- " vrjr" -mw-r UaSi. 'Ur,;rn,.:Mn. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL (DAILY AND WKEKLY ) BY HOPER BROTHERS. FRIDAY, DEC. 7, 1694. THEY WANT TO COME. Bishop Dillon, of the U. B. church, tells a Journal writer tint he has miny inquiries miii hU EMtPrn friends, and he has thousand?, for In formation about Oregon. Several neighborhoods of United Brethren ate thinking of making up colonies to coma to tho land oi b!tslngs nud big rei apples. BUuop Dillon is .a man who has traveled and prea.ued in almost overy town aud county fnm the AtlautIcto the Missouri river, and Oregon could not have a moredesirab'e class of Immigration than Christian famtlieslof the United Brethren persua g'on. The success of the Oregon Land Co. in locating colonies of Friends in and about Salem ought to con Tince anyone of the great value of reli gious colonies. The bishop is tho right man to head the United Brethren, hIo wish to seek homes in the west, for ihe Willamette valley. Tub Joimnal hopes he will go ahead on this Hue, until his denomination is as numerous as the Methodists or any other. We do not want to see a bishop degenerate into a real estate man or a boomer, but as a wise g'lidu for those who wish to come; he can protect them against in experience and sharp practices. TUB TEXT HOOK THUST. EnJording the Oregonian's opposi tion as to state text books, au x:hunge siys: "That is true. California regrets the day that she ever undertook to publish her own school books. And the legis lature hero should be very careful be fore they embark in such an hazard ous enterprise." Can you get over the fact that the common school text books ure supplied to the people at an average price of 30 cents apcico in Ca1ifornia;that the state has a surplus in tho treasury of $100, 000 as a result of Its operatious, or that California has not as good schools as Oregon. What these papers are doing, Is to advocate the plaus of the school book trust, which got a piece of legisla tion through the last general assembly of Oregon that will, If It Is carried out by oltlclala who aro about to retire from public office, fix trust prices without competition upon ihe 400,000 patrons of our public schools for six years to come. RACE FOR THE GAVEL. Eastern Oregon and tho Speakership A Now Candidate. IVrllind Orcgontac, Dee. 6- The contest for speakership of the house at the 18' li biennial session of the Oregon legislative nscembly, is be coming spirited. It is six years siuco Eastern Oregou has had the speaker tihip, . L. Smith, of Hood river, being elected to the position in 1880, and the republican members from that section of tho state propose to combine on one ot their number. Joseph A. Wrlgnt, of Sparta, Union county, is the man most talked about, but as yet ho has not Bald whether ho will be a candl date or not. Oue thing beiug used In bis favor is that he lia been an ac'lve member of the lower house the past sessions, while all the other legislators elect from Eisttrn Oregou, with the exception of Coon, of Wasco, will be uow and uutried material. Mr. Wrighl is a sou of Joceph A. Wright, farmer governor of and senator from Indiana, and minister to Germany under Presi dent Pierce aud Lincoln. Mr. Wright is now in Portland at tending the closing meeting of the Ore- iron world's fair commission, of which be is n member. Other candidates for speakership are Charles B. Moore", of Marlon; S. L. Moorhead, of