-w"lJJj JpKJ"' TIE CAFIML JOIMAL. (DAILY AND WKKKI.T.J J3V HORUR BROTHttRB. TUESDAY, KEIt. J5, 1895. i i ami i - FROIEOY LABOR. fiK!TlBwj3WBr SMI In (bees days of ctow competition wherever tLer In a new Held of labor, opf il the news U telegraphed nil out (lin world. The f acJIII I-m fur tnuwpor I it Ion are no good nod tlietntcrptlaeof tttplt&l la to great that there la an Iro inodlato deportation of unemployed porsocn to the nocne of employment. l4loren ore not only shipped In but tbo Jaborvr of today hva Immediate coinpelillou with the whole world. If ft on tract were let txJay for n ni w railroad or canal In Oregon, tomorrow thtro would be hurrying into Mil state trafoload of cool I en, Japan cm or Ital Jaua. Lalwrlnj; men In Oregon who are out of work aud have wive and children ttaupport, would not he con aldered (or a moment In the ruati and Kroed of capital to make It profit. The resident American laborer ha no protection whatever, under thene clr cuHmtancfH. The allen-lahor bill now pending be fore the labor committee of this legla- Jaturo will remedy thia evil If It be coaitualavr. Jtcomela all corpora tion rendonng a public ncrvico to flnt take out a license to do buolutw In this aisle, of $ 100 a year, Thin hrlnga all kuoIi corporation, doing butlneai within the state, under ettte law and atalo police control, Tboy are 'then forbidden by this law to employ other thnu American citizens or pemooH who liavo declared their Intention to be come audi. The penalty Is aulllctohtly heavy to compel every railroad com pany to employ no coolies on Its tracks or In Its yards. It would prevent bring login temporarily train loads of JUL laua or Japs to build any new railroads or public works, This law would pro tect tho common American laborer In the right tj employment In the com monwealth of which he Is a part. ON THn IlKDUOKU'H VALLB5T LOOAL HEWS. AUMSVILLE. John Meaner has moved from this place to Eastern Oregon. All wish succhoi to Audle Hamwm, who Is now running the htaokemlUi shop alone, having bought Mr. Meaner out. Mm. Ground and her husband have b.en visiting her sister, Mrs, William Gilbert, for several weeks. Orl Gilbert, Bert Miller and Thomas )vleataitd for toe Indian rwerva- I on to take iiptovernment land. Last week our butoher,Jarnui Moyor, uouttohis slaughter bouse it kill a lieef. There were plenty of oatt'e. bat oni oi them did not want to be killed. Jump iiwd every meuna known to butchers t) make beef of that animal but tailed. Then the braye "I'hlllppS'i of rialeiu said, "open the gatea unto me and I will go in and there will be slaughtered." "Orlrii and great," he was right, but It wan lie and his norm t nut came near being slaughtered. JwjU morning Jauiee, Willi tils trusty rllle, crawled up to t'je pen, aud so frightened nd nervous waa he, that he uof acvn timw It-fore iho animal con nted to bo gentle, and tbat won Ilia renaoo why Turner and AuidhviIIc pe. pie had no meal for tiuuday