w ljre- PKOORESS 1 .ill ultnyei the I'rcntfHt ilrgri'i of minion anil real en. joymeiil out of life, nre those who iiiiikv i lit inpsi om :t&.- 01 uieir ijipuriiiuiiiea. "v Quick petceptiim mi J i T3 R0'' ' Jii'lxmwit. lead Mich " nriiiltntlv to tulnlit anil (. ....! . tlua tf llt.luaa rn!..AJ lllilltt- Hal- vi fc.v-. Il.llllbl4 ami improved products of model n inventive Renin wlilcli best serve the needs of their ph vuical beinc. Aceordimrlr. the most intelligent and progressive people are found to employ the most refined and perfect laxative to reg- rulate and tone up the stomach, liver, and bowels, when in need ofjtichan agent hence the great popularity of Dr. Tierce's Pleasant Pellets. These are made from the purest, most refined and concentrated vegetable extracts, and from forty. two to forty-four are contained in each vial, which is sola at tne same price u the encaper nmue auu more ordinary m found in the market. In curative vlr. toes there is no couiparisoti to be made be. tuee'ii them and the ordinary pills, as any one may easily learn by sending for a free unfile, (four to seven doses) of the Pel. leu, which will be sent on receipt of name ind address on a postal card. ONCE USED THEV ARE ALWAYS IN PAYOR. The Pellets cure biliousness, aicle nnrf bilious headache, dizziness, costiveness, or Ijonstipation, sour stomach, loss of appetite, icoatrd tongue, indigestion, or dyspepsia. tinu bciciiings. "neart-Durn." nam and distress after eating, and kindred derange incuts of the liver, stomach and bowels. Put no in class vials, therefore alwavs fresh and reliable. One little "Pellet" Is a laxauve, two are miiuiy catliartlc. Vsa "dinner pill," to promote digestion, ake one each day after dinner. To relieve iistress from over-eating, they are tin. qualed. They are tiny, sugar-coated granules; any child will readily take them. Accept no substitute that may be rccom nended to be "just as good." It mav be Wtttleror the dealer, because of paying him better pront, Dut lie is not the one who muds help Address for free sample, WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEDICAL ASSO. IiaTion, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. Hcrvoutmcm, KmUslons and develop i and restom wear often I J'tlntln (lie pack, lotevi by day o luliUtojpi leklr. Over 2.000 rrlvate endorgement. hematurt'iieis mttiu itnnoteiiuy In ilio Unit it UrremiMu. It chu bo slonpod lu leg day I a mnDiorn oi kwiuii wwhwm thoiuaofJlunyan, ...... , . nucovcry wu mans vr iubbpmw i14 famous lludion Mtdlcal Initilut. U Die atronackt TllAllwr ui4e. It It ver; wrwi, liut uaiinifM. coiq ur i.w i oro pujkmics for nciwiwamwaitxi wi tleu guarantee glvu.Ki'f aturs, if; il U kut to you two of all ciiwkm, Ion I for clreulf.ru aud titliiint!. Ad'tfuM lll'OBOH WKUIOAl. INK'lTrUTM, iiuluu Ntuckiwui lUitrkwt iSc liliu nu Null IrHIU'i:i Jul Mexican Mustang JJniment or m), UlftliiflnmwIUrfderiif r, iVIIDMlUC Plfll, "lirfmd ntlna, WUlllJJf oiw Jit' i,uin, i'flllllfcU, ''11 u, QLtllU Alllllflljfjfr yii..MAJJi)HfjLi Hilrn mil TIimhw wil ;f JIIWlMi 9f Wbb$- m in ix --I. ii-1 M "i 1S BSGSr n,1?rf?n KbH tion,Nery. eomJ of HPH on. twitching 5KS" HSU tzoiuo, dliisctcn WfltPffil fitrepsthena, 1c wen of BSJilfflJ Invigorate. aopo and HKffiyJiuSfi and tone tin awra. mkHfiiSiM enllrosyMem. Hurtv.n i KIPJHbM Hudran curci !!j ;r. neAiwmm Debility tile. P&SOHi 'dran stops f&MlpSxjHk .nalureness aJCTMPM l l I . IStM.HM irgo In 20 mmmlmtM .'