Line; and C. A. Behl brede, of Douglas, all of whom ore said to be nuking a lively canva63 for the honor. It is not at all probable thai any candidate has near enough votes pledged to secure a nomination. Each of the aspirants doubtless,has promises of votes, but legislative promlsps are proven to be elastic, and the light Is an open one, und will be until a caucus determines who will, be tho next spea' er. The Eastern Oregon Republican members will claim that, being in the same congressional district with Mult nomah county, their ro Itical interests are identical hu'1 tho ruvuibers of this county should support their candidate for Bp"aker, If the delegation from that part of the state is unanimous. So far, the members of the lower house, from Multnomah, have given no Indication ai to whom they will support for speaker. It Is generally conceded that no one of the delegatlou will bo a can didate, as Portland, In all probability, will t-e.ure the presldoncy of tho senate. Harper's Magazine IN lsyj. Tlio SlmplctoriK, a now novel by Thomas Hardy, wilt be !tun lu the December Norn b r, l'UI, and continued to November, 1895. V hoover way be one's favorite among Hug ltsh novelists, It will be ooBccded by all critic, that Thomas llnrdy stands foremost as a master ortlst la flctl in. and Th Blmnlmtn limy bo expected to nroiuo enthusiasm not In ferior In dtgree to tint which has marked rrllby tho most successful story of the year, Another IcadlBg feature will bo tho "Personal llecollcctlons of Jo.ni ot Arc." by theHlour Louis De Conic, Her Page and Secretary, un der which gulire the most popular of living American mass zlno writers will present tin story oi tno-iniaoturieais. in me January number will apnea- u profusely Illustrated paper on Charleston and the Carolina?, the rtrxtof aperies ofBouthern 1'apers NnrthernAfrlca Is attracting more attention than at any other time since It was the snt of empl es. Tho next volume of HatperV Maganne will contain four Illustrated art cleton this regln aud tbreooflhem will de pict tho present life there. Jull n Ualph will prepira for theMnguzlne a series ot eight stories, depleting typical phases of Chinese M.e and Manners. Decides the long stories, there will begin la the January Number His first chapters of Three-Prt Novelette, by itlchard Harding DavU he longest work yet attempted by tills writer. Complete short stories by popular writers wlllc.utinuo to be ilea'ureol ihe Magazine. HRNll FOK ILMJsTHATICD I'Wm'ECTlJS The volumes oi tin Mu?n7lne begin with the lumbers forDecj mbi r aud June of each year, when no tlmo Is mentioned subscriDtlons will begin with the number current at the time of receipt or oiaer, cio nc-ies, ror binding, sj -ents each by mall, postpaid. 'J ltle pjige and index seat on application Kfemlttances thould be made by Postofflce money order or ami tB to avoid chance of loss Newspaoers aro not to copy t lis advertise ment without the express order of Harper A Brothers UARPKH'fl I RIODICAL9. Harper's Magazine, oue year, SI 05 Harper's Weekly ,... , -J OJ Harper's Bizaar ... 