WJ.. Itail'lMt Wf M 14 iwwM i-f lite 44 JtyfktMl jial H M4lilfi e4 WfiyUHnW&M A w a thM nn4 nut Hi fM U j4itmHIH)nHMi mtttyt I ft? M Wy W llf WWU IJ iW M irr JfJ H wwJ. Wl wm sMailrf -1 ttrff WWf iW ; J IWW fW Ui.f, WMb h 04 iwwumwm iWlf fHaJ, i I0" "" SnmMa- Premlnm List and Kolei -ridrtdge Bloc, Jose 7 aad 8. Tbe premium list ae'eet out below, will be paid In caeb and will bo pub llsbed at dlOerent Umee In the city press together witb such other details of tbe affair as may be neceneary and appropriate. o entrance fee will be charged for those desiring lo exhibit .rpeea or strawberries for premium;, and the premiums as oflered by tbe society are as follews: 1 Best collection, m.t leas than 12 varieties, K. 3 Best collection of 6 varieties, 13. 5 Best collection of 2 varieties, 12, 4 Best collection of Hyblrda, 3. 6 Beet collection of 12 Valletta, buds, i3. G Best collection of varieties, budi teas, 12. 7 Best roee Introduced In 1693-91, IM. 8 Beet collection of moea roses, f 2. 8 Best collection of Polyantba rows, 10 Best collectlou of pink roee. not leea tban Ave varieties, 12, 11 Bt collection of yellow rose, same, li. 12 Beet collection of,red rose, same, 12 13 Best collection of Ban ksia rote, II. Special prcmbmuCfor the finest div play of tbe following named varieties Marecbal Nell, VIscounleea Folkslone, Pina Gontler. Catherine Mermet. duneet, Marie Van Haute, Jacquemi not, itelne, uarle liennette, Wm. Allen IUcbardson. La France. La Marque, Tbe Bride, Malison, Homer, Madam Joaepb Hcuwartz rtepliltow (busb or climbing) CO cents each. For tbe bat collection of wild flow us gathered by a child under 14 year of aKe,eacb species arransed separately: 1st 12X0; 2d, 1, When no second premium to Indicated honorable men Uon will be given. It is hopMi that children will not forget tbe wild dower collections. The prices of admission are placed at 25 cents for all to tbe evening exblbl tion and 16 and 10 cents for adults and children to that held from 2 p. in, lo dp, in. All tboe who Intend to enter tbetr resea: should carefully read tbe follow Ing rules adopted by the society for governing tbe fair. 1 Tbe superintendent shall have general charge of tbe roee show, 2 Judges shall be appointed by the executive committee, and all adut- rueriU not covered by rule or pub tubed actlou ef executive comrulttee, shall be referred to tbat committee, 3 Kxblblte not at tbe door by I i. m, on the Aral day of tbe abew will I debarred from eomitetltlon, Kxblblu will k received from li a. m. until 1 p. tn. i All flowers must U banded to tbe superintendent or aatislant at tbe door aud subjected to Vlif '0r"au' 6 JUKttplacJta (uf premium flower will be furulsbed by the sU!rli.Und cut, but (lowers for display may l arranged by the owner, 0-AII flower tutored fir premiums mu.t be distinctly named, if Incur Wily named Uuy Will be exoludi-d rroiu nreiuiuiu-. 