. Cures flfiMwyiflB r, o s t Mmk mood mwmn mmmmm &&& v.'irK rv pjpr. "tete'K Phfl ,h And the onk liign pllo iho chlinnoy. and the flainp U i"nrliiK brliiht, When witch talcs uro in order, and thn thil dren uano their j.!j, I light my pltra contentedly ud puff and puff PtuT, puff, puffl luougn the wind the caaement cuff. A. full pipu of tobacco Dringa me happinoas enough. Is sloop tho time for dreaming? Well, I dram my dreams awako. . iuD mg varying vuions that a wreath of arnoke can make. Tho scent of my tobacco makes m reconciled to stay In a world which hath no sorrow but a d!d can puff away. Puff. Duff, nnffl Let tho world go smooth or rough, A plpo of rloh tobaoco Brings mo happlncas enough. In tho bluo smoke round me curling rise tho Carolina hills, Tho sunlight on tho meadows and the rlonlo on tho rills. And tho valleys of Virginia Beom to blossom with thu May, Aad I hear tho reapers singing as I puff and puff away. Puff, puff, puffl What though fortune should robufff A pips of fluo tobacco Brings mo happiness enough. Old friends I loved come smiling through each misty wreath that curls. I hoar tho fiddle's music, nee tho red lips of thf girls. The snows of lifo's December havo a rainbow tinted ray, And a sweet face I remember makes me sigh and puff away I Puff, puff, puffl Llfo lu rosy, life is rough, But a plpo of sweet tobacco Brings mo hupplncss enough. But I smile, for I'm contented, and no vision can provoko, When tho frosty air is scented with old time tobacco smoke. Tho girls I lovo are married, and their goldcr locks ara gray. Bo my blessing to them carried as I puff and puff away I Puff, puff, puffl Let tho wind tho casement cuff. A pipe of raro tobacco Brings me happiness enough. F. L. Stanton In Boutbom Tobacco Journal. A DESERT MYSTERY. Colonel Whitehoad is a story tollor from way baok aud has a refutation n.s a racontour that sproads over a dozen western states and territories and from the wators of tho Atlantic to those of tho Pacific. Ho has had fiiiiuroornblo thrilling adventures, both in war and in poaco, and whon in tho proper humor ho will spin yarns of tho most absorb ing interost by tho hour. One story that ho related as wo were jogging along behind tho mules on a re oeut trip to tho undoubted gntuway of slieol i. o., tho sulphur banks of Kern county is ho nuoanny und struugo that I will venture to repeat it. "Bointi tlirto years ago,'' said the oolonol, "I wns engaged in making a survey fiom Itogow, on tho Mojavo ileg iort, to Antioch. Wo made rapid prog, ress toward Fort Tcjon pas's, and it bo onuiq npcesry to check up tho lino, measuring