sajeaejrs&fise : ac3'KjMS!!RSW? Pi rijlfci-r ir i .--p. fjtiia JUST T .STYLES THAT SJ5LL -IX- S)LK NO PkbcALR. IrAHOK SlEBTKh, Few, Lzxcrni, Filled Seams, 3-Pj,r Basdkd Collar, Z -Plt Cum, tkMMm tjMiji J. J. DALRYMPLE & COMPANY. OHB CilTOL 11 JALllllU 0UU1UI l: I'li'i i m ii 11 it. i XlLU CDAILY Al WKIIKLY.) JsV HOPER BROTHBK9, WED.VErfDAY, HAECH IX, 1S 1 fi. VEAIUtOIlX, 9 I rur. BbOKSELLBR AND STAT10KBR MAK THE LATEST IX CBEPB TISSUE, HOCtKtt HVTK fAPKIt, A3tU KSVKUJl'Ki. Tyr-swrltefs bood, llni od auvxi pipers ua,'n Uct-nayUiiot o mi(bi osaire id ue war .! ttuxxwry tot oiae, kdwi or wk , 2j wnnwrcui st. " PERSOWALH. Jeff Uyrn wh f peaarnger oo the Running ton., for Bdo. Kluio Davie returned to tbe ftuarry on the 11:17 local. rock W. O. WeaUcott returned laat even Joie (torn a bualoeaa trip ;u Portland, Mrs. W. Wright, of Corvflllla, fa vis iting at the bottw of her brother, John It. Krauate. Judge JL Y. Bob, Hr. waa a passen ger oti theiUamtr Alton thla morn lag for Portland. Mr, sod Mrs. C. 1. Parmenter went to Portland on the afternoon local tor A week.' vlult with Mewl. W T. Blaler went to Albany hut evening on bualne connected with UwiHtat Insurance company. V. V. Knighton, the architect, re wr&ed this afternoon from Albany waters lie ha been on business. Secretary of 8Ute H, It. Kincald returned from Portland thla morning where he has bran on buslueas. Win. Poor, of the Oregon Hedge cympany, left thla afternoon for I ml. lavnopollt, via the Northern Pacific. JUvi. Iiruwean, of Mount Tabor; Chabat, ot Itoaeburg; aud Lluck, of Urook, were the guente of llev.J. H. Whit, yteterday. A. W. Olcty, of the Htate Initurauce cotiiimoy, returntd from Albauy on the 1)10 local where he ha Ikb In the interest of hie ixiuipany, CO. Gray, of the Jouiinai. force, went to Albany thla morning, where lie will aerve tut n wltnt-M lit a cat before liia circuit twurl. Hon, V. A. Hehlbiedr, of lUxmberg, I thtf city fur a few daya taking teati uwny before Beth N, Hammer, a refeire In a Douglaa oouuty oaao, Lydell Halter, clerk of the railroad oomnilwlon, leave tonight for Harry, Illlnola, having received a telegram from tila brother, K W. Maker, elat ing that hla father, nearly Ni yeara of mje.waa very low. Jioott Jioaartli will mwlvu the luteal new model Columbia bloyclea In pi few tin) a, Tlila aguiiey U for haltiu nml the tributary rouuly. Wheelmen will want to awn the new Columbia, Onlwi Willi itoxorlh llroa. SII Coin WH-rctal Mlreeli dAw (Jholoe laying Ig horn lieua at Doty k llfiiuelt'a, Ot (V)urt aluel. Poultry dreuMtu) nit abort liollcu. Kuw crop (iikhm, mlUl and frrah, al IffliWiii A Vu . A 1 1 Minn " ' ' " " ' ' "' '" "' iMWHiuM TO HUUWt A HUW DRRHU rjj!rea gml laala and Judgment, a MltqwMgatif what will look well aud wtwr well. Hvrry U'ly'a (ante aud ieHlHtltt fNatl bo wwlly aatUllwl by au WhIii of our eUgaut Hut of new e)rt g'MHl. IIm. Vrlveia and Irlui ml. Th (aMM l lilgiirat