7 -lVr! il flowers rauiiot l cbanKd afur tbey are entered. oNolufvilor itlsiil or flower to r $eytaprvmlutii. . Nu entry ( one variety shall okii it( pf more tbau Ibr Hiiii., at ;t una to m run bu.wn. 4llplUU MUlbecwm4l by (beet Llbtr apil Ijaye bfii Hi (beir ! UH e Ifeet lliw outb Ufi're lite show, aud all but flower iuut I grown b U llIWbj. JI -'4U HI Jwriauioi M ltl uulll (be le ut lb eiblMlh'W Apt Py K'l' lb superlu ...l..l 94t. JJ-ffw Hef aUl tttorJ hf ue ibu w. iumw. f. lit II. ..... II - All F H J JUM wllb OblldrwnOryfor hrti$krv xmtmu" IvMk. 1 k Yimti Obejiiey wm rtib (bat U u the MUlor itiUf uf lit Mm w ljnHyijf 1Mvj wMly fUu,(ai iur4l a,(J tut mM flrw will fj lbuu) tl Mt IiuuuihI M,'' ' itia tfuJ IIaA IUUI Lj LUlM 4l Wi4 VPtJF id tt b lLi ' PArRJtf' "t ' m fiar t.f inr mn I'M 4 MM J UlttMM feveiMNUwre m a uiM jl- I ' Tlu ' F I WAlhf.'ii,U ni Vf mauU, H4 MWy Iim kM Uft mfifrfikn MM 6Sk Air iiU tfum ma4 7W TODAY'S HABKETB. Piices Oarrent by Telegraph Lel aau formula fjaotatioas. HALKX PJtUUUUr. MAKKtl, HirTCirKK errocK.i Veals drewd A cts. lloge lreeed 4e. Live cattle 2fo2jc. Bbeep-allve t-UW. vill. PRiciy. Balem Milling Co. quetes: Flour in wholesale Iota 12.25. Retail 2L40. Brin $11 bulk,l20 racked. Bborta f 12 013. Chop feed $14 and $15. WHEAT. 44 oents per bushel. HAY AifD OBAUT. OaU 2022Jc Hay Baled, cheat (506;Umotby farm PRODncrra. Wool Beet, 10c Hops il et, 3 to 7c Kgge In trade, 8jc Butter B!t dairy, 10121c; fancj creamery, 16(20c. Cbeeee 1U to 12 cte. Farm smoked meats Bacen: Oe hams, II; shoulders, 7. I'oiaioee awe. Onion 2 cent I.IVK POULTRY. 1 ou.try Brollerm 10c; Hens, 6c; roosters not wanted; ducks, 67c Turkeys.68c PORTLAifD QUOTATIONM Urmln, Ti, etc Flour Portland, ttSA; NVulla Walla. $2&S; graham, $2,30; ouperflue, $1.60 per oarrel. Oats Whlt-!,2930c; milling 31 22c; grey, 202Sc rolled, In bag, f5.766.U0; irreto, 6iX)fl.a5; c&ma, $3.76. Potatoes 25c per riaca:. Hay Ciood, $509.60 per ton. Wool valley, felOc. Millstufre Bran. $12 60;ihorU,f 13.WJ) chop ft-ed,a$12tl6 per ton; cblcktu wheat,;76c per cental. Hope Dull, 36c Hldtw grwjD, italled, 60 lb. 31c un der CO lbs., 203c; sheep pelu, 10G0c. DAIIIY PROIIUCE. Uutter Oregon fancy creamery, 10 I2jc: fancy dairy, 010c; fair to goon 7j(j?oo; coujmon.GftOJc Cheese Oregon full cream 8010. Eggx Oregon, lie perdoxen. Poultry Chickens, $3.2603 76 per dozen; ducks, $4.0000.00; ztxtxs, 1 5,600 16,00; turkeys, dreeeeri, 12c. Beef Topiteers. 303jo per lb; fair to good eteerM, 203c; cows, 2t!Jc; drovwd beef.606lc. Mutton Ikt'ebeep.$mO02.76;choice nwm, $2.26; drowwil. 