distances from government corners, that tho road might bo noour atoly located upon tho filing map. This work was assigned to an odd genius whom I will call Duck, a man past OS, tough as u knot and as wicked as n pi rale, Frequently ho would sot his rick' ety old transit with the lens wrong end to, and nftor trying to looutotliu lag for Iff or SO minutes he would dlsoovor his error, mid then such swearing as ho in dulgod in is rarely hoard outside tho fpraMwtluof oiniiii-ofwar, I sometimea think Hid Htrungu miiiilfustution which I nm about (o relate to you might liuvu been dun to liuek's prof mi I ty. Curtail) ly If iiiuii oun ever Imve power to (Uin uioii Hjilrll, nvll or good, ttmn thwnetli' or world, Duuk ought to imyo had that power in no inu)l ineAKiire "I hfgnn tho iimpecllou of tliu nurvey prejisrutory to the rJtflit of way work, itATtlng lit Mogul', h ileaolute uImIIoii on llm A, mul J, rom), on Hie borders of mi lniiunino fry )Vt, W innde our Drt uunip i)iim 10 iiiIIim west of tlmt (xdiit. 7'Jio ri'HwIwr nu vy powii wnn nt (his llinu Duur Honuuii' M'olloi), midor the sliivdown of Mount l'rirlur. Ou hhiiiij wm ii nidi' ftutthr'n ihiii, mm iienr It mm u tlrnvkburo wlUj MlUo Jioytorwl III It A well of fniriy good wir ulnw hy niiflu M noiijforlDl'U mi) jmIIII lly. 11 wm lo In JtolMr, mnl lh w lr limJ rlviJ iKr H) uifclii Ihv M of llm tUlf teu Wo M 'I'" tir u uvr Dim fll Dim vu( w,' ww" wm u iiuUt mtuVv, liMkliiMouloyvrlhttitMiv Into iiii)w of iImI lowwd miiMir, II lIIU)l OH I'JV WOUlliKII) rIIIH I VWh mum w m ay iuiim n iii uiiiwMi )imk M Mwi wiM'llnl"t( u viih ymw Mt ifliiwlN llml J) lnlM UyjiiwJ u mJiJ inlolMtf my hm l)WSi' ll M4 WW lll4vj M bun jmuw UmkIiwI i M l'w- , "Wliwi MmmnwmiiMWi m4 xl ih tllMM ut Ut HtMMl WMWlIW iW4 Uif imi hw 4JwwMW m ' iMWiilU liV wi4lw Mlik 'M ujL I mm iwvli w mw Im4 Mi mM 1hww H" ' '' " 'tittr iM I ' wm w iW. w J T4l$uflJl W ftwjrttj Umwifi'' lWi A imm! 25nKii w -! w H -; irrf. .ZzLa !.jm ui i IwmIc bum' Uih imi JlLtASm l $ mutttU'HI " '- l ........ xJ. W.d WW I cu, ,t Utfi, 4 MMI w fa tried. trt no b-wU.n,oi im.-ami was on tho point or Jumping up and running off into the ilMorl when nil of a sudden tho light disappeared and was fcoii no moro that inght, "IJuclc linnlly quioted down, though I oould boo by ids norvousnoss and fre quout quick glauces in tho direotion in Which tlio light had nnnnnrnd thnt .n r.L ... . All - - '-- -! w was mill In droad of Its roappoaranco. "I discussed tho mattor with him for hours, trying to explain tho roal nature of tho phonoiuonon, and that no possl bio harm conld como of it. But ha would not havo it that war. and nil that I could snydid not influeuco his' superstitious dread of tho strango ap pearance. "'Colonol,' ho said, 'It's a hoodoo. This railroad sohomo and its m-omntnrs will dio suddenly. Surol' "I laughed at his fears, and wo lay down to rather arostlosa night. Tho work in this section was not oomplotod next day In tituo to return to tho main camp, and half n dozen tlmos In tho conrso of tho work