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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (May 13, 1895)
" " JWP" CAPITAL r A JOURNAL M.U WIgBsl VJL. . DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OREGONJVJfONDAY,XAY i, l&5. DAILY JKDITIOJNT. NO. t THERE IS In the down grade of prices below which cheapness ceases to be economy. We try never to go below this limit. If you will try a pair of the Brown Shoe Co.'s SHOES- You will find they are made of solid leather, and made for service. We have them in all grades and styles. We buy and sell on the cash plan. K.T.BARNES 333 COMMERCIAL ST. The Willamette Hotel. LEADING HOTEL Reduced rates.SSManagement liberal. Electric cars leave hotel for all pub lic buildings and polntB of West. Special rateB will be given to permanent 1-1 , A. I. WAGNER. ' ' AkfH mfc- j) Are the MTfl nrknun 'K i?i ir l LVJ LIMB,, CEMENT, SAND, And All ' Building Material. 95 STATE ST. FOUR POINTS IN WHICH UiCiops and Victorias E&el i m,A r the strongest. 3. They are Upmost durable. k ffiStSiSSKwnnliig. 4 They are the prettiest. These four point make the best wheel on eartn. WOODRUFF, Agent. Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery AND AGRIOW-TURAlIMPlvKMBn-lo, We KtQTt 110 IM Muvur vw r r iMHBBaaniHHIIMMi "ffifl VlKlwNQMY "KNOB, 1 $tatj3 n A POINT OF THE CITY. ICYGIES. Highest of all High Grades. Warranted superior to any Bicycle built '.in the world, re gardless of price. Built and guaranteed by tbe Indiana Bicycle Co., a mil lion dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold. DO NOT BUY A WHEEL UNTIL YOU HAVE SEEN THE WAVERLEY. 8CHORCHER, 21 lbs 586 o JOSEPH H. ALBERT, Exclusive Agent. BMBNT CO. m 1 JJIIAJLUI JL VUI) .1 i n.nnl t UnM. pHe J0.tnuwl,rt St., Salem. m IIS, Jl I. 0. 0. F. Encampment, Grand Lodge and Rebokahs. IN FORTIETH - ANNUAL SESSION. Comploto Arrangements for Their Entertainment in Salem: The present week will be an impor tant one to Oregon Odd Fellowship, and to Salem. That old and highly honored and honorable civic order is to hold the fortieth annual session of its grand lodge in tbe capital city, and hundreds ;of delegates will be in attendance, many being already here. The committees of local lodges are sparing no painB to make the event pleasant as well as profitable to the several hundred visitors. COMMITTEES. The local committees in charge of all matters pertaining to tbe sessions of tbe grand lodge are given below, and Salem, as well as the visitors, can be assured that all will bo well attended to. General committee of arrangements A. O. Condit, chairman; W. G. Wes tacott, secretary; Webster Holmes, J, H. McNary, J. G. Wright, Issac Mil ler, T. O. Baker, Geo, H. Burnett. Program and entertainment Dr. W. T. Williamson, Geo. H. Burnett, J. H. McNary. Reception A. Dtliey, Dr. P. T. Griffith, Webster Holmes.T. O. Barker, W. J. Culver. EXCURSION. An excursion by steamer has been arranged from Corvallis for Thursday, taking in Albany, Buena VlBta, Inde pendence and Monmouth. After tak ing in the parade festivities the boat will return in the evening. OHAND LODGE FLAG.. The colors of tho state organization were this morning raised over Odd Fellows hall, bearing tho words "I. O. O. F. of Oregon." New parade badges for Olive lodge have just arrived, and will be used Thursday afternoon. DELEGATES ARRIVING. Seven carloadsof the delegates and their families arrived on the overland trains. Of this class it is estimated that there will be 600 in the city before the week is over and it is safe to say lhat with all tbe guests there will probably be from 1200 to 2000 vlsitore, LIST OF DELEGATES. Representatives to the Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. No. I, Chemeketa