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About Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1895)
ne cantm. mmi 0ULX ASID WKEKCr.) H..L. ,? n1 M-lTii'"l"",i"'rtJ-'-- " :a Y HOPRR BROTH1CRB, TUESDAY, JAN. 29, 18ft5. Illi i"JI 'L J -IU J J -L w JBsaiy-BBBl a. i tsmiS HJ BE'H Am 7 THR ON&Y gj ZPnlillp fliwiiMinff n m i iiuiii vjiuuiuuijv z 2 LIBRARY. P m In Salem, Is at P. B. Dear- r horn's book Store, jgj W 3te gcud flp&l fi7 hit r?r''l 9 lw Catalogue. Jjv m PERSONALS. Another bile frcst prevalhd ttil mefalng. Jofen Mlnlo returned to Portland this afternoon. D. Williamson waul down to Port sh1 tlili afternoon. Jttl Myers made abus(neas trip to lb Kietropll today. Judge J, C, Morelnnd returned to Portland on tbe afternoon local. M. Kllngerand son were In Portland today, going down this morning. Geo, II, Bauteit returned from Hpo- ftnm, Wn., on too local tbla morning. Judge V, D, Young, who la HI with congestion, la not rallying m rapidly ae hta friends bad hoped, but la atlll quite 8. IK Powers, of Bhcdd, Llnu county, k In tbo city visiting bid brother, Guy W. Power, agent for the 0. It. & N. Co. Mr. Power reports but one JDolpb Man lu Hhedd.nud bo la a money leaner, I!e also report that of tbe lAuu count Itepubllcuu are and- Wlter D. Blind or Aumsylllu, was In Um elty Monday aud attended a -aiMof tbe legislature. He called on WsrreUry of (Mate Klrscald aud was warmly reoeJvcJ, having been a sup porter of that gentleman from start to AnUto lu tbe memorable new deal panof 161)1, A fair complexion comw from pure m What wouian would not prefer tod cooked with J)r. Price's Baking Powder? HODJjks PKATJt.-Mony Baleui people will m pained to Icahi that Mrs. II. 11. Cpwell, at her home lu West Union, Iowa, died Ike. 20. Deceased was the WOthar of Mle Cap well wiu died In (h ill y ImI yi'flr.Btid bad rumlo many fflvD'l lu Httlem, Vim DlUli Ioow.-No event lu BaUwmerrauttdsoiiiucli Interest m (foi ftf lit KtistotUI ilu,d Mb, A tw Miiie lima no Huluii griNry llni. fT gave sutli whI MlUfmeilon tn Mnfiitt A Ih sum em the Pit UJIKt rwry. II llliell 4 My VM I I'ilH JOUIIKAI tOHliM,v.fjhlhl I .iy Imvir NlihUi Ml iii 1 .) ulsitittw, Hm mI M'njyii 1 1 ft ur ri'iilit r j"ui lyilivlM.rii -r i'sf biil, t iir, 1uiii( fur tw(iiiiivuiiHii, YufAMH J'iiirm -ur wMi i mw it wm Hid i't Nil) wail i. VW H Wurin you wi ii ilia twi nn fat Hw Ul tMMy. W Iiy ! ii W Hut ih '!w, fJlvas U a hm ml! wdtfoi mw4 'U. w Jilih- Mmt Hum IhtWHm Wll JJMI Viflu kimUw hiiJ! liut VfWH Hunaey nnu mt uiiiud mrnU wr mJ M i sunjily HmMI iNi. s4MIItii.ifiithi6r whea (hu fylisly i muWit4 'if Hcr m- If l)m j vVihh wiii'iHth If Jl nrWI'WMl'Wiiil imi mlt irf H)kwiy A MwlPii' liu hi j. tt4HFi4 HJ il)li. W tX Ih4 i MW r L W-.U atllUl. Wilil t.lm.H l.ihJIn U.j V aw &j "7 rVF "2rI7 aaiusudi ami Luj uiiJ liilLj ui v. a PSJl Wi Pi ?! -t!32 !' ? SSSw (WW w9 "eyw "' PW 1 . , j .. WSV AHOTKR rOMXR OATJflKT. W eTUf the City With Mj Oola Wke Arrested. Tbf afternoon, about 1:16, a tall, smooth-faced young man, wearing a dark brown overcoat and a black crush but, walked Into Bush's bank and pre sented a check for aome &0, algned by Leo Willis- Cashier Oswald West, questioned tbe man before caiblng tbe check, but the forger seemed nines','0' nlvinz that West could look up tte