dinner. saw aSte ff 4aauBBBBmABBaVfl'jLa 5rfejJiSK " lr"' 'W TKAIL. JnawlUctSoinwHMiii thU ihlo and ,ttrK ,ul vorswulllng carcatts, Ho wott slates (he nou con vlutloii of the .A, "5 WW,"IW"' Ttumi huuumi SB fill fl la frt liO fanAjt 1 1 a. I i I . II. ..Is -. S MPiaVNl Idiptnd! upon l.b ability to MwtoqtJ w, sotin be reached. Thei, Vtuw iimv ins vimim was not, previous an Mploslon, a more horrible stenub Trom Wbodburn. Thfreareafuiv Dilnh suntiortera In th north fluo of Marlon county. Fur Viiuv day I Imvo Utiii making u quiet Cttiiviihi 1 1 t.'rrttin ttieir grounds for lUpuortiug Iiiuj. liuw niuuy emtio out O Mlly null mjIiJ "0'Caue he is toe best m mi l iho llteldV" Not a alnglnone. Wuy then uo tbey urmil return V lie wai tho caucus x-'omlueo; fur this, uud t u. alone. Among thuMo interviewt-l w.M V. L. TiKize, of Wood burn. TIiIh gentlemuu holds up the obligation of ttie (iaucus as agaliifct the beHt iuterecta j the (Msople. JJven If we admit that ibe caucus was genuine, should our representative, after having sworn to rupresent the people of Oregon, und after having learned that their conctl. tulents do not want Mr. Dolph elected, keep faith with the people whom tlioy nave aworn U reprcMiut.or should they Keep it with llie caucus 7 Hut tho fact Is that 20 Republican mombors deny that a genuine caucus ever existed and tho "bastard" that the Dolph men have manufactured Is dfad. The springtime of reason has has eomujtlio warm euushlnu of honssl thought Is beaming down upon (hu dead caucus until the cations hu pulled and swelled aud bloated so big that the whole race of corporation Ists and boodlera liuve taken refuge boh I ml tho AFTER DINNER when you have eat en heartily, you should take one only of Doctor risree's VU ant Pellets v o n r stomach and liv er need the gen- tie ttim- " ttUtfafr, as well as invigorating, effect of these tiny, sujrar-coat-cd irranules. . If you feel drowsy, dull, lsajruid. isex prssslblr tired or aeollltsted , it TOM're no an. petite and fnotltnt hrsriarlip nr rilrrlnfu. a furred or coated toosrue it proves that you re bilious In that case you should use the "Pellet ' They are anti-bilious granules, which net in a prompt and natural way, without griping DEST PILLS FOR THE UVBR. KOSCRT MAHSO. Of Weil Ityt, Rockingham Ct. ff II.. writes; "Three year ago I commenced taking Dr Pierce'i Golden Medi cal Discovery; I weighed 140 poundt, ana now I weigh 175 poundt, to you w how I liave gained in health and weight Doctor rlrrce'n relicts are the bct pill I ctct took for the liver All my friend lay they do them the rant good." R. Maw son , Ksg. UVCR PILLS. Mr BAUDtLilAKKH fiH of A't. 16I Summit Avt- nur, inilllplhurgh. N J inc: inerc 11 nolh can compare llerrr'a 1-lr.ii. ant I'ellrta, as Liver Mils Tliey hare done more good than any other med rine I iiate ever taken." inr that with lit fit lB Mr fsar "BTTi TTT i 4RT 1 MVaA HJ&I Hias-E-i um w& Jm mm Ma. 8. UAS.ER. bs. BAID ABOUT TUB LEOISLATURB