4044c Hog- Choice, tieHvy, $3.6003,76, light and feedbrM,$3.6Q; Urenwsd, 4jc per lb. Veal Small, choice, 600c; largc,30 4a per pound. AAM VKAMCIHCO UAKKKT. Woo): Oregon Kastern choice, 10c; do Inferior, 007c; do valley, lie Hop Quotable at -100c Potatoes Karly Howe. 6076o aaoks; Uurluul(H1;3.'cW itoraack, OaU Mlltliiir, $t.07(o1.174. eg In The Genuine Merit Of Hood's riamaparllla win friend wherever It Is fairly and hoiiMlly tried, To liavu ;erieot health, you mum have pure blood, ami the brm way to haye pure blood I to laki Hood's H4rmrlll, the ImmI bhxxl purifier and nJrenjjlli builder. Ilex peU all taint of Mirofula, mII rheum and all other humors, and at the aainr lime builds up the wbolu system, llntuVn p are prompt and fflluleiit, li6e, ..141 Rheumatism 1 a symptom of dieMi of tbe kld nrys, 11 win cruuiiy 11 reiievi ny Park' Hure Cure. That headache, bsukaehn and tired frlliiK Mtue tium ihNMii4aiiM. Ak for Park' Hure Cure fur the liver and kidney.' prltw ll.ui), sold by Luiiii A Brooks, lU-iw There af I77T6 iiiIImi ut rsllrowi In lb UiillwJ HIdIm. Thtrt are u,w,hH riU unl to cuviif ibis KiiHiiid Tlirre am MI.IMA um Hi uwl Im MimI lllrM rIU tt.Ketllr, iMJt liH ub aiinKiiil, hvvnr, i rMjuirixl iwblud lb btarts ttf the iravvlliiK ImjWIc Im lb fl thtl the WItiiUi ('culral )lm furuUli t)(-rkr ftmUm vu all tblr trafh Ulw-H Ht. Paul audtflitragM, whl wh for m Bttwe eoni.vtfUuii wttli an jln lo lit tat aud Aulb Make a iwUufll mil ....!. IHW'WJf HEART DISEASE 30 YEARS I tUutl !rtll),'lMflyl. af HWsfk( fa 4sMUr. atixt Umw4w1 mi MgjukgsU'' 4ISMlll ut i.iitwi ill liia laiI X MsaTCTiiSi y tif' iJMMSjl M Uri 1 Umum ti u3 3m f aiaJtsysl. mJ (, Ir AlllttM llcturl Curu I 4ii W U tf Tit ii UW SSftAs atai sMsff aswrt t to SMUwtitna iMlaliUM ivr uM Ml Jt . A. .i.- jjj aUssB VTUiikTWiI Us asr a4 Ua i MM UWOkssl w fbt wsi iM ' dik&& l fjl Weak. Tiredi Nervous uuuii) "lwul "I was feallntr at mUersble as anyone could feel, tired all tbe time, many times 1 unable to go out on tbe street even aiicr I bad started. If I went up one flight of Ulr I felt as though I thould fall. I bad palplUtlon of the heart and suffered creatlr with caUrrb of the head and throat. I finally decided to try Hood's SaratparUls, and soon felt better. I Ofed the third bottle and I then felt llks a different person. I hope otbert in 111 health will do as I did. If joa take Hood's Sarsaparilla and use It faithfully I am sure you will be benefited. I baT alto found Hood's Pilla to be of creat benefit and I highly recommend tbtm." Miss JEaautFiuutosT,SaddlBlTer,h. J. Hood's Sarsaparilla is the Only True Blood Purifier Prominently In the public eye today. Hood'a Pills euralrtillmllU. 