signature If he desired, Tie check was cashed, but no sooner hid the forger passed oat the door when West ran straight for Leo Wll Ha' office, where he learned that It was a forgery. Haitenlngbacktotbebank be met Andy Coat, whose services he secured, and tbry went Immediately V the depot on their bicycles, arriving Just before the t'aln reacbel tbe depot. Wrtt jn loUd out the forger to Cos J'i oi he wu g lug aboard the train udlle; bolhiefzed the man. He of fer d o.i eldirab e ru-Utence ui flt,but nni " under c'ilrol unit matched to he i u i' J iH. U.Hin I elng sesrrhed, KJil.lO was found on I U person, tib't of vhlcli was go'd. Utitei this amount leb-d tight chicks already tuude ut u I hiiI rsd by Bahm lulna mer hut h id ii o flgoed them. Hi- hImi bad he nlgiiHtures of a n imher ff HaVm t nt If men s.ri'inu whom were Father .Vhlleaud li u H.jd'D. lit' ttiu-ed lbs s'gnature if Mr. illi i y wilih g lei I em to tbut gentle nii, up i wining liluiself to i-e hi Ki t 'or 1. 1 if nil hoi troupe, and tuk ng ih ra'e for the upra bouef f I eee 1 1 -r Mr. Willis answertri hi 6 I f sign, tureticurtd, tb ore on th sit-ck t eiug a fao simile if Mr, Willi tWllilltf. When arreolul at ted-p.t he lied reiroved the ocrct aud hat, repl -logtbe bat with a brown cap. Ht givts the namo of Kwt'h. This wub an excellent pleat of poll work and relliM'ts great credit on Chief Cjhs ca well a CiMhler WesL Died. WATKIW.-At the Cook hotel at 11:16 p in Monday, Frank Waters, of con sumption, aged about 85 years. Deceased leaves a wife and two chll dren to mourn bis death. Funeral ser vices will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Ilaptlst church, conducted by Rev. M. L. Itugg. Pure materials are half tbe battle In the struggle for good housekeeping, No kitchen agent can compare with Dr. Price's Cream Ilaklng Powder. Police Oeart. Ouo vagrant received five days at the hands of Judge Kdea this morning. II. Hanking went to Jail this morn lag in default of (10 flno and costs for ult aud battory. Ski: it. Extra scselon of the legis lature Saturday evening at Ileed'a opera house, Ik sure and eee It. An ImmoiiMj success. If you miss It you will mlfcs the opportunity of your life. Tickets on sale ut Dearborn's. MpecUl Mchool Meeting. Notice Is hereby given to the legal voters of Bchool District No, iH, of the county of Marlou and state ol Oregon, that by order of the board of directors of said district, made on lite lotli day of January, A. 1) lbt,a special nuollng of (bo gaj voters of sild district U hereby called, and will he held at Hetd's itn Iioum, M' t if Cli iuy ut Jjuuiry, l, at tbe nour of 7 ) p in. tif mm ii,ftirhe purpouflvug aKhool Ihxoii (bo Uiable pmcerly lu sshl ills' f. , ao iwrillug o law, a u such met m d tud, DiUdlhlf IT.ti day of Jnuiry, A. DM im. UttUT I) ,g BTII, IMlM (Jit Ik. HliiiHlli sj.afti swsajsjstsajjsasaas WjIhim'k lUug Vilir Is (ha 1,1 tud hlhttl, Fwr m' b) Csrs Hvn.WMi-VVh mmiI en ntw U4fHMtj(iwfuu MtuuM ttiltmii (br ilslfM Hewktfl ut h i)tmu UtMf M'r. lo U glvnn al JUil's i'trB Uw MH4lHf4i iV.Mlhg. ftwuafy j,, MMliWMf)itg. J M i wiy iU$i'm bwme, lusfcr ww a i irir irfd, j 'f H di up pi a ttirM, am) wu will a(iitui) yuur l4Us, ' hiw. Mu, mr itvitiuHMii UH,HMf JUMvllli J L ItAfdlur, Vr-jlltWMf Vf)ly 'nieUihUlhM