J5Jw" -7piifF7Wffrifi1" JA14WMMMM CAPITAL JOURNAL. y5 CENTS' PER MONTH BY ISLAIL. COUNTY oirnoiAii PAPER, VOL. 7. DAILY EDITION. SALEM,. OREGON. EEIDAY JANUARY 18, 1&95. DAILY EDITION. NO. 318 brit AT REDUCTION Men's, Women's and Children's All Wool and STANDS Panre I JTl' my n iEffll Succeeds tho' Scheming Gasimir-Perier. FRANCE HAD A NARROW ESCAPE -AT- TOE n MOM Tbe Monarchists nnd Imperialists Were Active. Our Underwear, -which is cheap at full price, will be very low at the reduction. Our ladies' and gents' all-wool is a special bargain. Call and see for yourselves. K.T.BARNES 333 COMMERCIAL ST. The Willamette Hotel 0- LEADING HOTEL OF THE CITY.f Reduced rates. Management llbjral I o oulldings and points of interest. patrons. S Jt Etoctrio cars leave hotel for.'all pub- Hpeclal rates will bo given to permanent gJKJSc: ,.,( 3-rfj- v.- A. I. WAGNER. CAI M ill ll1 MDDniMMTT m h r-v n nil i .h ill iiu y Muiii iu, LIME, And All CEMENT, Building SAND, Material. 95 STATE ST, Artificial Teeth INSERTED Without Plates. Hoots and badly decayed tooth recrownod tef k'tf'vnLi FXi Mi W BH m with oithor gold or porcelain, Nothing but first'olaus work done, DR. CONTRIS, DENTIST, Parlors over Gray Bros, RED FRONT LIVERY STABLE. E. C, HANSEN, Manager, A Mill Hiinnly of IforoB and Wuwriofl on Hand, Horo Jimmied by tho Day, Wook or Month, Ounwr Commonilal and Tnula HlruoN, SAL.OM", OH GMfcJkrsr SIEfcOIB,, Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery AND AQWOUXrUKAT IMPJyWMWNVS, LttUl lll)IrOVMt OoodS Mild )V)WWl JVIiH. Lajy.. g!!jiteijgyjbiBi SAlfH 9IIEM- . A, Rotan. tho Furniture Man -- rrafflaffii;K ,,...... v, in),,, in r mm' MUfP wiyt aketheOne Cent Daily An UiMuon Nuwuiumwr' Mfhinlii mm te hH mt ymi )Sut0rn iinpum will not wimwor J lilii In litttiuuHvuly (Iiu Qwhow Nuwhjwjw iiurwy oovgo M'g 0 IOl Jlto)(Wl, Paris, Jan. 18. The election of M. Felix Faure, on tbe action of M. Wuid deck Rousseau, who resigned In bis favor, postpones if It does not entirely avert tbe disaster which threatened tbe Republic through tbe machinations of tbe d'Orleanists primarily and the Bourbons and Bonapartlste in a minor degree. , The Due d'Orleans Issued a manifesto which created great lurore, tho Bocial lots being pronounced in their demand for the seizure, Imprisonment, death orexlleofaligroyallsts and the cry "a bas ies arlstocrut" was revived in many a boulevard and rue where it had not been heard for years. Tbe situation, though temporarily assured by tbe election of M. Fauro, is Htill pregnant with disturbance. ORLEANS BIDS FOR THE CROWN, The Duke of Orleans Issued a mani festo addressed to Senator Buflel. It dwells upon the dangers of tbe present crbis, claiming that tbe president's let tsr is an indictment of tbe present con stitutien: The-Tepubliffdf France, tbe duke claims, can never be other than a provisional regime. Continuing, the manifesto says: , The hour is near at hand when tho couutry will whh to rttura to the form of government which wai the glory of Its past, and is tho guarantee of Its fu ture. Providenco, in making me rep resent the monarchy, imposes upon mo a heavy heritage, but the day my oo antry calls mo I shall Hud attend ee ioe. and, In ray devotion, force to fill fl 1 my whole task. My life and blood will belong to Franco; to that Franco which my ancestors made great nnd respected. That will be the work of tsmorrow, Tho task of today will be to overcome Immediate (lungers," The manifesto concludes with