2U. SALEM WATER CO. Office: Willamette Hotel Building. For wair atrrlM bddIt at odlee. BlUa par. able monthly in adranoa. Make aU com. plaint al tbvonice. Irritation inoolba-JoDe July, Aocuit and Kpternbr; hours to R a. tn Jrrlratkm bill pajable on or Ixlore tbe Utof Julr. Htreet prlnkllns poaltlvely forbidden. " buildinOerIalT" ItN'Vf, the material mm. h eompltd blntbotto xl aaad aii-i icnTrl.and I now prtrwied u upn tu public witb evtrythlusln liUiln ume Vi r!Ut trtt 4-Htr NOTICE T0THE PUBLIC. All prrwin wMilnit U ri't Htier Creek lu furJwiumor hlth find icwia uiodailnn foro-rd by tbe day or k at the unilrlKned plaoi. AU'J itoet of tn rtrin to iuply oainpfn. ft 'Sim K. V WATSON. tMood VntwHuUder Tonic tw r ,4 1 Dr. VILUA.nS' MCDICI.tE CO., 10 trki. kcliencctidr, W.Y, a r ViJiH. .ohrockrUlcOnL WOLZ'S MARKET. YimU a)lt ad Mw.ktd Mal and feu Hit. trIUiirltilutuf wl la lt iliape. Uitlaau A I ItmiHfi, trn atyle, fit 4-H i IIArt uL.l'rwp. TOITSALEOTriMET $1,500 REWARD OFFERED 1 ! wa44(if d iou Jilw rwrd uti Hi urW4wa ulib friy ut ltlra wlw Utnu4 f VJ a jH tirtt ' U.'bi " I "'- 1, im n aTu Ut i-r 1 AT ir i . NI7 M iw m 1 mi im rn MlMMtw,ltliaall. " L : . fc. " . . . . as ui ' as a aa a niim sua Wd,AMi " " -&revs3"i IkMll'lll.'l I) f. ItMl'tmiKH I Mil J 1 r ct ,i rs W4, u. ULn UtU. UmjfUiflH&ttU k f wfawriP a, . BMaMwUt at fc a. 8.,fi1 FARM FOR SALbl W mZiiw iMMMi a ktfltfuVa.aJs8 S3 8HOE.rSIJ.VtU 3FCUCf JiftU. 'a. jn'MiVw,4. m lf MM 4HH f4 waM V,J)uiiL'l:i5iUnlib Aituriv easily Mthminry M Ml4,tl7 . .- wi -fjmm e&MMMW 9 hiMr kiM m llfldf lrt faluL I Mik MM.M1WMI wf Imim, t iuWra fryM r OUt XrW iMMI. VM UU(Uf MIIUtklMMi, AjbTM ;F5l.l X , KO rTU ilU ' fJallaur 4f Marl fcSifV I'M I"1 ta aVaS kaaJ aVala at .at al al ift Sa U mi. I WaawfS BSSBBSBsL I JgFlk C. h. MACK, ' KLAMATH DENW5TJH0T SPRINGS Ciistr Coarl uiCsfititl SI'. Offlw:wMbDr. J. M. Ketne Hp4dt4 all nilOB glrn to Zpnrrv.ionyot tbe natural letlb tr fllllat ol floe cold or ottier u!Ud; mAlerULC 3 U2 Aching or Abscessed Teeth Successfully Treated) and filled or roned rrtia (nJorpeialnm. loutn, MdUcm; ; G crown and Gold Bridge work. I aii oDtraUoai u CMrlT i!ultt .s mortal tnaa.oLo uukt tuem. Artificial Teeth Actually Better than can bebadeaewbTa.and4aa icbeap u tbecbeareat. lrtle baTloc arttndal teetb wnieh tail to ctre iaUf.tctlon will be guaran teed retler In reeetrlnc from our bandj teetb unexcelled In adaptation, tfengtb and nat ural appearance. CARD OF COMMENDATION. IFrotn ciUxana of lortland, Or., April 10, ISO, to dllxeni of Helen. Montana. Dr.Cil. Mack, DentUt, now reildent ot j oar city, but formerly ot Portland, and well known to all of uj, ha., few equals and no iu perlonajadentUtanywbere. He la a sen Ueman well worthy of confidence and favor. J. A UHAfAf AH, X. D, Mayor of Portland. WJt H. WATKLM4, U. Km