Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, April 01, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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    " yjJBWWMipsJWIMWf ' I
VOL. a.
NO. 2S
ri v
A full Hue of all glides and
...... AT.
Agent for Victor bikes.
Are (lie
ilm.- vl
Warranted superior to ouy Bicycle built lu We world,"re.
gardlesa of price. Do not bo Induced to pay more money
for an Inferior wheel. Insist on having tho VVaverley.
Built und guaranteed by tho Indiana Bloyclo Co., a mil
lion dollar couceru. whose bond Is as good us gold.j
21 Ib. BCHORCHER, 85. 22 lb, LADIEB' f76.
Cataloguo freo.
Good agents wanted In every town.
8 116 i
The' Willamette Hotel
IWduced rutes, Management llogrul, Klegtrlo caw leave hotel for ftll J)ub
llooulldlKBiidollflnlerwt,lHM)olal rati" will Jm iv0 to wnimnl
hlMli,, OJSJV1J3NT, AND,
And All Building Material.
Haidworo, Wagons,
W Cm. m usi imu m
iawtfai'ge'cr !'.'
J r !v
styles at lowest cash prices
Ib In the city. You can see her In the
show window at Allen's music store. Sue
is I Lie queen of all ladles' bicycles. The
alionget, lightest draft and prettiest wheel
on earth.
J. M. WOODRUFF, Ageut.
Highest of all fligli Grades.
Indianapolis, Ind,, U, B, A
Carls, Road Machinery
Major Tattle Is Made Adjutant
General -
First Changes Mndo at the State
Governor Lord made public the
following appointments teday:
Jim W. Davenport, of Blvlorton, was,
today, appointed land agent, under
bouse bill 04, to select lieu lands for the
Btate board of school land commissions.
Major B. B. Tuttle, of Portland, to
bo adjutant general of the Oregon Na
tional Guard,
Henry B. Brophy was today sworn
lu and took charge of the office of First
Warden at tho Btate Prison. He auc
coeds Warden I. W. Berry, and wbb
for many y.ars night-watch at the
state house and a trusted employo of
the state officials. He is not unfamll
iar with the duties of the position, as
he has seen service uuder a former
prison superintendent. Mr. Berry was
a very'competent und obliging official
aud retires with all the honors of the
olllce. Capt. Brophy will prove a
faithful and vigilant official.
Capt. Tree, of Klamath county, was
today appointed fence guard, the first
ohange made In a minor position at
the pen.
PoRTr.AND,March 30. Wheat Valley
80; Walla Walla 44.
Ban FitANCisco, March 03. 85.
- Chioaqo, March 30. Wheat, cash,
648; May KJ. ,.,.
jnkw xoiik, juarcn w. nuvcroo4.
Lead, 305.
Dissolution Notice.
The co-partnership heretofore exist
ing betweon D E. Swank and Thomas
Johnson, in tho milling business at
Aumsville is this day dissolved. The
business will hereafter be conducted by
D. E. Swank.
All accounts due the old firm will bo
payablo to D. E. Swunk,
Thomas Johnson.
March 11, 1805. d 3 12-lm
Got a Lamk Back? Well, no
wonder, aftor stooping over a wash tub
the wholo day-long. You should do as
I do; eend your laundry to" the Balein
Bteam Laundry, thus, avoiding u hard
doy'e work at small expense.
IMI'IWVKD, The Congregational
church has heen beautified und lm
proved by the Introduction of a new
lighting ytem, and the pulpit plat
form has received a new carpet,
To tjYk Pbnitkntuhv. WHIUm
Heck man Was brought to the peniten
tiary Huturduy afternoon to serve ft
lift) sentence for the murder of hi' wife
k lid win M September, III I't'UgUu
Ull pVklim," of get lliore EH"
fame will he III Httluin Wednesday
1'lfltKii ter oeul discount oil wwli
purulin ut tilt Columbia lioe lore,
IIHHUlo pHtL "1
Hviiliilr lliu Hwl olmwe ut 8M
uvirntuij'tf jtrnoury I prnnouuwd iium
iwr one by lf vi perl.
jMii' friiiuu u)uUn ulow uliow,
Ml ttoniwiiMiu' HUt klrl Hfity,
)'f(ly;li'ii7irKtikfMt Mmii l Honur
mauli' riuie nUtwl numty,
Vtzlum Vumi H Ourd
by Jnuppiiollnn m lliy iuol
iUdU lndUwl poili of be, tsr,
TJiKf it only on wv lo min ifonfiifcn
iil jlmt ( uy w)iiillMlloit! mum,
ill I foil f lt IHUiWJW MMlllg f llMJ l?v
lUiitwl yoij bHV ruiibiiii uiiil f
UmmitMlmtm, Mi wmuJV I ;
ilfly MihHMl, jivaffiHMi l lli mm
mi umt wf finny
ilkllfjll 1UI1 litt llU
noniik nnwnih im
il will taut"
klrl) 'Wi IMJ !.!
