Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, April 18, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 4

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    ' t"1 uumiiiiwwwiiMw
filu)ays flapping
on those Cnjicfl, Yes, nod will
contlniioBo long m Itioy last.
We boUKltt the
at prices novor thought of before,
MflRCELLfl '
just ADDKfi to
Dearborn's Mating Library.
CAN UK IIAt) ro'll .'.
Ge. 8. Do ami I tig returned from
bany on tho 1:10 licnl.
J, II, Porter nud A. J. Itluhardsou of
Htaytoo, were lu thu cl'y today.
Hon. O, F. I'axton cams up from
the metropolis on the 11:17 loot!.
Arthur Eulor, of dUytou, Is visiting
tho family of Joseph Kouoa of this city.
Mlba Knto Dalrymplo returned last
ovoulng from n visit with friends at
the metropolis.
J, I). Huntington, rending olerk of
tho Bctiato, htut returned to his home In
Harney county.
Prank Irwlu, assistant lu Jos. Clark's
grocery store. In oil for n week's vara-
tion at Newport.
Mr. Qrovor l Terrell and daughter
returned to Mobnum today, afler a
abort visit lu Batem,
Chaa. Uururair, thu architect, re
turned from n short buslnvss trip to
Dayton this morning.
HO. Van ratten, farmer at tho Oueiu
awa ludlau suhool, returned to the
aehool this afternoon.
Fattier l'elix llucher of Newport,
vlsUed with Father White yesterday
and went to l'ortland this morning.
Mr, and Mrs. W. It. Lawler went
tip to Mehama this morning, where
Mr. Lawler la Interested lu the mine.
Hjk.Hn Wiikat. Many peoplo have
tio Idea of the difference bttweeu haid
and soft wheat. The hard wheat
raised in Eastern Oregon which Is used
In the Pendleton Hour makes better
bread and Is always aatlsfarlory. Or
der the Poudletou Hour of Mclutyre X
IJICVU.H I'l.UJi, The riders of the
Y. M 0, A. will meet In UiswocL
Uou room Friday night for the pur
He of forming a bloyole club. There
Is a large number of riders lu the m
oialloi) and a largu olub will prubably
U orguUtl.
Nor NKKimo.-Wtml liaa lsu e
oejytxl that the rtlt III Nebraska,
ttf Whom mv (.Mali were solicited
Ut-tv, have Mu fully supplied by (he
l!bUo Hoard uf Trail. Henou It
will not be uwMry U uullM any
Moe far shipment from Haleui.
Wll.1, tViKMPK.-Tlie HvligIUI
fi)tlU)B Mux held at lb t)miH
Maptlet eliumli, win wnliuu there
iweJudarwf the wtwh, Iter, Htihuube,
ut lietbeny, will prissli al W
AXUIMM Hiiipmimi. Utl Umtt,
tinlay. blpwl rtr li uf I'hius
i.luwiiiU, fiuut the 1mJh tmumi
Um ituut IMflllU, wf the WaMe
fllll lJ Jt K I'w.f, j.iiJm.I Wllf
OwiiU IlM 4 tJw tXfb k U Myitis,
WilM" HW M J. tHortu lit
iltetliwiitrtwwf, 4Mt M
m mu i d -i $l m vwy
Miy Ih tfrtvi U mtt 68 Gay
MlM !e a HHaW4H-
4 lli
Vi4M lmk
M wmim awl
M te
Leaders In
LoiU iPrlces
In rooWear,
Jtel Think,
A nne broadcloth Cape, with satin
yoke and collar, and deep Bourdon
lace, Tor (0,
A strictly nlbwool 12-ounoe Jersey,
Inlaid silk velvet collar, metal clasp on
front, handsomely stitched all around,
In all colors, only ffl.60.
Hlenmer Jilmoto will arrive up from
the inetropnliH this evening bound for
The Willamette registered nine ftel
above low water mark this morning
and Is on a standstill, having risen
none since last evening.
Ftoimer Altonn will be up from
Portland this afternoon on her way lo
Independence. 8 he will return tomor
row morning and have for l'ortland at
7:15 a. m.
ja" Tjrm hack.
Our stock of Wall 1'ajter
lias arrival ami Is in the
rack ready to be shown. We
show licautlfal patterns this
ISO State street.
