Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, January 14, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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, '-.
15 Y MAIL.
VOL. 7.
NO. 3H
' '' iSpKSja,
. """
Eighteenth Regular Assembly
Meets Todnj.
' senate. I Organization of the senato was com
No. .if senators SOIpletedhy election of republican caucus
They Are of a Good Quality, Too.
Jo Simon Nominated President of
tlio Somite.
Try .i pair if the Brown Shoe Co.'s "Star 5 Star" Shoes.
Yc u will get good service from them.
anRfle Hotel
Reduced rate. Management liberal. Electric cars leave hotel forlall pub
lic uulldiugs and points of interest. Special rates will be given to permanent
EX C, HANSEN, Manager,
A Full Supply of Horses and Buggies on Hand. Horses
Boarded bv the Dav. Weok or Month.
Corner Commercial and Trade streets, - SALEM, OH
And All
Artificial Toeth
"Without PlaTOS,
Hoot Mm hfuWy ilooayod with ruorowiwl
with ultliur tfolcf or waviiin,
Nothing but iU'ul-ahm work iJqiiw.
f(Mt JVI'Vi WW ' K! wwruiwn
(L i ) J'nrluw ovui Omy JJioh
" I" i i inn mi iinr- T'l
iymjskrxr iBai&ojsi.,,
o, Wagons, Carle, Howl Machinery
jjttUttl ,UJJirOWI UUUHVIUUI Mww fi.
A ... I 1 11 . i. . fc
Car ftLil mi ujuiifiy m
J, A, Botan, the Furniture Man
ii,i iiwf i nimriiirnwimr
Take theOne Cent Dailv
Am Urym NmiMiiiwr CtellftmiiB whm 4jf .nf
Dig 0i ijiUirwlKi
The eighteenth general assembly of
Oregon met at the mate houe today.
Following is a lint of tbe membeiH
duly elected and It la understood iliere
are uo centests:
Bdkurand Malheur Wm. It. Khijj,
Benton and Lincoln Tolbert Can--,
Ciackamas Gu. G. Brownell, Hi-'
Clackamas and Marion Alonzi Gee
uer, Hep.
Clatsop John II. Smith, Deuj.
Columbia, Washington and Tilla
uio.ik J. V. Maxwell, Rep.
Cans, Curry and Josephine W. S.
Vautierburg, Peo.
'Jook, Klamath and Lake C. A.
Cogswell, Dem.
Douglas Henry Beckley Dem-Peo.
Gilliam, Sherman and Wasco W.
W. Stelwer, Rep.
Grant, Harney and Morrow A. W.
Gowau, Rep.
Jackson S. H. Holt, lp.
Lane B. F. Alley, Rep,, JH. Mo
Cluug, Rep.
Linn S. A, Dawson, Rep., A. J.
Johnson, Rep.)
Marlon W. H. Hobaon, Rep., J. L
Patterson, Rep. '
Multhomah F. A. Bancroft. Rep.,
0. N. Deuny, Rep.. H. K. McOIuiij
Reprr-J6rePlfM'18litt'oDf-Rep C. "if.
Woodard, Rep.
Polk- N. L. Butler, Dam.
Bhermau uud Wasco J. A. Smith,
Umatllltt-A. R. Price, Rep.
UinatllluaudUfilon-M. H. Riley,
Union and Wullowa D. A. Mc-
Allistcr, Dem.
Washington d. B. Huston, Dem.
Yumhlll-J. F. Calhreath, Rep.
"Elected In 1892.
Baker John 0. Xountfi Pop,
Benton T, If, Cooper, Rep,
Beton und Lincoln Joint D, Daly,
ClackBiiittB V, L. Mlnlle. Ren.. Q.
