" .. A. II Hill iWt1" ssl ' .as.ii , i &- jl. -. -? "PVEa A , - , . -r , , ,-. " 1 '"- ' ' ' I :. 'A. -i i . ' ir- iTii ! .ia I " !"w -? "a1 - ' -! i -a -ra z . - , -- P" '"' ' I HE CAPITAJi JONUML. (DAILY AND WKKKtY.) Y HOIWR DKOTMtthB, L TUEBDAY, MAECH 12, 1695. FOR. TAQUINA HAEBOR Coflf rcaeman Ilcrniann Iim Introduced h bill Jn ooogxaa providing for the op- jeialment of a board of engineers to ofilder and report on a new project " fee deeper water on the bar of Yaqulna 1 teay In Oregon. The bill provide that ' tfao preatdeut of tbo United States I hereby autuorlied to appoint board to conalat of tbreo ofllccra of tbe engineer eorp, not below tuarouk of lleutenaot- oloflel, who, together with the chief engineers of tbo United btalea Army. i shall mako a careful and critical exanit, Inatlon of tbe bar of Yaqulna bay lb . Oregon, with a view to a project fpi I deeper water, and shall report the tp ault of auch investigation, with tajl- Biate of coat, to the next regular cc lou of ceagrew: Provided that aucl election of engineer shall bo frnti (hose not stationed or the Pacific coatt ' And provided further, that tlio coat o said investigation and !o survey unt fn expcDM of sold board shall be de frayed from the balance of inonej i, available of tbe appropriation ruadt for improving the harbor at Yuquln Way 1b Oregon, by act of congress oi AHfStt seventh, eighteen hundred and alaety-four. Mr. Hermann will work hard to (so , euro tbo ptueago of this bill In the con .grew that meets next Decembor. Mr. Hormaun, from ilio Committee on Itlvors and Harbors, submlttod the following repert: The Committee on Illvurs and Har bors, to whom was referred tho bill (H. It. 6036) providing for thd appoint Blent of a board of engineers to con aldtr and report on a project for deeper water on the bay of Yaijulua, In Ore gon, having considered tho same respectfully report as follews: That the project of 1888, os modllled lu 1602, requiring tho north Jetty to be raised to full high tide, and that five groins be built from tho south Jetty efeaauolwards lu order to provont the currents undermining tho Jetty, Is Marly oomplotcd, aud It has found that said project has produced a depth of 14 feet at low water on the bar at the at ranee to the bay, and this bar dopth allocation of channel has boon kept MHlnwruptedly during tlio entire year, afcetiia be provided on the bar, with a view of accomodating tho dooidraft , JwfeJgn shipping which is now ollered 4dIttonal Inducement to enter, by Mason of (ho contemplated extension ! eastward of tho Oregon Pacific, which t M to proposed, under tho now manage- i went now about to assumo proprietor atrip and control, slull connect with aferii terminals, aud thus mako a taiwcontliioiiUl railway with It west Hfi terminus ou tho water of YaqUlna fcy. This will aounlargu the proseut trafllo lfHdy large aud luortuuilug, from and to the great Willamette valley, as to jMtlfy and Imperatively nxiulro tlwiwr iwat than has so far been obtained by Xlm xitlug project. Tlia bill now Mwwitd6d iironoawm board of three itiMtr oftlooru of tlio United Htatt ftmyt under Hie grade of lieutenant. . Who at)toiuia by tlia pre! , aud