The Y. M. 0. A. Concert.
Tho concert nf the Mozart Symphony
Club at the opera homo last evening
was one of tho beat ever In Baleiu.
The company Is composed of six peo.
pie all German who are thoroughly
devotod to their art. The program was
not made up especially to show Individ
ual excellence, but for that grand har
mony of the whole which must thrill
every true lover of music. The opera
house wan woll filled by au audience of
Halem'a most fashionable and discrim
inating people, all of whom listened
with rapt attention. The Y. M. C. A.
management Is to be congratulated and
positively praised for Ita effort to se
cure such high grade entertainments.
Mountain Hostelry.
Mr, drover P. Terrell will conduct
the Mehama house this aeas'in up to
Us old time standard, and Is prprtd
lo entertain the traveler, trwit l!.lr,
summer tourist, vporltmau and wheel
nun at the charming lunuutaln reaoii.
Mr. Terrell is a natural liost and
ehariiilug entertainer and ladlm and
geullemvu who have feasted at the
Mehama labjM lu the put know some,
thing of her skill In preparing dellelous
and suUUutUI viands (m apjxoae tlm
appetilim that are only amjulrwl lu (list
mouiilalii atiiliMpheiv, at the forks of
the Hal) t4siii
rULtu. lu.uwKurMi.-Mr. W. II.
Maiisftetd, a enin)nl printer, i
alMMit lo lu an elegant (Miuphlel ur
ImwI), wbUdi will lm (he fluisl ImIiik t
file klutt ever gotten up in Ihe t)iUI
Uly. It wlti (WiitalH atHH.1 a buiidr!
lialf'tuue engraving, uf puUlie ImiiM
lugs, ttftttivrs, mn, and nl
dene,airl lt w dtMbt ryH
littuw to lb IVh mvsI a ii iriU
Children Cry for
Pitcher' Qtmtotln,
h k Uiii it Wm -
'J1 smi XhlJAiw 44l,
ii Qmmmmitsl Uf, Itehm,
fmmmty tmiitmi Wy hit, mm!
(UUi hiH, limit ii iN INUM
41Uir Stmt nr tlnni, if ii
ltif m HtW jBttUktr. Mfe
mm 1 tim Amur fwm i
J Cimim
Home Madera or Interest lo tho
People of Oregon.
Discussion Over the Now Asylum
Land Case.
Governor Lord ha not yet turned n
a man out of atate'a prlsou by pardon
or commutation, although ho has been
aflked to do several hundred times. Ho
ban released one man from the Marlon
county jail who had tour more duys to
serve, but whoso wile and children
were III nud he was In fr a simple as
sault and buttery, for which ho was
given twelve days nud upou request of
Justice Johnson, was released. Now
the governor a second time extends
executive clemency in the ca?o of Wil
liam Kramer In the county Jail of Mult
nomah county. On October lLth ho
was charged with adUitery with one
Ella MhIous, being married. He lay in
Jail awaiting trial and on Jan. IOth
changed n pica of "not guilty" to
"guilty." The womnu was sentenced
to tbreo mouths. Kramer got six
months. Juttlca UetBler and a large
llet of prominent citizens slgu the re
quest for commutation of sentence, to
tako eflect immediately ,ou;the grounds
of good character and that he Is a poor
boy who has alwavs worked bard for a
living. The governor has granted the
The state board In control of state In
stitution I rigidly scrutinizing every
bill and out of one bill presented yester
day about fifty articles of luxury Mere
disallowed. The board believes in
pleuty of plalu furd but no luxuries at
public expense. Mauy of the Institu
tion bills have contained Items for deli
cacies and luxuries such as even the
state oillolal do not have lu their fm
One of tho new state officials said to
day! "You can see that we propose to
give the ople the new deal of re
trenchment aud reform asked fr. We
prniKMte to leave nothing uudoue to
keep our pledge lo the eople and the
time is past when a few men at Port-
laud could run Hits state aud dletate
IU pollultv."
This silver aiufereiio free twlnage
IB to I -Is U I ht4d at Kail Uke, May
!. 'I he gverii4K tuday spimJutwl as
delegates ffWIII.Oli-ijOM;
Ukh. i). p. riuHiiiMu, iuwuwbi),
Hum. J. U. VsWKjf, PaihiIM, Hakir
tWs !)!, HMve4K 1shUmI.