0, Itlijearsoii, J ten,, C, J), Hmlth, Rep,
CjBlwop Ci, J, (Jurll, Ilep,, i If,
Lester, Hep,
(JolumhlB T, J, CleeloM, iCei,
C'ooh TltoK, Buokinan, J'op,
Coo unci Vimy-Vmtli A, HuwrL
Crook-A', It, Jyle, itwp,
)oulu-J, ii, UJuuritill, )Ui.i J, T,
HrlilUM, IUI,, U, A, Huhlhruilu, Rep,
UJIIIum J, K, lhvit, JU,
(iriH wnd llurnuy Orln L, Per-
sou, Hup,
JugbwMii-Owj, W. Jhinn, Jf,jt J, A,
Jerrpy, '!., H, M, Nlon, ?,
JwKj)ilu-i,U, Nwlllt, Hj',
Klttiouili diMi Bko-'VirHll Urnm,
hwt)Ulm. U IMw, J(p., m, J,
lJJItt, iJ., H. t. Wmmt Itvu.
Jill) -J. I.HumII, Hep,, 'J', Kli ii 1 1 ii
UJjlJi, H W. A. Tw(iiMui;, Ipiit,
HiHiuli Jwjiy L. Jlurltlty. fun..
i, U l)ytl, IJi., ivltl Urjt, i(i,
ft. iiwm, ,., . PliMilW, R,l,
hhUutiimu a. Ihmb, lui., vy,
K. limb, iimu,. Ji, i', fJuiiiifuli. iui...
IHlMl'lNW W. )(( ,J,M, iMUU, (),
Jvu Mui-rwikju;, Jim, U '', Wywi-,
ikllh, t), if, ltt,lML, Will. ii. Jl.
Tttunmii, Hh
Mh U. I, ItVt, Utt. Jni M.
-- V V B- r , W -- p
UM, Ut
KonubllcsiiB 10
Demoorats 7
Popullsla - U
Peoples 1
Democratic-Peoples - 1
No. of representatives GO
Republicans G'l
Populists. -i 7
No. of members.. ....00
llHtitilillnnnK 71!
Democrats -, 7
Populists 0
Ptiunlpn 1
Demucratlc-Peonles 1
The house was called to order by
Maj. D. C. Sherman, chief clerk of the
session of 1803, at U o'clock.
On motion of O. V. Paxtoii of Mult
uomah, seconded by 8. L. Moorhead
of Lane, Geo. F. Myers was elected
temporary speaker.
Col. McCracken nominated Mnl D.
C. Hhermau.for temporary chief clerk
and Mr. Hofer seconded. He Was elected.
On moiiou,of Mr. Paxtiu a commit
tee of lli'o oil credentials was appointed
as folIowBi'iPaxtou of Multnomah,
Moorhead ofLane, Nealou of Jacksou,
Curtis of Olaisop and Biuudell of Doug
la f
On motionv the house adjourned to
2:30 p. in.
Tlio speakijc (innouucc-d a caucus of
Republican m.jmliers at tiio nrmory at
noon. '
The uotnlV!kftte on credentials met
i mined latelyj hi the hull.
uKi'umiiuN iiousn caucus,
Cuairm:tu.Prtx'nu of Multnomah
CDUUtV. i4
nomtuees as announced at morning
President Simon appointed following
pages: Thos. Dunn, Newman Kella
way, after which the oath of oillco was
administered !o the ofllcers of the sen
ate. (Senate resolution No, 2, by Cogswell
that rules of lust seuato be adopted as
rules of present oni. with president of
seuato and Cogswell and Steluer com-
mittte on revUlen: adopted.
Resolution No. 3, McClung That
senators be provided with Hill's code
and house and seuate journals;idopted.
Rssolutlou No. 4, McGinn Tint
in irnlng session be opened with prayer;
Adjourned until 10 a. m. tomorrow.
Growing Column of Anti-Dolpli
Secretary, jltynearcon of Clackamas
bounty.' '
Hofer, of Marlon aud Smith of Jose
phine, were gjected as teller'.
Coon, of Wasco, put in nomination
J. A.Wrlght.fcf Union, Baker, of Lane,
seconding- iifi earnest and Jelocjuent
wdrds. ' J
Burkley, 'ofj Munon, nominated C.