and ptHk Mtoai uuxlsfalo Hi Ilia illy tww lllfi HI' illi MI Wf ftW, HUM Ii M ValeilPtaiMIM, Ofr?ilrtli l"lM 1 Vewlw IIUM lva, IMlliMI lii I'llMW laiH-a, eli' 1 fir Mi'wl"i- Whv laVaalM HJftiWJjIllliM'y tutor RU4 eH. KHfirMIViltr (WlPtN JSKSSptadWHtMBMB IN. A OTMJTIPtfL LINE Laom i.k Latest Polvt DJrlaue, Vas Dtkk, 1 DurrALR Orikstalk. Poi.vt Br Venice, Bikkp.e Vrhce Poi.vt, XiAOR Collars. IIT THE C0UET8. !Jad Hrjri't Holding & Term -8a prtsle Court Deciato:. Jnd2e II H. Hewlt of department Xw 2 oftbedrcalt cart made Ibe fol owing rnlriea on the decket: Capital Xl local tDk of Kalt-m v. John Uugben and J. N. Martin, foreclosure; -H'fnhvKd without pnjndic. S. Good (io kiioDg va. F. J. KidIedge and C. Maru, forerJotor; aalj nonftrmtd. rick Kelly vr. Marion countyction (j tuoiit-y; ititnl and ubroltted March .Jodgrnrnt on tindlngA in favor ot laion twrtily, plalLt-fi to pay the .-. t. (Capital Lumbering Company y. It R. Ityan .wlH.E Kobte;fid id nubuiitltd, brief to be filed by ilercb 25. UPBEMK C500KT. U.K. t.'rta, reapondent, ra. Katptrj !chsrnij( et al. appelUnta, apj-l from iJultnomnb crunty; jodgmfut rtrved nd the cue remasded for audi other ittlon as may be deemed not inconi tnt with thla opinion. Opinion by Wolrerton, J. Colburn itarrell, appellant, va. Title unarantee &, Trnat Co., respondent, ap peal from Multnomah county; Judg ment affirmed. Opinion by Wolvei too, J. Aurelia Itarrell, appellant, va. Title Guarantee t Trut Co., respondent, appeal from Multnomah county; udg ment affirmed. Opinion by Woiver Ion, J. It, I. Babln, reapondent, va. John B. Mitchell et al., appellants, appeal from Polk county; udgrnent o til riiu-d; opin ion by Bean, C, J. Fred Krauahaar, rnapoudent, va. P. Hauk, appellant, appeal from Wash ington county; Judgment affirmed; Opinion per curiam. The atate, ex rel., P. PMaya el al., va. O. P. Mason,; demurrer to com ptalut overruled and defendnnt to have thirty daya to anawer. iioth of the foregoing are proceedings In dUbarmtnt of attorneya from prac tice ou accouut of uuprofcealonal and dlahonurable conduct. Motlona In tbe following caaea for rehearing were everruled: Wittier ilros. va, Bluiuiooi, el at.; A K. WmIi buru va. Interstate Iuvratment Co., and J, ('. ChrlateiiMn va. Paolllo Coast I (ores Co. RIVBE NEWH. Hleamer Kugeue la ou the upper river, Thu P.lmoro will be up from Portland tomorrow night. The Gray Kagle waa not lnK.-uliil nt Oregon City yralerday aa waa alalril but will receive her paperu tolay, Hteamer Altona left for Portland at 7:45 a. id. with a fair load of freight aud a large number of paneiigura. The ICagteito la on a bar at Falr lloid yet In whluh poaltlon ahe will have to remain until the river rhua alntut two feat, The Thrvo HUlera U eugagiNl In haul' lug rouk from lite railroad luolloeat Corvailla to the government work mm the river about otio and ou half iiiIUm above that city, Upon arriving at Haleiit ylnUv luoriiliig