mct-MwatatawawaaK: ;)..,.liiit.,-retgiajiij )fcto1iiiiiTr n -"frMrtinwi K'HHfiimMmwIiw" THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. (DAILY AND WiJSICIiY.) BY HOKSR BROTHBRS, SATURDAY, DEO. 8, 189'. Story of the Bible. Harvard &Yn.le Footbnll Geographical Guinea. Musical Letters. Literary Salad. , Pegity. Migration. Chivalry. Tox. Barnum's Circus. Cats & Mice. Trip Trap. . Besides, Halma. Parchesi. Authors. Blocks. Dissiected Maps. Cut up Animals Ect. F. S. DEARBORN, Bookseller. The Koons. Last night tho "Kom- leal Koons" cave the peoplo ot lnde pendence a ble treat. While the house was not very large on account of the storm tho audience made up for it in enthuRlaam. The sluglui; and "Bill PnliootnrH rnrrlpfl nft honors. The boyB made many friends and were made a flattering oiler to return and give another performance. A Fahm Sold. Mr. and Mrs. Goo. W. Davie and son J. K., and H. J. Singleton, of this city have disposed of their Interests In a 600-acro farm near Hubbard, this county, to E. Brlckell. the consideration beiug property in East Portland of tho valuo of $10,600. . " Lkotuub Bekies. The third one of tho courso of lectures given under tho auspices of the W. C. T. U. will bo given by Rev. W. 0. Kantner, on De cember 12, Subject, "Heroes Un knwn to Fame." Tlokets on Bale at W. O.T.TJ. hall. Removal. Tho Fair store la moving from 108 Court street to 274 Commercial Blreot, first door south of the old Whlto Corner. More room U needed, for our bolllday goods. Come aud sue them. O. P. Dabnoy. Too Moon Thouiilk To prepare that Sunday dinner and, besides you may not feel like it. Just bring your family around to the N. i", Kitchen, slid got u homo cooked meal for only IS onls, A Oenuink Buiti'insB. Tho house keepers of Balem can again llud some of that mufrjilNcoiit glassware at Clark's grocery, glyon away with Duo Hive baking powder. Tho II newt tablu ware, Sunday In the day tho white shirt la brought Into use, Your shirt will Hover look half as nlco as when done up at tho Balem Hteum laundry, i Company. You will probably have company tomorrow and will want pcmutlilnu good, Call at Mr. MoUrow k HteusloJJs' and get a choice roust, UWJIHKIJ-A JIOHI'ITAI- Jnllll J. Maurer, M. J), New ribs, new noverw, new dandles, Willi U. M. Jnokwov), m OomiiierolBl street, J I 87 If Renitsmher I ho very low pilum the New York Jtuoket apply lo Hor,ri j)AY (Joodh, m well uatnitll oilier Hum. Another new Jot of reed antl rallan tnoUm In loly at jiureii JJunill. tnn It Draws the Crowd Like a House Afire, 'Jiiut Hh nUm gulf, K mm HNflllll WflMl9MTi T. Jiolvcrson & Co, OOMMIITEE OP 100 Ringing Resolutions Introduced About tho Book Trust. The Balem taxpayers committee of Ono Hundred met ml 2 p. in. at the city council chamber. Following resolutions were ollercd by Hon. John Mlnto on October Gth: THE HOOK TKUST. Whereas, It oppears from the com mittee of one hundred in Multnomnu county that there exlstxa trust formed to attain a monopoly of tho publication of school books in the United States, nntl Whereas. The f.ub committee of Multnomah county has, in a report made to the body, submitted evidence that said trust kuown as the "Ameri can Book Company," has been so in terfering with tho school management of the city of l'ortluud as to cause the dismissal from tho list of teachers iu the district, upon no other kuown grounds than an unwillingness to serve Uie Interests of said trust, and Whereas, The general depress'nn in prices of all export products of this ,tut nmkts economy