such iiMlneeni, shall make a ouf li oxemlnatloit and survey, aud (a (project, Willi all Mtlmaia of . for obtaining ritwwr waUr on tliu W A U liiraiio of snld Yajulna , jU ( (lie ophiUii of your twmmllli JM4 a projstit cii w sgrvwl on ht 'iNafiablc the Koveriliuellt to obtain a i(fcnaiisjt i(lti of WAtr sullInJout (o )mMmiIiw ugsKd lu forvlgu hl JN t" vutr Yiuji WwprdeUy, rrg IjMiaWuil of ll PI i mjuiu bay without rfrgaidlw uf afuMltw iiieut Islly works. m wmii lias vw your douiiuiiim r Wf'fMdd Mil (piliiM a loys) Itaek In fiwiv wllli a iwxjiiiiMsuilatloit (ha( n mi mi dm ,nm.iuii ii mm I n !lf Milhis up the eld uKJolpi . f mUln tirad of tsurruptloii U ilts Mf4, am (toe4jumiy ths IVMUlid jjmUI d( a fisiural dsalh. i hiMAwmit, WmIi . limn Iim HlMtti f JilWlii!lill;j( Mnulilue TjlllriHtvulyiiKiihiw littdu Ut i run Ii l Utl KU MIU lfNy Wtwl ul liilwvU lu hwl H middled ( li ThH wiin)ldii Mi Ilia llu. Wlrlllljf lkbH lfH aJSCV f mtk Wm, nlwliiijf ywM imrmtom wmiiuk uuu mtMAlU4Mi tit ib lii wtoi jMI imlii&tui jiWj'WiiK mm I AsW CORPORATION SENATORS. ft Is announced that John M. Tliur aton, of Nebraska, resigns a salary ol 112.000 a year as attorney for the Union Pacific railroad to accept a salary of 15,000 as a memberof the United Bt.tea senate. Ex-Senator Dolph, of Oregon, wauld doubtless think that this was a foolish thing to do. He served the railroads more effectually in tbe senate than, out ol It. Seattle PoaHntelli gencer. Thurslon like Dolph took the peo ple's salary, honor, position and influ ence and uses it to serve corporate power, against the encroachments of Which he takes an oath to protect tbe people. Tbo Seattle P.-I. Is a staunch Repub lican paper. It no dount sees that until every vcstlico of ruoli political du plicity and misrepresentation of the people is wiped out the corporations will run our country and the people will bo their slaves, A GOOD MOTTO. Under its new management tan Eif spue Iteglster ban undergone quite o change: "Tho Iteglster, under Its new man -igement, will endeavor to follow oui he principals on which It was estab (shed eleven years ago, and wblcl mvo been followed incessantly. "OS he people, by tho pcoplo and for tin H-ople," Is tbe motto that has alway ttood at the Head of this paper, It U ot original, but was borrowed from .he wieust aud most adored heads tbl wuntry over saw. Those Words" ex press a great deal to every American iitfzsn, and wo wish to follow the sen Iment lu them expressed, In our busl uess, in our politics, lu everything." Tho now men who have taken charge Of tlio Iteglster bavo tho right Idea of a newspaper. Tho whole Idea ol work ing tho public for personal plunder and working politics for what thoro Is In It, Is at tho bottom of bad government. NORTHWEST WBWB ITEMS. Medford school district is $10,033 In debt. Juuotlou City has another forger In tho tolls. It Is It. II. Hewitt. At Athena there are 164 boys aud 141) girls ourollnd lu tho public schools, County Clerk O, P. Lucas, ofQIIllam oouuty, has handed In his resignation. Long Creek has bunded Its school district for $3000, for a term often years. The Baker City Democrat claims a saving of $3,003 lu tho