Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, March 01, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 2

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    "" "WdapTf ipf
(iuir ajw wmckmu
b. i w., ftw,111 '"w&twt1 ""' natf '"- w
tb U&UXUte Mbb & ttUttmA coa
mtodtm. Hwuta&t&one.
Tfeejr dtmtwUJ tbat & lw t re-eo-aetJ
faster Bort. It "w "
'ffc 4mB&t4 th&t lb lnlMo-
tflfSptfofl Aom f r-liU(J I
1 AttiuntrA (bat tm lrJihlf
lH barJllJ fjr fsfrlnc out? n
r cferk. J I wm ott doo.
in feel, all their demand were ur
ried, d ik f;J can not k
wfoer benefit Jim tn 6tln
Usiat tU work of lb ljrfflur, H
the lW rafj well tor a forty daj
Til Jrrwer Jfoua w not fiJef ll
eonfroJ of ill JJ I'rtfaoJ rlu and
iflwhliit, trill (!tMi nil Hi Mil lb
iitUir titer Ur The Bna(, lit (I
Jtttofwl of Hie rlfiit, pf;wfled ever
am ft Jli Mil, and uiut tak tb
rtf?MlMlltjr Tf.e Ifotf dM no'
apmd half He fiucfa for clerk m two
f9ntt0, 'fJi Heoate fenl a inurl
w re.
fa imn Unowa fuller ib wuriU rf
ll fnl9 f (bU Uf',--IVn'll((p
"nt;r MIird4 ia all fK" U the
- alfHfMt uiilyrraai txprtxtum bwirJ,
AbUd 11dfx,
Mr MtfJJrlde l r irbl Kctltnn
Wb'ShM A Jiifii UKllf of fttu6
lUrouKhoul th (U- Howburjc Kc
vJwf !!
Tb eIcMn of AlcilrM ( a rktory
wMfib lb Jt elMiut of tba lUpuWI
ttti party liava bn ilrivriKtoacblr
for many year, Corvallto 'aalle.
z Tb!MiitU'rfl(3oritat rMiilUid yry
favorably to Iba fopl centrally. The
nwylt l ortali)ly a victory for i
anil'DtohlUM b Ik lit wa attli)t
Itoiftli ami li ha taeri compUUly
va'!liwl. Nw, Atloila.
IhitlaK life ;ubllo Ufa, be tiaa Uen
ftM at! and fIKifu atjvant of Ibe jto
4t( fd lit ;it wtioiri ha will rtp
fV Ut t UDItixl HUtfta aatiata, nrn
tmvtvi (bat bl futura will bothaaarni,
mmtlU iwnon Moullor,
Ha la loo niuolt a man of b ttA
w pver altemja lo ovorrbl tbHr wI)im
H Htidl iiitdar. Wbila Mr. Mo
Jlrf t J j!f of i'rtfi(iH ttini
foffw, b will Im mora inw ti u bt
atH(eiMaij lt)tli)t workr, (ban m
(Mi orator, 4yf(flila(jrt(,
(lwij(WMe HrWf l our ator,
Pbd waa elattwl by lb 0(tv'a r(f
kiiUIIvm and (9 raprvMiot b ,W
IjiUrttU. Wa M oltdflit ba will do
thai, 'rji foDUnu of Mr MaiirldawM
JjfI, a man cMoi, a .-a y( A t
WUtktniflUlui to dafrat fMpb
WJjIIm (ba ot-l' f(r90fAtJV wra
mtkUiK ban! to fft fMb ol
"I04 !," lb r al9 w(fblr
(tafd (o M( c'm )o w(h arowM
lrwji( wr ih(iu rfb u
J(ytl)iiy bv ib. MHr (i
HtUalor lli w Ml (4 dlrr.iJ
Wj Wltr 0 Hm wbMttd
J(l Hd JhoIh ht MMUij 00 (be
4ri'l of Ilia Hi;l aaoardjM
ftl(ilur (l lMbntt Iba i;ol.
T(a Jwufilo wf ;f aioM nontax
liitM iifiMtiiiallv of(b
H M I'HIM MlalM avia(or ll l
jjjHd ibalK i aiowiiH ol lbs yl
JK WWBJ hm baml at lltawjHI
wf fiH for h iwnwhl mimmt
ttut lu iiM) IfilarM wf Mllt. bwl lb
o(4 lah!vl au dyl vf Hfri l
HHwHI lbWU 1 ' WMdllljU!!. Jl IJ
a4WllWfl frfwll ( Ibfla!