asMi uf lbs Will 4Uf l'mysily nyMPMuM Kill wif Vimy J"frb kU. m, t rr AinillHwUHtf pfHiH villi 'HTfd lMJ li K ivWelJ Mill Mw4d Ji ii kjM iha ftju iM4iMlDlli4iiWti.r the k4'(Jms N. d U!fif WipHlJkw VIIIIj HWju4 ifilWS Wukhef.w AH4M tAiltNBM6llM isu !? h4 liy tfliij) ' ii IHMIUAi(L Mm (wWPfwn Niu. I"W f fFF f fS,IWf ff irniriliiiiliiln iiT" - H if Still Anellicr Fruitless Vote for Senalor. DOLPII CANT FIND ANY RECRUITS But Little Itontine in (IicIIousp Todaj. HOUs'E. JANWAKV iM AFTERNOON. The house was on I led to order by Speaker Mooren ut 2S0. Au invitation was read front the superintendent of the Insane aoyluiu asking the represen tative Ui vHit Hint Institution Individ- uullv orcolkftively. Mr. Myers rend a report of tbe world'i fair cnraiuiMiloti, showing llikl oftbe t(5(),00d approprlMted fr Or-gonV ex hibit (18.280 00 la still unexpended. Mr. Myers axked for a committee of t ree from each hnuso to investigate t ) lUHltt-r and report; agreed to. A mreagu was teo ived from tbe sec retary of sts'te transmitting to tbe 'iiiiite, tbo j bit resolutions posted at tit; luht i-ta-iou for amendments to the nolo constitution as follews: Itelatlvu 'i obtaining lurid for water rights; re pealing section 35, article 1; amending ctlim 31, srllcle 1; amending section I i, nrllele II, providing educational quit lludtlin;amiodiug oection 17, aril me 2; nil mide epeclal order for Wed- .ii-sday at RAO p. m. 'J'SI, Itmpk'tou Creating the county ofCalapooia uud fixing the salaries of its oilkers, wm reinstated on the cal endar and read tint and second times. Ituferred to commltteo on counties. 240, Dunn Relating to thelncorpor. atlou of Ashland; reinstated and read first time. 27, Durlelgh-Protectlng fish in Wal lowa county, Wallowa delegation, Jau uary 17. Ileportcd back favorably. 4, Smith of Polk To repeal uu act creating the railroad commlttalon, up. proved 1887, approved February 20, 1891, Itcferrcd ta committee on rail way and transportation. o, Air. jucurattea 10 estiuiiBU a state board of equalization, nud reiieal Ing an act filed Feburary 21, 1601. Ke ferred to committee on assessment uud taxation, 0, Mr. McCraken Authorlzlug the board of pilot commissioners to builifto equip a pilot schooner, and to sell the pilot schooner Bau Jose. Iteferrcd to committee on a commorco. 7, Mr, Paxtou To repeal the act au thorizing tbe purchase of ajute mill for the penitentiary aud to repeal sectioJs 3852,3800, Hill's code. Itcfcrrlng to committee ou engrossment. 7, Mr, Paxton-To provide for the safo custody of publlo moneys In coun ties having 60,000 or moro inhabitants, deferred to commltteo ou Judiciary, 10, Mr, Patterson To reuder teacher certificate valid lu any county In tbo state, Amended by Paxton, addlug an emergency clauie, Referred to a committee ou oduouUou. 12, Mr. Ltler-For the relief of Clat sop ooumy. IWferred to umiinllteo ou claims. 1, Mr. Jlurke-Pmvldlng for the assessment aud eolleetbw of luxes, Itefvrred to ooiniiilttwi uu iumjit aud taxation. 