Buck spoko about tho 'ghosts, ' as ho porsistcd in calling tho phenomenon, and ho was oven moro muddlod than usual in his manipulation of tho transit. Finally his slownoss oausod night to oomo on boforoour task was completed, and wo thoref oro return ed at dusk to tho samo camping place as tho night bofore. "After wo had oatou supper Buok said: 'Colonol, I nover want to boo that infornal light again. Ghosts or no ghosts, it's no good, and no luck will como of it' "Tho words woro scarcely out of his mouth when, apparently not moro than a hundred yards away, tho hugo ball of flro nppoarod liko n flash, dauolng up and down and seemingly coining dond toward us. Now Buck booamo almost besido himsolf with terror. 'Lot's go, and the quicker tho bettor, ' shouted my now thoroughly alnrmod companion, but suddonly, as on tho previous night, tho light vanisbod. Buok then rocovored soma portion of his oquauimlty, and though ho was still anxious to return to camp I finally persuaded him that there was danger that wo would loso our way if wo ventured out on tho desert after dark, whilo if wo romained thoro was nothing to bo afraid of. Neither of us slopt muoh, howover, for I must confess that I had a sort of 'croopy' Bensatiou mysolf, and wo woro up oarly noxt morning, completed our work and got an early start baok to camp, "Whilo wo wore on tho road Buok said: 'Colonol, I don't want to discour ago you, but tho peoplo who aro at tho head of this scheme to bill Id a competing railroad will dio suddonly, and this work will stop. In fuct, I wouldn't wonder if you and I both went ovor tho ruugo with them to keep thorn company. But thoy aro going, surol' " 'How little you knowl' I replied, and I could say no moro, as my backers woro thou unknown, "Now let mo toll you tho strango se quel. Tho vory name wook that Buck mado ids prediction tho Barings failed. Early In November Iloury D. Miuot, tho leading spirit and financial bond of tho enterprise, was killod in n railroad accident whilo returning from Washing too, whoro hn had conoludod tho pur olinno of Gonoral Hon lo's rauohoH in ov cry detail savo the passing of tho papors und paying tho money, tho intention having been to subdivide that ImmouHo estato of 2(11,000 acres. "On Thisuknglviiig day of tho samo. month cniiio orders to olosa tho work, dUohurgo everybody and break camp. Tho following year Allan Mauvul, preti dontof tho Atchison, Topuku and franta I'o road, died after brief llliiesn, ha having been the Hoooud hacker of this great enterprise, and soon followed tho dentil of Mr. Mftgouii of tho groat bunk ing Iioiiko of Baring, Mngoun &('o,, thu third mid Inst of the promoters of a rival railroad to thu ftoutherij 1'aolllo nyitoui," "Wliut heounio of Jluekr" I nuked M thH!oloi)uljMiied. "Hunk! Jnit nmd (lint nllpplng," mid the colonel took fronr III imokutbook n worn hit of nuwjuiier mid handed it to lo, It iimil n follow! (Uuimii, 'Jilurndu Jwri, Jn l,v, An bi njttiiir iiJ urrr known lluwk i'wtutruy Umimi1 iu)KUriculy frm hi whip at llw ("Jul Hiiuiiitf wu, tud ou lrMMir him htu uii iwh1 )iMwuiM,m PMty will lwwrlwliMUl vnw ipmiliy lit yw4 )illll Ml HMH TImmII Illrt4 wumtirf irlr l " Mliiir, IhiI In Dm )MtiMH0 lufc M lltlMlNS, ai4 dlll!Ml kuii fi Um Iv Hid ilw it wid mW IuMimUvi'umII4 IhI4 WtthkfU- Umfuwt 4 i4 hJ' iIimmm! Urn l lU luku wtl4 lltutttfM It h lk VmUw Id U WMUl Miif mi4MhsWmI wm vUMt Udut Ml H I4M Ul it IbMyM II M 4IMIM m4 M WMIMUhH it II !" HWI MhT M-lil iMU K1H hi WHtMAll 1 tMm on Hid uUvitliU m Iflurnwl H Im liMi rnAtmni. Hi tHnt lk In ll mMlmiU without wjii itU IVN hmm alt l'imnbi h m Jwn tv m will!, minM r hlM4wJ, Dm IImxI' Uuh lml uui hive I K'"' "w' 4v4tii Ml in warn tram? " W , dm ' " tU iw4 , iHM s) tt IWtmim'VIH. IM IWtlna-1 ti'Ms, mm "miHMHMH 01 im bwrfwi W Hw lrtk.ntf IwnK.'irf lb saW4-r f 4HrVs1 M '" UiUl ' .MiM tif (J MiWawMl " Jwf tw MMlM IMtsl f.iaM44IJtMflHr kf trts fiW W IIW 'f W W MMJWWf. ll M iNMttsrfWl WW- HiiMr rf ' mH !) Mi WwtHar Tt MlliiMMi. trfcl U v4i M M titaWtr, M Ut W U xV.. i atif Wiy UttfP Lmm WMfc IkNiiW liHislisUM iaV Irr rW JTLt TLitd mmt mi Ifflwtimlffl fUU w tsBsdsss&iisgSiersasssi! iHE T1E BEST CIGARETTE SMOKERS who care to pay a little more than the cost of ordinary trade cigarettes will find the PET CIGARETTES SUPERIOR TO ALL OTHERS Made from the highest cost Gold Leaf grown in Virginia, and are ABSOLUTELY PURE AtlTi rA xXr tor toiihu OROVI1LE.CAL. ftm Vm sale by" LWNW & HROOKH. COPYRIGHTS CAN I OnTAIN A 1'A.TENTt Kor a Rrnrapt answer and an lioncit opinion, write to I UNN Si CO.. wbo havo had nearly llhj jenn' experience In tho patent bDilneai, Communlca tlona atrlctlr eonddential. A II nmlbooli or In formation concernlnff I'nlenlH and uow to ob tain item aent free. Alto a catalogue of moclian lcnl and aolentlflo books sent free. . 1'atenta taken ttirowtli Munn & Co. rccelTO epeolal notice In tho HrlDntlllo Aniorlrnn,and tuns are Drougnt winoijr Dornroino puoiiowiin ant flout to tha Inventnr. Thla aDlendld naDCr This splendid paper, itauoa weckir. oieuantiy niutiratea, nas or iar me lariieat circulation of anr scientiao work lu tua Jlulldlng KdltloD. montblr. fliOa year, Hlnalo copies, 'J!i centi. Krorr numliur contalna beau tiful plates. In colors, and photographs of now bouses, with plana, enabling hulldors to show Uia wnrt1. f't a rnnp. Kamnln tfwinlAH iHnt 1 ttampia onpicaaeni iren. ucewt nriicna boi id soeure contracts. Address ilUNN , I A CO. IW VOHK. .'tOl IIIIOAIIWAT. 73Sn A BUDGET Aouur BUXL3. SJMful riecta of llrdroom l'urnltiuo TUat Cuu lla Kanllr Uladr, Ono of tho moat useful piooofl of fur nlturo in a woll equipped bedroom Is a thoubox, a olothc'box or rooeptnolo for children'" toys. Kvery family lias them. They'ro iw popular an Hofii outhloii", and yet ury few Inmlnocn n(oren keop thorn, and tho oarpnntor him to bo looked to for their iniiiiufitnhiro, A Klmplo und rioat x In cliown lu No, 1. It la thonlito of mi ordlnury wooden ilioulw., arranged Willi tho lid on lilhgi mnl covered with rionio light, funoy iiiutorlnl, auuli cretonne, ullko- lino