lodge, Salem Wm. D. Claggett, Jay C. Smith, T. O. Barker. No. 2, Samaritan, Portland E. St. John (vice J. A. Honeymoon). No. 3, Oregon, Oregon City Thos. F. Ryan, John W. Moflatt, O. P. Mil ler. No, 4, Albany J. 8. Cherry, C. W. Bears, J. O. Whitman, No. 5, Columbia, Tho Dalles E. W. Trultt, C. L. Phillips. No. 0, Friendship, Dallas A. V. R. Snyder, U. S. GraBt, F. J. Coad. No. 7, Barnum( Corvallis Moses Craig, W. H. Currln, A. W. Bowersox. No. 8. Phlletarian, Roseburg W. T. Wright, Harry Parry, Joseph Micelll. No. 0. Spencer Butte, Eugene J. W. Cherry, L. O. Beckwith.W.M. Greene, No. 10, Jacksonville H. Kubll, John Arnold. No, 12, Coyenaut, Harrlsburg A. J. Anderson, Wm, McDonald. No, 14, Douglas, Canyonvllle D. Hamlin, Karl Klmmel, No. 16, Hassalo, Portland Henry Brown, Dr, O, O, Blaney, A, U Clark, P. W, Stewart. No, 16, La Grande-W. Krlcaon, A, LeRoy, No, 17. Orient, 15. I'orlland-W, V. Tonillnson, J. I', Crozler, John H, Hall. - No, 8, Olive, flalero-A, O, Gondii, J, H. McNary, W, J Culver, Claud Gatoh, No. 10. Minerva, Portland B, Oaken, If, tt, Plckel, 11, Clauwwnlus, No, 20, Vamlilll, Dsylon-Jl, L, IJarrla, No, 2, silver, BHwton-JI, H, RmHh, i, H Jtlcbes, No, Jtf, Jfnbah, Canyon Ulty-0, P, Qreaj, P. l' llory. No, saa, uyerjewi, isciq-,. Koonijb J'. W, Hwllty, No, 24, JJuen VWa-WH, WHU, , mmamtmmnmmmmmmimm m m m S" l)r, VrW Cim HMg Paw r No. 25, Baker City O. L. Palmer, E. E. Angell, C. "W. James, F. M. Alfred. No. 27, Bantiam, Jeflerson E. E Reeves, G. W. Humphrey. No. 29, Lafayette T. P. Coughlln, W. W. Walker. No. 30, Occidental, McMinnvllle W. M. Ramsey, J. O. Roger. No, 32, Eureka, Pendleton J. P. MederuackJEt. Alexander. No. 83, Mountain Vlew.Pralrlo City W. B. Flflke, Geo. R. Shearer. No. 36, Fidelity, Turner I. L. Rob ertsou, I. H. Small. No. 87, Umpqua, Oakland J. H. Batty, Z. It. Dlmmlck. No. 39, Union C, 8. Miller, A. E. Eaton. No. 40, Wapato, Gaston H. C. Raymond, W B. Gilpin. No. 41, Oasis, Junction City C. J. Ebrman, F. M. "Parker. No. 42. Valley, Independence R. E. Ferguson, J. E. Hubbard. No. 43. Calapooya, Brownsville A. A. Lusalng, l D. Arthur, G. V. Stan- dish. No. 44, king's Valley-W. C. Flnhnr. P. J.rasv. No. 45, Akland A. D. Helman, HB. EvaM No. .40, dcboQO, PrlneVllle J. H, Grey, Arthur-Bodges. No. 47, Leiwnon 8. A. Nlokerson. G. W' CrusonJ No. 48, Wafcington, -Forest Groye Joe Batly, 3Jp. Greer. No. 40, gamers, Bummervllle W. L. Fogote, BrD!. Hubers. No. 60, Mouitautoa, Hlllsboro R. B. Goodin, C- E. Diechman, W. H. Wehrung. No. 61. Sunset, Marshfleld E. A. Anderson, W. J. Butler, Henry Ling- taken. No. 63, Coqullle G F. Boutell, L. Harlocker. No. 64, Dlerdroff, Sclo L. W. Pom- eroy, E. O. Hyde. No. 66, Korbyvllle Daniel Hunt, C. W. Whlpp. No. 60, Fraternity, North Yamhill A. Brlsblne, W. Xaughlln. No. 57, Mirror. Looklnglass Wrr. Voorhlee, R. A, Fellows. No. 69, Batteville Chas. Lembke, E. A. M. Cone, Na 60, Plum valley, McCoy T. J. Graves, W, M. Hunter. No. 1, Mlltop H. L. Frazler, C. 2. Cross. wjAi , l No. 62, West Point,. Coburg Wm. Naylor, A. W. Williams. No. 63, Lakeview J. Frankl. No. 64, Stoyton E. C. Baker, H. B. Condit, No. 60, Willow, Heppner D. A. Herren, Jos. O. Hayes. No. 67, Amity J. A. Llkess, C. J. Olfien. No. 68, Cottage Uroye-E. P. Loy, S. P. Ganoutte. No. 70, Springfield W. F. Humnl- outt, E. J. Beely. No. 71, Rldgely, Dufur D. E. Thomas- No. 72, Progress, Portland John Peterson, H. A. Beldlng, C. W. Lom- ler, John Morrow. No. 73, Wild Horse, Athena Lewis Shaw, W. J. Wilkinson. No. 74, Adams J. O. Hules, J. M, Kolsey, No. 75, Charity Tigardvllle C. E, TIgard, B. Worman. No, 76, Hubbard H. A. HInkle, G. H. Beebe. No. 77, Harney, Burn W. Y. King, I. S. Geer. No. 78, Golden Rule, Grants