the Alice A waa iulwl onto Ihowuyaat the Altona dock for the purjxKw of uiaklug some neMaary re pairs (o her hull. After launching m It waa ilaioveriM (hat lirr ooudeiulug pe had (mii lorn Iimm whltih mt- aiiaitHi a luunar uaiay wi a turn t two hours. Him made her lagular trip ( day. HoU Oaliforula liaar Any UmIv uauvatahauuld Hut blml of weather. The liuuhje la to let iih. Ilku thw mall whu usiimIii lhebi4r Wf adviMi our rvadira to puryhaae of Uiiuii Alllft.n hoiilM of rlANTA AmU, lite California Kin. id Ooiiumntlou. AehliiHfoibi(li. IViuglia ami CrMUp Uulva, and keep H liaiidy. ' fi iilt-a llig (' Die Uile ami dialli to Ihii ajwvo uiuijilalnu. HHI at M ueuta aud fl 00 Uiitle) ir fur f$.4a i'Al.U?0ltNlA CAT H (latR whMliiHiiiM)iaiaMitr Vim CaUrrhal vliua la somii dUpUwwl by u lu'-iliiu aud wiitirtliig tfaiure ilvu H I rial Hi iiiMiiMia fl no. aeiil by null (I 10. a Tmh Vaiuk or Munm- It ym waiillokiiuw mialmuuy MtviL try lo UMioif ii, ujt M u ww tt J m filing tfoKj Vlp hwy MB UifJ coMiWistonERS cotrHl- Proeeedisa Marion Oozstr, Mirth' term, IBM W.I' HtAAu4. nMUtf ylt; rti' mluCootr, WaUon aed AMoou. VuiUtnUig. UIt w-re uh ad ordered paid: ' yjtxo itn iiHirxjK. j Capital bam. Co t &4J GnyBroe 20' j. c.Jjo9t ei; V. WalUer 2 47) JefaoJL Perter 14 10 1 IJebty A Stefiea S8fc, B. M. Dimmiek S 37, B. M. Dimmlck 13 2) C F. Bqral 170 CO, aF.Hyal- VSiV) i.U. HfSBett h'J) U W. Dsrant K H Geo. V. IZrttn 1 65 O. W. Ifiia SO W Jaa. laPotfeU 6 M Brows & Smith 175 Horns it Amend, W-16 elatmed 60 67 OOOKT HOOBZ AMI JAIt- dtetner &. Bkusntr 6 20 liarr & PetiH, (eont- to April). -faleoi Water Go. 13 00 Churchill A Burroughs 1 M Oreznn Telephone Co 12 00 A. II. F.nKtier, (cost, to April), 'alem Klectrie Co CO 00 Buren & Hamilton SCO Henry Bara 4 60 Fred A Jgg 10 00 A. B. Hubbard 2 60 KTATIONKKY. H. 11. Kincald 16 60 rUlem Htnteman 6 20 F.K Deartrii,f?2S5notallow'd F. W. Waters 3 75 Walte Priutini: Co 49 53 Capital i.My P.iudery 21 i fapltal Journal . 12 00 Walte Printing C-o 113 60 Moomj&Co 43 39 FAUHKK. lira. M. A. Lemmena 25 00 Salera Hi- R'y Co. (f-5 not allowed A. M. Clough 16 00 W. W. irtephena 102 60 Is. Hendenson 13 00 W. W. Hubbard 3 00 Fred A. Legg 13 45 KraUHrf-Brrw 1 60 Halern Woolen Mill etore 0 60 V. A. Faaii, (!- continued). CBIMINAL. J. W. Miller. 20 75 Goo. C. Hears 4 00 W. G. Henderson 3 75 H. B. Plummer 10 60 Adolpb Pflefer F. W. Hull (6 not allowed). Toy Wodk Dr. J. N.Hmitli, (tSUclaimed... HAIAKtti. F. W. Waters, Recorder John Kulglit, Hherlll l. Khlen, clerk 3 00 00 60 00 275 00 613 70 375 00 I). D. Coltey, acaeswr 602 00 INHANK. Jatnea McCain, attorney 5 00 I). C. Hberman, attorney .... 10 00 TKACHKKS RXAMINKItS J. H. Graham 00 Geo. A. Peebles 12 00 D. W. Voder 16 00 isQvmm. A. M. Clough (Burkholdcr).... 20 90 A. M. Clough (W. A. Baker). . 