CAPITAL JOURNAL VOL. a. DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OREGON, WEpNESDAY, APlilL IT, 1895. DAILY EDITION. NO. 3S k5k S-H-O FlMIIIMimlf JZ2 MADE BY THE BROWN SHOE CO. S ALL STYLES AND PRICES AT THE CITY COCNCILACTS A Commitlee Appointed to Visit Yaquina. II M nm SOME 1 MORE ALDERMANIC ROAST. Tho last Chapter of a Sensational Episode. We sell for cash only, and will save you 15 to 25 per cent. See our new line of Straw Hats just in. K.T.BARNES 333 COMMERCIAL ST. The Willawfle Hotel o- LEA1DINQ HOTEL OF THE CITY. Reduced rates. Management liberal. Electric ears leavo hotel for all pub lic buildings and points of Interest. Special rates will be given to permanent patrons. A. I. WAGNER. . aOwr Ifyk-A- ?Jr ICVOE& Arc llic Highest of all lligli Grades. Warrunkd superior lo any Hleycle built In Mio world, re uurdlesH of price. Hullland iniarunu'cd bv tho Indiana Jilcycln Co., a mil lion dollar concern, whose bond Ih uh good as gold. DO NOT IUJV A W1IICJCL UNTIL YOU IfAVH HUICN TIIK WAVJSHLBY. HCJIOlVJlIHIt, 21 iositii IbH .. fWi, ii. amm;rt, UxcIiihIvc Atfenl. (Ml Ml llfllll LIMJi,, CEMENT, SAND, nd All Building Material. 95 STATE) ST, KOUK POINT IN WHICH i(fors and lifjtorias EJscel i Tly urn Uw fUmnmt, j U ut )( wufo " l wb MHk 'yuy M ilif nmi ilnrubk J. N. WUUlilUKi'i AkumI. ID 1' I'll laWTvirW . .... iiimuIm UAU. AMH MM U PHK5 owcsr sfigpcoi-, prdwaro, Wagons, Carts, Road; Machinery ANIi AOWICUkl "WAI lViiyviir ' - h.uui ULH fit. IMIK' MW ORSEWiEN ! IfflSSISSWW Tho council met In regular session last evening, tho mayor and nil mem bers being present. BILLS PAID. Salem Con. St. R'y Cor $459 50 uap. Jjumberlug Co 77 71 Aitken & Palmer 1 10 C. P. Towle 14 25 R. E. Moores 10 60 Uilbert & ratteraou 1 03 Halem Gas Co 2 70 Smith & Behind ler 12 00 Salem Water Co 103 74 JRobeit MoKillop 12 76 Elmer White 18 00 Patton Bros 11 10 A. Dilley 8 75 Glover & Pugb 10 60 P. J. Larson 75 Salem Gas Co 21 30 13. 8. Lamport 2 00 8. T. & D. Co 1 75 Lee Stelner 1 00 Smith & Scnlndler 2 76 Barr & Petzel 1 00 Under the heading of reports of city olllcers Architect Pugh submitted his report, a synopsis of which Is given given elsewhere. Upon motion of Mr. Murphy it was referred to uity hall committee. Mr. Bingham amended that tho committee repoit at an adjourned session on next Tuesday ovenlog. Carried. On mo tion the couucil agreed to adjourn to that date. Tho ordinauco committee reported against the ordinauco for a sidewalk on Mill street, but reported In favor of ordering tho property owuors to Lulld the same within thirty days. Mr. Murphy explained that the new charter made tho building of sidewalks cumbersome and expensive as tho pro cess of streot Improvements, and for this rrasou the committee preferred the milder method of ulvlng tliiity days tlmo before onforclng tho law. Adopted. The committee on ways and meaoH reported In favor of paying the claim of the 4th National b?nk In New York for paying Interest on bonds. On mo tion the matter wus referred to tho mayor with authority to uncertain If this is n legltlmulo charge, A petition wus presented for a by drunt at the corner of Marion and Commercial fctreeUj, by Chan, Cluggett and others. Referred to be reported upon tiextTuebduy evculng. A hydrant wan !o asked for at the corner of 14th and State Hindu, Ahto tu(vml as above. A etlllon wua hIho presented for a liydruut at Collage and Marlon, Alio referred, Property owners on Water uUeot tulml lor the Improvement of Hint ktrtet, Iteferred to olty ungliicer with liiNtruutloiis to bring In un ordinance lor cuiiMt, JUoorder Kdiw called the ottriitlou ol (lie uounull to Hie fuel iut the elly ktrvet twr ifliiipunli hud not paid llunv klnr Junuury 11, up to which (Iniu Ihetuinu hud U't-u runltlul, nml uiltul for liiktruulloiiM, The Jimt'er mm irfurriul to the minnillttii on nidi- lttH Aulnniiuh Jbinean moved that Cl.t