Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1893-1895, January 05, 1895, DAILY EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. 7.
Prices Tliat Draw Crowds and Holds Theim
Prices That Don't Make People Poor;
ho Expiring Gasps of Offensive
Prices That Don't Make Us Rich. "
Prices to Harmonize With the Times.
l.eward for Laborins With
i'ovi rail relegations.
The Wi
ameffe Hotel
Reduced rates."3 Management liberal. Electric cars leave hotel for all pub
lie buildings' and points of Interest.! grfpecial jratea will bj given to penmutnt
K. C. HANSEN, Manager. .
A Full Supply of Horses and Buggies ou Hand. Horses
Boarded by the Day, Week or Month.
Corner Commercial and Trade streets, - - SALEM, OB
And All
Artificial Tooth
iWithout Plates.
Boots and badly decayed teeth recrowned
with either gold or porcelain,
Nothing but first-class work done,
Parlors ovoi Gray Bros,
-Wlvit couimeudable aot of legisla
tion, state or uutlonul, bave Dolpb aud
Simon to sbow that awakens any ad
miration or entbusiapni among the pco
pie, or that entitles them to considera
tion for high public ofllce? Wbut en
titles these gentlemen to represent tbe
people of Oregon, to name their sena
tors, to control their public men and
live off .their revenue?
It is eu.d that no mau can hope to
net an appointment to a fatal e institu
tion without tbe approval of tbo Doiph
machine at Portlaud. If tbo action of
the bosses there, s'-en in tbe recent ap
pointment at ibe State University, is a
fair Eample of their judgment, those
who bave appointments to make
mlyht bave safer advisers.
The effrontery of the Djlpb bosses,
ramming McElroy down the people's
throajs, by creating a useless oillce for
him at a high salary for life, after bo
had drawn from 50,000 to $10,000 a
yor for twelve years past, alone de-
seryea rebnke'at tbe hands of the peo-
pie. The fact that tbe machine could
override the judgment of tbo most in
telligent regents aud oould bulldoze
the soft-headed Democrats on tbe board
to create a fat office for a man rejected
by the people last May, (ibe most ex
pansive sample of high-priced official
ism over upon the payrolls of the state)
show that all tulk by the Portland ma-
chine about abolishing useless com
missions and offices is Insincere, bun-
cambe, and will never be done if they
organize the legislature. It is well
known that McElroy was rewarded
for bis services in fixing Benton couuty
solid for Dolpb, and that his work in
the same Hue is to be extended Into
Lane county. Prof, Hawthorne who
was president of the Agricultural Col-
le.'o once Is said to Ijavo worked un
this Job for McElroy among tbe local
Astoria. That machine clem inds that
all Eastern Orrgon products pay tri
bute toj portlaud anil tbo Pacific rail
roads, '(vblcb lu turn pay tbo machine
5100.00Q a year In salaries as counsel to
protect their interests politically while
taking he annoy of tbo pooplo.
Thai machine cleuiards that nil tbe
produofs of the Willamette valley pay
tolls, pilotage, towage and tonnage for
cargyiiigaU its freight and products up
and dovu tbo Columbia river, Instead
of direct shipments to tbe oce.iu. All
tbe present talk of a railroad to Astoria
will end In smoke aud be thwarted if
It Ia,ln tbe power of the old Pacific
railroad combine to prevent it.
The people must get rid of the glam
our thatffliese men are ludlspensible to
the exigence of this state or the Re
publican party; get rid of the glamour
that other men cannot fill their places
in our'state and nation equally as well
or better than they: cet rid of tlm
glamour that these men are animated
byothentban selfish purpoEcs; get rid
of the glamour that thoy are anything
but shaipj lawyers w ho, while they
pluck tbo big corporations for all there
is in them, pay their strikers with big
salaries aifd, big appropriations out of
tbe state treasury j that while they take
the pcoplnV' oilL-es and tbo people's
pay their services are already sold to
tbe higher bidder.
Carlisle's Pet Measure
Another Substitnte.
Democrats Urged AgaiMst Opposi
tion to tko Hill;
The cuipojor of Oermany likes nnnlo
cake. He prefers it made with Dr.
Price's Brtkluu Powder.
Railroad and Telegraph. Linos Get
ting Back to Business.
