( J-jM-n'H" -"Vt " j in j,u, aresFl - "W"um I lyfippppappgw IS $RE THE BE5T CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY PURE fi quietly. Oyer 2,000 private endorsements. Frematurencss means lmpotcncy in the first stsffo. It Is a symptom of seminal weakness and barrenness. It can bo stopped In 20 days by tliouso of Hudyan. Tho new discovery was undo by tbo Special ists of the old famous Hudson Medical Institute. It Is tlio strongest vltallzor made. It Is vory powerful, but baimlees. Bold for 81.00 a pack age oru pacxagcii jur .uuipiaiuiuueuuuxt;, wrnien guaranieo gi vea lor a euro. If you buy six boxes and are riot entirely cured, six more t-iu uo seal 10 you ireu oi an cjinrK". (jondfor circulars and testimonials. Address IIDDSON SIKDIOAIi 1NBT1TUTE, function Htocktoii, iUurltet Si Ellis Nti (tail I'raucUeo. Oal. Mexican Mustang Liniment for otirns, Caked & Inflamed Udder. Piles, Rheumatic Pains, Bruises and Strains, Running Sores, Inflammations, Stiff Joints, Harness & Saddle Son, Sciatica, Lumbago, Scalds, PlUtcr. insect Bites, All Cntllo Aliments, All I lorwi Ailment, Ml JSIitfiip Ailments, Peueti7it4is M uncle, Mttiiibnnitt mid TImuo Quickly (o the Very SwitofPrtlnaiul Oust It In n Jiffy. Wiib In Vigorously, MuiuiM IJmIhii ill WW Mil' unwuv 'rnrirnn". :.r W'MH IV ivn ' i i$jirmuMUM ' Hamilton & Molr, w" .I'fclteriaMtt wonderful BwtffyB satlons.Nerv- leadtngscren- HwSiS'S Strengthens, tlflo men of EJJHaii Invigorates Europo and BHVM and tones the Hudyan Is flVfispm Hudran cures Hudyan stops WPtt Emissions, SSI SSI S35 MANHOOD jgfeWtJL afo'ffip 'iWWfWf'"' ummi Shown I OLD SAXON CHECH. How They I'ltde,! Kai, other rraiu th Bpiry WiukaII Howl. Among quaint Christmas oustorns which are prominent as we look back through the vista of ages appears the burning of tho yule log. It comes down from Scan dinavians, Goths and Saxons, who at thi yulo feast kindled hugo bonflrcs In hon or ot Trior, in feudal times the outtlng of tho yulo log was tho beginning of a sorles of festivities Brought Into the baronlnl hall and lighted In tho great flro plncc, It was tho well understood harbln gor of hospitality and kind feeling, of wldo open doors and good cheer. If by chance uny onuilty oxlstod between those gnthurod arou..d tho festlvo board, It must all Ikj drowned In the bubbling wnslall bowL Tho mandate of the host Was: Oorae, bring with a nolao. My morrlo, murrie boys, Tbo Christmas log to tho firing, While my good dame she Bids ye all bo free, And drink to your hearts' desiring. This wassail bowl was a huge tankard of spiced nlo or wlno, in whloh caoh drank his neighbor's health tho old Saxon phraso "was haol," meaning "to your health." It was a oustom In somo places to "wassail" fruit treos by pouring or sprinkling upon them a prepared liquid, with various ceromonlcs. Wassallo the trees, that they may bear You many a plumb and many a pearo, For more or leas fruits thoy will bring, As you doe givo them wassailing. Substantial viands were not lacking to aooompany the favorite Christmas borer Bgo, yet the piece do reslstanoe was not anciently, as In later times, tho fat turkey or plump goose, but tho boar's head was the dish Borvod In baronial halls with greatest oeremony. It was brought In on an lmmenso silver salver or a golden ono If such were In possession of the host or namented with holly and rosemary and carried by somo tall servitor,. elaborately dressed and aonorapanled by minstrels singing carols. The boar's head In hand X carry, Bedecked with bays and rosemary, And I pray you, my masters, be merry. The boar's head, as I understand. Is tho bravest dleh In all tho land When thus bedecked with gay garland. Our