-v CAPTTAI li,-, CEXTS I'Elt MONTH BY MAIL. JOURNAI COUNTY J. OFFICIAL VOL. 7, DAILY EDITION. SALEM, OREGON MONDAY. FEBRUARY 4, 1&95. DAILY EDITION. no. aas Mem's, Women's and Cnildt'en's All Wool and m SECOND MEETING rWT "HBWI !X T Of the Wofldburn Repabllcatts Against Dulplit TAB COUNTRY IS ALL UNANIMOUS -AT- m mm Against tlto Return'of tho Corpo ration 'iiii(li(l;ili'. -osasaKa Our Underwear, which is cheap at full very low at the reduction. Our la iiW and merits price, will he all-wool is a special bargain. Call and see for yourselves B. T. BARNES 383 COMMERCIAL ST. Fire Insurance Gil Rales. On property not insured and on property insured in non-union companies. Twenty-five Per Cert Discount will be allowed ii applied for immediately. GEO. M. BEELER & CO. T"L 1 I'll TnP Wm auwlte Hotel 0- LEADING HOTEL OF THE CITY. Reduced rate, Management Ilbpral. Kloctrlo cars.Ieavo hotel forlull pub o buildings and poluta of Interest. Hpeolal rates will be given to perminent patronB. A. I. WAGNER. 1 1 JMHYHflH COL LI MIS, And All 06 CEMENT, SAND, Building Material. STATE ST, Hfflf Artificial Teoth JNHKKTKJ) Without Plates, JtoMbiiuii) brnWy tluuuyuil tooth roorowwid vith vlUiur yolu or jwuoJniii, NuMifng but flrUlH work iluuw. JJK. OONTKI, UN'nte'J J'urltim ovi CJry J)wj, RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE. A JfiUJ HuM; uf JtiiiAM wmI Jiufld "J j'('"J' j,or"u" "I Ooruaj' Ouwm jwilwJ by Uu. JJujr, YTwU r MuiiUi, mmetammms$mm Ilardwnro, Wnftwn, Curie, Rond Machinery .Y.i Ik LfcUitiTjiowwirfi W, Cw. iiiif t4 UM Si aum ohkkjh J, A, Rotan, tho Furniture Man Correspittdenco of the Capital Journal. Woonitou.v, Feb. 3. Tin Saturday afl-rnoonuorth.hoiujil Southern Pacific train brought from hnlein twenty or thirty vf earn t liesennturlil question to the licit lied orOrcBiiii' iiim-hiin' puli'ics toge'her with tut'ir M dying, feutinel cleriin, bunker nod millionaire lullu enota, iih well mi tliflr pergonal rtpre- .pntat ve, Hon. Jiweph Nestor Dolpb, going to tl.eiroirporutlon haunt, whis pering with thulr head-, rinse in pairo and trip'elH, loihlnu at the mejdfast ata wartftate.su en, Hon. H. L. Bark ley, Hon. G. O. Hiniarunn, linn. David Craig, Hon. E. Uofer, the former two on their way home to consult the wishes of their constituent?, its If to nay, "How dare you beard the lion, the unpastured tfraion in his den?" But in wild amazement they peered from the platforms ai.d windows of the train a it pulled up at Woodburn, the home of Hon. H. L. Barkley. Woodburn's voters were gathered en inasre, 500 strong, and sent up cheer after cheer of radleut enthusiast, while the Wood burn-band played "Hall to tlie'CWef." Banner proclaimed what was upper most In every man's woman's and child's heart and voice, "Welcome to our repreeeutatlvi s." "Tbrlco welcome to Hou. H. Barkley." "Antl-Dolph republicans." Tho Hon. Joseph Nestor Dolpb sat next the aisle of tho third coach, bcsldo Representative Woodaid, the very atmosphere around him con gealing tho Arcllo outlook of his elec tion. Wlsoly enough, he did not how his head at the window, fur well be knew the publln temper would havo subjected him to u Jeering which would only have ended with (tie train' dc purluro, For twenty minutes a welcoming haudnlmkiug wax llio