1 1, Mr. YaU-AulhoriRlug eherlll lu charge and oollimt mlbug h )Mi af eipetisea, All after the simeit) siause sltiukvu out, IS, Jellrey Auisiii)liig swrttoii 1 itl ttu aot Kiiiemluig smiIuiw aoalJMa lllll'i node, rtlsllHg aliuitot nwrlputs,. uu iMiuiaiiiig an a( appmetl, j Kry H W. Jlefwrwl i NiwitUa l ludlnlsry. IT, Young-it suited m 9MM, Hill's Ms, Frist) ny iw lb mimmI ( III gtfid am) stiver. JMsrfi U flHIHtllllv-e HH aMMHIHUl stul iMfcallMM. IV, (Jiiiii-'IW luitlHtsiu lite stain dt Mhoxi at Lsbsvhtiw, mimJ i uf pf Mp'lsiv imupy tbsiaiwr Jteiwnaj i 4'inMiliite m hImUwh, )U Mirs 'I'm m tmd AsJmm 1m bv WlllsMiMIe iltw iMsinsJ i MMiiiiiiUiv m fohbit 91, MwwIwU Tw ttsUMi Ut ke)eft i vf )m$ w (imi a wrfM i st svii mi Wiswi aaMjNf IMum twujiiiHwe w ItMlMsfy H ikit -'Fit immi imm Uu m sivm J'aitftwjr H, Um, MKekW Iwjf In Iks ftMtwtssw J Vittm Was) t4 Mm. Ujf fe) If -HTHflti MB IwdMsf, H, limn JW frflltkmmi HesMi a uii-t Hit. H, in ikm -mrtf Jt hi it4 to jwHiuitiiw m iMtM m, JUMytfM l ns) mtkm MM, MlU'l Nad, WUHf ttkWfHs (l hllrtUiimumiui m fsaMsf itmrDil ft. Js.Ulf IViiHMas) ihMmmj JIM, lltMlseisMvifl'lttiliMv JI MImI I um414 uu lu)Mtifr m, upui -fv Rt tw JWlt u4 MiUis U aMuii. UatfKXTuJ vw4hw fumuf, HMt'&wnmit mtomtm. i M iiJfMtf i ftlsf stftU. W tjM MyJM.tWM tttrtThfiAii til ftisUI lAlililfiQ OREGO SLATURE SO, YifwDflclDg whne ceiUlnl Cases, lu a hlrh siAte as pa t snail at brought. Iteferred to committee on engrossed bills amended by Paxton. SI, Hl-n'rum CreaMng Hen In crops, T? .. I .. ,i.n..litA ass IaImP - jjutiei,ii-iwuiating tbemain- i talulnc of wire fences in Eastern Ore- Jgon, Referred to committee on agri culture. Adjourned. SENATE. JANUARY 20 MORNING. Senator Bteiwer was excused from Bsrvlee on tbo comnrffee to examine the Blate University; and Senator Mc- Cluog was appointed in bis stead The minority rcpoit oftbe judiciary committee on Dawson's bill abolishing tbe stats board equalization was or dered printed. lOG.Carter Fixing salaries of Lincoln county, and attacblng said county to the second Judicial district, was read a first, second and third times and p&Med. 107. Dawson For relief of Iretta HutchiK)n; first reading. The Judiciary committee reported favoring tbe passage of Denny's bill regulating bond aud loan associations; adopted, and passed t) third reading 20, Patterson Was indefinitely post poned. 7, Bteiwer Relatlngto tltielto county roads; passed to tulrd reading. 20, Prire Concerning executors; rec ommended fiat It do not pass; laid on the table. is, lighwcll Definition of crime; pael lo third reading, 48. Denny Judges and 'justices, piH-e-1 to third reading. 65. Oesner Per diem of jurors; laid on the table. 70 McCIung Private seals; laid on the table. It. C. R 15 To Investigate Reform school; recotumended that senate do not concur; adopted. House resolution for commltteo to invet'ga e state land board, wat,'.eferred to committee on revision of laws. 3shool book resolution referred to same committee; douse memorial for Inves tigation oftbe world's fair commission referred to same committee; house res olution for reductlou of tariff on woo, lumber, and barley, referred to same committee; huu4d resolution asking committee to Investigate tbe locution of the deaf mute schoel: referred to the committee on ways and means. The committee on ways and means recommended the reference of flshtrics resolution to tbe Joint committee on fisheries to examine and report, rela tive to concurruent of fisheries laws betwe en Oregon and Washington, Buiiate bills, first reading, was pro ceeded with: 103, Go wan- Amondlngcode of crim inal proceedings. , luu, woodard For protection of song birds, 170, Huston For relief of Washing, tan county, 171, MoAIUter Amending code re luting to salaries of circuit Judges. 