Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, April 02, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. a.
The entire stock of Boots and Shoes is to be closed out
at 118 State street, and a discount of 15 percent will be given
on each purohase until the stock is closed out, Call and get
first choice.
zrih s'
pi nm
Agent for Victor bikes.
Are ilic
Warranted superior lo any Hicyole built In 'he world, re
gardlees of price. Do not be Induced to pay more money
for an Inferior wheel. IuBist on having the Wavorley.
Built and guaranteed. by the Indiana Ulcyclo Co., a mil
lion dollar concern, whose bond is as good as gold.
21 lb. BCIIOROHKIt, f85. 22 lb. LA DIES' $75.
Catalogue free,
Good agents wauted In every town,
ail 6 i
Tbe Willamef I e Hotel
JtaJuM rat, Management llrL KNlIu limy a iottl for all puh
lie fcutyijJB ajid itojiitt ufiulnami, Hpwlr riiM will N given lmimumi
r i
Ji) .
Build mo
And All
Itardvwire, Wflgoni, Carts, Rosd Maehfriory
W, Cf Hi h(J iMr III. W-U1 mm '
of these sboes are perfect because
they're from our Btock. Everything
about our shoes is perfect, that's why
we're able to supply our patrons with
shoes that are shoes. If there's auy
portion of the human anstotny which
It absolutely will not do to neglect,
It's the feet. An endless procession of
corns, colds and other ailments come
from neglected feet. There's a world of
meaning in the phrase "a good shoe"
which you'll see fully explained and
practically defined in our stock. It's
what our shoes are that makes them
cheap at such prices as our (2 00 lino
men's and ladies',they are out of sight.
la the olty. You can see her in the
window at Allen's mualo store. She
the queen of all ladles' bicycles. Tbo
strongest, lightest draft and prettiest wheel
on earth.
J. M. WOODRUFF, Agent.
Highest of all High Grades,
Indianapolis, Iud,, U, B, A
rt -
Obarges Made by St. Louis Busi
ness Men
StartliDff and Sensational Dovel
optucnt Expected.
St. Louis, April 2. A tncrulug
paper states that a meeting held re
cently, at which were present some of
the best-known grain merchants of St.
Louis, formerly associated together
under' the commercial title of the Mer
chants' Elevator Company, which
went out of business in 1800, to be suc
ceeded by the St. Louis United Ele
vator company, measures were enact'd
whtob promise to unfold one of the pro
foundwt business sensations ever
known in Bt. Louie. The paper ssysi
The Merchants' Elevator compauy
was founded by Captalu D. Blattery,
in 1880, tbe captain having associated
with him J. M. Thompson, F, C.
Thompson, I. M. Hnrrlti, D. Block, It.
It Keru, W. F. Anderson, Judge H,
D. Laughltu and others. Captain
Slattery was president and geueral
manager, having a mujurily of I bo
stock. At the time it was sold to the
trust Captain Blattery and tho num
bers of his family held 1477 of 17.50
shares. Only a paitlal settlement wan
made with the stockholders at the time
and It is said that all subsequent efforts
to efleot a settlement of affairs have
been futile.
The late cousulutlon related In the
appointment of a pom mil tee consisting
of D. Black, Henry D. LuughllH,
Hubert II, Kern and W, T. Andeiaon
to bring about a settlement. The com.
mlttee was instructed to place the mat
leriu the couiU for adjudication,
W. T. Anderson, one of those luter-
eoted, said;
"Tbe strangest feature Is we cannot
acoouul for about 3,000 or ?10,00ti
worth of wheat that was lu the eyator,
Blattery was president at the time wild
f.ill control, I cannot we how the
grain got away without cimu one
knowing It, Wo hud lo,000 wuiili of
bonds un the elevator, wlilult we never
ordered him to Hit hut they are not
aoojuuled for."
