Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, March 01, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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( t'TlUUL
IEU ivroNTii
VOL. 8.
NO. I.
Vj A Jr 1 JL jcV i-j
tKBBB iJW S3 1 F . ? sj tsi H
i m m
And All Building Material.
The Willamette Hotel.
Induced rates. Management liberal. Electrlo cam leave hotel for nil pub
llo oimSlw ud Hilut of Interest. Hpeclal w' K,ven to permanent
, 'A. I. WAGNER.
Artificial Teeth f
J loots find fowlly tleeftyutl tooth rooravvnod
TtfttatotfA with oitbor gold or jwcoluiu,
UrSERli NoUiIiik lnt- flroMww work donu.
SA Pnrm ovw Jwy Jta,
Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road; Machinery
W. Cor, fyil wJ tJle(y $(,
Uunw QuimiWiikl
tmiimmmmnmnmimmmmmMtiMmiiiiii''Wf' ' ' '
J, A, Botan, tho
Take theOne Cent Dailv
1U I ulYluil 1
,j...ju.u.uwiiiiiiiiiiiiiH liiiniiiniiiirfiiTiT
Furniture Man
mmmmmm m uwi m himi "
A Washington Bank Cashier I?
Contemptible Methods Employed
in Kansas.
Washington, March 1. Senator
Chandler of New Hampshire epoke In
the senate last night on the "recent
election methods of the democratic
party. He took up the election ot a
number of democratic senators. Con
cerning the election of Murphy of New
York, he did not question its legislative
security but declared it was brought
bout by a gerrymander and by vicious
forms of electioneering larceny, in
vhleh he indicated, that the then gov
ernor and present senator from New
York was concerned. Ab to the seat
a.w occupied by Roach of North Da
iota, Chandler declared it would be
tilled by a Republican if there had cot
oeen basest manipulation, In which the
speaker Of the Dakota house and hit
confsderatea had participated.
Chandler denounced the "traitors'
of that transaction. He then took up
the investigation, which the senate to tho private rtoord of Roach,
and read from it to show bow theactlon
on Investigation hud betn avoided,
"And so," said he, "tho former cash
ier of the tank of Washington
continues to occupy a scat as a D m
ocratio senator."
Roach eat at his desk through the
rralgnmeut, Chandler then reviewed
In detail tho proceedings of the Kansas
legislature, lu the election of Martin,
slid declared It had made as vicious a
record a was eyar presented In elec
tioneering frauds,
Ho said it wade It possible with the
unlawful and fraudulent vote of Mar
tin and (lie vote of Roach, who should
noyer have remained lu the inmate out
day after the facts of his life were
known, for a Democratic majority of
the senate to be maintained,
Iflll was Immediately pu Ills fi(
when Chandler had finished, ife Mid
thapenate had wJUuvd o eilraor.
dlnary seU). Th senator from
New Jfamphlre sought, at IhU u'oslng
hour uf the senate, In llr up wnm r
Hutu Wlt4riw.
UoofereJI Interpol, 'i hojHilhewrt'
etor from flaw Yur will not lake the
epMnh of (he wmalor from New Jfamp
hires anything but a joU,"
t!liiril!r.- hope (he HPr will
wumi. I hve MM Irylng tor l
ytars l U;w him Ml w III Niw
VrH eMIow mUbod."
"And ynu lvi drawj to m,"
swbittd Jim. "and Mumlm ummU
yu jnsy wnelude mam mm hw
iwh ws) HiM w tnv mil"
IIM iUUiMJ hl slHDllul) (t; UU
dlw' lhwm i Mf- Hnh. Ifr
tflMJjfcuvNJHW to$m Hii Hi"
yu Wtw VwjK r IJje MMb M uimf
muMWmWifof www mmuMW
Jl.v j.riaey fiMW 'illdH, wd Jh
NvfUNlvMM toliwwwrt Mrtpw
mu i4 l tAMi4 1 I'M l IMjli
jtp jM lu the . W W
jtMtW frw Ww MwMiif w
ww4i if ww.Jf w fwr l)fft4
iH 11m wwMr wHi Nw imj
MiU JW. if MW JfHv MM
MJtr M ltfW WlMH'illW'
JW f ftH MMHlr l
Martin Anally withdrew his words and
the exciting scene closed.
At 12:25 this morning the legislative,
executive and Judicial appropriation
bill was passed.
Washington, March 1. In the
senate today Bqulre secured an ameud
ment to the sundry civil appropriation
bill of (5,000 for the investigation of the
coal and gold resources of Alaska.