4 09 Harper's oui g Ptop e, " " 2 00 Postage deo to nil -uibtcrlbers lathe United Hta'es, Canada, and Mexico. Address HAKPKll t BROTHERS P. O. Box 9-9. N.Y. City Harper's Bazar IN lb9j. Etc?ant and exclusive designs for Out-donr and ln-doer Toilettes, drawn from Worth models by Hundoz and Chapuls, ure an Im portant feature. These appear every week, accompanied by mluuto descriptions and de tails. Our Pur b letter, by Kathr'no D For rest, lsa weekly trauscrlptof the latest fab Ions end caprices of the mode, Under the bead of New York Fashions, plain dire tlons and full particulars are given as to shapes, fl orid, trimmings, ana ncos ones 01 ine cos tumes of w 0 1 droseed w .men. ch Wren's clothlug receives pra' Meal attention. A tort nighlly Fattorn-aheet Bupolement enables rcadecs to cut ana make their own gownB. Thu woman who takes Harper's Uzar is pre parsd for every occis'on In life, ceremonious orlnformal, where boiutliul drug Is r qui lie An American stUI "Doctor War l.k's Daughters," by ltebecca Harding Davis, o strong novel of American life, partly Juld in Pennsylvania and partly In the far south, will occupy tne last nan 01 tno year, fyv$ w&www tre-v ntr niMntrp niflTPtlCC ri'JirLCOi utuimn-u AND OLD SORES CATARRH. MALARIA, K1DHEY TROUBLES and DYSPEPSIA B PRICKLY AC!!, rOK!: MOT AND PU..&5KJ.,, B K-Sv 3 1 0 Makes Marvelous "3 mra r 111 BI0O'1 J-M-:1';:! ant Sin-jfuia P T P pill t.i blrod ti.lW- Up tlio weak r. 1 (1 bll'lu'. I fi.s ttrcoRtli to uii'isnod nr.o dlsnuMKi. tlvln, tuo fui lai.l liL-.tti i happiness wluro Hlitjtv cln. n y fcollncs and Ui I'u.U h:t' pieM.i - iw i tirllT ir. inercu- d)T9pcl.i. mid For Mil inry Bee t. typliltls, ror blooil nolsopuig, mercu rial malaria. 1 ond Hk blotches, r raple', old clironlo ulctrs, nnlrnn. In nil btood and skill dlscc'cft, llko Ac ti-Hrely rcnOTl by P.P.P. ..FrleLly Ash. Poke 'loot nd JoUj tto- Ci grcsst b.ood purinsr oa tirib. ncrun. O. . July 21 , 1B9U a? Ti cam Sins-I boucbt a bottle of r 7i - f P. nt Hot arrinnlArk.,and it I onoino ciore (rood than throe ril-tbi'troaiCiontattheUotBprlQBS. Lni tbroo bottles C. O. P. uMPcrunWoar.Jii!WTO Abordocn, Drown County, O. CnpC. J. D. Johnston. To ell whom U may tonetrnt I ur 1,T tos'lfr to the wonderful properties of I'. P. I. for eruptions oJ the skin. I (Bfurvil for eoveral y oars with an nn-l.-h-)7 111J dlanijreeablo ornptlon on tny tneo. I tried ovory known reme dy tu. in valn.nntll P. P. P. wssnsod, and ra now entirely cured. (SlEuedbyj J. D. JOHNBTOH. Dkln Cancer Cored. TtiUmonyrom tht Mayor of Siqutn,Tex, 8EQCW, Tkx., January 1, 1893. Messrs. Lirru av Bnos., aavannih, Oa.: Gentttmta1 bare tried your P. P. P. for a dlseaso of the akin, usually Irnnwn .. .Vltl OftllMF.nf thtPtV VarB' totter, scald htail. boll , eirsiprlas, ccstJ-i v wit si t, nil loiu fearof contradiction, that P. P P Is tlielxt blood purlller In the v-.irld, liu! inil.es positive, speedy and permanent cutis in all tasos. Ladles whose systems aro poisoned and whoso blood is In an Impure condi SJfViVSn Sp ' PHebiT AiS Voko and prevents any sprcadlnit of the erties of P. P. P.-Prlcmy Asn, poao - . h t.ken flvoor six bottles and feel confident that another course will e fleet a cure. It has also rellovcd me from indigestion and atomaon troubles. TfourstrulT, OAPT. W. M. ItUBT. Attorney at Law. nndwhosebloodlslnanimpurecpni.1- r,,nrt,B. .ni found ereat relict; It tion. duo to menstrual rr "IUm, "gho'blood and rimofli i f I " nrfnnenltnrlv henetlted by the Won K"i j?z i-V.Tr -- -, . ii-..a ntailOU IIVIU IUD DW. Vf. .UQ Ul,u... Root and Potassium. BrniNOFlELD, Mo., Aug. 14th. 1893. Ieanspoakln tho highest terms of your moalclno from my wn personal Knowledge. I was allccted with heart dlseaso, pienrlsy and rhoumatlam for 35 years, was treated by tho very best physicians ana spent bundrods of dol lars, tried every known remedy with out finding rullef. I have only takon one bottlo of your P. P. P., and can cboerfully say It has done me more fooainanany-ninK u.TOQvurw.Dui can rocommend your medicine to all nfA-M-- rtf thn nhava nlaAfmna. . w.