WPHPS SSSfSSP gHEEEBT 1K '"UiSEg This extra ordinary Re jnTonator is tho most wondorful diwovery of tho age. It Dm ben en forced by the tuen of h iropo and iuiprirft. Hcdjan is purely vego- Hudysn stops Prematureness or tiio ais- charca in 20 Constipation, Dizziness, Falling Sen-aattons.Nerr-ous twitching of tho cyts and other parts. Strengthens, invigorates and tones the ontlrosvstem. Hudjan cures ueblllty, Nervousness. Emissions, onddevclopcr una restores weak organB Pains in tbc days. Cares LOST back, loesci by day 01 nightstoppet MANHOOD ffi quickly. Ovor 2,000 private endorsements. Prcmaturencfs means impoteney in tho first sHite. It is a symptom of seminal weakness ii id barrenness It can bo stopped in 20 days kythomaoriludyan. , , Tho rew discovery was mada by tho Special 1st? of tho old famous Hudson Medical Institute. )'. is the stronpest vltallzcr made. It is very pmcrful, but baunlcES. Bold for 81.00 a pack rtoorG packages for S5.00 (plain scaled boxes), '.ir'tton guarantee given for a cure. If you buy tlxboxesand are cot cntiiely cured, nix more Ml bo sent to you frco of all charges. Awl for clrcultrsand testimonials. Address HUDSON MliDIOAIi INSTITUTE, tjwcilon Stockton, uiurHot&UllUSU, Hail 1ruiicUco, Cal. Mexican Mustang Liniment for tirnst 'Caked & Inflamed Udder. "lies, tlieurnntlc Pains, Swtees and Strains, 2ciniilnsr Sores, inflammations, Miff Joints, I Iftrnes & Saddle Sown. 'clatlea, I urn-bago, 'iltoUinis luccl Biles, 'I Cilllo Ailments, Ml Hww Ailment, til $lHtej Ailment, I'WQtmUtA Mtwv, Mouihrniio and Tissue Quickly ofbiiVory gwitof PwIiiiiimJ Ousts it In n Jiffy ttnb In Vigorously M4iH'if JJoJnwl wwimw JBi' inu r fimt w II NOHBY TO LOAN xj Hamilton & Molr, N4M HW lil UrnUM" N A Kick From Our Junius. Eurrait JouRNAi.:-Yoiir intelligent compositor, In eeitlui: up tuy conintun Icantlon published yeaterday, made one mistake that Is "too much." I wrete: "Is thereja schoolboy who cannot un derstand that If the final International balances were not aBalnat us we would have to ship no gold to pay them," and that as long as they are against use wo will have fo ship cold to pay thetn." By putting the "no" before tho second "gold" Instead of the flrst.the sense was eliminated. If you will kindly correct this one I will forgive you the minor mutilations which do not destroy the meaning. Vours in mild wrath, x." Salem, May 10, 1895. The Journal editor at Newport rufllod the foathetaof some of the flat terers of Uapt Bymonds, a U. 8. war department official who, iu the Inter oat of a towusite speculation ho is help lug to engineer at another harbor,wrote that It wus beyond the art of man to further improve the ship channel into Yaqulna Bay. If tho truth merely hinted at has such an eltect, what would result if the facts were published. There are times when the truth should be told even to the officials of the war department. Before, leaving Newport, Capt. Bymonds told a mau that he was sorry he had ever made an adverse report against Yaqulna Bay and admitted that extension of the jetties might still further deepen the harbor. During the past ten years the United States has sent abroad a million dollars a year for Irish potatoes, while the Pa cific coast states, whore the crop never fails and the yield 1b scarcely without limit, could have supplied any defi ciency at almost half tho