'Che gvriMr mM t reiii all
lh 4fvtr rtle tr attllwl partes at
all frUmllj is4lvr, 'llm niVMtian
t m l Mly ftttrMrU In a psstit'
kl mum, lie atsttrttse m I
t Ltfiiv tLmlMLml Im dilisTi II ti ir tUs "
" Wf VIMVsil 9 WrMP VfW IHW
Uh4nIm Uh hv Mm wi tn
aWMitf Mm ksMKi WsWlttV
kUgAluii lAi mAAu J ftifcA dA sksVa JAsttli
wwzm ar cwsr a f9W SHBBI
MlttM kt HiMMfsi Mm 4 mi g
Uk tiudr tHmmum mj ilk Mm
ssf Mw ii a t tsa watwa't. u
Matflitf a,lA Ui
IstMM HfH 'Jtt Ml
asHtoMa? Istf M n. U
m n tMi. rtM m mf Masl l Msw
4 D gsws1li1spftsiM iMtA.
K sH imi ( aW Imm M
Hit immm
Tkr Mv f mm i -1 4t r tTrjsHtfuf
tW IsAMs MMMMJ stf (blaMMi
Nd IteMMltf MJI HjiAir 4
wasV mi m. thim&m-m
ihf W si m k.U 4 w
tltu 4 Mi skWMsl WljtlsMtf
AmJ JmMmMM glUnJlMMMi mI '-
tsMtjiMislMMl M Ii "" A MiJ Lmv4
islsl M H tslsV 4M eW l4
yJJaW iw WBBsw Hi Wv ttnMfflatHMl
It In not known whether a proper
foundation Mould he had there or not
for an extenMve building. It J not
known whether there Is beneath the
deep, soft soil n gravel or rck forrua
t on, or whether a foundation of piling
would have to bo made. There Is also
doubt expressed as to the snultary wli
itom ur the location, Ids thought
the low, marshy character of the
itrouud, the absence of rapid drainage,
tbo evaporation from decaying vegeta
tion and the shallowness of the ground
to water will be conductive to HI
Thcro is no elevation to set the build
ing upon except t one corner and that
Is too small a space for that purpose.
Thk JouitifAL will print the other side,
If there Is any, to these statements.
An Accomplice in Jail.
Chief Dilley returned last evening
from Portlaud with Mrs. Esther Tripp,
aged about 30 years, who was arrested
lu Portlaud a few days since, for pawn
iug articles that bad lieen stolen from
residences In this city. The chief also
secured Mrs. Geo. Ashby's gold watch,
a gold chain belonging to Mr. Wlprut
the tuilor, a Muger ring and a pair of
cull buttons. Mrs. Tripp was given
lodging in the county jail lust night
and is kept separate from Jones, who
Is supposed to be her accomplice, so as
to prevent any conversation whatever.
Mrs. Trip,, was arralgoed in pelice
court this afternoon t answer to tbreo
charges preferred against her by clti
Z'tisnf rjalem. The three charges are:
Mrs. Plamoudou for larceny of a silk
shawl: Geo. Asbby for larceny of a
gold watch nud M. Wlprut for the lar
ceny of a gold watch chain. Mrs.
Tripp waived examination on
ou each charge aud was bound over to
tho grand jury In the sum of $1000
ou each charge, making ber total ball
$3000. Being uunble to furnlsn this
amount she was placed in the county
Jill. Mrs. Tripp presented a neat ap
pnrnnce In the jwllct court, this after
n 'on. Hlie was dreed lu black with
kid gloves and a vlel covered her some
what batidrtouie face. E. C. Jones,
Mtc Tripp's accomplice, yesterday
afternoon, revealed lo Sherlll Knight
where the typewriter was, which was
stolen from the residence of Dr.
G wynue some time since. Accord
iugly It waa found under an old boueo
in North Balem.
Oommitted to the Asylum.
Ex- Itev. J, C. Head, who has been
tried In Portland for bank robbery, has
been committed to the asylum and will
be brought up frc m the metropolis
this evening.
M'OINNIS-To the wife of J. W.