lost three months. a mush-and-mllk social aro among tho amusements billed for Uugouo. Tho town of Rowland has boon sold to Wm, Davidson, and the hitter will boom It for all It Is worth. The Advcntlst minister at Long Creek baptized 0 pontons lost week, the result of twq weeks of revival work. John Hall, of Myrtle creek, Douglas county, sold nla crop of Oregon prunes in Columbus, Ohio, for seven ouuta net, - The Crookerj Grocery Company, of Asmaiui, lias assigned to Richard !! wick. Tho amount Involved Is between 1000 aud f eooo. r, Kay, or the Waterloo woolen mill, Is rejwrtod assaying that he hss assurances that the Bouthern Pacific Will extend to that place. At Portland, a Huuuyslds tlectrlu r JumM U'P (rack last Holiday, severely shaking up a docn or nioru weiiKt.rs, Nobu wero fatally lnurwl, however. A J 00,000 Iwx order for (ho Alaska lokei asMMlatlou, Is what the flat mm win start out wllh, The (mix faetory will l run to lu full caotiy The iMiunty oourt of (lllllsm w.nniv lias appointed Mr. J, N. Kramr, the mrmer upuiy oouiiiy olerk lu nil va. tanoy linked by J. P. j.uiW uluna Hon. hU Cvuuly rnn'r r Imwining vry inmtli jiitHtwU, and will aivu Iwl tmllufu iriajiiu Iili M ki,i ion. and ot I iwroDUUtftf of uunr Imvu IUV. JKK'lof Wallw, of VmUmA, umaiMK a vry vlaorou mutik oil jifutllttmon, BuiuMliitf ud Huiulav aaliMin, am) alwi vlgwously ataub li wily wrilwaif for Mug dwviioi iw duly. J'iyfiwf ilni iiwt Ar w.io. IHsukI at Mraiu'a Vm, and Ilia Uour. ayi llial Ilia Iron l nujijuxwd m h BfH'IMHfJWf aUIJieftlltWIIIHaliSllfcVtay ffwiu Ilia Doiiiiwuya Bi,U UttbUlML Ul., N nvwld lUe anuf. 'I'll MlHi( MlMfdWff, U M, liliaiulwf I kill) a m, and ICJMU fiava ii mi.i iiii M)w iw IwliU wJjwb, IMI. TliMla tut lettaid Istt fill MHUIV, Hill lllNS vlll lu I k link VI IHIWWH U NltflHtf llllll f JuMUy. 'Ml MlllKffH IVlflil J4 au lliat h umli ajNd4UMi lM UfiJ f, h44 lu jreny tilm KrtfwVf. "WW JH lll Hitif Mtol haul Scrofula From Childhood "My mother ban ben affllottd with scrofula in her head since her childhood. Sho Is now in her 61t year. 8h has alio snBtred from weakness In her back (or which sho nerer expected tiny relief. Uhs has faithfully '"tj tried Hood's F"-i; Bariaparllla sand It has freed her system from scrotals, cured burning pains in her feet and limbs and also a pain in her left breait which prevented her from lying on that side for fourteen years It has made her feci many years younger. Hood's $ Cures flhe baa taken four bottles of the medicine. We cannot recommend Hood's Banapa rllla too highly." InA H. Vakoilbeb, Etna Qreen, Indiana. Hnnrl'c PlIIc the after-dinner pill aod nOOa S KlllS family camarttc! Oc L! '-i'UJ L J THE DISCOVERY OF ARGON. Oolncliff-ncc ConnrrliMl '.Villi the Kxperl mcnU Slnile tiy 8rlrntlt. Professor l'auisny explained In an in terview lnt week how lio (llscovorrd srgon, tho now il-itt in tho ntinos phero which Is now nxdtiiig tho won dor of the wietinflc world. Ho said; ''Tho Irnpnltto t-nino directly from Lord Itayleih He was much Impressed by tho fact fli.it atmoHpherio nitrogen wni bnnvior than clicmiil nitrogen. This might tie duo to niitulhiixturoof lighter fas with (himlubl nitrogen or to