172, Cleaner For new buildings at soldiers' homo; Hut reading, 173, Denny For employment of con. vlutsluralslug augur beets; first read lug- 174, Btelwer-For relief of CllHUm county. 176, Bmlth of Clatsop To punish for olMtruetlug flvli streams, 170, (Jowaii Amsiid code relating loj luie v, tcr will, 177, Uowun-Ameiul code ooiiori. lug laborers' Ileus, 17i, lirwwiiell MsHiuremeut of IflasM .. a . ". u.wwi Marrieii woman right to dtHHJ laU, akiillh of ClaUop-Heleoflou of Jmlsws prw lii)Mru. w, MaUlBiig-J(cclvliig lwk for rtMurdsra. 1W, Allny-Iiwwrioriug pjoreuw, twul hhsbiuI ilmu, t nilfd rradlng, "" Mailing uf aeiiatu bills wm Uiimh) ll, MlHHwipirini MmIUmhmIi wsinrn. brtrj lo JtiaulSl,M"W hUii MU'r,,U,,, le, svi mm. felWiMj u wssy JlmnUUMiou ot ln WUhllll on jjr, UM, IJMSHMU IJsjtyrtiulllvlltuf.l...,., Jkekfy. 11 UWHt Trial for filniMi 4m tmmj uttkNi., tsjjjifjii ruling IW, vm$Om 1W Utah triiM iuii . M kigiiwie, unit. sir " Ammti mhi MMm ..5f -lHiK4lJ WIJ, l saaja HMMassalaf WllMW;, yJgUmm " jwbfcs . torn mm bim LBMjftfBiaByv iMri HNW aESfsuB'wa iiWUMtl was H be tnckeu out alter IU enacting yesterday, and the bill was referred to t ie committee on counties. House Joint memorial by Thompson, aoklngarelns(fctment by congress of tne tariff on wool was adopted. Drkley's concurrent n solution for Investigation of the locating of the mute school by u comoilltie of two from tbe senate, and three from the bouse, was adopted. 18, Nealon Incorporating Gold Hill, reported back and passed. Bills Introduced, 2S3 lo 295. T. mv iiivi- notion of amenduietit of rule 30. Rill for lucorjioraTing Mt. Angel; pad. Bui changing name of Eist Cottage Groe to Leuiutl, was f asued. The scoud reading of houte bills was proceeded with, uod Nos. 33 to 63 Inclusive, were itf rred to appropriate committees. Upon arrival ot the noon hour the members of tbe uuate entered and took scuts. President Blmou lu tbe chair. Rep. Rarkley denied the Insinuation that he was dictated to by Governor Lord In costing bis vote. The gentle man bad never spoken to blm. , Hofer declared the eamo In defense of Judge Lord. Moores read a ietltion from Silver ton, signed by forty Republicans, in favor of tbe caucus nominee, aud be voted lor Dolpb. The vote resulted: uolph, 42 Bancroft Beach Blundell Bridges Bmwuell Cal breath Calvert Cardwell Carter Cleetou Denny Moored Uesuer Gowati Gowdy Hobsou Long Max well McCraken McGinn MiGreer Mlolfe Mooriiead Myers Putternou of Msrfon) Woodard Paxton Prii-e Behlbrede Bhutrum Bimou Bmlth of Claekamue Bmltn of Jonephiue) Bmlth of 1'olh) oian.ey BielvVer Teiupletm Ttiomp.Hui Daly Dayls David Dawson HAKE, 10. Huilman ' Jeffrey Klug Young WILUAMs, 1(1 Gates Guild Hofer Buckmuu Noalou riew.irt Vaoderbiiri! Burleigh jii'it Baker Coon Cooper 'llrfurd Rluearvit) Keyt WBATIIEKFOKD, 8. Huston Ueckloy Butler Cogswell Bmlth of Sherman) McAllster Bmlth of Clatsop) iwiey JllittMANN, 7. Hillegas McCIung Bmlth of Linn Alley Burke Colo Pattersou of Grant) LORD, 5, Dnnu Curtis Barkley Dnnn ftor uruig LOWV.U,, Hope mookk, : 3. uurdano Hone Lester Yale Wright 1IAHKLKV, 1. Johusou AIISKNT, 2. Bcnttand Conn, paired. 