B, Moores forjppeaker lu un eloquent
speecli, Hoferjsecouding. .
ThejlUBt ballot showed Moores, 80;
Chief clerk, Rilph Moody, Salem.
Journal cleik, -A. V. R. Snyder,
Reading clerk, Geo. II, Hughes,
Forest Grove.
Calender clerk, IT, T. McClallen,
Sergeunt-al-armH, Wilmot of Lane,
"As one of tlio hold-over Henutors, I
navo uecn requeetea to call tho senate prlatlons for 1805 were 00;i,080 less
uioruev-auiiounceunenutoriJOiinyor than or 1801, whlfa Hie bill nrovldlnic
MullnoiimlmtlldO. Nominations for a,..,,, ..,' . '.. " .."' !"K
.... lm buifica MVIUI Ol lO.IUO.OSU, A
In Congress.
Wasainoton, Jan. 14 Tbero is a
prevailing feeling that the curency
problem has been transferred to tLo
penile. It has made that body tl e
center of inn rett at the capltol.
Thegalarlea were again well Hllid
today in anticipation of developements
lu the way of speeches, indicating the
passible course of the majority. Alter
the rotiue busluesa Senator Stewart re
sumed tbe speech which he began Sat
urday, lie Spoko-of tho exteut to
which the banks controlled congress.
When Stewart finished, Gorman
made a speech In which he declared he
would never follow a leader who lu
time peace would Increase the natiaual
debt to pay the current expeusea of the
Oivmita, Jan. 14. Tho fourth ses
sion of tho Washington legislature
convened at noon. Tho senato elected
Seuator Vuu Houten, of Spokane, pres
ident pro torn; T. G. MoKllu, of What
com, secretary; A. B. Cowles, of Thurs
ton, assistant; Joseph Mitchell, of
Pierce, Borgeant-at arms.
The hQtieo elected Hills MorrUon,. of
King county, Bpealter;E. O, Finch, of
Chehalls county, chler clerk; T. ',.
Alexander, of Spokane, assistant; Dan
G. Lowell, of Pierce, Borgeaiit-at-nrms.
Indian Exponses Reduced,
Washington, Jan. 14-IIolmaii,
chairman of the houso commltteo ou
Indian oflalrfl, has prepared u report lo
uc-coiiipany tho Indian Appropriation
bill. It kIiowh tho total Indian appro
Tlio llest Ilepubllran Wood and
f -
mumim kwi W-41, It ikm
wiw, mp,
mi YwWIL U,
toy , r u, wutkmfop
iMM, Hey
uwdM, im,, turn, mMmiti
WUi, Jlrp
i mm Ji i, nam, ! i,
ti. IIMU.
I nmi v, U UnmM.l'4tt.,l,L
A toil, V i
immL V lu.
tm P-imtti, ibv, i f
T U'4f,Hi,Ulrlu
temporary i)resldlng nlllcers were re
quested, wltii the following result;
Denny nominated HtoJwerdtep ;,Ruey
nomliittted Butler (Dem,), King iiumed
Holt (Pop,) Umiuroft movwl that volo
be by ballot; lellerB-Huloy, McClung,
Vow rosulMi Htelwer 17, Jlutler I),
Holt H,
Tumiwrury orKmil.jtlou efuui us
foows,us per Htut of Hunubllciiu cull'
cub; j'rovlduiH, Jim, MHiioij, Mil tuo-
nittli: ulilef uerU, WrtlUr Hlnolalr. Coen:
itwtuit o ulilof ulujk, A, y, Hovw
uwu, Tlllunioi'k; uaiemlur clerk, J, M.