Btoward hath provided this In honr of he king of Bllsa Which on this day to bo served Is. Serving ths boar's head at Christmas Is still a oustom among certain nations. An other odd dUh was tho peacock, which, after being stuffed and roasted, was re odornod with its plumage, and tho glldod beak being added and the long tall loath ors unfurled was brought Into tho hall in great stato and occupied a place of honor on tbo banquotlng tablo. No sorvllo hands wore- allowed to touoh tho proud bird. Tho noblest lady of tho household or some high born guest prepared It for tho tablo and brought it in. Of course the plum pudding and Christ mas pie and scores of othor fuvorlte dishes were not lacking, among whloh always appeared the yulo cake and frumenty a preparation of eggs, milk of nlmonds and various spices. Some of these viands would not appeal to tho inoro refined palates of tho present ago. MISTLETOE TRADITIONS. Time Ilonored Myths of the Famous Flaut. Kniblein of Ixire, Tho ancient British Druids attached muoh Importance to the plorts, trees and vines which they employed as Christmas decorations for their temples. The mistle toe especially they invested with a pecul iarly hallowed and mystic character. Thoy regarded it as an emblem of love and believed that It typified the beneficent feelings of their gods toward mankind. It Is doubtless to this old Druldlcol asso ciation of tho mistletoe with lovo that tho English oustom, which still obtains, of enforcing the forfeit of a kiss from any woman who Is caught under a branch of It at Christmas time is trnceublo. In tho old Scandinavian mythology there is told ft characteristic fable of this famous Christinas bough, tho mistletoe. Haider, thu god of poetry and eloquenoe and the son of Odin and Frlga, one day told his mother that a dream had convinc ed him ho should die by violence. To avert this destiny I'rlga Invoked all tho powers of nature- earth, air, fire, water, plants and animals and mude them swear to her on oath that they would not harm her son, who then fwirlu.sly took his place among the gods and In all tliolr combats fought unharmed amid shower of ar rows. But he hnd u blttor enemy In the person of a god called !.kl, who, convinc ed tltut Haider's llfo was protected by wine eharni, reived tofulltoiij it, Disguising himself as an old woman, hv vUltcd Piga slid In tho course of their conversation casually asked how It wns that bur son Bsldsr Invariably came forth uusosthad from all tho lercrst battles of ths gods, ffrlja told lilm how sha had Invoked the powers of nature lu Jlulder'i bshalf. but added that she had iielctd thu niUtle Ux, whlpb sho rreaniut as too Insignifi cant to harm Mm. Ixvlnji w, Iok straightway mod from a mistletoe Iwuuli an itrtow, with whloh Bolder was slain by Mld M mIM JM. , . ... Thsrolsa supmtltlw" wmiiwM with tho ;ulUtoo that It I wulusky Ut M mi oak on whloh It (irows, urt tho author of "Magna Britannia" iWrlU a gn.t wivxf MonifWi(f to tho arobblshop of tbo JfumliwUM'royJftiid, sold to hovo won UM wholly of Ml". od ""'( "''" was n that boro luUtlftos, which somo iwxns won w hoidy M to cut down lor IbOK-alnfafMlllmiU to tho aMthocorloo f ItuiKltm, lmYUii mwh utnto sprmt suli hut thvy yroywi unlurHiituU utM It, Utt urn ut thorn Ml Uw, ml Mini Jwtt sn pfu At losii I" tho yrsr IWT, wMulK ihmh, M0lwHIl4lijf ho wos wntoJ olt It upon tho atwubt of whsl tho Mllrs hsd sulforod, 4 wituiod tuautiho Iih riow;i, oud ho own ftr TwollwtM Iwin- h" llr4 fslal, OHd h M MwH pMuv tint tHHobw yl tho fall ut WlMW, who, 7ii Imh W w"U d4 , . ' W SwTwo uisMllHM l " l4i MStO M OWOI SMIPI". "" "-'-'-'- iZdimMl! Mi thw Jo w mi UVos Ht1 fK '" Wli t ' M uy i w risM U4M