Whm- OlMb fKr(ww()HlM
Wt' Mji(ue iM 'liVwi t lb lfiwoe
jtlluHKfallm Hlll Hft
KlliHlliiil IMiMI
haW UI wjhhWhJ in i b. b
aaN 4 JM j fiMM (b Ata
M H rJf jla IHPMHW ill-, Ma
M H4 (M' Hm Im Ml faf W
mm wwkiw iu (! fitwHM,Hi
f jaf w4fe IHI wlbr fNiit(4i
MaA' Jbttomtl binjWilalbi4
IMIIlNi l(U HlHl J$lifHtM
ttmUMum Amy m s UtMui
MgHi'tjiaiy mm, m i we wm
OT 9Mt pel iim fH t mmf mt)
A'-.j ilfll... a ill ... . ..., 1.....,
a aaaaaaaaf aiiPt Jl T aTFfTT f
I JMsmjftLLal . na,...ii U 1U Lid 1 ui tai
aVlaBhaa af a4ial a A-LLyaaW a ati Uj4
aaBBjaaajaajj pai W "arflapp vr pp a??
ffvnm lAfae. 1 ,a Mm trv t .
TJi Owxwrd, N'. II. Wosllwr, 80- f wmasi xiH,., attre7 ef Dtrf
tor CbafidlW pr, 7 "Th r j a,,. xfie wllh
tttaloM Coftiry oo foot l prt4l fek KKt In lh
drii9iblJollfAMXVv&trM pin. "I hirr mM ihrt."
lUBdsrd." tff- Uafiiti rAnXlbn. W wpkatMt
1h.tet.txmd IrtBwcOoa and lbmpU uw
efrm,uo$dlo .pto H,
lbt ttw Bflyfloe ifiw
a &. . a
Aerfcaoe. ti harei wo acbBJay
tooomcsffrtb garreramtatUitbfipfty
Htit of all It SadnMaA&M Ja ftold.
UtheVtUUitnU hadUa mda Iy
all In nold, lb Bt tbfor tfl be '
UOTptsd wosld bare been tb pta
ofapoblte credit ad," stvmlog tl
poKey apprortd by VnUloX Grant 1 1
W9,od declarlnsf that all gorerD
notoMIHoDb'ild be redwtnol
l cold wlo.
Foreign rd Amerfcao okr bav
Oeeo forelnff tb M of bosde by Willi
drawing gold (rmn tb trenaary. I'
fWrt that oaly Vtlftfiftfi of tbr
$Vrjt74M 10 "'d wltbdrawu In tb
tj iwonlba of tb fltcal year, end
Ofc Keiary I, wa anl iJttmfi. 'tht
trtUnc-. Uf4tiy one-half rf tb Mai
mnriiut, wm boirded, fur tb porpca
f 8.)fnDllIn 111 adoilnltrtlon lo l
.do bondJ, Aod lfn tb uarlou
bond buyera aWawoUd to dfcuf Ifii
(erna on whleb bond abould UImumI
and tbey found lu I'reeidaut Clviflaud
s ready tool o aid In t Mr atbnir.
Meoa(orflbrjati buabown tbat lb'
prealdent wm volunteer abettor In
the conaplracy; tor4 m tut Jd o (b d
bat on MioetallUfij and gold bond,
(bat tb preeident bad no right to bo a
party to tb contract, or to conduct m-
rfOlUtlooa for tba Pfllt? of tjcada. "Jt U
nouiie jirwuiui whi mui "'
4 ll. a. .m .IJaaI dajflaA Ik A mmm j II I L
lb money power 01 me goyernmeni.