M4 W HI 111
it lull lit ictli Unit
urn '! pywiih
M mm JhHjwJ wiw
II MM Ut U lllOV
H hit
tuiituvri ut lMfM mvf
.'l&tllll llluf .ulillull 11 UIJIUl ll I
tutim u Um, )uitiii niiiif Im
Him HM IJ.Il.H WUM ii.
Visitors Crowded Oregon Olty to Sea
Obroon City, April 1. Five thou
sand visitors were in Oregon City Sun
day, drawn by tho announcement that
Paul Webb, who, by tho way, is a wine
clerk from Independence named Stew
Art, would go over the falls In a barrel,
and that Frank Miller would make a
parachute lump from a baloon. The
program wu .carried out faithfully,
xen minutes ooioro vuo hcuiuicu kui,
4 o'clock, five pistol shots rung out, and
tho barrel containing Webb was pushed
out from the shore at Canemah, about
1500 feet above tho cataract. It waB
borno buoyantly along by the swift
current, went through tho first rapids
without shifting ends, and in two min
utes made the pludgo down tho cataract
into tho central, whirlpool. Then tho
barrel was lost to-alght about fifteen
seconds, when It -fobbed up and was
held 80 long aeoentta In the whirlpool.
Finally It darted out, and lightly rode
the moat turbulent part of tho river
until caught, abou$ 400 yards further
down, and towed)ashore. Webb came
out In good conn lion, seven minutes
after making theitart.
Tho barrel wa eeven fuot long and
three feet In diameter. It was made of
yellow fir staves; nn inch and a half
thick, hail u double head in each end,
and the Inside was padded with moss
and exceWor. Webb wggjauepuuded
In a life harness tt) preventflfyury from
the violent tumbjjng of the craft. Tho
staves were houbd together by eleven
Iron hoops; threejof winch burst during
tho trip. Oue etid of the vessel was
much marred. Tho barrel has a center
board to assist It to get out of eddies.
Webb estimates that it holds enough
air to Inst him haf au hour easily.
The baloon u&o&nslou was us success
ful as the plungo over the falls. At an
altitude of ubout 1200 feet Miller cut
loose and decended easily with his
HnMnliiiln larwllnc in Mia fltrnp nitron ut
''"'""""" ' .: t V,r-vjltUear8krifMgebarg1the rectors
nf lila atnrtlnir nolnt. where u boat soonT T ,. - ;-
u. H.n w- - n , f .--
took bun in without mishap. Tho
baloon drifted oil' to the northward and
oame down on the Rlnearson placo.
Paul Webb Is the first man to go
over tho falls of the Willamette and
live to tell of It, He dooms this us
dangerous an undertaking as to leap
Niagara, becaueo at tho latter place
there is abundant sea-room, if tho fall
Is greater, and hero tho uncscapablo
Jagged rocks mako tho trip a hazardous
Steamer Eugene In expected up from
Portland ttinlgut.
Steamer Maria passed through Salem
about HIV) yetterday morning on l'()r
way up the river.
Htoamor Elmore caiuo up from the
metropolis Huoday afternoon with u
lurgo load of fnlght, After making hr
landing at Hakiu ulio proceeded on to
Htuiinor (lry JUglo reiiialned in lliu
elty ll tiny yixtterday, Hlio Ml In
the evening for h (oliit above Albany,
to toctiro rft of ogn that lie will
tow down the rlvr U NewlerK
Hleninur AIUjiir Kit her dook In tltU
olty ul o'clock HuntUy inornliiK far
Qrnmi city with Wi nmoiiur on
lwi(J,of wlill forty wuro from Jndu.
