'jomaaesiSi&&:zX-sei-- BsBiaS "&r ''C'&F',"" ?. P- ' B Lw l . fcl f'i (Tiir"-Viil"" ruriWiW'WMMMWI THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. (DAILY AND WKEKI.Y.) BY HOPBR BROTHERS. SATURDAY, DEC. 22, 1804. Monday will be my great n 1 J DKY. All goods will be marked down. You can get un told bargasns. I have been offer ing 10 per cent, discount but Mon day I will do bet ter for you than that. Come and see my mam moth stock of Hol iday Goods. F. S. Dearborn! PERSONALS. Col. Jefl Myers went to Sc!o today. Sheriff John Knight returned from Portland this morning. Er-Oovornor and Mrs. Moody will spend Christmas at Grant Pass. R. T. Ray, of Marion, was in the city today and reports that burg boom ing. Judge Goo. H. Burnett loft today fur Mcflllunvlllu, whero ho will spend the holidays. Miss McKinley, of the Park sohool, went to Jefferson today to spend Christmas. Mrs. H. H. Thorn psoir went to Eu geno today to spend the holidays with her parents. Rev. R, M. Messlclt, lato of Salem, is looated at Hlgglnsvlllo, Missouri, whoro ho Is pastor of tho Christian church. Master Walter Downing loft for Roseburg today, whoro ho will spond tho holidays with his slater, Mrs, C. A. flehlbrede. Chief Justice R. 8, JJeuu mid family, went to Eugene today whore thoy will upend Christmas ut tho homo of Prof. Condon, of the state unlyontlty, Ex-Governor Moody was seen today in regard (o an Item copied from tho Arlington Record, quoting him as fa voring Dolpli for senator, Mr, Moody my Ito In not ft champion of Dolpli by Huy means, Ifo says whoovor tho Jlo publlcsn Juitlelaturo oltolw will suit him. A Nlttiidurd of oxcullunco for forty yearn Dr, 1'rloo's Jinking Powder lias tollpwd all compuMUirx, " m tftwuwv HAU'-N.Thla afternoon Hliitfl Knight Mold four plow of real mIhIooii execution. Mary A. Hun- tmuuvr vw, wmnie u, wuit ot m,, win Mil in liy phtlnllll t I Iimx), Wuit vn, VMiiilmol. wm hid III by plulnllll for JjI'IfflllPllUlKl WN, (J, W.JoltlifcOII vc J. J. JtlulwnlMii, hid In by plulnllll for JiJiIiiiuiit mid uoMn. 'ullnlokl v, J, if. ywm, Mil In by Julm Jfuulus forjinlguit'iil hikI pou, J7iml linuk !MiiM riMilu-r uiiihllnliig (ilmliN (o pvm mIIi at Huron A J f mull. Ml'. Uhuwha THMM,-lfor m uitoiiui Jr m, Jmvu yr.ur unlvr wild It. Ii, Jlywi, MMliuiUd inmm. Drawing 'J'ii H uJfloU, 'Jim ('liMnf-iiu wiruliaw, IMVtt yoil Ijouuht ull vuli liiiaiiilf Would WftlWu mnf, I-; - v rw m - '- m,r .- .IT- ,,,--.,, ni jl MHtnmmwhMf, fIWWt Mtm w m, WW m VtA mim. mm Mimiwlwi'tyvr IIiIhm Jj km in jjuJiM my mm lii Jii' Pi m m uft T, flolversop & Co, iJmuWOI iMKliih-l- Clkauance Bale. Including dress goods and woolens of all hinds, to ro duce stock' before Invoicing. Tbis'ts worthy of your close consideration. The Palace. Tjib BmaEST Ykt. The graudfst stock of handkerchiefs and inuiHers of all kinds over in Salem. At the Palace. A WOMAN OUT OF HER MIND. Leaves Her Home and Children and Found in tho Rain. Mrs. Cora Id'cmin came to her father's house Friday, Mr. W. G. Welch's, in n pouring rain, with her head uncovered aud entirely out of her mind. Mr. Welch heard her cries nnd wenl out to meet her, but could only get her In out of the storm after a violent strug gle. She fought her father very fiercely. Obe Is a woman 39 years of age, his three small children, aud has been subject to spasms, tihe is