r " w r C!I5T?TH . ifi month 1!V .MAIL. JOURNAL f ih ai i muMWiia witwJI COUNTY oirrioiAii X'APJBSB, VOL. ti. DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OEEGON, TUESDAY,. IVtAItOH la, 195. DAILY EDITION. NO. K " Our spring stock of fdot wear is daily arrlying and wo will have the stock of shoes, ties, etc. that is hound to enptiyate the trade, as they are stylish neat, durahle and cheap. KrausseBros 275 COMMERCIAL ST. The Willamette Hotel. LE5A.DINO HOTEL Reduced rate. Management liberal. Hleetrlo cars leave hotel for all pub lic! uuildlngH and points of Interest. Hp:UI rates will bo given to permanent lntiroiiH, A.. I. WAGNER, tEflPifllT CO., LIME, And All 95 STATE ST, RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE. E, C, WANtSJN, MnKr A. Full Hujw of iwrrn mm 1omm by Uiii Dty, Utmw Qomiwm) mil Tnww J, A, Rotan, tho t-.Mg ohm." :roo Hdidwaro, Wagons, Cart, Road Maclifnory AHI A?iit MfM w. Uf. W" H Ww NORSEMEN ! M PMwmmnm i mm" 1""" ''"' """' l" "' "' " Take theOne Cent Aji Urn W muyim-IZu mm . toll QtyQulntowto Dress biioes make the attlro foot up handsomclyr Without theni.adresa suit la too Innnm- pleto to be full. Give yourself an all round harmony of elegance and cor rectness by selecting whut you require from our stock of oyory thing up to date lu Dukss Shoes. The display Is very complete and moro than very stylish and handsome Seeing Is believing, of course, nut in tuis case seeing is wear ing. Putting on a pair of our dress shoes Is an example of the right shoo on the right foot every tlmolut, espeo shoes are right in every polut espacl- miiy me price, uotiio ana see tuem. ,()& ICNT OF THE CITY. fes" iiJr3 CEMENT, SAND, Building Material. imwi " "J"'1 JJorwui wuuk or Mmilh. mwwiw, pijiwi(vv Furniture Man mm QMAm IWBBw rmm wvt "" " will uA mna-'lto l Dai Iv m Canadian Pacific Earnings Fall ing Off. PLANS FURTHER CONFEDERATION, Itoschorry Preparing to-ltesign as Premier. 8t. Johns, N. P., Maroh 12.-.Tko goods for tbo relief of tbo suffering poor of St. Johns, which wore brongbt here by the steamer Grand Lake, from Boston, a few days ago, have beon landed and stored freo of cost and are being distributed. The opinion of the committee In charge of the distribu tion Is that the quality of the goods was never excelled In St. Johns. The amount for distribution in outports are being carried to (their destination by the railroad company freo of cost. The number of dostltuto families in fit. Johns is Increasing dally, and the re port from outports aro to the effect that the people in many localities aro In utter destitution. A dispatch from a small settlement on the southwest coast signed by the parish priest, was received here today, stutlng that forty (umllles wero starving there and thore was nothing to give them, Tho dispatch also asked that assistance bo sont Immediately, This same con dition oxlsta in nearly all of tho eastern districts. There are about 2800 families In Ht, Johns and its suburbs in distress anil uro now being. assisted greatly .... .i... ...H.. ..,i.i.. .... ptMrfmlo, At u muWMg Af Hie clerical relief committee held today.resolutlons of thanks to tho good people of Boston and New Kiiglaud were uuunlruous'y adopted for their busle in replying to the apjwal for