order. Jleriubll can voters, their wives, hods, daughter and uweetheurttf, all declaiming more than your correepondeot could com pro Iteud In Approval of JtopreientBllve!i Barkley ami Jfoftr and their aliunde on (ho senatorial Ualits at Hulem, Jfimdt'il by (lie u irmt html a jTocts. mIoii wan foniwi and insrolird (o JUiu InytonoptrnbuHe, wbluli whh (tiled to oyt'iilowliiK. Vmiitu urn) llielr famlllm had M ibvlr work, and doin in I U u around, Itu I iminn i bear Urv, Ku' "jtenty ('ly"jUfley-.uj)il JPjirM'iiUUve liutor immuM tUulr VlOWN ai.J fplab lllblr Vulva aKBl"l riiitf rulu. Hbup h1 lorn wiw mImuI, (iijI llml of JV'xJu' Mr- uliuiu W. 't'txt), tho mwm inl hmuUu liinuwi mn nuil un uV Mduiiad jubll. wti njpl, KollU' timn wo nsiilfiil In ivfy vclw ! vlbiutwj lit r)ny dulluii mini wofJ him HtnUW ""1 Nf Huhr, n lliy vlm hu Uiv m w vwmnmiM by ii;u HljoliMfji m) " HnwUvr, To IJJH JiHU Wiu whJHl tdjfill) of mu t4lyibv WwiUhih Uurufl lm) lu ftfil "tflfi. . Ihii. J, I) iM tM llv iiml lyglim)r ftui tidot)uy )Ihi iU lllir, hf hlMMi mmuly, vlwiviil lit jlti() htl"-f fl'J HtfJIwut Mp M Uif n)iMWbl ltll, H II J'fl l fWf tiH)t H9iuM, i Wtt lip HUWVf MtHWliI ni In H'tr ''1 If 'I"1 iij4ufr lf lli ttnilltow, Dfl H Hi tu ) Mill 1 1 him hi )r, lli 1MiiHy r'IWM' H.' )IH"ii I4x; b. the geotlomeu, which was carried by a rising vote anil without a dlaeentlog volw, Upon the corporation flglit, to show tbd tiotUtiorti l'aoluo'a lutotesi lu tbt oiltcomci Mn Holer stated that the hbtl-DoIph tuctl had otlefed to raise (260 fot the bsb of an ebglne to gd after Itepreoehtativti Scott wbeii bb Was heeded and illj bUt Nb, bono colild be had, while a special train was lying at the depot awaiting tbo orders of the corporation candidate. During an intermission and while the oarnet band played appropriate selections, your correspondent scanned the audience'. It was not a Popullstlc, nor a Democratic gathering. Nor .was it entirely A HEROES Tlioi'o Is Not An Anti-Dolph Man Wavering STANDING LIKE A SOLID WALL 4f" Republican; but, inasmuch a tbo precinct only polls fifty Populist auu 76 uomocrutic one reels war ranted in asserting that 85 per cent n( theee people of Woodburn there pres ent catno from Republican oltizeu'a homes, from far and near, to hear their represontiitlve, Hou. Henry L. Barkley, the silver-tongued orat ir of tho eigh teenth a&asmbly of tbo Oregon legisla ture. No Oregon iviiredentuttve hua ever returned to hN home ?reclnct amid such heartfelt itUnt. aud enthusias tic rejoicing from' bifi fellow .citizens aud their fumlliea, a greeted Mr. Bark ley as hi araao to addrt'ES them. Ho bean by?ai.ig: "I know as do all of you, that ,0k- legislature of tho stato of Oregon lAd buun in f-oiBlon;and Wf, as j our rreeutatlveu have beon called upjn to rulso our voices upon an lsiuo of vital importuueo to every homo represented in this large audience. Our success on tho ficnat )riul question, 4tow pending In tho legislative halls at Ba- lem, means rupro than the success of anj;faetlouiii-tbQ JlopublIoan party; means more than tbo success of tho combined party lulluencos of tho state; It means tbo success of tbo people, it not only means the defeat of J.N. Dolpb, but it means and proclaims from the southoru border ofJaokson county to the beautiful