if hM no bulnea with tb flnaoctw,
Tbey ar not entrunte'l Ut bia keeping
Tbe aecretary of tb Ueaury la t'i
only law rlfleer who Ja authorized to I
au bonda, or to ooudact then neeotla
tlntm. 'lie oreaidant ha nomorericrht
to do It thin he Iim to occupy a seat In
arzu lllo lr.t inn me iimnBiiv iimm
never Um "confided with the duty of
the car of the treaaury, Alexander
Hamilton la the only man ever tpoken
of Itr connection with our early loan
law, Kveo lb ftrat nam of WmIc
UigUiU, which sound aloud In all
parta of the world, m the greateatman,
perhapa, of any time, wm never con
nectid with the financial contnwrlw
of ifsmlltou and JeHeraon,"
Though apokau In kludneM and can
dor, theM worda of aeuator Hharman
ahow how deeply the prealdent wm ln
volved in thla conaptraay aKalntlallver,
and In favor of gold,
Cleveland, llahoold he remembared,
wanted lo Uua ynt,(m,im Mty.ymtr
twiuU, jwiyabla In gold, which would
have placed thla country at one on a
gold bail,
The acheme, If It had tueoeaded,
would hava morlKaged (ho ixiiintry lo
it bankaia, and deffuUtd tor many
rare (ha hope of blmealilU. It
would bay given the ilothwihllili (lit)
tarn wxittolllng li llijeuw in the
riiii;M of lltl ootintry that
liiValu flafiliiil and I'nulaiirf.
I hey ,
I'll ,
7".:.;: :'".: .::.":i7"7 .. v: i
inBiuwimuiw i a nujio gum aiauoain
by lh leading national an Imtneiu
bnflt to the monay lender of Iti
rope, ily lb rftmouiMlf alloil of allvar
iw per eviit wm addtxl P Iba value of
gold and now lb with lo jtf r ye
tb gold eUlidarri, not bacjtuaa (be
r!ootlra(loii of silver would lmilr
t( original value of Ihrir loaiia, but
lmumII would drvresM the pnij
ad proepeMlva value of ibm, No
nation would If 4 Mfloutly ilamagd
by lblollo m (be UfiltiMl riMlea, far
lUl I (ha gfUl dablof iielloll nil
The piubbNii In mi, when (Im IU
oillmi jHttly I eij!-) (o b u
wr again, U U lavwaw the Mia
wbivli iMldu( (iiylaud ha ad'
vahowl and done all ha would lo aalab
ll!l. The ftaUoual Utbt bl h UnlM
HlalM and all IHIMI iU wlv
buMd by ibeiletbonaMMmin ( allrrr
M raiy day add u the iwmm ui
bv dtbla, Uui aovHhiMMil
4 piMMlHg fwlHgb iHyallvui
ylailMifly gwiibeut lailug hu
Ibiwwlug I be anllie hujileii
im iuluirtM and VMHoYinHbm ii4
miJ I be tloJ pMlii hIvn an mi
jlaW4 lf baneHt lo trai MvdiNf
t'hle "Mim4 twHNMeul'1 1 lb ciimI
Ib4 wwnljr H Immu m iwwy I
tihl Hd MMl JHuMtnW Ih eppfHMl
iwg loan, H rll w4 gf ll t-Hlerjtilei
abHv tbfl la ow iteti, f w
(ll IH th !. M4M 4a4Ml Mpw
gtdd nwHMHMHW Im lh 4 n.
Uufl mui the dt4iMi of the mh
M4iMllh WHJ HUM i WI !(' U,
lbi4juw mm) lu4e Muvihtdlf
Ht mW Maiulaiil wWjw( l Hi
WDtlMlifcd Mf ia(wu dHbw4
WntHalWw, Ht HhMaihM(Miih
Wbiy. Id tiNHiaH MaWlhe
W af WvlaHiy IM4 ftmtMiflimi
HW Hff wtwy Wf IW liMUW
NHrt Im lHIIH lhf
tf1r !7 "" rTMMH, 'tT ' M.
twrn,rfn i i ww ttmr NHwjf
d4NtiJH $Mff I h lMWUaiiM dl
h4iy, 44 i ii i4da pp.
(imI. (V fU ih M Htmi4 i'
hhM iW (h i
t? KTiJaY
js2. .
. r,ltrt rrmrr Y Ih ttm E
... " -CLSLlS
i rikKk . imrl. a nmrv bt rr wwiw-""- -
rr- 7-, ,.. fr. ., aB,, ,M
to I Vt tt mx Uft , aifl ih honk
WM fftit mv. fttXmAy Ax U TM
- M jni, amAintm ilt the
HnwwmaertMfeflai'arBAfcT. I fe
rd the Waaa t rwi tfce aaH lo vt
4r b tbe H wld t elreL I
wm WiTlMU W all exet lb Wjf fiifc.
awt m Ifc b'waifrwlltefdit
nc on lle ! Wwc lb iosMt.