ptdlkw iw urdurwl lo fiK.rt the fllure ut 4rtM) IIkIiI Ifi hunt, IVated, Ao urdliittin (r ll'u tUbUhimiNt f a Kittilv kii Mill lf!t front Winter 4iwt lw IX b, wan nad Hie fllUlid MMMIMl Uliie mkiI lefvtlti. An MMllitNiiM' niiiffiillii); tliofpjjulH ItttiivrV mrliiylotf Uulfl wlr wm rmtil Ihu f)t and moiiih) Hmo kixl dul Ah uhUumm urahlliiK lite AiHliony 'rt4lwii wmpfciiy n huuaMmt hm mkd ili Ihlnl tlmo iiJ uiimilmouvl AIWttN llHUVHH KV IIUtM lllbl UfwvNUlMK muHUw WMild inwt vr? MMrfy tvi'lftf M"l !' itif uUi nu ut h twunWI, ut lli rtly imiAr (niM h wii'ir uiii) I JrtM Ut lllbul Willi IllflU. 1 Atimtm Id I'lll J(wnM wm ll ' fiw MkirHi IMiftfvr. hi IIW fr v gMi iiw, wlilvli mm mwrn-l i rUUwviwiilllw wii wy and l 4t. Ull vti Hi i1'1"' Mr IH- t h pfMl Hi.l lh Mil I 'ld ("! in wkiitl drw for II mic. Mr. Urn HM ll"l ' uwUiu' lh( tt4 u r f H' l'rwvkiii the bill could not be over $25. and moved an amendment to reduce the bill to that amount. No second. Hoi man then said that he had had oon elderablo experience with lawyers the past few years, and that ho really thought this was a low bill for a law yer, aud'for that reason favored im mediate payment. On motion the bill waa referred to the coirmitteo on accounts and current expenses. Beforo adjournment Mr. Murphy stated that he wished to call attention to a matter personal to the mayor and himself. He stated that he did not bellevo In the process of tying a man's bauds behind blm while another pum melled him In the face. He referred to the charge of Alderman Albert, In print, that the mayor had tepeatedly refused to recogulze him in tho meet ings of the council. Mr. Murphy de nied this charge and claimed that tho mayor never refused to recognize tho alderman, Mr. Albert denied that he had ever mado such a charge lu print and de manded that the article be produced, but Mr, Murphy reiterated that he had made such charges repeatedly. He proceeded to compare the aldermau with Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde, stating that whllo he was In the council he played one part and while in his busi ness he played another. Mr, Murphy stated that his various charges against Mr. Albert were made only for the public good, Murphy charged that Albert had always been the most ex travagant member of the couucil, from the day ho Influenced iiremeu of the Becoud ward by the purchase of an en gine that was not needed to tho pres ent time. In private matters he thought such men as Lute Savage, Geo. Goodhue and Mr. Rynearsou, could give the public some Interesting Information as to practices of the aldermau from the fourth ward. About this time the well tilled city hall became considerably agitated, when Mr. Albert modestly entered his protest against his colleague's charges. He said he would not at tempt to enter Into a con troverey, lest tho result sould prove like trying to cope with a certain animal well known to all, and he would be compelled to "bury his clothes" after it was all over, Mr. Albert said he could not under stand why ho should be subjected to these numerous attacks ana fUIno uccu sationB, In which his assailant hyena like reached eveu into tho grave, and availed bis family and everything sa. ored to a man. All tho charges of ve uality that bud been mudo against him ho claimed to huvo refuted,aud thought It was a most uncalled-for thrust to publicly attack his private business. lie thought Mr. Murphy's character most vuluerublo,but would not domoun himself by uttucklng the same. He called Murphy a "crumb-picker, n buuger-on for pap, In towiuhlp,couuty, state and even federal olllcoH," lie charged that this man was not trusted by bis political associates, and bad been gives u high olllce to buy bis silence, Ah a broad uinlle went around the bouse the yeutruble alderman urose, to call attention to the fuel, us bo mtld, thut bo bud right there proved what be