Columbia; from our eastern border to tho Pacific ocean, tbo ultimate abolition of machine poll tics and corporation ring rule, (Cheers aud upplnuee. "Cloutlomen, I not only deolaro that I will never vote for J. N. Dolpb, (ap plause) but that 1 propose (0 stand llrm 111 tho people' cuuno until ring rulo and corporation advocates are annihi lated In the hulls of congress of these United Hlutes. (Great uppIaiiHo,) "Ah (0 Hon, J, N, J)o)ph, J havo told hi henchmen llmt (hey know I urn (00 po)r (0 (alto Ida boodle, and (buy know (hut am maduof (IrmerHtull, 1 will bland by (he pwijilu, not only who e ooled mo but of tbo ul of Oregon, whom It U my riuly to represent u Ofitgon' hUiutum, (11 llio mier abo lition of (ho ullM iiihuIjImo politic, In ONgoil, by ilifeuiiiig J. N, Dolpb, ami In (ho UuiU-il KiwiwMjf A'mirmt, "Ueudemun, if your irtHunt rujm. wnlaiiywi iiu ii 1 tturry out your wMm you nhoulii by tir nuxt hullul numl ijh homo ami wml iiitiji w)m will rimt your rvprnNimauvM lu umium mihI not (""I lli.r vmU for llntr own wmnos." At I ho vkm ( Uti WWb Uiiw fouiJug ri'pwbiMj ohjios jgfiMt up prusihj.wicii b mrtAuy W dmdtnu nuil mfty 4 WwMijlni-Hljt imumr Against Election uf a Corporation Senator. The antl-Dnlpb Republicans havo again Btood like a solid wall of rock In the joint convention today. There was not a break or a waver in tho long line of men who aro battling for a great principle for tho people That princi ple la representative government, and it is a priucfplo dovotion to whiob means not only the defeat of Mr. Dolpb but the retirement of all special repre sentatives of corporations and other capitalistic combinations from tbo United Statea senate lu devotion to that principle there is not a man votlug ngalust Mr. Dolpb who has any cona promise to make aud no conversions need bo looked for to the Dolpb ranks. A few Dolpb men and tbo Oregonian aro saying that In caso of Mr. Dolph's defeat, which is now practically con ceded, the 4!2 Dolph men can select the senator. Some of tho mon who are voting for Mr. Dolph aro objecting to such a program, and say tho mon who have made the fight tlfct has mado Mr. Dolph's election impossible, and have made It In tho, true interest of tbo peo ple of this state are entitled to some consideration. A large delegation of Union county officials and a petition of about 70 Dolph men out of 1700 Republican voters in Union county have, today, brought pressure to bear on Hon, J, H, Wright to havo him change his vote. But that gonl'emau stands solid aa one of tbo Bluo Mountains, and his weight In gold or any other golden consideration will never Induce him to vole for Dojpb. MONDAV'H HOM.-UAI.rft After (ho customary preliminaries tho Joint roll was called for Bonaror with Iho following result. JHM.l'Jf, 110, - THE WOODBUHN LIAS. Tho worn-out, baok.n.umber wood burn. RopubllcRn liar who enyn In tho OregQnlaq.tQday.tliat tUo editor of Tjih Journal had even uald that bo "had only contempt for the Republican na ttdnal platform and its prlhcipleV' only adds another link to the cbhln of lnconolateucles and untruthful state ments that la dragging him down to political perdition. Mr. Hofor did not use the above languagooh any occasion, but did say lu the gentleman's olllce that be bad only