-srrtflRKW1" """ "' 1,1 "' '" " )i II 1 1 WgiB8!S)gMWSiS'""l'" 'imiiik wi'i'f"" Miijwpi8i B'ggT: 'w",; vrSV AJk 7v i3m-y m t i i Kit CENTS PER MONTH BY MAIL. U0U2STY I'TIOIAL TAPEIf, VOL. f. DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OREGON. THITRSDAY FEBRUARY 2a, l95. DAILY EDITION. JSO. afla "" inhmllurwinui JO URN A! Vj A Jt 1 JL .AJLj SPRING STYLE SHOES -AT Til 1 u y. - ff.., I ALL THE LATEST CHEAP! E.T.BARNES 333 COMMERCIAL ST. n 1 1 in iniAun VrM VH uiiijDirj. Jim hum LIME, And All 95 STATE ST, The Willamette Hotel. 0- L12ADXNG MOTEL Hwduuod rates, Management liberal, Unbuilding ttiid polntHof interest mtnMJ. Artificial Teeth INHKRTHI) W i thout Plates. iinnii nnA with NoUiIhk 1 a Hvt Iip' i e . . (P L l Piwhrn ovoi (Jruy Jiiw Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road; Machinery and AowrcuryrriJ1? - T ;- w . r w- - ( t.l Ti..i,riwil llluA W Car tiuu nd UuH su. RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE, K. C, WANBWNi llmM by Urn V. k touto CI1W (iiUUHrttlur M1 fl'wl J. A, Rotan, tho xip memamsm Take the 0 nrr i h - .0A. m JIUUIU i w CO., CEMENT, SAND, Building Material. OF THE CITY. Klectrlo earn leave hotel for all pub- Hpoohl rates will be given w perumienl A. I. WAGNEK, htulW tluMivad looi) roorowiiod oitliur jolu or porooliiin, lt nrUo)iiH work dono. a -m a a iw - -- - al jMrun ... .1 Mild Jyjwwt Vl MW" mm MniWK"'' JJhwJ. Hum iMlUl( Furniture Man ne Cent Dailv The Office of Postroast'" -General Vacant Toduv. WAsHiNllfoN. Feb. ill rWrilai-ter-Geueral BIb&cI set at r.-ttt ll doubts aa to bis purpose of remaining la the cab luet, by tendering bis resignation to President Cleveland yesterday after noon. His letter of resignation is said to have been couched in the usual for mal terms'. The letter was written by the poBtniaster-general at the close of olllce hours today, aud was by him per mnally handed to his chief a little after 5 o'olpck. This action wub not taken hastily. Aa far haul; aa the tarly au tumn, Mr. BIbboII felt that his law (iruotlee ut Buffalo icijulred his personal attention and at that lime lie notified (lie president that sooner or later he would be compelled to retire to private life. Nothing fuitber pasned between the two gentlemen with reference to the matter until 10 days ago, when Mr Blsuell again assured tho president that he mutt soon resign his portfolio, Tliougu in the department and con gresalonal circles the air was filled with n tmes of K)aib!e candidates to succeed Mr. Illasol from states ranging from l he Atlantic to the Pacific and li Klorldu, stlli tho fooling- -.. ,.,. among men in oiuuiai lire inai me president would in some way reward the untiring devotion of Representative Wlllsou, of West Virginia, to the udmluUtratloli throughout thU con greas. Wahhinoton, Feb. 28. T e pre-al-dent today nominated Congressman Wlllhin h. Wilson, of Wert Virginia, Ktmaster general, to succeed Jllseell, who bus resigned. An InUuwnn Monster. TAtWMA, I'eb. 28,-An Brrcst made by the police, hrlngv I" WkM the ulory of one of the nnl llniiilluli trif of out rnKo il'ftt l'u lou imrpetrniwl htrw In yttr. The prlsoiiur In (leorge foguii, n