pvii'JKinw, wi) retwliliig the iiioulli
of (he VhiiiIiIII rlver,tl Toledo, wliloli
ply on turn rivur, ami wh Klvlng
an nruursloii lo OrKii UHy, Iwuw
on Imril W MoMlnnvillu oillii,
litr M out li 'l of Hi" Alt4ii 'I'liwn
MtVl N f' lIWwll llitf two hOttlK,
li AUm folding Oiwm (ny t faw
pilnulwiifU'r jaiolovk, ioiit iilii'
uUmMw Hi1 Toltxlo, Dami'Iiik Mini
mulu wm lli Miivr of ll ihy, IIih
tMixitiit lliu iml IimvIhk mmvl llm
WiiMtit llHwiil HrtfmuM hii'l,
whiU rllwur'l wit nnitUi ilironi
mihtyty. 'i'li hp imr Mm lil
ity (Jpflu WkII wm inii4l mm
fully. Mftf H uimiU (mm Hi lli
J Ml in tiivw l0 Mi fH uiiiii
jiwuilitJ Ihv lior UvUiW. on Ihv
ittiuru Ull' ll AlU'im Mi i)iti my
M I', in i fHubllitf Hulflii Hi U 'II
ti)Unk All lli" wlc; Pnyk kihm
lM uf iim fitxmioMj ii'til IMU4
limt fll Mnvt ftiM) nil hi lu IhU
my ii4 u ii Ji tt Hi vyyhu
0UF1"U 1 1 im iVH till fcou,
''i All'U iflUMiKiJ fiain !iiilfiid'
utm WAt mniDd wiiU M iM ii
ihM) fat J''i mm. Hip ib mi titflii
il)t Hi UH'iWlHll tin) (Hill llllpltMUVul
fat j'iUh'J u4 htt (r iu mm tHy
uui'UtU hvyr !( Willi thmi mum
Creation 'of the German
In Honoring tho Unn of Blood
mid Iron.
Japanese Victory.
Yokohama, April l.-Colonol Itoa,
In his official report of the capture of
Pescadore Island, says: "Makulg Cas
tle was not taken until two engage
ments had been fought. The Chinese
lost three killed, and sixty prisoners.
The Japanese lost one killed and had
Blxteen wounded.
At Bismarck's Home.
Fkephkickseuuk, April 1. Blnco
early this morning tiaius have been ar
riving here loaded with visitors from
all parts of the German cmpire,deslrous
of congratulating Prince Bismarck on
his eightieth birthday. Among tbem
was a deputation from the Zeydllto
Cuirassiers Teglmeut, of which the
prince is tho honorary colonel, ono com
posed of university professors aud an
other of senators' from Hamburg, Lu
beck and Bremen. A dispatch of con
gratulation which King O3oar of
Sweden and Norway sent toPrlnco
Bismarck alluded to tho iattor as the
creator of German unity. Emperor
FranciB Joseph of Austria tolegraphed
congratulations today.
Princo Btsmarck rested today until
10 a. m when ho took breakfast alone
with bis family. At noou be received
of the uulversitles, and other officials
who cutue lo oiler congratulations. Ho
will not muko un ud dress, but ono of
tho delegation of btudonts will deliver a
long oration for the prluco'a edification.
After 7 o'clock no one will bo recolved,
At 8 o'olook the torchlight procession
will tako up Its march.
Count Herbert and Count William,
Princo Blsmarok's sons, with their
famllleH, arrived Saturday night, and
Dr. Schweninger cume yesterday,
KitiKimiOHHiiuitu, April 1. Bomo of
Prince Blsmarok'u admirers, evidently
recalling tho story that, when ft stu
dent, the prince cured himself of a
fever, by eating two pounds of uausagea
and drinking nevural liters of beer, are
sending to tho ux-ohuucellor beer and
wuiuttgi) enough to provision a be-
Mlegod tirrlsou, The platform of the
railway stalou hu huun piled up with
barrels mid taxvn, which men Intve
bteu buy ull day carting to the coat It,
A large JupaiiMU) Incense-burner,
wliluli arilvrd from Toklo, Imu been
nut up lu Hie garden opponlti the
prlnnlpitl enlrunoe, The sword pre
neilled Iry (lie vmpowr IU " ft tou
In the room whwre the ouM prtssnln
uro dlHiiitiiod. Surrounding it ore
look,pli,wakliig''llukM kmi! hinull,
fully llluiriliiMli"l wiilmM, IhiiiikI In
enihoftkud ImIIhTi wwlen, vulvut md
mtUli)aM!i)' I'rt'Miils iir illl nrrlvlntf
far Jllmiunik fmriou dug.
i)VK UY WAHHItimON'lt iiaih,
IMihiv, April I.-Aniifjllepfw
nliilto i'lliiM lilmiinruk m look
of Uetn WmIiIIikIoii' Imlr nvll
III ii lltll HUMt box, 'i'lif Ii Ihv Klfi
of en AiimImii lady.