McGtnuls, at their residence five
in I le i east nf rialem, April IS, twins,
a sou aud daughter.
The Htiamer In
And we have mivd a few elnsts of
extra ehotee tva which we will etoeo
out at th extremely low prtee of
and M eU per pound, (Quality guar
allied equal 10 any M or M feut tea
lu the luarM.
"" HabhittA Lawkunck,
P 0, Grocery.
OUier Hemorrhages.
iSslwsrtl tiarti has had small Un
NrrfesgM ir u pst tlm tHghu,ue
f Ism in RMMMuUHg l aurlhiag only
tMy biHtr tb wound frwu UUtn
i-ht. Tti 4Hlhlk aiMHlier r
Um will Imv i N rforuHl. 1W.
llv f ltt nitteruiuate iiig msa
mIM HNrisaWy lK bH4 l a kspiUI at
l'iMtMt Umutfw, be be mm fp
TH (id Ismss) f IM iu 1M
t JHhm gUiMM's saMm, JwWsUy,
M R 1. (g Ht M
HtMlm. Ism m4 M M 4wfU by
ilw )m, imt avwarti 1U tmtm
Ml MM ! li ( spsr U4e Mis
SM4 gM )tf T asW-MK 4) a
ssM kMMii with a lata
Tiur Mmivau 4W1 at
4 tWMjtsaU Nkil
fcV Ii mamsn
MM 4 W lUM Ma mb
twrrtdtt M tV vtttlMBf
Ms mm mmaumi far Mm M
wwt Mar'f fcsM.
AiMMMMfr. A m u
m i Mit jiMfei -1 -
If 10 CUfctlMMU
Children Cry for
Fltaher's Oantorltt,
I'M ft It SIMS ,Wl WtftijM
t m Uf WSJiMef N IsM t4 sts
(ttMsMk " 99 9m&i4f H
Nmmii M-k-W H IMm M
i SJtofcM j )l It lM44 f
Two Persons
Would Like
Whom Tho Police
to Know Something
Eugene Guard: About the 20th of
last February a man aud women, reg
istering as W. O. Jones und wire, came
to the Hotel Eugene. They appeared
to be very nice people. While here the
man wasorprttt'inled to bo sick and
remained secluded most of the time.
After staying about a week he left for
some point down the valley, his wife
remaining at the Hotel Eugene. In
order to get money to j(o on his wife
pawned a guitar, though this was un
kuown to anyone elee at the time.
Afterwards Jones evideutly sent ner
moiiey for she redoemed the guitar.
About a week after Jones had gone,
Mrs. Jones also left for a point down
theyalley. She hadn't money to pay
her board bill which then, altogether,
amounted to about $30, so she left the
guitar and her trunk with Mr. Brown,
proprietor of the hotel, aB security for
the board bill. She had again pawned
the guitar lu order to get money to pay
her fare down the valley, and Mr.
Brown had to pay the sum or $4 to
get the instrument, yulued at about
$25, out or the pawnshop.
Today City Marshal H. J. Day re
ceived a communication from the chief
of police of Portland stating that W. C.
Jones is now in jail at tialem au that
Mrs. Jones, under the name ot Esther
Tripp, is in Jull at Portland.
W.C. Jones aud Either Tripp have
been arrested on suspicion of beiug
connected with n number of burglaries
which have lately been perpetrated in
Haleni and other towns, und the of
ficers learning ur the trunk und gultai
held here by Mr. Brown, thought per
haps it might answer the dttcripttoij
or some or the stolen property am
wrote to Marshal Dy, lu'-trucilug bin
to examine the guitar and ihe con
tents of the trunk. This Mr, Day die
but without securing any clue, as tbi
guitar did not auswer the desciiptl .L
or the one stolen and the trunk cur
tained only some wurdrobe und a lot
or love letters belonging to Mrs. Jones.
The cose seems to be a rather mixed
one. Mr. Brown is of the opinion that
it the parties had any stolen goods in
their powuaslon while stopping in his
hotel that they took tbem away before
leaving, as they had seat some valises
a id other articles away, There does
not seem to be any doubt that Jones
and his wife are In some way oompll
Bited lu theerlmea or which they are
aoeuted, and that they are professional
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by Wl applications t.s they cannot
rwwh the dUttaMxl portion of the ear,
There U only one way to eure deafness,
aud that Is by uuoututiuiml remedlw,
Dfafnws Is coummI uy au Inflamed oou.
tllllou of tbe mueous lining or the Ku.