claimed, thut Mr, Albert bad not been denied the right of njweoli by the mayor, Jfo thought IbU proof on lbs Kpotkhnwed Ills colleague able to cope with the fttiiioiin 1CII Perkins us a llur, The only dlllertnce, he uld, wus the faot that KM nVr repeuUi. Allert retorti"! thut wt the umii who riot the IttlbliiK ui)t iieoiNWlly be tbuonu who iloen (lie lying, thl could not apply lo him. Whut Mwrncil lo hurt Mr. Albert """I wan the reference U blN former hunlneM uwixilute, wild l now In hi Kfuve. To Imvd thl man, who ww Uxiefuutor to lliu city, lr. (Jiltwl, wu all In thl uontrnvtriy thut would prompt linn I" mabu uny ! (vim, JIwkuhI Iiu wwiilil buto to le ooiiivIjimI lo look down Into 1)1 ber ami Mtold uuii ultwr bluukntMui of ohuriuitir m lil Mlluiit iniikt N nil up ul. ih oburgwl llmt Murphy and u mmtlUlrdlf of iHir, whum huumiUI uutnlil llnuorm, IikI fouglil Uil ikmii rrorlt l lliiw hu I""" l llw iy until Ih" hour f bimJtmlli. Mr Murphy lUnil U't "y uli nimlly InwJ wvr wl mimI wuhwl llrwtfiiy liu'l moruMiWr vuluutn imit, Hivtm blnM (hut AINrl liml Uvu unytlilnK huU trtiM Criwwl f ibn V immhI ul lii fmlly Ih Hftll Ut ttiibibor ttai witn wbwh Iiu wh wmw, Hl " wl Minimi Itum lnllr fflnJM. Tbl Uiluli Mmi m Murphy mhHmI IjI ml jwu, wm only in ih wMll Tor WllUllli'f WMhl H. Wl t4-l (l'l ( Hrinl IIumm bail imn nwJ only 1 low M it n il' itijlMi i,t ih tfounutl Iii !( l'ar and In Dim lila wIIhkmm HP4 ' ' timely close, wbeu Mr. IUgdon sug gested that a speolat aeeslon of tbo council bo had for a continuance of tbo Bamo, at which two bo considered a quorum. Mr. Bingham moved that tho amended wiring ordlnanco be brought up for final passage next Tuesday even ing. Passed. Mr. Bensel, of Newport, being pres ent, was invited to address tho council. The subject of his remarks was in re gard to tho report of the government eugineera against further Improve ments of Yaqulna bay harbor. He stated that a new board ofonglncora bad been appointed aud that they would meet at Newport May 11 for consultation. Ho asked that a com mittee bo appointed to meot with them and that Mayor Gatch bo one of that committee. Mr, Bensel stated that this would probably bo the last oppor tunity to present this Bubject and hoped that action would be takon. Mr. Bingham moved that a commit tee of throe be appointed, and the mayor named Messrs. Bingham and PJgdou to act with himself. OUR NEW PREMIUMS. Journal readers are urged to see our list of premiums oQored on another page. A fashion journal free. "Tho Queen of Fashions." A Rich Gift Book, free, from the pen of Andrea Hofer of Chicago. A Romance of Malaya, a beautiful book freo. Home Education two choice maga zincs. Standard works of English literature. When you are visiting your friends tell them about The Journal and get these beautiful premiums for a fow new names. DIZZYHEIGE No Sales, But a Heavy Raise Predicted. ADVANCING IN GREAT BRITAIN. TO PAY IN SILVER COIN VALLEY LOCAL NEWS. BTAYTON. Miss Esther Robertson of Salem, is visiting her mother this week. Miss Joaie Balsloy returned to Sa lem Monday after a week's visit with her parents. Mr. David Wyatt and family came down from Lyons Sunday for a short Visit. Miss Ollie Robertson was home over Sunday from Weazle Flat Reports her school progressing nicely. Miss Allco Balsloy returned from Lyons Sunday, where she has been visiting her Bister, Mrs, D. Wyatt for the past two weeks. Mr. T. Crabtree and family drove up to Fox Valley Saturday, returning the same evening. He reports prospects of a flue crop of fruit, Mr. B. P. Taylor made a business trip to Salem Saturday, returning In tho evening. Arthur Elder wont to the capital olty Saturday for a week's visit. Monday night April 16, there Is to be a dance and box supper at tho opera houso. Everybody oxpeota a good tlmo. MARION. Mr, Jt. II, Rutherford, of this placo, left a few days ago for California, thonco