ur iiKiiiio IHhoiiuIIou tio rru Mtnt h m wiili Unifi rnl, allowing on lln iukIwsIiIm ii mni4 nf )HMkU for llp;r, iyMhoMi, s44 , und ulw 0 piwliiit tut hullMHtik, iKMiilum !)4 uther KiuidilsMi muiht u tealww. Aotdliw nHtfKMU'ii fr u mnt)ilUi Uwmt und wlmlww -wit It olmwii fu Ho. B, whluli hihIim t vwy nUrtwUvw and uuuifuiluhU I4m ut fulMlltliS Ji mt m rtt4 uf l.,.iull iMMflHUl IM Joil Uul wf tAU-t 'tl NM Wit U blxwl Isswtv iiiwKMrUusX. K II S lwiil Tlifrw"w'W IKII7 ips.fwsw ,m,-r -- v IV tMii iMtMii umi, iMfiuif hs mm J ... I . i . tll mwI m U Flmlim$D fiwr n MHm ajuwi. W Mp at llii) fl.i fsMW ia. MMkt MM Uiu U; WrlM !- f m ti I Ul i- t4M IwH-aWlHWlJ I Lif.Ul l. uJ Uw UJ fcf im twi hum j mt4 kmih 'Vl dif ml "Utihdmmi A, Scientific .SMgBMgflj-i -a for the cured ifc' yH arjdSoit fyes.lL StJjJS Vf. WsSt Mail5UCIS. AmFTiNFMrn (h fXXU 1 11 lu 1m" V v35JuUfl!fULW iM rij, ya ! ifm iwinm",aawwwn'iMif '-'n'''tfllIMH'illi i J" ilMHaaaaaaaH W? Deal -IN- Elephants. HAVE YOU AN ELEPHANT FOR SALE? Wo will find you a buyer if you havo ono in good condition and you aro willing to soil cheap. WHAT WE ACTUALLY MEAN is that wo havo buyers for a number of fauns and city dwolling homos. Wo aro in correspondence with a largo numbor of Eastern people who aro coming out hero soon and who havo inatruotcd us to look them up bargains. NOW WE ARE BEADY to list your olophants that you havo neon trying to sen tor a long time, Voi will find you a buyer and will not bo all Hiiminor at it either, Our ratos aro moderato aud wo are in touch with those wanting property. Ii' you aro actually wanting to sell your jiroporfy and aro ready to lint it at a roHuonablu figure wo will find you a buy or, Wo alwo rout ami look after pronurtv for jioji-roNidaiitJii I'rautiHHwthm guurantoud, On II 011 or uddrcHM J. 1j, MJTCJJMWk k 00,, 210 Qm)jj0rgju rBW i h hii'imauh h Hiwjfjyfc?! m, i'rf iwM m WiJiiWlhk Are Ik Warranted BUporior ape rlc gardlosa of price. for an Inferior wheel. Built and guaranteed by the Indlaun Bloyclo Co., a mil lion dollar concern, whose bond la as good aa gold. 21 lb. BCHORCHER, 85. Catalogue freo. Good agontB wanted 3 115 j in - JLU Bhet,u 9 -AND- xW 1 Ml " J If m Tho short routo to points In Washington, nesota and the east. Through tickets on sale to nud from Chloago, 8t. Louis. WashlnRtou. Phlladelnhla, New York. Bob ton. aud all points In the United States, Canada and Europe. Tho Great Northern Rallwoy Is u new transcon tinental lino. RunB Bullet Library Observation cars, Pnlaco Bleeping and Dining Cars, Family Tourist Bleepers and first and second clus coaches. Haying a rootc ballast track tho Great Northern Railway is free from dust, ono of tho chief annoyances of transcontinental travel. Round trip tickets with stop-over privileges and cholco of return routes. For furthor Information call upon or write J. L. MITOUFLL, Agent, Or O. C. DONOVAN. General Agent, Balem, Or. 122 Third at., Portland. Or. -TU.K CHICAGO. Milwaukee & St. Paul II. R. Travelers "trtaUo a note on t." Tills Great Railway