au ap peal to the friend of monarchy to vole for tho caudldalo best able to maintain Internal order,8oclulpouounnd Fiance's honor abroad, OABIMIK I'lilWKH U'AB OVKIIOOMK. When M, UaHiinlM'erler beard of tho proceedings 111 tbo chamber of dep. ti Its yesterday lie wus completely overcome, Tlio miolnlMu are hitoxl cated wltli their victory itiul tlio royal Ut u a ferment. Tlio Duke o Orleans and Ilia Count iu Jfuuwsunvlllu, nf tlio royalist agency In J'arl, aru m untlve (elugrnphlu ourrespoudenw, Munh fnutooe from (lie Duke of Orleans and from JViiwu Vlolor NmjioIuoii are ex. peeM today. Tim dlspatoh also nays orders have been given at the frontiers H UiprPM Mliythlng lllio attempts 10 ereute demonstrations against Him publlu, whlyh, It t added, Is not llliuly o tf ulittktin y imlllloal ilityeoii)CH, cabinet J nuiry 1, 1682, but was called to All tbe same office Septem ber 24, 18S3, iu tbe last cabinet presided over by M. Jules Ferry, nnd resigned wltb the rest of tbe ministry March 81, 1885. M. Faure was elected to repre sent tbe Seine Iuferieuro In tho elec tions of October 4, 1885, and for tbo third time became uyder-secretury of state, this time In thb Tirade cabinet. In the elections of September 22, 1889, be was efeoted to represent tbe second district of Havre and was in tbe Dupuy cabinet, which resigned just previous to tbo resignation of M. CnBl- mlr-Perier. He wus, also, minister of marine. M. Faure was slated for the presidency of tbe chamber of deputies in the event ol the election of either M. BrJsson or M. WaldocR-Rousseaur K n m mm GETTING IN ITS WORK. Tlio Cleverest Woman Swindler in the Coimlry. HER ARREST IN KANSAS CITY. AMOROUS OLD URQUHART. Worked a Confidence Game on Lincoln's It?latlves. and Is SuW. Chehalis, Jan. 18lt-Urquhart, of Napavlne, this countyi'bas been made defendant in a $25,000 breaoh of prom ise case. Tbe plaintiff is Miss Blan chard, of Napavlne, ,15 years of age. The parties came here y iBtcrday to get married, Drqubart having already pu i chased an extensive wedding out fit lutended for bis wife. His children persuaded him not to1 procceed wltb the ceremony, and MIb3 Blanchard had the papers of the sut seryed within two hours. Urqubart is over 75 years old, and one of the oldest settlers and wen th eat men in this part of the state. His family have been prominent for many years In business and political circles. His children pay tbo case Is oue of blackmail, and that the girl and her family worked- etfvorel months to got hold of the old gentleman's money. Kansas City, Jan. 18 Mrs. Annie D.Bellah, probably the cleverest wo man swindler who ever obtained money on fraudulent chooks In tho Dida't Marry Miss r'iftoen-Year-Old Unlt6d Btate8 baa been apprehended PAIR'S NUMEROUS WILLS. Tho the Executor Must Produce Whole Batch. San Francisco, Jan. 18. When the executors filed the will of the late Sen ator Fair for probate yesterday tho at torneys for Senator Fair's children cre ated a sensation by stating that tho senator had made n number of wills and that tbd executors bad picked out oue for probato that ploased them most and that the direct heirs wanted all the wills Hied. Judge Stack mado an or der ns requested and all tbo wills will have to bu produced. The mutter of the probato of tho will has been continued for three weeks, By Htutements of attorneys, it (was clearly foreshadowed that there will be a con test on tho grounds of Insanity and undue Influence. WlUtflPNNY OV