1 i Wilson's baking powder gives tbe beat ofsatlsructiou, Joe, ClarK, always Sold by 20 3t Beyond Ooinparlwa are the good qualities possessed by Hood' Harsaharllla. Aliv ll li .... by which H. B. 14, Yates, rllles the blood, thus strengthening (he Jogs, I jwyesj It regulatwihe digestive organs, iBii'l"V1goruU the kidneys and liver, tones ami ijijiws up the tuitlre system, cures 7"" "-I 'iii, cutarni ami rheu matism, Jet ilood'a ami wily Hood's, Hood' PIIU cure all Hverllls, bilious he 16 iMdiBMUQll, fcluk bwl- UMiiMWbA UmnrAu - John J, Maurer, M. J), kew r. ,1BW w vers! fiafc?"""'-, .Win a hWlfioiwJSt V UuiuuieraiaJ util, J flf Wilson'. UkliTirVw-rteT Is III" U M lbs Iimiui. pr mi by Uisrk. iiwi a,. X9 JOHN HUGHES, JNtiilor In firurrHiv. IiiliuM. oil, WmIqw (JJiijmi, yjirulaijitt IMl lllMIIIVMl rilipllthiMluulf f Hnwliwi ; mi j(M(, i(l , Hlwiti(4ril.,WHtrHMfr,,)( Mlr,Jiiiiiriiil Mini HUIuuWm uii.i iSSJ3LHAHHHmiH VMms'rii i 0001) TflADL A mmmmm "m?22","t- WW. .... ' " t..,,.., Mmai jMI M-aVSM,,, . . , IMfJKM'sy t 'TK. PM laiiri A.tzpMjffiitGto t MM AND They Catch People Now That Are Not "in Condition." This Is tbe time of year when one rnoH fcas pne.ituonlH aud acute rheu-niatlsm-lf be or she Is not "In condi tion." When you he r men aud women roio.'laln of rVellmt chilly m the slight est provocation you will always observe I Unit they are the pale, worn out folks whose nerves nre weak aud whoso hlool U th n. A person' ners must be In good condition If the body in to produce the ucceary vitality to maintain its warmth. The nerves govern the blood-making orgaus. If the nerves are too weak to start a brisk circulation the system needs that one magnltlceut brain and nerve fowl Palne's celery compound. No one fears spring ailments who uses this wonderful remedy that makes Weekly Journal AND Weekl l QNJS -ONLY TWO DOLLARS- OASW IN ADVANCE T19 bt Qnm- 9V9r7nmdl am 1,. CfltU UI Hllcil'9ji Sflilttm, Oruon, Iffi mm 'fisi'fflw wm&xm f nm m Wtrfrf UTPu.PBn T MP 'Mm IHH liii uK.i ..'7T. -" I iv IM"H fbC'U nd't-i.JHf W&tLrtE&m KWSkM fc Qtifej wiu "saaisa, ttUtl i.'JVU2..r -w Off w ms tmtf mmm !& tJirtiirrr-fM'j"" W"rg PNEUMONIA. people well. No one needs fear tbe prevailing winter Illness It bis or ber system has been put lu proper condi tion by the use of Palne's celery com pound. Above Is tbe llKeuess of Mr. H. M. Hutchinson of old Orchard Park, Mo. He says: "My complaint wus the grip and its attendants, pneumonia and rheuiua t'sra. I have taken three bottles of Palne's celery compound and um quite free from both oi the above complaints. I could feel Improvement from the llrnt doaeof the compound. My oldest daugh ter who has a stomach trouble and nervous debility, has commenced us ing it." The mouth of Fehruury is the mont dangerous to those who ure 'ruu-down'. All such peoplo should get strength aud health uud safety lu Palne's celery compound, the remedy above all others that makes people well and keeps them so. , m jr X Oregonian - x-cisaBa VJRAR Wdluamj.jurnfcil. 1 ) M Jf.tsjajr1' skt i u i i. i. . v m I'lW tVMA Uj 'Hr-tom ut ; m wiOTinioia ''MfM4Miyl mSmmlm ii i nt. Hill Vlllir V ... n U I 'I 1 1 1 V J f I V UK Wu im Ewawajpajj 1 1 1 aiaw iism n4Ala4tt. ui