Inuring the part ten dayaor two weeks null Dolph meetings liave been held all over the utata whereover 11 tnenilwr of tho legislature could get to tils coustltutoula. Hofer may not be u populist, but he cannot deny tbat jKipullst opinion of lilmsoiris more fayorablo than itwiw before eli etioo. Portland Telegram (Dem.Itep. Corporation Orgun. Mr. Jlofer'a Autl-Alion Labor 1)111 to prevent publlo coriwrutlons from employing Aliens In oompotltlon with AmerJcan uboiors, Is h move In the right direction, nnd will be liaurllly en dorsed by every worklugiiiiiii. Jtiwo- burg Heview. SYMMES' HOLE UP TO DATE. A Call for Volunteer to Go in tho loes Lot IUI.jlonlam In IL That tbo erwt of the earth Is formed in layer no one will di8pntJ nnd t,,at all sabMdinoi on the surface of tho earth b drawn by some forco toward tbo earth's center is also nndenlabla This is called centripetal orca To admit the existence of this forco Is equal to the admission of a counteracting forco called centrifngaL According to every experiment aud all philosophical reasoning, thero must bo a line of equilibrium drawn somewhere between tho confer and tho circumfer- enno of the earth. The exact location of this line will always le determined by the motion of the earth It is on this lino that the external nnd tbo internal forces meet in deadlyconflict, striving for gravitations power and the enforcement of their laws. The friction produced by these two forco unwt be the Fonrco of all intornnl heat and the eternal fire. It is these two oppcuing forces that form and sustain the immense balance wheol called "theswrth," which is 25,- 000 miles in circumference, but cannot oxceed 300 inilos in thickness, including tho lava belt in the center. The irroKiilnr motion of the earth will chaugo tho ventral Icie of gravity and cause an eruption of lava either ex ternal or internal. Tbo oarth when viewed as a whol is ;i unit, and so itro tho laws which oiernto it, whethor applied to tho external or the internal surface. Tbo law wb!rh ravenr jrravitation 0:1 thfs equalizing line bus given us two cnrtbi in one, or a world within a world. The friction and bent of tho earth at tho oqruitor nro so mneh greater than th me nt tlio poles tbat the law of olectrie iftuilibrium will prodnco an electric enrreut to meet tint demand for light nnd heat Tiiis internul earth is n counterpart of tbo external in all things, oxcopt its Atlantic 11ml Paciflo aro not quite bo vnsc, nun its xsilo and HA Amazon nro not qnito so long. Neither is its equator nor its zones nor its poles quite ho high. Nature, with uii impartial luind, has withhold 110 good thing from this now world that can bo tasted of by any oth er. Ilumauity hero is hh far romoved from Darwin us Darwin is removed from the el. won seed of Adam's race. Who shall defy the ico bound north nnd enter that '"opMi sea" so long songhf for and greet their long lost oou'dns who migrated lrom Uabylon 3,000 yi-UTi goVFloyd Ilamblin In Utlon OliMirver. W. A. CU1CK Pi evident. J.!ll Alfirur. C Oiler. Capital OF SALEM. IranwinU a general bansiug buiiluwx.. L. D3iOLAS 33 pfOtiriTFORAKma. 