assistance from this place with such a magnificent donation of food whleb was so badly needed, liKlllllPM UK A TIWUW.IW, Ottawa, Out,, March 12. Another acute stage lii (he Rohrhigaeadlnleulty lsei)uj;li)g thuuttenlloii(jfHie)lrltlh, iJlillwl HUI nd Uanadlai) govern liienta, HwttUofi(Mt)f)i Amur ctl (iOUKrw tJ vole (lie ooii)p)atlou H(MU, tlit UauaillMi) government Iim mu urglritf litu Uwh MDllntrlHw) that tltv ml)W)loo of the !ilM HtUlot4tiry Mii (lie uinlrludli)K jutlft M iwfuwii ff JiMi JlrlUIn to aMtiitt to Ihtt mformnuul of (li ; Ulol0i upit wllK (iurlog Wb, Ho far no (siivwor tm l ftvvl U (h fPfnti)ttlon. Mm thlii m M yr h Mimllor dinltfuliy mm, wUn lUmwU tin AUy uf IU9 Ht "" nivnM, H !" " lo'lr m If tl aari) WUl iM Im PllfWM III U ipj.rHhijr H), M hiJ Ui Mj0f Moftf, U1MM at II Ml ulu imjuhhHIm 4u ltrt$u HhU, niiwlf a itM ihiuilu (hot Hi h ui'Mun an Iiwhm ww4 ww " J"1' '7 IU9 UJM Hll- 'I'IhwU ll' WW UMHmfHiHMWiW "" MMlM MiltfM ttl W!W I H! lliUMWW Uwi tmtM Mim'i iw um wm) wUit I1mm vm JW vimW ' ifMjMUJllf'MJ't' Inn imiUnti ttHlw V$ KJli U WJiH tM auuaJMi, mp&m Jrf flNrfWJtfltel um phm (UN tmttwi I $ P I 0&iTfoi EARNING REDUCED. Montiieal, Quebec, March 12 The Canadian Pacific railway earnings for tho week ending March 7. wero 1204,000. For tbo samo period last year, 5308,000, This Is a deerease ol $44,000. KNQLIBII rniZBFimiT. London, March 12. At Central hall, Holborn, Blavin defeated Craig in one round. Tho hall was crowded when Blavin and Craig entered tho ring at 0:00 p. m. and were received with much applauso, Whon time wa? called both nion saprred cautiously for fully thirty if (seoonds, and then Slavln got home lightly on tuo head. This led to a rally, during which Bla vin got in a couple of heavy blown on Uralg's rins. vUn urearklng away, Slavln swung with his right, and catching Craig with the back of hla flat on thevjttw, knocked him down aud out. The sudden conclusion of the battlo, which lasted barely two minutes, created great excitement among the spectators. Charley Mitch ell and Ted Priohard acted as seoonds for Blavin and Craig's Interests wero looked aftor by Jim Bovan and Bill Natty. Vlzo and Corrlo respectively acted as referco and timokeoper. JIOSKBBHRY WILt. ItESKW. London, Maroh 12. Tho dally Nows, Lord Roseberry,s orgau, Is silent as lo tho renewal of tho tory rumors of tho premiership resignation. It remarks today, however, that "Lord Roseberry will occupy shortly hiso!lclal resldcnco In Downing street, while oxtcnslvo at. tcratlous are bolng made in his own house." The LHtlo Log Boat No do. Mawwkipm), Maroh II, ThoOuH- tafAdnlph II, the llttlo log boat, did not sail Buixjuy, as wnu exKutod, The launching bout 11 o'clock wus wit- nessed bar-'""" tie yfsael was Irumi'dlnlely taken in tow by tlo nteamer Yarrow and pro oeeded to tho government Jetty, fol lowed ny four excursion steamers, where the lines wero cast oll'und Cap tain Jlromus aud. his Utile craft started out on hU l'JiK voyago to Han 1'ran cIboo, TlietKW or more excursionist warn doomed U dlwappolntment, for when almrxt down U tho bar lm drlftwi onto the Mini spit mid there site ,UH high and dry, TheOtuUf Adolph II was built lir y Captain HutUf Jiromaii, fit an Interview, UpUln Uromsu aaid If l nM wllh oiiHictut