fKANOIl. Dkotcli of Vmf, tlio tfw Uel at Hi KIUb)fl M. J'wli J'MUtf vvm born In j'urU JiniryiW, lull. Hew towwly lilK)wiiur of Jfftvrc, mihI whm pfwiilmi f(tU Ulmnhtruf oiniirw ut lliui lwn. DurlOK Hid J'VNiiM-l'riiliiii WnfUv vMvUWntWUm t)l Hie (uriU AIiI'imi-iI b"i litm ilrv lu l'M llltf Vl'lMllltCW Willi Mllnl In bulling ilowii Mitt ii'Iiiiimiii Ih wm flful fliiu lliv lin(iikr d( iIpiijIIm H'j'Ubli:l Im mil l)r ill I III lllllf mHIim f"rimUI"" unlit rtiiibwli iwb lll iff Wowwur Hi JWj Iiu lll'f uMlvr iMtuifry ut ilulv, inMiUur m )iumr a wUmue Ite IhIih'jiiiiIi. The Ricks Impeachment. WAHiiiNQ'roN, Jan, J8,Jrodorlck, of Kansas, today submitted tho report' of the Judiciary C'ominlttco In (be Judge Kicks cuse, ileolarlngi "It Is our conclusion Hint Judge Ricks Is not guilty of any oileiiHC, (lint there was iiu Intention of wrong-doing, and no moral turpitude uttuoliod, We Hieroforo reimntiDtxid tlml (lie ri'ou- (loi;, reported to (Iiu Jfoime, for Im peuolimoiit, Iiu pot ndopM." and taken to tbe central police station and detained, awaiting word from the police authorities at Excelsior Springs, Mo., and elsewhere Mrs. Ballah came to town Tuesday night accompanied by a well-dressed bright-looking 12-year-old boy, and registered as Mrs. Dennlsou, of Baltimore, Ind. By cbanci she was recognized In tbe hotel corridor, and her arrest followed. She admltB her identity, and says she will fight the case. In Excelsior Springs last summer she bacamo acquainted with Lemuel Llncoln.relatlve of martyred presldout. She told him she was preparing to write a history of President Lincoln and his descendants. Ho readily gave Mrs. Bellah the desired Information, and she finally got Lincoln to caBh a bogus chock for $125 for her. With In formation obtained from him she went to Plattsburg, Mo., and worked the same deal on Mrs. McMlohael, sister of Lsmuel. Mro.Bellah then disappeared, and though the police of scores of towns were hunting for her, she managed to elude them all. Mrs Bellah Is 40 years of ago. When arrested yesterday aho was fashionably dressed, and had 84 Iu money, besides several checks on Balti more and Philadelphia banks, signed by Joseph T. Bellah, but not dated or filled out. She is well educated, Ohlof Hpeers has on file a record of the wom an, furnished several months ago by tho authorities of BoBton, Mass., whero tho Bollahs, Joseph T and Annie D,, wero tho defendant in several suits Instituted by persons defrauded, The operations of the Ilellahs extend over live states, In default of ball Mrs. Uol Inh was seat to Jail to await trial. The A. P. A. Association Rampant la Montana. Helena, Jan. 18. Tho climax of he eirbrt of tbe A. P. A. people to In duce tbelr members to bolt tho nomi nation of Thomas H. Carter lor the senate came to light yesterday. A large number of thm came over from Butte on tbe dny tbe vote was taken for senutor, but their demonstration was a Hat failure and uttorly without eflect. Today Howard Pasohal, of Butte, a member of the legislature and supposed to be a member of the A. P. A. received the following letter from Butte and addressed to the Silver Bow delegation in the legislature: "You traitorsUnderstand mn. an ooath-bouud baud of thirteen, will with pleasure await your arrival In Butte either during or after your legis lative duties have expired. You de spised bribe-takers, traitors to your con stituents, traitors to your country and traitors to your religion; you Rome bought