3. CORDOVAN, rCtNCH & CNAMCUXD CA.LT 435? FlflC CAU&Kto3Aoa 53.BPPOLICE.3 50LE3. 4sp2.W0RKlM2A " EXTRA FlffC- n- 52. 1 7 BflYS'SCrKKH-SiGEi X..A.DIES &. ENDroaCATAlOGL'C 'L'DOUOLAS' UR0CKT0II.MA93. Over One Million Peoplo wear ths W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All ourslioc3are equally satisfactory They give the bet value for the money. They equal custom 4hoes In style end fit. Thtlr wearlns; qucllties tire unturpatsed. The prices are uniform, -itainped on tol, Fro-n $1 to S3 saved over other mnkes. K 5 ou- dealer cannot supply ou we can. bold b rfte S MJ 'immM&u? Hades Wouldn't be A Bad Place IK THEY'D ONIY I'UKXIBH ICK WATBIt AK!) MEKo CARBOLIC SALVB 'lt)0lltKTllK lIlJtMJHANIlHOKIW. 1.7-ni KIMU.S.SI: BUOS. HOUSE Painting, Decorating, 1 1 Hard Wood Finishing, Can give good reftirmicM. - IXImatet fumlKti el. Addresx, ()e). l-AOlmtrulli, HiUem. UphI ilcnceou rtnlem Jloior ItnllwHy, Ninth Mili-m LHVo urilerx Mlniflncr a ttnvrn. 11-ti J. W. SflflPPER, (Hucceur to tsballer & Claik), I DKALKU Iti AGRICULTURAL DEMENTS &. VKHICLKS,;WINI)IiLl.rUMi'3 AND KXTIUH itAfull lluoof Corva IU lliigifi- uii 1 CrirU, Acrruolor WliulinllUiiail 1) jl Uxx-n'm Hu p!enunt'Juit. received. Giv uliu moiII -No Xi CommoroUl hi li-h it MAMU-MOrUItXD UV LEE STEINER; BALLJi, OH. OnOtlOIdT. UOSEY TO LOiN :- "on" farm Innil ecnrltr. Hpoclal rwtcs ou aw loans. Loans coluilderod wltboat delay. 5-vn rfwir Hamilton & Moir, 'llnnm, lliiOi'HunV linllfllne m ran m we m A Bonanza Every Day of the Year. COULD NOT FIKDA-(JOIJ).illKj Kilt Struck it ich Weekly Find oi'SIIvnv CONSERVATORY OF '.Willamette University fllUi BIMi'i.K IN CO8THUCTION. Tliorough In In work. Good for lr or 20 yetr'u. e-entim rfcc-lpt or price, Ji. E prw prepaid, with mil iiiblructioua. AadatMi Hll orderti to, J. H. imowN, Uox 2U8, Baluni, Or. Coopc Shop, Q !IRU lIUMItT A man who ctirtnot find a gold mine and bring its rich yield into his daily atock of wealth, is. very glad to strike a silver mine. The manjwho strikes The One CeiNT Daily has got a gold mine of news for $3 a year. But if he is not so situated as to get a golden harvest ol news by daily mail, or to got mail two or three times a week, ho can strike a silver mine and be made happy, AMUSING THE QUEEN. und n ijuuiiiiiiuni rumuuii, k)nfwtl or a rujHiutlon fr vhMlity. TfiU loopliolo ofllio law niilU tliu luiroduiilloii of ivldouw eiiuUKli In ruin tliu nlremly clotldfd K'iUltloii of tiu young woman m liiii ulucil. Tint oouuiioii rqu !! fur kvvrnl yomw uiuii f Vjuully (juljmblo IniMiorHllly lo tlii !Mvywrwjylijjlrri)iily uIudim Ui Jfuftfl lurwlf. Till "V0U UliHklv IKJltitttlloU" lilmiwiii nil iliv Kt'.luuiloii uuU U u JHWhJ tl ll lllUlul U IliVil DKttllKt IJIUIUMJIIIIIJ(0UI ffum WUIIIVII Will MtH IHlt VllWtu. jiut UW WlllliWI M tlfiiM or vrr iuit