--- -". . iirTnr OI. snAA. 7, MO, MR9. M, Sprlogfleld, Oroen County, Boo. cii Blood Diseases MQUed free. AU. pRDaaiBTS BELL IT. U PPM AN BROS. PBOPIUETOBS, Jppiai.a's nioc-,8Tnnnh, Oa i, wroen vounty, no, rl.i .--.-.-, .-, ".My Ijidy Nobody.' novel, by Jianrten Man -lens, author of Eastern Oregon Ilnpublicau: The seuatorial contest lu the Oregon legis lature tbiB winter protniaes to be u Ilyely one. Among the most promi nent of the silver men already men tioned are Governor-elect Lord, Sena tor C. W. Fulton aud Senator T. H. Tongue. It 1b to bo called tlio good Lord and good DovH party. Tlio St. Loula Ko public (Dora.) saya: . Senator Palmer, of IIHijoIb, hau gowo baoU to Woablugton In bad humor. Ho attributes the defeat of tlio Demo crats lu lila etato to tlio national and otato ydmlnlstratlonH, tlio want of both courago and aagaolty oiuonu tho purty Ioadoro, who wore praying during tho oiitlro campaign to good Lord and good D-Vll on all national qu.ftlloiiH Mill neglecting state (juuhIIoiib vvlilcli inlght have hem turn-d to Iiiiiiioiibo party advantago. jt - ' - ." j Uiiiler tho prt'-unt Imnklng lawx, u national hank with 100,OOQ oupllal, wjth Jni-r-'-t at ft pur cent, would nmlto I'DOl y (ulilng out olrmilullon. Und-r tho )rowm Carllulo "milimio" tho amo hulls would nmlio on IU nlruulu (Ion J675, (Miiipullng Intorust at o por ouiit, JfiKHiealmiikof HiU cu,at Hi rate of Inlertil, would ho a uuliiur tothuojcUii)tofHIl nndor Iho tro iofeui "nohoiiiu" rather than unil-r llio irnrn lavyn.-l'ortlaiJil Hun. IJIHIUJLIL.1, .llll'111-.H 'i'lio JCiikuiim (Jimnl I. Miuklug fun n( m mining tarn Iho tonu of II10H4. loin ilollN a wavunf iinuxiuvli)i iro jiurlly will nuw nwi Hip wiinuy. Af(r m Kmil (xlllorlal Hovitll Hnttujiy lm Dlvu(v h M"t of )ttiuh)hMD iiDli. ttilil tlnprlnlN of uhl ilullN uamiul Ji. Mi)lrlpil. A nulluiml ckulluii In a mimmII uvvnl iioiiiiuii wllliu ftnlmn iilly eluollon. Tim mIVu hwvy nut yul Ihh)) Mi IIiId far up llw .valley, hut i jlvu in hojiM limit 11 will imh 11-." Tho Nation tl Department of Agrl eulturo returns this year's clip at 6J paunda of wool per head, or 210,000,000 piundo, but the Boaton Journal of Commerce estimates the average at 6.2 p.juuda per head, a totul of 280,000,000 pounds. Tho Jouunal has been a constant advocate of tho larger usoof silver In our monetary system. It la nota little umiiblug however to unto tho fiery en thuslasjin of somo of our recent converts for tho freo uud uullmlled coinage of silver au Intensely e.clUn? lens, author of "Uod's Peel." "The Greater Olory." etc.. will brirln the year. "Kssays and Social Cbats." To this dep rl mem Spectator will contribute her chnrrulu naners on ' What We are Uolne" In New York society. "Answers to Correspondents." Question receive th6 personal attention of the -editor, and are answerod at the earliest possible dnte nfier their receipt. Hend for Illustrated prospectus. Tne volumes 01 tho Duzar beeln with the first number lor January of each year. When no time Is mentioned, subscriptions will be gin with tho number curioat at the time ot receipt of order. Cloth Cn-es for each volume, su table f i binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt ot il each. Tltle-pago and index sent oh application. Hemlttnnces should be made by postomce money order or dralt, to avoid cnance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advcitls ment without the express order of Harper 6. Brothers. HAIU'EU'a I'KKIODIOAtS, Harper's Magazine, one year..