37 75 ORDKItfl In application of Flora L. Burton for aid, allowed f 10 per mouth for March, April, May. W. H. Hlngo allowed $80 for build ing bridge lu road dlatriit No. 34. Huperviitor road dUtrict No. 31 al lowed 300 lbs powder, 250 feet fuse, 2 boxes cap. BTATK CH1MINAL, OA8K8, O, C. lUiimby, Justice 2 25 T. A.liuttou, 114 claimed 0 00 A. G. Cotidit, attorney K N. K.lw.,J. P A. 1)11 li'y, oonatable .... A. O. Cottdll. attorney K. N. IMta, J P A. OUho') coUHiulile A. O. Coudl, uttortiHv B N. Klw, J. P - A. Ulllfy, cotjM'.able .. John Knight, kherlfl John ICnlitht, alierlll .. I. W. Miller, night watuh and 6 00 0 20 2bl) 2 60 0 l 1 WJ 2 60 6 70 1 80 76 10 A0 20 76 0 86 0 10 1 00 1 40 1 20 1 20 1 0 i a; 1 00 10 1 00 1 DO 1 GO 1 01) I TV 1 w nurne ' Wm, T. Clork, J, Jamea Colllni, oonslable W II. II. Htewart.cotuUUld. (.'. 11. Work, ooiutablo I). A. Hiiilth 11. G. J'lerio JohliHiiulU . Movd DraL W.P.Hv Mlllk. Hilntml Fred Heiweiiinu, wltiiew. ...... Hubert Davla, witness Mrs. Allre DavU, wltueas-. Orvillu Flook, wlitiuu. .... Juhii FIikjU, MilneM...... Kd Heath, Milnasa Uw. Ptook HUT Al.UiWUi). J Ii. hUUB John HrtHtks ..- . ciKouir uuiiiiT JtiKflHa, M. A. MaGfirkltf -,f I. J. Adam -. J. J. Jloaker Qliaa. Jbtllqy. P. J.llallsil II. It JsUrliMMi tlw W. iurr o (iiihnri I' ('. alhaw P. P. ISmi Awarded illgliot oMor-Worlil, rlr, unu CREAK BAKING host ptui ti i mm. D. Ij. Grim . J. A. t3odge. . iim. tJttk. ..- C I' Werirt: r it. t'k. ..... 4 W. V-imc ..... a K I'Hiut-r. rtlirt.... W3J Slffl ae in; 54 ! JJS4 - ; l-rsnx T. I- KiOKham . . 21 dinner. After pataktngof a !' It1.Ihw ri?.fea.tthecU- aw Utea tPartex- Joliua Fitber m- S ) A.J. BirJinrd-oo - L. R Ubby , Henry 0twro. ... Hadley Hofaeoo Cbaa. Lmbke. . Jacob Sddnbacb .i Geo. ricbale . - R T. Judd C, J 2S!w. L. O. Kwu 30 tfi j Q, SSWi XI m f ' A yll . Peter Lacier .... - O. J Kerr Pt Mullen 5 24 24 24 i' i' cr.... LBIocuru B E. Sloores 8. B. Catterlln Frank KaUer John Newsome . x 00 Wilton Blmeral 2 WJ 2C0I J. W. Henniocer Chaa. Bailer 1.00 4 00 2 00 Jacob Stanton. It ri. Flobrer H. C. Tarpley 28 20 H. M. Mclntyre 2 00 D. L.Feater 4 00 MORE GOOD HEWS. The Salem Cannery Will Put Up All the Strawberries It Can Get. Mr Wallace, trustee of tbe Balem Cannery company, authorizes The Jourkai. to eay that the cannery will buy all the strawberries that can be marketed here In good condition for canning, aud all will be paid that the demand for canned gcoda will warrant. Tills will be welcome news for berry growers and all who have patches will do well to get them In shape. Enough seed peas have been secured to plant 100 acres for tbe cannery. Farmers were ready to contract 200 acres but 100 acres of a good crop is all that Mr. Wallace cares to handle. He bought alt tbe seed that could be had at Frifeco, Portland, Minneapolis and several other towns. Plain Talk. This is uot intended to be funny, but it is smart, because it Is a plain advertisement. Clark, tbe Court street grocer, wants It known thai for good quality of stock, very low prices, and superior service, his