The nonate passed the sundry civil bill
leaving only the general deficiency and
naya) appropriation bills to be acted
apou before the adjournment next
The president has nominated Louis
M. Buford, of Illinois, consul at Paso
del Norte; D. P. Bpagnoll, of Califor
nia, consul at Milan, Italy; Com
modore William A. Klrkland to bo
rear admiral; Captain frauds 31.
Bunco to be commodore; Commander
PurcellF. Harrington io bo captain;
Lieutenant Commander Samuel W.
Very to be commander; Llrtenant
John Robere to be lieutenant com
mander; Lieutenant (junior grade)
A. C Almy to be lieutenant.
The eenati committee on appropria
tions did not include in the deficiency'
bill an appropriation of H25.000 for
paying clalma of sealers. It is expected
th tan amendment will be otlered in
the senate. Senator Morgan, chair
man of the" foreign relations committee,
says he will not oiler it, nor will he
call a meeting to consider it. "I will
vote against It," said he. "It Is a pro
portion claiming neither merit nor
anything else to commend It."
he appropriation committee lias
also amended the naval appropriation
bill bo as to provldo for two battle
ship) instead of three, and six compos-
tte light draft gunboats and three tor
pedo boats. One of tho torpedo boats,
U provides, shall lo huJU or near
the I'aoitlc coast, It ulso iviiucfcs the
appropriation for marluo guns for
cruising at the Mare Island yard,
110,000, and for the dry dock on Puget
, Mund, 170,000, There Is a reduction of
450,000 In the houw appropriation for
armor and armament, Tho total ap
propriation Is 129,000,000, with ft reduc
tion of f2,J3Q,7P8 from the tola! carried
by the bill as It passed the house,
WAHHiNOfow, March l.-TheUuflol
euoy pjroprlrtlon bill was reported to
the senate yerterdsy, kaving only the
naval hill before the committee,
Consideration of (henundryilvll Mil
was resumed. A amendment was
agreed to appropriating &jQ,000 for
seed for the drought sujlerer In the
Hlewart moved I" reconsider au
mvulmtrli ftlready nlopM, (ur hv
iitltitlo() of Ihe UnlM MitU Ju
an international montlary wwlmim,
ml iropl an amendment IiMiih
lug the United Mlalts Jevatw IM to
witv (o My rim Mow Jtf U) J. tin
ssM VtHm wm the h!y Hwiimn
mMry I" J Hion lu lube ai) in
snub mifomw with my rnjot
iJoIiik fairly ty silver
vyd)floijJriIy wiriM hl'dlyllon
wf Mt'tMlwW emung iU Ifym Ihe
StJf SlfttM. HOMW WA KUIS at
lind 7'he mim WN hUiu(
far AtmfiMU Hrnmtim, M flh
nMliwu.'f lb wwrttt unili In uthtlM
IhejmulwlsJvswlHtJulw Mm Him
fMikvl tim H iiWWMtMl II
wuujd i WJjiilJjal V Jl MJdfo
' iimI wilh w wrfitf." YthM
mr MhM iniyM , ti imwW mm
mmi i W4h mm HiMim't
Wi4Jm u iHuMu wax frtHf-
19 9 MU .
'IH ma
imuw mv ww Awn,
UrttlNMliHiihs UhpJHWt wh
m ww, Jim, Aikwm Uii?
WwkM Ufmi
A4Mii) u flli
Being Pat Down by tho Spanish
Other Important Forolcn News or
tho Day.
8t. "Louis, March 1. A special tol
egram from Havana says the Insurgents
have defeated a force of 2,000 Spanish
troops, but no details are given. It is
reported that Vincent! Qarcla.a brothor
of Manuel Garcia, was also killed In an
engagement near Agua Call. Another
battalhon of government troops has left
Havana for the east. Many encounters
are reported in Matansas. One thous
and trained men have left Havana in
the last sixty days, a few at a time, to
disarm suspicion. Several former
Cuban chleftana are among thorn. The
Insurgent baud led by Marrero, uetr
Jague Y. Grande, in the province of
Matanza9,has been disarmed by regular
Madrid, March 1. The government
of Spain believe that the uprising iu
Cuba will be quelled without much
dltllculty. Thero are 42,000 Spanish
troops thero. The uprising Is said to
be lacking the support of the union
constitutional autonomist, and reform
ist parties In Cuban politics, MIAimV COMPLY,
I'AKJH, March J. The May day com
mltteo decided la&t evening to apeal to
all socialists to cease work on May day,
Kelnforrcements if Needod,
JQNinif March 1, A dispatch re
o;ived this morning from Madrid, con
firms the Asoclatod Press. report of lost
night, announcing that tho BpauUh
government was prepared to send large
reinforcement of troops to Cuba If
suoli stB was found necessary.