A turtfAiil who fcvrvl In lliu Mr
Willi Viuim, m llUiiiHrok n Ibii4
)inwilkiift l'uilii Iron MroM, utui
tmiitHit kl W Mtri, iHOlll Uh$'ih
ul fiMdtyn niumtu in wIiImIi i
imlvH'i risln U wiHMi W,W) Uih"i
Mil III IMIllrnt l l' !' Hy''
)HMl,hK Hmi'llAU- JtiUll J.
llwr, M U. ft w ! now im
Uf, lw iHHilW YtHh U. hi If'
J, m lMWMi rift!. H7 If
OhlMrn QtyUt
Tho Dalles city election occurs next
week. Republican and Democratic
tickets are In the field.
The people ont about Troutdale have
been catching smelt by tho wagon load
to uso In fertilizing orchards.
Tho prospective loss of wheal from
freezing In Umatilla county will be
small, though in a few cases it may
reaob 20 per cent.
The Three Btstera baa been employed
this week In carrying to CorvalUa 20,000
bushels of wheat, stored last fall In the
Boonvltle warehouse and owned by
tho Ronton mil.
A young man named Fisher was ar
rested in Wallowa county and brought
to. Union, Sunday, where ho will be
detained for trial at the present term of
court, under ,'t.n indictment found at
the February term, for perjury.
The Pacific can factory now have
their full complement of machinery
running on cans, aud are turning out
on an average 120,000 dally. Next
year the y expeot to use nothing but
American tlu-plute and tho Ban Fran
Cisco faotory will add a tin-plate dip
plug department to their busluesr.
Tuesday afternoon the Infant daugh
ter of D. W. Prltchnrd, of Corvallls,
aged 15 days, breathed its lust. It Is
said to have been a murvel of littleness,
being only about 12 Inches lu length,
yet was perfectly doveloped, having
regular features and a beautiful face.
The remains of tho llttlo ono were In
terred Thursday.
Tho two youngest sons of William
Junes, a business man aud member of
tho town council of Wilbur wero play
lug with a 38-cnllbor royolvtr laM
Monday, when It exploded, causing the
deuth of Jay, tho younger of tho two.
Just a week provlous Mr. Jones burled
his eldest daughter, Mary May, aged
Conductor Fred Wall has hauled 111
carloads of potatoes during tho present
month, on Ids train alone, and other
conductors havo each hauled about the
same number. Theso potatoes aro bo
ing shipped from Wlllametto valley
towns to Arizona, showing that Ihe
growers seom to havo discovered a big
market in tho south.
Ib the unusuul storm of last week at
Tillamook bay, moro or less damage Is
reported- Al Bunn.of, Jost six
head of cattle. Thoy woro standing
under a large treo, which was broken
In pieces, aud all tho cattlo undor It
wero either killed by tho strokoorby
falling pieces of timber. Other dam
age of minor Importance Is reported,
non. George Turner, of Spokane,
said to bo ono of tho greatest antl-oor-poration
attorneys on tho Pacific coast,
lias been employed by tho farmers of
Walla Walla and Columbia counties to
conduct their cases against tho O. R. ic
N. Co. aud E. McNeil, receiver, bofore
tho Interstate commerce commission,
which will tnko testimony lu the
cases, commencing April 11.
A stutiblug Is reported from ltlce
Hill, Douglas county. It seems that it
was tho regular date of the weekly
prayer meeting at tho school house, but
owing to the stormy weather only llyo
or six boys got together, Aa they
were waiting for the pooplo to come lu
a quarrel unwe over a (rival matter,
started us a Joke, und ended lu Boh
Moser ktubbfiig lluiiry Cantor with a
pocket kiilfe, cutting no yen gashes,
The Injured niun U seriously hurt, but
will probably recover In due time,
This comic paper hus noiiio inimitable
cartoons, But no one of Ilium Is more
forcible than the titliriony of Itv pro
prietor, W, J. Arkell, to the value of
Cor, Fifth A V. did Sixteenth St,,
tinw Vomk, Januury H, IBUl ) ,
"About III rue weeks wince, while nuf
irlng from h fcuvero oold wliluli lud
tllJ on iny iliikt, 1 tippllud uu Al-f-whju'h
Vtmnm I'hAtmm, iid lu m
short llinu oMmiiim) relief.