Captain HlatUry, Ufriw leaving fur u
(Jlilcagu minting, Midi "This I lin
ply an annoyance Intended in diaw off
my attention (mm iwatlei wbluli
threaten the well Mug ami lixiity
of large Inter d Thu lnlri i ntr
to are Ihiwouf the Amerlmui Uraho-bi-ali)
Uowpeuy and (he (JIiIiwhm J I
wy Jtyulpuieut iiunmiy, in the
turum ut widen I si) repieaeaU !
number buidlnir "' An regard
the MefulwpU' llvvlf OoiMwyi
there l ud an U iw wkMiltrtlHii
Imk ( H, rw-t In ll) IniMlnsllwn tt(
Ju4f laifMtt. I oW tut Utf'
Wf and finty mi Wl jr
nKn(itr a uy lngU !' my w
nlnlMilii l mmtul, wwltl
gllly M il'tf h"l "'M yw l M
A lN lnytllivn l all I k. MU
h)wUn f m t WW ' nil
at tlU), ll IImM(w if MlM
in wnbl pihni fur, mnn4
Mf hnvUoUlit h I'M HtUlU)W
&uMMi Mm yMHt JntMlmtut
ut Wt M,V' in Hub at Hie Ml.
bV( UhHvl IUYW I1MMI4II, f -'I
f MJM IH Im4, lsHnjr fMl.4 At
h MMi w ?l Mr AM iiMM)i(;
l'li IU nl ( IH'W'W, Hff
M4 uy uumM JiftiioiiHiMit ;
MuMiy -f IW m MK("
MM w (4m ii iwihw
lH.fIM fcflW 'i''",w,'!rtjfHHy TiM Dims
mmh4 ' If Mi hllH l KM m .iuiuW, Um IIMm fy k a
, HW " " "" l"rf "'"
fmm, tf,r.f . . - - -r
ny 1 J um! Ai M imw imfm
- fc - -
if ii Cim fciwi t'to
vator securities wero slow of sale, and I
had to hold tltpm a year or bo before I
could dispose of them. When I did so,
they were charged to me to oihet the
loan. In the books of the company I
am not only charged with the bonds,
but with interest on them to the full
extent up to tbo day of sale. Tbo total
sum thus charged against me is f 112,
lDa 64."
London, AjJrll 2. Visoount Hill is
dead. His sodand heir, Charles Bow
laud Hiss, Is now In tho United Slates.
Beiilin, April a. Tho emporor will
go to Kiel, Wenuesday, to witness the
launching of the cruiser to bo chris
tened "Bismarck."
Chaklkkoi; Belgium, Apill 2. A
partial strlkoiof glassworkcrs in tho
Charierol district has been declared.
Ten factories are closed, throwing 4000
persons out ot employment. Tho ex
pected strike oh minors has not occur
red. 1
Bhubbel3 April 2. Tho Btrlklng
weavers at Reatelx, East Flanders, and
a number of trtlr bympatblzers, ycttsr
day, renewed "their attacks on the
gendarmes. JOurloir, the riot the
gondarmes flraa ou tho strikers, wound
ing several of tpetu.
London, ApVil 2.-A Pall Mall (3a..
ettu dispatch tsuyti that in order to re
pined the troops that have been sent us
reinforcements) In Culm, the gnvnrn
ment will cull But 20.000 men. Uen.
Cuiiipur), who Is to assume full coin
ninii'l In Cuhu,utulil u farewell lunlleiicu
with the ijueeu recent last evening,
London, April 2 Tho News
difMia'ch from fihnughtu says that the
reported conditions of poaco are that
Chluoahttll pay 400,000,000 yen Idem,
ulty and cede Formosa am) Boiilheru
Munchurh'. Jpnn Is holding guarau.
tees pending th payment of the Idvnt
fitly uud the Hottloinont of the hound
London, April 2. The Pans eorro
spoudontof the Pull Mull Ouzutto re
fers to the extravagance of the Fremiti
press ri'gaidlng great Britain, utid
rjuotes Henry Itocliofort as saying!
"Fiance Is submitting to a serin of
huinllullona In Bonding lil' to ICell
U saluU the vlutor of Wnerth and
Wltlenluirg, but the wortst of all, she
lias ubinllltil to the IdbuIU of Ureat
Britain wJlJioul a jirnleot, WlH? do-
tlia not lililDttr ilsg V"
'J'unipn deniHinU an apology or re
prlwtl, aixl i.yi "Tho Npvoghu of
Ahn.eud-llur(it), Kir (Jeorge Cruwii
ami Kwlern uunnnerulal trawler xrn
nut ut (he sllghltt lnwrlnwi hut wm
ruaghat at Ihu Indltorellnnit ut Hlr
iitlw at ii Orey ami Mr, Jowpli Oliuin
hvilaln. I'MhtHWM, Vuualan, Ajifll S.-A
lhlHghrk Jn.lln from IhoUulfnf
Mvriwt rvpru Itaving onuoiinUirnJ
Iwm unUintwu lm, liv)l arnwl
with mhwh, ml ttjiparvntly wtl
MjulpM wlllt muuWuti ut war.