Oulna-Japan War.
lUwmimk, Maroh l.i'ield Mar
thai Count Oynnm, rejwrU under date
of February JJ7ih, llmthemet the an
emy nur Taping Mhl u, nd tlmtwUtil
thorn, On February Jil, thliteeu thous
nd Chlueae trooMi attavkwl Hu Chlng,
hut were repnlsod attd retreated to Yin
Kao, The Japan? im was W UUM
and UM wiuuded. Two huudrt4 (Jhl
litM) WfrteklHul,
i)irlnjf Wea Awj4,
Itwwv, Mureh J.-i the wnwmi
UwUr 1'tfMMM eerlry, Uruy mill he
wm net war whether Iherrjtotlon by
thw AmeriMit mwum of (he wen) at
the iMHUm v irlhuiiHl wm final, If
It WMj ill wjj(jsnt Vrilh lhi(Ht
menUhe trfuim wAiW havetoM'
amiiiJni dllby ihe AommMoi).
Sugli)d' eipsndituiN lu wnmwll
Willi (hf llshflng 14 hAiUii iw
H,Wfe (Mfly mjm
Wfiicttn piMsur
CM? r Amw, UmU l-h
mtfUm HH), mm lu l Ihe fily on
(he filler Um.M lHMt, mS Wllh
wJnl !Hli While bMnding
wivtHW lh M'l kit mwfilslij t)w
MMhw;umj4 ih u$vH nd vtpui
dawn ihe mjwi. J'lHf il'i
mmv UDmI ktj'l ihlly wiwff ilvwJ
IIHwfHI 'ifhe lh6 Imw l4- (ll
urf u jjjfM!M N nMm wy rf-
0ym "imV WMMd Wwt.
Uuuuk 'J'auuu Uaiiili I iXiliMlkblS
lU4uw, HUM Uf ;pilw Iff 'let
wj jiimt r Aid mm in
HW 4um ml M4iwhji4r ri-n ad if
IM4 WH Mttll lititwM'i Ml
MjHvM wl i4W H4. itf
(UrfVi IWldr d am WHIM
le ffiM liffllafli iJhf
McDowell's Version of the Story The
Coroner's Inquest Would Have His
Children or Blood.
Cokvamjs, March 1. The investi
gation of the McCaleb murder wluda
up with a good deal of sympathy for
the murder as, usual,
Io his aworn statement made to tho
justice at Toledo, last night, McDowell
says: "McCaleb rode up to my house
about 7 o'clock and demanded his wife
and children. I went to tho front door
with my shotgun and ordered him
not to come Inside tho gate. McCaleb
said he would have bis children or
blood and started to get oft' his horse.
Just as he did so I fired one barrel,
loaded with buckshot, into hla body.
McCaleb fell to the grouud and ntAited
to rise. and said: You have not downed
me yet. I then rushed forward ami
fired threo pistol shota Into his head."
When the shooting occurred Mrs.
McCaleb and tho children were in the
kitchen and their first knowledge of
what had happened was when they
heard tho shots,
McDowell Immediately wulked Into
the house after the shooting, and sent
word of what he had douo to J. W.
Lawrence, a neighbor living only a few
hundred yards away. Lawrence no
tified other neighbors, and when tho
arrived McCaleb was still alive and
groaning. He was lying near the from
gate iu a pool of his own blood. The
gate was only about twelve feet from
the front door step, where McDowell
stood when ho fired with the shot gun.
McCalob's hand was iu his coat pocket,
but there was no weapon on his person.
It Is supposed that McCaleb dropped
suddenly wheu shot, as there was no
evldeuce of a struggle. On arrival, the
neighbors carried McCaleb luto the
bouse, whero ho expired about nluo
McCaleb was !13 years of age, and his
funeral occurs to day, lu his sworn
statement beforo tho Toledo Justice,
MoPowell declares that "McCaleb had
mado many threats against my life,
and had threatened to kill me on the
day the shooting occurred," Mo
Dowell Is 08 years old, and an old crip
pled soldier, and, It Is said, has always
borne a good reputation, Ho surren
dered himself to i, W, Lawreno, hi
neighbor, and by him takeu to Toledo,
and turned over to Hhertir Laudls yes
terday, where lat night he had a pre
liminary examination,
A coroner's liMjuenl was held by l)r,
V, fcf. Carter, ooioner of LIupqId
oounly. As McDowell was mi route U
Toledo at the lime, no evident was ta
ken, hut alter viewing the remains,
the following verdict wm rendered)
We, Ihe Jury, empanelled to ujure
Into Ihe utuse of (he death of John Mo
Uslvb, find (hat deouuttd name U his
death hy gunthot and pistil wounds'
upM Ui have ln In Ihd hands of
John MoJJowell, twelve balls having
entered hi htd and body, whleh
uumI hie dsalh, helug nine huukshot
and Unite pistol bIM
II. It, UhmwM),
W, 1 hhwamw,
II, w.HmwiM,
iouti Y4m
A freueu ?Jc rce
J'Aii;, Marjdi j, .(lwnlfsry M4
lmilt JMIJ half, t'nIM g(t
AmhsMAdor Jull, h nal ioMvmJ
l!'uutkiu Ui j't(ui (lwt Ihe
ViumU moJuIo y( Arnvrlwu ftll
j7mlii'fc There I mlwppph'
siuti m ihe UniM MtalM in ie'd lo
Ilia win( lite Avnu4 Hhlvh apjlw
uuly U AmriMu jve fllleud liU
Am iM eMwi m r iiinA Iml,
'I'hv (!. ey
MUw)itdMii;ghftt twnlsjrflw !!