-. . 13 00 Harper's Weekly, do 00 Harper's Hazar, do . to Harper's Young People do a CO Postage free tu all parts of the United States Canada und Mexico. Address HAKPKll A J1ROTHKUH, - . . -ix inn.n. i , l v. 1894. IlEf. FIFTY-FIRST YEAR. Oldest, Highest and .Most Extended Institution of Learning in Pacific Northwest. " Hlxteen Courses ot Instruction, through Academic (and College; to;jTheo'ogy, Law and Medicine. Splendid Courses for Training In Teaching, Business, Art, Elocution and Music. Several Post Graduate Courses, Stronger and Better than ever: It's Woman's College nflordsan Ideal home for young '.ladles with unsurpc:-d facilities for their caro and training, TheJSchool Year Opens September 13, 1894. For Year Book, address President W. C IIAWLEY. For financial information, address Bev. J. H. ROORK, Agent, 9-3-lni Salem Oregon, Harper's Weekly IN 18U5. Harper's Weekly Is a piatorl.il history of the times. It presents every Important event promptly, accuruieiy. anu exuaubtiveiy in II ubiru-ion ana descriptive text or the hlgl A good tlmo to lot your generous in btlni'ta out n llttlo, lot your voul oxpuud und your heart feol tho throb of a lib oral ImpulHo, . over tho (JhrlHtuiaa sea-Hon. order. 'j lie manner lu which 161)1. Ighest It has Ufm nWH IUm mihI m IIin( Hll)Hl.tJl(JniKll, Nut Mil WlU M mi J'iH immWy ? Mnm Hl4 & l 'M'l MWlUW Ult illli!i inji.ij l uiiwlllliig imlu u VjfiMmM 1 wmbw, Bi kcluiJ 4' (Hf li'W HIJ!i W'Wj ( HI.'. WtU'. Whutovor may bo wilil of Carter Ifar rUmi doceuKod, ho uevur left bin parly und Iho ulty of Chlougo ho nearly a iiomplMlo wiuulf i- tho mugwump J fop. llllU IlllH. mmnwmnmM Tho Dully Ogiluii Wlumlunl Imi unit, hrlgliti bvunlhg dally pupr with koiiio of thu llv uml hrulny men of that yoiiiiKuoiiimoiiwuiillli at thu hcud of It. I If IU U-LUUIUli UJijLUIJ Oregon iioilu(it)n (10 worth of wool lorvauhilnllur'ii worlh of ollvur. YmI do ono )iml- of woul a a IIiiwddIuI t- Wlioeltl iJtiM DKllMi.rallo patty liml l)a flW IMIIA" WUU It iMUM fUU.tHH), uuo lii IwmJi ovary yMar.-Og-Jah Hlwi-ilunli iun. uuim treated the Chicago Jtullway strike and the Uilna-Jupuneuo War, uml the amount of light she wum ubte to throw on Corea the insiaut aitention was aireciea to tnat iiitie-miown country, are example ol Its almost boundless resources, Jullun Halph, the distinguished writer and oorrespondeut.uus been se at to the seatot war und there Joined by U. ii, We don, The weilUnown Aiiierlcuu artUt, now for many ycurs In Japjn. who his been engag.d tocooperute wlih Mr. lUiph In bending to Harper's Weeuly cxclus.vu Information und lllustrullon. During UU) every vital Issue will be discussed with vlgorHiid without prejudice liiihoedl torml columns, uud uUo 111 speclul article by Ihe highest uuthorltlts u tuoli department. 1'orlrultN of I lie men and women who are muklng hUUtry, uud powor.ul aud cuustla pollllciil curtooiin. will uontluiio to be promi nent features. 