I 4MI krd had ftrtmwt
im It walT, lo ft Wj A
I wrw k t irates tb W Ibftt I bad
)(, a w ciMtfKf KmV. laid hold
.fthrslf f wiy riKbt 115. The pain
rw rHfl, m! I felt myiwif jrkd
rspfdly down toward lb: IxAtfitn of thr
"Im my fad 1 dM not relaa my hold
.h lb H, aftd m noon m 1 n-alfcv-d my
,ftAUm I kw-w that life bi-Il
m rr aMIUr to oW ' to th nL
Tb rlnftfiri I hw wm ba hmk, imt
to m It Hd Ilk an The oorrt
n tatiA to a tro In Ibe Uatr and
orb by Ineb 1 fcall onioyantnonlt,
jrKl m on m I appi-ared m thegorfuc
tUn ijMtmau mf lo my MAintauc. The
hwk rrtalnwl ll tfrip "it my hx until
ny Ay wm entirely oat of the water,
and erwi tlwn It did n'yt let ko nutil
Itoatman kiKxikod It off with an oar.
Wfifi I wm Mfaly on tit Iiwldf, bow
nir. xrp psilfetl for the bore, and m
my hxM w rurely f.vfeii In tho
ruooth of tl hark no tronblo wm ox'
prriene'! In landinK th Mx. It wa
i V twin fi awl n iw;t ion;." unicaffo
' ptt,
It l.f !. tl'IHrrJ Kloil Wl,t Anwr
Iran 'Jtildk of II.
lUtlnnut, otoxlrring Knglbdimon in
KokIjikI. rf&lc ot tlwm "heavy
' wlttod. "
Kiiif-rrou allude to their
''lff stupidity. " Ifwvolla b
Iffrtvolla ba Intro-
men of
Englith reajActaUllity nod rank UillM
lu lhlr cbhM after Amerlaau hmnor,
bat on tb Koot and arriving at the
ptfiiit of appreciation uft(r coniildurnblo
tllont tlioiiKlit, MJinetliiM huiting into
tho next iuy. mid hro I tbo titiinotiy
of Iw'll from hi rwwntly ptibllnlKvl
"lltr. " hi n letter written lu IHWi
from Hiigbmd to 1'rofwaor Norton ho
tlitm oxptuliM the warm nu ilUm gii n
lo Uuffnlo 111)1 by Iudoti noHuty
"Hut I ti-ink tho truu key lo tin
buHtwi for lloiiB I'Vun of tbo ixxxllo
ort -l ttiti dulhieva of tho uvurao
CiiiIIbIi mind, I iiiivirr porno iMiek her
without Ulug mruuk Uth it- Henry
Joiium Mild it uhvny ntujflwl him ut
llmt wiifii hi omiiio Imek from the con
lliKiit What ll trovw lyoud oviry
lliliiK I m iKimntlou, iiiiytbiiig that will
rvoit it WonKMtxmblro itnumi to It
cliiKKlfh iktbitit. Vi, of llunr and more
touchy fllx't, K"t our avukutlou uhiniHir
and do not Hud Vorlwortli' emoliuii
oyar wniiiiiwj (lower no wry woudnr
In! i'.-wplo ur dull ihhiIi on our Mldu
if lb ntfttii klreain Hbui, tlixt wut, but
Ih i uhIm 1 know my pwple I novrr
i dure lo b t my iiilud gunb'd. Mot of
tin iii, if i ur dq, bfik on Ilk the In
mitt- r in naiimr. wuuwr
lug to Um u I am wiwiiug. 'i'lu-r
mII h "! ril lal IM ii tbttiilc tirxi,
AMti I 'imil tb a r iwrya ur nwiror
Ihv mttlium, h4 j daiy WHhldMl In
hit or HUMob that wit mtwl Ink it pllnli
fotb lo n. "umlutlt.