Stf UiMI yfsif wW Aim t&4 IL1' W1I feaflMM4s m LUSOM Wi UisMe im 7 yiiw wu AN UNCANNV frHOTOdRAPH. A Newly Wedded Couple's Picture Marred by Uhostly Intruder. The people of Elnu, a buBtling, live ly town fn the upper part of Chelialls county, nro mystified oor a photo graph. Last Tuesday afternoon Major ' Rogers and wifo ontered tho gnllnry of 11. U. Jdcrriwoatbcr of that city nnd hnd their plctnrcH taken. On removing tho pinto tho artist noticed that tho pic turo wasr not perfect, and throwing tho pinto inlo tho bath took nnother, which J pas n vory good likeness of tho old ma or and his brldo. Thoy havo been mar ried less than threo months and are each on tho Rharly slrio of 50. Mrs. Rogers called Woducsday for a proof and expressed a desiro to seo tho first plate. On holding tho plato up to tho light tho photographer saw throo figures, ouo n man appearing betwoon tho major and Mrs. Rogers. Handing it to tbo lady, sho glanced at it and went into hysterics, exclaiming, "It is " (her first husband). Bho begged tho artist to say nothing about it, as it would Bcaro tho major to death, but in somo way tho matter became known and Boon spread over tho town, nearly every one calling at tho office to see tho negative Mr. Merriweathcr claims tho plato was taken from a now box and bad not been exposed. Mrs. Rogers, it is said, is1 a modium of note. Sho is from tho east and has lived in Elma about two months. Tho figuro is diBtinct, both in form and fea ture, and stands out apparently ahead of tho major and Mrs. Rogers. Aber deen (Wash.) Cor. Portland Orogouinn. THE MARRIAGE MARKET. Prleee Are Fair For Gilt Edge Stock, but Job Lott Are Cheap. It is too early in tho season to predict whet tho prospccWor bnsinesa in the matrimonial market will be. Dealers aro carrying over largo stocks from last year, and the overproduction of dobu tantes and tho importation of foreign fascinators may havo a depressing effect upon tho niurkot. Dealers, are anxious to realize, but tho market continnoa firm, with on upward tendency. Prim, first class, country bred win ners are at a premium. Last season's soolcty whirlers aro below par. There is a better feeling in rosebuds, and prices to foroign noblemen aro phenom enally low. Mothers-in-law, after hav ing touched bottom figures, Al, are re viving and are quoted at 88, mid dling 78, good ordinary 61. It is confi dently prodioted that beforo the fiscal year ends mothers-in-law will go to 1 14 nnloss unforeseen complications nriso calculated to bear tho market. Fathers-in-law aro extremely dull. Small broth ers find no market, and maiden nnhts are not listed. Gilt edged orphans are soarce and but few offering. Tho stock on hand Oot 1, 1804, of good matohes among tho men is too email to note in a sworn to statement of effects and lia bilities. Washington Post. Drlrrn to Bulcltlo by Women. The fact is carefully suppressed by the English press that Viscount Drum lanrig, the eldest son of tho Marquis 'of Quoonsborry, whose death was announc ed last week, committed uioide. Tho young man Was reooutly engaged, "and the announcement caused' two other women with whom he hod relations .to throaten him. Tho young man blew bis brains out. Vogue. After the Hall. It tho Jody who brings unit for dam ages against her partner in a waltz, to whose clumsiness she attribuU-s a broken leg, winn her couo dancing orders here after will havo to bo furnished with a blank form to bo signed by the lady, holding her partner harmless In com of accident Boston Transcript. To Cure tbo Law's Delay, Tho chief justice of Georgia iom favor of tho admission of women to the bench. If this wero dono, it isqulte probable thai there would