place lakes the lead. Bee him. 3-13 2t. J.OST. Lady's small brown, leather purse, containing 15 in gold, $3.25 in silver and a copper cent. L-aveattbiB office and receive suitable reward. Koo Cookers. John G. Wright has a Hue lot of Perfection China egg cookers, If you want something charm lug In that llue examine bis stock. Halt a doeu varieties of carpet sweepers, at Buren & Hamilton's sold at canter ii Hat prices. Poultry dresaed while you wait, Dotyfc Dennett's, 94 Court street. at Blue Point oyatern, the best In the market, only 20 cents per can at Mcln tyre'e A Davis's. (JiniiiKt.L.v Hospital. John J Mauler, M. O. New ribs, new covers new handles. Willi C. M. Lock wood 258 Commercial street. 11 27tf A Natural Product of California, It la only found lu Bulls County, California, and lu no other part of the world. We refer to the treo that pro duces the healing and penetrating gum used In that pleasant aud effective cure for conauinptlon, asthma, bronchitis, nud cough, BANTA ABIE, the King of Couxumptlon. Lunn & BrookB guarautee aud tell ll for 60 cent aud tl.OU a bottle, or three for 12.60. ly the uw of CALIFOHN I A CAT-H-CUIth, all symptoms of catarrh are dispelled, aud tbe diaeaced uaaal passage I speed- Ily rettortd to a ueaitiiy oouuiiion. $1 00 a iiaokage. culara me. By mall, (1 10. Clr- Beyond Comparison are the good qualities utieaed by Hood'a h-nwnlltt. Above all it pu rines thu blood, thus strengthening the nervm; It regulate the digestive orguns, invigorates the kidneys aud liver, tones aud builds up the entire atvm, ourea erofula, iHwim, iirrh and rheu iumUiu. Get Hood's aud only Hood's. Hood's Pill, euro allllverilU, bilious-in-, Juundlik), iitdluestlou, sluk head aahe. Xa, nWtidi Uti m? jijiH mm TUB liJJWi. V 1 1 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 ikj A ' . V 1 Ul III LIU - Vtlb . ... . . . . ., . . Hul illll I 1 lAll f KaM)ll ill 111 I IV . muumim iui mini VALLSY LOCAL KEWS. BBOOK-. Ia Sw4aT Mr. A. A. JfH-.ta , ttw af Xg. 4ta wt j in abool iBVtted M eU M k TlHe to vblt the axUy rwl at UuU . nt&n Bruce Jb- wee b Pt!d Knia? tht mide 8Dd at prt- Monday remraJaz Monday. ' ,er"tbaH can be badelsewbere on Qaite a number f tk s ". , e. F-Osbura'aKackt Store. turned oat and grbU4 for Ker. Byal lB " ls ,. Saturday. i Kiurdr itenwon ctarf 5ou f the in Absolute due. SS'Ra.fMvJ m Trtth eTlce. ph.ud.ks., fs - -' , tocher. GraiMlma Harrb. . Jre fcr oW sores, bunw, pounds, chap- $l Mrs. Frank Harr k iWtia? fcr 'd baLdTaiKl aL kin eruption. Will 20! parents at- HverUw I fo-t rely care all kl2 cf PiAsk 20' Rev. Wood and wife reWsed U their (or tbe ORIGINAL ABIET1 wJZl'r p..mui wwnl.y. after OrSTMEXT. Sold by LunnA Brooks "" .... " - i rrutmrra zuii a month's eta , Mrs. Crook h&s mortM to Salesi ' where she wHI reraaia for six weeks i under tbe care of tbe doctor. I Miss C. L. Royal h vt-ltiog in salem Ibis week. Several of our people have been to