Ili, l'n)' TiHir
iiMf hi inJinwr, my wile dui
MtiMltNHg that MMuaal mm lo mjhhmi her
lo Mb wm I4 Wufi ibwU, Whlli
viai dm, awl, aMtg otintr thlwtM J
wll I vibl ifU bavx ixr b mm' thai
Wl. mn wMk ahe tfaib urn h iwml
HwrwfwIiV, Mbiab. Ufu Aahwail awl
lb lawf ut Ih WmiH 1 Low M4 hoWtt
tjfifi hw l oiMB'k, a I wuejhi ImitUi
(um, fur Im lbK Ihal waatld h
(Mad m airtha bar Mm thai 1 hat
WUhMHl hmI dlwaalla J ahatl gj Maar
t hjta, 0a May amaniol r liar, a)
MatiMitg dull aaur itmu uttlMg Im- iM
liaktaiijli mf AmMtWklMl ILMiJ "- llladaUateMl
p""! i'wir ''a aaaaiajBj evaai iH npiavajWHv
wiiMMy bar tMajafla Mbaa Iraa ha
4iiuM.y u - 4 im bmImm Ur ito
04mI ltfMtLl IMA It I latil tfll Ulkmm uLmMJM it
feajaar aw VJCr &wW fV
fUft yi - lAaaaaatt UU aBafl jmmA
Wa a vaaaaiw eiaae jafw OTJF MV pBraaV3ilaS'lTTW
(Mar y nf ,miW ri ,
t I 4mI; aiMtt.
' I aM Ma eM gMM) llrvL " ltl 11
U I nii-oaw, ita4 U4 tea pew feu a
Hajl 4mm af MmU al j aia IU
aMiaat eJia m Im (MmhI Md
m4 biMttiMg Tkf mttmt burnt i
i!m wl he (aaaki Wftl T ttiaaw ab
ar apaBBBjpf ffavaif HWPaT W'"W " wlaw'aFw
laVaAat aaaVaataWBat jaja Mia4 1 laUAaLafcaai ihmm -t
MtJfW mwVRav eaUWaf f awpnp laWV vv
l-i ik ' '' P avail tawdotygiww
II4I m4 MMi l all liaMM ,
Ma ta4 ih aiaaa HaHaaJ aaaaltiif,
m a M M1 M Aug jowiaj aaaw
M imt m li- tVahailNaif IMaiMM
kll ft iaW aMt atal M aA AMit S
"B fH 5r ew "1" f HBJ WefWJBB V
! Tl tmmt urn $ ahavt dtiKMMw'
t anan Ma IK I aM M Kb
4U tyill Mftal AaVaalkaaal lakal IAa abaBWaBiaaafUJ
f "f WfTAjTw HV ! Mawfefg
aa aaaii kmmimmmmnmtm
(hlMa W Mfie MHaWjijli
oil timmWUm Him MM(
MaaM 'eaV ! Um hw
4f aw haW (awiy4 JM i
Me) WP TJIWbT wM(PP MpflP MMr we
MtM4 iaa kaa MuNf IvM k- -
U-Umuyk -UyJ BMaaTaBBBf aaBBaat LaBB. I a If -l A a ,
Fa e pvpr "'f ''bbbf Br tJ " ?"
ha aWaaai mh Mi ii .
law IM tUttmae MaMI at l'l 1. 1'
M If WW f aail a j -.,.
jHd w W 4 '" '"
h tw jdjy nmwiptii '
M.I IM ! ra t-,lJ
TJWr tnHitn Mar T DtUrmta
iw f niiti.
A gnat deal of aopbfatry hM bfl
watted In Tain attewpta to prer tb
tiVtf i no recfa tWnga hsk,gor
tad; tbat nothing bappee ty cfaaooe,
all reIU coaiag free aoas definite
can. Kven tboogh tb latter rtato
mit could b prortd or riwubl to ad
niltted, it wcnld not prtrfad tb exkt
bc of lock to tb indiridB!
Tbat which oocnra, faToraMeor unfa
voraWe to him, from any caoio beyond
bU control, U good laak, aad there la no
doabt tbat lock play aom part In the
history of OTycoe,tmt it iiofmoch law
ifiiportanc than tb Idle or indifferent
Rjppose. Tb individual mayor may
not tako advantage of thefortitoaclr
cnmiitanov or lock which h mceU.
That depend on hlrav.lf, hi aMlltie",
bia indtwtry, bU boldneM, bU character,
a thooand qnalitics of mind or p
aon. Horforer, m one cannot control
luck, tb important thing in Ufa i lo
prepare oneaeif to meot it aad torn it
to eotno acootmL The who lay too
much irtrt npon lock reWom deerre
good-fortone. Tbey are indob-nt, with
oat enterprifo or zeal, and upend their
time in complaining of tV-ir own bard
lark or In envious comlderatlon of the
good lock of otbera.
fyrwcll in one of hi ecni lay tbat
"lB?k may and often doc have acme
h;wi in ephemeral locctvw, m in a
gambicr'a winning, int m soon m
got, bat not in any lasting triumph
over time." It la of conr conceivable
that an ephemeral ancco?, arifing from
lurk, ;awy lay tho foundation for last
ing Koccci' do to hard labor and do.
aervlng, but the rnie tbat pnearned
advantage ranqot be K-ldr thowiuuer
1 not flttrd by training and habits Ui
hold fart to that which ho ha gained.