bo less of tho law's delay, 1'ho faculty woman enjoys for getting at (lie truth of things quickly should make her a very desirable judge, Memphis Appeal'Avalauohe, Should be Looked Info. TiiowHja nsfvnsTiaATioN RKQUfiSTni), A n0U?A88RHTI0N Hvtr since Prof. UotU slmtUd tho wor14 j prowUius; to cuiaMmsuiuplloii wllb lbs Koch lymph ud Ms colpitis friluu i do so, the xoplo hsvo brr looking (or soma dlscovriv which would move sn absolute. rciism fins mi ih( ill r iiihum "'.:i.. ' - .i... .i.'t i ' i si -' Ovsra qusrlsr or rHtuiy ui VI H V, I'Uirr, ciii(((osuiim iny iiti fousuiuiur inyiti; suisu to I lie iiiv ids' '" '' .'. i ' '-.:'.' t e I iiuiti nil Ky'eh'H ii itslllult. r. liul in a cului MluseU urn fur.o msdiuur, whUh ho hid 4lcofid wouiarurumtiycigiii uricni orsiimt uf uwwuiiAhi) wltsH itVtu hi si I lis s;y lsgs. 'llmchsi pfovsil lh hi illoii wee bsssd ln lifts Kaliird lioui ssiirilciirc Ills ''fjoldcu Mrdlrsl lJJcoMry''fisturr4 ws'ty ilmwssad txopl' III oil isils ni the VLiW, sud )f f'hlft fufilsssll fiilisU4 lOSIMd WMWflKH lift im WUHIj uyt lbs lWf, dd(t tlid plioyfiII (l( M 0 Hisur yiumiurtti if tint w lis Itstibrd.io li wsJvHMUs.rUikj mi nM. iU ul Iji "Jo ds Wtdltsl He has lis willtsu Uauk ut KlKOysi fv" Ut )m ! bm f MtiiM ''lllu:usiiflLc ilftiillilul vDfu 'hlih '"vi'ii' ' rc'f.'f HUH in K i MUll IK MWW, til ft MulhktA vr U wtjr wi. I I'M ut iUtUKil). smmUHim Ihiu m) hwu turn mm Afv, Htvilt, slfmr til I lfT.1... ...... Il.l i,.t - m d ..i m Jt A MIC tfwu .vwi!! .t iwwsisr ' tllvtlU IrttilU rJl M iviwta i if f ii it Uld 111 lb lu MFtljr ivii ii ILal lb ''DUiiivtlt'' U hIH fwtr saa ill"M CN lutr IV wm nv n i UWUti HUtiU (''lung (Hir'LHl ViM, w4 Mitt I'fbslis I'fa. What is mw Castorla is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's "prescription for Intents nnd Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphino nor other Narcotic substance. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It Is Pleasant. Its guarantco is thirty years uso by Millions of Mothers. Castorla destroys Worms and allays fovorishncss. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd euros Diarrhoea nnd Wind Colic. Castorla rcliovoa teething troubles, cures constipation nnd flatulency. Castorla assimilates tho food, regulates tho stomach and bowels, giving healthy nnd natural sleep. Cas torla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castorla. "Castorla Is an excellent medicine for chil dren. Mothers have repeatedly told me of Its good effect upon their children." Dr. O. C. Osoood, Lowell, Mass. "Castorla Is the best remedy for children of which t am acquainted. I hope the day Is not far distant when mothers will consider the real Interest of their children, and use Castorla instead of the various quack nostrums which are destroying their loved ones, by forcing opium, morphine, soothing syrup and other hurtful agents down their throats, thereby sending them to premature graves." Or. J. F. Kinciieloe, Conway, Ark, The Centaur Company, 77 Murray Street, New York City. rnnn 1 u Ss -AND- NI The short route to points In vrasbinRiou Idaho, Montana. DakotaB, MIn noflota and tho east. Through tickets on sale to and from Chicago, St. Louis. Washington, Philadelphia, New York, Boston, aud all points in tho United States, Canada and Europe. Tho Great Northern Railway is a now transcon tinental lino. Buns Buffet Library Observation cars, Palace Bleeping and Dining Cars, Family Tourist Sleepers and first nnd second class conGhes. HayloK a rook ballast track the Great Northern Railway is free from dustj one of tho chief annoyances of transcontinental travel. Round trip tickets with stop-over privileges and choice of return