wlndo, wlilult are too avvort), ho would oltango hU twm andwllforl'rUud, mi U IhougiU U oould uouofully lHt down agaln( any uutliiMlr. J Inlvnds U fewji fwioably l luhMf w tlt In wwwuf anyllilna Hnu wrooff will) IjIn WW' J.HW, ite W4U mtw a wrt for rlw. Titu h'at l nud out f o wliltv iv log, AudliMa JKfiM kMrl, liir'f'xH Ih.i.01, twofwl ddl. mU D'l'lwn fmt li )Iik 'W "' ''' 'w"t ' provldMl wilit Uw mnHHlhMHi, or hole, JurwM),&S)d w i f( hth vte iuk wUf Hi tvlMliull of ll yl ami whiii an u4 ff wtr and m lUin, HU Iim woo "! d l U1 rltdt' '"', " ,,"'', '" " ''W"' b will l ifrtM4 vrllli Ibrw iiiwU, m a fwlMlKMvV Wl'' Oil lM ! iwi tr Mod, that mvMM lWl jwm M wldw by lbw fl Joiitf olid Kb alMit ll JWMM'li!- Mr. I 'niMb. wf MwMiiiMfllk Um Mi- HM a waK fol IHyfK Wlilall wIM ydM d my ! W UWl fvt ! 'I MlMIIWH 4JWI lifter fiwMi c iiiii us iw v iiuii UM Mf Ml'lilll Wfk, VHMb I tt IteMllaAlfjL Ml J,.WfJtJ H lijM titu I'ummmL IhiHli J & m, mm AM M'ih )i -tMh t Mj? Ml Mu, UuUMHilfh AMW AJUW1 4fc, l'tUniUM i fnjMitlwJfclff ri m, mm wmh wwm mh m &$ tyMthmiii m Tho Race War. Continues Amid Great Excitement. THE POLICE FORCE POWERLESS, Whito Laborers Aro Armod With With Itlllos. Nkw Ohi.kans, La., Maroh 12. Tho Loveo from Louisiana avenue to Man doyillo fitreot Is In tho hands of an armed mob. Too police arc powerless. Tho while men aro completely in con trol and havo deolarod that no negro shall appear upon tho loveo front. AH work on tho loveo is practically at a htaud-stlll. Hlotlng and bloodshed bo gan this morning at 7 o'clock and re sulted in tho killing of two men and tho wholosalo discharge of firearms In two sections of the olty. Everything was quiet when thcro cumo a messago that a dozen mon had been killed In front of Jackson squaro und tliut a tor rlblo riot was in progress, Tho police wero at onoo husted,luto patrol wagons and hurried away, Thoy had barely gone whon tho sergoant, Richard Walsh, In command of tho proaluot, hoard u volley from tho loveo In front of the station. Ifo rushed to tho Hceno among freight cars. Jiutween L'hllllp and First strcots ho found a crowd of negroes surrounding u wounded companion, Tito man's head was oovered with hlosd, Ifo hud been shot lu tho mouth, Tho negro wli Tlos6 a'bout thoro ifeotaraW 'waVoVbVs. lug the leveo and found u mob of WO msn, armed with Winchester und other giiHs, They marched along the levee to Klghtli atroetand then bavu on Cboplloiilas street (o Jaokaon and dlH)rsed, according to wliat aeemwl a pru-urrupgi'd li' At Wiutlilngtou slrwt lliwy ww mcwUh y HrgMht WUlii who racognliwd that ono man, Aiiioiik Uu IwmI wm Waltor Owem1, i'OUIl AUK DKAII, Nkw oui.HAtitt, Mmvh l a, -it is IKwltlvcly known lliat four jigro uro dwul. Of IlioM dirt b'm unknown. The fourth I A. C'rilc!, At tli Jnxj-ltablw ura eight WMUiidvd, Ol (Ills number two re dying. Mr. Jlaln, liuraerof llio JlrlliDH nUnmnhlo V.w, wio wm ilol, Is Iwlwi; tmrni br tut Imrd hi vimvU, III wound um 0' nouiotJ ilmwiuu, Tim mMn of Ilia KiiKlnwir lirlus U mko I he alioollng u iunmll'mal lflr. Ikr lvHl m to h vlwH that l ltl two lirf(H vwf sliot ai)dJum)H IliUi ili ilvir. 'J'!" ' i'll ivmt mlMlog, VmWm Irwulile la jfwl, Tl yuyiwr Uv Ihii lltjfr.'liwl to for minify ld. UO A WAV. 