When hlM lh IxmI nvU liu rpl(
and lbs Jiw,n )irnti, Ulug
sraM U insk awy fur(lir 'Jyi)M,
til"r4 tiw W lllty M fal m m
MA H m UMMMlil iitw shin limy
hn m uHnt m U Uubsn ih.
iuiim, kiUmtk U fM llul Uny
$t ptratoft, imitHui hy luitvuh Ou
nut, u4 mUuH l4it lhii(Ulfnd
(MMg tUv m Mnili AintHe,
Tmm lHf H n mimUf ut
inr u wUblu Jw days In
PrwfMM, 'ir'h MlJ nJ
miiPf IHtUU i Tjll, WllOM lHil
im It Mukwwn. ml wlio rw y.
thinly (itwt ' I atloiiwj HtyM
MniS wf KWK IWuHt fur tli
klrfiMWM' fitiH m man
my ymi
mtfit i wi hi umi
u4lt4 Alu,
lYniiiMirtiiK AkII M.-(titsln
tUwtth UM w ijmJWih ms, thl
luuttiJ)l4m, ... HMdUbuiWuir ,lr
Mfta b! with lb AwflMli
Jlg, 'I'f! Ua.. M IBWj
MiuiMMi, nwi vn mumi u
I ftaWaSlJfcSBf tW' '
Republican Victories at Spring
Chicago City Election About nn
Even Thing.
Bkidcjki'okt, Conn., April 2. Oill
clal returns on the city election bIiow
the euco ss of the entlro Democratic
ticket by plurulltits ranging from 100
to 35,000.
BniDOKi'ORT, Conn., April 2. At
mldtiight tho returns from tho city
election wero not in, but those which
have been received nsiuro the election
of Frank Eokert, the Democratic can
didate for mayor, and the entire Demo
cratic tloket by from 600 to 700 major
ity. Tickets wore scratched, ao that
tho count will not bo completed for
soveral hours. The battle betweon the
A. P. A. and Its opponents ou tho
board of education wus apparently
won by tho latter. Wren and Miller,
the two Democrats, recelvod an lm
moiiHO vote, tho majority of 000 women
voters casting their ballots for thorn In
hteiul of for Klugsley and Cogswell,
Independent Bepubllcuns, whom It
was supposed they would support.
Theautl-A, P, A, faction is celebrating
tho victory of Clark over Strong, Tho
Republican vote fell oil' in all their
strongholds, and tho Democrats mads
big gains In theirs, The sixth ward,
theJLJibraltor of Democracy, gave (W0
majority, The uncertainty about t It o
result of liiv board of education light
keeps large oiuwda at all places where
returns are received, Licenses wero
carried by an Increased majority,
Ai-i.iANdu, Ohio, April 2. The Re
publicans currlul Alliance today by n
nDprecedenltd majority. The only
oonlrfct was for members of the heard
of education, thorn btlug three women
low and present Inuuiubenln, While
the women made a crulltable show
lug limy were onnwril under by large
YmNiminvyrr, Ohio, April 2,-At
Uy' vlcetloiiM the vol a (mlleil was
noiiklilerably Ulow the registration,
The JUipuhlluans will Imve a insjorlly
In council Mm) n the Ixiafd of oduca
lion, 'J'lie Bepubllaaiiu were eleoUi)
fur all the ttfm viU fur uxotipt our,
NKVKiub iowa amm,
Dm Mtiiuw, a, April a.Munlo.
ml olwitlons wrf hli In m hw Iowa
trill, At Kaoituk tho iUpUhlloaiiN
rnwl up evorythlng. In Dubii'juu
(he I;nnnert lwl4 th myor, jtnd
ivwit(4 mmUoI ot (hv vjly oouuoll,
. oiiiuauo mtY mwmtt.
OniUAIIH, Apfll 'l()UU it tnit
u maym mi. lly MHsl.l., (mlay,
M,jr WVuily sfaiM, H l inun,U I ha
volt) will Iw tilo, (iw. II, Hwlft
huaillng ilia lUipublloan tltUtl, and
Psnb Wvulur J lbs IhmoniBilu imy
rally tm)ni, Btih rtnlnwl the
WHttlon ibday. A'ldMlonal lnixt I
gyn Ihv kkttUiu by lh fltelil nyvr
Ui0Mibhhln)(nfit 4vlmvli mu
luMuti Ui h iiujlttf and le rff r(
ioui and ollisf pullly vo'l uuluf
lli liamlf & HfiitMin,
fljjrUji awnM',
(XWIlUiriif Apfll 4 ft HJbj.tMM
il a dtesM tvp at )t(fijy'ti
.WMlW.Iiw j-nr.lM
f4M9 t IAJ, IfuKfanjUlHiiNlaan,
fw nityi'ii ;mim jiliiahty of r ii
wk m inn WlMM.