routes. For further Information call upon or write Or 0. C. DONOVAN. General Agent, 122 Third st,, Portland, Or. 5WBSV onPm EAST! vxai:tiib Union Pacific System Through rulliusn 1'alaoe Hleepers. Tourist Weepers and Vivt Jtecllnlng Chair Car dally from PORTLAND to CHICAGO Our trains sre liwited brlstMtru snd rrs llshud by I'iuucti llsiiU Vims to ihiUwtfo, H Uys, Tliut to Miw York, Hi days. , which Is many Iwurs'juiiker thsn sll cum itltoi, ' if at rt, ilins ubles audi full luforuistlou ttl'J'l 10 KOIHK KAKKKIt, veMU,tUIiii, Or, n,vy, iiAXTpn, , a k,,jiwww, OswrtJAiisul. l5lt.JV.4gtol. JW'I'lilrd IH I'dfUuud, 0. It & I, CO. To Thhj TZat iivwiinnimmnin' TWO THANSCONllNBKTAf, IIOIITFJi mm i II V lUI'llIP illM Hit IHVHWmi HI I - m Ut U ill Mm M - rosMiwwHas iMLUwifiiHWlt d; WMl H H D mAP fl, hi MWMJitf, Loan) Tight A ami, XSK3ESS2k3KSSXSa Castorla. "Castorla Is so well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. Akcitbr, M. D., Ill 8a Oxlord St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Our physicians In the children's depart ment have spoken highly of their experi ence In their outside practice with Castorla, and although we only have among our medical supplies what Is known as regular products, yet we are free to confess that the merits of Castorla has won us to look with favor upon It." United Hospital and Dispekiaxv, Boston, Mass. Allen C. Surra, Pret. fi n 0. R. & N. Co's LINES. - J. L. MITOHFLL, Agent, Baletn. Or -TUB CHICAGO Milwaukee & St Paul It, IL Travelers "make a note on t." Thlt Great RsllwavIIISvttem Connect! at- ST. PAUL and OMAHA With all transoontlntnUI lines, ulvluy direct and swift owninuuloa. ;uon Ut all WJaiTKIlW aua BOUJHKHM t'OINTD ;and Id TJIM ii'MhY LINK running UbMliia Uf ltU4 ud HUam, vlleslcl, wtlbuleditmlns ut elegant HUel'lugg J'arlor, DInIiik and lludtl (fers, wllii Jfreo Jlecllninu Oftalrn, Uaklis".IU servloa seooud U) H0t4llil lb world,) Tlek its ar on sals t all iroiluut (inA ticket uifiutm, Vat furilier (MtormstloubMtk lits br wtjsl iu4 sut, ftriHddiwwj CJ, CODY, Qwt At W. cm), Tfy. Pm Ajjl, P0.HTI.AMP Ors pn, Oregon Facile Itailiid k WIM,UhlW,HW. MrOmitMlltlf' triJJ'esv sTiuAMisrt noMmv YAQUWA AtW HAM MAJMmO rMmHiMUiM to' s imi my? M I tiHHH XkUU tlJ !?'-Bl'r wiii. J. iliWli.Vss.MlJU IAI' WAT m tdSi'MfltiiiiMH (mismTlsSaIrii MfM W.L.Douglas CO CUfM? IS THE BEST. PW" WllsVbriTFOR A KINO. ? a. cordovan; rRtNCHj.rjuMtu.r.0 calt. A?3 FiNCCAU &KMWM8A 3.1PP0LICE.3SOLE3. 2.l7B0YS'SCrM8lSH04 LADIES' .firasssfc... BROCKTOJOI ASS. . Over Ono Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Sfeoes All our Allocs are equally satisfactory They elve the best value for the money. They equal custom Shoes In style and fit. Thslr wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are Unllorm,-stamped on sole. Prom $l to $3 saved over other makes. K your dealer cannot supply you we can. Sold by KRAVSSE BROS. .Tml T. H. BLUNDELL, ioraiogsidc Poultry Yard. BALEM, OR. Eggs From Prize Winning Poultry, Uarrecl and White Plymouth Ilooks, Qoldon and Whlto Wyandottes, Ulaok Mltiorcas.Bln. gloand Hose Comb Drown, linn nnd white Leghorns, U. U. lledaamollantlms and 1'ekln Ducks; also squabs and Fancy I'lgoons. Take motor cars for the yards. Cash should ac company nil orders Carpets. Carpets. J A UOTAN liss bought tho entire stock of carpets and mattings, oUo'otns and Unolqums (1 J. Mrers, of the whlto House corner, and will sell carpots tor tho noxtUO days lor from 10 to 29 per cent less than cost. Call and ox amine my stock and prices and be convinced. 1 iiim J. A. IIUIAN. 