Pass Harry Bmltb, J. It. PIgney, L. L. Jen ning, No. 70, Irving E. A. Bend, John W incurs In No. 80, Hellx-P. H. Bones, W. O. Linn. No. 81, MayvlUo-G. B, Dukek,A. McConnell, No. 83. Medford W. L Vawter, J, R, Wilson, W. F. Shaver, No. 84, Silver Lake, Joseph ueo, McLaughlin, J. J, BUsUy, No, 80, Burnt BJyw, Huntington Joe HartU, J. S. Lock. No, 87, Sheridan J. W. Foster, J, B, WlUon. No. 88, North Powder-J, C. Travil Ion, n, Itotbchlld, No, 89, Newport-Qeo, F, Bllvler, Ko, 03, Iutegrlty, PeBdUton I, T, Barr, E, J. Murphy. No, 03, 0wegoW, J, IMilnagM), 3, n, Blatey, No, 94, THIawook-rJ, W, May, H. V, Anderwn, No. M, Crawfordv-J, O, Cox, J, W,QI. No, M, Wlllaroelte, PJJWWrg-W, u, OdlklDi, Uea, IfalUtou, No, 07, MonmoulU-W, A, Wauw, A, O, JJaley, No, 08, Home, E, Portland Ww, BlyeHon, Jw, NewfHj, No, W, induiUlal, W- I'MUmi-J, U.Jmmn, VV-A, W, No, JOJ, Fall, IMwiAk lalki-M, A, JlwUri No, 103, WooduMfflJ?. h, Rmlng' ton. k, . wn No. 103, Mountain, Drain C. Fi Counts, J. T. Bridges. No. 104, Cascade, Cascade Looks J. W. Attwell, Wm. Day. No. 105, Pacitto, Bay City J. H. Brldgeford. No. 106, Harmony, E. Portland John Gibson, E. S. Craig, B. F. Bayn. No. 107, Idlewllde, Hood River M. F. Loy, L. E. Morse. No. 109, Fealty, E. Portland W.W. Terry, G. W. Miner. No. 110, Fossil Chas. Coates, E. M. Clymer. No. Ill, Heceta, Florence Alfred Mason. No. 112, Brlstow, Haines 8. B. Baker. No. 113, Moro-O. E. Leet, W. H. More. No. 114, Nestucca, Woods Amos Compton, R. T. Weatherby. No. 115, Vesper Long Creek E. M. Crockett, M. N. Bonham. No. 110, Bay, Yaqulna J. N. Stark, E. J. Burrows. No., 117, St. Helens, W. I. Sweet land A. H, Btakesley. No. 118, Portland, N. J. White, B. E. Miller, J. P. Flnley. No. 119, Green Mountain, Gates E. C. Neal. No. 120, Baokensto, Philomath R. O. Loggan, G. M. MoDonald. No.-121, Geryals Dr. J. 0. Stott, y. Goodman. No. 122, Lorane L. E. Ward, S. G. Lockwood. No. 123, Eagle, Newbrldgf Thos. Bashaw, C. T. Wise. No. 120, Bulte, Scott's Mills F. J. Ridings. No. 127, Aurora P. D. Graves,John H. Daly. No. 128, F. S. Rossiter, W. M. Kill, lngswortb. No. 130, Summltt, Condon W. A. Darling. WEEK'S rROGKXir, team work toes- DAY, MAY 14. Balem Rebekah Lodge, No. 1, at I. 0. O. F. hall, at 8 p, m, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15. Opening session of the Grand Lodge of Oregon at I. O. O. F. hall at 9 a. m. Team work by Chemeketa Lodge No. 1, and Olive Lodge No. 18, at I. O. O. F. hall at 8 p. ru. THURSDAY. WAY 16. Grand parade and visit to the pClio institutions. Formation at I. 0. 6. F. hall at 1:80 p. m. Cantata byhe Re form School Cadets, at the asylum chapel at 8 p, m. Entertainment by P. G. M. and R. and P. association at tbe M. E. church, at 8 p. ru. FRIDAY, MAY 17. Closing exercises of the Grand Lodge. Today is devoted to tho Rebekah degree, and the ladies in charge have been busily engaged at Masonlo hall. Tuesday and Wednesday will be de. yoted to business sessions and team work of tbe grand encampment, Grand Lodge and Rebekah degree. Thurs day will be the great fete day of the week, tbe cbtet event being the grand parade, in the following erder: MILITARY DIVISION O. N. Q. Grand Marshal and Aids. Second Regiment Band. BaUUion of O. N. G., Commanded by Major D. C, Sherman, and composed of Co's. B, H and I. FIRST DIVISION. Woodburn Brass Band, Woodburn Lodge, No. 102, Woodburn. Geryals Lodge, 121, Gervals, Aurora Lodge, No. 127, Aurora. Hubbard Lodge, No. 76, Hubbard. SECOND DIVISION. Turner Braw Band, Fidelity Lodge No. 80, Turner. Dlerdorf Lodge No. 64, Bclo. Btayton Lodge No. 64, Btayton. Bantiam Lodge No. 27, Jefferson, Olive Lodge No, 18, Balem. tjiihp pi VISION. Bllwton Trombone Baud, Silver lodge, No, 