to Now York. B, F. IIitiHhaw and wife, of Bhor woeJ, Washington county, have bcon visiting with their children and friends here for several days. Rov. B. F. II, occupied tho pulpit at Friends church on tho 14th, Mrs. Lee Wiseman, who baB been daugorously sick for soyoral days, Is rapidly recovering. Mrs, Murk Ella has been on the alok list a few days part, They aro now lu their new homo on Holo streot. Alfred Cook and family moved to Halem on the 0th limt, Rev. Whltmun, of Turner, preached an Easter aurmon at the PreubylorlHU church on Kaxtor Sunday, Subjects 1 The ItoiMureotlnii," The members of the l'reahyterlau church and other gave an entertain, munt and 'fotlvul ut their church on the evening of the IIUli, A general good time won reported, A, H, (Jeorge ha been lulling with the la btrlpiM) for (lie putt week, Mra, Hhotfinakur, of Oregon City, la vlaltlriu with bur parent, Mr, and Mra, Farnlium, of Marlon, Mra, Kroh'a roalilenoo liua a new mt of white, William Frenh wloldtd the bnikli, J ( porta aay the Marlon uaw mill will be moved to the J Jr. (Joldan plane, afuW trillva uoal of U)Wrt, tliU Wnek, Mr. Wynut, of tin HUteaiuau, wpunt lait wiiek wild III wife ut (hair itoay hoiriuut Marlon, On Monday m-iit M 7-V) lUv, John F, Jfiiuaun, of Mount Vernon, H. ),, delivered k leolura on the (Object of "J'tmw ami Arbitration," a yllal Miia wlilali aliould unllut tlia htmrU of all Ob rl luii nation. That uutlou ahould Irani wnr no morn. A JfUMoroii ttl, About Jfood'a Haraaiiarllla-Jl tKl liuil iiuiiior and tiimli uihhI bmiiiir A I'ultla ht liliM la what flinnVt har kiiintfllla vliornualv ilulils. and It U kl H.l.U uli.lll.ll ll.M 1,1 , ....III..,, f,.lll lultllM I VTIITk rnl'"JI ! f(lin,MII,H MM, ,.l,l and Klvlng the ami ipiauinjr Oil l ii kHfofiilu. olhw t4 illaa lui 'ftlvlanlly on Ilia Nvra China's Indemity to Japan Calls for the White Metal. THE ORIENT FOR THE ORIENTALS. Boitor Times Will Bo tho Result of tho Boom. Not IConsumnted by an Alliance a Defensive Washington, D. C, April 17. Tho Chinese Imperial edict eont by the As sociated Press last night from Tien Tain, Is accepted among officials and diplomats hero as setting at rest tho conflicting reports as to tho final terms ofpeaco. Tho Indemnity of tw.o hun dred million teals is a compromise. Taol varies In valuo, but tho preaont vuluo of tbo customs ori treas ury taol, In which undoubtedly pay meut will bo mado, Is $150 In Mexican silver, or about 75 cents In gold. Payment will bo undoubtedly mado In sliver. Tho edlot that Japan la to occupy Llano Tung peninsula, up to tbo fortieth degreo latlludo, settles tbo Important pelut that alio Is to baro tho great fortress of Port Arthur and tbolmmcdlato surrounding torrltory. Tho edlot does not otato whothor Japan gets tho acquisition permanently or until tho Indemnity Is paid. Tho permanent occupancy of tho Island of For Mosn baa boon eoltlod for tho name tlmo. Tho opening of Pokln and four now ports marks tho In troduction of modern mothodH In the Interior of Cnliiu, Jupan bos gained the privilege of establishing her cotton und other factories In China, Tbo edlot makea significant amis slon oh to the reported Japan-China alliance, olloiiblvo and dcfenlvo,whloh If consummated, would glyo the "Orient to the Orientals," Japanese und OIiIiiomu ofllulula lu woahliigtou have never credited the report of thl alliance, Children Cry for Pitcher'! Catorla A Hue draw atruw lint for itt onla at (lie Union JlarKuIn; ature, J 411 Htate atrnet, in m w tjiij majikj;ti. Wp Wullu VVulla T, Ham J'junojnw, Arll Jr,-Wlil,W , Uiiwauo, April IT.