price, which was G5 cents per bushel, The Hon. Cicero Idleman, attorney general for the railroad commission, is very much elated over their success before Judge Hewitt. The motto of all three seems to be "the people be d d; any way to get our salaries." One is about as big a luxury as the other. Good for the Tacoma wemen: The wpraon of Tacoma have said that they will not purohaae a foreign made prod, uct, if It Is possible to obtain a home made one of as good quality not even a husband with a pinchbeck crown, and they mean It. It appeara likely that the movement In favor of a Latln-Arasrlcan union, to Include all the republics of Central and outh America, will result In a general congress next July to organize for pro tectlon egalnet European aggression. Thursday's editorial, "TheConyeu tlon Dance," of couree buouio uaye been "The Uommlsslon Dance." They are onto their ob better than our proof reader. It In eald that when Rockfeller wnt8 to build a wow church or eudow co! lege ho Dimply siitirki up the price cf oil. Tho consumer root tuo win; Jtockfeller geU tho credit. Having entertained the big conven tion. Halem nhould now gel "I row- lug Fourth of July ceieurauon him do eoinetlilui; for herself, Next week, nUbe ftUlo JtenubllcMJ club convention it c bo wen whether (he Halem ,liog wir J'orlhuirt ring h U lioee, Tim modern Invention (ht b thrown 'l (killed labor out at em nloynient I Hie lyjUlng iiihoIjIiio or Jlnoiyjw, John I', JuUimn, TeMo, JiMllie JiwJ of i movement l mb dmv pitta geolo!l nurvey of MdooJm uouhly HmlJifMIMMli IWl'g IMVfMl mlmli i woe unwl irMmueo tijur' remkrtv mi uyull"tf lHy iw.peiUoM rtlu n lulu woven lil' it IbWiMwl, Mm by W'0w"UM ' MM immijf, Tl HUI AtutoM twlleunlJ"Ul'l fl muni wl nnl m tm' Ml iiu'lte. jm mn7imlwy Im WW" n Miii-Mjlroilir ;onilH inh A. V. A." Tl lx wcwwm iWm wIm' VALLEY LOOAL NEWS. Bethel. A number of young people front this place attended tho Y. P. B. O. K. state convention, which was held in the Capital city. Our two old Imclnjlorfl.who are In the poultry business, had a very pleasant surprise when two of the fair sex called on them to spend the evening. An entertainment was given at Frultland last Thursday evening by the I. O. G. T, lodge. Program was as follews: Prayer by Bro. G. Nichols; muBlo by Miss Eva Nichols; recitation by Jose Bewclen: solo by Mrs. Hutch- ins; recitation by Mary Bowerman; duet by the Misses Bowerman; recita tion by Ethel Goes; muslo by Mrs. Hutching; address by R. Ei Bowerman; addreBa by E. C. Minton. D. M. Evans, Jr., was In Salem last week nttondlng the teachers' county examination. The Misses Du Boise, of Rickey, were the guests of Hon. Geo. Allen and wife, Bunday. Will Lehman was out homo Bunday. It B. Kaylor, of Frultland, was vis iting his best girl at this place Bunday, John Wallace and family were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Trice, Bunday. George and Lizzie Aschenbrenner were out home, Sunday, returning to Balem In the evening, where they haye been attending school. Hon. (J. W. Fulton is Invited to orate at Medford, July 4. Now let Salem push for that co-oper atlyo creamery. Every bicycle roads club. club should be a good According to Cleveland there is no Monroe doctrine. Have your fruit and save your bacon. Tho yalley editors should organize. Hypnotized the income tax law. Balem should celebrate. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. In tho Interest of Good Roads. F. J. Beatty, one of tho two 6,000 mile cyclists Bent out by Hofer Bros., publishers of the Balem Journal, to make a tour of the state and report on tbeconditlon of tho roads, arrived In Oregon City on Saturday. Mr. Beatty has traversed about 600 miles already, aud has been on tho road since April 20. He expects to be on hiB wheel at least 100 daye. After reaching Port, land he will go east to the mountains uud follow them south till bo reaches Balem, when he will go south. Tho object of tho Journal In sending out these wheelmen 1b to promote, tho cause of good roads, and the enterprise cer tainly Is commendable and deserving ofencouragemont. . A High Liver Usually has a bad liver. He Is bili ous, constlapted, bus Indigestion and dyspepsia. If theie Is no orgaulo trouble a few doses of Parks' Bure Cure will tone him up. Parks' Buro Cure b the ouly liver uud kidney cure wo hoI on a poaltlye guarantee. Price (1.00. Bold by Lunn & Brooka. 10-4 OltKflON Btkawiibkjubb. M. Frank Smith, living two miles north of Balem, brought to the city last even ing, eight boxes of tho choicest ripe strawberries yet placed on the market. Southern Oregon berries will not be In the market before the iiOtli. Burely Marlon county takes tho lead Iu every, thing. u-vu.-j-iiuiJi...i iuuiimi jmniiiwmj'i miH W In Our droit Orandtather'a Time, big bulky pills were In general ue, I.Ike the Miluiidcrbiibs" of (but decude tliey wcrebluAllik'hltll' ay, but liiefTco five Iu till" cent ury or iiiigiii fiiiiieiit.wolmve in J'lerccs I'Jeawut I'd' t.-ta, which ruicttll liver, stomuili tttnl Itovvcl iliruiige ineiits in I lie most effective wy AmUI Kstiiir a llllle now hihI llieil, wlili KroUe, uliiiiiiiiilig Ismilive, thereby reiiiov ng of fisinllug iiisiier I10111II10 MonmUi ul IwweUT filing up ei'l liivlgoiulliiK " Uvlt Mini nuleken ng lis Uuy notion. sin) you llifiivhy leuwvu.lhe W myllllinle of lMi. ng illt, well ss iwwliwhw, uuvhmuih, or oyfiii '(' 'sr.""".' :. :: 't: : 1.K...1. 1 -',..'.. f,...- MIIVUSOI'M. IKIIIIIMS. 1 ,. l It'll'HWi iU. nxiklluulloo, pllWi frliilM ul IOUIMM, 1 h llialUiJIM t JIHIIItM'ttS VI O'VOlloii, ir.uuiniu ui.ulil 1 wv uuhb iuiiliou lo iioiirly inmUUbH iUo .rt loii .of llilr KfiiLBktl ms? aJsLLLLsVAv v ( lwv(el, IMy would lieve lew Ii uuWii tmUn lo mII (ur llilf iloclor' tinvisM to KiUut ntliwk t iUmm 5fif ell kiMtii mi ttiuMi Mi lU jmrwiwr l miu J'UmiiI l'fkMei e uilmtvuM, U yniifti ( U'f hU lll i Wi llw fi fl '" J5 fu Jr iMMuUiy ew i ,K lUUttet- ! wliw' '', WCw ILm iswHltU, i Hie wmi fcllll wf Willi wINt iim bMUJ WnUPllvM dlfl Sll'l IIMIH ' h IM M'j3 f ' " I'tiUU," (4 1 7 & ft, M ni-M iy.il' MllL UH IMfcljH u(MM9$m 44l til iM (Utnl MmL vonut DjiMMMV Mkw CAI,AWMW,lllllliW.V. sisssSgraSVVVV for Infants and Children. T HIRTY yeara' observation of millions of persons, porroit m It is nnqnestlonaMy the tost the world has ever known. It is harmless. Children llho it. It gives them health. It will savo their lives. In it Mothers have eomethlag which is ahsolntcly safo and praotioally perfoot as a child's Bsedioine. Castoria destroys Worms. Castoria allays Fevorlshness. Castoria prevents vomittng Soar Card. Castoria onres Dinrrhcaa and "Wind Colic Castoria relievos Teething Tronhles. Castoria onres Constipation and Flatnlenoy. Castoria