better today and the family hope she may re over without being sent to tho hospi tal for tho insane. Better than riches tire good health tid ii contented mind. Both can bf ibtuincd by using Dr. Price's Baking I'owder. A Runaway. A bunch of popping firecrackers caused Cook Bros delivery teirn, which waB standing on the cor n -r of State and Liberty streets, to r itiawey this morning about 10:30 i.'olocl. They ran north ou Liberty treet until they came in contact with telegraph polo, in front of Dr. Gold n's residence, badly demolishing the wagon. The team was then easily prevented from doln auy more dam age. Tho team had not been tied, sj tbero was nothing (o prevent them from sturtlng. o A Fine Joh. A magnificent gold leaf and vermilllou ornamental sign has just Leon placed onto tho large ihow window of Lunn & Brooks' drug store on State and Liberty streets. It Is the work of C. W. McLyman the ar tist sign writer, and Is one of the finest pieces of work of Its kind in Oregon. Mil m Ahboad. Better laundry work can not bo dono at your homo or abroad, than at tho Salem Steam Laundry. Pure water, white labor and prices rea sonable. Feather aud down pillows at Buren & Hamilton's. READ! Best bargain in tho bread is city for good lit Strong's, Itakcry. WuflTAcorr & Iiiwin, Props. RIVER NEWS. Tho Willamctto Is slowly rising, hay ing arlson ,3 feet since lust evening. Tho Hoag wont down this morning at (J a, in, Tho Modoo will bo up tonight, from lower river points, Tho Kugono Is on tho upper river. Tho steamer Altona omno up from Portland this afternoon, ut !l;15 p. m. Tho Allco A niado her regular trip botweon Haleni and f iiilejieiidenco c ilny, m Fruit Qrowore' Meetlug. fIMl (lll.llli.l i.iii.il I in, ,.F ii... Ifi.i.1.... IIW HMIIMHI ,l,VVWUt "I IIIU MIIIUII County Jfortloulliirul usmouIhIIdii, will ho hold at tho olty couiinll nliumbor, Malum, 'J'liosduy, Jumiury H, 1805. All fruit urowe nru urgoil Id utUmd, as mutters of grimt Impnrlunoo will come hoforo tho Hiiiotlng, uiiuh us Ihu noudtd fruit poil law, oiv, Mm, H, ii, Waniw, Heoid'ury, (Jnoii Aliv(JU.-Vlilloynu uro buy. Inu (Jiirlnlinu prtwviils, don't Airgot Dig Idblu, 'J'liu niio(ut nriuiges, imim (ihu, wilury, niHiiliortlcf, i)aiiilis, PMis, and all luhln ileuunuM at Clurk'n Cnuri lrontMn)(ry nloru, Wli Willi IlliVU HM Horlll)H Of 0r iluy roukr for liot It nld and young, AiKUruMllnKHl Iho uluvpnlli liour piui, Jlurmi A nmnlitoii, lfit)VH,-llmvur & Whllo Imvu ull hli)iJnpri)oi Jlniir, Mini I hey ilullvvf ItMlyuurinviHloiirat Iho lovvwt lg- UIVi All Umut Jour Hllll Ml Jtlll'M lllHt lilvuKUftl JlfMkvuior fit. WlillA "I Court irU Jitillbu!, rut ilih, twnlwru t)tvi, nml Mini iliuJliuiit I'ouliry on winii ut lyfy it Ji4Hii)tii'n, v Uoirl iwli ii wm ! luy a uwi iir vhUm for Hum tmii i)t KriiM ttw, M ill Ulillilifii'n fiwbis At liylhlny rw Wild Hi )wn b NwHtohty i h. i a Arm mli ttVlnriigtW.il iTifiriim"itiiWTriifnVf!tVil OtttJROH StihviOEfl TOMORROW Cjiiustiak Scikncb. S2S Liberty street. Lesson study at 10:30 a. m. W. C. T. U. Regular gospel meet ing nt 4 o'clock, W. O. T. U. hall. Chkistian BoiKNCK.-j-Hall nt cor ner of Court and Liberty streets. Sun day school lesson nt 10;30. Blblo study at 7:30. Saturday afternoon at 2:30. All Invited. Chhistian Chuhch. Corner of High aud Center streets. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. Sunday school nt 12 m. Junior Endeavor nt 3 p. m. Y. P. 8. C. E. at 0:15 p. tu. Chhistian Wokkkkb Mission. Grange hall, 128 Stato street. Sunday, services: Preaching at 3 In the. after noon nnd 7:30 nt night by Rov. W. Itellaway. All comers welcome. Independent Evangelical. Ou Cottage street betweeu Center and Marion. Preaching at 10:30 and 7:30 tomorrow. Sunday school at 12. Y. P. S. C. E. at 0:30. J. Bowersox pas tor. Y. M.C. A. Rov. G. W. Grannls will address the young men's meeting at 4 p. m. All men are cordially in vited to attend this meoting. Special orchestral and vocal music has been provided. Unity Ciiuncir. Services at 10:30 a, m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 12. Rev. W. E. Copcland pastor. Sub j;ct of morning sermon "A Thing of Bjauty is a Joy Forever." Subject of evening lecture "Riveting tho Chains." Evangelical (German)1 Preach lug at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 10 a. m. Y. P. A. at 7 p. m. Will have Christmas treo Tuesday eve at 7:30 and huvo prepared a literary and musical program which will in terest you. A. A. Engelbart pastor. Congregational Chukoii. Rey. W. E. Kantner D. D., pastor, Preach iog at 10:30 a. m., subject of sermon, "The Advent of Shiloh," a Christmas sermon with special music. Preaching at 730 p. m,, subject, "A Young Wo man's Choice." Sunday school ut 12. Y. P. S. C. E. at 0:15 p. m. Cumberland Presbyterian. Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school following morning ser mon. Junior Endeavor at 3:30 and Y. P. S. OT E. at 0:30 p. m. Prayer ser vice each Thursday evening at 7:30, Sunday sohool exercises and Christmas treo Monday evening. J. C. Temple ton pastor. South Salesi M. E. On account of increasing interest, South Salem meet tings will contlnuo all uoxt week, To morrow morning at 10:30 tho pastoi will give a practical talk and baptise the new converts. In the evening Rev. John Parsons will preach for us. We expect Rov. Isaac Peart on Monday, J. M. Shulso pastor. Half a dozen bullet proof coats have been iuvonted. None of them is a safe guard against Indigestion. A sure pre ventative is food cooked with Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. Tho Toozo Block, Messrs. Haokott & Talent, tho Salem contractors, have Just finished tho now Toozo block at Woodburn. It was a Balom Job on tho wholo, all tho mater ial having como from this olty, and tho contract was satisfactorily classed up to tho last detail. Tho building is of brick, 05x100 foot, including three store rooms and six olrlco rooms. It Is u magnificent block, finished In first- class stylo, aud Is nearly nil rented now, Mr, Toozo Is ontltlod to great credit for his enterprise und will no doubt bo well rowardod for his under taking, JIo is eminently pleased with tho Salem mou who did tho work aud furnished tho material, Council Er.i'om Tho error was made In theso columns of suggesting tho newly ok-utud olty marshal, Cupt, Addison Dllley, hud tho power of appointing police, and (hut ho would inalio no ohuugos In the present force, Tho latter sluteinont Is true, Business inun goiierully uro uutuilcd with tho present lorco, nnd our olty Is kept reu sonubly froo from crliiiownd Iho crim inal ohuscM, But tho olty niursliul hus lint tlio power In select, Jfo twit remove for cause, hut the olty council elects tho pollooinuii, Asa mutter of foot, Ihu rpooiiiiuoiidutloiis of tho uiurvhul Imvo j-ri'ut wulghl, Two limvis fur ft iilukul At Wrong's P P I III IIW MIWI Hllppum, Hlfpjiora U)t holiday presold, ut Jf rutiiMH) jiros. v Sit ii.. I. . I. .1. JCvurytliliitf you want olitmp ul III" I'tflr for Kpot muli, jtfi Uoiniiiortilul ulruvl. tfl Ul Huy your winlles mid mil ul lliu I'ulr, iil t A (Mmtjon.'