"in my opinion. tui planter should
lw In every liouwiiold, far u In w
nt couylm, oojd4, sprain, bruin or
pain of any kind, I know 11ml in my
I'ltMi lliu n"ili Iihvu biii niitlrwly
(itfBUlory end beiiWliilui "
W. J. AmkkMi.
IllUWUUrrni'rt VlhfM Hiil (hu pH'
grin of titvty.
h nyinploiii ' li ut lli kid
liryn. ( wlllwruliily lw rnllvwl lr
i'nrk' Hurt Ouru, Tlml livuiwhv,
Uukft4liemiltlivl bi ling mm (rum
ihi' mnu wu. Am for 1'nrkr hum
r-th(n iH J vit mil) khl lit'!', PM"J
ft h i uy Lunil It, ISrookv, Jti.lWj
Jfiljet0fijri irmtVuwi
KVS Powder
Homes Destroyed hy KeatHcky
Forest Fires.
Cleveland's Sound Currency Vlow2Wb
Aro findoraed.
Little Rook, Ark., April 1. Dep
uty U. B. Marshall Johnson and a
posse of six mon had a fight with
moonshiners in tho mountains of
Hempstead county. After the emoki
cleared away the posse found the bod
les of two outlaws, captured a third
alive and took posesiiou of an illicit)
dlstllllnit plaut. Hill nud Bsllamy, of
the posse, received serious wounds,
Four of the moonshiners escaped.
Fatal Boiler Explosion.
Wouuhn, Mas3., April 1. Tho boiler
of Loriug'b tauuery oxploded this
morning. Five bodies have.becu taken
out of the ruins. It Is not known how
many aro killed. Tho dead are: Alvln
Clements, foreman; Patrick Lilly, fire
mun; Thomas Patterson, night fore
man; Patriot MoGouugle, oiler, and
Bamuol Tracy. The injured aro six in
numbor, A big Irou smokestack on
the boiler house wus blown high Into
tho air aud fell across the roof tho shop
aud a tall brick chimney foil Into a
thousand plocos, crashing the engi
neer beneath It. Patriot Riley died at
tho hospital at 12:40 p. m. making the
0th victim.
Spring Forest Fires-
Bowmnu GrtEKN, Ky., April 1.
Forest ,tlreo havo burned, over 600 acres
of Umber in tuwi comjtry.Tbe. homw
of Honry Eller, O.T. Bmlth and James
Walters wero destroyed. Tho families
escaped on horses. Henry Ellor was
fatally burned and a negro farm hand,
perished ou tho Eller farm. William,
F. Wards, colored, was burned to
death while llgntlug fire uear Anneta,
lu tlio Southern part of Grayson.
The President in F&vor.
Washington, April 1. The preel.
dent this morning rocelved representa
tive dologatlons of ChlcagoAUs In be
half of leading citizens of Chicago, ir
respective ot party afllltutlouu, to Invite
him to a public reception to blmeelf
and Mrs. Clevelund an an expression of
Appreciation of his steadfast Insistence
on the preservation of the "sound ha
tionul currency." The president ex
pressed uratltudu lint guru no wwuranoe
of his acceptance,
The copartnership heretofore xlU
lug between A, N, Gilbert, I. h, I'ftt
terson and It. I). Ullberl, under tlw
firm iiuijiu oi Gilbert, Patterson & Co,,
Is this duy illMolviMl, A. N. (lllhurt r.
tiring, I lie liu-liu- will lm ooiiducted
hereafter by I, Ii, I'uilemou nd It. D,
Gilbert ui.Jwr I he llrm nume of Ulloeii
A Pattemou, AH ueootiuU due the oA
firm will be pstyuhlu lo (lie new, of
UlliHtrt & l'4t4irou, (hey ftsnumliiK fttl
IhtMlltlvsofdieolu llrm. .
A. N, OlliUKHT,
1 U. VAvrMiiMn,
It. I). GlMIKKT.
Huiuiu, M-"ii u, mm,
I Concert.
The Voung People's AIIUuw oflb
KveiiiiHli'fti ciiiiri'ii, nriie Ulijwki
ami KeveiiUviilJi nlm-U ('"'t eliU) wJU
ijlVM U IllUilOftl OOlllrt Al (Ii OllHIMI
on Turu'luy vi'nliiifi April 'i. Ailw
Ion J(U Tiim prtH'ed lu H' 1waM
paying for Hie new urgen, 1 M
"J'.'l I'Tklim" lio'nrr ul (lie V. Hi
U,A, WediiM ', Kt wiling,
"JCH iCrkiiiM," "! rrkln."
Pitcher's 0trlii.
r'l lU)X)ll
Of, KW toMw Vuwito
'At VI- ,:iu;j.l..iti'.'....
AvMuuvy ;?
lf uji ?i4t