Portland, Jan. 6. Tbe snow block
ade was partially raised today, by the
arrival of lb Southern Pacific train,
uuo j caieqj ay. -ruts morning's traiu
is reported eleven tiours late. Nothing
has been beard from tbe O. It. & N.
train, at Bonneville. Tbe steamer
Harvest Queen, started for Bonneville
this morning, for the purpose of bring
ing tbo delayed passengers In. It is
not certain that-sbo will reach Bonne
ville, as the Columbia Is filled with
floating ice. Tbe Northern Pacific
trains are rqnning regularly, hut tbero
Is no telegraph communication along
the line.
Hardware, Wagons, Carts, Road Machinery
Latest Improved Goods and lowest Vrlocu,
II VJ. Cnr. State and Liberty Sit. SAIFM OREfiOH
A, Rotan, the Furniture Man I
llMflll . til lut.i lm uldkLuml. Nu. atfl l'o
lll"lf a below u ( lu ornur lu maa t tutu on uiliDrinu.uiiiuuain .(,..r. ... Il.ilun fli ft.iriillilr If ,. n "" ' " " ..- ..-. .r.m ..
r 1 t trwirt F '.. fV fW,, ,!,. T-W.f'
'oiuroirjiU(iifki, Jlmnrfi u
IllUlllllrfc Hi I til
tJiletnlb Mi, tio
ake theOne Cent Dail v
An Uroutm Nwpij,ar UiiJifunilit mm ium ut
mut yii IGfiiiiMrii jmjmw wjj wt mmr-'Phbi 1
li(tiiiiiLivoly i)g Oi(oi) MffweuAnor fiflUrJy ooyojv
in Orison liri, ' rr
jozenia and is to be the futuro preal
dent at Eugene, so reports say,
The Republican party must shake off
these methods and theso men aud put
newer, cleaner, decenter, less corrupt
niou to tbo front If it would have any
future In Oregon. Oregon has clean
handed, able Republicans, like Fulton,
Tongue, CJeor, Ford, Gutch, the Millers
of Josephine, plenty of good men in
Hasten Oregon, who are free to servo
the people faithfully In any capacity,
The old bosses have not served them
honestly, faithfully, disinterestedly,
1'hey cannot do the latter, Tholr
hands oro tied by the corporations, by
old promises end obligations, mode for
tbo past ttvpnty years to their (ools
and favorite, TJjpy could not Jf Un-y
wore dlfelnlorfwtedly Jioumt und palrJ.
nlo ilo anything (or (he people but
plunder (hem (o pay ilr debts,
. Down lliu old machine, u (he nrder
all uIopk tlm Hue,
Wlmt Innrml Imvo (he Ilmiton. Lin.
win, ri, VliwUmm, Nurlon, j'k
wnd Yamhill member of (ho Ula.
liirfMyolliitftol(MpHiB JMpli w
ohlno in power fur I do )ml twtnly
yesrtf 'Pj,m j,)8chip lUrwuU II VorU
lml lftwln If mnUr vmUtH of (bu
J'mbIIIo rallroAd( m mUmUy imlt
U) Him umM ut lht WHUiiifllv river
or Hit ejrtein(, w mti (be tthtotm
uutlet (f iu WllUiiiUle yMtfy ,)
vrywuwwn 10 rvfji Jy of
Death to Traitors.
Pabis, Jan. 5.-Captaln W. Fred
Dreyfus, of the Fourteenth regiment,
artillery, recently attaohed to tho gen
eral staff of the army, who was tried
by court martial and convicted of
treason In disclosing Important war
office documents to foreigners and was
sentenced to deportation and Imprison.
ment for life In a fortresa, was publicly
Washington, Jan. 5. Debate on
the currency bill in tbe houso today
was begun by Beatner, a Democrat of
Lousiana, who expressed surprise at
opposition to the measuro on tho dem
ocratic side of tiio bouse. Ho paid a
tribute to tbe abilities ot Secretary Car
lisle, and dwelt upon tbo duty of sup,
porting him, which ho said rested upon
tbe Democrats.
dllOVKR is MUM.