'I'ltki iswhi II hmMUiH V) rylM (J MMI, vf ill IlUUM). 'I'lilMi um' Mi ud two ik i niifdwyMt ( lu u uuw HiM vf m tlyt nd "! Iff Kit) rfW) UHi I U tli hUHflH IM tflll imt wlut miiy )H Urn final ref'l m Uu zwMvu- urn mwtr rni vm Mm turn. Mrh u WJiilv (he AHiiULeJi IMM HmmiHit AU)u4" w numdlM dm uu I Htr Mnanlah mu f " fit HkUbi Himud mu4 wiU l i4e ut the i&nm&iksw fetal "' COMPARED TO ALLISON. Following la from tho Dally Iowa Otato Itoglster, conducted by ono of tho Ularksons, Republicans of world-wldo reputatien: Bouator Mcllrldo of Oregon, wLo succeeds Benator Dolph, Is epokon of by Iowa mou In that state, as a man vory muob llko Benator Allison of this stato. Ho In also spoken of as a scholar, a gontloman and a man of literary as well as political tastes. Ho Is kind nod aflitblo and full of aood fellowship; a warm friend aud luollaod to draw near to tho people Hols a Republican of un stalnod rcoord and untainted faith, On tho money question ho Is a bimetallism in tho Republican eonso, and not tho radical man boujo havo tried to make him out to bo. Benator Dolph Is a man of groat abilities and his rcoord has been In many respocta consistent and courageous, but ho sooms nevor to havo been very popular with tho masses, as hols naturally proud, distant and aiu toro qualltlos that aro not prized In tbo long run. Bonator Mcllrldo has many warm frlonds In Iowa aud other of the great mlddlo western states, as well as In the oust and will stand well In tbo Donate for a now mau. WHEEL AND BPORTINQ NOTE8. A woman's uthlotlo club Is belug organized ut Tacoma, Rloyolo clubs aro bolng organized in nearly every town In tho valley. Compressed air brakos Is u now fea turo on muny or the wheels, Chicago und Topoka, Kansas, aro talking of taxing all bloycles $2, W.A. JSberly and Dr. Minor, both of Tnnnmu ultt uliil Kl Klli. inAl. t-- t75 aside. Tho Tacoma Cycling club Is oontem. plating h relay raoo to Olympla on Decoration Day, At Bnraguo a liloyolv club hus boon orgunlzed and bloomer oostumuH will bo worn by the ladles, ThoJIowfird-WalllngfordWO u side bird slioo. will itutm ,.. Mi mww gdiitlomuii are Benttlo criolc shots. Wliwilmen who want to mako tours of u week or more In Wei turn Oregon for pleasure, health und business com blued, can learn of aomethlng to their advantage, ufe, ure, quick and good by writing Tiim Jovhnau, Katie Not round. 'VAVQUA, Murcli IL'.-KaIio Hack worth, the pretty H-year-old daughter of Mrs, A. U, Arper, of Ikattle, lias Iwii mining since Wedm-aday, for two ywtrs she lived at the Children' lioiue In till city and lcmemutli at taohwl to Matron llarrle. Alwut Jan uary 1 tier mollior, having ivuwtM, Unto lier home. Wedueaday nftenuwii UTnIIo jttarM to ohool In Heattle with another girl, but wus handed a nodi, after rwdlrig whluli ne asld tdie hud Mn eallod Pi Tiuxima, Nolhlug has allied Iwmi aeen of her. Mr. and Mr. Arper Intye imn Dearelilug fur her, mid (he polloe are on the outlook. The girl I vvull developed, In-lng (urge for her age. HmutUr "Jink" I'orhHi 'i'AWHA, VtAH., Mureh JX.-i'he tU'nuvy iif'jMk" VoiIm, Ihealledged muglr, ud a vlgoriw attempt lo JmyelbejyW JudMmut "t!liit hi (oudmil wt umU, ft was Altered m( week mnumt )WIe wm Iij when the )ury ime In wllh iheyerehd ofKullly; llnrtihy i'uliitf h mUUJul. J'orbfc dlmd lo hY nveislepi' hnh Ihiifunl aeid lhal (he JmJg iwri winM nliid ooImm lite Miiidt mm y ym Uito tmil )rompily U mnr ihi'iiof hew lilel. lu Ihetttsaehe would ?