-wV mil huy your IiiduI himI Ittnl of MuDuiw A Hluultfr' 'J'liuy nru nulling lliu M of piuuls ul Jluy your Iioy'b ult uliuup, for poi imli j( Diu J'ulr. HI ill (w v. . - r - in mi khi4 ullk bHM)wubvto, Hi IMti JV(ivr Vm'k HtwkvU JMh i,n'.M-iiiw.-j'jgjg CIIA1IPI0N JAMES J, COllHSTr. An lutprcstlii; Inlorvlow With tho Great Pugilist. What Ho Says of His Coming Fight with Fltzsimmons. From the St. LoiUs (Mo.) Chronicle 1 James J. Corbett's history as a ring hero will reach tha end or tho chapter when his battle with Bob Filzaimmous n won and lost, for oh the world knows, Corbelt Is matched to (liht Fitzjim moos before the Florida Athletic Club within n year, for J01.000, tho 1-irgest am -lint in stake and purso ever hung upon a passaRe at-armn uflalr slnco pugilism was promulgated in England 170 years ago. The Sporting World, yes the eii'iro Engllnh speaking world knows Corbett's brilliant record as a fighter without even a resume of it here. Corbett, attired iu a frook coat of the period, his eternal plug hat for he always weais u tile of silk and shod in patent leathers, sat in hiB apartments iu the Southern Hotel al St. Louis, the other day, and delivered himself of a few opinions regarding his coming fight with Bob Fitziim mons. "I am fully aware that Fit will give me perhaps the most soleuiiilo battle of my career," said the champion to u Chronicle man. He Is nn awkward shifty fellow and a harder man to hit than tho average pugilist, who doesn't depend on his nWkwurduess. hie la n hard hitter and cool headed. I saw him fight Dempsey and posted myself on bis style. He is my equal almost in height and reach, though alter care fully comparing his method of boxing with mlue, I can't see where ho has any ndvantago over me, as I am younger, stronger and suiftior, hit oftenernud mix my blows more. Fl'z sltumons is foxy he was cutu enough to feign groggiuess in several of his battle's, ttius throwlug his opponents oft their guard, He can't fool me by working the groggy dodge. I will take uo chances with him. I think I can whip him within fifteen rounds. After my fight with Fltzsimmons I will de vote my entiro attention to my theat rical enterprises a.:d retire permanently from the priae ring. I have $00,000 in vested In the speotauul.tr drama; "The Cotton King," one of the biggest sue cesses on the road, "Tup New South," Bob.by Gaylor's new farce comedy, "After Dark," and my plav, "Gentle man, Jack." My partner in these at tractions Is W. A. Brady, who is also my manager. Of course I shall con tinue to act; I nm in love with the stage." Corbett is now tho p'cture of health, weighing 214 pouude, Prince Albert plug hat, patent leathers, diumond and all. "lam bigger, better and stronu,ei than over before," lepliod tho cham plon when asked about his health "Tho rhematio complaint that held me captive ofl and on some time ago hat loft me completely and I know I am cured of it," I contracted