Washington, Jan. 6. Satisfaction
was expressed by tbo Democrat leaders
of the, house when the newB reached
tbocapltol that, as a result of the de
liberations of the cabinet yesterday, it
was deemed inadvisable that tbo presi-
uou duuuiu, m wis iime, sonu a spec
ial message to congress urgintr the pas
sage of tho Carlisle banking bill
Washington, Jan. 6.--The general
debate on the currency bill whlon con
sumed the time of the house again yes
terday will continue until a caucus la
held, then If present plans of tbe advo
cates of the bill are endorsed the de-
bite will go on uader the five minute
rule until Tfatlrsdajr of ,aext week.
when a final vote will be taken. The
entire day's debate was a epoech in
opposition to the measure by Hendnx,
a N. V. banker. He declared tho bill
wou u ne inadequate as a measuro of
relief for tho treasury and besides
would provide an unsound currency.
He suggested as the only measure of
relief tho passage of a bill to fund
greenbacks. Tho other speakers- today
were Hepburn and Dingtey,
Our Sujrar Tariff.
Washington, Jan. S.The tarlff
war between the United States and
Europe reached an acute phaso today.
The first official act of HerrJEIongle
muller, now Austrian minister, wan
the lodgment of a protest against that
paragraph in. tho sugar schedule aot
which imposes an additional duty of
one-tenth of one per cent, on sugar
coming Into tho United States from
countries which pay an export bounty
ou it. This action was taken todav
and tho ground taken by tho minister
is similar to that which formed tho
basis of tho protest of Germany-that
the additional duty paid discriminates
against Austria and consequently is a
violation or the treaty of commerce
with the nation. So far no threat of
retaliation accompanied the protest.
miff is con
Verdict of Manslanghter
from tiio Jury.
degraded this morning In front of tho
military school of this city. When tho
proceedings wore ended, Dreyfus was
handcuffed, taken to a prison van, and
drlvon to an ordinary prison, escorted
by a squad of gendarmes, amid cries
of "death to traitors,"
A Priest Removed,
Panama, Jan, G,-Tbo Bey, Father
Sticks, who mado a bitter attack on
thememborof his congregation In a
sermon New Vear'a morning, hus been
removed and his successor will bo
Two Men Crushed,
HpuAriuK, wn JoiirC-Wm, Mon
Aglmi) ond Bert M"Qiiron mro loading
car with sauked wheuL v..i,r,iu
when (he grain tonnicd nvi.r ,m,i
onuhwl both men to (he lloor, Moim.
ghaii ww lukon nut dead and Monroe
Wb liiiooiiiidloiu, Jfo will recover.
Washington, Jan. fl.Bepresenta
tivo Sperry, a member of tho banking
and currenoy committee, has proposed
another substitute for the Carlisle cur
rency bill. It strikes out all after tho
enacting lolause aud provides for tho
Issue of note under the Sherman aot,
Bonds to bear a per cent Interest re
deemable in gold are asked for, They
are to run for thirty yearn with the
right to redeem after ten years. The
secretary of the treasury Is empowered
to keen the urold tauai-va m n i.
, ,, . , t, W MIU
minimum of $100,000,000 by selling
these bonds, Provision Is made for tlm
uteudy retirement of greonbacku, libth
tho proceeds of the bonds and from
surplus Jn the treasury, Bperry'a uub.
etltuto is understood to liavo tho ex.
ecutlyo approval In caso the Carllale
bill cannot pass,
Burled the Hatchet.
Washington, Jan. C.When the
list of names of tho guests at tho presi
dent's diuner to the cabinet was civen
out last evening the appearance among
them of Senator Hill, of New York
was received with incredulity. There
had been no intimation that the Now
York sonator was to bo present and
when it became known about town
that Mr. Hill was a guest of tho presi
dent tho fact was at onco the subject of
tho greatest speculation.
In tho Senate.
WAsiiiNGTON.Jan.C. In the senate
a resolution calling on tho secretary of
tbe navy to inform tho senate why all
the Bhlp-of-war had been with drawn
from the Hawaiian islands was laid be
fore the senate, and Lodge addressed
tho senate thereon. He received thb
correspondence and reports regarding
Hawaii, which had been Bubmitted to
the senate earlier in tho sesalon in ac-
eordftse with hT Tanitfirn. rfi
particularly dwelt on tho fact that
when tno English minister at Hono
lulu learned that an American war
voseel waa to sail, tbe ordors of the
British vessel, which was booked to
aall before the American, wero
ouanged. He declared that, while our
government hastened to recall Slovens,
who wae earnest in promoting Amori
can Interests, England took pains to
retain and uphold her representative
for his devotion to her interests.