tbo prmenco of a giis of n greater woiglit in ntmoxpbifrio nitrogpii. Lord Rayloigh wni IiiuIIiumI to tho former explanation, mil soiiHi four years ogo ho consulted me about tho ninuiifactnro of chemical ui- "1 regarded t'ie second explanation an tlio truo oiio, and lifter lio had been ox lorliiiiiiiUnit for komiu timo I askod his leriiiifwioit to nmko experiments on my own account. Ho nover hosltated to na cord his content, mid I sot to work. It was droary waiting for rosults that uovor camo, but tlioro woro times of high oxcltomeiit as my suspicions bo enmo probubilltios, and probabilities grow into triumphant certainty. At length, in July Inst, I was nblo to scud Lord liaylolgh threo ounces of tho now gas. "Ho ropliod at onco. no also had somo of tho gns. Our luvoHtigations, conducted iiuUipenduutly, had iod to simultaneous micees, as has bocn tho oaso with so many dlncovorlos aud Inven tions. Thoro was still nnothor coinci donoo a little Inter. As soon ns wo got tho gas wo wanted to find out Its nature Was it n chemical combination or a mo chanlcnlmlxturo? WnHitinonatomlo or diatomic, siiuplo or compound? Profess or Olszewski of Cracow was experi menting with It in communication with mo. Uv tho ni)DHcatIrujjiC..UVn5'io,8inot boat through Intormolooular motion. Wo mado out that nrgon was nionatom lo. I wrote tho news to Craoow. My Jotter had hardly gono whon I recoivod a communication from my confrere. He had alsosuspootod tho iiionatomlo nature of tho now gas, but for nnothor reason. Argon weighs 80 timos as much as by. drogen and 10 times ns much as oxy. gon. Ho hud oxpooted tho lioavler gas lO llfiuofy at a llluher tomnnrnturn. 1'n his surprise It llquofled at a lowtrtom- poraiura 'ihoro was only ono conclu sion, nnd thatwoi nrgon was nionatom io. Hut it was aurious that letters an uounolng the sumo Information thould oroM.Wew York Sun's London Oor nwpoudeut. AN APPEAL ON WALtTpAPEH. (Ivltlur llul Ilia IS.IKIon ut tt Nwaitr Under Irjiug Juii,l(.,i, A rtjouiUliwimof tlio Oulluwav rNnl. Irlliunn way iirlntwl on woll lwjior uud pontnlnsHl tint followiiiK eiplnimtluiu: "Alii It IwIiik UBiit lierti for lliofitrmr, tu( wo oiin't Iwitu on It!.!. Ilm.r p j)eou of aidu niwit, mid Imvliitf run nil our wlilto imjMir Ihruiitsh we ur lwHlir ip tbo wall jMtiMir bIvwi iu, wliluli Is about uilmuMMl and only iliu Uiiihi lowal y laft, wblub bus itut Uwi vib udfurYwi),r Mowa k ourbrolb ir lirllllaiy lu nutwtilur iuir kltimiinj. wllfi it family lu knturt, wllu hoIIuhu (MMititf iu, awl we know tbalr avar um WWt 4UMWlllutl Will MM tumu "y U uoiilribNi H iiul twiMtr ur hum pi. huur' wutk U. knati myimymr uuiau U "" " " wm ao uh owuiiU HuilU in lalllUK ttMMti liot. tbU aMa aruuatii MlttlliWl liUUM ianxlllMllMltaiig, uUt 1. mwUlu m lw Ht Uum aud "" Air .uir uWu tt .. J .. ... ... . i ... ... - l n HW IUIM wiiami. All wwHMwiiutM win iwutmarf wily autwantd. am. nay uuttw will U mtwU4Mmi lb law IMaaa. WtmHif fir mj mt iJU rUrtOfd Willi uUaw HlMa lu liiu iu ytMlksti M.Wan Waal. bm. A diMuaatMti I. i-l4li ltl g. um a4Unj (wuiaMiMiW by a taHwailtaxJr ai abuttwj fl milt isxtibi mm h w . L m v h JKSsl . ag; whIs1 ii uiaia iH4.r" TU mhmm! hm mmiml