1'hU Jiusy World, with Its Heuu mm Kiuiiiy i-jiiiuni 1111 uiu lesser doings of the day, will remain a regular riepiirliii-nl. Klotloii. There will be two nuwerfiil serials. liuiidMimuly liliutmUid 'ihe JtedCookude,u y rjiuiliuy J. oru, entitled y iirauaer Mutnmws several novelettes, uud nmuy short stories rifiitl for llliiilruied prnipectiis, first uiiiitlier fir Junuury of euouymr. When kllrriiiuromanceofnldun duvs bv Htunluv J liuiii.i.iit nml iinu.il . t-I-iix VT. ..l... 'I In. U.n txt 111.1 .i.ili- ..u Uraiirifi If 1 1 I. ....... W nMUMiyIHVIN IMHIIUKI HinitrwN l' Mjhiilur written. '4 1 io VoHirntm ofllit) VVtonly h with the Panc y Poultry at Bargains, -o II T to lT M m munnTiv 1 tA 1. Jl 1 II piii ii A.1 SALEM, HAS FOil SALE: Pure urod, trios or hIurIo blrdB, ofBROWN AND WHITE LEGHORNS, cockerela alao Jtarreri aud White Flymoutb Rocljj Oolden aud Silver Wyan dottes, Iiluokund White Mlnorcas, Light Rrahmaa and White Pekln duokB, T. H. BLTJNDELL, F. V.SJ3TTLEMU.H J, jr. HETTLEMIER ESTABLISHED 1803, ?5 Acres; 3,000,000 PJauUf mi lime U iiiuuIIoiiimI, siibsarliillmis will bigin wim the Number eurr-iH ut iiih Hum of (- cuiptoriirdMr. Ulnlh (.use for euah volume, suitable for blading, to III lament by mull, po-tpulil, im in wild oifl euuli, 'illle-ge and index sunt oil HiUWliH, , ... , , item I ttiioM slum Id he made b Mmiey Unler or Drufl, 10 avoid clmuo. of lo.s, nuwspuprKHrn not iiieopy mis uiiveriiau- wiiiiihh iue.iirM bruerm jiurper . y roslnillco luueanf IrtkS. urspupers ure not looopy ilils udverilafif iiiviu wiinmii iiivvsprvs llrolliDfd. iiAiti'Kiin mmomoMM, urpiJ Mgu.iiiu, oueyiur, .fiu) 0) 0. 'Vhmliu Hi'twl i'il of im im m urul lu Ulttyfltouil' uiwwiw-i. Huuiiiie tiMl Mlwul ynur yv his UlnMim irtHi fur (lit iliil umt It will not liuil Hi" Ulgpr, IMUilj IMim IJWjl 1 Hi- ttuiiiilry muIiik Lu I'm Mil ripM UJIJ'MH'ii uvr DuhuhLmJ iuriirt Wk jfitf iiui. MmfmmmmmmQmmf vA hmdmnTOMiiimii Ai Avi'W lifilji wiJl iv wiiiwng iiiwi h im,m i iJiilNHig flly wuiwr wurM. ut)ir'Ji8arii , do J htiocnirouuifl'bOPlMO - i I'onlttii- KrwJto nil iib7orbiiiiiiu lli UdH4 HlulM, (Ainu u Mild W-lc), Aililiu-, .,..., "Wimwvmy, C THEWOODBURN NURSERIES Ifavo tho Jargast cud niofltgomplef 1 (tssortniont q ( (S VAIAI 'LA N I nut rfcVv. wfi A , tjrwi warilivir YAnuribooU of Noilliwpira is nu. from iihiifuutunhi. nv r. iirtft..i..i. , ...i.i. ."r.s'i,v. .." IW IV, Willi IIWtfllHIV IIIUI. ff; WrtOJ'r' lhlt), mil Willi oili-r miVllwtiuui o( iiiiivli in iww.110 lovwiior uuil huiilW' HIS, llir IUI,II IU lUMlSKV iIhhiU Hoiiluf nt moi J Ufi-Tul iiiliy,HI..ul. MlrtU, NnfrriWfqTmWBirWl f finMiLmJu re 9 1 lh ifuiW TBl'm i-tai'JjJ SIW i.irLPiib W' .I'M1. vmlsSi ml wn&iv t mlimfWM Jiv n V mmMmmMutm Nfimlllmi At Mnlii IHIIIIIJ1VII I HMJJJ 6w Jiui M'WMid, jiyiu ,)ut mmm i)n nw mnh FauJiis mu Hfi iijitoui wMmtf&))Jm, W illflflftudoiJiflriiloiilf lu praiioi'UoUi toil Ibr QiilnlogiLQ J, II, Sottlomlor d Son, Woodbtu'n, Oregon. W.F.OIIV. H.U.KOt'HT. O U I.P.M.EY STAR (Wffil CO. FKUIT AM SHADE TKEES. lloscs, OrnamcutAl shrubs. A complete nursery stock right here by home men. if you want to plant a tree, shrub or Tin. step into their office. IIOLMAN BLOCK, lO-lttdAW BALKM, Ci C. H. LANE, Merchant Tailor ! Adjoining Adolph's Clgur ytore. PEHKKCT SATISFACTION GUAUAWTEEU J. K. SHOUP, Feed Barn ! At rear of Willamette Hotel. Teams boarded and cared for In a reliable mauneraodatunuKuIly low prices. 