of expenditure iu nil directions a preesiug necessity, therefore, bo It Resolved, While we endorse the or rnnlznt Inn known as teachers' instl- utes, so far as they are aids to the tfli ieticy In toachlng.we advise resistance o such organization by school directors .lid citizens generally whenever and vnerever it a tempts to dictate tho rate if compensaliou for teaching, or in any way inlerfeifs with freedom of con tracts for teaching. Resolved, Jl id the sense of this com mittee that no cluuge should be made by county superintendents of schools u this state at present invoking the compulsory purchase of new kinds or sets of school books. Resolvd, This committee recom mends to ail bourds of school directors in this county the policy of furnishing required seats, desks, or other school room furuitnro with Oregon material, mule by Orcgou workmen, under com petitive contraots. The resolutions were adopted at the lime and it was voted that they be thoroughly diacu3ied at the next meet Jng. Mr. Mlnto and other m tubers of the "100" who expressed tlumselves will resist the provisions of tho present school law so fur as permitting a change of text books at this time. The men are solid citizen", taxpayers and friends of the public schools and do not hesitate to doolaro the law requir lug slate ollleiuls to make aplK ears contract with the trust an infamous measure. Mr. Bush called the mooting lo gether at 2 p. in., Judge Davidson In the chair. Mr. Mluto's resolutions weie extensively discussed. Almoetllke electricity: Dr. Price's Baking Powder because it works so quick. No other works so fast. The County Court. The Marlon county court has been In faesaloi) four days, but none of its trans aotions hayo become public, as is re quired by law. Important public busi ness and thouBunds of dollars of public money has been disposed or, nut the law rt quiring thoso important proceed ings published is nullified in this county. The court la listening to advlco from a uewspapor adventurer who bribed a Jouunat, employe to give him alleged statements about our circulation, and bribed another man to steal pi inted copies of Tin: Jouunal subscription lists, and after he had the lists he did not dare use them before tho county court. Iuall the yours wo havo done business hero The Journal olllco hm not been kept locked half tho time at night aud our printed subscrip tion lists arc open on our counters to tho Inspection of all, A publio official who voluntarily prefers tho counsel and aROsocIatious of lawbreakers and men wlioiesort to vlolont methods to attain their end has hut ono future and that Is the universal contempt of good men of all parties, The county court should publish its proceedings aa required by law. Keit'JJUJGun, The suit of S, O, Dorrls, tho Albany printer, to reoovor his gnu from Mrs, M, J', Baker, who was ohurged with wilful, foiolble, fid. onoiis and wrongful detention of tho same, Win, Kaiser appeared for (he inly so charged, A. 0, Condlt for (ho slate, and the lesult wus an acquittal of the Judy from the entire ehargo, The attorneys did not argue tho ease, uxuupt upon authorities, It was clearly a pi no of spite world as Durrlu would not swear It was his gun, The court huld tliut tliuiu was no eusu whatever agaliiHt Mrs, linker and uliarged costs up to prnsuoullng witness Dorrls, TlIM Ki)IIHTHIM,WilMIIIOl0a Court gave Its first wuuiul reueptlon lo mem w anil frlumls lust night at Tumor dull. Iiispltonf iiiu storm Hierowuu it gouil atluiiilauui), MtMsrs. Keller