mm 4i.mt mmi tLZ tw nmi i4h ui4w m4 mm mu TlM lUt W1M KiMI Ui. iw, t tmttf aatola wair in liu mt ,J .TT IhMv mmm auniwi whm ! uZ fcf laMtVr w I.MMH4 m STaJ7 Mav mm M mm (4UtmtUM txmti tlik .JL.J j.. If riMll f Umt .1 mmi II" I(l4l iii. to.l.l m... .1-. tl. TODAY'S MAP.KETS. Prices Outrent by Telegraph --Local a . Portland Quotations. HALrW, Wr. ii 0 I p uj. Olnt-e DAILY CAl'lTAI. JUOKNAU QUoUl- tlons for day and up lo hour of going to pie-a were as follews: 8A1.KH i'WODUCU MAKKKT. UDTCltKB STOCK. Vcala dressed 6 eta. Hogs tlronsed 4 Live entile i.'2jc. Sheep alive $W. mix,i,pkices. Balem Milling Co. quetee: Flour In wholesale Jots $2.2.5. Retail $2.60. Bihu $11 bulk,$12.60 sacked. Bhorts $12 13. Chop feed $14 and $16. WHEAT. 35 centa per bushel. JfAY AND OBAIN. Oats 20221c Hay Baled, cheat $0.60; timothy, $8.00. farm PKonncre. Wool Beet, 10c Hops Btst, 3 to 7c. Eggs In trade, 10c Butter Best dairy, 1620 fancy creamery, 25c. Chetse 10 io 12J cts. Farm smoked meats Baconl 9c; bams, 11; shoulders, !. Potatoes 25c Onions 2 cent. FRUTIS. Apples 50c bu. LIVK POniTRY. Poudry Hens, 6c; roosters; 4c; dmkt, 0; chickens, 6c Turkeys. 68c. PORTLAND QUOTATIONS. Grain, Feed, etc Flour Portland. $2.30: Walla Walla, $2 65; graham, $2.15; euperflue, $1.0 per oarrci. Oats White, 2r28c; milling 29 SOc; grey, 2627oi rolled, In bags, $5.760.O0; barrels, $006,25; cases, $3.76. Potatoes 3540o per sacs; sweet, 2o per io, Hayi-Uood, $910 per ton. Wool valley. waiOc Mill trt'a -Bran, $12.00horte,$13.60; cuui it.Lu.9io per uu; cmcKen wiieau 75c jer oental. Hops Dull, 47c. Hides green, ealted, 60 lbs. 3Jc un der 60 lbs., 23c; aheep pelu, 1060c. DAIRY PRODUCE. Butter Oregon fancy creainery,22j 27jo; fancy dairy, 2025c;fair to good, 1517jc; common, 12c. Cheese Oregon 10llo per pound; roung American, uwizjc; awlsalmp., 2830c; Dom.,14l. Eggs Oregon, lie per dozen. Poultry Chickens, $2 60fii3 00 dozen; ducks, $4.006; geese. t,6U; turnkeys, dressed, 10c. Beef Topstecrs,2i2 3 6u per lbtfalr to good steers, 22Jc; cows. 2c2c; uruKHtu oeei,ifj(ai(o Mutton Best sheep,$!t2.10; !chojct ewes, $1.601.75. Hogs- Choice, heavy, i$3.003.60, light uud feedersl$3.50; dressed, 4o per lb. Veal Smull, choice, 66c; large,3 4Jo or pound. 6AN FRANCISCO MARKET. Woel: Oregon Eastern choice, 8 10c; do Inferior, 60c; do. valley, 10 12c Hops Quotablelat 48.jJ Potatoes Early Bone, 4060o in sacks; Burbanks, 8045c per sack. Ottta-MiillnK, 51.02JIWl.lfi.; UIBI We pfler Ono Huudred Dollars Re ward for uny cane of Cutarrh that can not be cured by Hull's Catarrh Cure. i V, tno "nJoraignod, huvo known F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years, and be- leve him erfi-ctly honorable In all business transactions and financially R..,?if.c.rry ,)Ut ul,y ou"Ktion mode tj H.CII llllll. v??l l'r.u,Bxl WlioleBulo DrujgUtu, 'IV i, ' ,rr' wr"iuj, Toiodo.oiiio- itall's Catarrh Cure In takon Inter nally, uuIIuk directly uimjii tlie blooi ml imucouh Burfati. of lb mtSm ll00' 7.?-0, '.wr boltle- Bold by air druS: Kuj. TwllmoulaL frm, B ITuo.World's Pair -Cannot Ireinaln' auoli 'without tbe lia.by oluurliiB tbo blood of IninurltliM. Oflnnll ,,,iMC0,,,ll,,"Jr,0,, alll tllO but of youth.Hold by Lunn & Jirook.ii PALPITATION OF THE HEART. Kiflir hIk...i uur vtwrri I u-iij iron VUJ tmik tall .