Cobdif! picture tho nbjct truly, o far
as yopng men aro conctrneo, wnen ne
nay tbat "luck i ever waiting for
aomcthirig to tum np. Labor, with ken
eye and atrong will, will turn up
fioroethlng." The lt wntenco i one
of great aigniflcanc to the yonng.
iinch that i called luck ia not really
unch, Imt follow dcocrving. Real luck
I n more matter of chance, upon which
we can no more depend for a living or
for advancement than upon the turn ol
a card. Ho who would command n good
fortnuo niDt depend tifxui his own in
dustry and characlor. Ho may meet
witli hard fortune, it in true, hut indus
try, zeal, honcaty, will surely lift him
out of it in tho long run, and if not hi
forlumi cannot be altogether bad when
ho rutnlii to tho cud hi honor and in
dopendonco. The young may properly
rcrognlzo that there i Kuch n thing a
luck, but tlioy Kbould place no depend
enco on it, but think only of fitting
themiolvo to tnako gorxl uho of it if it
ahould cotnu their way. Tho chance
Which tnny oomo to ovuryono and which
nro wholly beyond control are Innumer
able, but lie who apocralutc upon litem
will Iomi a vurely u the gambler, or,
when ho win, ihow n gambler' reck
IcMncMi lu getting rid of hi winning.
Thort) buifiuruioii proverb that "luck
0(ik Ibokowho Ihit and Hoc thio who
miik It." Tim wiM man will thernforo
not neck ii, but moving through the
world iu though no ttich thing exbiliMl
Will deiMiud ujkjii ii own intelligent u,
hi own Industry, id own good pur
poM to (Miiiiumu 1 fortune, Thu, aelf
ruilant, he Hill ready on tho iiuluut
to Ink udvuntMgri of any fortultou clr
eiliiulmiwrt tu further hi delgn or lx
fiuully ready l avoid or ovuraoiixi the
"hurdluek" llmt would orurwhulm on
who wax not Ibu fortified. Jlaliluiore
A Xliultal l)lfcti,
Tim apjxHtriuioouf tho iioyelt'a elder
ilktor a plauUt on llm atngu of l)rur
f,iiiiii tliwitwr ha net, I think, bwii no
I1im by an writer. Jler iiamu oeour
lit the plublll mi the imxkwIuii of Hr
lay' UiihIII, Ma 'JU, Ib87, among tin
perform! In h ooiiacrt Inlrndurod m
twitn lha naM, biii upMirtHl byll
NlephW), MIm I'aim AI'll and oth
ia Him wo hhuu,iim thui "Mm
Dlaken uf the Ituyul Aeadem of Mu
lo, (ha liibratM imjill of Mr Urn
ahulw, will ii f. mi luriuiwler' 'Hmi
luallou uf iitdaud ' "
1'ur ti Mi aatar'a lniitlt, u (be
fllwlng Mr, alMplanl "AliUaitMi
lllM uf MMuUaud. ' alku l,v Miunlutlu.
liarlar jhi iw bay Urn ay wily
Uw ttt ih InuUw family, ami ii w
JMW hi M imwMi llmt J)ikM
Wad Ih (MiaiaH-Mufe) ut hi 4aa u lh
Mb 3mm Umm, wll6 hPltd
Wht ilirtoy aiag iiannglhf
ifi awl tMM-taa
4 tUHl Hlg phU,
l&Mf hw Ua. udilug ()i ii wf a
big 4k h uiHHthl Im big In Hl (lit
ih lttt, u Ibu it had I la )WI m
hi) i with Um&tflH ih ll lful mi
bmtili fi MUftivl Htl AUUtjU
"Wa-tun.i itMfr" 'Mrll(iitMW
I ! kM h wm hh )wmU4'
"W v4 Mm tJ )MMi4w
lt t Tb Mal44i4 lha big
mi Whi Might, lMtt mm
thai I hm U mm tern ' IImv.