10 10-lm THE ANTI-MONOPOLY Strictly Cash Market I am doing all my own slaughtering nnd sausage-making. Sell all frosh meute no re frigerator products. Kreo delivery In olty Shop opposite brewery. OHAB. WOLS. & CO.. 8-1-tf Proprietor?.. jr. jr. Horse, jia rkins, Shoeing. Shop on Chemokcta street, nt rear of Kel ler's lurnlture store. Special attention to Interfering und horses with diseased leet. SALEM TILE WORKS. -jAIIGE stock on hand. 0. It i I K. MCVKI1.I., JtKOElVKR. To The Eas1. OIVESTIIKCHOICKOP TWO IltAKSWTISENlAl Mb GREAT NORTHERN RY. 1'ACIHCRV -VIA- DENVEIt, OMAHA, KANSAS CIT. VIA SPOKANE. MINNEAPOLIS, AND ST. PAUli --Low Rales (o all Eastern Cities. -. OceaD steamers leave I'm Hand. tvr, a(i FOR BAN FRANCISCO. Korfull detallIcali:on oraddns HOHK 4 JlARKPB ccn.Vu.Ae.t, ""Hit WORTH ERN 11 PACIFIC RJ, R u: Speclal.lnducements ottered. Shipped to nl point on short notice. Send fur prices. Yards, iNortb. Hulom. Address J. E, A1UKPHY, Fair Grounds, Or G00DPASTURL. JUirgo pasture of good grass, with best ol running water and plenty of shelter for h jrst s and stock. Terms reasonable. Inquire of l'AUt. K-.t.ri'IN, 10-20-1 m Mldnov.tir. The CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUI RAILWAY. Travelers "makela note on t." N Pullman Elegant Tourist TO IS .SleeDlno- Cars Dining Cars ,. Sleeoin" Can ST. PAUL MINNEAPOLIS DULUTH FARGO GRAND FORK. CROOKSTOfi WINNIPEG HELENA and BUTTE THRO UGH. TICKETS TO CHICAGO WASHINGTON PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK BOSTON and all Points East end South For Information, ,tIraeCcardj,mapi tickets call on or write H. A. THOMAS, Agent, Salem Or A. D. CHAitivroN. Asst. Geul. Pae Agent; Portland, Oregon. Railway 61! a ISvstom.ConnecU This Great ST. PAUL and OMAHA Wlthali;transoontlnentai;iIneslvlng direct; and swift communica tion to all; WIMTIJUfOiilu SOUTH 1CUN l'OINTo' AND IS THK :::0NI.Y LINK::: running 3 Klectrlo I.lghtud und Hleuini lleul. Vestlbuled trains of elegant Weeping, J'urlor, l)lMlng;uiid Jiuilot t'ttrs, wHU JTreo Iteellnhiff Chalvtt, UuUlug t service) second to nouo In Hi world, Tickets r. ou rale nt all prointn.ut rallroao ticket omces, Vat Tuttlier Infonnatloii ask the ucareat r II pud agent, or ftddress CJ, EDOY, General Agl. CASEY, Tray, Pss Agt, P0.BTWN P. Oregon East and South i VIA i THE SHASTA ROUTE 'A 3 ol the 2ESouthern .Pacific LCompanv. ' OALIFOUNIA KXPltUUJ TIIAIN-KUN PAILT twkkn roiiTi.ANii Awns. r. J;16 p, in, U.Ui p. m. 10 is u.m. I.v. Ar. i'ortlaud Bulem Han Fran. all Above trulns stop at US'. to Aslilaud lutluslve I'ortlund to Albany inclusive; !-o tTrl dhedd, lialsey, IlarrUburg, Junction City, ivuuviiu Hiiuuii suuiuumruiutvvKiwi Irvlug Ar.l ttJJ.i l.v.1 6H.u Lv.l 7.-Wp.M stsllont fww -.JO a. in, 1117 u. in il p. in. UDUKUUliU MAli. IU1IY, Ar.l ap.ra fcy.'l 7.-W.l I.v, Ar, I'ortlaud Hulein Jtcwoburg Jl r numu u INnlliirnPaclllfB, Hi Cf.i () rHVO VASTITIIATNS i)lly yiUJlIJJlU. UlttJ I-'IUWs-j ummm i, mmmm 0.wmwMwm Mm m4n.Afi.,mmmli An Evorgroon Troo. jwiiiiuwi tmii im&ts P'i m, Wmusw flpiii iiwifti (mi Hft Dining VnvH on Ogdcn UoHte TOLLMAN DUFFOT SLBBPBIiS p AWJ Second Class Slooplng Cm Attached U) all Ihrouh truiw, iresiSidB DIvlsfooT "Bctwew FWW tml CorvftlHss iJ'II' Jfl'WlT -I'WPAVl- -, At Albany "and IJorvullu oonue-t WM iruluj SIQiiii'iS I'MPlrto tHril W .. Ti) all iwliils III Ilia I'unUru immp Oiwn Pacific Jtailroail Co. iflfti' fivn, rr.i.K, '""' fi" !ntfnK Olf WiHf. " tl))UlllL Willi HrjBAMiiin "jroMJsn" lUfnuii' -YAIIVIM AND HAW J'J.AWWJMJP Mluiiu.rliuv ilisffJ Iiifuuf '" hIM " ttm' wiWt'' " . JgM.WtfM iirf Jtf ' W'