nentraUtes tho effects of oarhonio aoid gas or poisonous air. Castoria does not contain morphino, opinm, or other narootio proporty. Castoria assimilates tho food, regnlates tho stomach and towels, giving hsalthy and natnral sloop. Castoria is pnt np in one-slio hottlcs only. It is not sold in talk. Pon't allow any one to sell yon anything elso on the plea or promise that it Is "jnst as good" and "will answer every purpose." Bee that yon got C-A-S-T-Q-R-I"A. The fao-similo algnatnro of Children Cry for m W (g -AND- The short route to points In raBHinp;iou Idaho, Montana, Dakotaa, Min nesota and the east. Through tickets on Bale to and from Chicago, Bt. Louis. Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, and all points in tho United States, Canada and Europe. The Great Northern Railway Is a new transcon tinental line. RunsBuflet Library Observation cars, Palaco Bleeping and Dlulnu' Cars, Family Tourist Sleepers and first and eecond class couGuee. Haying a rock ballast track tho Great Northern Railway Ib freo from dust one of tho chief annoyances of transcontinental travel. Round trip tickets with ston-ovor privileges and choice of return route?. ?or further Information call upon or write O. C. DONOVAN, General Agent, 122 Third Bt.,:PortIand, Or. Or P. I. WHITNEY. E ;jsM5--hLv ito tub. I VXAI'TIIE Union Pacific System Throuiili fullmsn I'Alace Hleepers. Tourist Hlwipers iJd Vfbt iteoltntug Ulinlr C'ursi dully roin PORTLAND toOHICAOO -"Ourlralnnuie liwld iltMn andj'curc ftaUUA tiy 1'liiUclt ilslit. ji,isUdjil(!iwo,Wid!tys.' Tjuis 10 tinw Vrk, H dsys.' WOIPII U I'lSliy uuuiaijuivspr hi. uviu-I)?"'-. ........-. ..11 if.....ii,. )y U) ItOIhK A IMKKKIt, Agnnts, Hslem, Or, t,W. IUXTMH, , iti,..!M'!VW', 0. It k t DO. To TH JSAsr TWO TOANSCOKTINMAIi 11011155 CltliAF"" UNION NORTIIIillN RY. I'AOIFUllty, Ijw liilpji (0 til lnm llll ' ii' IHu,iUoi4,l''"lu0yjni'v'ly 0, hi J'OWIWW, Jvouuj Tfokiit A ((nut, EAST Castoria withthe patroaaga of to speak cf it without Rtictng. romody for Infant and Children Is on every apper. Pitcher's Castoria. BIST tt 0. R. &. N. Co's LINES. - G. P.&T. A., Bt. Paul, Minn. East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE ottno l Southern Pacific Comoanv. oAi.iror.NiA Kxrusas tiuik bum daily b TWKKK 1-omXAHD AND B. Y. HoutbJ T(:l5"p. ii. i.v. V.ou 11, in, tv. 10-M a.m. Ar. . -j tf "Portland Ar. I Us. Httlem l.v. I 6:aun. ra Han Krun. Lv. 7iwp.tn t Lna Ivalnu sl.in fl All istaltina fAm l'orllund to Albany luoluslve; also ut Tangent Hliodd, liausy, Ifarrlsburu, Junction Olty, irviIIK. AUKcllu oiiunii ibui.uuw ..u... ..uivmhii to Aslilatid Incliulve, JwwaUUitUMAll. 1IA1LY, ' ' Ty, TwtKud Ar. I 4:W p, KSII U 111 f7Vl:m n. in IIH7 a, in uy, 'tUi p, in. I Ar, ttalam i.v. I 1:40 p, in, lloMburs; j.v, 1 7,-w a, in Dining C'hi-h on Odcn Route I'ULLMAN BDFFSI SLKKIW Socond Class Slooolng Cars " " AtthJ U ftll tbrougU trams. rVtsiSIde Division, Ilelweeo rortlk.ua tod 'ComlUg; viihY-Kxvrr suwiurl. : n.v lr- l'i!l6u.in.iAr. IJyrvallls I.v. 1Mb, hi ;)6u, in,) Ar iljjii'valll I OnrvaTlls kiilrtu JLulln. At All'sny enl .""rvHllU nouunot Willi trains Of Olfy ion ,-a.une iuiiii. 