rtortiand. A.B.JN1CUOU', M. D, IMrtland, J.KCAJiliUKLU Dvntlat, I'ortland. DentUt, PorUantf Me did for me tbe but dentutry I ever- had done, and Dr. C. C Knonlea, dentut of Ean FrancUco, mid It waa tbe bt btftTrr aaw. J.B.KN.U'l, Portland IlxLEKA, Mont Auc. id. l&2 After more tban Mren peara' rwldeoce aoo praedca of Dr.'Mack In Helena, we are pleaiet. to endorse abor cxpraiilon uf commecil Uon. JCW. K. TOOLK, Uovrrnorof liunUu. JOHNC.UrtTl. Mayor uf Htleui. WM. U.WTtKLK, M, D., lf!en J. B. ATCHISON, II. U.t lickua D.J. WAIT. V.U 8., lie era. W, KZVM.U, DentUt, HUcJ-i. yor tatlifactory operation In exiitm. Or w nr enabled by pormlaaion to refer to tacl nolaUand wortby seatlecnan at blaexcc, lency WM.P. LOKD. JTernor of Ortoo HON. PHILUf llitIA.s. HUUTttuur'ro (rtgon Hon, c. z. wouvturuN, huprvme J jU, 1ION.ULO. li. llvit.NtVf-, CIicjIi Jude,Htt.tii H V. IWlHK.caleiu. And manyotlirraof blgb rriccubll.ty. SALEM TILE WORKS. IMIOE HTOCK ON HAND.. Hotal ludUMiiteuli oflered. Htiippl to al 1 Klltl(U lluirt UOtloa. IMrOd tut ft M. i i, ( jAjidit. J. k. tii'iii'nv, ralrOruoodi.Or C fi. LANE iir.Hc)unr Tailok, till Comnicmul St, Salem, F. M. Steele A1 1 f II K;o(.ti . Xf ttr; HuiM K iholiioery anil Illeyolei'Jtepalr SliOp, t.i li. ;j(iuuu,. M It sine i oi NAMtM, (if fw I'm ft Wtataf Wlf). -SV rrs w. ami, nuiimwwH T MA n i in! JPWL immt. mWUmiHn . 'jstf f tfwitif jV5ksTGr' . . ' ii ii i Aioniiiig inry yard. A HI S'sklyou County, Cal. About fifty miles north of Mt. Shasta, tweDty miles from the Ca'ifornia & Oregon R. K. Steam, sulphur and hot mud bates. Cure for rheumatism, iskin diseases and stomach mid all etomacn troubles isning, hunting, climate and scenery unsurpas?ed. Fine stone ho tel. Delightful place to spend the summer. For pa-ticulars address EDSON BROS., Beswick, Cal. Props. 5Tflm -dKE- BCRGGRAF, TOE ARCHITECT, IBKFOKE yOU BUILD. Offlee over the Daily HlAteman. E. il. 1VA1TE PliLNTING CO., BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS AN Legal Blank I'ttbltuher. Bnb' New HrlcKvr thbnc.(inm'l treil Huie Wing Sang Co., lUI'OKTKIUI J-p uee Kan yOoodi. all tlndsol Hlli Em bmidery, (uun-uU. Cblnawaie Kent Tea of all kind Ma'i'us and make flnUUlng. Uadlei' LoJeiuvar. ErerTthlceellln very cti-i. in Court u. balem. Or. CHUNG LEE & CO, KUOU NEVK 1. Ol Rnuved (nCottle hlocc, $9 Commercial t. Lkilir' L'nurrweur and Kurnlnl3,c Ciood n.liK-KHi.d umlo lu Oder. Jaluuvit and :hli,-o Ktnc U.-hU h' wtiotelx prle. Inrxi nl rJ la - liln t vijd all kluo,. ill HOUSE Painting, Decorating 1 1 Hard Wood Finislrn, Can jlrejeood reference lVni -i .nUh d. Adarnu, Um, achilrutli. H,.leL' ,tu. lence oq tialem Motor KllMy, Nrrtn alem H s iw: a jl PAeiFge r.,.?.L n u N Pullmanl Elegant Teuri: Sleeoin- Cars DlnfriP" Cari SleeolnCarn SI. PAUL MlkNEAfOLIS'l DULUTH FARGC winnipeg 8utt(A - :io I T HKO II ujr TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHIN TOfC IK!: Ploli Cut sad Swlii: TllOMAH, WATT X (JO., Of .. 