nlK;tttbleMjiM!urliig mtxihanlu, who uttinu hero ilirte wwiku mi li' bii, Jt U llgti lltBt he Jim rept-Bt wily, iJurliig liitt t llirtMf wrd(s( rlnlttly mti;a 7-yw nhl Jiwl' Unluur, and iw wiiiiiiilllixl ok uhiiKl- urnl urlnie her ").r hl brolhuf. farina wtxtUtiU Jllw lv lHii uitiblug for ll wIimImI Aflr Jil win! luiilylili Hi iihllilif two iw iuilieiluiMJhlfi'lif)tdMm. Tli hlll'i Ufjf J ! Jgn fi uwil iJidiii lulv HivbwJiM wlh, Iht-y (1mm uii lllr wny Jmik'ImwI, mmwJ iliww. iJ lli-Mil Ut Kill lliwi 1 i!My4tfhJ IliHf miiU. A "Oii'M Unhi jihyrinUll, Hi Ijinlhttli Mitildfiw hj' wMy Iij)uiH wy !' HdimNilw W yjji WlW Wl Him w wJM lUs Um j'jrt4tBi nji Wi '' iav Mi yfH. im IL foei ' -m mmil hi iwtoHrtt 'Pbm it) wJ rf W,jl ''a" u " Mi Uf 11 iWHjy 1 W f 4. f4l HlftHt !IW llil fWW r t.lu.11 nyUI(4il (f Wf '' mmtitim, MJ fy ibiW ALMOST A FATAL MISTAKE An Old Woman Takes a Dose of Sulphate of fclnc. Portland, Feb. 28 Mrs. P. It. Pugb, a widow, about 50 years of age, llylng at the corner of Fifth and Colum bia streets, bad a very narrow escape from death by a doso of poison self-ud- miuistered by accident. Mrs. I'ugh lives alaua In her rooms at the place nrnued., and, according to her story, has do rjWlvw or Meads In the olty, and tSHt (Q ftUPPQrt hfirslf , by dulng whftUYP UgUfc warfei h nhtnln, fi;!d&i belutf well mlvunwit hi lif, eho In iu fttJliit) til'rtitll, This mufnhiB Mrfi. Pugli did udt iVei well) atlddntillldbd to tabs a dnso of saitd. It sdliiinlned that there was a small pkekoge of sul phate of Kino on the sumo blielf wliuru the salts were kept, TJotli pabkages were inclosed In papef, ana one could readily bo mistaken for the other. Epsom salts and sulphate of ZIno also look exactly alike. About G o'clock Mrs. Pugb arose ai d took down what she supposed was the harmless purgative, but which proved to be the poisonous drug,, It was not very light at the lime. She took a tea spoonful of tho EUlplu'to, Very soon she grew deathly sick and began to vo mit violently. She grew alarmed, and with gieat puiu and dlfllculty made ner w.iy to tho drug etoio of Mr. Goo. H. Btrowbrige, at No. 223 Yamhill street, reaching there about 7 o'clock due brought the sulphate along with her, and, us soon osithe uaturo of the poison was known,; Mr. Strow bridge and bla clerks Immediately ap plied the propor antidote. Relief was quickly afforded, and the woman was aoou past the danger point. However the effects of tho poison left her In a very weak and exluiueted condition. 'I'llA tltH""t ' "-- ol, u In leave one' stomuuh In a highly Irrita ted state. AbuutBtfO o'clock Dr. 0. il. Wheeler city physician, was telepho ned for, and, after making au exami nation of Mrs, 1'u.jli, had her setit to tit, Vincent's hospital at once, where she can receive proper care and atten tion. A few duys' quiet rest will no doubt restore the woman to her usual health. Hhe Is a German, and speaks KuglUh urokenly, Hho says she came from Minnesota to Portland last fall, Hue U a poor, forlorn old woman, feeble, and without means or friends, and her case should certainly be looked fW by the proper nuthorldvt or some of Ihu city 'a benevolent ortfaiilraMojis, List of bead. Im Uv.hmi.w, N. M Full SW.