bear Mr. Yatman. AH tbouid near him. Rev. Royal preached on Howell prai- rio RnndiT. and and bv the aid of Mrs. Royal they ortnized an Epworth League with twenty-five charter mem- Little Ada Harri fell from the up stairs window Sunday morning, a dis tance of 16 feet striking on her head, but fcufiering no eerious iDJurie. Mr. J. W. Sbafler and wife spent Sunday in Brooks. Clinton Myelc of Salem Is working for M. Krebs. Johnnie Imlak quit school last week and returned to his borne at Fairfield, where be will a&.-lst his father oo the farm. Dr. Reynold was called to se Mrs. A. G. Perkins Saturdav. Police Court. Tbe necessary witnese?,A!ex Jordon and Captai i Bell, in tbe case of Jimta Butler, charged with as sault with a dangerous weapon, Wt-rt present al th examination wh h re sulted in tbe defendaut being bound over to tbe grand jury in th mm o 200, in default of which be was placeo in the county jail. Married. YAGER-LEHMAX. At tbe CooV hotel, at 2:3.) p. m., Tuesday, Marc!. 12, 1S9-5. Milton H. Yager and tlf Elbertba Lshmau. Rev. G. W Grau- uls oMlclatlug. Xo Trodhi.e at All To get your laundry to the Salem it earn laundry. Jutt leave word at the olllce and the driver will call for It and deliver it whenever you want It, done up to tbe queen's taste. Insane. Johu D. Denman, aged 30 years, was brought to the Insane asylum from Corvallls, yesterday. He ls a school teacher and hi Insanity is tbe result of sickness. Don't Tobacco Spit or Smoke Your Life Away, ia the truthful, startliug title of a book about No-To Bac. the hariiilfaes.L'uaraii teed tobacco habit cure that braces up uervee, vumiuaies me nico tine poison, inaKes Htak men culn strength, vigor and manhood. You ruu no physical or financial risk, as No-To-Bac is sold by D. J, Fry, under a Kuarautee to cure or money refunded. Hook free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., New ork or Chicago, Notice. The copartnership heretofore exist-ingU-tHeeti A.N. Gilbert, 1, L. Pat terson and II. I) Gllberl, under the llrm name ot Gilbert, Fatturaon &. Co., is this day dissolved, A. N, Gilbert r' tiring. The bukluiw will le coudueted hereafter In I L I'atiermio uml It Ii Gilbert under thu llrm name of GllbtiU Ac I'alteraou. All uuoounts due the old llrm Mill Im pavabie to the new, of llaUlllissof the old llnii. A. b. GlLMWltT, I. I VXTTVtWHI, u 1 x. . !LP' OH.HHRT HaUjiH, Maroli , list. Remove fitlffoeM. fimv are ao uulak tu msi l lie uilvaai. age td a rninsdy b il,, w Lj, iuj. v "TV ill i V, P."' r" "S " w u lul 4,1 a.a.. A.i - ,.'" " mn-ftsttUAim Hlvan, I fe nfrr niiiww I iuu, aU4 A IUsrwrThlitilaiflh.K liau. AthUi WJilCKir-'ji;-. lll. ftWIWrit U) H tdvi4.iV i aJln' All. LiiAf as a....v... ai. r '. r JWi t'laa-iaa Mb in tralwtiig. a i)mi uuUi rasDoy. au- Bw utmtktm ' Miukmi VilhmihUd 4 1 imM uf AUasMM HBlsl sKslsto I aiu irtaTti UM ssHtM aihUsH pprnr iTiajTv m Mfci tkm iJffi ''M iit).va ug, 1&k4' tWl '' . 