rheumatism before training for my fight with Peter Jackson," continued Corbett. "How I got it or wbero I got it a a mysterj to me, but that I had it Is a fact that I am not likoly to forget very soou. i suffered a good deal with rheumatism after that fight. Some days my arms, wrists and fingers would be ho stiff and swollen that I could not use them ut all. My legs also pained me, but to a leas degree. Then, again, ull this would leave without auy apparent reason, aud I would not bo troubled again for weeks. Ot course, J doctored for my complulnt contliniously.but the attacks seemed to como every few weeks Just tho samo. A short tlmo after my fight with Jackson I went East and met and defeated Domlnlok McCailrey, though I was handicapped by rheu matism In my right leg In my en counter with' MoCafl'roy. Theso peri odical attacks of rheumatism affected me until a fow weeks before I L'egau tralulntr for my fight with Mitchell. One day I sat in tho Coleman Houso, Now Vork, reading n nowspuper. My oyoohunced to cross an advertisement of i)r. Williams' Pink Pills for Pulo Peo ple. I had never hoard of tliQin before, und as an experiment purchased u box I consumed two boxes and was pleased with tho results, for tho pains began to leave my arms und legs, Aftor taking four boxes, according to directions. I found myself greatly improved, The Improvement U pormunont T am sure, for I haven't hoeu troubled with rheumatism u'neo. Before using the pills tho rhoumutlo uttuoks returned ovory month' or so, especially If I uuiitflit cold, When I trained for my tight with MUoIihII Iu Klurldu I suf ferod from mulurlu and used tho pills ms u tonic with splendid results, J found that Dr. Williams' Pink J'llls wore ofiloaolous In building up tho sys tem after a malarial utluuk." Tho above J attest uu entirely correct, yigned, Jab, J, Coitnifj'r. YuAimuAhttmv. TJiuPpu will ne lisiiul fiirilUll Salop) peoplu Iho olwcot uuiulleu fur Ihu liolnluyueusuii. 'J'liuy also Imvo ft doilrubju ulook nt fuuoy cuudy boxes that ouu ullerwurds Ito nmdo good uo of, J luy it liuiidsiimu box of their ruro uonfuotloiu for ynur.frlunds, sj.jh I'mwH Aim Dayh-WIiuii you umH iuy up it punt, biiunoyuru row nini fur iMHWPun iryouuruujUo "iilo onougli in UHw Hint good ilurublo clothing, niiiiIi m U. W- Johnson a Huh muIIs, cheaper In tliuuml limn IruKiiy kind. w ii in Ill, Hco nliiif im'Iimih llio JVim' Vork ftHflutf Jx (Mi'mlHK mill rloj'ri hiiiI hlk liHiiillntnlilolH wl, .,1'mmiihijM JlajfWAi - John J. Muuiuri M. ih ,uw Hiw, now mvm, (JuiiiiiiuruhilHi'i'ul. II flu WW V w ?VMA-JIM, Ull),, HN HUr lHJllliWf UUM HUtlJM Vlllj lj JIIIJJI WljJlu IttJllj L0 1 folilH Hi IJJ0rfiW & flUll9)i'( A:TfitrtmiV.'7iTrtTfi-'-,j"3 TUB BOOIAL REALM. ItlNDKmlAKTHN OlIltlHTMAH. Miss Ivma Knlfiht yesferday fnrciimui treated her Kindergarten pupils ton Christmas treo nnd accompanying pleasures, nt her homo on Liberty street. Aside from tliclr own school work the llttlo tots were made happy with n variety of Juvcnllo presoutH, all of wbleh had Home bearing on their dally play-work. Tho Kindergarten seems to do more In tho way of giving the child jileusure In what It does ith its hands and mind than by bestowing presents that simply represent value or something good to out. It evidently assumes that tho child has a higher ap petite than that of tho