ntoM, AJuiliiuiimh, rwding uiurU, J, 11,
J JuntlngtiH), iruhu i vrguuutt.urni,
i, Ii, Uww, Auwn iloorkiit))i)r, J,
l).wo, ,Uu niuilliig olerk, h, II,
Aimmm, MiiHiioiiimII,
UrniHMil( "i im)ihIMUowm),
Ihwmh luUuwhHinMi, Umluu,
Aifjuuniwl miHJ it ji, ui,
Jlniwfiuf iiiiiiltlau uu tumlmtl&l
wnwml muJ wtlHjilwJ wUJmiJ min
I'ttiiviw, HuUw wnJ U(whu vim
uiilwliilMl u muuium la hw&i mm
UhUtlJmUm limil miu) luriiii iiiin in
uillitlul! ilw ml ut ullim Ui lltv
UtfWl W44 MMUlitii. vLImL iluL wmm
Mtntu4 u4tki Hti 4mlvltltmi
kit, kiatn.H uln4wi mt0 fm
lliUuu Mu l lUiVidtUd tut Ibm lauliuii
BdutteM h4 tIWM Ibuux ulmM
imtMttuUul 4tilH,tU0t, lu btMMlMi
UuW It 1 w4-t r Hi hl lUlmk
tut iUU MiiWM'ilf umtiuit Hituui
4uN MM fat" ul I'uptliit IMM Ui
kditHttU imuU mutu,, I, limUm,
f, V44MWtf. 4,
Htuh9inti lhtglU4i04 kit,
AUmmM H LmIi Mil y Ut
mm uwt Ujf h mm
tim UiMli 4MM LHiltl Jiuilm
WWf. W W&BW w wpiiw
rcuuuuoii i rsy,i7 boiow Uio up pro
prjiillou bill for 18015, Many of (he ro.
duotioiis were inudo upon tlio reconi.
iiieiiduilon of tlio commlsslonor of Jiu
(Hum ullulrs,
Presldentlitl Pup,
WAHjjjfliiTotf, Juu,' H.-TJio ril
font Unlay vvnaut) following iioiiilim-
lloiiH lo Hie wiJttle, Jmurlor-TlMWiun
J'.HmUliof New York, uwlBivul ooui'
mMunvr of huUun nthU, VJno Frunk
u, AniMrmw rwgiiPd-Alphoiiw; (J.
WdwunJB of YfimMunUm,mnmMmm
in mnl for lliu immt ul AIL'ii, o ru
d) ul JfrxJIuk,
Enough is known of tho preferences
of the Republican members ol the leg-
Is'alure to make Senator Dolnh's rn.
olectlou hopelesH. if not Impossible.
Over thirty express themselves against
him, and for a new deal.
They number tho best fighting blood
of the Republican party, nearly all tbe
younger men In the party, and the
older men who stand oloso to tbe peo
p'e and ure not opeu to influences of
any kind. TheDoIph machinate offer
ing state and federal patronage, which
it can never deliver, for voloe.and oven
tho unwritten laws of fraternal orders
are violated for him.
The old soldiers In tho legislature aro
against theScott-Dolph combine. They
suy they owo the Oregonlan and eena-
toriDolph nothing. On tho other hand
they ask when was their cause ever
warmly championed by either? The
Cleveland-Hoko Smith pension policy
has had tho backing of tho Oregonlan
On all OCOUSlOUB und tlio nll vnlnratia
remember It now.
Senator Dolph'a chances of re-election
ure very slim if tbe verdict of tho
pooplo has any weight with their rep-
ro3ontnlioUH. Ho musi InVvo 27 voIm
to havo a malorltv of dm irnm,i,tin
Joint cuueus composod of 72 inemberB.
Even If lie baa that tho autl-Dolpb
men seem determined to down tbo old
midline und force a now deal In tbe
organization of tho bouse, and possibly
of tho Bonato, and may go bo fur aa to
rofubo to consent to Mr. Dolph'a being
returned ut all as Republican senator
e5ij. j j
Hevo any said ho wnniri . tw.,..!
That Pennoyer-Dolph argument la all!
uuueomoe.-valley Transcript.