Svstem Connect at ST. PAUL and OMAHA With all tmnuoaUnontalllnM.Klvlng dlreot nod twin ooinmunlca- Uoa to all WKSTKKN ana BOOTHKRN 1MHNTU AND IS THE :::0NLY LINE running Klectrlo Mglited and HUaiu JIauUd VMtlbuleditralni ol elegaut HleepiUKl i'nrlor, DIhIdk aud liuOet Oani, wltU Jfree JRcollnlng Ohalm, Uakl(''IU ttrvlM noond to nouelu tn world,) 'flckeU ara on wlo at alt prominent rallnOftA Uokvt oinou. Kor further Inlormatlou Mk the utsrJtmll road ageut, orjaddrAM C.i, EDDY.Generil Agt, W. CA8EV,TfV, Pi Agt. PORTLAND 0r on. East and South via THE SHASTA ROUTE Boulheni ,Pciflct Coinuany, DMymii twviwi rKiW-uK,uAJi-y, asaj&m&umv- IPt'lS: 'ttB tellSS JXSL.&tL . t," fs "' I "PJS AMftif feifci wmsfftmmm 3.'m UVtl I MMmSL :s VUiwif hi 1 mJt.fr MhIh Qn4m Hmti) mm mwm i vw MM MtMwi tots I'wUiK vvfiWXnm 'Hum M itmfti U tHumm mmwrn w n I I . 1 ' I U f 11 1 i"i ii mxmm , ..ii."t 4 IH al tisfxreu a mmM.lm msisvw i - ' U IJMI'rt UH Ulli &i Mtpki tmf Hk'iJmNt r mw$?Jm mim urnm m. msMmmm VHS'lwJm'wi .. i ii ld lu ." .r...-r ...... Mlt m RlCYClES. Highest of all High Grades. to any Bioyolo built in U10 world, ro- Do not bo induced to ply uioro Unonoy el. Insist 'on havltte: the Wavorlov. Insist 'on havlne; the ! lb. LADIES' $75. in every town. INDIANA BICYCLE CO., Indianapolis, Iud., U, B. A D m 12 0. R. & N. Co's LINES. Idaho, Moutaua. Dttltotas. Min W-L. Douglas IS THE DEOT. riTFOR A KING. s. cordovan; rREMCHACNAMCLLED CALr, 4,3SP Fine Calf &KANOAnoa 3.QPP0UCE.3 soles; 6p2. WORKINGM&& '. EXTRA FINE- ". 2l.7JBOYS'SCIIC0LSH0Ei xyvsics "sk ffi?ff&'BTS,lESSa. BKOCKTOtLMADa. Over One Million People wear tho W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the belt value for the money. They equal cuitom lltoes In stylo and fit. Their wearing qualities are unaurnuticd. The prlcei arp unllorni, atuinpcj on ole. Prom $1 to $i i sved over other makes. II your dealer cannot supply yomve can, Sold by KKAIJSSK KOS. lUml A LADY'S TOILET Is not couiplcto without nil ideal COMPLEXION POZZONIS Cowlilnes cvury clement ol 1couty mid mirlly. It In lieniitl fylng, sootliing, Jicallng, Jicultli ful. and )iariiilc8, and when rlHhtly lined Jn (nvJiillile A moat dcllcutomid ilcplralilo protection to the fu-o In llii" dimatu, WWW Jeilit on hiving tbf gvPBlnt ir 18 m mi tmmm, wmmmmmmmmmmm INirllifii rill - H (! lMMi) - fllll - 'I'WO ifAfi'V THAim Dully K kwyw&M! wmim tr HUM WWIJIM. rUMW, l&ititn.-'liriLi bilhaM iliJHJJa yUiA AMI; HAH WAMitiMW t m S3 SHOE pfr Kf, , T& Hiii tm ?." win p BU Vtf'-U.i"'' 9 I I -w UNI8 I Wl' iVM, Bft'JKttMW SW I'lOTttica WW M FPL if J FD h ' (ton Pa wiirauk m ni ' ', 1". ij.,.iL..i.j,.J,iJjijLLiuiiiiy' '" t i6irrT:;rr7ziiA ' ,Hf "jKWJ lwrtM fc W T 111 I 1 s: It le S : al 4! .1 R of ,it . w jlui . . Ahf J J ' HJ AJiM CU1 Al lVl IFfWR ft ' r ""i wImIj mud'iAtm'9'gmt VM, f i IHNMf iFMti Hmat m?m wi .- I ..A mm w tamtii ufttlG! ,'! M HlUJllI M..- m Vi SifSfSfM MrfttfMW k)V) k Mylfi W ZSMWUfflM HmmMVfHi uaiiimii ir" mWhiWl " Kf y ii Wmii mnmrntwu fcJtftfWJNrttWI Xjlif'tM si IUM l , . rrttf 1