8KE- BDRGGRAF, TDE ARCHITECT, BKFOHK YOU BUILD, Ofllco over tho Dally Statesman, N QRTHE.RN PACIFIC R.R. RL U N IS Pullman Elegant Sleepino Cars Dinln.lCars Tourist TO Sleeolno- Cars ST. PAULr: MINNEArOLIS'l DULUTlij FARG0I GRAND FORKS: CR00KST0N WINNIPEG HELENA and, BUTTE TIEROUGrn TICKETS TO CHICAGO. WASHIf NGT0N BOSTON and all Points Eatt end Southl For lnformatlon.1 time cards, map) " tlcketstoall on or writoj THOMAH, WATT & CO,, AUKNTH, ' V6 Ooromerolal st Halem, Or, Or A, JD. OuAiirroN, Ajwt, Ouul. Pm Agent; 2M Morrison at,, corner Third, 1'ortlunr, Oro, East and South -VIA- THE SHASTA ROUTE Southern Pacific ComoanVi uiutQumi vvrMu aim-mum haim m twssk tituriiui) Ahvu.r, "Boyfl'"- " I N'U'r fiiy, hi, I til, J'urllaud At. I MJt, UA li. in. hv. Halem (y.l M, KUoVni.JyJr Hmi Kroii .y ) fcfflfc .AhOVS" IrslhS (Uili Mt Mil slalluus ftou I'mijaud Ui Ahiwy fii4ulv(jts4kt JsujfMii Hltsdd, iisy, ifsrrUhui, junulUu (ill. fimmuuuijVhfUllYi Milling Jr "h OK'h'n H'mt" ,m iiiito mwm mmAHlhmm, Booond Claee SIuiiIiir Qw aiM totngjivwt mm, rVenlHlde )IiflilofJtlwfi hhi rmwvmi tii'Iiiith jrhn n R" ' kA""'1 ijf aPk! ' m "..to HBBM"W C. H. LANE Meuoiiant Tailor, 211 Commercial Est., Salem. NEW FOUNTAIN mil I ir ttt I nn VM W4NH BIMi'LE IN CONSTRUCTION. Thorough In Its workVGoort for 15 or SO years' use. Benton receipt or price. S3. Ex press prepaid, with full Instructions. Address all orders to J. B.linitOWN, Uox S08. Salem, Or. REMOVAL 1 bnve removed my; dressmaking parlors to 153 Court atreet, next door to old Kansas House, and navo added an eastern Raoket store. I shall mako all kinds of ladles and chlldrens eloth Ing. Ladies please call and seo our work. MRS, MAY REID Formerly of 382 Front steel. 3-15 3t "HE ANTI-MONOPOLY I am doing all my own slaughtering nnd sausAge-maklng. Hell all fresh meats no ro frlgerntor products. Krco delivery In eltrt Shop opposlto brewery. , .. C1IAH. WOI.Z A OX).. 8-l-tr I'roprletor SALEM TILE WORKS. JLAKGE STOCK ON HAND.. WSXSSSViTfftWVv -l BpecIaUlnducements offered. Bhlpped to al point on short notice. Bend for prlceB, Yards, .North Halera, iU.k L lAddross J. E, MUIIPUY, n jxc tc CKalr Grounds, Or $1,500 REWARD OFFERED. The nnderslrned oilers 11600 reward lor Ui conviction of the party or parties who burnod his barn nnd horses on the night ot December 12.1892 Uo will also pay VXU tot each acces sory to tho crime. I own two good ranches aud am able to pay this reward. JOBEi'il U, ANDERSON. 10-l8.d&wm Mehama, Or- Ik Tbo undersigned new ntns a dally slogs from Hulem to above towns, leaving Halem at 2 o'clock p. in., Monmouth at 7:15 o. in., and Independence ut : a.m. 1'assengers and freight sollolted. 1. B. JMJSNUll FOR SAL35). Houses and lots In Baletn, or will exchange for farm property. Jiiijulroof UNION TITLK ABaTIlAaf O0 Uush.Urey block, 276 Commercial street, Ha lem. Or, (kuwlm E. M. WA1TE PEINTING CO,, BOOR AMD JOB PRINTERS -AND XCfjal Blank lUibUnheru Hash's New Urldcorer thebankOoiu'I stmt WHY LOSB TIMII AND MONBYV I lly sending far nwsy when you can get. fresh, nrst-lrs garden and floia eds at bomef lloforo buying 6 oeuU worth or KU worth, M our slock or send for free nataloiiiiHBudvrlMS O. DIUKKNHON WKr) WO., oldawjmo lislsm, Or, POMPLEXIOU I POZZONI'S m Coiiililiicii vvtitv element ot lieuutyiiinl iiiirlly, Jt J bcoutl' iyini xlliiDKi )ict)li)K liepllhv nil w JmniilcM, n4 wlien rirjlitiy ux'l h luyl)Wff A wM iulmlMiil iJpmrMlilQ mMmw) iQiliuiuaJiiihMLlimiiiVf vwvw f JCllt DJ-'W rlfeViPfT tU guulc? p'MM M"'mm0mumwwL II iv rvfl imi ifiniFrrrf iHtJLMJliias. list i im m k' m lu Strictly Cash Market ojSvl! fuMTB TOIUSKll m U not comjilefo M M without mm J'Jel 1 H I. jll ml 1 I , I -J 1 t I" m til ;;J I MIV "w-MartfT( IrLVFi fit ITr. .1 wimw mtmrnM WWrf o lHk." "H" ' tSU'Uiw WWimVQ Blp'HsW' IsssssssssssssVati