-Al 8 o'oIoqU a. mi. tmUy.Mt wa Ixillcvwl ihut all Hie vhMuitHif Ihu Wlillu Ah mine iki()kIiiii hat Ihvii nwiyvmi, Tim (Kail iiMiiiU'r HA, Injured JHj Ihure ar moiiiv wliuin may !!. Ill of dwiii i.W, JpiimIium, pll Ihia, Jiilio mV, Impiri Ham llnliiy JilllnnworlJ), lUiy I'lillllHi Wm iihw, Jm iImumi Wm. T. MwUnily. Twin Wlilly, ;li HwwiiayjMliH llMwnw, I'nm olll ill, J Ml' I IMIWI UlJ l Wllf, A ii guo jiulfrU, lltfiitiril IMuJl IUh IfriifiOiUiajrWHjiiriy, butfw ihyhl, 15, HiHiiii,ll llntoaMA Hyn, tliiiiu wUM U w irnmm UMilaji livUM l'iwi Ml UiulHJil, wlm L, llin VtlwO t44ka(l-" Ae W WW!, Ut cUteM) Him&f, Hi iiw MUbl kt t Uu& Ukutei i Kf mulB!i if &AU9 The Debt Cerlilkato Movement Is Abandoned. THE MCMUGIU MAL XDUO Goal's Miflc OoMt llollef Mew lire jbost 1itlny WA&HtNrtTON, L'eb. 28. That Con gressman Geary'tt Nlcurauguau canal bill has died is death lfi something more thau Beemlug. ThatmeasUref'or which the Paclflo coast hoped so much, has been hopelessly shelved. Representa tive Geary is perhaps more disappointed than any other member of tbo house at the failure of his pet scbemo to bo- come a law. Ho says "I cau only at tribute its failure to pass, to ono thing, viz. tho present com puuy was not given a largo bonus for the oouoesstono w.hloh they demuuded, and preferred to take chances In another congress. They have had a Btrong lobby here who have douo elleotlvo work against us." Cortfllcates of Debt. Washington, Feb, 28. In the do bato on tho proposod Issue of $100,000, 000 certificates of debt, Gorman took the floor nnd maintained that If relief bo glvou to tho treasury the only way to atlord It was by the appropriation bill, The question was, ho said, what was tho present condition of tho treasury? If It was found that more money had MAn nnnronrlated for tho year than tho receipts of the treasury nuu .. during the year, tho senate could not aflord to adjourn until provision had been made to meet the deflcleuoy, uu less oougrew desired the further issue of bonds of a similar character to thoae already Issued, Ho claimed that the reoent statement of the secretary ol tho treasury Is misleading. lie (Oormau) llguiedout a deficiency of (00,000,000 for the year ending June ttO, 160 He deolarod It was not wise for iwngrew lo adjourn when the president lied avowed that Jn case of emergency he would continue to aell bow, Tho mode of obtaining relief, lie said, wan too ejemlve and w piling up the publlo dubt, When the (tropoaud amvmlmeiit providing for the Imiiq of (rlllli!Us of Indebted lie l;ai lcil road, Hmy said I "J make mi! nfnrilraj(likl Jh flnaiiwlal amemlmvfil mi Ilia ground that II In general IvghilalJoiJ." Hill oilirui o furllier amemlmvMt that lipmaftvr all lrvaury doIm wliwn irvwptd lo Hie lrtaury fthall not M fvimwi, but Ollbll Im iVKiiiivllMl. lh aoiiMhi Ut jk m ty'!ffall'm ufufhU amtndmfnl, hut Willi lnnbUl nn Ihr fiiln ami an Jminlkl Uulbm uu Ida Xllli Mf OlfllX. AIM ufilvr w wb3jMl Uurwu (HfUllnUHl' J'iiwl I IJj wlm ijUMiln," h imiM UuniMh "Mud if Ui nitf wui jmriuii im I wtii, in wy twiv M jtfirnl ilic ijw-Mn ut liw