abortions, dare you call your selves Americans or confront those to whom you owe your oQlcoa? Sincerely then we await vour arrival In tnn 'greatest mining camp on earth.' You will find upon Investigation there aro no traitors in our mystlo number." The letter was signed: James Mellan, chairman of the committee. Pasobal says ho knows tho man whose name is attaohed to the letter, but ho is not particularly afraid of auy serious consequences following bis vote for Carter for senator, though Carter is a Catholic When the member learned of tho letter received ny Pashohal, a motion was at once made to Investi gate tho matter and "see If any threata had been mado against member for voting as thoy ploased. Threo mem bers were appointed a commltteo, and will begin work at once. RAILROADING I SNOW Trains Blockaded in the Mean tains of Nevada. WITH AN AVALANCHE Narrow Escape of a Train on the Rio Grande. The Manly Art, Ciiioaoo, Jan, 18, Tho fifteen, round glove contest between Tom Hyau, welterweight olmniplou of America, and Jack DompaoyX'Cliuinn- lon middleweight, will bo decided be fore (ho Seaside Atlielello club at Honey hlund, tonight. The betting In In fuvorof Jtyan, BURNING THE DEAD. Fnneral In Butte of Tuesday's Fire Victims. Butte, Mont. Jan. 18. The publlo funeral over tho romalns of tho Are- men, policemen and others killed by Tuesday ulght'u explosion took place today. It was a gloomy spectacle, All tho hearses In town wore engaged for the occasion and In addition to the publlo funeral a number of the dead wero glvon private funerals at the homes of relatives. Tho Huanolal lose lsmuoh smaller than was first esti mated, not reaching over $160,000. The Underwriter' association of Ban Francisco has subscribed f 26,000 to the fund for tho families of tho firemen and about ? 12,000 has already been raised locally, Reno, Nev., Jan. 18.-8uow Is still falling and drifting heavily, with no signs of abatement. There has been no train from the west since Wednea- day. Three passenger trains from the east are blockaded at Truokee. All the available snow plows and rotarles are buoklnjc the snow In the mountains. There Is a passenger train In the drifts between Blue Canon and Bummit.and the Virginia and Truckee trains aro blookaded. TREMENDOUS FALL IN COLORADO. Denver, Jan. 18. Reports from the western slopes of the Rookies Indicate that the enow fall during tbe past 24 hours has been one of tho heaviest ever known. At Ouray, Bllverton and Tellurlde, there Is threo feet of snow on the level and trafflo Is completely blocked. In some places the snow has drifted twenty feet deep. A enow slide near Tellurlde caught the Rio Grande Bouthern pas senger train In motion; car windows were broken and the engine cab cover ed, The englneor, Andrew Fisher, had a narrow escape. TROOPS GALLED FOR. to Oope WhUkey In Alsika. WAHIHNOiON, Jan. J. -Tlio liouwu lerrltorN uommltUo Iim reported a a hill lo rvKUUtu lliu liquor lurrlll In AhMtlta. Tlio effwit ut the jiiuiuuru will he it ri'tlrlot llmt Irufltu ami will ooiilliie (Iiu Imiio nf lloviuwa o wlilte wopu, (li preventing iifurliliiltf uu, FavnrnblM notion wn taken on tlio Dill Hiving Al'ku rltfM to Im r reovnM In oofiure by it delegMiu, My Hftujf 'J'lii TUm, HI'oiumm, luii, JvTJiv huiwiiiu wort Iim ilenlul Dm iiioiion of ), J), Hiiillh tor h relivuiliitf mil) J udp Moor? will lily il Hi;il4ie nf txiulloiii Thin will Ihi Him llilnl lime Hie con, ilmimxl iiihd lis hen miiIviiM to U liitiiyvil, tfmlili