Jlrolliurs, mnl Kouats mnl I'm ton rur HlihtMl limtniniHiiiul illiiMiss Wwllur, JUv. llilluliNou gavuMDitd ilrH ol wmIuoidp, hWrnm Thornloii timl U'liipufB mil (Juo. Itogern sung uliwJy. TIim mvudIiiu wus oloseil in u vnry ouJuyahlu muiimii with huiiius of Mil IflllllSi I'MtfAft'JJ.Y IttmiWlAINlW. -Mr. mill Mr, A- if ui tun Im uvmiiIiik VMM' luluml puny ul numlibors ami liloniU nt llinlr iil(jujmil liiimy un l(ut rllwlP HWU 'h MiiiUNipeui v( lliu fwnlnn uuuililiul titwnU, uuuvfivuiiuu. iinniii huiJ dsillijlifuii Imiulji'on, uy will)' hmm m UllliHf wet.,- al lliWw)wJiflkfili PERSONALB. 'Hon. T. T. Oeer was In to tfH ,,ftV V a Unr.t nt Aurnrit. wnt I" the ""' I " city today. ' Hon. Geo. G.Bingham la 1 Port land on legal business. Alderman J. II. Albert went to 1'olrU land this afternoon on ft Hying vlt U l!i. T. tT. Unnrk went to Turut f to- .1.... In I...II minrlorlv iripntllltrfl for Elder ParsonB. Profs. Campbell and Chapman dro Vo over from Monmouth thia raornin ?, a id took tho train for Eugene. County Clerk L. V. Ehlen wentto' Butteville this afternoon to see wlxat the wind may havo done for his fences. Curl Roberts, of tho Salem "Woolon Mill Btoro, returned today from a month's visit m the atato of Washing ton. 8. M. Wlllard, of Jolly, Texas, do parlB for his homo Tuesday next. Ho has been Inspecting the Wlllamotto valley for a few weeks. Dr. Everett M. Hurd dentist and oral surgeon Is now permanently set tled In his new location iu the First National Bank block, rooms G and 7. Mr. S. J.Chad vviok.of Colfax, Was,., has been nppoluted to the important otllce of land commissioner by Gov ernor McCraw, of Washington. Ho is a sin of ex Governor S. F. Chadwlck, of Oregon. His whole life was spent in the Willamette valley up till about ten years since, when he went to Col fax and obtained a leading position In politics nud at the bar, Governor-Elect Lord and Mrs. Lord returned to Balem this morning ou the . verlaud train from their eastern visit, on which they departed about two wee'8 ago. At San Francisco Mrs. fcord was taken quite ill but by her force of wll power ooplniied the jour ney which she really forced herself f;o (ake. Mrs. Lord's health was much improved by )0 trip, and both she and Judge Lord greeted tlielf frlpuds thjg morning upon arrival in the beet of spirits, and tliey were given cordial welcome. The governor was warmly received everywhere by his old friends In the east, especially at St. Louis, where a banquet was given him at the Plantej-'s hotel. He found buslne-a conditions in the oast much improved, He is busily engaged in attending to iis large correspondence and preparing for bis Rew official duties. The judge deolined to discuss pqltpa) matters in any form, nor woma ne express any opinions on state affairs. He has done nothing on his Inaugural or message but will at once buckle Into his work. He has had a splendid rest, visit and recuperation and will enter upon his now; duties splendidly equlppeed to make a good buslneso governor. UNIVERSITY NEWS. The dally attendance at chapel now Is ij5, tho enrolment tbla year is 104. The umyersjty football team left for Newberg via stearaor Hoag this morn ing. A largo delegation of students and citizens accompanying them. They will return on tho Modoo to night. Tho third Issue of the college paper for the year '04-5 will be mailed to Its subscribers In a few days. Jt has ft neater aud newslor appearance this year thau ever before, which reflects much credit to tho editorial staff. Tho local college Y. M. C. A. conven