mi&ikift ammiij'" Jii J wuMd ,t4rtil btf lli) wafilx n janj Ui IIM UiV HJmllU(IM and (hi pjnHiub WKPMmtHna' Hum MuJitMw& umvtoimim m jw mwwm" ihUfiH J!wih HwwHi Hm Hh Hum, I'tii m , uminimii, i tu it irafH tu 'VITiWUS (mmlmt f bim nil mm nMtkiitem vib w&r m mmn mmm t. iwMiHV'm ??Mrar A BENTON COUNTY MURDER. A Father in law Brutally Murdors His Son-in law. Couvallis, Or., Fib. 28. It In re ported from Summit, a small station about tweutj -Hvm miles wtst of Corvul- 11s, In the burnt woods district, that John MoCalb was shot and almost In stantly killed by his ftUher-fu-law, Johu McDowell. There seems to b,avg bean trouble for some tlwa petweijn McCain RBd uii wife, whjgu flRnliy mM by Mq9qwiU imvins 0Ualb atffiBUrt yniitiliy on a ouitraa of nMUIUhd brttla lm is wife, 'l'lib trial Ualiib oil ye&tbhiay In Justice tiukby'a bniirl, ttl l-llllo lM; when McOalb was acipiittedi McDowell and hid faintly wont ItttUa- ahead of MoUdlbj Hnd Ihb lullli- fol lowed with avowed iuttiutluu of tnkliiu his children, who wore with bis wift at bis father-in-law's. He roao up lu tho McDjwell place on horse back, and called from tho gate, asking If the ohildren wore there, to which he wus answered by McDowell that they wore. He thereupon said that ho had come for them, aud would tako them, when McDowell told him ho could not have them, and it Is understood that Mc Dowell immediately fired a load of buck-Bhot, which struck McCulb -and his horse. The horse becamo unman ageable aud turew McCalb on. As ho fell, he tried to got up, Baying: 'You have not downed mo yet," when Mc Dowell rushed out with a revolvor and fired throe more shot, all taking elteot In McCalb's sldo. McDowell Is 73 years old, whllo Mo Calb Is a youug man, MoDowoll claims ho shot McCalb through fear he would bo overpowered If he allowed him to get too oJobo. MoCalb was not armed, and from tho Information so far obtained, It Is thought tho killing was for And the Inquest hw boon hold, IT WILL HB OPERATED. Trustee Wallace Announce! That tbo Halem Cannery Will Run. Wo have good news for the farmers, J, fit, Wallace of the Halem Cannery Co. authorizes Tuts JoimrfAi to an nounco that be has completed arrange menu to run tho cannery and U pre iwred to ulgn up coiitragt on acreage for jwas, Holias today received telegrams lu response to orders for over f 1000 worth of aed, aud farmers who wMi Ui make isontraots for pUntlug are reuwlwj to null at the oiJIoo of the watr wimpauy. At Jtiiwt 100 aores of e.a will be usn ued and Ilia farmers are to be oom gratulated mi the otiiieumallou of thU euUrjirlwi, I titer on we nhull have morn moo'I new (ur Ilia farmer along (his lino. The allinillou l a Jiowfnl one aud webellovu lliurn In a jmr ut prosrllx ahead of u, I'm uuind ut ambit Uf W wn at JMvlMn'amriMl if i ' tm wnm DlMailallynliltfli nwlu tut, AT a JMJMJAJMf-A lot nl drain lt) ylM. Hi'lMlfa at yHWKAIl NAwl WmII jiair l W win ft ldi uti your i, far a huii ilm mil. iHnvn 4 tauillton. W1 H HhUiar, M. J), .,(" If W Vli mkiimmtmi iftitM' lUrftT (jalifdmia, iim itnui r inwtnui Why wm ywu lay aalm ail nlhi, ill it 1 li mty wuaiauiMd mip far nuwiuHiMh AwjA.h, and ail 