27, Bllyertou. Butte Lodge No. 120, Hoot la Mills. Plum Valley Lodge, No. CO, McCoy, FraUrnlty Lodg,No. 68 North Yamhill Occidental Lodgf,No. 80, McMinnvllle, Valley Lodge No, 4,8, Independence. FOUHTK DIV8ION, DuIIm Braa Baud, Friendship Lodge, No, 0, Dallas, Yamhill Lodge, No, 20, Dayton, Lafayette Iodg, No, 20, Lafayette, Monmouth Lodge, No, 07, Monmouth, Albany Lodge, No, 4, Albany, Ohemekftla Lodge, No, 1, Balem, VIYTH WVWQN, Jf, A, O, Band, Convention of Itebekali Lodges, Grand Ksowp)i)t of Oregon, Grand Lqrige of Oregon, The military iljvMou will farm on Wgh street between Court strwt and ttUUira, wild Ilia right rMIng m Tk flrt dlvMou will form on Lib erty ttreet ltyeer! Bute lrit and Court kiwi will rlglil rllg nit HUtu Mr!, Tbe aeoftnil dJvM'W Will form mi IMy efreet Mwvtu HlaU end Vttry streets with thelrlght resting on State street. The third division will form on the south side of State street between Lib erty and Commmerclal streets with tho right resting on Liberty. The fourth division will form on the north side of State street between Liberty and Commercial streets with tho right resting on Commercial street. The fifth division will form on the north side of State street between Liberty and High streets with the right resting on Liberty street The line of march will be as follews: East on State to Church; north on Church to Court; west on Court to Liberty; south on Liberty to State; west on State to Commercial; north on Commercial to Center; countermarch on Commercial south to Trade. Tho divisions will form at 1:15 and procession will move at 1:30 sharp. A. O. Condit is to act as grand mar shal and his aides will be W.J. Culyer, H. S. Jordan, D, W. Gibson, J. S. Cook, and W. L. Wells. THE OEEGON CONFERENCE Of the Evangelical Association In Session. SATURDAY AFTERNOON, Bishop Horn opened the session by reading. Rev, J. Ebrio offered a fer vent prayer in tho German language. Rev. W. L. Launer was exoused. Tho following gentlemen were elected conforenco trustees; Revs. H. Sohuk neoht, T. T. Vincent, and G. A. Mans hart. MONDAY MORNING. Bishop Horn opened the session by reading Epheslaus 3, and prayer was offered by Itov. G. McElroy. The minutes of the Saturday's session were read and approved. The conference decided to have a photo of its members taken today. SUNDAY. After tho Sunday school at 10:30 Bishop Horn preached an interesting, instructive and scriptural sermon. The three leading points of the discourse were: 1, The genuineness of Paul's character. 2, His unsefllsh-devotlon to God and his cause. 3, Tho apostle's work. At 8 p. ru. the bishop gao a short address to young clergymen. Among the truths which he uttered, the bishop" said that tho apostles enjoyed a three years' course In a theological Insti tute, JeeuB was their professor. The sick was healed and devils were cast out In answer to their prayers. Immediately following these appro priate words the following men were ordained deacens: Revs. H. E. Horn schuh, A. A. Englebart, O. B. Btrey feller and Ezra Maurar. Rev. W. N. O'Kelley was ordained elder. Deep solemnity rested upon the entire ser vice.; At 4 p. m. Rev. H. Buirknecht con ducted the missionary anniversary. Upwards of 640 was secured in cash and subscriptions for the missions. Bishop Horn delivered a very Inspir ing discourse at 7-30 p. m., wbloh was followed by the communion of the Lord's supper. Thus closed a precious annual con ference. Probate Court. W. E. McAfee, administrator of the estate of Dr. J. W. McAfee, today filed bis first report with the county court. In tho matter of the estate of Sam uel Burkholder, deceased, Eli Burk holder, an belr, represent to tbe county court that Bamuel Burkholder died at Aurora