( the )inlfr '"'"' ImiMlU fre(i M'tPWiy "!?' Ud WW HWh TIKI HiHW JHIH. nauac , J- llpfSrThTjJarf laneli. tommy nkm wilii hmuvn mm, WMfMfl4n(HIWI.IMWMWMnMf(M lf'jllfefIIIO UHlg J'MWff. MOST HORRIBLE Ml Crazy Sailor Brown Kills His Wife. HE PROCEEDS TO MURDER RIMSELF Other Northwestern Criminal Oc-f curronccs. HAN FHANoiaco, March 12. Early this morning Harry Drown, a note, rlous water front character, known m "Bailor" Drown, murdered his wife and then shot and killed himself Botti wero dead when fou ud. Drown la be lieved to have beon crazy. Though possessed of considerable wealth, It ' had lately been laboring under the IwO- luolnatlou that ho wus soon to lose It all and It Is thought this ioar drove him i to commit the torrlblo orlmo. . After His Scnlp. Bhaii'x.k, March 12. Collcotor of OulBoms Saunders is .Investigating ohargos against his slatlsllcal deputy, Btophon JTouso, preferred by Spooial Treusury Agont Dean, When Dean cumo hero on his Inspection tour he recognized House us a man who had boon Indicted five years ago, In Idaho, for cattle steullug. limine admits hav ing hud trouble with the Mormon about horses, but nuvb that Im rounded up a bunch of horses and whew he found noinu of.llumi that did not. belong to him, he turned them looser His friends suy llmt Dean Is aottute4 by personal feolhiKs, growing out of suy'tiiu Mormwin procured his liadM ment on trumped-up charges, out of revenge for his co-operation with Hon ator Dubois, then United Btntcs attor ney, and wllh ills brother-in-law, tho United Hiatus marshal, In pro. eoullous for polygamy) also hecatue the Mormons wanted to get powwdalcii &f valuable water rlghU House owned. House Is the only Republican remain lug In thol'ugel aouud cuotoms cervlce, and hw served under tin two preced. Ing lUpubllcan oolleotors, his eorvloa being highly valued. OliuU Yin a Murdrr. l'onrMrti, March 1,-Ulu Bule, m CliliiMe Janitor who was out by a M lowKiotiutrymau near the mhim tt Keoondtiid Alder etreeU February t, died from (he ellevU of hi wounds a, (lie Oood HamariUn hespltul mm frfM (clock till morning, nd his rwhw will he turned oyer Ut the coroner tf ouce. Ohule Yi who I apouwd of outline (Jin Hule, Is now locked up at tin oouulyjsll without hall, and a i!lnr olnwAur will probably he vm(uriv4 uumltihl lilm Uduv. Ua was arreted Ih h garnhhiitf huute eloe by ihewne uf 11 Hie wiiiif, 'J ii"Hii,f mwi i i 'Mm wmmlllfil, ly Ceplelu of J'olie J and Ofllovr fioueh, who follow! km m Ui III hldKJl'' " uhl him still M-liaiidMl, Cole, howevef, at)iiy deiJibe hi gulll, m III the to of Ihv dying iutt.mhl ut hi vllM made about a &k go in Ihv inmmm ut li liHhbnnn hi WnM, M' m i lively idefifllM Ohule YlH m lis lulaniluhl. qiie Ki'ii'U ft 'iii Dowam urn vm viMtini HM'i ii'i piiwiim mm iilioli UrbufU SliOll wi vluiusls lie lia'l HiriiA'i mm ..' when riiMie bule opiai'g l.wm nd I UiUi hi M wllh HliMM hm kiiwtr mtu libs. 1'bu iiiuidvlwl WM nut r-r w m m w w v " . . . - - - - f - -' . .- i ' Vif t y1', fir wn Mii'iwn now iwwwfi ieliaifirMMflJiilw. yj wnn ure HWH)WIH"WWI'I1 !'( 1 'l JJHMl I S f A '? ;