At tho cloao of Morgan's speooh
Mltoboll of Oregon took tho floor on
tbo Nicaraguan bill and tho bill wont
over without action.
Wm. Davenport, a Lebanon
tiio Yictlm.
Poutland, Jan. j.-Tho trial of
iorney x. N. Sleeves for complicity
Willi "Bunco" Kelley in tbe mimW,
ueorge W. Sayres, has cloeetL Thi
argument nf nnnnmi . rfc-l
. w.Uou4 wuoumeu an oi
yesterday's session, and ended at aboi
0:30 o'clock last night. Then Jui
Stephens delivered his nlim- tn
Jury, and at 10:10 o'clock It was reti
for deliberation.
At 1 p. m. today the Steovea' jiwyl
was still out, and It Is believed that
tbero will boa disagreement.
Tbo Jury In tho Steeves caso roturr.
a verdict of guilty of manslaught
iLiB uuernoon.
San Fbanoisco, Jan. 5.Tho Uni
ted States sooret service agents he;
uavo received news from Lebanon.'
Oregon, of tho arrest near that place fill
William Davenport, formerly a druat
gist and now a wealthy rancher near !
more, on charge of countarfamm..
u. B. Marshall Grady, of Oregon,
mado tho arrest. It lit slated that flwi
others of the gang are to be arrrestad.l
iur counterfeiting. It is sia ed ti
since his release, ho has been engaged!
Willi otbors, in flooding Oregon ana
terOfeltUcKoeins30Und couut,y wltu un-
"There's nosuob word an ruii'i in m.
baking with Dr. Price's peerless powder.
Who Is Responsible 7
London, Jan, 6, Tho Standard
Athens oorreepondfint cava that Zekkl
Pasha, who Is the military coramaudor
at Erzinglan, has been hold Jarrely re
sponsible for tho massacre In Armonla,
An exiled peraonogo in Yanlp, Turkey,
rteoiarea that Zekkl Pasha, Jong presi
it of the military court in Yanlna,
Jnitlgaled a massacre of Christians
there, The populace hated him. dw.
Ing to his cruelties He onco exiled
to A!tt,uiimber of honorable and liuio.
ot nt unriHiaris, members ot sono ot
tbe best famlll la tboolty,
J--1UO tbo sands of tbo fte&Rhnro t h
purchasers of Dr. Price' nnkino. pn.
uui uro inuiiipiying.
Tho Ponnoyer Scholarshin.
PoinxANU, Jan, 6,-Speakinif todav
of tho ondownment of Williams oolleea
with a floholarship, Governor Pennoyet
nald that tho amount was f3500. Inter
est on tho amount will hn s,9.m
"- "" "w v
annum. This will provldo tuition for
two deserving students, In tho award
of scholarships, Oregon student
shall havo tho preference, In addi
tion to tho $3500 scholar,
ship, tho governor has donated 500 to
the Alpha Delta Phi society, of Wil
liams' CoIIOk'O. Of Which IllH tinn TTnrr 1
was an honored moHilmr. piii t...i,
tho second Ponnoyer scholarship la
ow isngiand collegee, William l'en
noyer, of Norfolk county, England.
entered Harvard college Jn J070, wllh ft
ront charge upon his estate of fi!00 per
A Flonoer Gono,
Dknvwi, Jan, 0,-A, Jf, Bleieker, h
liloiieor, died today, aged 73 years, JU
built bo lrnl fifiblii in rifliivni- i ick
and organlKca tbo first MMorilo Mn'u
lu Colorado, "
upoed Murder.
dim Ami, Jm, W la now a
lrom irMiiwiioo Hia juhu V, a
muier, who duuth fn n.B imui
nnm (but wa Uiovuln (n jiaye ,m
unhide wm mmoml. wll ww a
liilo ;ner ml hm) mnito mauv
'I'wn nioulbu utfn DoIdIi f.iHin...i i...
W ml IBS IlU l,Mluv linlif 2l.,., , ''
gjigjw lUm IU9 VWMIJ4
Made from the most
highly refined and ex
pensive ingredient,
mul leaver neither acid
nor alkali In the food
mm mim mmm t., m mt ir m wmrh
irJrurwMurwArur l uwuu iriLj,-k . ,