contempt for the finance plank of tbo Republican na tional platform of 1S02, which was en dorsed lu Oregon iu 1804. It was a straddle and an evasion of principle, as both goldbug Harvey Scott and free silver meu could run on that pjanlr, ' was denounced by the Capital Jduh ualln IbOii, aud unon that plant, tho Republican party of UJ0 nation vvus aeieaieu. i'or that plunk only havo con torn pt. ADOLPH SUTRO'S Tie Mayor ol Han Francisco Ad Vises iho President. ABOUT THE PACIFIC RAILROADS. Mako Them Opoii and Public Higlnvnys. we POLLING THE DELEGATES. The delegates to tbo Republican county convention are being polled on thoBonatoiIal question. In tho Balem preoluctH so far as canvassed, aud nearly all havo been seen, tho senti ment is overwhelmingly ahtl-DoIpti. Many precinnta are solidly against tho maohlno and nearly all aro outspokon for a now deal. Thla expression of tho men who put up tho legislative ticket in Marlon county will bo moro than sustained by tbo people. Lot tho poll of Republicans on the senatorahip bo taken. Tho peoplo will settlo it right, and will not instruct representatives to vote for Dulph ,SU.UPU-.TltEjQHRHAiij8j1ot taking,, hand in circulating tho petitions but believes tho peoplo havo a perfect right to protest against Dolph'u olecllon, or tho election of any other man If they see fit, A man who protests means something. Ho ropresonta u sacred right of Amerlcau froonfon. Bancroft Beach Bluudoll Bridges Jlrownoll Calvert Ourdwoll Carter, Oleetou Cuhroath DuvM Denny (JoHiiur Oowan dowdy Jlobaon Long Maxwell MoMlmi McCJreer Mlutio Moore Myers J'lttterHon of Marlon) Wood aril Paxton Prb Heblbredo Bhutrum Hlmon Hmlth of OJnokamus) Hmlth of Polk) Hmlth of Jiwuphiiio) Hlauley 'i'hompnon Htlwor ifulu4 uf Morl"0 mml. Th ml y" vary &u ri tu UitljiMMwtiiiMl mm Im) ub Uw UwtiU b miium1m mi mm M (n hlr. Jbuiii't, t tU W hk dim I MMW4iwhr itp WlBll ! mm! iU4n tM m UVflwltflltiliiiwg, i4 mu Mill nil hM M utn-.nuttHp Ui mM$ftUl timu &n4 U4 " Mumm I tit vm tmmkmi W - fiut & ' U Ml umtutwliw! wmMtoHM kmtokji im&$ Urn l 1 '" Mi 4.y, MuhkHbw " 0t lmb luui ikt mitUf h4 Jb 4ll mm t4uyu into lhfwwitillkl Us blt i-W mbi t tw n& Umiitimw mi uy Turn Buokniuii plKh Uurbo Oooi Urulg fimhby Ntiulon HJowart VttinlerburK 1(41119, 10, lluUmuu Jollroy JCliK young WllthlAM, 0, ijMor I'l fyyJu lllll UKUHANN, II, HlttWfM JVlght 0 UfHIll) wR&iHmmttii, a. IIDUIHOll w asgL S5affl)9ij) mUy um, i. IkW' UynJsrn A m Utkt iJMMrT, II. IUkf (mm fkitM ikmmr 'tkdf'i Uuwtlw fmlMtium Mild mlmmiMi tu iil Uiw uiw Uui wmJ ;. U Wj m Mi iwJIiwi imutit. 'Plik to lb j!riwf ib Uw twiMl hW my U,r tf4j w mi HUiiLii Miib tiruui iHvdiA' uiutliOHiiiiNM In uu Um-amiyi immit imi iwMy Bank Examinor No Good. Thero has boon a bill Introduced In tbo Oregon legislature provJdlng for a stato bank examinor. Tho following from tho Lincoln, Nebriska, News lb timely: It thero Is usoless and oxpouulvo luxury existing lu thU stato by vlrtuo of (he statute, It In tho state banking board aud bank examlnerx, and tho members of (ho next legislature owo It (o thomkolvM and (ho cKIkouh of the ulato lo Hfii (0 It (hot (ho law (treating tho Mule banking board and providing (or tho uiolntmoiit of utato bank ex. nmlnem bo repealed, W defy Huyouo to whow whoro tho bunb