-4 t A.. .4 ft WW 1 HTJHbPjV rwf' . baatat ti tf imt! MTZLrrtiSffi nr.AJIIw'lIoflrlCMra up pw ui I ilai IHiL. It ttSnAmjni SHCfe I S!f 1 1 aBmmr f ut ikiol rifvK UUfV .aw1 iexaaTTiia(4 25iirc PAmonM. R u: N S Pullman Elegant Sleeping Cars Dinino" Cars Tourist Sleeomo- Can ST. PAUL , , MINNErOUS DULUTH FARGO TO GRAND FORKS LKUUMSlUn WINNIPEG , HELENA and BUTTE TTIRO UGH TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON: PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all Pointi East end Southl ZKor lnlonnallon, time cards i maps tlckeU call on or write THOMAS. WATT & CO., AUKNTH, 75 Commercial it., Balem. Or. Or A. D. Charwon. Asst. Genl. Past Agent; 255 Morriran st., Portland, Ore. Unas, o, fee, general pameufer auu uckci agent, BL Paul, Minn. , 1L N. Austin, assistant eeneral paoseugei Bent.Bt. Haul, Mian. A Ij. "raltf, assistant general ticket, agent Ob. fMUIiiniuu. A. D. Charlton, assistant general passenger agent, 121 First sU, Portland, Or. Geo. H. Fltcb, general Eastern agent, 319 uroaaway, 14. i. F. II. Fbgarty, general agent, 210 Boutb Clark street, Chicago, III. T. K. statler, sen'l agent passenger depart. mem, usa uarxei sireei, nan rrancisco uai. W. N. Meat es. 16 Stale street. Boston. Mass. J. H Rogers, JrH 47 Bouth Third street, Chic ago. IU. Luli. Billlngslea, tl Bouth Third street Pbtl- aaeipnia, ra, W.M. u.Mason, H Eichanga street, But lalo.N.Y. W. F. Mershon, 319 lirordway. New York Thos. Ilenry, 128 BU James street, llcutrenl, que. W. H. Whltaker, 153 JcneiKon avenue, De. IroltMlch. J. - Turner, Jackson Place, Iudlsnapolls Ind a Q Lemmon. 201 South Claik street, Chi cago, 111 J. N. Itoblnson, 99 V, Isconslu street. Mil waukee, Wis. P. II. Noel, 103 North Broadway, 8t. Louis Mo. J. J. Ferry. Iloom 32, Carew building, Cin cinnati. O. O. Vanderbllt, 6CJ, West Locuet:street,De O. K Johnson, Bt. Paul, Minn. T. H Ptty; lled Hoai-e, Chattanooga Tenu F. O'Neill. 121 Flint street, Portland, Ore. K. L. llayburn, 121 First street, PortlanJ Ore. Be sure to buy your ticket dlrectllo Balem Oregon, tbe i apltal cli y. VJA TUE Union Pacific System POBTLAND to CHICAGO Time to CUlawo, j5 diys. fiS? IU"ny bour Wir ttan .11 cow Wr?P oU' Mm UWw na m lfcraltoB W0IS1J A IJ.4RMKU, j i!liU, HaJem, Or o. ii & & ca liUMuMiJW HWJKIVWU, 1. o Tx-rw East M,ilfJilUUKjj' rwo mmmm mm wn HON NUItTlllJ.' II)', liFicity, tWI lhVU iii.ii mi - k Ito d Eyiij ( Mil KiaiaMTiiii iMi m. , , n I1aSlHaSBV(BSf SISIISBBUa aftf kl .1 K. . . . . "Tttijt ti. Ai wnvtfKn, MflV rtt)AT4A I'll If an I il UIIV ii ii I. J WAMMtaf MTw ft WK"mm BAST! w ,1,11 w Jlill A New NEWSPAPER. o- Prospectus .of the Salem Capital Journal. The One Cent Daily and the $1 Weekly. Strongly and Aggressively Side of the People. This is Not the Goldbne A Program of Earnest Reforms on Great .Public Questions. The Journal is a Republican paper, but it independently advocates the interests of the people at all times. It places the public welfare above party interests, and bolieves thereby it serves its party and the people best. A LEADER IN THE FIGHT. For two years The Journal has led in the fight for a new leal. I he Journal has been a leader m the light against rin oliiics aud the corrupt methods ol the old machine. It is a ecognized champion of the people's interests on the Pacific loithwest. 