0. ( lUHIlwN, AiM-i.Url.1. 'i Aeil;t, hli,nlU at , w r 'J'lilnl. PtMUlll, Ufa POMPLEXIOU II J'OWDKII, j aMBMsaasasaBHiMas I POZZONI'S U K (MuAMt ny tin, sm Mm uuiy imI jAU.iir. i ,t uM rjj. 4iM.a;,, iinn. IJ, MMi kaiauiaM, 4 m,, ftjfMiy utml I ii..iiU A 4lu U i,i ilinuUi .iuiat um (w lU f it, u,if tiitualtj, ttt. ,li ,jrsl leiitt e. V.ui..iL. . 1 .-"., .r triaf tbf ftsyttl, I rS 'W"ll " ''""'""'""l N II II II III iiiiiiibbb , I M' I ' kssaaaisaal.ii.., ,,, ,"i'l'w''' FS I " ' a si MMI li M a, r tMJsaJsiVsaskBKswvr mcAyionujjiMjiKr i r COI'rHlUMTtt.H ktmjtmh pj .a f x-ii utrr t. f4a1'lal: .-mW" " llllillskl I 1 iX 1 ,'T.JtBLffr?PWiirWfw- '" r i I iLirBL.VlSa ..WW Mattl 1 i.-i.. f itiimFM.mMmmmxjtt 'mntmrnrminm r If Ai.trrrr, Capital Nalioual lliiiit OK SALEM. -VIA 1&B Union Pacific System Through Fullmnn Palaee Hleepers. Tourltt Sleepers and Kree Itecllnliig Chair Can, dally Iromi PORTLAND .to '.CHICAUO Our trains are bented by ateam and tHn llffhted try Flnuch llhU "- Time to Cblcaio. K days.' Time to Ier Vork,l4 day Which Ultiany bonr-qnicier than all mm petltd'a. - " - a Kor rates, time table and. 'nil Information apply to " AytBU, Haltra. I". KlW.BlXTtK. C. K. IIK-'IWN, iienerul Ayenl. Dirt far. Akt. . 1XS TDirrt t Portland. 0. 1 & S. CO. K. McNEIl.U:RI'X!KIVKlt. To The East .OIVEHIf UK1CUOU K Oh TWO JIUMTINENTAL ROUTES i: via i GREAT, ONION NORTDERN RY. PACIFIC RI. -- Low Rates to all Eastern Cities. - Ocean .steamers leave fortlandYery Are day ronraU!detaUlcail'on or addreaa HOlrtK 4 HAJIKKH W.H. liUHLUUKT, Uen. faaa. Asent, I'ortland, Or G. Af. POWERS, Local Ticket Agent. foot ufTrit, East and South it via THE SHASTA ROUTE or inc j Southern .Pacific Comoanv.5 caufoi'jiuiaxi'aan iuaih-hvp Aii.r a TWkW'Wl.TI.AXI14Hll r. h.Ht. -5 - - T .' JT ?Ul(,UJ, i i,, M. iii tVUaud KtlMU Han Piau Ar. JJu. (u i.v. I &a a. ii, l.v I Titajti. ii .A toys Ukli; roru abadd irrin ia biMsaiiiu, uali. lun.y ST' I'urWai.a Af.TTSTl-. w 26 I- wAf iw-iCa U'lltti',, Dining Cur-tf on )(!nn Kouin piillmak mm wmm AM Socond Class Sluoolng Cart.- iHntki u ail iMtm?b Iralu. him DirW,B, IklMtts Mil tM 'Crillii: 16 Tls !,s!4,rWir!iJlK.", - if ""jpy ' fe'W1J a ui f.S IHHOKili IKWIiTH ;t Oregon Conlrnl " -at-1 .... rn H n. Co, vmmiuut mmt, fcMyaksltat IH ( J. IV L"7, tA It. A4yt W A cntira n-aeul lntoaria (iOrl hunamr hu'lnHw, i Through EAST! Umi al all ttaluiua iruiu liHU) AlUuir luelu.l.; slM kl rul I, KUsrii aud aU tuittius fruui kuA.u!J aiaud IumuiH. ' Iw ail iuujui. iL, u... . . . MLWMHBS tm tomMWwinwii JfWnf Jv " '?r4il'asirnl r.f 'mviAMMMI 4RP lrV