exmnlnura havo over taken any nation (hut mulled In any homdlt U (ho ilp'Wtol(or or oitxlliotu of my bank In Ihuululu. On hy (joiitfttry. wo wit Hinl aro ublo lo juoyo llmt oyery bunk (hut has failed m Iho blale of HuhrtikUu in Iho pant year, Iium paid it VW "'"''H proporilou of IU Jlablllllt. uuil (hut (Iiu (ixnminaouM mudo by (Jju bunk uyamlmiM huvo bum of no buuMiJi iv thv (JsiMMiiorM or mUn of Hiljr liuk u (bj aluUi, um) (hat, ,v Duly iwwi) w ftfMMiM tiiAi. imv bmi iumQlmi by Um immni Iw, rwlnllim Ui UmJm.m far m thu wieilim uf iho imtUui InmI "W Mwk tumuUim In mwml m Um tmtk who Ijhvk mmimi Htmm mwil by Uw utu ikmuvHwruu. Washington, Feb. 4. The" telegram from Mayor Sutro, of Snu Frabcisco, to President Cleveland, whlea Hepburn of Iwu read in tho ceuoto f.jul char aotarI.jd uij tin "alleged tolegtam." is us follewa: "History will record you oa tbogreit eat benefactor of the American peoplo if you will reomuiend, by special mea sago tu oougresj, tb i forecloiuro of the mortgages on tbj Paoilh railroaJo, iUi I tig oft existing incumbrances, pur. chatting the roada at foreclosure salo and falling back on tbo personal llabil ity of l ho stockholders for deiloIouce3. Tbo government must not operate these roads.buthold thorn as a groat national highway, for tho benefit of the Ameri can people, a war measure ua they wore Intended to bo.for the transportation of troops, ammunition, supplies and malls. Thou permit all American railroads to run their locomotives and earn on this great highway, starling from tbo Mis souri river to tho Paclflo ocean, under paymont of tolls, to bo regulated by the treasury department. Let out tho gov- ornVnTnrtraiaiortanoTriF'thebw'eit bidder, and monoy enough will be mado to pay tho Merest on tho outlay, besides giving low rates and fares, and tho Incalulablo bonoflts resulting from ridding tho peoplo of tho corruption, tho bribery, tho enslavement, the evil Inlluonco of theao giant, corrupt and criminal corporations, and furnish the Paolilo coast, by ono great maslor Htroko, with not ono, but halfu do.on competing railroads," WILL NOT NEGOTIATE. Japan Ktjeots the Chinese Poace Ambassadors. Wahii;witon, Fob. 4,-Hecretury Ortuham Iiqm received n cablegram from MlnUtor Dunn, at T0UI0, com Inning tho Associated JVess report of tho rejection of (ho Chlueso peaco com mMouera by (ho Japanese, on tho ground that (heir crmluntlttln wero u uloutlvo In not granting (hem plenary power, No word whatever had boon roocy4 regarding tho retried apluroof n part oflbofortwof (ho UnlUil Mtnlesphlp Conoord by (ho Cbliiwu, run win ouwoua. Wrlveu Anhorfl Vitli Many Badly l'rv$m iMloru, Unmm IWu l.-UlutrhM UommV mm fi Ua, mH Imm timlr Huudi OJliKO tiuVHUil UiHt Ui liMllofih'! (Jblwra ittUwl tiiti Uil ttfUriioo witJj itxUoo iufw ahowJ, bwliy fnmi M Hit V I'm Diaivn Im4 " mivMiMMit, fr4ulux(t mimUfH, vUtmlB imnmittln 11ml fcMt fniwry, Hmd'a XbnMWrlllu ) Am iiowly. 1 1 Umm uih iimmiwii, '..' " m HDIUII it i Mir uwod Mini iUy.wkiw.Ui IUim ;iKm Ui UMMii mmhml uumum MmtMtH mlUnriUt llmu. im lid. tMtUlHO 'ry "mm i hml til M Im simtih$ iww, I mm4 U , u ;tjwii 1 1U fHVulIlM lw um hi. . ud bkNtx II 1 kwwa I BBmUa 1 Vv Sj PfckWtt mmMm"0! WA QUI tnilHiHUtlilHH la u lbiioMli . 11 fr rinattiiiy' --f - - - - -. ik jl. n- mm