4.0 jmii . ' "TQla'fiii "Ar. WiTiS ifeiij:iAf, J4flMlHnyl Cv. tga.u TIUtOlHJH 'I'WUm'H To U iKriHW I" U Km '!' VuA aud ii urn . oiUliiw) at Utvtml ,Im" Oregon Pacilcllailwl OIIAM. UltAIM, JUIVW. mmtVuilUlMiUlt Willi' BTJfiAMJfill "HOMJfill," -"lfJWJ!KH", YAOUINA Mil) MAW WIAW0BU0 lau fiauuUUHAVX, 1Mb Slid n,' .:: r. APf, JWI MM WI Wf t4 nuti ltii' (IhIm Z&M&5 ffil fitttrmiriin Rf?M' Klftfl WII'IVWI W!i W I I W" 1 " I I mk I 11 I nt orLtwuiu rntmiumari S JL X. Ji W Ii ire toectfu .TO. EXAMINE THIS FIE SAMPLE M Of the Cheapest Associated Press Daily on the Pacific Coa&U Thirty Days News of the World, Including Oregon, for 25o (silver); 60 days for 50o; 120 days for'$i; $3 for one year. No papers sent but what are ordered and paid for. A (Program of Earnest Reforms on Great Public1 The Journal is a Republican paper, but it independently J 1 s ii s 1 i f 1 1 Tl X T L 1 . . 1 aavocateB cne interests 01 tne peopie at au wuiea. xx piauow the public welfare above party intorebts, and believes thereby it serves its party and the people best. A LEADER IN THE FIGHT. For two years The Journal has led in the .fight for a new- deal. The Journal has been a leader in tho fight againstring, Dolitics and the corruDt methods ot the old maohine. It is a recognized champion of the people's interests on the Paoifio northwest. It fights its battles consistently withinf,practicaV , limits, and wastes no time or space on impracticable theories. It is not pessimistic, but firmly believes in the capacity of th people for self-government when acting intelligently andfully aroused to tno necessity 01 so FASHION JOURNAL FREE. For two names, for .the. Daily nnmoa fnr fVin A7"wMlfT.V Allwn of Fashions." tho best Now York ladies fashion journal pub J nsnepj raoAtniy, xgrpago, jiiubviuluu. wuijnu wyjr . Price per year, 50 cents. A RICH GIFT BOOK For lour subscribers to Daily, one month each, or four sub BPnhnrH fn "Wv.vc.viy. thrnn months iGach. a frOO COOV of ''Olllld'sl Jhrist-Talos," by Andrea Jlpfer, Oliicago, a boautiful clawno on plato ppor, with 28 illustrations irom tno mastora. xve nitoitl. s A MALAYAN ROMANCE, T For two flubscribers to Daily, one -month each, or two to Wvvirr.v n mna nanh n. Crnn n.nnv rtf. DntlBul Wilflm&n's rO"J nwnco of Malaya, richly bound FOR NEW NAMES. 17,.1. .... 1, .. ..!!.. . tr. nniir ryf miti not lows than JJfio additional, with thp nunio of a now sub Hcrlbor, will rooeivebv.jniul iroo JiIh cIipIoq ()f one of forty v Hlandiird workH of EnfliHh Utoroturo, Bend for cataloguu, Ettoh worth 26o, HOME AND For a club of tbroa ubuoribQri U) tho Daimt, ibr two inoi, ouch ($1,00) or tliiuu Ui tho WKKK&y (l,00) or of oltlior with $IM, wo will wild Iroo a copy of tlo JCimiorKurton M zino, of 0IIH(' tlio journal of tho Now JCducalion. raiibj nliHjony frooi Vrko $lr0, Vor a HuliHorlborM to J)Ay, 2 ;no or Wwiay. 0 inoi,, nt fiOu oaoli ($1), wo will flomi JtboboHt JlluHtmUd olilhJruu'n fiiuuilily iiiiuwuiliio in tlio world, "Tho OJill'i'Ourdyn," qm yiiitrlruo, if rum l, Othorproiniuni will ho uiinoiiml fiointiiio to llmo, PUT IN 80MrJ5 fl'i'JUW. yulriwittUnp rwwrtnjw Unit J tllaUnotl m'Ulwww OjiToi iliruiit or ihiumh your J'wtiiiwi; J'w iMiBr JouHAl'JMA00url 8?iMiil i month oriwn Wmfctf J?u!d fori JOTKUJiJlO'illKHfti'yWWiwii. ' IB ill HJv III ssB m. " ATlTTD-pn M J - I - - 1 V S ' Questions. aomg. M I for two months ($1) or twoj Will ROIld frOO OnO ''The OuOQn M and illufltratod. Remit OOo i XVuinrrv wlin viiiAivu u)w1 rn f EDUCATION ( n 4 i I it" ( ijutisim iimic wsa'jH'i'i'i1 hmHh 4 -. e$4 sm l (!' ?j aLA