1 1 rights its battles consistently within practical units, nnd wastes no lime or space on impracticable theories. .t is not pes.-imistic, but firmly believes in the capacity of the eoplu for self-government when acting intelligently and fully iroused to the necessity of so doing. .TOT A GOLDBUG FROM GOLDBUGVILLE. A young lawyer in the legislature, who is still voting for Dolph, boasts that he is a "Goldbu from Goldbugville." He must be strangely ignorant of the temper of tho people of Oregon, who have very little use lor a Goldbug of any kiud. But his remark is evidence of considerable courage of an in sane kind, because the man does not live who can co hifnr tlm Amonrwwv pdo auj vrlicio, , v ? r , , lvy olier umn S0,a lor purposes of ultimate redemption of debts, and receive an endorsement. FOR' FINANCIAL REFORM. The Journal advocates a national monetary system, uncon trolled by corporations : J J ' "One Country One Flag, Ono Money" should bo ilio watclnyord of thw, the land of tho free. . One money that's good for the rich and the poor One standard of worth, no matter its name, ' He it gold, silver or paper, 'twill over endure 11 Btanil)Gd bv t!lH nnfinn ntwl K..K,.i l... .. ,. Onn mmun ll" , r Umi, 1)0 It nniinr nr mlwn.. in ii ,r, " wiui, u For tho north and. tho ho iM,i 7iri ' r """" u' wppur or gojd; iSK liW '1 ll m.1 It B.,0u.J Uj, tl.o jiaoplo z-zh "o ! iior'' W, nor iMrti,-. ,J, fc"."' ?',IJI'"! ! ly mom,, of ,. '." r "MB" i"i'ur loruankurs nn ir ri .1 ;i ' CO J a finfl n ili ..l w, .i Bou ,, .iiv7S , miLini mi nun. n. IP low MoonJuitf to tfio urnw 0 isHWM IlUUUnillli ti tlis, - . - "rjBV v LlIU IUIIIIU n.i.ui I .. , "" M'u.tfUl( wiwy wnw it IIM rt0od cr u ftnylwii y d.iiiuiiMhi ... .w,' itlillt JVuaiil..iil li,.3'V;..'7.n' f siwiiii '-MUvlt Urwjt'n lii'n UmL UwHjmi st Uw Mrlkd ,.Z,i, ? rtm . :... .. 'V? "HMiuijii oh ujumiBuuijay illliiy uf uiiv iijI.mv ., M'Ufct lw lentor-a U iUriEiE1!! m eiWMlttlJOM, NlJvur UftiiwiuftJ Unwuiijitf uuiZZ SHUU,1J ot w h W tauMiid rMu.Ji,U Jtt CliJliJC HUJTBliUUlUJMk ,.!... . lUUai , iT:w:''WTM,UlM xfi&yajitomizz. OS ,'S . .' iSuKS ,f!Wltai zznmr.m""mH '"WH MKJVV. ri'T im Mi.u.i MlllMiiiUiiiv . s. " .TBKI1 Deal on the Oip From Goldbuffville. donating tlmt He ISopposed V V" . '""V" "' UH fUl inu .. . . " uum pur or iroid i' i " ?!? lie hol,V a,;r0Xo)."d. ,i,-n of u If" Ul "'? Vll stroot - ' "V! y ,,"UM "t HO' ," , . .. r lw"J " 9 WIJJlv ll l,. . . i r I ---rr moru iHiHNlbu II nirAiil..!..;.. '"!Th v n,,,uY ,!,wU1l u''' wK,,ty sVwm Ui;i t wii . Ul" IWtflut of (lw. h ..ii ,,ri,"w' W UMJ . W Wwr In rUnl - gfti iimdir iuujjy, 0J' Id Lis I .' ' itMV iti Mil,., fflauSia 'iJUW 'Mimi, , alvafv CO fX4MVl iixin, w4 t imjr u . WPP4 tLtyu 4. vr mi ijwiiiii imt, m mm iigi, ftKtAJtirk dte fTF jS; AAkA flAfcjfei til fiilUiiil'm illiJm HJ Il I isjsr (i 1 1 i 7 wfTw w wrj nf iii m) m M IJJ piwi? lAUm !?iWfflr3Rlw,Wf. ,,'JV.Jliiw um w$j -wwiigfejyi wife EWS a ?", fitf