f iM4' HM. J MU'i Ml lu
mm ur tm imt i tmm -
mmmt " ' U ijM4uJur
JW "aaaaJka Mm uuIm aad "-'
Jt aapaVaw wmw fflpgj.jg fttw'f VtMBBBB4BB
m iliaoi by i4414t, "Wul he
mi m Attorn liiHtfsg
IHMttt f e1wlifl M4f
W ! W
aiUHgg M4
. m
mm ttl w m atob M ll
wmmmmm mu w wv IVW I
tU mtt Ma a4ii tlHii-l miAfiiii' M
"P BJJBM aW J aWTar "awiaaw
. i , . ' i-. rr r
I M )OWf
4 HMf Im Ml
taMHMgS iMSmKWf flljHaittljt Ill-fa
tmm& RpejftTaKVaBs Itr liWffiEvmw wtrnw
i ai
aav err m -v- ww -mrn wa n tk
Uttd illH
I am loB -ll r ya ,
tBMstmklae li H ' """T ""iT
aaaiM-tn k Hie
frtrior r4
rr iit " "
Stop opihf brmrf
I tnjHfAilt
C'hareh tt., 1 hl'd rtwir mhiI Ii i( IM
M. K. Obarcb.
Mmbrof thelfiflflatare w.ll Ctd tel
Ttryconrei.lentp'Beeto may, belt nr to
town nd ih capital balldmjc.
KATK-!. fl toBMA DV.
twex-n Hi
nrf vMrtAti m at lowfint nricea.
3lm KKKKBtlltOKR.
Willamette University
Tb tnot complete and btt iilppl iuiuk
acbuol oa tbe aurtbrMt iut.
Uulverilty atandardi. IiUnt mottio4a u
lijruuh worlt
Join m Klven on oornpUthm nl rnarae.
Tlrat trrn OPzlDiHeplmtii)rbj,lWI,
Mm. Ikw. DlrwiOir.
Eggs From I'ure Winning I'oullry.
Ibtrred aod WlilU I'.yin ,utli lloek,, (Jo du
and White Wyandotte, lllaok Mlnortwn, Bin
lUOoiubllrown, Hun and Willi lliornn
ii 11, lied (Jauz llantlnn ana I'klu Duekt,
alaoauab4aod Kanoy I'Ikooiu Take mouir
can for IUyard. A few good cMskeral (or
PACiriC H.R.
HZZ, aUSleepinr Cars
DInIm? Cart
D" Cart
Allilllalri 'V
'f I
hI i ."'
feWi uit
r u vn ah, nirr $
Lh A
nci OHfiT.I,JIIIlll
lliiuti f
u mi i in
InUr Street Meat Markf t. loeaf d be-
tbeund-nUneJ. .n-1 I re4rlo, Jheprlces.reanitorm-Unror.
. A run line ot rrtnna curta uieawj
Moi'flingsidc Poultry Yard.
Du .in fi vwp
tasKfaT Nm'WKt
a I Aam, aaaat' aatf - -.
aM aafX ffB&t TYi I aaaaaTaBf llaaHffaala NlaatM
- bjJUrNf111" '"M " m
fe&llC "
g r laaaiaa m t tl
. A. iy WM, laata in i- ....... . .. I
tar - '- aawa
taLaifa lw ""Pll"a, , m u
J'" - --.w .. ,, "
R naaaaaaaM aaa m .- " "
Is the Btt BIckmI
p,-;,w Aoifftizer anu
.Verve Tom. It "
Thzit Ted Feenng
(j& birr.
NaU Baok,
v ttntfal watiwMi """
43.5? FlNECAIiKWiCJUaa
'-"tXTBA FINE- "
rwn ro7 eATAlflCLt:
Over One .Million People wear the
' W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
AH ourshoes are equally satisfactory
They jive the belt value for the money.
They equil cujtoci thoe in ityle and fit.
Ii tost dealer catcet supply you t can. Sold by
. 17-5m
luie Wins Sans Co.
. .n
UblOAAUd lapane4 i'uwj Goods, Hllk Km-wotrter-,
Hrrfa, U'ttwilng (iuwna, Table
lUdSItt Coren, i-lm-rl All kthda or orna
rut, curio", aniltrwear. B(t Tea. All
iud maltlui. bo'eoa eand retail, at bottom
if(e. I.2XMiri fct.,fcAltin, (r.
L'lffil Jihnif: Publishers.