Uehlau TuUj. Wnen this lube Is In
smh1 yoi bave a mmbhiig MMiud or
iulcfoi hMirtug, and wlieu it U n
Ut4y etuMd. dMfutHM is the rwull
attd UMltM Ibe IbAslWkttoU cm be In
kii uul aul tbk tube rwUwwi to IU
itHsi sutMiltiwu, bMrlug Mill beds
"' " uiue esjHM uu(u ten
e4 by antkf rfc, w bleb Is IfHhtug
utl laAimMJ ouodltUMt uf Ute J
V Ue Utu
W will gif o Huud,
I Jails is
jktafi! ih4 mmmui U by fl.
A lrt Llvar
ls4ly da a iU Ur, , , u
sUkfytowTaM IwmVSh l
rim itiTraT..
im imm Hm
4 f-
Pm Ksu,. Wt s Sim imfcy
sf Mt ms4 r mm j mmk
mfim ! i um,
Hlrki ltwiri.. WttfM t.
Sim Shades and Ladies' Hosiery
In both lines we have the newest goods
Nrr. Terce Hones rollowed Their teade
Orcr the Cliff.
Tho hardy Httlo Ncz Perce horso Is
qnito well known In a way, but few
people know what rcmarknblo courago
and sagacity ho hits. When tho Indian
war swept tho Npz Pcrco country, tho
Indians gathered about G.000 horses
into u valley that fronted ou tho steep
blntfn of tho Colombia river, and there,
with tho groat vvhito mountains nt their
back, prepared to make thoir last des
rerato stand
In tho battlo that followed thoy wero
defeated, aud tho small fraction of them
ilint lcmuined tinkilled put to flight
Tho l.oiscs, shut in by tho steep moun
tains on the one sido mid tho steep river
bluff ou tho other, had to bo left behind.
When tho battle had closed, the sol
diets of tho voluuteors (for only n part
weie regulais) niado n rush for the
horso?, but they could not lay hands on
ono of them or approach thorn.
And now for tho first time it was no
ticed that thoy wero undoraboyherdor.
The boy was unarmed, entirely naked
and r.a red ns copper.
Tho boy had no bridle, but wovo his
hands into tho mane, and thus guided
his blnck horso at will nt the head of
tho herd.
Tho volunteers dropped on their knees
hero and there nronnd tho edgo of the
circle nud began to fire at tho boy. At
lost a bullet btruck him. His body flow
high into the nir aud then foil and rollod
in tho dust.
Tbe horses now divided as they camo
by. Their nostrils wero distended nttno
iinell of blood, and thoir eyes nblazo nt
tho sight of thoir young keeper in the
On tho second round, af tor tho boy
fell, tho black leader seemed to run
sldowise, his eyes fastoned to his little
dead master until thoy looked frightful
from under tho black mane.
Ho plnnged ou around nnd camo to
the very edgo of tho beetling basalt
bluff. Then thcro was n Bight as of n
sculptured imago of n horso poised in
midair, and a mad, wild cry, suoh ns n
horso makes but once a .cry indescrib
ablethat filled tho valloy.
Men looked away, and when they
looked back thu black Btntuu was gouo.
Then, faithfnl to tho leader, over tho
bluff into the fonuiiug white water went
another hora
And then 10, CO, COO, the whole
fi.000! Not ono of nil tho herd was lnft
to tho invading victor, nud tho stream
was literally choked with tho dead.
Joaquin Miller.
Our .Villnnsl .Vlr.
In roadiiiB aceouuth of thoyncht races
I noticed that the KnlM) bauds could
not play au Aniuiicnu imtiouul air bo
cause "Uol Khvo the Queen" and
"America" wero thu mime. Ilmvonover
found the nunm whj "Tho Star fijmn.
gled Uannei " should not lw our na
tional air I luuv liem (I them all play.
el by the lt bauds In theoouutry, and
there is none wlndi M-nds a thrill of
Kratitude ut belli an Aiuericuu through
me o a that Kisud finale:
Aad lh Mr ttigUd Uunr In triumph dos
U'rrtU Uluiof (Uliihid ILo Ume of tl)
Carlos In llvtou Traveler.
lonkr. Can hiuukc,
Tke ,uwtlow whetlwr monkeys can
Hk has Imui Mttlw In the alllnnn.