I'lMIHHMI, April jt-W'Miilli '
O , tji)MMifi; nh )ul I n,
MtlliAtmn fit-W for
wtohtrt owttrlii.
took part In tho elections, being per
mitted to volo for members of tho
Bohool board, manifested unuuil Inter
est In most places. Hero and thoro tho
prlvllego was negleoled, Their lullu
enco was largoly la favor of the Ito
publican oaudldates, In London tho
women handeomily defeated both thp
Ropubllcnu and Domooratlo ttokote,
Many womon wero ducted throughout
the state. Mistakes In caitiDg ballots
defeated somo of their candidates,
Municipal Elections,
PAMPAS, April l.Tho olty olootlon
brought out a very light voto, as tho
weather was cold, stormy aud dlsu
grcoublo oil day. Thoro wero only 230
ballots ouBt which were divided among
tho soverul candidates ns follows,
Mayoh W. L. Wells, rop., 1152; A,
B. Mulr, deiu., 87.
Btouller, lop., 130; J. P. Mugruder,
dcm., 100.
MAHHirAr. J. M, Grant, dem., 161);
AI'Drny, rep ,80.
Counoii.mkn Flrftt wuid -Charles
Blaok, dem., 41; IS. Caldwotl, rop,, 41.
Becond ward I, N, Woods, no oppo
sition. Third ward 11. It. Turner,
(lorn,, 28; 8. J. Coat, rep., 65.
Tho tio botweou Mr. Blaok and Mr,
Caldwell will bo decided by tho council
In tbo usual manner of drawing lots,
Helena, April 1, At tbo olty olea
Hon today Dr. Viu. L, BUelo, dem,,
ocrat, was olectvd mayor, Tho vote
stood, Btcelo, dem., 1,107; Lookley.rop,,
1,000; Hoed, pop., 740. Tho Republi
cans elected police magistrate, olty
trcasuror, and II vo out of tho seven
ivlderinou. Tho Democrats uud P pu
llstH olected ono aldermuu each.
Kuciknk, Or., April 1, J, D, Mat
lock was elected mayor today. He was
at the head of tho citizens' ticket.
"1511 Perkins" the humorous leoturst
at tho V, M. C. C. tomorrow evculuir,
A Naval Contract.
Wabuinoton, April 8. Senator
Biiilre, of Washington Is liitorcHlliig
himself to secure, If possible, a contract
for hdiiio of the new uuvnl vessels, pro
vldod for nt the last hchhIoii of congress,
for his stale, Tho law provides that
ono or (wo battlo ships ami ono of
torpedo bouts and gunboats can bo
coiihtruoted on l'uget Bound as ceo.
liomlcally as nt auy other place,
Don't forget that "JCII 1'erkfiis" Is to
he at the Y, M. O, A, tomorrow uvou
wii m iiiiiw ii
to iwmmimi mbn."
Iteply to tho Boycotting; Circular
Alinod at the livening Paperu,
ToHmIiii llutlni'M Mlli
We wish to ask fair consideration of
(ha follimliig faolsi
'J'lmt wo have paid fair wages and
puli! as high wages as we could possibly
afford to do and keep our IhinIikm
going, most of Ihulliuu not receiving
fair wages ourlvi,
That wo have not dlnorl minuted
ngalnut nnnubera of labor orgunlra
tlous, hut hye employtil ilimii at
wages sallsfautory t' both employMl
and employer.
That w havu sought lo ko ooiidinit
our ijIiim an to ho able to pay am
lloyi regularly ll lh ytmr around
uh yvagus as txiuld bo MgfKtd upon
hitweon ut,
We dsnfjuixw m uiAinorl8ii and
dotrlrninlul to III" true inlru of eni
I'loyod urn) KiipJytr lh rlul uf my
nrpiiulluu onti!rf0 wl) byilniM
mwii l llm iiiiiDiikiiinviit ut ihjjr un
ttVVMIKU Vuff,
MMIJ l'eN'
Ml JWiM," "&
'J'h1h i.lloJlii- flu lUJ"; li'rt ''
Ivm at III UhUhj JJj'gsUj dtlf, Hi
4lU'ifei fVllw,
'VBiy Uue ui Imtury v (
mint, ui iMuk'ti m ihm " 11
'iMtU liHr' W piiklut" t.ntfr
u AdinisstaM W muli,
(ijjIimI of auc J t'... j'uw"
Unices Enjoined by Some Tux-
m m
Hold by (ho yicltt oi Their I'ooth
Not ly Liny.