41)440 w - w w V P't 1 MM lw mm, ijm tail . ritetea Kotice. m ia la i"". Yrrr ThL ,rue, fc IMe y ?: .1 hert-Her will oe ciua-" "J Dr de the oW firm will bo U. D E. s'waBk. I1 D. E. SwaK, Thomas Johsos. Mart 11. ism. d 3-12-lm' Tk- ORIGINAL ABIETINE J?i, affaWa. ...... r . ...i . In l.roa I at 25 e-nL i-r box : bv mail 3fi cenU. JOHN HUGHES. Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils, WindoYT Glass, Tarnishes 'an(j (Uerjiost complete StOtk oi . urusnes oi an juuujs iu mc State. Artists' MateriaLsjLime, Hair, Cement and Shingles and Qf GRAgs JM New Advertisements. rpo k.liHUly-01 airts guod lud;well 1 locuieo; eurxl 7-ro.m bouse; bara, shop, txc; 5acreorebarc; aU In cultivatien: for Sa lem property Address H., Journal office, Sa lem. Or. 3-13-lunt w JAJt'lKl UT young man oi good bablla I HMiUon u Heiser ;n blacksmith shop. uasftorkeaibrecye rs at lbs trade. Does not ei pect blie -s-s. K-. Journal onlse. Fun eiLb .HtSA' 1 u good frccind-nand bteli, tngu.d cjndlllua, m toeslnet'g ,UD Hurt. 3-12-U IrnI uuncu oi keys. Fmaer will pleate return aud receive reward. W. A Lulck. , i tnu tlujwjjc'n auction and cOu.ini 1 .imi Uuate. St uLd band goud bouxbt -d -i.dua eoainiltsi a. fartitubati gauv jiug ium;,. ib.uKlca i aud Me nj:. farmt A.m a (HCjiij. J. r. u jC'lii., aucl.onttr. . i U ioy -mi t., lwi r rnoui aant. i j...i .i j.j.1 ju-tx. li'iUte-KtepvT by a ll u.i. .4e m ,m.u iile U iiih, hi, U jfeQci., fAir u' i.ilii' O or. Jg.wkg.t t.. ui.u...i.uuuu bcie uuU piAlUKl L prjperl on r u. -ound for j.ropenyil. ulcru Orrgou. Audru Jouimuutuce. S-25U 1 Kl.i.A. C3ri.XJi.N.- JMdUDj ani 5 oojiiaersJi iuuuj i-t). uoiie, roou urM bio;a ifiisCHiui vura uoue at art jVU ALUiiusgiu ring, wnb afcetung . jvrncrctn eiuiii.e by cnhicat ibeJoua- . uu .Kvingiurinigud. 'J-5I3t LALiI -,. g i!y ttll you bow yon can eii iiiske $1 wteiiy quietly at your abu.ue f. itou peniuuent. Ueply wltb . diu(-aeneop. Roman's Bencnt tx, Jo- ' t. 111. J-.vJt. It J ri Ex-, u a . o tj. A fln.1 cia grain farm, altuaitd lu tue taajous jkiiics Klver Valley, .i)itti Uai, cIom; uj gtod ruartet. WUI ex ccange for property about mitm. Addresi.H. erne Joutnal. iM Mann, itooin 3. Poat Ufflco biocK. utr. rij tJCCn.v.Uji iMUiucay pruperty for X laud or stock in Xanwis, tlouu count preferred. Inquire of U. w. sinllb. Yei r'ara, Blem.Ur. a Mm I ttrAMfco rusuiug 01 ooa ad' II dress, liberal salary aud expenses Dald wcKH;rtruianeniposiltun blUiVSN liUOa CO., Nurserymeu, l'uiUand,,Ortgun. . 1-Apr-17- g m A r .11AL' . K1CB-Lat cbauee togTt 1. choice thoroughbred chickens at hall ''."S?', iour P'" 01 a hundred; must be sold. S Hofer, Halem. I P,.,t ?Htil' "'"'Pjl er Advmisiug Agent U. VI Mercnauu' Exchange, au iranciaco, i.our autboniml hbwil a, ". riHutlMU, 'ibis ruwr La keot on Qle In bis office. 1 iunjia.i;j-l.iuraluie oj ul J kinds ou sale, m x.o uberty sirmu f4-i . "' 1 Art.iv urgeiotof heavy brouu UlIUL- lor DUttlUkT under rturiwi. nianjmiipdpriorkaie cheap. Just the ual orhce tall al Jour. tf ,Jn.. ....