Mve at Um Jaidlw dw 1'liuilu, J'aris,
wWe wlMsiletws Iwys have luht
moral ooowiwHis of thu monkey house to
iMMks is)grtli. whleli ther grew to
tnfr liNtrsly,
w t, iuu) iimi w,iir,
"I m y,Mt UkTpM.I)yJtWi)lir,
LT? lW ""y" ' U you
ns imp fifiin t
i, J 44 y..rtr4iiy J otwldn't
MMMitur wtet dy U Um iMiitli U
r"m, mw n Kuutm su thM dm..
- -- ... .. H
IMUjihmiiiii A Og,
fcT M m, inm, s Oh,
Out prices
Dealer in (Groceries, Paints,
Oils, Window Glass, Varnishes
und the most complete stock of
Brushes of all Kinds in tho
State. Artists' Matcriais,Limcf
Hair, Cement and Shingles and
finest quality of GRASS SNEDS
FOB HALK Klve hundred loads or good ton
noil. Bee Geo. D. Ooodhue. p
Loar A pair or pebble glasses, win hteel
bows, ou the motor oar Hue or lu front or
luimoii'a store, Friday evening, April ia ni.
tum to postolUce. O. W Hmlth. u nij
ii jii itiyn i ixouso vuuBjvm looms, tulf
I1 able lor small family; low ront; wuur irtc
nod fruit. Knqulro at Ui Winter stl iimm:
qi.Kl.LiA attUUMAN Typewriting and
IT, Gray block. The best of work done at rea.
sonablu rates. U-yh
njK KxUUANUli-AnrBKIass grain farm
l1 situated In the famous Jamca Mer Vhi!
ley, Noith Datto'u, close to good marttet. Will
exchauge for property about Malem Address
U., care Journal.
LP. KlHEH.Howsp ipcr Advert IslnKAeeut
. 1 Merohanta' Exchange, San KrauclBco'
lsouruullioilzed agent This paper Is item'
onfllelnhlsoffloe. ' "pl
lUKtariAJN boIENUE L.liruiure or aii
j kinds on sale and uhrlsMnn Hin ..:
vices at m liberty street, comer Uhemeketa.
CARPEr PAPEK-large lot of heavy brown
wrapping paper lor wuechoap. Just the
thing for putting under carpets.
Call at Jour-
Post Office blocs.
11 tf.
nOK HALE Oil TKAUE Two hundred acres
T 70 acres in cultivation and laj acres grub
jak pasture, with running wat r the year
ound, $25 per acre In cah or will trade for 75
icresgood land near statoa ou mvorabta
erius. inquire or address J. Ii. mihimw
"errydale, Polk county, or,
I'nur , ih .. .. .
PAPb Its.-Portland. Sacramento, aeatlle.
Tacomaand ban Francisco p.iprs on sal
itllopr Pnstnttlofl i.lock.
REiiOVED-Gooao's nuctlon aud eoiiimls.
Blou house. beond hand goodi bouisht
md sold on commission. Parties having any.
hlng to sell should call aud see me. Vurui
ales a specialty. J. F. GjODE, auctioneer.
,IJ Commercial t near First National bank
J. W. Hendricks,
m COUItT btuket.;
.wSi",Vc.!'u,."e,,?,t tmm: "ubeustslii, the
nS dyelnit ' lenlug, repsirluK
W, A.:cirsiL'ic
Pi widen t.
JTrkuuLcUH general bauKing business,
m iMsoutliwMtof lialliu.f iuIim Ami Fls
..'i JMius.iiJiufs uudsr eulllvslioii,
running wuur, W 111 irads lor Hajno I'rojwrty.
'! J)sllu(,0r
HlJP' Wtfl ', btle suit It!,
y of
WdjUU, l4Ut imhuA 4
Mrs nil$-
and ofler oxcellent values,
mWt 4 iMw to mm
iii ittid ii1 jnftkrY $m mm,
If M laMMsf Htk fef
m TEL s!a53,.." h
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