Unions somo taxpayor DVoitM out au
Injniiotlon tho eoretnry of stato will
probably leol obliged to lasuo warrauls
to tho stato railroad commission.
Kuli'in business men fuel reluctant to
I till-,, sh Injunction kiiKs coming
fiiun nnpluat the capital city alwnya
ere. tt moro or less nri'Jmllce,
Tho people's hIiIo of the cuso lna not
been prrsuutcd.
Tho people do net waut tho presot
oommlBslou abolished nloroly that Gov
crnor Lord may appoint another, Thay
do not want any appointed.
Tho peoplo regurd tho commission M
iv usHlcta luxury forcovl upon them by
lei'tsliktlvo trick uud rutulucd without a
uhadow of claim to their olHces for
aiiothur term.
Nobody wiuita u railroad ooinmlaelon
UmtcoAtHthe peoplo $20,000 uud does
nothing for thoiu except to force Ihom
to hu'il their froli?ht In wagons, Thoy
can do tlntt without a h-iiiiiiiismIoii.
Tho peoples' slilo of this controversy
(lauiiol bo pronoutod except ou a suit
brought In court.
Home taxpayor Hhould inveur nut Jan
Injunction against pDymuiit or theso
salaries in nny of tlieso fraudulent coin
iiiIisIouh' ft should bu douu to help
tho secretary of state out out of a eerl
Bvcretury Klucnld Is heart aud soul
with the peoplo In this light and
should bu upheld by tbo taxpayers In
oli'ikluir oil theso ihoIohh onnunlssloiu)
that wero never elected and, have not
tlllolo their olllets,
lloothoH ami Honla.
RAN'l'A AIII1S wool Ins uud heals the
uii'Uittiiiirs "f the throat uud lung",
when poisoned and Inllauied by dlcw.
It piitywils ulgiit sweats and llghtntwif
uuroKs thoobist, mi res ooiighs, croup,
iiMlimu, coUIh, bronchitis, nueumoula,
whooping iMiugh and all other throat
and lung troubles, Noollur medicine
Is ho Miumysful in during iniHiil catarrh
The euoruous uud Increasing demand
fortlnwu standard Callforulu ruinedl-wi
confirm their merits, Hold uud abkout
iily guarautiicil ny Lunn A Jlroolis at
M tmtiH uud ti im) n package, Thrw
for UM.
Tho Y'Iikk UiWa AHIudco ut tint
JfVMUgiiileal tihureii, vruvr CliemekMta
and Hevubt wuth firsts ( ust ri) wilt
given niusiiMii n.iiimfi at Hio iihurok
on O'liiisilny ivMilng, Apill 2, AdmlN
mIoii luu. Thu iTouwIe lo go toward
paying for ihu now u-gun. 1 IH
You Dent HtVB t Mwy OW,
snys inn i'i, LmuI J-wMial ol Amloulh
iiroin ao w,uiul about No roJUo
UlbfsiU"U ibaw lianit iiun. "VY
kliowufioaui mt uUiimI by tfiwo
Bay, on', a prwoluvui ' L arohu
M, IlliOkt'l hum oiiatrtHl luf ivHiMy
rurtib-.!fr( t,iiniiiiatevvi
1 1 f loi,a iusaM blin s ok,"
i nun !')'
for soliten i fcu.rot"l by JK .
a, ,ifMr fjii.y- iiH
j u'l UmNmh J our vjjII fHU
Vk)iii t.ii. but I y uo uf fur V"H
jisji ..i .', t. . . . b-.u. Jlai,nnigfiHi
Vk tt A..(b Aw liiini6i)W
k ' rln-, lo- Itfilliig Jadlrk' u)i
ni.lidrtiM'aii' tiwt' Hm
I sH.
4 Ui, ill ll
f IT " '
I !. i j? 4 taw 4 Dp lof W
t . , t i i iiUwWH Mrt-al.
m t ' m-j-t'-mmmtammmmtmm
Ills BilMM