- rauauo. aacruiueuto, ntrttult. L laoomaiuid oan Francuco lepers on mi. al Bennett's rostoraee block. ""i- PANslEri -Splendid young blooming plant at avenue green houses, ifi cts, per uomu. , t-a a t. DttEiJ3MAKlNU-41U.).dlulveiclila mr uer Church street and burJSu iuSa r lain and fasblouabie dreaamskluVr Si m? ledressiusklug al moder ate prtex. S-7-3H T. H. HLUNDISLL, illoraingsiilc Poultry Yai'd. SAIKlf, 0. to Pram Pure Winning Poultry. H.M,WAJTlUTOmUU, ami nniM'Pi fwul Uiunlf iuibUhm i. X .1....... D - "THaW ' niHHa, VHsW fl-..! W 8AI,tfJWi W Uditimm himuu. HQmmi 8MiMMMIWt mm mum mi fiwrnJSEi wfe '!S5k? up lulioul m i H.WO KtWAjtn mmo ibi u, u..u. .jcaSr. .. "HE ANTI-MONOPOLY Strictly Gash Market l n dotnr 11 or own ulaoghterlDa sad eaeMMBlife J SeU fUftfff1irr Sbopoppctfll rtfrBior pou-ci r.TO w..., -- - IllCUIC.c'j. . . ,. AJI1AO. VI WUft n-tr Proprietor CONSERVATORY OF MDSIC Willamette University Tteinort complete and best equipped qmIc teoooi on vdouwww. CnlTenltrtsnd-rd. Latest methods and horoazh wot t. DlttlomM etTen on completion ot eotu-se. ririt term bejini September 13, 1L Z M. PAKvrN, Mu. Pop. THrrcVrr tU Huie Wing Sang Co., IMPOBTKRS. OF Cblna and Japanese Fanny Goods, SUk Em brolderr. Screens, Dressing Gvwns, rabies nd Silk Covers. Shawls. All klhds of orna ments, curios, underwear. Best Teas. AU Stnd matting, wholesale and retail, at bottom prices, 112 court st Salem. Or C. fi. LAN Merchant Tailor, 211 Commercial St., Solera. FASHIONABLE. MRS, MAY REDD Invites the LAOItS OF SALEM to call on her Alsr KKONT bTKfc.KT. Ill work done In tbe latest styles and ol the very best quality and at prices to suit tbe times. CLUB STABLES. DOWNING 4 THOMAS. Full supply ol horses, bjggles and bocks. Best ol care given to transient stock and boarding. COrncr Kerry and Liberty streets. O-Make specialty of taking parties to ensst or mouEtains. 7.7 Cooper Shop. CYRUS STEWART has opened up a shop north of Mire's mill, la South Salem, where he is prepared to make and repair all kinds of cooperage, such as pails. tubs kegs, barrels and chums. Only the beat Matonwl suck used. J-rlces reawin. 8Dle- 7 lU-dA-w SALEM TILE WORKS. LARGE STOCK ON HAND,: 8pS',ucfm'nUorIered. Bhlpped to al TVttni nil S. 1 1 III- HnSlAn !.. a ? .. . Yard.; North.Halem. " eUU ,or "" Address J, K, UUnPIIY, Fair Grounds, Or; WIIV LOSE TIMB AND MONBV ? H-1dvt3mo v, I'tunr.nnuii nte.11 isj.. Haieta, Or. J. W. SHAFFER WBuwtaaortloitJhaller & Otaitj), I hKALKH.JN, AGItlCOLTUIUL UIPLBUBKTS VBHlUbKS, WWIM1M4,, puHps AH) itXritAli .Aft lf.i' VClMW DBWSBMAK1NO, VMlM ni l)mn fl', 1K'-Syl itmMl rf1rtlKw w mm HW i " ARTISTIC. m i m - iSM Ml UMtUf UMbslI JiV.WMiBitO usir 'Mil w mtwn UBFWM fflmf USE. lwfu, II, Wi Jullllaoi) $ m, lit sis 1 !Sw HII4 tow t;lt, ) igA&Vff&MM V Of JOrtfi. fl 1fW9 !f!flrM)AJM , vmtmmm l i)'4- ItfcMlij IT" WMMaj MMmaB.