tion was held at tho university yester day. Delegates wero present from Air bauy, Monmouth, McMlnnvllle, New berg, Polytechnic Jnstltute and Che mawa. Much good wes derived from the meeting in the afternoon and tup address Jn (ho chapel in the evening was full of Inspiration and thought. Tho new gymnasium now presents tho uppearance of u grand athletla struoture. The floor room will be 00x00 which will give ample space for all In door sports, It Is expooted to be ready for occupancy by January 1, Tho ques tion now perplexing the hoys Is how to dorlvo funds for purchasing tho apuratus, . ' p m ' i ii Three cans of the cheap baking pow ders are requl red to go as far as one of Dr, Price's, Disreputable Work. Home gutter snipes who have for somo lime been publishing a sousa. iloiml sheet In this city mo llnully showing up In tlmlr true light. Tlielr weapon Ii blaqkmalUuil (heir methods liovphoen muilo plain In (wo dlsilnot articles of lute, wherein an attempt Is muda lo destroy the good name of a respected ultUen. Tho (.'Hurt lo get liUtfli-money both on lliu pari ol III wo hluukmuli urllHts and twlr funmlo do. conspirator, growing loo llsKmnt (o he tolerated by a repudiable commun lly. Till" tiling will prolmbly roie lllllie until t Ihwiiids necessary lo ev hum iholruttilifiraiiierimutliodtf, Imblis ami immllf liihu of I hn iilinllim" nun- ami iioiiiiiiioiiM or Hit) )ui)lv" rou- iiutui Willi IliUallalr, TH HMAWlN'U ' ClWciKHT - TIlO iv'phfoopal la'lhi Koululy huvo Mrnti))til lliu llml niimli'Ml ooiiwl of ilia mui fur mi WIiipkiImv mnm ))wm m ltflml iMlBiil In llitiflty. WANiwiviiiiiiriJr!wii Amm )2trR0H SERVI0E3 TOMORROW ( At Asvlom Rev J. M. Phulse will I each at 2 p. in. at the asylum. CHisiSTrAN Science 320 Liberty i eet. Lesson study ut 10:30 a. m. Central Hall P. S. Knight In till argo. Uiiial exercise tomorrow at II): 16 a. in. and 7:15 p. tu, Fieo to all. 'W. C. T. U -Rev. Geo. W. Granuls wOI conduct the gospel meeting at 4 o'clock. Alt welcome. W. C. T. U. hall. CmiiSTiA.v KtHKNOK. iiall lit cor ner of Court and Liberty streets. Sun day school lesson at 10.-S0 Bible study at 7.30. Stturday afternoon at 2:30. A inyltcd. EvA:vai:LioALCiiuiicH ( ) --Corner Center and Liberty streets. Prcachlui' at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. in. Su iday school at 10 a. in pic's" alllanco at 7. p. m. ouiig peo A. A. Eugel- bart, pastor. Y. M. C. A. Rev. Hiram Gould, of Corvallls, will addrci the meu's meet ing at 4 p.m. orchestral and vocal music will bo attractive features of this meeting. All men are cordially invited to attend. Unity Ciiukch. Services at 10:30 a, m. aud 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at 12. W.E. Copelaud pastor. Subject of morning sermon, "Ploughing FaeeFor ward." Subject of cvenlug lecture, "Coats of Skin or How the Church waB Enohanced by Satan. German Baptist. Preaching at 11 a. rn. by J. Gronde.Evangellst. At 2:3U p. m. administration of baptism, at the First Baptist church by Rev. C. E. Kllewer. Preaching at the Ge'rman Baptist ohurch oil North Cottage street, at 7:30. PhESiiVTERiAN. Morning service at 10:30. Subject: "Contending Against Gjd." Evening subject at 7:30: "After flip Battle of Ballots. The last of the eerlea on Municipal Government. All the city officials with tho newly elected mau respectfully Invited, Sunday pchqol at J2. V-l- c- $ ut 0:,S- Ciiristia:, Woirebs Mission. fjjraugo Hall, li:a dtate street. Religl ous services as follews: Sunday after noon at 3 aud evening at 7.30, Ser mons