stomach, nnd strlvoj to appease the Intellectual or spiritual craving rather than the mate rial. After a pleasant hour of enjoy ment in games and song, Miss Knight, who isua accomplished artist, took a Hash light photograph of tho little group about their beautifully decorated tree, whioh will mako a happy souvenir of tha oveut. Tho Klndergirteu school of Mrs. C'le, at tho Congregational church, also hold closing exercises yesterday afternoon. A good program and Joy ous time was had. Miss Conover's Bchool iu Central Chapel has also closed for the holiday season. The Kinder garten interest in Salem has been con st intly growing since begun several yjara ago, und it is to be honed this system of education will some day be latroduced in our public schools. The Ladles' Relief Corps, of Sedg wick Posf, have handsomely remem bered tho old veteraus at the Soldiers' Home at Roseburg, by sending a largo box of rugs, chair cushions and other homellko comforts for a Chrlstmus presout. Tlioy also enclosed a choice lot of reading matter. They wish to thank ull who so kindly contributed tho reading matter. Pacific Lo Ige No. oO, A F. & A. M elected otllcers lust night m follews: Lot L. Peurce, V. M.; .1 It !)vm, 8 VV.; Wm.Waruar.J, W,; 1 1 U .UoNar.v, troas; H, J. Slugidtoii.sei'rotir..'; 11 miry Shoemakers tyler. A public Wt'tllu tloa for the members nnd their f .milie will be I e d D cembar 27. u. De Molsy C- mmaudery, N . 5 Knight Timplar, h . ds U annua electiou of (.flloirs next Vntvij evening. A DKAMA. Tho PhUolonan ladles s olety of Willamette uulver Jty gave the drama, "A Rose In Bloom" ut Iho chapel lasi night. Rose was taken by Mu a f Jeer; Pboebe,1y Myrtle Marsh; Vunt Iljtty, by Rebecca B.ilderlne. Toe inulo parts were by Will Maurice, as Archie; Fred Lickley, as Mack; CalHaou, as Steve; Dlllan Plamondon, aq Charlie; Sbarpo, asJamlo. Chas. Atwood and Loyd rf . i.Ia i . ..... neiu mou me oioer parts, this was tho regular Midterm enterluin-iiant by the young ladles aud was highly appreciated by a large crowd. A WHIST I-AUTY. A number of Salem's best people were pleasantly entertained last even ing by Supt. aud Mrs. Geo. S. Down ing at their residence ou EaBt Slate street. Somo interesting games of whist wero played and a substantial luncheon was sorved, All departed voting Mr. and Mrs. Downing most hospitable entertainers. Woman's field of usefulness wldenB constantly, All progressive women pralso Dr. Price's Baking Powder. Died. NELSON. At tho Marlon countv poor firm, IWday, December 21, 1894, Charles Nelson, aged CO yeurs. ueceasea hud been an Innut'o of ' 0 poor farm about six months. lie camo to Marlon county about twenty years ago from Tennessee. Poor Digestion Leads to nervousness, fretfulness, peovlshnees, olirnnlo Dyspepsia und great misery, Hood's Barsaimrllla is tho remedy. II tones tho Htmiu,i. creates nu uppouio, and ir ves u i-pIIui. ... . ---- ---. to food, TI ' .. .' '.T "..,, iv ihukcs liOr,, lilftrwl ii..,l glveu loo thy action In all tho organs of tho body, Tuko Jf.Mxi's for Hood'H HursupBrlllu curps, Hood's pills oathurtlo with thorn, Wo, hononio the favorite every one who tiles Home Maiuukd Wohkn-Ddii'j hu tho necofcsity of udhorlng to tliut hoinoly iidugo "Tho woy to a mail's heart Is Ihrnugli )iU stomach," Tho lM'fctofrocorltulwuytoho found ut Ollherl, lN(enni A Oo'u, Hnmll oy for (JhrlHliiiiiM Dliunp ut Hip J'uir, tWi very i SI rUl Jr.Hroul Is hulhlhig iinsof M mu Ihko Iiodiuoii Qupllul nini LunllonirpuiH, Two Ioiivph for a" niukul ut Hlronu's, JCttKlurn nystursTirhiilk l M Omirl HV Uoynil want vonr iimhruii., W-yjffl 'l "il K'Wl W ! 