wHyiniMj tut llie niunler uf it fruntr mur Mjiuiiyjtf, Jlu MiuriioyuMy iiiy win muiI to in ti!iniiJ0 wuM uf (lie UtilUil Nmii. Iir. I'ilv' Chci ISiMg I'ctwtfw Quarter of Million Dollars, Jlciiuw, Jan, IH,-Tliu Iwurso wan weak ytsntonlay ou (lie report tlmt the HHiiibiirg Muker Iwnk had lout J,0fW,, ooo murk tliroiigli coiiltl'jii, KunsU's tierxiRn Diplomat, HmuH, Jan, IS,)'rnoe Kottovski liae heen aiolnld In mwm (Jount Holiotiyaloll m Jdiwlmi aiiibrnMador to (Jerniunyt WludlH tlierJllN. AWHhm,Nt',Jm, Id. Advlwt from (he i'ljl eland report (lm( (erM hie liurrlu"M lmvre4ii(iyftwi)it over III!) Wliols gruui, doing gren( ilniiittg (oehlpnliigi many vm were M. tin nUM Anlmln, Huuuv, MrlifUiMl, Jan, , Avl fciK'lii In lm CMnloii xit-lit'i (lave duihm great iMruMinii of properly end li of U(, flit lk MftulluM Moye wiHIjuH, IW'Mkt-'l'lH Dllhu n(Ar. Ball Wanted for Dths, WABJiiMiyoN, Jan, 18,-In (ho ha boas corpus proceedings in the cwe of I2gene V Ueba and others oonwnifd In the Uhloago strike, (he govornment, noting Hi rough Alf.tantA(torRey Whitney, and Attorney Darrow aollng tor 1Kb ihiiI his associates, today pre touted Mllpulution (o the J, h. eu preuie oourt, Breelng to postpone tlio arKUinant of Uminutt until (da SfithJ of Maroli, !aud aureelnu inuantlniu Mmi (ho prlaoiiuru lw admitted to hall In WOO ohhIi, Tho court look (he matter iiiuierndvibemuuti Punleliuient nt tl9 Orlme. NAHHVihf.KJ'onn., Jan. JH.-AnioiiK (lit) Mile liilrfMluooij n thu luglslaloru l one hy Hley, of finigomery oouiity, to provide llmt wlieua peronlecon vlotel of rttj'1 or Attiiijill rap, whether lie le mmm to ileatlior not, lieehall he uompletely ra(red ly a competeiii mnm within w dyu from lliv dele of (nmylelloii. tfyu. who UM Tmwilay hlubt wli ret wing i inaow. iim wMm life mv'ivhiviu rniiii I'Mcnu m, Brooklyn's Police Unable With Strikers. Buooklyn, Jan, 18. Several con. illcta between the trlkers and the nuw employee of the trolley Unee occurred today. Men wero driven from the cars and beaten by the mobs. B, A, Bpink, a paweoger on a Putnam avenue oar. waa assaulted and seriously inurcd by the strikers for denouncing them. Mayor Bcheiren Is satisfied that the police force Is Incompetent to pre Berve order, and Is about (o aak Gover nor Morton for troops, Revolution In Greece. London, Jan. 18, At the banking house of tho Kothsohllds It is said, that today, a telegram was received on the stock exchange saying a revolution had broken out in Oreeoe, London, Jan, 18, S p, tn, Tho Qrcek consul here has heard nothing of tin Insurrection In Qroeoe, but a dispatch received from Paris eaya that disturb anoes occurred last evening In front of the chamber at Athene and thoeltua tlou Is wild to be xraye. Paiiih, nn, )8,-Tho Jtttwt bourse rumor Inoludee a rejiort o( (hoalullua (Ion of thu king of fjreeoei (he report, however Is not oontlnuedi Kicks Uft.se Kopned, j WAMWNfww, Jan. J8,-The Jmll clary Comnilljee of (he houso decided, (oduyi by a yote of 7 lo 0, lo reopen llio Jtlek Impeecliment pane and exudtit an Invitation to Judge Kicks to appear Mm tlitJiu If he iMM. Tlio yotu In regurded as a dsfoad as far as aetlon i (Ids oootfrvM le wimw, Miss HUveMon pud, MHVIMM, N. On im M-MIM Mleyeiisou, lUiightbr of Vlwj'rw4il(jit Hhtyensoii, died I'xlsy at liN p in U ()iH of ell lii Um olnjj I'rw r 1ipH V tt (Jov'l HcjQf i Baking; ffowdeft Royal : 39 s fl i Of, I'rke'e Crum Hmhm Powrfer WwW'WHVMHHIf, m) Djli villi ili miiiriiimHifiivfiliv I It H