-WIimI, oaali, , WKW Vomw, April 17,-hllVDr 7J Pittsburo, April 17. Oil has now reached that dizzy height where spec ulators aro afraid to deal In it, and tuero was not a sale on the Pittsburg exchange during the first half hour to day, while Bales on tho Oil City ex. change during the same period aggre gated only 7,000 barrels. The Standard again put up Its price 25 cents to $2.50, and May option was offered here at tho oponlnjr for $2.70. Cosh was oflered at $2.00. There wera no buy ers, and tho prlco gradually dropped to $2.00, then to $2 67, and at 10:30, $2.05 was bid. i While many brokers aro pro dieting $3. this week, few have suffi cient faith In It to invest. FOREIGN Oil, ADVANCING, Glasgow, April 17. Tho Scottish Oil Company at Its meoting hero today, raised tho prices of betroleum 8d per gallon, maltlnn an advance of 3d on tho week. KPPEOTS OF THE HOOJt. PiTTSUuna, April 17. David Kirk, ono of tbo best posted men in tbo oil bualuoss, In dlsousslng tho present boom In oil, Bald: "Petroleum will be the means of bringing tho country out of the period of depression that has prevailed for tho past thrco years. Tho moat Important ofleot of the In creased price, on tbo flnancos of the country, will bo tho Inorcasoln tho amount of gold brought Into the coun try In payment for tho potroloum we oxport, something like twenty million barrels annually. With oil at present prices wo would rocelvo something like $45,000,000 for our exports. But that Is not tbo only Influence at work, Our manufacturers aro already feeling the boom." Hi jail ii In Mittlilnu out t a Vital iludl Ilia IU ' ut iHiihtH nal(i. , uall rnvuirii lil Jlwxi'a Nil mil 4iiy, yat tironipt y ani nvr Amwvw,-TIiu Moml Hyiiiih)i) Huh Iimvh arrived In Ilia oily uml ureal (lit Wlllaiiialttt. Tlioy will exhibit In lliu Wiley II. Allen Miulu Wore win iluwiwyvruluMliuir rum 'JHhymr nhl Inalrumvnl lo U umil tin uyunlng, uaiiiy ami Doafnesa Cannot Bo Oured by local applications as they cannot roach the diseased portion of the ear, There la only one way to cure deafnewi, aud that la by constitutional remedltw, DeafuecH Is oouaed by an iullumed con dition of tho mucous lining of the Eus tachian Tube, When thin tube la In flamed you have a rumbling sound or Imiwrfeot bearing, and when It la en tirely cloued, deufnoiM Is tho reault and uuluua the Inllumatlou can be ta ken out and thl tube restored to IU normal condition, bearing will bedo atroyed orever; nine case out of ten arocatiaed by catarrh, which I nothing but an Inllauied condition of tho mil oon aurfaoe, We will give One Hundred Dolluru for uny uuau of Deufniwa (uauel by uatarrii) thut cannot be uurud by J full' Catarrh Cure, Houd for circular! free F, J, (JiiKNitv & Co., Toldo, O, fWHohl by DnivulNf, 7fi, lOlw Wlteii lUli' w4 UV, Wtf Btt litr CtMotUi Wuu lt wm a (JtilM, dI'I (nr CMeil. WUta lit Ukkkina MK kit vluu Uf (mIoiI, Wbta ln livl tlilHimi, li kv llmm OiwU, Hlieui.mtlbiil I a yiniitJiin of iIUdumi of lliu b d pya, t will juiflulnlv m fMlluvwiny I'M !' IIUIM I'lirtl. J buuHunhuund llrud ftmlliiM iwnne ail' IIuim ('iirif. TliMt ineauinanuiiau, AK for lifn'tMi'iii'i mm front Pitrka' Iiu ro nrlm lHYf Ogre for Hi llyir uml klilnvya ri ir, aoiu ny imrin a imuom. Wot I'roitorly owiiur nf Ihl uy are liuiMhy hMiiM ihkt iinln ihuy prun uriy iiit'un tin uili uml iiuk yuni uml rumnvii oil riillilli ut one, hey am labia lu huvu I iuinuil afi'd a 1 nulxaniM Mini will bu uliuiiwl ul tliu km .',.! llilll II.. .1 .. ..I.... II.... ..I l.ll.. ..II "it will mill pi llK IMIW ) Him fill iV.-u ..I ih-i.r,, Hirly olotli, hi low Hum at Mm Union liar- im "' "' ,,,",f,y Ifuiii alum. KJHmUfiru,!, ut UU lw A. Dij..nv, , City iiiukIihIi IJtj'HU of H in Mtveninti Vuwi I ( I ' i"'l JtH A NUli Mm llnlly bu Iwl luur, lit I luilhfHkiinn If Ihuy ill'ln't fit Ut Um (wnmlinia i mi, ml'ai'fHl, liaa iiiluj i H'l, 'Vh Miirnyry wM brMighl lo llui ulily llttif T. . -aMM I '"- -.- -.-, ,-"- .....- .- -- TIT U7L1' "ffi'SSSi muifti rowuTr il w a aiuye yu$tum, jri bill ami iirirail mm vim will U Wi uii, r' Huu (luiu uimi Minnrr vura wv M, J'flfW 1 III) 'ft'. RoYal B&kinff Pbwder UpjyKjB I Jt r V I N m m 1. 1 0f.IftM,Crm JJMK l'owdr 1