on Marck 27, 1606, leaving property real and personal within the state, of the probable value of S23Q0. The petitioner aIo claims deceased left no will, Belleying that tho estate of the deceased requires au administrator. The , petitioner prays for the appointments J. G, Miller as said administrator, Tho heirs of the estate are: !! both Burkholder, aged 08 years, Aurora, Or, John Burkholder, aged 82 years, of Shepherd, III,, Anua Knight, K)dc8 years, ran by, Or,: Ell Burk holder, aged 60 years, Aurora, Or,; Catharine Burkholder, aged 46 years, Aurora, Qr, Adam Burkholder, aged 46 years, of Bethel, Shelby county, Mo, Shot by His Mwkeas, Br, Louw, May 18. BUte Heuator J'ttUr It, MorrlMy was shot and In stantly killed this morning by Maud Lewi', I'le inUw, JJIjibest of nil In leavening Power. AmtMTKX t , A Frait Trees, Berries aid Gra Badly Injared. HEAVY FROSTS IN THE EAST. Severe Results Reported ia Many 1 Sections. Minneapolis, May 13. Last night m frost was severe In Minnesota and w. South Dakota. Snow fell at Ely, m -rowner, iron itange ana oiuec points. i Garden truck and fruits suuerred badly and grain in a lesser degree, Wheat is reported damaeed sllftbtly. and oata badly In Bomo guarters. Cranberries Hi and other small fruits in Western Wis- consln were frozen solid. Peach Country Invaded. Pittsburg, May 13. Eastern Ohio, Western Pennsylvania and Western ' Virginia were visited last night by a heavy white frost. Mercury dropped to 32 degrees, and in exposed places loe formed a quarter of an inoh thick. Garden truck and grapes were badly nipped. Snow in Wisconsin. OaiiKOSir, Wis., May 13. An inch of snow fell here today and tbe ther mometer la at freezing. Great damage has been done to early fruit and gar dens. A Lake Storm. Milwaukee, May 18, A fleree northern Is sweeping Lake Michigan today. A dispatch from Sheboygan says the life saving crew has gone to rescue the scow Quickstep, which Is re- ported all through Northern Wteoon eln. A Howling Blbsard. Menomkk, Mich, May 13 A howl ling blizzard passed over tbe city last night and enow la four to flyo inches ' deep today. All gardens and many fruit and shade trees are ruined. Severe BUmrd. Green Bay, Wis., May 13. A severe blizzard prevailed here from ' midnight to 0 a. m. today. Three ldohes of snow fell, accompanied by wind blowing 40 miles an hour. Great damage resulted to fruit, market, gar dens and growing grain. INCOME TAX SUSTAINED. A Majority of the Judges Say It Is Constitutional. Nkw York, May 13. A special to a morning paper says: At a consultation of the justices, Saturday, Justice Jaek son voted with Justices Brown, White, Harlan and Bblras to sustain tbe eoa stltutlonallty of tbe Income tax law, and the vote, when announeed sext Monday, will stand 6 to 4 In favor ef the law. Jay Guy Lewis Dead. Bakbr City, May 18. Dr. Jay Guy Lewis, a well known mining man, died at bis home In Sparta, last Ight, after a brief illness with erysipelas. Dr. Lewie was superintendent of Ore gon's exhibit at the 'World's fair. Greyer Awelats. Washington, May 18,The presi dent has appointed Joha M. Harlow, f St. Louie, a Republican, and Col. Wm, Q, IUoe, of New York, a Demoerat, civil service commissioners The Xaayerer Deteated. Behmn, May 18,The goverawenfc met with another defeat today, TJm retobatag reJeeUd tbe whole proposed 1 tobacco tax Mil. TsCT MARKETS. VOKTIAMV, May 18,-Wbeat VaUey SOo; Walla Walla 4". Hah VKAMCHK,May 13Whtt,H, Ohwauo, May 8.-Wbt, eaah, 621 S July 3!, Nkw. Yohk, .May 18,-WIver 7 Lead,t2.0& unuarcnuryivr ?i BHiAUavfd fftAtfa f I liVllWI IV WPVhVMVII m Latcrt V,8, Ooy't Keport BakiiifX Powder 11 WM'ffW mW FW1" vf t rff rr - rmmimmm' mm iP9its,sw,'w" ymwHtmm m m'' ggggtiHjga ??