Is Seuator Dclph wiser than Bona-
tor Mltched and Conffrpsamon tt,.
mann and Ellis, on tho coinage quea-
""" "" Ol inese last nnmaH n..n,1.
men are favorable to h whh ,-! S
.-UU- .. . ..-IMllUBWI,
tvuiio iuo inrmop lo .,. i .. n l
tin it .. "C1KMUU 10 11. t
iruiiomoy woud favor n nniin m.. i
WOU1U enablo tho npnnlo t n.-
debta and livo honorable lives, ho advo-l
catea a policy that will forco tho peopld 1
" uo oanKrupu with all of the nt-l
leumng aisuonor.-Scio Press.
1,18 -t'ortiana Tomahawk aayB the
Duiurmt struggle in this state Is get
uiigeacnuay moro Interesting. The
"teat move of the Dolphltm la to fall
oaoK upon three substitutes lu case of?
me election of J. N. Dolnh linnl,i h-
conicstea too bitterly. They ar pre.
pared for a contest, and a hot ono f
that, find alnnno kniil. . . I
, -iuWuiuu ruyai is an m.
ourou iact many old time aspIrMli
come to tho Jminds of wlro pullers aA
iimeo uuntera. Among those suggestetl,
narvey w, Scott and Cyrus DolphU
.oom un boldlv. ill
1 " " . M
The state legislature convenes nextS
Monday for a forty days' session. Onf
oi mo nrsi anu most Important of its
aota will bo tho election of TJ. H. Bnn.
tor to succeed senator Dolph, which ac
cruing to tno Btatutes will take plac
tho second Tuesdav after nnrntiinf!n
is effected, probably on the 22nd. Th
mreo cauaiuates most considered appear
to be Senator Dolph. Hon. C. W. Ful
ton and -Hon. T. H. Tongue. Tu
friends of each express confidence In the
result or tuo two latter candidates the
ono showing tho least strength
against Senator Dolph will moro than
likely withdraw In tho other's favor,
both being candldato ronresentlnt? u.
opposition to Sonator Dolph'a financial
views. Had tho senatorial election oc
curred Immediately after tho state elec
tion In Juno there is llttlo doubt that
Senator Dolph would havo been re
elected with llttlo onnosltlon. Brit t
thopreaont timo the Blluatlon Is some
what dlilront, on account of tbo contin-
ued agitation uud tho position proml-
Ht republicans of tho fitale have HkW
on tbo Bllyor question. The best In
formed politicians In tbo Btato do not
seem at all certain that Senator Itolnh
IsBuro of tho prize. Ashland Tiding.
lUlUblli ''AlkN.
vim Vrwuyu wy, in u iiMiruiilli
"H thy (ilvuiily mnl mmlul rwjtri'
wiuuaiuiji ul iiuiu.i'j ijjjilui)iy bu uul
muMitMl, iliM trill 1)9 wiuivtHil Ut
winwi bur mJ!id uu itum wnb him
I All I'MHUUUH, JWJ, II fry Hm'
tor man imUiw wm liultl lo iiL
nUy ynmilw I Jui!-eJ UKMiiiii Ujo up
iLuiinl ul hi, A. UtitiJi w (AlJW
immiMimun dmwimv Umi jtuuii'
ml mfuiAiuu n.'l in inumi mliM
lity ibv m& ul a, V. lluuUwlw.
n im ow-
Wuuiitmn, ten. li. In u w
imu mn ul ih UuUml imw m
Utf mml luf liu$m IMm mi Un
itftU! tjlilJiMiiNil luf )ll UlBUW UMi
lmknn mum Tim mml immd t
mt uw m summit wmitmw
The Union Boout naysj Tlio only
Bouslhlo thing for Oregon Democrato lo
do Is to use tlit-ir liilluonce for tbo Jte
publlcttii candidate that niout nearly
Hccorda with their vloww,"
Khutor Dolph uavs it will ho u (uihi
iluyvvliojj ho uoU left, Jn view of
wlilL'h prophesy our (mum muni ml
fcomunioni vurlliou Ihwlr potato pits,
"Iiimi ft will Im ohllly ulwut (ho 22 or
sou jiibiuiii, -ijijistwo hdupeiilenl,
Huimlor "ilihl"lioAlUtr, wlot
"lH VHlml for u bin lo prohibit Uiu
"inployiieijt of fimi vlurW, w
WM) wn spent tut ulurk hiru uui
mmmi, wim jtm mu Jmvo m
rMmmlor ilhh Jioj uu ")Mtl"
wlMniiip!iiMiiirg im buiioiixi un
l!ll0llWOf his lilttbliL lliuiliiiln.iiiii.