ou Dimu of nxluo. Mon i BOtl llml uIbum (wulil Mlili tmhty N ifwlML ItaviiiK jifiwf f Nijmluu 0 1 MUblUlad wily y iho mli)l)' iwllljMly l)t) m. mttulmiiihv r. lliiiiiiiy 'f 'liM "UA lilyH" fHtUW It l)i WttMl Ilirtf HJ4IH) ftj wuifj, J4vVMwiiVUIhHiAii lum i mM !) tiU)i4 anil Uw mUm m4 im im mm tut lib littUM hum, tfW. Hw Wrtll'l imt H by MMiiy imi4y tunMfofaH Ui Ha af iWMU),Mlt)fUiiMw$Ul in Hwl IJwhuhI rffiiwiPiniwifwwnWiwu HI4t Miit Hlly im iittoip f' f U JijUifti jy HHi ui truly JiHJilitaMlJ im m imm fiw m w miu W bmt $ iUnJ y v ub km) mmiay mmn It mt iMitit mi ditto VMMmwmmmmmm "lux fcMiuyki iim Umtul ib nnil h li'rrlllwl crowd of In-nntitterul and iletenu)ete men, t'. l. Htiiain, VeU. i, JH03. From Uubllinlty Kl), JoiiinaM Jii uiiiwer to mmv ofourlBgUUtor, who lntwl (hut Km BiilNDoljili w(itloti Hmt wm nuui In from tdU pliuw wiui ooiikmu1 of Dam MiUniid i'ojiulUtu, l ImvuthU niiivli tOMyt Tlmtlflt wrt not far llmi bind of yoltiiK Minn of wir JitniwrttMit niuiiiUf would Imvo Iihiii iWmUhI h Uyt Iioiiiu. 'J'Iib nmjurliy uf Hit llitli)iitr wun m Uuimli JUuhjIi. Ilcaiu ui lttrti nro In iho lut, JJumiuh wn ID ltntt nil youiiM iiiwii, we mil um WUIml J'oullU mid (wnuul lit dilVBU into tliu Jldi rank iy (Ii tnusof tliu OrKoiilini. 'j'imiu Hfw only ic l Jiv'Uidiwtu in (Ul mb- Wlllul Mild WU Mi Julfll MiiiiwfUra, uHUvy iw lUo OrvKnln, Jf our lioiiontUU IfttMaUirc will mm uj nn itmm ini itMrfNJ iHy villi Ml (luil hm UikH tl)iw IhUftU Htwmilm iiw. llJwW)u l U Ht, ml Ul t i N JMjdi. Itai J Vm Jm m mm, lUm m lmAii4 tkn mm M itei MIUW )W ft tfttMl HM4 wUk m NMM TtHtiiUM mimtiw UifcM t Hi immwiUF(v m ma mmi tm ml mm kf I tM iwh mu, Jw wti A few i imm Hk ill mi ntmtn Um ft M. UiOMMW MJ.U-M IM4NU ! mm p mt um imM m m mm m mum who A ioloKrain to tliu OruKotifun, from Jaukvonvlllf, NtUtUn tliut IllllO-ttilltllV of tlio peoplo of till county uro In favor of Dolph. Tho fallow who wroto tho ttdeifruiii U u faUWIfr.uiid Jio knuw lio pruvuriimh'il when hu wroto It, Mwl faid Mull, A updulul ullort In ImiIuk nittdu, hy 11 nigral iibo of olsolrlolty to niuko Hut iumulicr of (hu ItgUluturo bolluvu llmlr ooiikiltutciili uroiiolld for Dolph; out tuny uro not wi wully fualtid, Tliln l rtwt triok; hut It won't work. Any uudy, even h hllnd limn, who Iiuh ol wrvwl thloKK bnowH iho uuimm mo tKlwt Dolph. -AlUny Diiii)rttl. llofNrlwuk Hi mluotuM tj pluH4j tht) iwinuufJI.H. Klimuldln iioiiiluutlou, Jt Hftrwnl iIuvoIhwI Ihut hu wu Ulkiux WMiiliMt liuif, In tiimblu lti, mll"( UuuUtml UiweUy Iho IHf Uml uui vuitt iiMlit Dolph. Mr, llufar U MtiitM U IlliWil mmIII (or Him Iwrd Miclti lu u iimkiiijj in ilw inlMfwti. f Ih iMujile. Mrm JUvlow, -liunug iu MkHifwlKti Ui frtif f urpHt um uur imimt Ihu f llmi vat fa Um iUnttMkm m mtUtUv dl itu( mmmrtiy umu it vuut (mi Mf, uud w Iwttevt) thl 1 mi iMnMtiiM JutJJy aw Ut wry mu Out wUkm uf Ht mpb l U mmttUf Um wM m liudr imum Uf mum lUittmt for i toUMi itiMm aum-uuii 1 1 mi 'iiii,.i mnn ii M4im. r$um U4y, i'dumty Mta. (MgM $m Wm mim u rmUMU, mi um , far gj mUbm ttmi9tm iu , iy MMi !