by Rev. W. K llaway. After noon subject specially hn lortatit, sub ject, a H Ifame." Evebji. gos pel service, A heuily wo!como to all. Y. P. S. O. E. There will be a union meeting of the Christian Endeavor So cieties of tho city, Sunday evening at ft:5 o'plqck n. thp Congregational church, MIssTlllio Atkinson the Evan gelist, will talk on, "Incentives for Soul Winnings or Personal Work for En deayors." W. A. Morris, Sec Local Uulon. Congregational. Rev. W. C. Kantner, J). Dm pastor. Services at 10:30 a. m. Subject "The Man of Macedonia." Evening seimon at 7:80 p. m. Subject "A Youug Man's In terview With Jesus." Sunday school at 12. Y. P. 8. C. E. at 0:15 p. m. Ad dressed by Miss Tlllle Atkinson, Evan gellst. A cordial weloome to all. Christian. Services tonight at 7:80, Subject "Yokes." Tomorrow at 10:30 a.m. anu v:au p. m. juoruingiuemoj "Condemning Jesus, Releasing Bar abas." tEvenlng JThetno "Whit is the Truth," Suuday school 12. J. M. Woodruff, Superintendent. Junior En deavor 3 p. m. Miss Alice Perrlne, Superintendent Senior Endeavor 0:15 p, m. Albert Manning, Leader. Boutii SaCM M. E. (No services this Saturday evening.) Oil Sabbath at the morning service we will have communion and baptismal services at which time Rov. Gould will preach also Bro, Gould will preach in the evening and every evening next week, Wo are having a Blessed sorylce, Re freshing from the presence of tho Lord Jesus of Najcarath Is passing By. Como and Holp us. J. M, Slitilse, pastor. Evangelical, Corner Ghomoketa and Seventeenth streots, Services this Saturday evening at 7:30 and Sabbath at II a, in, and 7 P. ni, Sabbath school at 10 u. m, The Hubbath morning ser vices will ho hold Iu honor of, and ub u tribute of resppotto my sainted n.other, who Is now lying a corpse In Logans port, Indiana, and will be luld at rest tomorrow All are welcome, J. II, J'Uber, pastor. Grocers often say ''H'sjiist as good at Dr. J'rloo's" when they want to sell hii Inferior baking powder. Hut limn U no powder half so good millions of rooks know this, Was Nor fNHANK.-Jawib wiuliley was on (upiplalnt of J. A. Molliorn, ills hrollierdii'luw, Irluil beforu (Jnuiity Judge Iftibbard fur IiIm uanlty, After exuiDlnutlon by Drs. Jessiipuml Smith, asbUicil by A. u, (Jondlli proieniillng Htlnriitiy, hv wus mljuilgeil pot Ineane. Jiwwwm. MarrlUrjo lliienses wm siiui tmlay iu Mlw Aiinlw Jlenilmnl and Htimuul liiiilli u. Uii'tttenlmulier Wltilts. AUo In Jus J, WIllNliill mnl Mary I J, Jitr, TIhw. bm wllinw. Hii urn ii' maiiM, -TIiu eliurlff ohl 11 urn of lam) hyluiiujiiu lo V h, WhiiIum for I I.W'i) I'J tlulin SuVHuy rir., mjrlKii()r, i$Iuk (lie iiirBliHEr. Tlu ih viUues ever aiMsui In iliful' UiWiiLiiJ flkHitt at Mim Ujuullifiii'fi 1 AXTI S'lllldllli I1U0K TRUST I'KTITIONS. O. G. Dstaba, Elk City, Lincoln county, sends a large petill in against a six year contract between the s.ate olllclala aud the school book publishers, to adopt certain books nt trust prices for tho next six years In all the publio schools of this state. The substatice of the petition Is a fol fel fol eows: Your petitioners, patrons of the pub lic schools, taxpayers aud citizens o Oregon, respectfully petition you to take no action to bring about adoption of uew series of public school text-books undor the law passed by the last lcgls laturo, nor to enter Into nuy contract at present publishers prices adopting the text-books now lu use, or thoso that niiuht bo authorised by your board at J present prices; such prices to bo ilxed aud maintained by