7mw(: P Jyiu A limb will i imm ut MiaAx i l anjijwy yy u) uusi hajj iU4i m.Wimi t Jl l Ivy lMui ar iVl'J iH.ii Im'J M ? iwilnt liwlmw, II w Hf,ru IwaJI ftHKHLIWiW'1 mH'iii'iitif'm,m sNMllMMqHMNWnNNtt it'ljfinH Jrmtf J'wtfff AmfumaM mjmn TOE CUBAN MIL Gen. Julfo Hang Hi and Leaders Arrested. Thii.v" 2 CDBA IS UfiDEIl MILITARY LAW. tin .i,'Ww Tho-Bi5ToliloHiitii Mmwt HS t9 H JsWMbl', ', SkW Vnuk, hVh. ffli-'L'hB Wn.l l.liib BU-uiut-r. OrUaUiii lUiiufi rri,i tins inirutiirt rrolli Huvuim, hrlugu neww iliatlho whole island butt Uen put uuder martial law since Fubiury 24. Greut excitement provulh-d t Huvuim, tiumluy morning owing to the nrreat tr the old Culmu. General Julio' danglll, nnd about thirty members of tiio Urst families of Havana, who aio Imprlsoued lu the military fori, Cubutils. It is repotted that about three hundred pcrnous, who Hympa llilzud with I fie levoluilouists, uro also imprisoned. There is no new from the Interior of the Wand. People of the northern portion of the lslaud were In favor ot Qeuernl Manuel Garcia tuklug charge of operations ugulust tho gov ernment, while people iu the southern part wuiited-another leader. il wua rumored that tho threatened upillu of Cubun revolutionists hud been bo. trayed by one of their purty, ' PROP. FARRAND'B DI8C0V8RY. Said to Have fpuud a Positive Oar for Asthma and Hay-rover. Anion, the few really eminent hot anlstsof America, Prof. Karraiid if rank, auu u Vicony,rtiJl!'4i'ufnju. ceutly made will do mimli to add to his fame, After long research Jiu has found a a hopny combination of heibs and leaves ihut contain the pccullur healtk giving (jualltlea of the famous Adlron lUek regions, where disease of air passage are unknown, Wherever tried this has given great relief, aud 73 per cent of the cases rejwjrlcd a perfnut euro of asthma, aoniu of them seenilngly liopeh'ss cmtew. ThU Adlrondauli asthma cure Is now nllerud to llm publlo gvnorally by lh Dr. Howaid Oj., JJok V, 7, of Hurling ton, Vt, who will mall a large slwid box fur 60 cenls, They do not want pay from Ihottf vhoui they do not pure, aud will ndum the money to any whom Adlrmidauk asthma eura falls t Unelll. Thin remarkable irflvr nhould Imi atuwpled at nine by any of tmr readers who have asthma or oilier r" drat.ry dlMniww. Uup)tfKiid Muidr NAHAJMOi J'Kh, lW,-Tha Iwly nf JulsHlarau, wns! thy rtuiuher, nf ((.darillalrlDli wavfmimlln liny iHh Jat iiIkIii, lil ifjf UittVm ami nihil WH blOIW'll, II lMJHiw hit hue iHeiiimiflefiil hirimi'( m l'tltU who ala Willi MraM lungs -llnm W(IS)liy I'MIMIWy oliouhl ww an AhUAWH' I'MJWIW PMPThiinvHr ke im am) amdmr ut H'M' i'i kl-iHiiifrr Uuu UWlllJM twill kiv I' UibKi I ' alwayn .Ijniimiihi ami ,m wmuii i m I'fH aiwayii Him pfU ut n)iL ihpy aiw "pjiti-d. U iiul im tiMin i-y nnsiiin u any whir ida ItlVI I lilt- II 1. III- lnu It m ' ) uij im ing Aumhh!4, (ImiMWly rMlbhlw mlwwwinliifwi, MM l(tlH, llMftlM mi II14S H I'Uflf lint Mum, TjiHiftn, WJiWi awm! ft J Wil imalM HU " 'y A JWriiftli' W Hijulwl Im av MUM a 4jhlMJifll jjimiI tmM jralnM fr nth ft amvii niinjjiuf J'wr m il ft Ml wt will fatitMi tan i'ar al lnn$ il. JlMfwA ! " rt wiwl Baking ftwder V