1 fiull ftUWCiiniiiiuroiul ulrutfl. TbyinubV, wtwmm und wvr oMoh. All JijjjjjJ mi, Nvu.jyju' fr yiAir nupply nt tm nn!, mt, tm, Mu, Hint nil KwonitWo iinllfliiy rliulw, ho lo Hid n jtHhw urumy ft i, V I5I'HI. Onwli-wJ iiilj i ik ml bijtj ljj!i or iiiiiiiiiiKPMt)rMiAjriiiiiioi,; HOLIDAY CROCH OBXJ 3E3CJE5C3l3r3Q f DEWTi TABLE Sli And Jiverytmng -i WARE S?e if fill Before Bdyinj J. G. WRIGHT p G RQCBRiE I Prices That Draw Crowds and Holds Tlienil' p; Iki't J All S .! .A ha Prices That Don't Make Us Rich. Prices lo Harmonize With the Times. a1 m n i WW AN OI'l'OKTUNITY A paying, wcll-cstab-Mea urocory bnslnoda for sale. Apply ut Jiiurnnl nilloe. 22-ii Di W. A. UDSICK I'lesldent. , 11. AI.UCIcT. Cbuli or. Capital National Bank, OK SALEM. TrnueacUn general UanKinc butlucoi. Cooper Shop. t'ltUS STEWART liaRppenecl unit shop north of Mine's mill, In MoulltHalMin, wlmrelie Ih prepared to mute uud rep'tlr nil kind of cooneruut), nuoIi a nulli.tulji, UeuH. UiirrfiU una chums. Only tliu liusUeiuouHil Block uaod, 1'rlcen rouHon. abln. 7 jHhI&vi ANTI-MONOPOLY lOlllltOlllll IIIV own m1hiiuIioiIiii iiw1 wuMiiiB-iiiitHiuu, h, uu iriMii meaU-uo rt- IIJU, pvHUH u D lll'Jlit-10 hi u. nil uU r i ;.-u ,vv -' ' "; iriK.ruior prrmiiinn. Krco de Ivury In ilti. ""f yyirt Niwnvfl (JIIAH. WOI , & CO.. K.i.i r , iniiiiiiiiin i,:.ti..:. '. JfillUCfNti, I-IORSI Shoring, HhopoiiUlieiiiekktu Klrre'.ut rcur nl Ke t luierfur vv iiimi lire Kinru. Hnoilal uiiuniiiia i 'llldv ii.i'l liiiwniib biit.i. . i ........ . : " " 1119 "' !"!( Will H MlWVtfil IVl. MONfflf TO LOAN iwwtmm ! .i-.i ,..IJ,,, Ou furui hunt seciirlly, Hpculul rule u mo lofeiu. ,oaiii MiM mlMMty Hamilton k Molr, H' -'wif CrUB STA13LWS, w. 11, JiyWWIHU- I'll 1 1 klllllllV nl linrua I..W...I.., . ......... Ii iuidriirS ,&JZ8wrr.t smi&.wi...i HHi mmr&iKin-..i9vxmKtw.M mmjiWM wiMM ffltisfiium or inofffi!i)fl, iiminiuinh. - -- , - . t-i nomi . . s..KR"rJW'H umm U?l!M v'Zi.'y'S': "' )'"' ."! I'HPIH, ll p Hulilii. fur tlm Diujiiimi nfi mmu, lWMMlS.k))m UMHMI wm rx:fi,iBsr;ivrvV i Hi A! W, HE Strictly Cask Market Mil HhUWDtikfyWI, 1 in the FAN(M LINE. IONEER GROCEB .Mate ! People Poor; . HABRUT & LAWRENCE.' CONSERVATORY OP Willamette University The roost complete nnd bent equipped mtule sohool on the uorth veal comU Uulvenilty Blondardi. Litest method! n thoroush woik. Dlplomns tivou on nompltllon rl eoune. I'lrU lcrm beglun Hej-tember 1J.189I, Z M. VAHVIN, sll Mu. Uoo. Director. ill J. II. SIMPSON in opened a Kfllieral stock of feed "(I JM and will uUo It .ep Binie lliieno' hrdwB0 tOJIk. l'eriioniwUhlmfi'rydlu li.U'llne wIDJU well (runted uud uet t tin) gwet Jinoe, fllKU DBMVKKV. Adjolulm Hluiu Ntrutft. Wtoilo fc'iooery ire, Kant K.jTr.WAITKlKINTXNOC0 )nu nm in I) in DVVIV IMW -AWJ) ....... ,i.v,ll trt.t tiiuh'x N&w rMWr tnamnttiv'Hizzz-l ul 'acilleltailwlw. w 01AM. fJIAHK. Hwoiver. jILDWllKlf " .HIWj, mriHYH!iirf .-linn VruilBlkW A 'I. llr HtW. MWMMUtuu-MtMM WlllllfllfHOllM. PQ' ...... . ...i.v-wiNAl ilditWi, Vi) I gAt.W,AMJ), Ml Hit' mmmff:. mmmviimiibiMfXi,nm W u lulWP m M