the publishers for tho next six years, aa specified by that law. Iu view of the faot that by state pub lication the peoplo of California are ob tdnlug public school text books at an average price ot about 30 cents apiece for tho entire series needed in tho com mon schools, or about one-half what we pay in Oregon, we demand stato publl- cation at the earliest day possible. Similar petitions are received from Wm. Bayne and 27 others, Howell Prairie; Wm. Beaver and 13 others; Geo. Richards and 4 others; R. 8. Ray and 6 others, .Marlon; N. J. Gerber and 17 others. Mary Klssllng nud nil the patrons of Liberty school district, J Marlon county; this writer who Is an intelligent business woman writes: i "I sincerely hope that the wishes of the common people are considered In this ipatter a( leost, for as J said before aud found out snce, the enacting ot this law would deprive not only ray children bql a good minv others of n common ephopl edvioaHon, and Oregon can hardly bear to take suoh u stand." J. F. Walker. Walker. Or., and 25 o'hors; Wm. J. Fletoher and 07 others; C. W. Colo and 101 others, Clackamas county; Geo. Askhy, aud V7 others, S,tayton't Henry A. OHernian and six others, T. 15. 4one8 autl HrB- V' At 4one, Salem; M. P. B.radey aud 10 q'hers; A. D. flolmtn and 60 others, Ooburg, Qr.j J. B,. Trusk, a.nd 5 others, Unanjnioua petition of district No. 03 Lmn county; B. G, Dove and 110 oth - era, Sublimity. These, with other petitions, that have been received and published rep- , ' resent several thousand ppople.anrt. the protestoftboiisaRdsoftaxpayersagalnst the proposed outrage upon the peoplo of this slate lu the name of legislation. Tho law under which a new Berlea of text books Is to be foisted upon the ' r public schools of the s,tate at tUIs time totn, 0f surveyed lands Is given at 814, was passed at the dlotation of tho book 604,328 acres; uusurveyed, 291,470,076 trust and should never be enforced 075 ncres, making a grand total of 000, upon the people. At least at the pres- i313 acres. t onttime no costly charges should be made. Tin: JouiiNAi will flle these peti tions aud protests with Governor Pen-' noyer and will ask that he lay them ! before the state board of education, That boqrd may pretend that tho law requires it to act upon the adoption qf now books for six years at this time. ' Put as the gentlemen go out of ofllco they can easily pass the responsibility qver tothe men who will succeed them. The law should bo nullified. It wus neyer asked for by tho people, ft wmj imposed upon them after discussion and defeat 111 the popular branch of tho legislature, only passing uptjer pressure from lobbyists aud ojllclal Influence that should never havo been exerted, It this law Is enforced by the state olll olals who aro going out of olljco, it slnuld nevor lip recognised by ther suoui'HBors If t Involves expenslvo oharges of text books, More anon, 1'arlH In J 000, Tlmoand place for the next International exposition, J)r, Price's Cream Halting I'owdor will ho foremost thoro us It was at the (Jliloauo and Midwinter fairs, MiWOHjAb Bkhvj(jb,TIio Sunday morning service at the Kvangellcal church will be devoted n the memory of the departed mother of the ppr Hoy. , j. I'loiier, mid of Hoy, j a, PMior, of Monmouth, These two gen tlumoii who are o hlnlily respeotei In Oregon, are giluf rol,ii over (he W news Jut received nml u ihey will not, be ablu to return lo Loganinnri. In. Huiim, iu Hme for Hie funeral, Imve iu. ohled to puy Hie llnul Irlhulo to (lie m loved one lieieut homo. " i Tlio kittle biwril f fijunlltlJou lf Jouriio'l lo Monday, .tttvjt&r '. 