wlKtfh do jot utm IU J'ehM?, H 1IVY'
nhhl In lh VtH4 Wl ftwvuif UU
imsUfeflhe Irvine lfVMI " "'
f4 h0v Uvu Mi(BthW omw
mi J iioiiM lulu iwimm. mm Jhel
mmiiUy, II tt iry 14 Ife "
mini iff iiW)l ihe UiUiminn u
ihH m4hi into mr minify
., --"- - -- -
ym utn m lmm$ fvw liH H Owr! Hyw
Secret Conference Ueltl at Wask-
iugtOB Citj.
A. South Dakota Postmaster Not
Washington, March 1, The secret
meeting of the oxecuttve committee of
the blmi'talllo league, which has beeu
In progress for nearly two weeks, may
tie contlneed until atter adjournment
or congress. During thia week the
conference has been swelled by the
presence of members of both houses. A.
few Republicans have taken part la the
discussion, aud representation has
been confined mostly to Democrats and
Populists. Prominent Democrats say
the probable result of the meeting will
be a declaration looking to a new
raity. They advocate Independent
action on the sliver question and will
compel no man to put aside his con
Vlotlous upon auy other Issue.
ihistmabtkr i(KJi;crw.
Washington, March 1. Theaenat
has rejected the nomination or A. D,
Ltudsley, to bo postmaster at Sioux
Kails, S. D,
The Reef Coatrovsrsy.
Waiishington, March l.BerUry
Martin has prepared a stateH.ettt for
the Assoolatml 1'rrw regarding Uih
meat tradi of the (Tulted Ktnlea with
certain foreign countries.
''JCxM)rt American beef Is of audi a
high quality that a parliamentary oot.
mltlee In Kngland In 6t)3re)orledtbat
In aoiue of the mo.1 fashionable atHl
arlstocratlo marfait lu London It wm
frequently sold as 'prime Kw toll and
KuglUm meat, In some of the large
meat aelllug Mtabllshmetila In the r.
Utooratlo Wast Kud of fondou there
was practhsally no other than Ameri
can meat sold, Yet It was called 'JCu
glUli' aud 'fooluh.
"Ills also ulalutetl by (lulled BUm
ntrntloua dealers lu mtals that all
the ary against (he wJIbtwntw of Awf
(can meals, aud all charges against Ike
ssullary condition of Ihe Amerlrau live
wills anl abrowj are Inspired Uy w
nwnliitf proUellouUta of (lermauy am
I'rauof.' 'I'hey desire, It i ald, to make
naltle and iiuAt hhr in Merman am)
Prelum matkeU by making cattle hnt
aosrtier. Ths herd of Ihe IfhMM
HtaU4 are In pl"dld asullary wndl
Hon. 'I'here has not iHn a mttf
(ileurnpneumoma In my at Ihe I'nlM
HiAtwr lerrMorhs In ihelatlhie
ywt Kn anlml whlwh hw notion
jnld will Im hlpd ahroail, 'I'll
Ifnllwl Mlate will Donlinue Id furnish
all Mtth4 Jturime mih Ihe fl jui'l
ifMKal mU ami Iml In Ihe world-'
frtmh mUif Klli'4.
I' tutu, Marah I W, '$HUtf,wiitl
UwUn4 hmm At jMiala, WM
bM in a dud Mill! twmiU lhlwo
Injlhy W. ItUlpMW wWwf '
Ihe Mf IU Ihe iwull y( a iwitt)M
hah ymtm't, imU $Ui
tivmh! war mA muMimiAilm
j'lMChMer iim J'vi mn4i
Nllintfinin vimiiw iiu im
riuHMt. ' he Walla Walla JIJ HA
iiHninif i ii wily W ww
i :
myuwtoiii mm will ufjt iif i iu
AmitxrtM rtiMK ,
Hlj yiPJrN IHyVf ww i