JlH VVJJI ;ug y ,),i,t) mi Wri,k
UOUk HI) lllH "JSU Ulld ftt f MflllUhHul
fmutw,"ur, "How jmyu Ia
wm. (iiiouroruuii
The mlMlioiiof Jioiiih in (innnil uin.
IU JIMMWHV lUlt KllluiV. Iiirnlni il,.ivi.
ulUliuliuW, lllIHM,u, PmIi, 'IVllUMV
wiiJ uliivi pruiiiluuni i(vHil;llM ki)
w,viiniUlbHMUnimym im, im
M lu ibu iiMiIIm, for Him K"1"K )!
iijl WMyltJ ho liy for lliy wnitllur imr
Uuuulii. iiii)ulilKl ItwUl,
uum imuU ill lliv lm mn
Mlu ibi ij.y fwv) MyU Ui
ww imuil in m im hum Mum
HMimlly -l Ww lloiiublUii v.ui
VuUi li l'uyr KIP) WV liu IM U
Tbe Nebraska Sufferers,
Lincoln, Juu, 14,Tho Rev. O, A.
Halo of Holdrego, wus ut the office of
tbeBecretary of etato this mori!mr. H
Bald ho would leavo Hoi Jrege Monday
for Denver, where 100 tona of coal
liavo beon donated to the deatltutis of
ebrask, Mr, Hule will makwuN
rwngemerib for lis trunnportRtlon and
delivery lo (ho proper parlies, Jmt
now the office of tho utaUirollefcoiU'
lillfiuloii la u Jlyo place, Flyu tyj
writers und uteiiograpliem aro koptcow
Btanlly at work, nnd Hoortlry LudqeH
Ijbk barely Iimu to mmtoli n lunch Mt
noon, (ionurotu rvimim m rwcclyiid
by tmoli mall In Iba kIiuiio of ciuli or
lnbjllKW of die Blilpiiient of uppilt)
(mm pJnl In all jarlj of (lie oounlry,
Tlio Arollno JJoyy Company Jiiw w)t n
obeok (or im llirouKli mUr Jlow
wiiUtr oromHlmi wlilob wm HiN mmu
i)KlfiitiiillUi b)Huorlaryiriiideii y
thmii Huiwnnu, iJuii;r 1 ait
Jsld hruunM In JW muitttmUnl y
the iwlvmlly nUnhiiln wml fnuMUy,
Hiii)iilliui) frltimit) I Hvymw, Iwlh
unit, Imu ml inUmmWm Hmt im
turn of m Jifti) liHiJiippHl Uum iiit
4T WflWi
iiviummt, iMUmi&m, DvuviuM
Uuvhh, H. 11 , im, it Honk l--mtlimr
I'm k mmuIhIuu iu imuUt ut
ibv Dovvr uuiJiujj Uiiuk, It it wuj
Ibmlmlmu u iMUmtim ut uImhiI
Wm if WW, im I, H4 M mmlihi
fin iirMhj im imu m
DvVhtU I a m, UiiUf Abi41 UmI
miu) kJllNJ UlumU Uil tAfMMMo
An mIumimi
lltjiUm of ii m lmm$l'vvir .wi i -. j!
AymjJMMMVwMMWf Mjuw'
I '
rfm ( t -fr
tuMMmnw.. iwimimiii ntmmmmmmm4H
" - wiiiKlPMmiviMPii mm