'VW MRSBW"-:3Kfiw An Advertisement to bo flectlvo, imiBt havo circulation ti value consists iu I.h being read a, "j, Jie .ends upon lis novelty, attracily ." tho number ot pnpera lii which It K ' duced. For thoso who wish to J, i ,Vro tho peoplo tho very beat luodlnmh 'r jThe Christmas Harbinger T," b0,r,Cl!!!TiV'r8'1.ay breChrlet. J....U k,j i.iu vmnuil XlllllWIg Jo. It Will havo a circulation of 10,000 conies aiiil ,i bo filled Willi tlin nhnlnoof. niVSl !.u" '..will till-.. Iltum nr.,1 news and edltorlnlH. tneut lu Its columns . -, ,,..v. Will Pay You. LATE NEWS ITEMS. The new gold extracting plant It Is has ruti arrived at Wcstport, Wu. by electricity. Gangs of loughs and hoboes are said to line the Great northern from Spokane ,0 Seattle and are comittlng many dep redations. I Connie Whlto was seriously wounded in the shoulder by tho discharge of a gun In tho handf of Prof. Y. H. Yewett of Harrisburg. I The Jackson county grand jury has refused to indict E. J. Kaiior, editor of i tho Ashland Record, who was bound , om cunrSe of llhel Robert Kirkham, a switchman at , Sprague, was iustanlly killed Monday uiBl1 wll,le coupliug carp. Hia parents , fC8lde lQ Buunyvlew, Oregon, It Is estimated that within tho patt year over 300 head of stock havo becu stolen from stockmen iu Spokane, "ui "U'"D " -u.uow.u ". George Y Mayhew, of Hanisburg, h,nd the misfortune to cet his left hnnd against the sharper of a moulding ma chine. The two trst fingers were clearly severed and tho thumb and third fluger horribly lacerated. A number of largo mud sharks have recently been caught in the vicinity of Pvrt Augeles. One, eight feet. loug. was hooked and hitched to a pilo In the harbor last Wednesday, but the 1 task was not accomplished until after a ' hnrd flkt Chung Lum, a Vancouver, B. C, ChinaWan, baa been arrested for coun- torfeitlug. When his cabin was 8Wclied teu poudsof metal, plaster of pads dies, tools of various descrip- tlonsand a tmantlty of 25 nud 60 cent Ilit'C08 were follnd- Tho following s the surveyed and unsul "f the United Stales frr Hia iToot atilltirv Tnnn 1QD.1t fPUr "okbii county lirs tho champion anarchist. IJe is a county Judge, who I broke down the door of the county Juil to get out an Insane prisoner be ' caubo Sheriff Patterson did not run j things (o suit him. Tho trouble with that judge Is, tho wrong man was In side tho (all. People have broken out of the Marlon county, but no ono has ever broken lu. In this qounty tho sherifl runs the legal entry fnd exit to (he jail, No other taking powder acts so quickly, does its work so well, or nt bo little cost as Dr. Price's. Murderer's Confession. PiiKMQO, peo, 8, J. Jl, Kereoy to div confessed that. Im with w,iuir,i Jordan murdered A. ), Harnes whoso rautl attd body was found luashlp ping oaoyt'Btorday. JJoth Kersey and Jordan ure under arnst, They were employes of JJurnes, and tho motive for the crime Is thought to have been a rivalry betweon Jordun and HarneH for the chief janltJiVMlp of the Hiawatha bulldlug, which position the murdered mau held, Dinner as iitual from Jl to 2 o'clock and sppoiftl dinner from n to 8 o'elook at Strong's Sunday, No War WJtli Guatemala, Mkxioo. Dec 8,-"Univuisftl" pnh. Ilslies u telegram from Tuxtla, Olifpus, elating ihat General J,oie has Ju(! re turned from a, reeoniiohmuco of the frontier no ami U of the opinion Hal tliero will be no war wlili (iuuiuimda, Hlmier os iisuaFfTonTiTTols