Hih' Now lirlclcivor Iholiaiik.Com'l trwi
HaaiRirA f f a TTBkBaaW -AW
For a
K"n,W.n,w' "1 n fc"ne.t
l IK N k ( ll Mh liae bad
ii an I.Mint opinion.
ho hue bad nearlrnilr jean'
write to
iWrlence In lh patent builn
vl,iriirin in,, patent LUillifsi
lima itrlcllr mBlentUI, A illlliillouli ut In.
. ixjujiuumra-
luiBtation coiKwruinir I'nlrnla and fcow to ob.
lain lliwo tent lit Mtat catalogue ut nieciiau.
leal and wl.ntlllo knoki imit Irta "..
ratoiiti takun ttirmitfli id
r'Mal IMitlealntha tatMniin
unn a Co. reeelfa
l..i'J" J"' "Waif Urora lha pul.ll
OUI e,Mt lO th. inVMllAP 'iLla ...l..llrf
e Aiiirrlrnn,an4
I utlaatlr.eiwuiilrilln.iratHl.Lubw
Ianrt rou1ti0 uf an-.eieiitltie wok In tho
"ifVlj. J.?r "")'' ijtf wut Ire.
,. ;i.5 cent.. k,,- uuuUr Mutjin. bili!
Iiful platw. tu rolurt, and ubotnaraptii oil cVw
iiuuw.. w lb plat... i.l7luUjdef. fo ihow li
'ttt ltfl,Fi.,K'enlfaali. Addieu
r. .Ii,alillvllltia,.tit I. fa. t.. A..i.
a.iii.1 i-.i, w 0Mk, UUl llUOabW,
(Nutk.n Piait R. R, C, Uiim )
s .run-
A iirVi jsff
itajna wo SBTTfi. rati
Imw (ajMNMib
mi toii
ikw m
Itun tut
I u n
i tW9 Xrfs av
i i fs?
' i sr X
tMt I
I VXi fcl I
- a V r
h ajtaiiiiB u
i'aui7L"3i rTJftuf.w
MbLaX ""-mw ! atHi vwad
M?.-. MM Tk. Ant, raiW,
fit aaUfflnitati
A Bonanza Every Da
of the Year.
Struck a IMcliWcckly
Finder Sihvr:
A man who cannot fiti'i 11
gold mine and brini; its ticli
yield into his daily f-k ot
wealth, is very glad tOHtriku
silver mine.
The man who strikes Tub
Oxk Cknt Daily has got a gold
mine of news for 3 a year.
But if he is not so situated as
to get a golden harvest ol news
by daily mail, or to get mail
two or three times a week, he
can strike a silvers-mine and lie
made happy.
Oregon must encourage the
use of more silver Wo mu t
do all in our power to have
capital inyested in our thou
sands of undeveloped silver
mining properties. All silver
men should use silver. Buy
and sell in silver, pay your bills
in silver, pay the minister and
tho editor in silver, buy and
read silver papers, send in a
hilver quarter for threo months,
a silver half for six months, or
a silver dollar for a year of the
A One Dollar Weekly.
Tho Silver Dollar Weekly,
Best $ 1 weekly on tho Pa.
eific Coast.
No papers sent unless paid
for iu advance.
No trouble to postniastors
or MibKcribori. to got it stopped,
1 1 stops,
t This weekly lm all tho log.
iwliilivo news,
Thjs weekly lias moro nows
about tho stuto government
than liny olhor Oregon paper.
H ih an AsHooiiitod Press
HUtliopopor for ItopublN
mm, Deijioumu, Populislu and
all who IwJiovN !n Froo Spoiuih
wud uood govuiuiuont for tint
Wtf pay no uuiiiiiiiAnlonM U)
WJlHur noHtiuiuiLum or to
i ub iluvuMAi iMNbkl ijiniudy
u Hit iojiIm hi Hie JiwunL
ul.irti un, ofinnut Ku
fglit of wiy uUB ol(iftl,yr
UiHii U publialuM dlniot,
MAWiMlWl fin INlblMllin.
2 AiUiJ, btneg or
mm mm,
ItitUiailJJlDt I
lIlav.lTP" HW
T'""" awl
fi BU LIU MU Vaafl
rrVriaa raef paPirr eea
hta n
liS A
Lu fcuiik m Eia
e Tjrrlm ffajfP1 aiaV
;rt8ftwntrw -.
fe OAwr, rn, pii I.,
wai ww
"TT i -.y- -iw-' .
MM f?nrafi
f 1 Inrfliaaf atatflL f .