- Mte. MM4 IMJ fNW MMl iMtf iftt. .WBrjrj(y.jMr. u. i4.-ianr.iC li.".. j'if n"" w IIPip Mf MW-Mumi a mtt How DIhIiU or Honor Atm t-ltvtI hiuiii! nt 'Hi i r Jlutli'k. MsiIiIk of, honor nru ahuoii by tho (j u wii lieridlf froiiiiiuumglliBdiuiKlitorH of peui, who, if not tliHiiinelvatcmuiibat oil with the roynl liotiwliold, tire pur- Hoiml frlond of hor iiinjwty. A lnttor Ih iilwny fcont to tliu pmuiitH of tho youiiff huly rfijiiimtiiij; tlmt an u pereoiml fnvor to tliu iiiiuuu hIiu iiuiy Imi Hirniitteil to uttuiiil ut ooorl. An tho position Ik mi ilmiluliki and tlie Hilary U iJ8(0 n your, tliu rmjuwit U iiivariubly aoutptud, anil Iho newly i'hn u iimld im-olvon from thw lunl flmnilx-rliiiii tho wiiiiimnil for harllmt "wlt.' Tu lint tliiuir hrootiht to (hu inuid or IwNior 1 liar lmile, whleh hi n mill iHtuit pkttnr of tho luioen t in hril- Hitiiu unit Iiumk from u rlhunii, Jnt Imuru Um iliwuor lionr tlw iimidof hon or Ih wnltfiig Iiim U, aimid in tHo ourrl rtur ouUiitii tliu iiwMtn'K primttt nuort imiil. Hiiu tmtrlu u botHjuut, whih on outMiiiK itut diuluK oii4 !- fay nt t Hjriti hWMl of Um lHMM't pli TtM Muthl of honor alt ni litoour uxt la tlu NMHUuuui un lit ijnmii' iMii, TW rulm u, ltowivr, mlstnit wnw rufl goal m ymmiL X(u Auum, mUm oiiK-rwiM tmmmwvieA, lUu wuad of liouur rtHirut to lmrwn mm. wUmm Uuvur, h ftwumiUy 11 Id ri, miiK, fay Hi jriattw ur ufa u MM I'KIH. btttw .li) l.i U, pruvtittt it tlu fwfc. iy i-itiKl j.MO. , fur tliitiuuMi ia nut !')"- 'I I ' Ii4u'.i MulMr ttdiii Iim S5WCI. riie inuil couijileUi and bewl iulipd ii.u- teljool on tlie iiottliwi ejtut.'j UulvunltytiUindardii. I.iti iiintuuOii ui lioruu kIi wdiu. yiplu ram ulven on coniplttlun ol udu.-m. Kil ivrm Uculu hvptomlMir U, 1MI. jU Z M. I'AKVIN, JIlK. J1M5. , IH.'II. . .. U Attli I XX, HORSli SMOli:iNG. i Hliopou Uien.nlnta rtrMrt.ul rtmr otKtf. mC" '"'"Hurn UllW. MiMiul UtlMllluU ui iiilrrfaitiiif unit lior wan d.MMii iti $1,500 HEWARD OFFERED, TiiMUuiUikigitMtonMH Jiftju rewril wr tin 25 u .. " .y1 "u "'' "'", ' l'eoilr "-. -hi Muiwy I ail Hit tuiti i.au.L.. .. I .:.." .. . "r ' -"-' I IWB IWO M rnuoCb. Iinopnodupiiniij n-jnljorju r.n'ti mill, lr viutfj HhI,ji, W,, ,,. , ,, H pr.jMPli to mafct md repair sll k n. i.f uoniurim, kuuh MHIn.tubti, lte ixor.Ui Mud uurn. Dulv i oi mmnul HUtck umi, iHci nnwni '" 7- i. CLUB STABLES. W.,lt, IMIWMINO, I i il,il"..,lu,,.,.y 'il U,tm"' '""''" nd line' p. ll ol utrt flvtu k. tmiuiU ut iioiliM iuiS5'.tofq,r,rKerr.'J"'1 '"'e'lr "tr'" iTlUka sihi tally Of tuklnv rnni&J ' i.. .... or mount nnt. "' ' "HE ANTI-MONOPOLY "( liEtfta'.?.?.""' ,H,r V llw 'w iiornua "" ."Wf .!, ,,wia lju ill I) moi kbi u jy jau rvMitrd. ,it,uu... Ul""'l U, AilltHW, -iry in I Im eniuu, I014.i1.Vumu MniwMMt, Or DRESSMAigNo! nj i 'MM III I II I t IllTii'iT ujiuuv uaii juftinui MiLwfiM 'ffii'LYft 1t',''rtii mid Hr.riS. '"wif " 'ri'l nl-ijo re. tnLRfflS-' ' ill 8QJ I JwMItt K-i-tr Urowwy. ' ' CJIAti. WOl.7. U) . ) iiiifln, fIK uuiifiK in SALEM TILE WORK EBL MMkito WW Utlffrnmymm wm MmM W m MNtHMHM W ted IMWMtfii MtiUM IM Utte Mmy ., ........ .....',. . 7"" -""" I , r. .. . 77 " W'- '"- w I. i.li.i... i...IIl i I . J. I i ft .iti . .. t . . x w MMIM HWWH l Htm mtUtiOt mHi I HWW UWM MMMW Awvrf rv(w r jWUr; jv ti i iw, iiiigy ;iv Vmt i m ui m tMttt, i.lM i'MH MH Jl I HMMri l IM4W M,MMiU MM W MMf II DIMM UUto I "Nit IbjQmjuu m tu E- M.."--. Nt tlvltati j.&guw; wr i. a MUAMMH 3. f if Aiw, i JtfSSLtlJIIfijmwmiu TOIMB '-'"W:1tsa"" IIHMlNyta MyiJMK i. kyuMv ie Winj? Co,, 'MI"(MI Wflp) w lTrittJn,.nKii,j,?'J sm. fn tu mum HinmrtM SmTuT' "" f4ii Uiuuu,or East and South i VIA THE SHASTA ROUTE iii to Omm. Uko Momlng Oew WMi'i lHii til WjiiwM, H""wSW2f?lJK'"' vm -IM MtMf 1HI '" - l H M,. 4ftiL ftri iWHwiWif ltKl.VX UM u MtfluM W WNHMiymaJ a iwi Jmw i4Mli4 MMwuMiit m mmmm - Jmh ur BiriMAUxw sh MWf MH 4MMWWI , ,. ii . , y .' - w - -" i w i ii0 4r lni r lii iit, f- tar. Mm . ti it. rzz. 1- w-i i . i41J 7 t tH .! .. W 9it v4 main t U Wm 14., i ite ta if M -. h , r 1. . I. . r '' l H M.. IIWMMI . ab . . - . - j u. . . r'tl f f mltmllnmtmwmrtFi iM WIOKS1K CfTIUi UUK TWi) lf4JIV.f1UlMI " '-Tnln J IwOIXilrli v MSwtW HBP rHpV Wlltr 3 ffiR B ffT IPVMMP MftH U Mliin OUi: SILVKIt MrNES. Oregon must encourage the use of more silver, We must do all in our power to. have capital inyested in our thou lauds of undeveloned nilvm- mitiinp; properties. All silver men should use silver. Buy aud sell in silver, pay your bills in silver, pay the minister and tlio editor in silver, buy and read silver papers, send in a silver quarter for three months, dbilvor half for six mouths, or i silver dollar for a year of the WKKICLV CAPITAL JOURNAL. A Ouo Dollar "Weokly.l The Silver Dollar Weekly, Jiefit $1 weoIcJv on tho P... ;ilio Coast, No pupors sonfc nnQm lor in advance. No trouMu to postnuwtors r Hiiliscribars to got it stopped, I L itop, Tliiw woitkly him all tho Iol" "Jntivo no vn. Tills M'OOlvlv has morn imiuu ahilllt t)jo HtttiJ imvnrnuim.l 'linn imyollior 0rotfo papor. it if mi Aiwooiatod prum I Mi)wr. it i Lliw nnnur for l?An.i.i:. - mm, Ihmmui Pojmlhtii nnd niiuuiuwrojn jr,.oy gpPOO), ul uoutl govttriiMMiit lortliw ' ! no uuiiim.Hiiiunjf (o MDt oj- noijtiniwUirii or tu Ml'iJli. tfMUiili. till i.lnl.u U tun lUtUlilM ul i. I,.,.,.,'. illluli tiJ " a '" " "' J i Junmu dun! (Jjr(.uty 0, MH Lm, im m a, rm-A uuiii ku ' riwi 4' - - u, , . Zl", flMUDf ta ui ifT"r "" ""Wt l.lM WTmVSBt 5sMmmi$mmi " ' - AW-. f " jh 4 nMM aaah . i af II a, . ,&; j.msLt um kmVk Lmi fan... ... . m -.. 'JULtiK ! u7Li7rw ' w AOoaOlKA.;. fs K. --. . I iOTPul'ilff iWfW M I " I 1 1 4. l 1 MM w WiW MAMMkr. t lirii? tm ft i nit ' rf'K ft,. :u WJr- ik2..Uf owBftai IMkiilMi ft' Jn WJU iMUiJ jlU Uf H f"' -t r f . 'j . r ! W l.t.1 JSii 8 wyy H "tApPfT' tSI fPt m I mmW IKfljiiwi) '4 I luikMLl.l.. .. iTcrws Pulllllljafif wrn rt MqAttas