o'eloek, mnl special tllnlicr from 6 to H o'elook. t HlroiiB's Sunday, tUTiwtioIi,Ai"ir-"li5n7i7lnifTlHiM ily evening, Hucemher 13, end eon- Inulng three evening', at k, Joseph's Mill llm I'atliollo .tt.liu.' Muiijtti mui ee soclely W BVB w Hfm fu)h mhwm of fNi.o work bdiI ipany woveltleu will to shown, mid a pliwMUt rorttl)l Will l ie iloiml eauh even. Ill. lUfMihlllMllls will also hu Sdivail. er.iW!RvK' ' "" fllnillil'liuilaiiiil I...., 1. ..... ... . i' as ,ll...l..l . . """V "'MO- An advertlee- Oautlon. SSlZi contracted by ,nv vr:?uJ H Webb,vWhohidra;nye For Ha r.i.' u.TT.., " r ... " '7 ' ",.UHDK In ollw Brooks & Salisbury's. Belli, ai Belling Tt, nl.o..n " . w,t" w.. ..,, 0 uwuur leaves the clli .Jt See them. CIIJ . JOHN HUGHES Jicalcr itt Groceries. pinh Oil Window OlntiaS nml Hie most eomiilctostockol Brushes of all Kluds n ii State. Artists' Matcrials.Limt IIair,Ccinont and ghImrlM.J UncstmmlHyofqmss m writer". iMoauiateBahry, Journal oOlon. Callffrftnh Iva 1 Addrtii. u iiSj ollNU ii-i molera1!-. aimipemv innn..i . r.r I C UTB i'T'i'wat WurrtUJRiii (iiboous lor buIo nt $1 per pair. . fioltr, Ar "Ai,r ruu K.-ljut cbancoiOM choloo Ihorougbhrttl rhlckeunt fiS K HofrHiuJiiiI5 01 tt hUBdrCUl m"" b"11 nOH 'i'r.Al5K.-Ag7oQ nowe In Unmiili w V a liouid a Sateui. CallatthoJournlit iz-W F, ofi?1111, N?Y,8PiPerAdvcrtl8lrnijKnl Is our autliorlzad ngont, on llleln lilsolllco. j. . ...t;,iuijwj cxuiiuufte. nan rrasslsoig mis papsi uitftl CHRISTIAN BOIKNt'li-XJteratttre oIUS IslndB on sale at .126 Liberty street, mi Alll'I-jr rAPKU-lrfiO lotor boavyfcnm wraimluu Daner tor n&Ib cV an .(mi tu till lliu far nuUluar under rairm-n. rali.tJnK iiai uuiro i ry) l!;-ollAuu Good acre and puw$ Wosl era Oregon. X. I'nuioriy uu 1. MgVLnuuiimor DroneriTliI Address Journal offlo4 I iia iArifilto.- 1'ortlaud. sacraroenio, kju!,! Tucoraaana nan francuCOpaperKffli&t I DUIIUOlbH I'OSUIUICO PIOTK, mi ritlu UK most ..erlcotUttins truss made. WB hold a runturo wlmrn a I nthen kin led. for halo by J. . l'arrlsb. 401 iVd!U street. lQltl a i J. lliuUKH, Attorney ai lawalem; ?on. Oflloe over Hush's bank CI' JT1!,1jL,A mukhmaw iIt:wraii. lit D coinmorcla fitonozranby. Office, icon 11. Gray block. The beat of work done i in U-3 sjnutilo rales. Tinner pn;ntinn. nn,nMn nuuou i aiming ucuuiauugi 11 Hard Wood Finishing, t nn alva L'nnd'raffirnnnp.9. Estimates fllTDifk 6d, Address, (loo. li&enstrutb, Balen. IM denoe ou Halom Motor Kailway, Nortb Stua Lnnvo ordersnt Stelner Alllo8rt. II- J. IJ. SIMPSON Huh oiiennd u ganoml slock of feed and tow, and will ulso ksuii h hub lines o' lurdw w loolk. 1'ernons wishing goods lu liU' line wW I1 well Hunted und bi tlia lowest pr cei. KJIKK im.lW.HY, Adjolnlnif Eleolrlo sweety store, IM statu slrgot, Pure Bred Poultry, Whits I.BL'horus.l'lvmoiltll llockl and WM llrulimui. nturlv itrnwil. vary CilMCi ; mlnnuf, nturly srown, very tnotoi IbMllS IlllnB (6siuds tin your flot ' '" rlcon ulier pciolter i, mfm ... .-...,, ;i " - I . ii irnm iirimsuiiLTUUMiiajri, . ,,..,,1,11 ftiKiOi W' K.JCWAXTKWtlNlWaCO., IW1ATA 11TT (III DDIV DUUIV IUW -ANP Loffftl Mnnh I'uMMM'i' Hmirs NewjliloMvir'lt!?! V. '.Finft '0TiU un i ilttf vwtvri N teMMtf fflg JSJV1 J MW I WHS I I iua iiiiuif id In 1 IT'UU art W IWIfB, A lit ri New Advertisoments, IMMtlon delr,xl nbave by hii" H& !',"' crtl hI6 for p-orclenc. o.iSft II U lUmitlLlnn. Vn.l nnrt m ant ti iui.i"f ' " ... . .j ! tUlklllf) Wlllll JUf lP"" '"J "ZM mMilwnLK?&im AM A TI A O ' ''" V'ti IffL hv Vint MIi.hw ' if,?5, WlmmWAnA"" W WMHMM WWII I m